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w and Rights & Duties

Rule of La
4. One Country Two Systems -
Explanation .
Ktypoin t •10 order to attain a fair
that ordinary citizens possess
Social rights Social rights are rights
eA.Vl ~"' vA of /j VI n •
/.(n2ltw. wtlhnf1, protettion, hod rtlovtvttS
Article 33 of the Basic Law • V\
• Hong Kong residents shall have freedom of choice of OCC U. fp. t IO
MlLtilY1cir, e--JportJ pl~1liVJ' 101'1-t~~evs
t - V

Article 36 of the Basic Law

• Hong Kong residents shall have the right to ~J~o0~'~!AJil___ __
,/ tt1lt1'1tA~-- we[{tiY& in accordance with law. The welfare benefi,ts ~d
ce,(f~il1 retirement security of the labour force shall be protected by law. ..ff.fl
J-l;~V1~ vA • This right includes the diverse right to enjoy the Comprehensive Social Security
f {ivi~ Assistance ( CJJ A ) Scheme, edvtcottivi,, '
he~l{hcare andother Jovi~I servitef___ ___•
It helps establish a s~ittti~A Ie social security net to take care of the
needs of people in different Jo lift{ I stv~tvt

Article 145 of the Basic Law

• On the basis of the previous social welfare system, the Government of the
HK.SAR shall, on its own, fonnulate policies on the developm ent and

improvement of this system in the light of the _.....;::e'"""'v-0_"1..;_Dn-1_;__1.._v_ _ _ conditions

and. \f O(;1 ().. I needs.
/ \

\ ~J •
t "1MH"1li11 Nl10 Article 146 of the Basic Law
Vo I"1 111 blil Y Jorganizations providing social services in the HKSAR
P may, on their own, decide their fonns of service, provided that the law is not
PP\ contravened.

Article 147 of the Basic Law

• The freedom of rv] Pl YVI of Hong Kong residents and their right
to raise a fAWltl freely shall be protected by law.

CC~WltVlitlll JtltD~:
10 V:.
_po/iue1 _ hew ; e~u , ; vi uvvfii oYI
- cvlr~I ( i,,,o~ej)
- t\ 11~~-ti~~ re10"1rveJ

/4 o..viii _ _ _ _ _ _ _:::,4,~One Country lwo Systems Ruic of Law o.nd Rights & Duties
Key point E.xplanation
Importance Therighttosocinlwelfnre (CHA: pM'h10\~tr1i I/' VltJ~-y,wM~vtent Y~l~ iMt)
of social ovtn1mehi ht\ t~e
Jov1u ~€J uv,Jibit to v1~rli~tee
rights ~J l_ v! fo.,r !ttlJ1g~ rd uf (iv1t13 prov,~i~fl. e,r~ b~1!tt
ne£i!f1tf e1 Jo t~11t the or '1 t i ~lilt ,i, __....-,-
11·h1At1~t1-J1lh on1.

&l\1e{ Cb\Ye d~e tu thttvfjviPt~rd~I

lf J ~.
~ted Yi t~~e,» CAY O thwe w,I be t1J ovi~l iflontl¼t flYlti ore/\
The right to basic health care (PVr'~'iVJe11t J. vi·u~-- pUr'M &in~t Yi4 1 fft1U{
No o~e l! ~~,ed ~euii medic~, tregtMtnP JV1J~ bttvt~1, he/1ne

L( fOOY'.

The right to basic education l Pt4'YY1~niht & ~vV1-pt,rtYJP1.ntnt y2,JJpf t,,11tf)

o on ·J enieJ -tJ~ o ovt~ it o b d111c Hd.
dL-i •
SO l/1 I W1 0bf I AL 7. 1 OJ '

I -to ihprn i -t~tlr Jo[Aa[ C'ivtH b ~iv)t, more ,n~ A

The right to basic ousing ( Ptr~o,~tnt re{iv1t1it!)
Poev peoplt 'J ~o~sinV r1eed1 t1tre t~~t h cPire of.
The~ will not be left v,oMeleJ!.

D. Legal and judicial rights

Key point Explanation

Article 35 of Hong Kong residents shall have the right to
/e@1tl advice, access to the UJ'11YtS . choice
the Basic Law
of [/AW~ t Yf for timely protection of their lawful rights and 1
edi es.~
interests or for representation in the courts, and to judicial rem
s in the courts
Kong residents shall have the right to institute legal proceeding
against the acts of the executive authorities and their personnel.

R, the principles previously

Article 87 of In criminal or civil proceedings in the HK.SA
usly enjoyed by parties to
the Basic Law applied in Hong Kong and the rights previo
arrested shall have
proceedings shall be maintained. Anyone who is lawfully
the right to a AIYf trial by the judicial organs without
ef e(Pl~ and shall be presumed In OCeV1 n t until

convicted by the judicial organs. 1f~';t!!!; Jr

d Rights & Duties
Rule of LaW an
4 0 Country Two Systems -
• ne b k P I 30 to 131)

A. Duties and responsibilities

Key point
Introductiori Individuals can enjoy t j ht1 and te d OM fr
safeguarded by the laws in the society and at the same time haV~ (he
OI?/ i iAti OJl1 to abide by the laws in force in the soe1ety.
p11 · e{ are the codes of conduct that people are morally or legally

required to observe. Morally speaking, people have a duty to

_ (eJpUt the rights and freedoms ofothers and the overall social
interests. Without duties, it is difficult for individual yj tJ n and
JO v1 od Oy t Ar to be safeguarded.

Basic Law According to Article 42 of the Basic Law, Hong Kong residents and other persons in
Hong Kong shall have the o I v\ OV1 bl g tt to abide by the laws in force in the


HK's Moreover, the HK.SAR has the constitutional responsibility to safeguard national
constitutional JovtVf;i~ ni~ , seo,1n't~ and of evelD~Me nt
responsibility interests. We should respect the state VO VJJ tit viti Dlit , care about national
e,ve O~Vl1 ~t and safeguard national eC£,fr it~ J ' unity of
nationals PVe ye,,10 J.1{; J and t e Yyi tori vt.[
,~te~vit .

Examples Examples of duties / obligations / responsibilities in Hong Kong:

-To o~ej the lv1W - To reqirler tH tl. voter 6H1~ vote
- 7°pCA.~ t'61.t - To repovt wim e
- To reep pl1~llli pl6lleJ cle~vr - To Jlrve vfJ /A illfYOV 0

- To obe~ tvaffi i rv11e~

To ~eep pLt1hlil ovdtr
of stipulating Manifesting social stability
Manifesting "one country, two systems"
rights and
duties by law
Significance of stipulating rights and duties by law

r ~------ "'
Establishing a society that upholds the rule of law


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