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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education Mumbai. (M.S.

Submitted by

Gaurav Kakde
Mayur Mahajan
Shrinidhi Mokashi

Under Guidance of
Prof. S.S. Jadhav

In partial fulfillment for the award of

Diploma in Computer Engineering
CV Generator

Department of Computer Engineering

Marathwada Institute of Technology, Polytechnic,
Chh. Sambhaji Nagar.

Maharashtra State Board of Technical
EducationMIT Polytechnic, Chhatrapati

Gaurav Bhanudas Kakde from Marathwada Institute of Technology,

Polytechnic Institute having Enrollment No: 2100660117 has completed
project of final year having title CV Generator during the academic year
2023-2024. The project completed by individually under the guidance of the
Faculty Guide.

Prof. S. S. Jadhav Prof. S. B. Satpute Prof. A. S. Nagrik

Project Guide Co-Ordinator Head of Department

Prof.S.G. Deshmukh

We have great pleasure in submitting this Project report in “CV Generator”, which was in partial
fulfillment of the requirements of Diploma in ‘Computer Engineering” of Maharashtra State
Board of Technical Education, Mumbai.

We take this opportunity to express profound gratitude to Prof. S. G. Deshmukh (Principal), Prof.

A.M. Shinde (OIC- Acad.), Prof.A.S. S Nagrik (Head of Department), Prof. S.S. Jadhav (Project
Guide), Prof.S.U. Kakde (Project Coordinator) and Prof.G.B. Adhane (Class Teacher) for their
valuable guidance and helpful attitude. We would also like to thank all the teaching staff members
of our stream and our college for their support.

Finally, we would like to thank all our student friends who have helped us in completing and
reviewing our Project.

Our sincere thanks to all those who knowingly and unknowingly have contributed in their own way
in the completion of this project.

• Gaurav kakde (32)

• Mayur Mahajan (45)
• Shrinidhi Mokashi (51)



1.1 Introduction
1.2 Necessity of project
1.3 Frees up time for you and helps to focus on your core business.
1.4 It saves your money.

1.5 Basic skills.

1.6 Objectives.
3.1 Literature Survey

3.2 Literature Survey from Research paper


4.1 Software Requirement Specification

4.2 Hardware Requirement Specification


5.1 Proposed Detailed Methodology
5.2 Action

6.1 Data flow Diagram.

6.2 Use case Diagram.


7.1 GUI Testing

7.2 Compatibility Testing

7.3 Performance Testing

7.4 Usability Testing

7.5 Regression testing



The resume generator project is an innovative software application designed to simplify the
process of creating professional resumes. In today's competitive job market, having a polished and
tailored resume is crucial for securing employment opportunities. However, many individuals
struggle with formatting, content organization, and overall presentation when crafting their
resumes. This project aims to address these challenges by offering a user-friendly platform that
generates customized resumes based on user input and predefined templates.

The resume generator utilizes advanced algorithms to analyze user-provided information such as
personal details, education background, work experience, skills, and achievements. It then
intelligently structures this data into a cohesive and visually appealing resume format. Users have
the flexibility to choose from various resume templates, each designed to suit different industries
and career levels. Additionally, the system provides real-time feedback and suggestions to help
users optimize their resumes for specific job applications.

One of the key features of the resume generator is its adaptability and scalability. The system is
capable of accommodating diverse user preferences and requirements, allowing for customization
of fonts, colors, and layout elements. Furthermore, it supports multiple file formats, enabling users
to export their resumes in PDF, Word, or plain text formats for seamless integration with job
application platforms and email correspondence.

In terms of technical implementation, the project leverages modern web development technologies
such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and backend frameworks like Django or Flask. The user
interface is designed to be intuitive and responsive, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable user
experience across different devices and screen sizes.
Overall, the resume generator project aims to empower individuals with a powerful tool for crafting
professional resumes that stand out in today's competitive job market. By streamlining the resume
creation process and providing valuable insights, this project seeks to enhance users' chances of
securing their desired employment opportunities.


1.1 Introduction

In the fast-paced and competitive landscape of today's job market, a well-crafted resume can make
all the difference in securing coveted employment opportunities. However, many individuals find
themselves grappling with the daunting task of structuring their experiences, skills, and
qualifications into a coherent and compelling document. Recognizing this common challenge, the
resume generator project sets out to revolutionize the way resumes are created by offering a
sophisticated yet user-friendly software solution.

A resume serves as a snapshot of an individual's professional journey, encapsulating their

education, work experience, skills, and accomplishments in a concise and structured format. It is
often the first point of contact between a job seeker and a potential employer, making it a crucial
tool in the job search process. A well-crafted resume not only highlights an individual's
qualifications but also showcases their unique strengths and capabilities, setting them apart from
other candidates vying for the same position.

Despite its significance, crafting an effective resume can be a daunting task for many individuals.
From deciding on the most relevant information to include to ensuring proper formatting and
layout, there are numerous factors to consider. Moreover, the expectations and standards for
resumes vary across industries and professions, further complicating the process. As a result,
individuals often find themselves spending countless hours fine-tuning their resumes or seeking
professional assistance to ensure they make a strong impression on potential employers.

The resume generator project emerges as a response to the challenges and frustrations commonly
associated with resume creation. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and intelligent
algorithms, the project aims to streamline the process of crafting professional resumes while
empowering users to present themselves effectively to prospective employers.

One of the primary motivations behind the development of the resume generator is to democratize
access to high-quality resume-building tools. Traditional methods of resume creation often require
specialized knowledge of design principles and formatting conventions, placing individuals
without such expertise at a disadvantage. The resume generator project seeks to level the playing
field by providing a user-friendly platform that guides users through the resume creation process,
regardless of their prior experience or background.

The resume generator project boasts a range of innovative features and functionalities designed to
simplify and enhance the resume creation process. At its core, the system utilizes advanced
algorithms to analyze user-provided information and generate customized resumes tailored to the
individual's unique profile and preferences. Users are prompted to input details such as their
personal information, educational background, work experience, skills, and achievements, which
are then intelligently organized and presented in a professional-looking format.

One of the distinguishing features of the resume generator is its extensive library of pre-designed
templates catering to various industries, job roles, and career levels. These templates are carefully
crafted to adhere to industry standards and best practices, ensuring that users' resumes are both
visually appealing and highly effective. Additionally, the system offers real-time feedback and
suggestions to help users optimize their resumes for specific job applications, such as highlighting
relevant skills or tailoring content to match job descriptions.

In terms of usability, the resume generator project prioritizes simplicity and intuitiveness, making
it accessible to users of all skill levels. The user interface is designed to be clean, visually appealing,
and easy to navigate, allowing users to create professional resumes with minimal effort.
Furthermore, the system supports seamless integration with popular file formats such as PDF and
Word, enabling users to easily export and share their resumes with potential employers.

From a technical standpoint, the resume generator project leverages a combination of front-end and
back-end technologies to deliver a seamless user experience. The user interface is developed using
modern web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, ensuring compatibility across
different devices and browsers. The back-end logic is implemented using robust frameworks like
Django or Flask, which facilitate data processing, template management, and user authentication.

1.2 Necessity

What is the need of a resume generator.

The resume generator project responds to the multifaceted challenges encountered by job seekers in
today's competitive employment landscape. Crafting a compelling resume demands meticulous
attention to detail, yet many individuals struggle with structuring their qualifications effectively. This
difficulty is compounded by the lack of design expertise among job seekers, hindering their ability to
create visually appealing resumes that capture recruiters' attention. Moreover, the time-intensive
nature of resume customization for various job applications adds further strain, leaving little room for
error or inefficiency. Additionally, the accessibility and affordability of professional resume-writing
services remain limited, especially for those with constrained financial resources.

The resume generator project addresses these challenges by offering a comprehensive solution that
streamlines the resume creation process. By leveraging advanced algorithms and customizable
templates, the project simplifies resume generation, making it accessible to users of all skill levels.
This approach not only reduces the time and effort required for resume creation but also ensures
consistency and professionalism across all documents. Furthermore, the project's real-time feedback
and suggestions feature enhances users' ability to tailor their resumes to specific job opportunities,
increasing their chances of success in the job market.

In essence, the resume generator project fills a crucial void by providing a user-friendly platform that
empowers job seekers to create polished and tailored resumes efficiently and affordably. By removing
barriers to resume creation and enhancing accessibility, the project levels the playing field and
improves job seekers' prospects in an increasingly competitive job market.

1.3 Frees Up Time for You to Focus on Your Core Business

A resume generator project serves as a valuable tool for businesses by streamlining the hiring process and
allowing them to focus on their core activities. By automating the creation of professional resumes,
businesses can save time and resources typically spent on manually reviewing and formatting applicant
documents. This automation frees up HR personnel to concentrate on more strategic aspects of recruitment,
such as sourcing top talent, conducting interviews, and fostering employee development.

Firstly, a resume generator project helps businesses maintain consistency and coherence in their hiring
practices. By providing predefined templates and formatting guidelines, the project ensures that all
applicant resumes adhere to the company's standards and branding. This consistency not only enhances the
professionalism of the hiring process but also facilitates the comparison of candidate qualifications and

Secondly, the resume generator project improves efficiency by reducing the time and effort required for
resume screening and evaluation. With automated parsing and analysis of applicant data, businesses can
quickly identify candidates whose qualifications align with the job requirements. This streamlined process
accelerates the identification of promising candidates, allowing HR teams to focus their attention on
engaging with and assessing the most suitable applicants.

Moreover, a resume generator project enables businesses to tailor their recruitment efforts to specific job
roles and organizational needs. By offering customization options and real-time feedback features, the
project empowers recruiters to fine-tune applicant resumes to match the desired qualifications and
competencies. This targeted approach not only improves the quality of candidate matches but also enhances
the overall effectiveness of the hiring process.
Additionally, the resume generator project enhances collaboration and communication within the hiring
team. With cloud-based storage and collaborative editing capabilities, team members can easily access and
review applicant resumes in real time. This seamless collaboration fosters better decision-making and
ensures that all stakeholders are aligned throughout the recruitment process.

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1.4 It Saves Your Money
A resume generator is a tool designed to streamline the process of creating professional resumes.
By automating various aspects of resume creation, it significantly saves time for individuals
seeking employment opportunities.

Firstly, a resume generator typically offers templates that are pre-designed and formatted according to industry
standards. These templates cover various professions and career levels, allowing users to select one that best
fits their background and preferences. This eliminates the need for individuals to spend time designing the
layout and structure of their resumes from scratch.

Secondly, resume generators often incorporate prompts and suggestions to help users populate their resumes
with relevant information. These prompts guide users through each section of the resume, such as work
experience, education, skills, and achievements, ensuring that important details are not overlooked.
Additionally, some resume generators offer industry-specific keywords and phrases to enhance the visibility
of resumes when submitted online or through applicant tracking systems.

Furthermore, many resume generators allow for easy customization of content. Users can simply input their
personal information, such as contact details and career history, into the designated fields. This eliminates the
need to manually format and adjust the layout of the resume, as the generator automatically adjusts the
placement and styling of text.

Moreover, resume generators often offer the ability to export resumes in various file formats, such as PDF or
Word documents. This ensures compatibility with different application processes and allows users to quickly
submit their resumes to potential employers without any formatting issues.

Overall, a resume generator saves time for individuals by providing pre-designed templates, guiding users
through the content creation process, offering customization options, and facilitating easy exporting of
resumes. By streamlining the resume creation process, individuals can devote more time to networking, job
searching, and preparing for interviews, ultimately increasing their chances of securing employment

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1.5 Basic Skills Required.
Programming Languages: Proficiency in one or more programming languages such as Python, JavaScript,
or Java is essential for developing the backend and frontend components of the resume generator.

HTML/CSS: Proficiency in HTML and CSS is essential for designing and styling the user interface of the
resume generator.

Version Control: Familiarity with version control systems like Git is important for managing the codebase
and collaborating with other developers.

Text Processing: Knowledge of text processing libraries or natural language processing (NLP) techniques
for parsing and analyzing text input from users.

Testing and Debugging: Proficiency in testing frameworks and debugging techniques to ensure the
reliability and quality of the application.

Documentation: Ability to create clear and comprehensive documentation for the project, including user
guides and developer documentation.

Project Management: Skills in project management tools and methodologies for planning, organizing, and
executing the development process efficiently.

UI/UX Design: Understanding of user experience (UX) principles and user interface (UI) design best
practices to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface for the resume generator.

Communication Skills: Effective communication skills to collaborate with team members, gather
requirements from stakeholders, and provide support to users.

Continuous Learning: Willingness to learn new technologies and stay updated with the latest trends in
web development and software engineering.

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1.5 Objectives

The objectives of a resume generator project typically revolve around improving the
efficiency and effectiveness of the resume creation process for job seekers. Here are
some common objectives:
Time-saving: One of the primary objectives is to save time for users by automating the
process of resume creation. The tool should enable users to generate professional-
looking resumes quickly and easily, reducing the time spent on formatting and
Ease of use: Another objective is to make the resume creation process intuitive and user-
friendly. The tool should be accessible to individuals with varying levels of technical
expertise, allowing them to navigate through the process seamlessly.
Customization: A key objective is to provide users with the flexibility to customize their
resumes according to their individual preferences and career goals. This includes options
to choose from different templates, customize layouts, and tailor content to highlight
relevant skills and experiences.
Professionalism: The resume generator should ensure that the resulting resumes adhere
to professional standards and conventions. This involves offering templates with clean
designs, providing guidance on content creation, and suggesting industry-specific
keywords and phrases.
Compatibility: Another objective is to ensure compatibility with different devices and
file formats. The tool should enable users to create and export resumes in formats that
are widely accepted by employers, such as PDF or Word documents, and accessible on
various devices.
Visibility: The resume generator should help users increase the visibility of their
resumes to potential employers. This includes optimizing resumes for online submission
and applicant tracking systems by incorporating relevant keywords and formatting
Continuous improvement: Lastly, the project may aim to continuously improve the
resume generator based on user feedback and evolving industry trends. This involves
updating templates, adding new features, and refining algorithms to enhance the overall
user experience and effectiveness of the tool.
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The resume generator project aims to streamline and simplify the process of creating professional resumes
for individuals across various fields and industries. In today's competitive job market, having a well-crafted
resume is crucial for landing interviews and advancing in one's career. However, many individuals struggle
with formatting, wording, and organizing their resumes effectively. This project seeks to address these
challenges by developing a user-friendly application that automates the resume creation process.

The core functionality of the resume generator will revolve around providing users with customizable
templates tailored to different job roles and industries. Users will have the flexibility to choose from a
variety of layouts, designs, and content sections to suit their preferences and showcase their skills and
experiences effectively. The application will also include intelligent algorithms that analyze the user's input
data, such as work experience, education, and skills, to generate personalized content recommendations
and suggestions for enhancing their resume.

One of the key features of the resume generator will be its intuitive user interface, designed to be accessible
to individuals with varying levels of technical expertise. Users will be guided through the resume creation
process step-by-step, with prompts and tips provided along the way to ensure that they include all relevant
information and present it in the most compelling manner. Additionally, the application will offer real-time
previews and feedback, allowing users to visualize their resume as they make changes and receive
suggestions for improvement.

Another aspect that sets this resume generator apart is its integration with external data sources and APIs.
Users will have the option to import data from professional networking platforms such as LinkedIn or job
search websites, streamlining the process of populating their resume with accurate and up-to-date
information. Additionally, the application will leverage natural language processing techniques to extract
relevant keywords and phrases from job postings, helping users tailor their resumes to specific job
requirements and increase their chances of being noticed by recruiters.
In terms of technical implementation, the resume generator will be developed using modern web
technologies, making it accessible across a variety of devices and platforms. The backend will utilize cloud-
based infrastructure to handle data processing and storage efficiently, ensuring scalability and reliability.
Furthermore, the application will prioritize data privacy and security, implementing robust encryption and
access controls to protect users' sensitive information.
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3.1 HTML
What is HTML?

HTML is the language in which most websites are written. HTML is used to create pages and

make them functional. The code used to make them visually appealing is known as CSS and we

shall focus on this in a later tutorial. For now, we will focus on teaching you how to build rather

than design.

The history of HTML.

HTML was first created by Tim Berners-Lee, Robert Cailliau, and others starting in 1989. It stands

for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. Hypertext means that the document contains links that allow

the reader to jump to other places in the document or to another document altogether. The latest

version is known as HTML5. A Mark-up Language is a way that computers speak to each other to

control how text is processed and presented. To do this HTML uses two things: and attributes.
What are Tags and Attributes?

Tags and attributes are the basis of HTML. They work together but perform different functions –

it is worth investing 2 minutes in differentiating the two.

What Are HTML Tags?

Tags are used to mark up the start of an HTML element and they are usually enclosed in angle

brackets. An example of a tag is: <h1>. Most tags must be opened <h1> and closed </h1> in order

to function.

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What are HTML Attributes?

Attributes contain additional pieces of information. Attributes take the form of an opening tag and

additional info is placed inside. An example of an attribute is: <img src="mydog.jpg" alt="A photo

of my dog."> In this instance, the image source (src) and the alt text (alt) are attributes of

the <div> tag.

How to link a HTML code with CSS.

Linking HTML with CSS involves adding a reference to a CSS file within an HTML document. This is
typically done using the <link> element within the <head> section of the HTML file. The <link> element
specifies the relationship between the HTML document and an external CSS file using the <href> attribute.
Once linked, the styles defined in the CSS file will be applied to the HTML elements within the document.
This separation of concerns allows for cleaner, more maintainable code, as styling and content are kept
separate. Additionally, CSS can also be embedded directly within an HTML document using the <style>
element within the <head> section, or applied inline to individual HTML elements using the style attribute.
However, linking external CSS files is a preferred method for larger projects as it promotes reusability,
scalability, and easier maintenance of styles across multiple pages.

How <div> tag works

In HTML, the <div> element is a fundamental building block used for structuring web pages. It stands for
"division" and is a container for other elements, grouping them together for styling or layout purposes.
<div> creates a block-level box in the document flow, allowing for easy organization and manipulation
using CSS. It has no inherent semantic meaning, making it versatile for various content arrangements.
Developers commonly use <div> to create sections, columns, or wrappers for styling and layout control.
By assigning classes or IDs, <div> elements can be targeted for specific styling or scripting behaviors.

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How <span> tag works.

The <span> element in HTML is an inline container used for styling or targeting specific sections of text
within a larger block of content. Unlike <div>, <span> doesn't create a block-level box but rather wraps
around small units of text or other inline elements. It's often used to apply CSS styles, such as font color or
emphasis, to a specific portion of text without affecting the layout. Additionally, <span> can be
manipulated with JavaScript to dynamically change content or behavior. Its versatility makes it useful for
fine-grained control over text styling and scripting within HTML documents.

How <class> tag works

In HTML, the class attribute allows you to assign one or more descriptive names to elements, which can
then be targeted by CSS for styling or JavaScript for manipulation. It's a way to categorize elements based
on their purpose, style, or behavior. For example, you might give a set of paragraphs the class "important"
to style them differently from regular paragraphs. To apply a class to an element, you use the syntax
class="classname", where "classname" is the name of the class. Multiple classes can be applied to the same
element by separating them with spaces, enabling more flexible styling and scripting across a webpage.

Why and how is <href> tag is used.

The href attribute in HTML is primarily used within anchor (<a>) elements to specify the URL of a link or
destination. It enables users to navigate between web pages or access specific resources. When a user clicks
on an anchor element with an href attribute, the browser directs them to the linked URL. Additionally, the
href attribute can be used to link to downloadable resources, such as PDF files or images. It also allows for
targeting, specifying where the linked resource should be displayed, such as opening in a new tab
(target="_blank"). Overall, the href attribute plays a crucial role in creating clickable links and enhancing
website navigation.

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Features of HTML5
Semantic Elements: HTML5 introduced semantic elements like <header>, <footer>, <nav>, <article>,
<section>, etc., which provide clearer structure and meaning to web content.

Multimedia Support: Native support for audio and video elements (<audio> and <video>), eliminating the
need for third-party plugins like Flash.

Canvas and SVG: HTML5 introduced the <canvas> element for dynamic, scriptable rendering of graphics,
and native support for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).

Form Enhancements: New input types (<input type="date">, <input type="email">, etc.), validation
attributes (required, pattern, etc.), and the <datalist> element for autocomplete.

Offline and Storage: HTML5 provides the Application Cache (AppCache) for offline web applications and
client-side storage mechanisms like local Storage and session Storage.

Geolocation: Allows websites to access a user's geographical location through the Geolocation API.

Web Workers: Enables concurrent scripts to run in the background, improving performance by offloading
tasks from the main thread.

Web Sockets: Provides a full-duplex communication channel over a single TCP connection, enabling real-
time communication between a client and server.

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3.2 CSS:
Where is CSS used?

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is used in web development to control the presentation and layout of
HTML elements. It's applied to HTML documents to define how elements should appear on the screen, in
print, or in other media types. CSS allows developers to set properties such as color, size, font, spacing,
and positioning for individual or groups of elements, providing control over the visual aspects of a
webpage. It enhances user experience by making web pages visually appealing, consistent, and accessible
across different devices and. browsers. Additionally, CSS can be used for responsive design, animation,
and creating interactive user interfaces, contributing to the overall aesthetic and functionality of websites
and web applications.

how does CSS add attractiveness to any project in web application.

CSS significantly contributes to the attractiveness of web applications by providing precise control over
their visual appearance. With CSS, developers can style elements using a wide range of properties,
including fonts, colors, backgrounds, and borders, allowing for customization that aligns with the project's
branding and design goals. CSS layout techniques such as flexbox and grid enable the creation of
responsive and dynamic designs that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations, enhancing
user experience across devices. Additionally, CSS animations and transitions add interactivity and
engagement, making the application more compelling and enjoyable to use.

Why is the bg_color used in CSS?

Cascading Style Sheets, fondly referred to as CSS, is a simple design language intended to

simplify the process of making web pages presentable. CSS handles the look and feel part of a

web page. Using CSS, you can control the color of the text, the style of fonts, the spacing between

paragraphs, how columns are sized and laid out, what background images or colors are used,

layout designs and variations in display for different devices and screen sizes as well as a variety

of other effects.

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how and when the alignment is used.
In CSS, alignment is crucial for controlling the positioning and layout of elements on a webpage. Horizontal
alignment of text within block-level elements is managed with the text-align property, while the vertical-
align property handles vertical alignment of inline or table-cell elements. Flexbox provides powerful
alignment capabilities with properties like justify-content and align-items, which align items along the main
and cross axes respectively within a flex container. Additionally, align-self allows fine-tuning alignment
for individual flex items. Another method for alignment is the float property, used to position elements to
the left or right within their container, affecting the flow of content around them.

how and where navbar is used.

A navbar, short for navigation bar, is a crucial component of a website or web application used for
navigation purposes. Typically located at the top of a webpage, it contains links to various sections or pages
within the site, allowing users to easily navigate and access different parts of the content. Navbars often
include menus, dropdowns, or other interactive elements to enhance usability. They provide a consistent
and intuitive way for users to navigate through the site's structure, improving accessibility and user
experience. Navbars are essential for organizing content and guiding users to relevant information

How and where padding is used.

It is a style sheet language which is used to describe the look and formatting of a document written
in markup language. It provides an additional feature to HTML. It is generally used with HTML
to change the style of web pages and user interfaces. It can also be used with any kind of XML
documents including plain XML, SVG and XUL. CSS is used along with HTML and JavaScript
in most websites to create user interfaces for web applications and user interfaces for many mobile

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how fonts make an impression on any application in 120 words.

Fonts play a significant role in shaping the impression of an application or design. The choice of font can
convey various attributes such as professionalism, friendliness, or creativity. Serif fonts like Times New
Roman often evoke a sense of tradition and formality, suitable for academic or professional contexts. Sans-
serif fonts like Helvetica are clean and modern, ideal for conveying simplicity and clarity. Script fonts can
add elegance or playfulness, depending on the context. Additionally, font size, weight, and spacing
influence readability and visual hierarchy. Consistent and appropriate font usage across an application
enhances brand identity, improves user experience, and reinforces the intended message or tone, making
fonts a crucial aspect of design aesthetics.
how header and footers are used for resume generator project.

In a resume generator project, headers and footers serve important organizational and branding purposes.
The header typically contains essential information such as the applicant's name, contact details, and
possibly a professional title or objective statement. This information is usually presented prominently at
the top of each page to ensure its readily visible and identifiable.


Footers often include additional details such as page numbers, date of last update, or even a subtle branding
element like a logo or tagline. They provide a consistent layout across all pages of the resume and can
enhance professionalism and credibility.


Headers and footers are crucial for maintaining a cohesive and structured design throughout the resume,
improving readability, and reinforcing the applicant's personal brand. In a resume generator project, these
elements are dynamically generated based on user input, ensuring consistency and professionalism across
all generated resumes.

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how margins are used for resume generator project
In a resume generator project, margins are crucial for maintaining a well-organized layout and professional
appearance. They ensure consistent spacing between different sections, prevent the content from appearing
cluttered, and create whitespace for improved readability. Properly set margins also help draw attention to
key information and contribute to the overall aesthetics of the resume. Whether adjusting margins
dynamically based on user preferences or adhering to predefined templates, they play a vital role in ensuring
that the generated resumes meet industry standards and make a positive impression on potential employers
or recruiters.
how paddings help in resume project.

In a resume generator project, padding plays a vital role in enhancing the readability and aesthetics of the
generated resumes. It ensures that content is properly spaced within each section, providing breathing room
between text and the edges of elements. Padding helps maintain a visually appealing layout by preventing
text from appearing cramped or too close to borders. Additionally, it contributes to the overall organization
and structure of the resume, making it easier for the reader to navigate through different sections. Whether
adjusting padding dynamically based on user preferences or utilizing predefined templates, it ensures
consistency and professionalism in the presentation of information, ultimately enhancing the user
experience and making a positive impression on potential employers or recruiters.

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3.3 JavaScript:

What is the main role of JavaScript.

The main role of JavaScript in web applications is to provide interactivity and dynamic functionality.
JavaScript enables developers to create responsive user interfaces that respond to user actions in real-time,
enhancing the overall user experience. It facilitates tasks such as form validation, DOM manipulation, and
asynchronous communication with servers, enabling seamless interaction without needing to reload the
entire webpage. JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js further streamline development by
offering reusable components and state management solutions. Additionally, JavaScript powers features
such as animations, client-side routing, and handling user inputs, making web applications more engaging,
efficient, and versatile in meeting the needs of users and businesses alike.

what is getElementById () method?

The getElementById () method is a fundamental feature in JavaScript used to retrieve an HTML element
based on its unique ID attribute. It allows developers to access and manipulate specific elements within a
webpage dynamically. This method is commonly used in web development to perform various tasks such
as changing the content, styling, or behavior of elements. By providing the ID of an element as a parameter,
getElementById () returns the corresponding DOM (Document Object Model) element. This method is
widely employed in interactive web applications, form handling, and dynamic content generation. Its
simplicity and efficiency make it a cornerstone for JavaScript-based webpage manipulation.

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From this website we learnt about how validation is applied in for date (DOB).

In a resume generator project, validation for Date of Birth (DOB) can enhance the accuracy and reliability
of the generated resumes. By implementing DOB validation, the project can ensure that users enter their
birthdates correctly, reducing the likelihood of errors or inaccuracies in the generated resumes. This
validation can include checks for the format of the date, ensuring it follows a specific pattern (e.g.,
MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY), as well as checks for logical constraints such as minimum and
maximum age limits. Validating DOB helps maintain data integrity and professionalism in the generated
resumes, ensuring that the information presented to potential employers is accurate and consistent.
Additionally, it enhances the user experience by providing clear feedback on any input errors, guiding users
to enter their DOB correctly.

How regex is used and how it helps in web application project for email validation.

In a resume generator project, regular expressions (regex) play a vital role in validating and formatting
email addresses entered by users. By implementing regex patterns, the project can ensure that the email
addresses provided by users conform to a standard format, such as "". Regex can
verify the presence of essential components like the "@" symbol, domain name, and top-level domain
(TLD), ensuring that the email is structurally valid. Additionally, regex can help detect common formatting
errors, such as extra spaces or invalid characters. Validating email addresses using regex enhances the
accuracy and reliability of the generated resumes, reducing the risk of incorrect contact information. It also
improves the user experience by providing real-time feedback on email input, guiding users to enter valid
email addresses efficiently.

24 | P a g e

How regex is used and how it helps in web application project for mobile number validation.

In a resume generator project, regular expressions (regex) are invaluable for validating and formatting
mobile numbers entered by users. By employing regex patterns, the project ensures that the mobile
numbers provided conform to a standard format, such as "123-456-7890" or "(123) 456-7890". Regex can
verify the presence of required digits, enforce specific digit patterns (such as area code formats), and
handle variations in formatting (e.g., allowing for optional spaces, hyphens, or parentheses). Furthermore,
regex can detect common formatting errors, such as incorrect digit counts or invalid characters.
Validating mobile numbers with regex enhances the accuracy of the generated resumes, reducing the risk
of incorrect contact information. It also improves the user experience by providing real-time feedback on
mobile number input, guiding users to enter valid phone numbers efficiently

How is query selector useful in resume generator projects.

In a resume generator project, the query Selector method in JavaScript is useful for efficiently selecting
and manipulating HTML elements based on CSS selectors. It allows developers to dynamically access
specific elements within the document's DOM (Document Object Model), enabling tasks such as retrieving
user input from form fields, updating content, or applying styling dynamically. By targeting elements using
query Selector, developers can create interactive and responsive features in the resume generator, such as
validating user input, dynamically updating resume sections, or implementing user preferences. This
enhances the functionality and user experience of the resume generator, making it more intuitive and
efficient to use.

From this we got to know about the key event and its use in the project.

onkeyup event:

The "onkeyup" event in JavaScript occurs when a user releases a key after pressing it while focused on an
input field. This event is valuable for implementing real-time interactions in web applications, particularly
in forms. For instance, in a resume generator project, it can be used for dynamic input validation, instantly

25 | P a g e
checking the correctness of user-entered data like email addresses or phone numbers as they type.

From this we got to know about the item event and its use in the project.

Item event:

The term "item event" is not a standard JavaScript event. However, if you are referring to events related to
items in a web application, such as clicking on a list item or interacting with a specific element, these events
can be handled using various JavaScript event handlers like "onclick" or "onchange". For instance, in a
resume generator project, you might have items like checkboxes for selecting skills or radio buttons for
indicating proficiency levels. By handling "click" events on these items, you can update the resume
dynamically based on user selections

From this we got to know about the onchange event and its use in the project.

Onchange event:

The "onchange" event in JavaScript is triggered when the value of an input element changes and loses
focus. It is commonly used to perform actions or execute functions in response to user interactions, such
as selecting an option from a dropdown menu or changing the content of a text input. In a resume generator
project, the "onchange" event can be utilized to dynamically update the generated resume based on user

How and where is window object is used.

In a resume generator project, the window object is crucial for enhancing user interaction and functionality.
It facilitates dynamic manipulation of the document object model (DOM), enabling users to customize their
resumes in real-time. Event handling through window allows developers to manage user actions like saving
or exporting resumes seamlessly. Utilizing window. local Storage, the project can store user data locally,
providing continuity between sessions. Error handling mechanisms provided by window ensure graceful
handling of runtime errors, maintaining application stability. Additionally, features like post Message

26 | P a g e
enable secure cross-origin communication, supporting integration with external services or APIs.

How DOM model is used in resume generator project.

In a resume generator project, the DOM (Document Object Model) is integral for dynamic content creation
and user interaction. Initially, the resume template is represented in the DOM, with JavaScript dynamically
rendering it. User input triggers DOM manipulation, updating sections like personal details, work
experience, and skills in real-time. JavaScript listens for user interactions, dynamically adjusting the DOM
to reflect changes such as adding new sections or customizing layout and styling. The DOM also facilitates
preview functionality, allowing users to visualize their resume before finalizing it. Through seamless DOM
manipulation, the resume generator provides an intuitive user experience, enabling effortless customization
and generation of personalized resumes.

how a JavaScript code is linked with html and CSS.

JavaScript, HTML, and CSS work together to create dynamic and visually appealing web pages. HTML
provides the structure and content of the webpage, while CSS styles it with colors, layouts, and fonts.
JavaScript adds interactivity and behavior to the webpage, allowing users to interact with elements
dynamically. To link JavaScript with HTML, developers typically use <script> tags within the HTML
document's <head> or <body> sections, specifying the source file or embedding the code directly. This
allows the browser to load and execute the JavaScript code when rendering the HTML page. CSS is linked
to HTML using <link> tags in the HTML <head> section, referencing external style sheets or embedding
styles directly within <style> tags. JavaScript can interact with both HTML and CSS through the Document
Object Model (DOM), enabling dynamic updates to the webpage's content and styles based on user actions
or other events, resulting in a seamless and engaging user experience.

27 | P a g e

Mrs. Mrunmayee Hat Iskar, Ms. Arati Tayade, Ms. Rajashree Garud, Ms. Sayali Gardi [1]
“Resume Parsing and Standardization Using Semi-Structure Algorithm”. The author says, resume
can be used for many reasons, but the main reason is used to secure employment. The resume is
personal and academic information of employee, which a suitable employer sees related the job
seeker and used to screen applicants often followed by an interview. This project is deals with the
parsing application developed for the resumes received through emails in multiple formats like
Docx, Document, text etc.
2. Prof. Gauri R Rao, Ms. Renuka S Anami [2] “Automated Profile Extraction and
Classification”. The author says, we are investigating the issues related to the development of
approaches to improve the performance of resume selection process. We have extended the notion
of special features and proposed an approach to identify resumes with special skill information. In
the literature, the notions of special features have been applied to improve the process of product
selection in Ecommerce environment. In this system, we have proposed an approach by
considering only skills related formation of the resumes. The experimental results on the real-
world data-set of resumes show that the proposed approach has the potential to improve the process
of resume selection. 3. Prof. Satish L. Thombare, Ms. Shweta V. Raja
[3] “Automated Resume Extraction and Candidate Selection System”. The author says, we
collected the resumes from the students of various courses applying for a job. Students applying
for the job will send the resumes in different formats (doc., docx, pdf, text, etc.) and the
information from all the resumes will be extracted in the database by using the classification and
regression techniques in data mining, and accordingly the students will be classified according to
their qualification. This project is a proposed model to find an appropriate evaluation method for
the classification of students and predicting the placement opportunity in an enterprise or a firm.
This model will help the firm to select the students in a convenient way to their performance in
the academics.

28 | P a g e
The current system is a manual method in which each task is repeated several times. The resume's format
must be manually changed.
The process of sending resumes is done by hand. All of the system's activities that could be automated are
done manually. Because all tasks are completed manually, a large workforce is required. Long ago, resumes
were written by hand using MS Word, and the format was significantly different. In personal information,
candidates used to write their name, address, and phone number, which are the fields that applicants used
to specify in both their early and recent educational details at that time.
Because there were no guidelines defined for the appropriate length of resumes at the time, applicants used
to create either too short or too long resumes. Our proposed solution automates the resume-building
process. This technology allows for online storing, updating, and retrieval. Customers and
viewers/employers can benefit from this system.
Everything is stored electronically in this system, so there is a lot less paperwork and information can be
obtained quickly without having to dig through registers. Certain aspects of our system are not available in
the current manual system. They are a planned approach to working, reliability, no redundancy, immediate
information retrieval, and ease of use.
What conclusions may be taken from literature analysis and research on the length of a resume? In a CV,
what information should be included? When drafting a resume, what information should be avoided?
Name, address, phone number, and email address should be included in personal information, but height,
weight, religion, birth date, and marital status should be omitted. Resumes that are one page long are
preferred over resumes that are two pages long

The resume builder systems on the web were explored and their best features have been added to
the application. The biggest problem in most of these systems is that they endure a high cost every time a
user builds a resume. The services do come with expert advice to improve the resume but do cost about
hundreds of dollars. There are a few systems that are free of cost like the one I. Wu describes the Pro
Resume that focuses only on infographic resumes. Also, the website has only a single template but gives
some design flexibility to the user. Similarly, Ingale in her proposal of the Resume Portal focuses on an
integrated system where the user can apply for job vacancies posted on the portal.

29 | P a g e
It also assumes the companies will be posting their job requirements on the portal which makes the process
of generating resumes coupled to the requirements. The one thing that can be useful is creating links to user
resumes that can be shared by the user instead of uploading a PDF file everywhere. Other systems propose
resume generators with multilingual capabilities or the use of AR markers to visualize various parts of
printed resumes on the web.

It focuses on the quality of the data going to be processed to be precise and accurate how important role
the accuracy and authenticity of data plays. The focus is on identifying key roles and factors that analyze
placement data of the software engineering department of a South Asian university a Identifying the key
factors important for analyzing data.
The paper focuses onto retrieving the underlying knowledge from such big sized data sets performing an
efficient data processing ecosystem and knowledge filtering methodologies required performing efficient
data processing excluding the most amount of possible useless data. This paper is going to describe the
activity related to placement, its two important problems and their solutions, describing the activities related
to placement. This paper is giving a proper guide to the students or the employee that how there resume
actually looks like as per the manager’s perception. This pear is going to describe the activity related to
placement, its two important problems and their solutions.
Motivates the users that How best resume gives a better impression. How important role the accuracy play
for seeking a job in any organization the first main step is to building a best resume. In applicant personality
trait evaluation were found for extraversion and agreeableness when video resumes were reviewed
compared to when only paper resumes were reviewed.
Respondents found the new content useful and that the new information added value when compared with
a traditional resume. This study suggests the possibility of improving the effectiveness of candidate
screening and selection with the inclusion of such data in a standard resume and may be useful for
instructing new business school graduates in the preparation of their professional resumes.

30 | P a g e

4.1 Software Requirements Specification:

1. Operating System:

The system should be able to run on a variety of operating systems such as Windows,
MacOS, and Linux.

2 Programming Language:


31 | P a g e
3 Deployment Platform:

4 Version Control System:

The system should use a version control system such as Git or SVN to manage and
track changes to the codebase.

5. IDE used

32 | P a g e
4.2. Hardware Requirements Specification:

1. Processor:

The system should have a high-performance processor, such as Intel Core i7 or AMD
Ryzen 7, to handle the computational demands of training and running Machine
Learning models.

2. Memory (RAM):

The system should have sufficient RAM to store and process large amounts of data.
Atleast 16GB of RAM is recommended.

3. Storage:

• The system should have sufficient storage capacity to store the data and
theMachine Learning models. At least 256GB of storage is recommended.

33 | P a g e
4. Network:

The system should have a reliable and fast network connection to access data anddeploy the
system on cloud platforms.

5. Operating System: The system should have a compatible operating system, such as
Windows 10, MacOS, or Linux.

6. Computer Peripherals Devices:

The system should have necessary peripherals such as a keyboard, mouse, and monitorto interact
with the system.

34 | P a g e

5.1 Proposed Detailed Methodology:

1. Project Topic Selection:

We searched for many topics and found our final year project i.e. Capstone project topic.Then
we discussed with the coordinator and ana after having the discussion we came to the conclusion
and finalized the topic of Resume Generator. Although we found many a topic interesting but
we searched and finalized topic of resume generator project.

And took the decision to develop the application using html, CSS, JavaScript. We found this
project quite interesting and helpful for all the individuals the.

It solves the real-world Problem and also save valuable time.

2. Installation of IDE:

Step 1: Visit the Official Website of the Visual Studio Code using any web browser like
Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, etc.

Step 2: Press the “Download for Windows” button on the website to start the download of the
Visual Studio Code Application.

Step 3: When the download finishes, then the Visual Studio Code Icon appears in the
downloads folder.

Step 4: Click on the Installer icon to start the installation process of the Visual Studio Code.

Step 5: After the Installer opens, it will ask you to accept the terms and conditions of the
Visual Studio Code. Click on I accept the agreement and then click the Next button.

Step 6: Choose the location data for running the Visual Studio Code. It will then ask you to
browse the location. Then click on the Next button.

Step 7: Then it will ask to begin the installation setup. Click on the Install button.

35 | P a g e
Step 8: After clicking on Install, it will take about 1 minute to install the Visual Studio Code on your device.

Step 9: After the Installation setup for Visual Studio Code is finished, it will show a window like this below. Tick
the “Launch Visual Studio Code” checkbox and then click Next.

Step 10: After the previous step, the Visual Studio Code window opens successfully. Now you can create a new file
in the Visual Studio Code window and choose a language of yours to begin your programming journey!

3. Downloading Extensions in VS Code (e.g., Live Server): *

- Open VS Code and go to the Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X).
- Search for "Live Server" and click "Install" to add the extension.

4. We began working on Creating Homepage with Attractive Buttons and Images for resume
generator project:
We started working on Creating an appealing homepage for a resume generator project where we were
having a careful planning and execution. We begin by understanding your objectives for the page. We
gave an attractive heading which was suggested by Gaurav.
We used best techniques to map out the layout, ensuring a user-friendly experience. We choose attractive
template and decided to place at the center of the page. And also applied two buttons on the same page.
Shrinidhi and Mayur were responsible for developing the Landing Page along with html CSS js. Implement
compelling buttons with clear call-to-action text to encourage user interaction.
We prioritized responsive design to ensure compatibility across various devices. We optimized the
homepage for speed and performance to enhance user experience further. Finally, conduct thorough testing
and gather feedback to iterate and refine the design as needed.

36 | P a g e
5. Uploading YouTube Video for Website Demo:
It may be possible that all the individuals using the applications are not having the same technical
knowledge to use the application. To provide ease to individuals we have also provided the option of watch
video which will directly redirect to a YouTube video which is posted on our own channel so there is no
any issue of Copyright. We used <href> tag for this. The confusion we were facing in this was where the
button should be placed and we took suggestion from subject guide and he told us to add the button just
side to the create resume button.
Gaurav took the responsibility of creating the video and hosting on YouTube channel. And Shrinidhi wrote
the html code so that it can redirect directly.

6. Creating Template Page with HTML and CSS:

Then we next started working on creating a template page for a resume generator project involved
structuring the layout using HTML and styling it with CSS we distributed the work evenly Shrinidhi and
Mayur were responsible for aligning main content area into sections for personal information, education,
experience, skills, etc., using semantic HTML elements like <header>, <nav>, <section>, and <footer>.
Begin by designing the header section to include the project's name and navigation links. Gaurav was
responsible for applying and utilizing CSS to style the page elements, choosing appropriate fonts, colors,
and spacing to ensure readability and visual appeal. And then we implemented responsive design
techniques to make the template mobile-friendly and adaptable to different screen sizes. Finally, we tested
the template across various browsers and devices to ensure compatibility and usability. By following this
approach helped us to create a structured and visually appealing template page for the resume generator
project. We also created more templated and arranged one next to another with different colors so that
whenever user clicks on any of the template the main info filling page will appear for that we used events
in JavaScript.

37 | P a g e
7. Creating Sections (e.g., About, Experience, Achievement, Education):
To keep the application distributed and to provide user friendliness we developed various sections for
a resume accordingly. Where Mayur was responsible for developing the about and experience section
for the project with proper alignment and padding and all other essential things. He also added the
concept of the image where the user will be able to browse ant image form the gallery or file manager.
And also applied appropriate validations
Shrinidhi was responsible for the developing the skills and project section for the project and with its
proper alignment.
Gaurav developed achievements and education section for the for the project.
When the codes for all the section were ready, they were applied appropriate CSS and JavaScript and
other customizable options for skills and experiences and projects and wherever required.

8. Dynamic formatting in template for filled information:

Now this was one of the most difficult tasks which was to be done as early as possible. For that we took
reference from YouTube videos and also help from ChatGPT. And even after some failures we didn’t
leave the hope and took helps from various expertise and managed to develop it. It means that whatever
the information is filled by user is appropriately arranged within the selected template without any
hassles to the user for the formatting.

9. Uploading Print Button and Logic for Printing:

Now this was another critical task and was the deciding task which will grab and impress users’
attentions towards the application. For that we took reference from YouTube videos and also help from
ChatGPT. And even after some failures we didn’t leave the hope and took helps from various expertise
and managed to develop it. It means that whatever the information is filled by user is appropriately
arranged within the selected template without any hassles to the user for the formatting and now the
resume is filled with complete information and now the user wants to print the resume. For this we have
provided a button of print CV when it is clicked using events it is saved in users file manager with name
given by the user.

38 | P a g e
10. Successful website creation:
Once the website/ application is fully ready there are some important and necessary tasks that needs to
be followed to check whether the application is working appropriately.
Test Locally using Live Server:
Use tools like Visual Studio Code's Live Server extension or similar tools to run your website locally
during development.
Test the website across different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility and responsiveness.
Verify that all elements, including buttons, forms, and navigation, function correctly.

Ensure All Sections, Templates, and Functionalities Work as Intended:

Verify that all sections of the resume generator, such as personal information, education, experience,
skills, etc., are implemented and functional.
Ensure that users can input their data smoothly and that the generator accurately formats it into a
professional resume template.
Test various scenarios, such as different input formats and lengths, to validate the robustness of the
Deploy on a Hosting Platform for Public Access:
Choose a reliable hosting platform for deploying your website. Options include platforms like GitHub
Pages, Netlify, or hosting providers like AWS or Heroku.
Set up domain configuration if necessary and ensure SSL certificate installation for secure browsing.
Deploy your website and verify that it is accessible to the public.
Monitor the performance and uptime of your website and address any issues promptly.

39 | P a g e

Name of
Sr. Planned Planned Responsible
Details of Activity
No Start Date Finish Date Team

1. Installation of IDE 01/01/2024 01/01/2024


Downloading Extensions
2. 01/01/2024 01/01/2024
in VS Code Gaurav

We began working on Creating

Homepage with Attractive
3. 03/01/2024 07/01/2024 Shrinidhi,
Buttons and Images for resume
generator project.

Uploading YouTube Video for

4. 07/01/2024 08/01/2024
Website Demo. Shrinidhi

Creating Template Page with
5. 09/01/2024 14/01/2024 Mayur,
Creating Sections (e.g., About, Shrinidhi,
6. Experience, Achievement, 15/01/2024 22/01/2024 Mayur,
Education) Gaurav
Dynamic formatting in template
7. 24/01/2024 03/02/2024 Mayur,
for filled information.
Uploading Print Button and
8. 05/02/2024 13/02/2024 Mayur,
Logic for Printing.

9. Dynamic Color Changing 15/02/2024 19/02/2024 Mayur,


40 | P a g e
Validation for email and mobile
10. 20/02/2024 24/02/2024 Mayur,
number and string.
11. Successful website creation. 26/02/2024 26/02/2024 Mayur,

12. GUI Testing 27/02/2024 29/02/2024 Mayur

13. Usability Testing 01/03/2024 03/03/2024 Gaurav


14. Regression Testing 04/03/2024 07/03/2024 Mayur,


15. Performance testing 08/03/2024 10/03/2024 Mayur,


16. Compatibility Testing 10/03/2024 12/03/2024 Mayur,


17. Deployment 12/03/2024 12/03/2024 Mayur,


18. Submission 15/03/2024 25/03/2024 Mayur,


41 | P a g e

6.1. DFD (Data flow diagram)

6.2. Use case Diagram

42 | P a g e
7. Testing

The system testing is done on fully integrated system to check whether the requirements are
matching or not. The system testing for Jeera desktop assistant focuses on the following four

7.1. GUI Testing

Input Validation:
Test each input field to ensure it accepts valid data and rejects invalid data.
Verify that appropriate error messages are displayed for invalid inputs (e.g., invalid email format,
required fields left blank).
Test boundary cases (e.g., maximum and minimum character limits for text fields).

Dynamic Color Selection:

Verify that users can select different color templates from the available options.
Ensure that selected color are applied correctly to the generated resume.

Section Creation and Editing:

Test the ability to add, remove, and rearrange sections (e.g., work experience, education, skills) in the
Verify that users can edit the content of each section (e.g., add job details, update education information).

Preview Functionality:
Test the preview feature to ensure users can preview their resume before finalizing it.
Verify that the preview accurately reflects the layout and formatting of the final resume.
Export and Download:
Test the functionality to export the resume in various formats (e.g., PDF, Word, plain text).
Verify that the exported resume matches the preview and contains all the necessary information.

43 | P a g e
7.2. Compatibility Testing:

Test the GUI on different operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux) if applicable.
Verify compatibility with different web browsers (if the GUI is web-based).
Test on various screen resolutions and devices to ensure responsiveness.

7.3. Performance Testing:

Test the GUI's performance with a large dataset (e.g., generating a resume with a long work history).
Measure the time it takes for different operations to complete.
Monitor memory usage and ensure the application does not consume excessive resources.

7.4. Usability testing:

Usability testing for a resume generator project involves evaluating the interface's ease of use
and intuitiveness to ensure users can create resumes efficiently. Testers would assess how
easily users can navigate through the application, input their information, select templates,
and generate resumes. They would also analyze the clarity of instructions, the organization of
options, and the overall layout's coherence. Additionally, testers would examine the
responsiveness of the interface to user interactions and the consistency of design elements
across different screens. Usability testing may involve real users or stakeholders, who would
provide feedback on their experience with the application, including any pain points or areas
for improvement. By conducting usability testing, the project team can identify and address
usability issues, enhance user satisfaction, and ultimately improve the overall user experience
of the resume generator

44 | P a g e
7.5. Regression testing:

Regression testing in a resume generator project is a critical phase ensuring that recent modifications or
enhancements haven't adversely impacted previously established functionalities. This process involves
retesting existing features to maintain the application's stability and reliability. Initially, a comprehensive
set of test cases covering various aspects of the resume generation process is identified.
These encompass template selection, input validation, content generation, previewing, exporting, and
saving/loading resumes. Once the baseline is established through initial testing, developers implement
changes or fixes. Subsequently, the same set of test cases is rerun to verify that the application behaves
as expected after the modifications.
Particular attention is paid to ensuring that any bugs fixed in the new version remain resolved and that
no new issues arise. Automation of regression test cases is often employed to streamline the testing
process and ensure thorough coverage. Additionally, edge cases and boundary conditions are tested to
ensure the application's robustness.
By meticulously executing regression testing, the project team upholds the quality and performance of
the resume generator, delivering a seamless user experience while incorporating new features and

45 | P a g e

In conclusion, the development of a resume generator project represents a significant endeavor aimed at
empowering individuals in crafting compelling and professional resumes. Throughout the project lifecycle, a
comprehensive range of technical skills, innovative technologies, and user-centric design principles were
employed to create a robust and user-friendly platform.

The resume generator project offers a solution to the common challenges faced by job seekers in presenting
their skills, experiences, and achievements effectively. By leveraging advanced natural language processing
algorithms, machine learning techniques, and user behavior analytics, the platform delivers personalized
resume templates tailored to individual preferences and career objectives. Additionally, integration with cloud
services ensures scalability, reliability, and efficient management of user data and processing demands.

The user interface, designed with a focus on accessibility, intuitiveness, and aesthetics, enhances the overall
user experience. Utilizing responsive web design principles, the platform ensures seamless access across
various devices and screen sizes, empowering users to create and edit resumes anytime, anywhere. Moreover,
adherence to accessibility standards ensures inclusivity, enabling individuals with disabilities to leverage the
platform with ease.

Continuous integration and deployment pipelines streamline the development process, facilitating rapid
iterations, bug fixes, and feature enhancements. With a commitment to delivering timely updates and
improvements, the project remains agile and responsive to evolving user needs and technological

In conclusion, the resume generator project serves as a valuable tool for individuals embarking on their
professional journeys, equipping them with the means to showcase their talents and accomplishments
effectively. By harnessing the power of technology and innovation, the platform empowers users to stand out
in a competitive job market, seize opportunities, and pursue their career aspirations with confidence. As the
project continues to evolve and grow, it remains dedicated to its mission of facilitating success and
advancement for individuals worldwide.

46 | P a g e
9. Future Scope of project

The future scope of a resume generator project is expansive, as it can evolve to incorporate emerging
technologies, address evolving user needs, and adapt to changes in the job market. Here are several
potential areas of future development and expansion:

AI-Powered Personalization:
Further integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms to provide even
more personalized resume suggestions and recommendations based on individual career goals, industry
trends, and job market dynamics.

Blockchain Verification:
Implementing blockchain technology for secure verification of resume credentials, ensuring authenticity
and integrity while mitigating concerns related to resume fraud and misrepresentation.

Enhanced Collaboration Features:

Introducing collaborative editing features that enable multiple users, such as career coaches, mentors, or
recruiters, to provide feedback and suggestions on resumes in real-time, fostering a more collaborative
and interactive resume creation process.

Skill Development Recommendations:

Offering personalized skill development recommendations based on gaps identified in resumes compared
to industry standards or job requirements, providing users with targeted learning resources to enhance
their qualifications.

Integration with Job Portals and ATS:

Integrating the resume generator with popular job portals and applicant tracking systems (ATS) to
facilitate seamless submission of resumes directly from the platform, streamlining the job application
process for users.

47 | P a g e
Multimedia Resume Formats:
Introducing support for multimedia resume formats, such as video resumes, interactive portfolios, or
dynamic presentations, to provide users with more creative and engaging ways to showcase their skills
and experiences

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Enhancements:

Exploring AR/VR technologies to create immersive resume experiences, allowing users to virtually
interact with their resumes, simulate job interviews, or participate in virtual career fairs.

Globalization and Localization:

Expanding language support and localization features to cater to a diverse global audience, enabling users
to create resumes in multiple languages and formats tailored to specific regional preferences and cultural

Data Analytics and Insights:

Providing users with actionable insights and analytics based on resume performance metrics, such as
views, downloads, and application success rates, to help them refine and optimize their resumes for better

Continuous Improvement and Feedback Mechanisms:

Implementing feedback mechanisms and user surveys to gather insights and suggestions for ongoing
improvements and feature enhancements, ensuring that the resume generator remains responsive to user
needs and preferences

48 | P a g e

• fin_irjmets1651835517[1].pdf
• fin_ijprems1657463507[1].pdf
• C:/Users/HP/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/IE/HKVNWXKB/W
• 8908-Article_Text-15794-1-10-20210711[1].pdf
• (PDF) Resume Builder Application (
• IRJET-V4I4373[1].pdf






49 | P a g e
11. Output

This is the landing page of the project.

50 | P a g e
When clicked on CREATE MY RESUME button.

When any of the template is clicked/selected.

51 | P a g e
52 | P a g e
This is the dynamically color changed template:

Initially selected template was of green color using the given color button it is changed and selecting any color is

53 | P a g e
This is the final resume after filling the appropriate information.

54 | P a g e

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