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Competency Centered Ecologically Oriented Relationship Based

Developmentally Focused Trauma Informed Family Involved

Strathearn Staff Meeting Agenda Week #3

Health and Safety/CARF/Policy Review

Date: March 5, 2024

Chair: Dana

Meeting Notes: Meagan

Review of Agenda

Ongoing Role Rotation:

Check in’s

o CARE MOMENTS- Connect to Care Principles

o Warm Fuzzies (personal or professional)

New Business/Old Business

o When a child hits you and leaves marks or bruises please take a picture and send it in an email to
o Cat Nemo came to visit on Saturday and it went really well but Nemo was a bit overwhelmed so we will
keep it to smaller groups. Please plan Mickeys Lisa visit around the next cat visit so he can be a part of it.
o Tatym’s harness-We don’t have to buckle all four points, just the bottom two to help him feel less
o April 4th at 3:30pm an advocate will be here to speak to the kids.
o April 16th-post meeting, all CIPs come for a meeting to see us and have an opportunity to answer
questions, talk about dynamics, etc.
o Mickey can go to Overclocked gaming with his one to one every few weeks. This can be helpful if a visit is
canceled. He should save his allowance for allowance and we can do it as an activity every once in a while.
o Cayden and Greyson NEED to be in pullups EVERY night. Please make sure to be adding the bed bug cover
on to help keep the foamies clean.
o We will have a little St. Patrick’s party. 
o We need to be using more relaxation/sensory activities to do before dinner because they need a better
transition. We also must have a bunch of ideas of things for them to do for our shift as all the kids have a
short attention span. Come in for shift and have a plan ahead of time.
o Please look at your shifts for the week and send Meagan a list of the activities you want to do with the
kids throughout the week. If you can have it sent to Meagan on Sunday, she will get them posted on the
o If we get a crisis call from Tatym’s Grandma on Sunday nights about how we need to pick him up we can
call CSD on call to support, Grandma needs to learn how to problem solve as they are getting him back.
We cant drop everything in the moment but we can do stuff after the kids are asleep.
o Dana is working on the schedule to make the weekends better.
o On brother nights two will be with the boys, one staff downstairs and then one floater.


o What happened? Triggers? Antecedent?

o What we are doing that works? Things were followed through, we worked well as a team, closed arousal
relaxation cycle, calm and collected, group process, self regulation with a shower after, our schedule, we
spoke about watching videos about bullying if they are violent, follow through
o Did we respond appropriately? We could have got the boys to follow through on routines together, go
back to the table for dinner together so he didn’t feel like Cayden was ahead of things, prep ahead for
dinner, have a plate of meatballs or peanut butter sandwiches and two sets of veggies. Greyson is not
ready to try new foods at dinner. We will go back to new food Thursdays and will always have meatballs
o What do we need to do more of?
o Factors to be considered
o Update needed for safety plan?

Case Planning

o Updates from Key Workers- SNAP (add to Case Consults) and case management todo’s.
o Even weeks
o Odd weeks – Greyson and Cayden have two half sisters that we are hoping to set up visits with.
Skylar has a bad relationship with their dad, and he doesn’t want contact with Skylar.
Lynden will be transitioning to Gammie’s soon; they just have to work out logistics’.
Tatym will be transitioning to Grandmas but Grandmas
o CMS Todos
o Update from family circle Next meeting:

Activity Programming/Brain Boosters for the week

Break @ 1:25pm – 1:35pm

o Review standards

Health and Safety

o Drills (fire monthly, annuals in October)-up to date

o Med Manual/Med Admin/Signing Meds-Dana is working on it
o Update from OHS meeting-No longer needed
o Monthly Checklist-Mikayla put it on the board.
o House cleaning/Delegated Tasks
o Repairs-Done.

Policy Review

o Pick any relevant policy to review



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