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As of my last update in January 2022, there isn't a single "Constitution of Europe" in the same way there

is a Constitution of the United States. Europe is made up of multiple sovereign nations, each with its own
constitution. However, there have been attempts to create a constitution for the European Union (EU).

The closest document to a constitution for the EU is the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Treaty
on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), often referred to as the Lisbon Treaty. These treaties
outline the legal framework and principles upon which the EU operates. They establish the EU's
institutions, their powers, and the division of competences between the EU and its member states.

While the Lisbon Treaty is a foundational document for the EU, it does not function exactly like a national
constitution. It's a treaty agreed upon by member states and subject to ratification by their respective
national parliaments or through referendums.

Efforts to create a more comprehensive and unified constitution for the EU have been discussed over the
years, but they have not been successful due to various political, cultural, and legal challenges among
the member states. The idea of a European Constitution remains a topic of debate and speculation, but
as of my last update, there isn't one in place.

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