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F rom the unfortunate passing of can-

cer patient Henrietta Lacks came
the discovery that the cells from her cervi-
macroscopic observation of evolution with
molecular and cell biology. Starting in the
mid-1900s, Per-Olov Löwdin, often hailed
scientists started applying these concepts
to chemical and biological systems. Löw-
din specifically employed the concept of
cal tumor were extremely robust and could as a founding father of quantum chemistry, quantum tunneling, which explains how
be easily kept alive in culture. These cells, began to offer a quantum mechanical ap- the wave-like properties of small particles
known as HeLa cells, have helped scientists proach to some of the mysteries behind ge- allow them to pass through higher energy
test cancer treatments, formulate various netic mutations, helping to inspire the field barriers that classically would block normal
vaccines, create imaging techniques, and of quantum biology and breakthroughs in objects.2
much more, but also have brought about DNA research that brings us closer than In both classical and quantum sys-
pressing questions.1,2 Despite frequent ge- ever to solving the mysteries of DNA mu- tems, an object’s position and momentum
netic mutations that would cause ordinary tations and manipulating the genetic code. are governed by its surroundings, more
cell lines to quickly die, how are some HeLa precisely named “potential” in quantum
cells mutation-free? What triggers muta- WHAT IS QUANTUM settings. Classically, during a roller coaster
tions in cells, and more importantly, can TUNNELING? ride, a cart goes faster when going downhill
such mutations be prevented? The key to and slower when going uphill. By the law of
answering these questions lies in under- Although several scientists in the ear- energy conservation, if a cart does not have
standing DNA, the code for life, a pattern of ly 1900s like Albert Einstein, Max Planck, enough kinetic energy to overcome the po-
nucleotides unique to every living creature and Erwin Shrödinger had formally re- tential energy “hill” created by a tall stretch
that results in the broad diversity of traits written the laws of physics to explain the of track, it will roll back down. In quantum
we see in life today. Changing even a single wave-particle behavior of small-scale sys- systems, however, the wave-like properties
nucleotide in an organism’s code could shift tems and subatomic particles, microbiolo- of subatomic particles mean that protons
a cell’s fate onto an unfortunate path, or gy and biochemistry had not advanced far behave in ways not explained by classical
give an organism a useful trait. Since DNA’s enough to truly understand how these con- physics. Unlike a roller coaster cart, which
discovery in the late 1860s, the reasons cepts applied to biological systems. Such has a clearly known position and momen-
for why and how DNA evolves over time an understanding wasn’t prominent until tum at any given moment, protons are
were thought to be the key to linking the the mid-1900s, when Löwdin and other basically waves with mass, meaning they

FALL 2019 | Berkeley Scientific Journal 37

Figure 1: Model for hydrogen bonding. A proton inside a hydrogen bond (modeled by the
wave function) is bounded by an asymmetric double well potential. Initially it sits in the low-
est well, but after some time, the probability of the proton going through the barrier increas-
es, and the proton will transfer to the other side. When this transfer happens, bonds between
atoms can change, shown by the diagram above each graph.

have no exact position or momentum. Due hydrogen bonding only occurs between
to their wave-like properties, protons can complementary base pairs, just like how
“tunnel” through certain steep hills or high distinctly shaped puzzle pieces only fit
potential barriers that would otherwise with matching pieces. Adenosine nucleo-
prevent a classical particle from moving tides will only bind to thymine nucleotides,
past.3,4 Higher and wider potential barri- while cytosines will only bind to guanines.
ers (i.e a higher activation energy for pro-
ton events to occur) are more difficult for LÖWDIN’S HYPOTHESIS:
protons to bypass, and thus the timing and PROTON TUNNELING IS
probability of a tunneling event depend on
the barrier, the energy of the particle, and A POSSIBLE REASON
outside perturbations that could affect the FOR CHANGES IN THE
system.3,4,5,6 GENETIC CODE
A particularly useful application of
particle tunneling theory is in hydrogen By combining the role of
bonding, where a proton sits inside a po- hydrogen bonding in DNA with
tential well (Fig. 1).5,6 Due to the unique the quantum mechanical view of
structures of DNA nucleotides, favorable hydrogen bonding, Löwdin sug-
gested a chemical mechanism and
quantitative approach to estimate
how and how often a spontaneous mu-
“Due to their wave- tation in DNA could occur.4,5 When a pro-
like properties, protons ton involved in hydrogen bonding between
two nucleotides undergoes tunneling,
can ‘tunnel’ through the event triggers another proton
certain steep hills or tunneling event in the reverse di-
rection, modifying the shape
high potential barriers of both nucleotides. If this
that would otherwise change is permanent, then
during replication, the two
prevent a classical altered nucleotides bind
particle from moving to mismatched pairs, intro-
ducing a permanent change to
past.” the genetic code (Fig. 2). Löwdin
went even further to propose that as

38 Berkeley Scientific Journal | FALL 2019

a consequence of time evo- scientists more information on how the
lution, these tunneling pattern of base pairs and location within a
events happen more chromosome affects the likelihood of ge- “Current calculations
and more frequently as netic mutation.7,8 estimate 1 in a billion to
we age, meaning spon- Luckily, the potential barrier for a
taneous mutations are proton to tunnel through is high and wide a trillion base pairs
more likely to occur, af- enough such that spontaneous mutation ever spontaneously
fecting our body’s health without changes in the chemical environ-
and ability to function.4,5 ment is a rare occurrence; current calcula- change.”
tions estimate one in a billion to a trillion
MODERN base pairs ever spontaneously changes.9,10
Still, the accumulation of proton tunneling proton to a higher energy level, lowering
events throughout our lifetimes represents the potential barrier, or perturbing the sur-
A PROMISING FUTURE changes to our genetic code, which more roundings in some other fashion. Critical-
often than not, are harmful rather than ly, these mutations may ultimately trigger
Using calculations based helpful. The risk for cancer increases as cancerous cell growth.5 While the myster-
on quantum mechan- humans age, and could serve as further ev- ies behind the code that governs almost
ics behind these idence for Löwdin’s belief that proton tun- all lifeforms may seem unending, perhaps
proton shifts, re- neling events increase as time progresses.4,5 there will be a day when our understanding
searchers now are Furthermore, outside forces like radiation, of genetic mutations based on the fields of
mapping out mu- exposure to UV light, and other chemicals quantum and computational biology will
tation “hot spots,” can increase the chance for a proton tun- allow us to fully understand and even ma-
locations in DNA neling event to occur, either by exciting the nipulate mutation-causing mechanisms.
more susceptible
to proton tunnel-
ing. By plotting
these hot spots
on a mutation
spectrum, scientists
can determine how
DNA hot spots are
distributed and
investigate what
differentiates these
locations from other
parts of the genome.8
To generate this data,
researchers calculated
the potential barrier for each
pairing, which requires information
on how the arrangement of base pairs af-
fect the height and width of such a barrier.
Locations with low potential barriers of-
ten mark these mutation hot spots, giving

Figure 2: Molecular diagram for proton transfers and impact on replication. Starting from the top left, normal T-A nucleo-
base pairing is shown. After a proton tunneling event (on T nitrogen to A nitrogen), another proton transfer is triggered
(from top nitrogen of A to T*), resulting in two changed nucleobase structures that have different complementary base
pairing than before. After replication, T* binds to G, and A* binds to C, permanently altering the genetic code. Right side
shows proton tunneling mechanism for C-G pairing.

FALL 2019 | Berkeley Scientific Journal 39

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40 Berkeley Scientific Journal | FALL 2019

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