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Introduction to Software Engineering Jan-June,2024

OnTrack Submission

Task 7.4D

Submitted By:
Sanjana Kumari Tutor:
2310994809 Dr. Poonam Gupta
2024/03/29 06:47

Outcome Weight
ULO1 ♦
ULO3 ♦
ULO4 ♦

March 29, 2024

Produced by Doubtfire
Introduction to Software Engineering
Task: 7.4D
Student Name: Sanjana Kumari
Student ID: 2310994809

Based on the requirements given in the Leckie Choice case study including all
high-level requirements and additional requirements like online ordering of
products, payment history, etc. I strongly recommend the Iterative
Development life cycle model as most suitable approach for LC’s.
1. Observation based on uncertainty of requirements: In the case study of
LC’s initially requirements were unclear and subjective but later on additional
requirements has been added that provides more clarity and detail. Still more
requirements developed as the project progresses and users feedback is
gathered. So, time to time more requirements is going to be added in Leckie
Choice case. Iterative approach is more suitable approach which adds
requirement in subsequent iterations which helps for accommodating these
changes without much more rework.
2. Observation based on company’s expectations and impact on
requirement changes: LC has no idea about how current proposed business
system will impact the whole working of staff members across different
department. Currently, these departments operate manually and independently.
They have no idea about new proposed business system. LC expects that new
system will help to integrate multiple departments and their processes. In this
type of situation, where requirements and processes are expected, the Iterative
Development Life Cycle is best choice. This model helps in make changes
incrementally without disrupting the entire project. In this model, project is
divided into multiple iterations. Each iteration focuses on specific requirement.
After each iteration, software is reviewed and feedback is gathered from user,
stakeholders, and staff members. Based on the given feedback, changes will
only be made in the next iteration without restarting the entire project from
scratch. This iterative approach will continue till the final system fulfil the
desired requirements.
So, in simple words, LC is unaware about how the new system will impact the
current working system. So, iterative approach is well defined model to handle
these refinements.
3. Selection of the most appropriate life cycle:
• The Iterative Development Life Cycle model is the most suitable model
for LC’s project.
• This model allows for the project to be broken into iterations and each
iteration focuses on specific requirements which helps to fulfil all the
desired requirements of the customer or staff members.
• This provides flexibility to make changes in the existing project.
• Subsequent iterations add features like order tracking, shopping cart,
account management.
• Final product delivers an online ordering system.
• This model is even less costly than the Waterfall model in case of
requirement handling which is important for LC project.
• It helps to produce the software that best matches with the user
• The iterative approach allows for continuous testing, validation, these
steps at the last produce the final product that meet with all the

4. Second appropriate life cycle:

The Agile model, this approach specifically the Scrum method is considered to
be the second most appropriate life cycle for LC’s project. This methodologies
are designed to continuous interact with stakeholders and require continuous
involvement of customer throughout the project which is practically not feasible
for LC’s case, given involvement of multiple stakeholders (staff members, sales
inventory, etc).
5. Least suitable life cycle:
According to the continuously refinement required in the LC case, considering
this feature, the least suitable model for this case is The Waterfall model.
This is considered to be the least considered model due to its rigid and inflexible
nature. This model not support requirement changes and any changes would
require reworking from prior phases, this result in time wasting and cost
wasting. Considering the expectation of LC of integrating multiple departments,
this Waterfall model presents a high risk for LC’s project.
In conclusion, the Iterative Development Life Cycle model is the most
appropriate approach for LC project due to its ability to handle requirements,
make it possible to make changes. The Agile approach can also be considered
but it requires a higher level of customer involvement which is little impossible
in the LC case. At the last, the Waterfall model should be least considered due to
its rigid and inflexible nature.

Most suitable

and Design


Initial planning planning Iterative

process 1 Developmen


After review, then adding new requirements in the next iteration.

Iteration 3 ….
on 2

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