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PROBLEM 18 – 0543: A doubly reinforced concrete beam has M =105 ft-kips,

b = 13", d = 16" and d' = 2.5”. If fc' = 3000 lbs/in2 and
fs = 20,000 lbs/in2, determine the tension and compression
steel required.


Referring to the stress diagram, by similar triangles, we have

(x/d) = {(fc) / (fc + fs/n)}
or x = {(fc ∙ d) / (fc + fs/n)}
= [{1350 × 16"} / {1350 + (20,000/9)}]
≅ 6.05" (fc = 1350 for a 3000# concrete)
jd = d – (x/3)
= 16 – {(6.05) / 3}
≅ 14"
Let us consider the tension and compression steel separately. First, the
beam reinforced on the tension side only:

We have,
M1 = (1/2) fcb ∙ x ∙ jd
= (1/2) (1350) (13) (6.05) (14)
≅ 743242 lb-in.
As1 = {M / (fs ∙ jd)}
= {(743242) / (20,000 × 14)}
≅ 2.66 in2.
We have total moment = 105 ft-kip
= 105 × 1000 × 12 lb-in
= 1260000 lb-in.
Moment resisted by tension steel = 743242 lb-in.
Therefore, remaining moment to be resisted by the other reinforcement
= 1260000 – 743242 = 516758 lb-in
Considering now the beam with compression steel, we have,

Referring to the figure,

stress at the level of compression steel
= {(3.55) / (6.05)} (1350) ≅ 792 lb/in2.
Checking this with 792 × (2) (9) = 14,260 lb/in2 < 20,000

The stress is within safe limit.

C2 = T2 = {(516758) / (13.5")} = 38278.37 = 38279 lb.
and As' = {(38279) / (792 lb/in2)} × {1 / (2n – 1)} ≅ 2.84 in2.
Required A(s)2 = {(38279 lb) / (20000 lb/in2)} = 1.91 in2.
Therefore, total area of steel required = 2.66 + 1.91 = 4.57 in2,
i.e. taking standards ≅ 4 5/8 in2.

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