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A Research
Presented to the Faculty of the
Senior High School Department
Doña Francisca Lacsamana De Ortega Memorial National High School
San Blas, Bangar, La Union

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion (Quantitative Research)
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)


March 2024
Chapter I
Situation Analysis
Many sports contribute to our well-being and impact educational

achievement. Furthermore, these activities instill discipline and teach

management skills and goal setting abilities that boost leadership qualities

that are later adopted into the academic lifestyles. It asserted that inside a

healthy body is a sound mind. Some believe one can be academically or

athletically inclined, but rarely both. But for athletes they must perform well

academically or athletically. Student athletes are described as a Diverse

Special Population because of the roles they need to accomplish inside the

campus. On the other hand, the impact of sports on the academic

performance of senior high school students can also be influenced by factors

such as excessive time commitment to sports, fatigue, and the potential for

academic neglect due to prioritizing sports over their studies. As emphasized

by Choi et al. (2014) supporting activities is a key factor in promoting

healthy lifestyles among students who engage in sporting activities. Through

sports, students learn social and cognitive skills. A student who partakes in

sporting activities is believed to have a sound mind and thus, the like hood

for him or her to excel in his/her academic is very high. In addendum of

Bailey et al. (2014) student’s participation in sports is associated with a

cluster of benefits including social, mental, and cognitive wellbeing and

academic performance.
According to Ishihara et al. (2020) some students are not interested in

sport activities because of the heavy burden, which gives students little

chance to relax and recreate. In addendum of Rees and Sabia (2021) discuss

the exercise in correcting children’s mental perceptions they believe that

physical education is a kind of lie attitude training, as physical fitness

teaches students to cultivate an indomitable fighting spirit with the right will

to deal with competition, so it’s of great help to cultivate discipline, unity,

and cooperation spirit.

As stated by Chu and Zhuang (2018) the most significant influence of

aerobic exercise on the improvement of the following work. Running can not

only enhance human metabolism and basal metabolic rate, but also improve

the quality of sleep to ensure continuous learning. However, On the point of

view of Hagiwara and Sport (2017) it can be an important means to prevent

drowning accidents and contribute more on strengthening of the muscles

and the whole body.

Based on the comparative experiment of Hul et al. (2021) between the

groups that participated in sports and those that never participated in

sports, and fond that the groups that participated in sports generally

showed sustained concentration, which led to a greater advantage in

performance evaluation.

Research by Durden and Ellis (2017) suggests that excessive

involvement in sports may lead to time constraints and increased stress,

potentially negatively impacting academic performance. In a study

conducted by Smith et al. (2015), it was found that student-athletes tend to

develop essential skills such as teamwork, leadership, and goal setting

through sports participation, which could positively influence academic

success. However, findings from the research by Johnson and Johnson

(2018) propose that the demands of balancing both sports and academics

may result in fatigue and decreased focus in the classroom.

Furthermore, a meta-analysis by Williams and Green (2019) indicates

that the relationship between sports participation and academic

performance is complex and context dependent. Factors such as the type of

sport, level of competition, and individual differences among student-

athletes may play a crucial role in determining the impact on academic

outcomes. In summary, the existing literature provides a mixed perspective

on the impact of sports participation on the academic performance of Senior

High School student-athletes. While some studies suggest positive

correlations, others highlight potential challenges and negative associations.

As studied by Leahy's (2020) participation in high-intensity interval

training can improve the psycho- logical quality of children, thereby

improving the cognitive function and mental health of adolescents, and that

the acute effect of HIIT is generally stronger than the cognitive function

caused by chronic effects. Furthermore, Pesce proposed that qualitative

features of exercise may have different influences on cognition. In other

words, exercises requiring the allocation of more attention and cognition are

thought to improve cognitive performance more than those with less

cognitive engagement.
Analyzed by Castelli and other scholars (2014) that higher levels of

physical activity are better for optimal levels of arousal to be reached, but

that cognitive and executive performance be-gains to decline gradually after

peaking physical strength is reached. Previous research indicates that

participation in intermittent high-intensity activities can have long-term

benefits on cognitive function and proves that a link exists between high-

intensity exercise and cognitive performance in adolescents based on the

retrospective study.

Chen S., Li X., Yan J., Ren Z (2021) To Be a sportsman? Sport

participation is associated with optimal academic achievement in a

nationally representative sample of high school students. Front. Public


Despite the wealth of research on the correlation between sports

participation and academic performance Chuan, Yusof, & Shah, (2013)

there is currently no consensus regarding the effect the former has on the

latter. Our aim is to provide a more rounded understanding of

extracurricular participation and subsequent academic achievement among

students in higher education. In particular, our objective is to determine

whether student involvement in regular physical- sporting activity has a

causal relationship with their academic outcomes (i.e., the direction of the

effect is from sports participation to academic performance, and not the

other way around).

Research on the relationship between extracurricular participation

and subsequent academic achievement has focused on identifying various

plausible explanations for this relationship in specific settings, such as the

physically active student population Busch et al, (2014), Kokolakakis, Lera-

López, & Panagouleas, (2015) Levine, Etchison, & Oppenheimer, (2014). In

this regard, research has presented the theoretical backgrounds for different

sides of the argument Busch et al, (2014).

These CHAMP programs make people feel more confident about their

life skills, and certain of their career decisions through resume development

and experience in that specific field through internships Burns et al, (2013).

Although these academic support services are an expensive commodity for

universities, it is necessary to provide designated people to work with

athletes. This will balance both athletics and academies to create a situation

that helps athletes succeed in both fields.

Data from the United States suggests that adolescents of Black and

Hispanic ethnicities are significantly less likely to participate in organized

sport programs than their White peers (Hyde et al., 2020). In Canada,

Indigenous youth may participate in sport programs at similar rates to non-

Indigenous youth, although there is a lack of systemic data to make

definitive claims about participation rates (McHugh et al., 2019).

Today, youth sport may be more specialized, demand longer hours in

structured, supervised activities, and result in higher costs for participation

in sport programs than in the past. Costs are typically reported as one of the

main barriers to sport participation (Somerset & Hoare, 2018).

Significance of the Study

This part of the study exhibits the benefits that each of the

beneficiaries will acquire in the entire paper. The beneficiaries include:

Student-athletes. This research is significant to them because it will

help them to improve their athletic skills and academic performance and

they can develop a positive and academic attitude towards their learning.

Teachers. This study will help them to reflect on their current

teaching practices and develop possible intervention to improve learning

outcomes and implement appropriate guidelines and instructions.

Parents. This study will benefit them to identify their child/children’s

strengths and weaknesses on the impact of sports participation on their

academic performance and it would motivate them to give assistance to their


Coaches. This study will help them to reflect on their current teaching

practices and develop possible intervention to improve learning outcomes

and implement appropriate guidelines and instructions.

Future Researchers. This study could serve as their reference for

their future research.

Theoretical Framework

Developmental Theory (Holland & Andre, 1987)

Holland and Andre (1987) provided evidence for an alternative, the

Developmental Theory, in which athletics are viewed as experiences that

enhance the total development of students. From the developmental

perspective, athletics may facilitate not only nonacademic goals but also

academic goals. “Participation…may, for example, enhance perceived social

status which in turn influences educational aspirations and behaviors”

(Marsh, 1988, p. 4). Participation enhances self-concept and self-efficacy,

which in turn has positive effects on other outcomes, like academic

performance (Snyder & Spreitzer, 1990).

Structural Social Capital Theory (Nan Lin, 2001)

This theory, proposed by Nan Lin, focuses on the social connections

and relationships individuals have within their social networks. In the

context of sports participation and academic performance, students who

engage in sports may develop social capital through team interactions,

mentorship, and support systems. These social connections can positively

influence academic performance by providing resources, motivation, and a

sense of belonging.

Self-Efficacy Theory (Albert Bandura, 1977)

Albert Bandura's Self-Efficacy Theory suggests that individuals' beliefs

in their own capabilities influence their actions and outcomes. Students who

excel in sports may develop a sense of self-efficacy, believing in their ability

to overcome challenges and achieve goals. This confidence can extend to

academic tasks, leading to increased effort, persistence, and performance in

their studies.
Conceptual Framework


Based on the
1. The profile of the Analysis of: findings what
respondents in 1. The profile of recommendations
terms of: the respondents can be proposed.
1.1 General Average 2. The impact of
2. The impact of sports
sports participation participation on
on the academic the academic
performance of the performance of
student-athletes in the student-
DFLOMNHS. athletes in
3. The significant DFLOMNHS.
difference in the 3. The
sports participation
of the respondents
difference in the
in their academic
performance when sports
grouped according participation of
to profile. the respondents
in their
according to
Figure 1: Conceptual Paradigm

Definition of Terms

Student-athlete. This refers to the senior high students who are actively

involved in both academics and athletics in Doña Francisca Lacsamana De

Ortega Memorial National High School.

Sports Participation. This refers to the involvement of senior high students

in purposeful and active participation in sport-related physical activities

during leisure time in Doña Francisca Lacsamana De Ortega Memorial

National High School.

Academic Performance. This refers to senior high students achievement

and success in their educational endeavors and over all academic


Sex. This refers to the different biological and physiological characteristics

of males and females.

General Average. This refers to the overall average of the senior high

students-athletes in the first semester.

Statement of the Problem:

This study aims to investigate the impact of sports participation on

the academic performance of the senior high school student-athletes in

Doña Francisca Lacsamana de Ortega Memorial National High School.

Specifically, it seeks to answers the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 General Average

2. What is the impact of sports participation on the academic performance of

the senior high school student-athletes in DFLOMNHS?

3. Is there a significant difference in the sports participation on the

academic performance of the senior high school student-athletes according

to profile?

4. Based on the findings, what recommendations can be proposed?

Statement of Hypothesis

This study works on the following null hypothesis:

Ho: There is no significant difference in the sports participation of the

respondents in academic performance at Doña Francisca Lacsamana de

Ortega Memorial National High School.

Chapter 2
This chapter presents the research design, research environment,

respondents of the study, data gathering procedure, table of distribution of

the respondents, data gathering instrument, data categorization and

statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study uses descriptive design. Siedlecki, (2020) defined Descriptive

research design as a framework classified as a research method that

describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon being

studied. The descriptive design will be utilized in conducting this study as it

seeks to identify the impact of sports participation on the academic

performance of senior high school student-athletes in DFLOMNHS.

Additionally, quantitative approach will be used. As stated by

Bhandari (2022) the process of gathering and interpreting numerical data is

known as a quantitative approach. It may be used to identify trends,

calculate averages, make predictions, check the validity of unofficial

connections, and extrapolate findings to larger groups. This approach is the

most appropriate design of the study as it aims to determine the impact of

sports participation on the academic performance of senior high school

student-athletes in DFLOMNHS according to profile through survey

questionnaires and quantitative techniques.

Research Environment

This study will be conducted at Doña Francisca Lacsamana de

Ortega Memorial National High School. It is located along the highway of

San Blas, Bangar, La Union. It is a public school in Division of La Union and

consider as a large school due to its large population. It is a secondary

school that offers both junior high school and senior high school programs.
The researchers choose the place as source of data because they

have noted that many senior high school students who participate in sports

which may enable them to acquire more trustworthy data based on the

experiences of the respondents to know its impact on their academic



The senior high school student-athletes are the respondents of this

study. The respondents will be consisting of 50. Using purposive sampling,

the researchers select the respondents.


Grade 12 21

Grade 11 29


Table 2.1: Distribution of Respondents

Thus, 50 Senior High School student-athletes’ respondents were

needed to represent the population of DFLOMNHS who participate in sports

and to achieve the objectives of the study.

In this study, purposive sampling will use. According to Crossman

(2020) defined purposive sampling a non-probability sample that is selected

based on characteristics of a population and the objective of the study.

Purposive sampling is different from convenience sampling and is also

known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling. This is used to

choose individuals became sample who will be representative. This type of

sampling can be very useful in situations when you need to reach a targeted
sample quickly particularly in Senior High School of Dona Francisca

Lacsamana de Ortega Memorial National High School.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers After ensuring
construct and the credibility of
were checked
prepare a the
and revised by
questionnaire,an questionnaires,
d validated by the the researchers
professionals to
research checked the
ensure that it is
availability of the
teachers. credible and
reliable to use.

Going from room to Before leaving the

room, the room of the
researchers asked respective Afterwards, the
permission to respondents, the data gathered
respondents upon researchers bid were tallied,
their approval , the their gratitude tabulated, and
questionnaires analyzed.
were given to the
for participating
respondents. in this study.

Data Gathering Instrument

This study will use structured questionnaire through paper and pen.

According to Calderon and Gonzales (1993), a questionnaire is a set of

questions which, when answered properly by selecting respondents will

supply necessary information to complete a research study. The

questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first part contains the profile

of the respondents. On the second part, it contains the impact of sports

participation on the academic performance of senior high school student-

athletes in DFLOMNHS.

This study will use Likert scale to measure the impact of sports

participation on the academic performance of senior high school student-

athletes in DFLOMNHS. Gee (2017) defined Likert scale as an orderly scale

from which respondents choose the option that best support their opinion.

Table 2.2: Data Categorization

4-Point Scale of Interpretation

Range Verbal Interpretation

3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree
2.51-3.25 Agree
1.76- 2.50 Disagree
1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree
In this study, the scale to be use will be Strongly Agree, Agree,

Disagree, Strongly Disagree.

The questionnaire will use by the researchers is adopted, but some

parts will be revise by the experts for the purpose of accuracy and relevance.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical tools were used in the study:

1. Frequency and Percentage. In this study, frequency and percentage is

used in computing the profile of the respondents.

2. Weighted Mean. In this study, weighted mean is used in computing the

impact of sports participation among the Senior High School Student-

athletes in DFLOMNHS on their academic performance.

3. Z-test. In this study, Z-test is used to determine if their is a significant

difference in the impact of sports participation on the academic performance

of the senior high school student-athletes in DFLOMNHS when grouped

according to profile.

4. ANOVA. This will be used in the study to test the difference on the sports

participation on the academic performance of the senior high school

student-athletes when grouped according to profile.


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