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Researchers: Daryl M. Lambon, and Jemuel O.


List of titles:
1. A Feasibility Study on Selling Sticky Ant, Flies, and Cockroach Bait in Lucena City.
2. A Feasibility Study on Coco Shell Accessories in Quezon Province
3. A feasibility Study on producing and selling coconut lime truffles in Lucena City.
4. A Feasibility Study on manufacturing crispy spinach chips in Lucena City.
5. A Feasibility Study on the Establishment of Flavored Leche Flan “Fabulous Cheesecake”
in Lucena City.
A Feasibility Study on Selling Sticky Ant, Flies, and Cockroach Bait in Lucena City.

Strengths: Weaknesses:

 Unique Product Offering: Sticky ants,  Limited Market: While there may be
flies, and cockroach bait may have less demand, the market for sticky ant, flies,
competition in the market, providing an and cockroach bait might be limited
opportunity to establish a niche. compared to broader pest control
 High Demand: Lucena City likely has a solutions.
demand for pest control products due to  Seasonal Variations: Demand for pest
its tropical climate, which fosters insect control products may fluctuate
infestations. seasonally, impacting sales and revenue
 Effective Solution: Sticky baits are often streams.
considered an effective method for  Environmental Concerns: Some
controlling pests, potentially attracting consumers may have reservations about
customers seeking reliable solutions. using chemical-based baits due to
 Localized Marketing: Being in Lucena environmental and health concerns,
City allows for targeted marketing leading to potential resistance or slower
strategies tailored to the specific needs adoption.
and preferences of the local population.  Competition: While there may be less
competition initially, existing pest control
companies or alternative methods could
pose a challenge.
Opportunities: Threats:
 Expansion of Product Line: There's an  Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to
opportunity to expand the product line to regulatory standards and obtaining
include complementary items such as necessary permits for selling pest control
traps, repellents, or organic alternatives products may pose challenges and incur
to attract a wider customer base. additional costs.
 Online Sales: Establishing an online  Economic Conditions: Economic
presence can expand reach beyond downturns or fluctuations in consumer
Lucena City, tapping into neighboring spending could impact discretionary
areas and potentially nationwide markets. purchases like pest control products.
 Partnerships: Collaborating with local  Competitive Pricing: Price competition
businesses, such as hardware stores or from larger retailers or online
gardening centers, could increase marketplaces may pressure margins and
visibility and distribution channels. profitability.

A Feasibility Study on Coco Shell Accessories in Lucena City

Strengths: Weaknesses:
 Abundant Raw Material: Lucena City,  Limited Product Range: Depending
being located in a tropical region, solely on coco shells for accessories
likely has access to a steady supply of may limit the product range,
coconut shells, which can serve as the potentially leading to issues with
primary material for the accessories. variety and consumer appeal.
 Sustainable and Eco-friendly: Coco  Fragility: Coco shell accessories might
shell accessories align with the be more delicate compared to products
growing demand for sustainable and made from other materials, which
eco-friendly products, appealing to could affect durability and longevity.
environmentally conscious consumers.  Market Awareness: There may be
 Unique Aesthetic Appeal: Coco shell limited awareness or understanding of
accessories offer a unique and natural coco shell accessories among
aesthetic appeal, which can attract consumers, requiring investment in
customers looking for distinctive marketing and education efforts.
fashion or décor items.

Opportunities: Threats:
 Diversification: Expanding the  Competition: There may be
product line to include complementary competition from other eco-friendly
materials or designs could attract a and sustainable accessory brands, both
broader customer base and increase locally and internationally, which
sales opportunities. could pose challenges in market
 Export Potential: Coco shell penetration.
accessories may have export potential,  Changing Trends: Consumer
especially to markets where eco- preferences and fashion trends may
friendly and sustainable products are shift, affecting the demand for coco
in demand. shell accessories and necessitating
 Tourism Market: Lucena City's status adaptability in product offerings.
as a tourist destination can create  Price Sensitivity: Consumers may be
opportunities for selling coco shell price-sensitive, especially if coco shell
accessories as souvenirs or gifts. accessories are perceived as luxury
items rather than everyday essentials.

A Feasibility Study on Producing and Selling Coconut Lime Truffles in Lucena City
Strengths: Weaknesses:
 Abundant Raw Materials: Lucena City  Seasonal Availability: Availability of
is likely surrounded by coconut fresh limes and coconuts may
plantations, providing easy access to fluctuate seasonally, potentially
fresh coconuts for making coconut impacting production consistency and
lime truffles. supply chain management.
 Unique Flavor Profile: Coconut lime  Shelf Life: Coconut lime truffles may
truffles offer a unique and refreshing have a limited shelf life due to the use
flavor combination that may appeal to of fresh ingredients, requiring careful
consumers seeking exotic or tropical inventory management and potentially
treats. leading to waste.
 Health Consciousness: With growing  Market Acceptance: Consumer
health consciousness, coconut-based acceptance of coconut lime truffles
products are increasingly popular due may vary, especially if the flavor
to their perceived health benefits, combination is not familiar or widely
potentially attracting health-conscious appreciated in the local market.
consumers.  Competition: There may be
 Tourism Market: Lucena City's status competition from other confectionery
as a tourist destination can create brands or traditional desserts in
opportunities to sell coconut lime Lucena City, requiring differentiation
truffles as souvenirs or gifts, and effective marketing strategies.
especially to visitors looking for local

Opportunities: Threats:
 Product Innovation: Offering  Price Sensitivity: Consumers may be
variations of coconut lime truffles, price-sensitive, especially if coconut
such as sugar-free or vegan options, lime truffles are perceived as premium
can appeal to a wider range of or luxury products.
consumers and capitalize on emerging  Changing Preferences: Shifts in
trends. consumer preferences or dietary trends
 Online Sales: Establishing an online could impact demand for coconut lime
presence can expand reach beyond truffles, necessitating adaptability in
Lucena City, tapping into neighboring product offerings.
areas and potentially nationwide or  Supply Chain Risks: Dependence on a
even international markets. single source for key ingredients or
 Collaboration with Local Businesses: disruptions in the supply chain could
Partnering with local cafes, impact production and lead to
restaurants, or gift shops can provide inventory shortage.
additional distribution channels and
increase brand visibility.

A Feasibility Study on manufacturing crispy spinach chips in Lucena City.

Strengths: Weaknesses:
 Health Consciousness: Spinach chips cater to  Seasonal Availability: Spinach may have
health-conscious consumers looking for seasonal availability, which could impact
nutritious snack alternatives, as spinach is production consistency and supply chain
rich in vitamins and minerals. management.
 Unique Product Offering: Crispy spinach  Perishability: Fresh spinach has a limited
chips offer a unique twist on traditional potato shelf life, requiring careful inventory
chips, potentially appealing to consumers management and potentially leading to
seeking innovative and healthier snack waste if not sold promptly.
options.  Market Acceptance: Consumer acceptance
 Local Availability: Lucena City's agricultural of spinach chips may vary, especially if the
resources may provide access to fresh concept is not familiar or widely
spinach, reducing production costs and appreciated in the local market.
ensuring product freshness.  Competition: The snack market is
 Potential for Diversification: Spinach chips competitive, with numerous established
can be produced in various flavors and brands offering a wide range of options,
seasoning combinations, allowing for product posing a challenge for a new entrant like
diversification to cater to different consumer crispy spinach chips.

Opportunities: Threats:
 Health and Wellness Trend: Riding the wave  Price Sensitivity: Consumers may be price-
of the health and wellness trend, crispy sensitive, especially if crispy spinach chips
spinach chips can capitalize on increasing are perceived as premium or expensive
consumer demand for nutritious and natural compared to traditional snacks.
snacks.  Changing Preferences: Shifts in consumer
 Retail Partnerships: Partnering with local preferences or dietary trends could impact
supermarkets, health food stores, or specialty demand for spinach chips, necessitating
retailers can provide additional distribution adaptability in product offerings.
channels and increase brand visibility.  Supply Chain Risks: Dependence on a
 Online Sales: Establishing an online presence single source for key ingredients or
can expand reach beyond Lucena City, disruptions in the supply chain could
tapping into neighboring areas and potentially impact production and lead to inventory
nationwide markets. shortages.
 Product Innovation: Continuous innovation in  Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to
flavors, packaging, and marketing strategies food safety regulations and obtaining
can help differentiate the product and attract a necessary permits for food manufacturing
broader consumer base. and sales may pose challenges and incur
additional costs.

A Feasibility Study on the Establishment of Flavored Leche Flan “Fabulous Cheesecake”

in Lucena City.
Strengths: Weaknesses:
 Unique Product Offering: "Fabulous  Limited Market Awareness: Introducing a
Cheesecake" flavored leche flan offers a new flavor variant may require investment
unique twist on the traditional dessert, in marketing and promotional efforts to
potentially attracting customers looking for educate consumers and generate awareness
innovative and indulgent treats. about "Fabulous Cheesecake" leche flan.
 Established Market for Leche Flan: Lucena  Competition: The dessert market in Lucena
City likely has a strong market for City may be competitive, with established
traditional leche flan, providing a foundation brands and traditional desserts vying for
for introducing a flavored variation. consumer attention, posing a challenge for
 Local Ingredients: Lucena City may have a new entrant.
access to fresh and quality ingredients for  Seasonal Demand: Demand for flavored
making leche flan, contributing to product leche flan may fluctuate seasonally,
freshness and quality. impacting sales and revenue streams.
 Tourism Market: Lucena City's status as a  Perishability: Leche flan has a limited
tourist destination can create opportunities shelf life, requiring careful inventory
to sell "Fabulous Cheesecake" flavored management and potentially leading to
leche flan as a specialty dessert or souvenir. waste if not sold promptly.

Opportunities: Threats:
 Product Innovation: Continuous innovation  Price Sensitivity: Consumers may be price-
in flavors and product variations can help sensitive, especially if "Fabulous
differentiate "Fabulous Cheesecake" leche Cheesecake" leche flan is perceived as
flan and attract a broader customer base. premium or expensive compared to
 Retail Partnerships: Partnering with local traditional desserts.
cafes, restaurants, or dessert shops can  Changing Preferences: Shifts in consumer
provide additional distribution channels and preferences or dietary trends could impact
increase brand visibility. demand for flavored leche flan,
 Online Sales: Establishing an online necessitating adaptability in product
presence can expand reach beyond Lucena offerings.
City, tapping into neighboring areas and  Supply Chain Risks: Dependence on a
potentially nationwide markets. single source for key ingredients or
 Collaborations: Collaborating with local disruptions in the supply chain could
events or festivals can provide opportunities impact production and lead to inventory
to showcase and promote "Fabulous shortages.
Cheesecake" leche flan to a wider audience.  Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to
food safety regulations and obtaining
necessary permits for food production and
sales may pose challenges and incur
additional costs.

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