Numerical Unit 4 4 ?

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(1) A man weighing 55kg supports a body of mass 50kg on his head. Calculate th~ work don~ by
moves a distance of 20m (i) on a horizontal road, (ii) upon a smooth inclined of 1 in 5. Take g-10m.
(2) A man weighing 60kgf supports §..P.2ilY . of mass 20kgf on his head. Calculate
the work done by him
o..» moves a distance of 15m up on al'M'Wned plane of 1 in 10. Take g=9.8ms· • 8nd th ~" allowed to
~.:s) A_body of mass 0.3 kg is taken up an inclined plane of length 10m and height Sm, 1 0 15 •
shde down to the bottom again. The coefficient of friction between the body and the plane ~ -
is th e (i) work done by the gravitational force over the round trip? (b) \,Vork done by the applied forceth8
th e upward journey? (c) Work done by the frictional force over the round trip? (d) Kinetic energy of f
body at the end of round trip?
es of their
(4 ) The masses of 4kg, 9kg are going with same kinetic ene;gies. Calculate the rstio of magnitPJd p
m~menta. i

{5) If momentum of a body is increased by 50%, then what will be the%> increase in 6n~rgy?
(6) lf mor.ientum cf a body ;s increased by : GO%, then what will be the % incraase in xir.etic en•::rgy?
(7) A weighing 1Cg ;s fired v;ith a velocity eif 8COm/s. After passing through ::? r:1i1d wall 1m
tr,ick, its
ve!odty decieases to 100:n/s. Find the c:i'.:ar:ga r-9sist2nce offe;ed by the mu:! waf! o.~d work dcna
(8) P. ~~rtic!~ is :;i:;ted t.:pon ccr.s!ar:t force l = ? -r 'J.} .k. & get di.:;placad from r = 22 - J + F: to -[J = 21
+3 j +
k. Find !he wcrk done.
(9) VVhile catching a ball of mass 200g mov:ng w:th a \Je!odty of 2Cm/s, the plo~/er draws his hand
through 20cm. Find the 'Nork done in catct?ing ~he ball'and th~ avarage i Crce ~xer:cd by the ball on

(1 O) A bullet weigh;:,g 1Og is fired with a velocity of 800m/s. After pass:ng through a mud wall 1:-:,
thick, its velocity decreases to· 1OOm/s. find the average resistance offered by the mud waif. ••
(11) A 16kg block moving on a frictionless horizontal surface with a velocity of 4mi3 compresses an
ideal spring and comes to rest. If t~e fcrce :;onstant of the spring be 1OOn/m,. t.,en how much is
spring compressed?
{12) An engine pumps up 100kg of water throt1gh a 100m height·in 5 sec. If the efficiency of the
engine is 60°/4, calculate the power of the engine ir. kilowatt.
(13) A pump can throw up 10 quintals of coai per hours from a deep coal mine 120m deep. Calculate
the power of the engine in watt assuming efficiency is 80%. .
( 14) A train weighing 1OOmitric ton is running ~>n a level track with a t:niform speed of 72K..Jh. lf the
frictionai resistance is 0:5 kg per metric ton, find the power of engine.= .
(15) a
A machine gun fires 60 bul!ets per minute with velocity of 700m/s. !f each bullet has a mass of
50g, find the power of gun. . •
(16) A car of mass 1000kg accelerate s unlformly from rest to a velocjty of 54km/h in 5sec. Calculate
(i) Its acceleration (ii) its gain in kinetic energy (iii) average power of the engine during this period.
(17) A body of mass 2_kg makes an ~lastic c~llisio_n _with another_ body at rest and continues to move
in the original direction with speed equa, to half ,ts ongmal speed. Ftnd the mass of second body.
( B) • A body of mass M at rest is struck by a moving body of 2mass m. Prove that the fraction of
kinetic energy of mass transferred to the struck body is 4Mm/(m+M} •
) ?'
What percentage of K.E. a movi~g bo~y is ~nsferr~ to sta~ona~ body, when it strikes 18
-- (
tationc;1ry body of mass (i) equal in mass (11) 19 times m mass (111) 100 times its mass.
A car and a bus have same K.E. Which have greater linear momentum?
(20) A car and a bus have same linear momentum. Which have greater kinetic energy?
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