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Position Paper

Delegate: Mehmood Qureshi

Committee: PNA
Agenda: Political Instability in Pakistan and Elections 2023
Undoubtedly, political instability has caused a great havoc around the globe. It jolts a state socially,
politically, and most importantly economically. Similarly Pakistan has faced several issues because
of this. Where it hampered the state’s political environment, it has stricken its economy.
Moreover, it has also emerged as a terrible weapon to kill the concept of national integrity.
There are several factors that are pushing Pakistan towards political instability:

 Rare moments of political consensus

 Parliament has been seen as a means to maintain the government in power rather
than an instrument of governance a forum to initiate and debate laws and policies.
 Civil military Fissures.
 Provincialism rather than nationalism.
 Lack of Political Maturity and experience.

These are just few reasons for the current situation in Pakistan. And instead of thinking to solve
such issue we are still busy in benefitting ourselves. As we know an election year is going on and
general elections are going to be held this year. Now it is important for all the institutes in Pakistan
to stay in their constitutional boundaries and must not indulge in certain activities that might lead
to bigger problems for Pakistan in future. A transparent election system must be ensured so that a
truly elected party could get a chance to serve the country. Additionally, unity and national integrity
concepts should be built among the public so that the political leaders don’t further exploit the
nation for their political interests. Moreover the enforcement of constitutional law in a true spirit
and adequate working government can turn the tide and put the country on right track.

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