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PhD Test

Card 22

I. Listening Comprehension [10 points]

Listen to the message about the UN human rights machinery. Then read the
unfinished statements with four suggested ways of finishing and choose the one that
you think fits best. Circle the corresponding letter in your answer sheet.

1. The presenter is going to talk about the innovation in the Human Rights
Council which is called _____ .
a) Security Council
b) UN agency
c) Universal Periodic Review
d) World Health Organization

2. The Human Rights Council is a body where there are hundreds of people in one
room and they meet ______.
a) the last week each year
b) for at least 10 weeks a year
c) each week throughout a year
d) for at most 10 weeks a year

3. Almost all UN agencies should be concerned with _______.

a) maternal health
b) child nutrition
c) eradication of diseases
d) human rights

4. The UN human rights mechanisms can be _____.

a) based on treaties
b) of many different types
c) really quite simple
d) of nine different types

5. Charter based bodies _______ .

a) are one of several types of human rights mechanisms
b) were created by virtue of a treaty
c) are not what the presenter is going to talk about in this lecture
d) have been developing since 1945
II. Reading Comprehension [15 points]
Read the text and decide whether the statement is true (T) or false (F).

The End of the Digital Age

Computers have become intertwined with nearly every aspect of our society, and
their disappearance would be inconceivable. We take them for granted, as we do the
technological advancements that appear every few years, almost like clockwork. But
what would happen if the advancements and breakthroughs arrived at the pace of a
tortoise instead of a hare? Or what would happen if it all just came to a complete
It's a realistic scenario, and microchip manufacturers are concerned. The chips,
which power all our electronics nowadays, have begun to reach technological limits
because they just can't shrink much more in size. To stave off the impending problem,
manufacturers have poured billions of dollars into research and development, working
toward chips that blend computing muscle with innovative behavior. The microchips
will handle their tasks with greater finesse, and thereby hopefully avert the looming
problem. Think smart chips capable of adjusting their function based on the needs of the
program and the user. However, the paucity of answers beyond that point serves as
a portent for the end of the digital age, perhaps occurring around 2025. A slow down or
end of the digital age would prove detrimental to the economies around the world.

1. Computers have interfered in the whole society, and it may lead True / False
to their extinction.
2. Technological progress goes every few years almost clockwise. True / False
3. Miniaturization of electronic devices will soon reach its bounds. True / False
4. Researchers pay a fortune to develop innovative chips. True / False
5. It is hoped that the microchips will better perform their tasks and True / False
overcome the problem of size limit.

III. Reading Comprehension [15 points]

Read the text and choose the correct answer to the questions. The text is given
WEB Design
Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the WWW, published a website in August 1991.
Berners-Lee was the first to combine Internet communication (which had been carrying
email and the Usenet for decades) with hypertext (which had also been around for
decades, but limited to browsing information stored on a single computer, such as
interactive CD-ROM design). Websites are written in a markup language called HTML,
and early versions of HTML, were very basic, only giving websites basic structure
(headings and paragraphs), and the ability to link using hypertext. This was new and
different to existing forms of communication - users could easily navigate to other pages
by following hyperlinks from page to page.
As the Web and web design progressed, the markup language changed to become
more complex and flexible, giving the ability to add objects like images and tables to a
page. Features like tables, which were originally intended to be used to display tabular
information, were soon subverted for use as invisible layout devices. With the advent of
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), table-based layout is increasingly regarded as outdated.
As times change websites are changing inside (scripts) and out (design) because of the
way programs and utilities are created and further developed.
With the progression of the Web, thousands of web design companies have been
founded around the world to serve the growing demand for such work. Many web
design companies have been established in technology parks in the developing world as
well as many Western design companies setting up offices in countries such as India,
Romania, and Russia to take advantage of the relatively lower labor rates found in such

1. Decide which sentence gives the correct information on the text.

A. More than 10 years had passed before Tim Berners-Lee published a website.
B. Internet communication resulted in a website published in August 1991.
C. Hypertext has always been the only thing for browsing information on the web.

2. Decide which sentence gives the correct information on the text.

A. Early versions of HTML could have been very basic, and the users have used
headings and paragraphs.
B. Unlike the early versions of HTML, present-days ones are more complex and
C. Early versions of HTML made users able to easily navigate to other pages by
following hyperlinks.

3. Decide which sentence gives the correct information on the text.

A. With the progression of the web design tables started to be used to display tabular
B. Layouts based on tables continue to be developed and updated.
C. CSS have replaced table-based layout as the latter didn’t meet the increasing
demands of the users.

4. Decide which sentence gives the correct information on the text.

A. Websites are constantly advancing in their development.
B. Websites change programs and utilities.
C. Websites’ inside and outside stay permanent as times change.

5. Decide which sentence gives the correct information on the text.

A. It is improbable that IT industry should be developed in other countries as it is
relatively cheap, and therefore is reluctant to serve the growing demand for such work.
B. Despite the growing demand for web design the companies get rid of employees
ready to work at half the price.
C. The IT industry is quite successful in the developing world as the labour force is
quite cheap there.

IV. English in Use [20 points]

Complete the sentences with two to five words, including the words in bold. Do not
change the meaning of the original sentence
1. He regrets ever moving to Brighton.
wishes He…………………..………………………………………….. to Brighton.
2. Historically speaking, the roots of this conflict go back many centuries.
perspective ………………………., the roots of this conflict go back many centuries.
3. “It was you who took my article, George, wasn’t it?” said Sam.
accused Sam…………………….…………………………………………. his article.
4. The hairdresser cuts Mary’s hair every month.
cut Mary…………………………………………………………… every month.
5. The audience found the comedian very amusing.
amused The audience……..………….………………………………… the comedian.
6. Workers are repairing the roof at the moment.
repaired The roof………………….…..………………………………. at the moment.
7. Mandy regretted not studying for her A-levels.
wishes Mandy…………………..……………..……………………. for her A-levels.
8. I find people committing plagiarism disgusting.
that I find ……………………………………………………………….disgusting.
9. That’s Mrs. Jones. Her son was accepted at Oxford University yesterday.
whose That’s Mrs. Jones………………….…………at Oxford University yesterday.
10. It would be better for you to take a taxi to the airport.
rather I………………………..………………………………….a taxi to the airport.

V. Translation Practice [10 points]

Translate the extract (2,000 characters) from the article in your subject area into
Note: international students write an essay instead of translation

VI. Writing [15 points]

Choose and write an answer to one of the questions 1-3 in this part. Write your
answer in 200-250 words in an appropriate style (15 points).

1. Write an academic essay on the topic. Remember to include an introduction and

conclusion with your opinion / recommendation.

The ways of finding and organizing information

2. Write an informative abstract (200-250 words) for the article the extract from which
you have just translated (teachers previously remove the abstract if it goes together with
the text given to the PhD student). Remember to include background to the topic, aims
of the text, research and methodology, findings of the research, implications and
conclusions from the findings.

3. Write a letter to your friend to give him/her advice on how to avoid unintentional

VII. Speaking [15 points]

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