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CLASS X (2023-24)


Note: Programs 1 to 7 is to completed during summer vaccation

Programming Assignments:

• The students have to complete 20 laboratory (programming) assignment

during the whole year to reinforce the concept studied in class IX and X.
• The students should purchase a practical copy of minimum of 200 pages in which you have
to write 20 assignments.
• In first page write your details (i.e. Name, class, section, roll no.)
• In second page write acknowledgement
• Then make an index to write down the list of all assignment questions.
• In each assignment first, you write the program question then program code then variable
description list in ruled (lining) pages.
• The student has to mention the output of the program in white page in front of the program
• Final Submission date : 01/12/2023


Write a program to input the three sides of a triangle and check whether it forms a triangle or not.
If it forms a triangle, check whether it is an equilateral, isosceles or a scalene triangle. (Hint: To
form a triangle, each side should be less than the sum of the other two sides)

Write a program to input a number and print whether the number is a niven number or not. A niven
number is the number which is divisible by the sum of its digits.
Sum of digits= 1+1+1=3
111 is divisible by 3, hence 111 is a niven number.

Write a menu driven program to
a) find first 5 multiples of any number n.
Example: Input: n= 6
Output: First 5 multiples of 6 are: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30

b) find all factors of any number n

Example: Input: n=6
Output: All factors of 6 are: 1,2,3,6
Write a program to accept any two numbers from the user and print their ‘GCD’ (Greatest Common
Divisor) and LCM (lowest common multiple).

Write a program to accept any three integers using Scanner class functions. Find out the greatest number
among them, using if else statements.

A cloth showroom has announced the following festival discounts on the purchase of items, based on the total
cost of the items purchased:
Total Cost Discount (in Percentage)
Less than ₹ 2000 5%
₹ 2001 to ₹ 5000 25%
₹ 5001 to ₹ 10000 35%
Above ₹ 10000 50%
Write a program to input the total cost and compute and display the amount to be paid by the customer after
availing the discount.

Write a program in java to print the following patterns:
Pattern 1:

Pattern 2:

Write a program to create an array of size m X n and print the sum of all the numbers row wise .

Write a program to accept the marks in physics, chemistry and maths secured by 40 students of a class in
single dimensional array. Find and display the following
• Number of students securing 80% and above percentage
• Number of students securing 34 % and below percentage.
Write a program to input 40 numbers in an array. Arrange them in descending order using selection sort
method. Print the sorted array.


Define a class to declare a single dimensional array of size 20 (double datatype), accept the elements into the
array and perform the following:

• Calculate and print the sum of all the elements.

• Calculate and print the highest value of the array.

Design a class to overload a function sum( ) as follows:

(i) int sum(int A, int B) – with two integer arguments to calculate and return sum of all the even numbers in the range
of A and B.
Sample input: A=4 and B=16
Sample output: sum = 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 12 + 14 + 16

(ii) int sum(int N) – with one integer argument to calculate and return sum of only odd digits of the number N.
Sample input : N=43961
Sample output : sum = 3 + 9 + 1 = 13
Write the main method to create an object and invoke the above methods.


Write a function fact(int n) to find the factorial of a number n. Write the main method to create an object and
invoke fact method to find the value of S where:
m!(n − m)!
where, n! = 1 x 2 x 3 x ………. x n

Define a class called Library with the following description: [15]

Instance variables/data members:
int acc – stores the accession number of the book
double fine – stores the fine amount
String title – stores the title of the books
String author - stores the name of the author
Member Methods:
(i) void input() – to input and store the accession number, title and author.
(ii)void compute(int d) – to accept the number of days late, and calculate the fine charged.
For first 5 days --------fine is 40 paisa per day
For next 5 days --------fine is 65 paisa per day
For more than 10 days --------fine is 80 paisa per day.
(iii) void display()- To display the details in the following format:
Acc. No. Title Author Fine
…… …… …… …..
Write a main method to create an object of the class and call the above member methods.

PROGRAM 15 : An electronics shop has announced a special discount on the purchase of Laptops as given
Category Discount on Laptop
Up to ₹25,000 5.0%
₹25,001 - ₹50,000 7.5%
₹50,001 - ₹1,00,000 10.0%
More than ₹1,00,000 15.0%
Define a class Laptop described as follows:

Data members/instance variables:

• name
• price
• dis
• amt
Member Methods:
• Laptop(): A parameterised constructor to initialize the data members
• void details(): To accept the details (name of the customer and the price)
• void compute(): To compute the discount
• void display(): To display the name, discount and amount to be paid after discount.
Write a main method to create an object of the class and call the member methods.
Design a class to overload a function check( ) as follows:
(a) void check (String str,char ch) – To find and print the frequency of a character ch in a String str
Input: str= “success”
ch= ‘s’
output: number of s present is = 3

(b) void check (String v) – To check whether String v is starting and ending with letter ‘a’ or ‘A’
Input: v= “Arora”
output: Arora is starting and ending with A

Write a program to input a sentence and print all the vowels present in it using function vowel(String) and
all consonants in it using function consonants(String).
Input: computer
Vowels: o u e
Consonants: c m p t r

Write a program to initialize an array of 5 names and initialize another array with their respective telephone numbers.
Search for a name input by the users, in the list. If found, display "Search successful" and print the name along with
the telephone number, otherwise display "Search unsuccessful. Name not listed."

Define a class to accept a string and print the string replacing the vowels with ‘*’ , consonants with ‘@’
and other characters with ‘#’

Sample Input: BEAUTIFUL@123

OUTPUT: @***@*@*@####

Write a program to enter a sentence from the keyboard and count the number of times a particular
word occurs in it. Display the frequency of the search word.

Sample Input:
Enter a sentence: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Enter a word to search: the
Sample Output:
Search word: the - occurs 2 times

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