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Reference Protection Handbook


CHAPTER 1 The Princides of Power-network


INTRODUCTION point in the circuit to which the voltage is related. Eab

therefore means the voltage of phase-a relative to
The use of calculator-boards for the evaluation of net- phase-b; E,, means the voltage of phase-a relative to
work currents and voltages is established practice, and neutral-n. It is essential, if confusion is to be avoided,
results in a great saving of time as compared with direct that the nomenclature decided upon shall be most
calculation. The manipulation of a calculator-board may rigorously applied. If this is done, interphase-voltage-
not demand great skill on the part of the operator, or vectors, which sometimes give trouble, become quite
require a full knowledge of the principles involved, but simple. There are six for the three phases, namely Eab
the interpretation of the results and a full realisation of and Eba, Ebc and Ecb, E,, and E,,; and these are shown in
the nature of the problem to be solved and its fig. 2.
implications do require a sound knowledge of the basic
principles of calculation. Apart from this, a
calculator-board is often not available, or the problem
may be simple enough for direct solution. Engineers
associated with the design and performance of
power-supply systems should so equip themselves as to
be able to predict current and voltage values under both
normal and abnormal conditions: a clear understanding
of the basic principles of fault-calculations is of para-
mount importance in this connection. Attention is
devoted here mainly to the principles of fault-
calculation, but it should be understood that many of the
principles, such as those of vector-algebra and network-
reduction, are equally applicable to load-studies.
Fault-calculations have come to be regarded as the
prerogative of experts, and as operations requiring
rather exceptional skill. Experience is without a doubt a
necessary adjunct to speed, but no great skill or
mathematical ability is necessary for the proper
understanding and solution of most problems. The
subject will be considered under the following four - 1-o

Vector-Algebra and Impedance-Notations.
Network-Reduction and the Calculation of
Balanced Faults.
Symmetrical-Component Methods.
The approach will be practical rather than theoretical,
and some elementary background knowledge will be

There can be no doubt about the value of vectors for the FIG. 1.
pictorial representation of alternating currents and
voltages, and every effort should be made to cultivate The polarity of all vector-quantities is positive, and
their use. Difficulties have arisen in the past due to (a) the positive direction is away from the source of supply,
lack of established nomenclature, and (b) inconsistency as shown in fig. 1(a). This applies to neutral-currents and
in the use of conventions. earth-currents as well as line-currents. On this basis the
Figs I(a) and l(b) show the nomenclature currents in a 3-phase 4-wire system, for example. are
recommended. First, there is a vector-label, E or 1 for
example, meaning simply voltage or current; second, a I,!,,+ Ihn + k,, = -&.

suffix, as for example in E, meaning the voltage of The current in a circuit, multiplied by the impedance of
phase-a; and third (for voltage-vectors especially), a the circuit. is the voltage driving the current through the
second suffix, as for example in Et!,,, indicating the other circuit. It is not the voltage-drop. which is -1Z. as shown

in fig. 3. Positive phase-sequence
are in phase with one another.
is a-b-c, negative
a-c-b. Vectors of zero phase-sequence

will be given to illustrate the



FIG. 3.

FIG. 2. Example 2.-Phase-to-phase fault.

In fig. 5(a) a generator is shown feeding a line with a
Example l.-Earth-fault in a resistance-earthed system, taking short circuit at F between phase-b and phase-c. The
capacitance-current into account. current Ibc is driven by the interphase-voltage Ebc, and
the current Icb is driven by the voltage Ecb. Since the
Fig. 4(a) shows a resistance-earthed generator feeding
impedance of the circuit is largely reactive, the currents
a system with star and delta capacitance, and with a fault
lag behind their respective driving-voltages by an angle
to earth as F in phase-a. The current in phase-a has three
0, as shown in fig. 5(b).
components; one through the circuit, phase-a, the fault,
The reactive and resistive voltage-drops in the
and the neutral-earthing resistor, another through
generator phase-b, namely -IbXa, lagging behind Ib by
phase-a, the fault, and capacitance Cb to phase-wire-b,
go”, and -IbRa, in phase-opposition to Ib, reduce the
and the third, through phase-a, the fault, and
phase-to-neutral voltage of this phase from Ebn to Vbn.
capacitance C, to phase-wire-c. The voltage driving the
Similarly, the reactive and resistive voltage-drops in
component I,, (i.e. the one through the neutral-earthing
phase-c reduce the phase-to-neutral voltage from Ebn to
resistor) is the phase-to-neutral voltage E,,, and the
V,,. The reactive and resistive voltage-drops in the line,
current is for all practical purposes in phase with the
-IbXI and -IbRI for phase-b, and -1,X, and -I,R, for
voltage, as shown in fig. 4(b). The voltages driving the
phase-c, reduce the interphase voltage at the fault to
other components are Eab, and E,, and since the
zero (neglecting fault-impedance). The voltages to
impedance of the circuits traversed by these components
neutral of phase-b and phase-c at the faults are identical,
is predominantly capacitative, they lead their respective
and equal to Vr,,, the arrow-head of Vrn lying at the
voltages by nearly 9O”, as shown by vectors I&, and I,,.
mid-point of the line joining Ebn and E,,. Although
The resultant current in phase-a I,, is the vector sum
phase-a does not carry any fault-current, the magnetic
I,” + Iab + 1ac> linkage between phases causes a voltage-drop and the
as shown in fig. 4(b). phase-to-neutral voltage becomes V,,.

Example 3.-Two-phase-to-earth fault in a solidly-earthed It should be noted that the phase-a driving-voltage
system. vector is horizontal in all the vector-diagrams. It is fairly
Fig. 6(a) shows a generator feeding a line with usual to draw it vertical; but the horizontal position is to
earth-fault at F in phase-b and phase-c. The be preferred, because it is commonly used in
fault-currents in phase-b and phase-c may each be symmetrical-component work. It simplifies calculation
considered as comprising two components, namely a by eliminating an operator-j term; that is to say. the
phase-to-phase component, as in a phase-to-phase fault voltage of phase-a is E,,, + j0. whereas if the vector is
(fig. 5), and a phase-to-earth component. In fig. 6(b). Ihc vertical the voltage of phase-a is 0 + jE,,,. It is therefore
and Ich are the phase-to-phase components, and I,,,, and well to accustom oneself to make the phase-a
I,,, the phase-to-earth components. voltage-vector horizontal.
The total currents in phase-b and phase-c are It will bear emphasis that vectors are of very great
therefore value in bringing electrical conditions into the mind’s
eye, and so in aiding the user to understand his problem
I,, =Ihc + I,,,, and
and the significance of calculated results.
I, = I,, + I,,,
and the total earth-current is
I, = Ih” + I,,.

The generator-voltage Et,” can be resolved into the

two components Elbc and E’hn at right angles to each
other as shown. Similarly, the voltage E,, can be
resolved into the two components E’,.. and E’,,. The two
component vectors Efbn and E’,, are coincident. The (4
voltage-components E’bc and E’cb are each equal to
one-half of the interphase-voltages Ebc and Ecbr and each Ecb (not to scale)
is completely absorbed by driving the corresponding
interphase-currents Ibc and Icb. These currents lag
behind their associated voltage by the angle 0. The
voltages Efbn and E’,, are absorbed by driving the
earth-currents I,,” and I,,, which in a solidly-earthed
system lag behind their voltages by approximately 70”.




All students are familiar with the elementary principles
of vector-algebra, such as the expression of an inductive
impedance in the form Z = R + jX, and the
rationalization of expressions as in the following
FIG. 4. example:

A little reflection will show that equation (3) can be called operator j. Any vector-quantity multiplied by j is
written down at once for any division of vector thereby rotated 90” anti-clockwise.
expressions, without the preliminary steps indicated If any vector, say a current vector, I I[ + is multiplied
above. de, we get I I ,jcm(a). The length of the vector
I vector
Pr 1s unchanged,
I but its inclination to the reference-line
Take now a numerical example, and suppose that it is is increased from (Yto (a + 0). Thus to multiply a vector
required to evaluate the following expression in terms of by 1 PzV means simply that its angle to the reference-line
R and X. is increased by 120”, i.e. the vector is turned through
z = ZlZ2/Z3Z4Z5, 120” counterclockwise; and multiplying by ld240” turns
the vector through 240”. The quantity Id’?” is called a
where Z1 = 2 + j3, 120”-operator, and is usually denoted by the small letter
22 = 4 - j2, a. Operator 1a24”0is then a*.
23 = 3 + j4,
In rectangular coordinates,
24 = 2 + j2,
a = 1,Ji2”‘= cosl2O” + jsin120”
Z5 = 2 - j4. = -0.5 + j0.866
Writing the expression in exponential form gives a2 = 1A24”0=~0~240” + jsin240”
= -0.5 - j0.866

Operators a and a2 are used in symmetrical

and 8 = 81 + E& - C%- E& - %. component work (as described later) as a simple means
of rotating vectors through 120” and 240” respectively.
Then lZ,l=V 2= + 32 = 3.60 :
e1 = tan-i 3/2 = 56
The resolution of parallel impedances
JZZJ = ti42 + (-2’ = 4.47 : If a circuit comprises impedances in parallel, the total
2 = tan-1 -214 = -27” impedance is obtained from

14 = d32 + $1 t;$y: 4/3= 53” 1

_= _1 + 1 + 1 + . .. .. .. .. .. ..
Z Zl ZZ 23

14 = q/22+ $:~,;;“1” &2= 45 Thus, for three impedances in parallel,

_-l- 2223 + 2321 + 2122

Iz5I= ~2”+(-4);j
5I fa;‘l;4,2= _63”
2223 + 2321 + 2122
I4 = 3.6 x 4.47 = 0.25, In working out an expression of this kind, each
5 x 2.82 x 4.47
impedance must be put in its vector from (R + JX) or
8 = 56 - 27 - 53 - 45 + 63 = -6”. IZ I ,je. A simple alternative procedure, which is
z = lzrl tie = 0.25&6’) specially advantageous for more than two circuits, is as
R = (Zl co@ = 0.25 cos (-6”) follows.
= 0.25 x 0.99 = 0.249. Let Z1 = RI + jX,, and
X = JzI sine = 0.25 sin (-6”) 22 = RZ + jX2.
= 0.25 x (-0.1) = -0.026.
Then L= $+ 1
Hence Z = 0.249 - jO.026. Z 22
= 1 +- 1
The time saved by this method is well exemplified in RI + jXr Rz + jX2
star/delta transformations, where the expressions
Z,ZZ/ZS, Z,ZS/Z,, and ZSZ,/ZZ require to be evaluated. Rationalise each term separately:
Here the calculations of (~11, ) ~21, (23), 81, &, and es 1 _ 1 x RI--jXI + ~ 1 x R*--jX2
for the first expression are equally applicable to the Z RI + jX1 RI-jXI Rz + jX2 R2-jXz
other two, whereas with rectangular coordinates there is
= RI-jX1 + RP-jX2
nothing common to the three calculations.
RP + Xl* Rz2 + X?
= RI R2 X1 + X2
+- -j
Vector-operator-a RP+X1’ Rz2+ X2’ Rl;+X? RzZ+ Xz2
Two methods of expressing a vector have been The first two terms, consisting of resistance divided by
mentioned, namely the rectangular-coordinate method, the sum of the squares of resistance and reactance, are
e. Z = R + jX, and the exponential method e.g. Z called the “conductance” of the circuit, and such terms
Z de. In each of these the quantity j = 6
=‘il and is are denoted by the small letter g. Similarly, quantities

like the last two terms, involving reactance divided by ohms to a voltage-base other than that to which they
the sum of the squares of resistance and reactance, are belong in practice. In this connection students are
called the “susceptance” of the circuit, and are denoted doubtless familiar with the concept of transformer
by the small letter b. The last expression may thus be equivalent impedance, referred to the primary or to the
written as: secondary winding. In the same way any impedance can
be transferred from one voltage-base to another. The
l/Z = gl + gz - j(bl + bz),
transferred impedance must of course have a value
and, generally, for any circuit involving a number of different from the natural impedance, in order that its
parallel impedances: effect in the circuit may be the same. The criterion so far
l/Z = gl + g2 + g3 + . . . . .-j(bl +bz +b3 + . . . ...) as these calculations are concerned is that the same
= G-jB, proportion of the driving-voltage shall be absorbed by
where G = gl + gz + g3 + . . . . . . . . . . . . the new value of the impedance. Expressed
and B = bl + bz + b3 + . . . . . . . . . . . .
LZJE1 = IzZz/E2,
Thus Z = 1 , which, when rationalized, where the suffix (1) indicates the initial or natural
G -jB
conditions, and suffix (2) the new-voltage-base
gives, conditions.
Z=G+jB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4) From the above identity,
G* + B2
22 = g x + x z1
The use of this equation for determining the
impedance of parallel circuits can be a great time-saver, =E2XEzXZ1
and reduces the problem to little more than simple E1 E1
arithmetic. Consider, for example, four parallel
(because the current must be inversely proportional to
impedances as follows:
the voltage)
_ E2 2 x Zl
j4, Taking
-(-) El
.. .. .. ... ... . .. .

by way of example:
. .. .

24 = 2 - j2.
Z, = Z,(E,/EJ2 and Z, = Z, (Ep/Es)*,
where Z>and ZP are the total equivalent impedances of a
g1= 2 =0.154 bl = ~ = 0.231 transformer referred to the secondary and primary sides
22 + 32 22 + 32 respectively, and E, and EP are the secondary and
-2 primary voltages. Suppose that it is required to transfer
g2= 4 =0.200 b2 = __ = - 0.100 the impedance of a 33-kV overhead line (say 8.6+ j 11.4
42 + 22 42 + 22
ohms) to a voltage-base of 6.6-kV.
g3= 3 =0.120 b3 = ___ = 0.160 Z’3-L” = 8.6 + ‘11.4
32 + 42 32 + 42
&h-k” =(8.6 + ill.4) (6.6/33)* =
g4= 2 =0.250 b4 = ____
-2 = - 0.250 0.344 + j0.456
2= + 22 22 + 22
G = gl+tgz+g3+g4 = 0.724 B = (bl+bZ+bs+ba = 0.041
The percent impedance of a circuit, or of a piece of
equipment, is the impedance-drop in the circuit, or in the
z= G+jB _ 0.724 + jO.041
equipment, when it is carrying a specified current,
G2 + B* (0.724)’ + (0.041)2 expressed as a percentage of the line-to-neutral voltage.
Thus, % impedance
o’72~.:2~.041 = 1.38 + jO.078
= Zl
x 100, . . . ..t................. (6)
line-to-neutral voltage
Impedance-Notations where Z is the ohmic impedance of the circuit or
There are three ways of expressing the impedances of equipment, and 1 is the specified current.
the various components of a network, namelv (1) in In practice, MVA is invariably used instead of current
ohms, (2) as a per-cent value, and (3) as a per-uiit value, in connection with per-cent impedance; this is
and in each case the expression may be in vector or in permissable because MVA is proportional to current for
scalar form. a given voltage. Further, when specifying the per-cent
impedance of, for example, a transformer or a
Ohm-notation generator, it is usual to give it for its rated current
The only matter to which attention need be drawn in (MVA). Thus a 15-MVA transformer may have its
connection with ohm-notation is that of relating the impedance given as 10 per-cent at 15 MVA or a

30-MVA generator may have an impedance of 20 approximate result is required, it is sufficient to treat the
per-cent at 30 MVA. impedances as scalar quantities, and so make the
When using percent impedances, it is frequently additions, subtractions, and so on purely arithmetical. If
necessary to transfer them from their natural MVA-base however, such a simplifying assumption is not
to some other MVA-base. Since the per-cent permissible, ohmic impedances must be expressed in
impedance-drop is directly proportional to current, and their R + jX or 1ZI l ’ form, and per-cent and per-unit
therefore to MVA, we have a very simple impedances in per-cent or per-unit resistance and
proportionality for such transfers, as follows: reactance drops, as given above in equations (8) and (9).
96 impedance at MVA (A) =
Relations between impedance-notations
% impedance at MVA (B) x MVA CA) It often happens that the impedances of network-
MVA (B) components are not all given on the same basis; for
example, cable and line impedances are usually given in
For example, if a generator has an impedance of 15 ohms, whereas transformer and machine impedances
per-cent at 50 MVA, its impedance at 100 MVA is are usually given in per-cent or per-unit values. The
96 impedance (100 MVA) = 15 x +f= 30% same basis must obviously be used for all the
components of the network, and so it becomes necessary
to transfer some impedances from the given basis to the
Per-unit-notation basis chosen for the calculations. We shall therefore
derive expressions for the relations between the three
The per-unit impedance of a circuit, or of a piece of notations, in order that such transfers from one basis to
equipment, is the impedance-drop in the circuit, or in the another may readily be made.
equipment, when it is carrying a specified current,
expressed as a decimal fraction of the line-to-neutral Let Z =impedance per phase of the circuit or of
voltage. the equipment, in ohms,
I =any given current per phase, in amperes,
Thus, P.U. impedance E =the rated line-to-line voltage, in kV, and
ZI M =3-phase MVA based on E and I
= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7)
line-to-neutral voltage (M = v/3EI/lOOO).
From equation (6),
Obviously the only difference between per-unit and
per-cent impedance is that the former is the % impedance = ZI x lOO= ~
1 OOOE 10E
one-hundredth part of the latter. The 15-MVA
transformer mentioned above has a per-cent impedance x4
of 10 per-cent and a per-unit impedance of 0.1. The rule _ 1OOOM and therefore,
for transferring a per-cent impedance from one MVA Now I
V?E ’ substituting for I
base to another, as given above, is clearly applicable also
to per-unit impedances. % impedance _ tiZ x 1OOOM
10E tiE
Vector-expression of per-cent
and per-unit impedances
= -,1 OOZM ..................................(10)
If the ohmic impedance Z is written in its vector-form E2
R + jX in the expressions given above for per-cent and % imp. x EZ
and Z = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11)
per-unit impedances, we have the concept of per-cent or
per-unit resistance and reactance.
Similarly, P.U. impedance = F, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12)
Thus, % impedance
= ZI and Z zz P.U. imp x EZ
x 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13)
line-to-neutral voltage M
= -EL x 100 + ji+ X 100 . ..(8)
Ean For example, a 20-MVA transformer with 10 per-cent
where Ean is the line-to-neutral voltage. impedance (at 20 MVA), and a rated voltage of 33kV,
has an ohmic impedance, from equation (1 l), of
Similarly, P.U. impedance=
Z33-kV = lo ’ 332 = 5.44 ohms.
-EL + jE+ . ... .. ... .. .. .. .... 100 x 20
When all the impedances in a network are known to A 20-MVA generator with a per-unit impedance of
have, or may be assumed to have, the same, or 0.125 (at 20 MVA), and a rated voltage of 11 kV has an
approximately the same, power-factor, or when only an ohmic impedance, from equation (13), of

Zll-kV = O.“‘z; 11* = 0.76 ohm NETWORK-REDUCTION AND THE
A 132-kV overhead line with an impedance of 12 An electrical power-network, from the point of view of
ohms has a percentage impedance on a basis of 100 fault-calculations, is merely an arrangement of series
MVA, from equation (lo), of and parallel impedances between the source of supply
100 x 12 x 100 = 6.9, and the fault. For the calculation of the total
% impedance = fault-current, the network is reduced to a single
equivalent impedance between the source and the fault.
and the P.U. impedance is 0.069. For a radial network, the process of reduction is simply
the addition of the various generator transformer, and
line impedances. An example of this is given in fig. 7(a)
and 7(b), the impedances in 7(b) being shown in ohms,
per-cent, and per unit values.
The value of the 3-phase fault-current is derived by
dividing the line-to-neutral voltage by the equivalent
impedance in ohms. If per-cent or P.U. impedances are
Base MVA x 100
tams 4T IIkVAND33kV COPPCR CONDUCTORS Total per-cent impedance
Base MVA
Total P.U. impedance
In all these calculations the assumption is made that
the impedance-values are identical for each phase, and
so only one phase need be calculated.

33tv Example of radial system

6.6 k’:
From fig. 7(b), the impedance of the equivalent circuit
is 0.774+j2.131 ohms at 6.6 kV.

Hence the fault-current

FAULT 6600/ti = 575 _ j1590
IF =
0.774 + j2.131
If only the numerical value of the current is required,

Z = V/R2 + X2 = d 0.774’+&173~hms and

zx; -
Oij68 0tjo.68 O+j0297 IF zz 66oo/d/3 = 1690 A.

The current in the 33-kV line is

OtjlOO oq I.0 TRANSFORMER 1 Ot jo-436
IF33 = 1690 X 6600=340 A.

j9+1105 0.79+j I.05 0.344tj0.456
IF11 = 1690 X p=
6600 1020 A.

Current in generator 1
Otjl60 otj 1.6 TRANSFORMER2 0tj0.698

11 = 22 X IFI
Zl + 22

0.545 x 1020 = 463 A.

99tj56 0~99+J0~56 CABLE 0.43+;0~244
= 0.655 + 0.545

li6tj409 l78++89 TOTAL F TOTAL 0774+j2.131 Z1
12 = X IF11

(b) z1 + 22
FIG. 7.

I? 0.655 x 1020 = 557 A. (z( % = v 1782 + 4892= 519%
0.655 + 0.545 The 3-phase fault MVA = 100 X 100
It is important, if the phase-angles of the generator- 519
impedances Z1 and 22 are not equal, that each shall be = 19.3 MVA.
expressed in its R + jX or IZ( l je form.
The voltage at the 33-kV busbars is the line-to-neutral The fault-current
voltage plus the voltage-drop between the source and MVA x 1000
IFh.h =
the 33-kV busbars. ti x 6.6
The impedance to the 33-kV busbars in ohms at 6.6
kV is = 19.3 x lOOO= 1690 A, as before.
Z =(O+jO.298) + (O+jO.436) + (0.334+jO.458) t/3 x 6.6
=0.334 + j1.192 Expressing this as a vector quantity,
The current in amperes at 6.6 kV is
8 = tan-’ s = 70”, and
1~6.6 = 575 - j1590.
Hence the impedance-drop = - IZ IF6.h = 1690 cos70 - j 1690 sin70
= -(575 - j1590) (0.344 + j1.192)
= -(2099 + j144). = 578 - jl590, as before.
The procedure for P.U. impedances is obviously
The phase-to-neutral voltage at the 33-kV busbars, exactly the same.
expressed on a 6.6 kV basis, It is frequently permissible, if vector-results are not
= (E + j0) + IZ required, to assume that the phase-angles of all the
= (6600/G + j0) - (2099 + j144) impedances are the same. If this is done in the preceding
= 1716 - j144. example, a total scalar impedance of 582% is obtained
on an MVA basis of 100. The three-phase fault MVA is
The scalar line-to-line volts. then

V6.h = fix ql7162 + 144*= 2980 V 100 x E= 17.2 MVA.

on a 6.6 kV basis.
With vector-impedances, as above, the MVA is 19.3.
The actual line-to-line volts The error resulting from the assumption of equal
V.1.1 = 2980 x 3316.6 = 14,900 V. phase-angles is therefore
19.3 - 17.2 x 1oo
Now, using the per-cent impedances figures of fig. Error % =
7(b), the total per-cent impedance on a lOO-MVA basis
= 178 + j489. = 10.65%

0.4+j 3-62

0 24+je75


04+ j 3.62



An error of such an amount is often quite permissible, equivalent star-group (say ZAB, Zac, and Zc*) as
and because of the relative simnlicitv of scalar follows:
impedances they should be used wherever vector results
are not required, and where great accuracy is not ZAB = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(14)
ZA + ZB + ZC
ZBC = .............a......................
ZA + ZB + ZC
An example of an interconnected network ZCZA
ZCA = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .(16)
Consider now a simple interconnected network, as ZA + ZB + ZC
shown in fig. 8. Let it be supposed that a three-phase
fault occurs at sub-station C, and that it is required to
determine the currents in all branches of the network.
Fig. 9(a) is the impedance-diagram for the network of
fig. 8. In fig. 9(b) the impedances of the two parallel
cables, each 1.75 + j0.9, have been resolved into the
single impedance Z1 = 0.87 + j0.45, and the four
series-impedances of the 66-kV line and transformers
have been resolved into the single impedance ZZ = 1.28
+ j8.74. 22 is in ohms at 33 kV, i.e. the actual ohms at
66 kV of the line have been multiplied by (33/66)2, and
the transformer-impedances have been calculated on a


FIG. 10.

Applying this to the delta-group ZA, Za, Zc of fig. 9(b)

gives the equivalent star-group ZAB, Zac, ZCA of fig.
9(c). For example:
ZA + ZB + ZC

c’;’ zz (1.75 + j0.9) (1.45 + j0.8)

(1.45+jO.8) + (1.36+j1.36) + (1.75+jO.9.)
FIG. 8.
= 0.55 + j0.224.

Z CA = 0.439 + j0.371, and
33-kV basis. Although these steps have simplified the Z Bc = 0.53 + j0.416.
impedance-network, the delta-group of impedances ZA,
Za, and Zc is not amenable to reduction by the laws of The network may now be reduced to fig. 9(d), and
series and parallel impedances; but it can be replaced by further, by combining the parallel impedances, to fig.
an equivalent star-group. Any delta-group of 9(e), and finally to fig. 9(f) which shows it as a single
impedances (say ZA, ZB, Zc in fig. 10) is related to the equivalent impedance of 2.3 + j7.17 in ohms at 33 kV;

and the total three-phase fault-current may be leaving a junction must be equal. Refer to fig. 11, which
determined thus: is an enlarged diagram of this part of the network, and
phase-to-neutral voltage consider the junction between Za, Zc, and Zl. First
IF = assume a direction for the current Ic; it is immaterial
equivalent impedance
which direction is chosen so long as it is indicated clearly,
= 33,000
q3 x(2.3 + j7.17)
= 775 - j2420 amperes, ASSUMED

To find the current in each branch of the network, we

must now work back from the equivalent impedance to
the original network, dividing up the total current IF
917-12078 -142 -1342
between the various branches according to their i
respective impedances.
From fig. 9(d) the currents in the branches Z, and Z, are
obtained by the ordinary rule for parallel circuits thus:

1, = 5 x IF, where Z is the impedance of Z,and Z, 630-~1530 145 - 1890

in parallel = 1.08 + jO.85 (fig. 9(e)),

= 1.08 + P.85 =
1.31 + j0.82
(775 _ j2420)
3 775 - ) 2420

= 917 - j2078.
FIG. 11.
Iy = z X IF
= l-08 + jO.85 x (775 _ j2420)
since the result is related to the direction chosen.
1.81 f j9.15 Suppose that Ic flows from left to right as shown in
fig. 11.
= - 142 - j342. Then

The distribution of current in fig. 9(d) is now Ic + I2 = I,, or

determined. The next step is to find the currents in the Ic = Ia - 12 (I2 = I, of fig. 9(d))
delta Z,, Z,, Zc. of fig. 9(b), corresponding to those of = (145 - j890) - (-142 - j342)
the equivalent star ZAC, Zsc, ZCA of fig. 9(c). There are = 287 - j548.
two steps in this, namely first finding IA and Ia, and then
finding Ic. To find I, and Ta, equate the voltage-drops The result may be checked by considering the junction
between equivalent star and delta terminals as follows: of Zr, ZA, and Zc. Thus (again referring to fig. 11).

InZa = IABZAB + IBCZar (see fig. 9(c)), I, = I, + Ic, or

I, = I, - IA (I1 = I, of fig. 9(d))
where IAa = I, = 775 - j2420, = (917 - j2078) - (630 - j1530)
and I ac = I, = - 142 - j342. = 287-j548.

Hence The current in each of the two cables on the left-hand

1, (1.75+jO.O9) = (775 - j2420) (0.55+jO.224) side of fig. 8 is one-half of the current in impedance Zi of
+(-142-j342)(0.53+jO.416), fig. 9(b).
from which Ia = 145 - j890.
Icables = - 11 = 917-j2078= 458 - j1039,
Similarly, IAZA = IABZAB + ICAZCA (see fig. 9(c)), 2 2
where IAB = I, = 775 - j2420 as before,
and ICA = I, = 917 - j2078. Similarly, the current in each of the generators is
one-half of the total fault-current, since in this example
Hence the generators have equal ratings and impedances. Thus
IA (1.45+jO.8) = (775 - j2420) (0.55+jO.224)
Im/c - ‘,” = 775 -i2420= 387 _ j1210.
+ (917 - j2078) (0.439 + jO.371)
from which I, = 630 - j1530.
The total current and the current in each branch of the
To find the current I, in the branch Zc, remember that network have been calculated, and the results are
the sum of the currents flowing into any junction is zero, summarized in fig. 12. The impedances of the 66-kV line
or, in other words, the total currents entering and and its associated transformers were reduced to ohms at

33-kV, and the actual current in the 66-kV line is method is usually more convenient than the per-cent.
therefore The per-unit method is usually preferred for
Ihh-lrv = I, x 33166 synchronous-machine studies in general and for
= (-142 - j342) x 33/66 calculator-work.
= -71 - j171. (iii) When vector-impedances are to be used, there is
little to choose in fault-current and fault-voltage
This is the value given in fig. 12. calculations between ohms, per-cent, and per-unit
notations, unless most of the data happen to be in a
particular notation. In this case, the student should, to
begin with. use the notation that comes most naturally to


Basic Relations

The basic principle of symmetrical-component theory is

expressed in the following relations:
I, = I,,, + I,, + Ia? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .(17)
I,, = I,,,, + Ii,, + I,,: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (18)
I, = I,,, + I,, + I,? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (19)
where I,. I,,, and I,, are the phase-currents, and
(i) components with suffix ‘0’ have zero phase-
(ii) components with suffix ‘1’ have positive
phase-sequence, and
\ +j890 (iii) components with suffix ‘2’ have negative
Using operator a, these relations can all be expressed
775- j2420 in terms of phase-a as follows:
I, = I,,, + I,, + IaZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (20)
FIG. 12. Ih = I,(, + a!?,, + a1 a? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (21)
I, = I,,, + aI,, + a21a1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . (22)

Choice of impedance-notation Equations (21) and (22) for the phase-b and phase-c
currents can be expressed in another way as follows:
Having now referred in greater detail to the three
notations in use, we may consider their relative spheres EUUATION (21):
of application.
Ib= I,,, + a21al + aIaz
(i) A decision must be made on whether or not it is = I,,,+ (-0.5 - jO.866)I,i + (-0.5 + j0.866) IaZ
permissible to use scalar values of ohms, per-cent, or = IaO - 0.5 (I,, + I,>) - jO.866(1,, - Iaz) . .. .. .. .. . .... .. ..
per-unit. For phase-to-phase faults, or for phase-to-
earth faults in solidly-earthed systems, and where only ....... ............... (23)
the magnitudes of fault-currents and fault-voltages are EQUATION (22):
required (i.e. not their phase-angles), scalar impedances I,= I,(, + aIa, + a21a2
are very often permissible, and negligible errors result = I,,, + (-0.5 + j0.866) I,, + (-0.5 - j0.866) Ia
from their use. The reason for this is either that the = IaO -0.5 (Ia, + IaZ) + j0.866 (Ia, - I& . . . . . . . . . . . . . (24)
phase-angles are very similar (for example the
impedances of generators and transformers are mostly Corresponding terms in equation (23) and (24) are
reactive), or that one kind of impedance predominates. identical, apart from the signs of the j terms, and this
(ii) When scalar impedances are permissible, per-cent simplifies the calculations of phase-b and phase-c
and per-unit values are usually preferred to ohms, unless currents.
most of the data are in ohms. The advantage of per-cent These relations between phase-values and component
and per-unit values is that they can be added together values hold good for phase-to-neutral voltages as well as
irrespective of voltage, whereas ohmic values have to be for currents.
brought to a common voltage-base. As between per-cent
Calculation of the sequence-components
and per-unit there is nothing to choose for fault-current
calculations. When voltages are involved, and when it is The utility of the basic principle expressed in equation
necessary to calculate voltage-drops, the per-unit (20), (21), and (22) above depends on knowing the

sequence-component currents IaO, Ial, and IaZ. The first
step in the calculation of these is to determine the
impedance of the network to their flow. This is not
necessarily the same for currents of each sequence.
There are two reasons for this: first, that the impedance
of the generators, transformers, and so on may not be (a)
the same for all sequence-currents, and, second, the path Nl
_____ __ ____ *___--_-_-----------_,
through the network, from the source to the fault, may , I 3 I
not be the same for each. It is therefore necessary to e,* ‘M”“ep- -I

have a network-impedance
sequence component.
diagram for each phase-
These diagrams
referred to as the sequence-impedance
are generally


A simple line-diagram of the network is prepared,

showing the generators, transformers, lines, and so on
- - - vvv.P
with which the calculation is concerned, and the position
of the fault. The positive-sequence impedance-diagram / - --“w-uv. -*
contains the impedances of all the parts of the network
between the source of supply and the fault; and the (C) PCSITIVE-SE&ENCE NETWORK

values of the individual impedances (ohms, per-cent, or

per-unit) for the generators, lines, and so on are the
ordinary star-impedances as used in three-phase
fault-calculations. The only voltages generated (by
normal machines) are positive sequence (a, b. c), and
therefore the generator voltages are placed in the (d)NmArIvs-srcu&cs NETWORK

positive-sequence network. Fig. 13(a) is a single-line

diagram for a simple network comprising two
generating-stations with interconnectors, and with a
fault (of some kind) at F. Fig. 13(b) is the corresponding
positive-sequence impedance-diagram. It is usually
assumed that all generator internal voltages are equal in
magnitude and phase. On this basis the four FIG. 13.
generator-terminals 1, 2, 3, and 4 are all at the same
potential, and the diagram can be simplified by joining parts of the network directly connected to earthed
these points and using a single source of e.m.f. E, as in neutrals.
fig. 13(c). This impedance-diagram has two terminals, The zero-sequence impedances of the generators,
namely the neutral-terminal Nr and the fault-terminal transformers, and lines are often quite different from the
Fi. positive-sequence and negative-sequence impedances.
Consider now the impedance of the network to the Neglecting the values of the impedances, the
flow of negative phase-sequence currents. The zero-sequence impedance-diagram for the network of
impedance-diagram is the same as for positive- fig. 13(b) is as shown in fig. 13(e). The neutral-point of
sequence. The impedances of transformers, lines, and so generator 4 is not earthed, and so the impedance of this
on to negative-sequence currents are the same as their
positive-sequence impedances, but for generators the
negative-sequence impedance is only about 70 per cent
of the positive-sequence impedance. Further, there is no
generated voltage in the negative-sequence network,
because, as stated above, positive-sequence voltages
only are generated. Fig. 13(d) is the negative-sequence
impedance-diagram of the network of fig. 13(b). The
two terminals of the diagram are N2 and F2.
In considering the impedance of the network to the
flow of zero-sequence currents, it should be
remembered that the three zero-sequence currents are
by definition equal in magnitude and phase. They can
only flow, therefore, when the fault provides an exit
from the phases whereby they can return to the
system-neutral. Such an exit is provided only when the
fault is between one or more phases and earth, and the
system-neutral must be earthed so that the return-circuit
to the neutral is complete. Thus zero-sequence currents
flow only in earth-faults, and they traverse only those FIG. 14.

machine does not appear in the zero-sequence network. Referring to the diagrams of fig. 15, we may now
There is, further, no generated voltage in the calculate the sequence-component currents as follows
zero-sequence network, because, as stated above, only (E is the phase-to-neutral voltage):
positive-sequence voltages are generated. The two Earth fault:
terminals of the zero-sequence diagram are No and F”. (see fig. 15(a)).
If the values of all the impedances in the positive,
negative, and zero sequence diagrams are known, each Ia” = I,1 = Ia = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (25)
may now be reduced to a single equivalent impedance. zo + Zl + 22
The positive-sequence diagram now becomes the single Phase-to-phase-fault:
impedance Z1, the negative-sequence diagram Zz, and (see fig. 15(b)).
the zero-sequence diagram Zz, as shown in fig. 14. All
E . . . . . . . ..*......................................
that is now required to enable Ial, Ia2, and Iao to be Ia, = (26)
calculated is a knowledge of the voltages impressed z1 + 22
I,, = -I,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (27)
across the impedances Z1, Zz, and ZO.
Since the only voltage in the three impedance- Ia,, = 0.
diagrams is that in the positive-sequence diagram, the Two-phase-to-earth-fault:
negative-sequence and zero-sequence impedance (see fig. 15(c)).
diagrams must be connected in some way with the
E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(28)
positive-sequence diagram in order that Ial =
negative-sequence and zero-sequence currents may Z, + 22
flow. The question is how the diagrams should be 22 + Za
connected, and it can be shown that the answer depends zo
on the kind of fault, i.e. whether it is phase-to-earth, L2 = -I,, x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (29)
22 + zo
phase-to-phase, two-phase-to-earth, or three-phase, a
different connection applying for each. The methods of 22
Lo = -431x . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(30)
connection for each kind of fault are shown in fig. 15(a) z* + Za
to 15(d). For an earth-fault all the three diagrams are Three-phase-fault:
connected in series; for a phase-to-phase-fault the (see fig. 15(d)).
positive-sequence and negative-sequence diagrams are
connected in parallel; for a two-phase-to-earth-fault all Ia,= .... .. ... .. .. .. ... ... ..... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .... .. . ... .. .. .. . ...(31)
the three diagrams are in parallel; and for a
three-phase-fault there is only the positive-sequence Ia = 0.
diagram. The correctness of these connections is proved
I,,, = 0.
in books dealing with the theory of symmetrical
components. Attention should again be drawn to the important
convention that all vectors are for the positive direction;
that is to say, they represent quantities acting away from
the source towards the fault. This applies equally to the
symmetrical-component vectors of the fault-current,
and therefore the values of I,,, and I,*, and I,,, derived
above are for the directions neutral-to-fault, as indicated
by the arrows in figs. (15a) to 15(d).
These relations are obviously very simple indeed, and
therefore the symmetrical components of currents for
any of the four kinds of faults mentioned above are easy
to determine when the sequence-impedances are
known. When the components of current are known,
> the actual phase-currents are obtained by addition, in
accordance with equations (20), (21), and (22), or with
equations (20), (23), and (24).
The six steps are:
(i) Determine (bv
\, insoection)
. the seauence-
impedance diagrams (the zero-sequence diagram
is required only for faults involving earth).
(ii) Fill in the values of the sequence-impedances.
(iii) Reduce the diagrams to their equivalent impe-
dances Z,, Z?, and Z,,.
(iv) Connect the equivalent impedances together in
accordance with figs. 15(a) to 15(d), according to
FE 15. the kind of fault.

0 0 0NI
19kv 19kv 19kv

1’3 ,b3

14 1'5 118 j2l

14 16

124 124

F ~~
h h

FIG. 16.

(v) Calculate the sequence-component currents,

using equations (25) to (3 1) according to the kind
of fault.

Find the current in each phase at the fault by

adding the sequence components in accordance
with equations (20), (21) and (22), or with (20),
(23) and (24).

An example
Consider the network of fig. 16, and suppose that it is
required to determine the current in each feeder with a
two-phase-to-earth fault in the b-phase and the c-phase
at F.
Fig. 17(a) shows the positive-sequence impedance-
diagram, with it various stages of reduction to the
equivalent positive-sequence impedance, 0 + j13.3
ohms. In the second stage, the delta-group of impedance
jS, j20, and j 12 are replaced by their equivalent star j4,
j6, and j2.4, using the delta-star transformation
equations. Thus the equivalent-star impedance at
junction Q, is
8 x 20 = 4 ohms,
8 + 20 + 12
j36 j42 124.9
at junction RI
20 x 12 = 6 ohms.
8 + 20 + 12
and at junction F,

z= 8 x 12 = 2.4 ohms. j4B

Similarly, figs. 17(b) and 17(c) show the reduction of -i
the negative-sequence and zero-sequence diagrams to
the equivalent impedances Cc)
Z2 = j13, and Z(, = j24.9 FIG. 17.

The impedance of generator Gz does not appear in the
zero-sequence diagram, since it neutral-point is

The equivalent positive, negative, and zero-sequence
impedances are now combined for the two-phase-to-
earth-fault as shown in fig. 15, and the sequence-
component currents I,, , Ia2, and I,,, calculated as follows:

E -1468
Ial = .j402 1 t-
z1 + ZnXo
ZZ + zd
= = 0 - j870
j13 X j24.9
j13.3 +
j13 + j24.9

Ia2 = -I,, zo
22 + zo
(b) CC) Cd)
1 j870 X = 0 + j571. FIG. 19.
j13 + j24.9
delta-impedance. Thus for the left-hand impedance of
Ia0 = -I,, _22_ the delta
22 + zo
I X j8 = (-j468 (j4) + (-j870) (j2.4)
= j870 X j13
= 0 + j299. = 3952
j13 + j24.9
These are the total values of the positive, negative, and I = + = 0 - j495,
and zero sequence currents through the equivalent
and for the right-hand impedance of the delta
impedances, as shown in fig. 18, and they must now be
divided throughout the sequence diagrams according to I X j12 = -(j402) (j6) + (-870) (j2.4)
the relative impedances of the several branches. = 4492
and 1 = - = 0 - j375.
For the current in the centre-impedence of the delta,
equate the current flowing towards either of the two
junctions to zero, i.e. taking the right hand junction.
(-j402) + I, - (-j375) = 0,
or I, = j402 - j375
= j27.
This value is correct in sign only from the assumed
FIG. 18. direction of the current I,, which was from left to right. If
the opposite direction were taken, the result would be
Consider first the positive-sequence diagram. The -j27.
positive-sequence current of value 0 - j870 flows The two generator-impedances are equal and, the
through the equivalent impedances as shown in fig current in each is therefore -j870/2 = -j435.
19(a). In the left-hand branch of fig. 19(b) the current is This completes the current-distribution in the
oositive-seauence diagram.
21 ’ The distiibution in yhe negative-sequence diagram is
I = (0 - j870) X
21 + r similar, because
of the feeders are the

= 0 - j468, same. The values of the negative-sequence currents are

and in the right-hand branch, difficult from those of the positive-sequence currents,
because the total negative-sequence current is 0 + j571,
I = (0 - j870) x 18
whereas the total positive-sequence current is 0 - j870.
21 + I The negative-sequence currents in the branches can
= 0 - j402 therefore be obtained simply by multiplying the
This settles the distribution in the positive-sequence positive-sequence branch-currents by 5”/~~~, and chang-
diagram as far as fig. 19(c). The current in the delta of ing the sign of the j operators to plus instead of minus.
fig. 19(d) is obtained by equating the voltage-drops in The result is the negative-sequence-current distribution
two star-legs to that in the corresponding diagram of fig. 20.

Then I, = IaO + I,, + Ia
= j138 + (-j402) + j264 = 0
I, = I,, - 0.5(1,, + I,J - jO.866(1,, - I&
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(eqn 23)
= j138 - 0.5(-j402 + j264)
-jO.866 (-j402 - j264)
= j138 + j69 - 576
= -576 + j207.
I, = I,,, - O.S(I,, + IaJ + jO.866(1,, - Iaz)
= j138 + j69 + 576
= 576 + j207
FIG. 20. The currents in any branch are found in exactly the
same way.
Similar considerations to those for the
negative-sequence-current distribution apply also to Distribution-factors
zero-sequence currents. The positive-sequence and In the preceding example the branch-currents were
zero-sequence impedances of the feeders are not equal,
found by taking the total current for each sequence
but they bear (in this example) a definite relation to one
diagram and dividing it between the branches in
another, i.e.Zo/Z~ = 2.0. (This is practical; the ratio
accordance with their respective impedances. An
varies with different networks). It follows therefore that
alternative procedure is to take a total fault-current of
in this example the ratios of the branch-currents in the
unity in each sequence diagram, instead of the actual
zero-sequence diagram are the same as those in the value, and divide this between the branches in the same
positive-sequence diagram, although their values are
way. The branch currents so obtained are called
different, because the total zero-sequence current is
distribution-factors, and the actual current in each
0 X j299 as compared with 0- j870 for
branch is equal to the distribution-factor multiplied by
positive-sequence. The zero-sequence currents in the
the total fault-current.
branches are therefore obtained in this example by
If the calculation is for only one kind of fault, e.g. a
multiplying the positive-sequence brach-currents by phase-to-phase-fault, there is little, if any, advantage in
299/~7~,and changing the sign of the j operators from calculating distribution-factors, since it is just as easy to
minus to plus. The result is the zero-sequence current
calculate the branch-currents directly as to find the
distribution diagram of fig. 21.
distribution of unity current and multiply the total
current by the distribution factors. When, however, the
currents in the branches are required for various kinds of
faults, e.g. phase-to-earth, phase-to-phase, and
two-phase-to-earth, the distribution of the total
fault-current in the sequence-impedence diagrams has
to be calculated for each kind. It may then be quicker,
instead of doing this, to calculate the distribution of
unity current in each diagram, i.e. to find the
distribution-factors, and then to multiply these by the
total sequence-component currents in each diagram, as
determined by the kind of fault. In other words,
distribution-factors are applicable to faults of all kinds,
and therefore save time when more than one kind is
involved in the problem.

FIG. 21 Voltages at any point in a network

As was mentioned earlier, the phase-to-neutral

The distribution of the sequence-component currents
voltages at any point in a network are expressed in
is now completely determined, and the phase-currents in
exactly the same relationships as the currents.
any branch can be found by applying the equations (20),
(21) and (22) or equation (20) (23), and (24).
Suppose, for example, that the value of the
phase-currents are required in the branch PR. Thus
From fig. 19, I,, = -j402. F, = F,o + E,I + Ea2 ........................................... (32)
From fig. 20, Ia = j264. Eb = E,,, + azEal + aEa2.. ..................................... (33)
From fig. 21, IaO = j138. E, = Eao + aEal + a2Ea2.. ..................................... (34)

Alternatively, Eb and E, may be expressed as Phase-to-neutral voltages:
Et, = Eao - 0.5(Ea1 + Ea2) - j0.866 (E,, - Ea2) . . ..(35)
E, = E,o + E,, + Ea2
E, = EaO - 0.5 (E,i + Ea2) + j0.866 (E,i - Ea2) ..(36) = 209 + 17868 + 541 = 18618 + j0.

The calculation of the phase-to-neutral voltages at any E,, = E,(, - 0.5(E,t + Ea2) - j0.866 (E,, -Ea2)
point in a network is therefore merely a calculation of . . . . . . . . . . . . .(eqn 35).
the sequence-component voltages E,“, E,, , and Ea2, and
a combination of them in accordance with the equations = 209 - 0.5(17868 + 541)
just given. -jO.866 (17868 - 541)
The sequence-component voltages at any point are = 209 - 9204 - jl5000
determined by subtracting the impedance-voltage = -8995 - jl5000.
between the source and the point from the driving- E, =EaO - 0.5(E,, + Ea2)
voltage. The driving-voltage in the positive-sequence
+ j0.866 (Eal - Ea2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(eqn 36).
diagram is the normal phase-to-neutral voltage, but in
the negative sequence and zero-sequence diagrams it is = 209 - 9204 + jl5000
zero, because, as has been said, only positive-sequence = -8995 + jl5000
voltages are generated in normal systems. Voltages at fault-point F
The following example will make the procedure clear.
Sequence component voltages
Fig. 22 shows the positive, negative, and zero sequence
(i) Positive sequence:
From fig. 22(a),
E,, =19000 - (-j870 X j13.3)
= 19000 - 11580 = 7420 + j0
P (ii) Negative-sequence:
From fig. 22(b),
E,, = 0 - (j571 x j13) = 7420 + j0
, (iii) Zero-sequence:
From fig. 22(c),
E,,) = 0 - (299 x j24.9) = 7420 + j0.
Phase-to-neutral voltages:
E, = E,o + E,, + 6x2
= 7420 + 7420 + 7420

= 22260 + j0.

,133 j I3
Eb = EaO - 0.5(E,, + E,,)-j0.866 (E,, - Ea2)
NlO~~~, h-F, = 7420 - 0.5(7420 + 7420)
-j870 j571 -jO.866 (7420 - 7420)
(a) (b) = 0.

FIG. 22. E, = E,o-0.5(E,1+E,2)+ j0.866(E,+,z)

= 7420 - 0.5(7420 + 7420)
+j.866 (7420 - 7420)
diagrams of the previous example, with values of = 0.
branch-currents and branch impedances. Suppose that it The voltages at any other point in the network are
is required to determine the three phase-to-neutral found in exactly the same way.
voltages at points P and F.
Voltages at point P Earth-current, residual current,
Sequence component voltages: and residual voltage
(i) Positive-sequence:
It was said earlier that there could be no
From fig. 22(a),
zero-sequence current unless the fault provided an exit
Eal = 19000 - (-j435 x j2.6) from the phases whereby the current could return to the
= 19000 - 1132 = 17868 + j0. system-neutral, i.e. the fault has to involve at least one
phase-conductor connected to earth, and the
(ii) Negative-sequence:
system-neutral had to be earthed to complete the circuit.
From fig. 22(b),
No such reservations were required for positive-
Eaz = 0 - (j285 x j1.9) = 541 +jO. sequence and negative-sequence currents, which flow to
(iii) Zero-sequence: all faults, whether to earth or not. It follows that the only
From fig. 22 (c), currents in the earth-return circuit are the zero-
EaO = 0 - (j299 x j0.7) = 209 + j0. sequence components, i.e.

I, = +a0 + IbO + Lo), where I, is the total Residual current is usually measured by three
earth-current, current-transformers connected in parallel, as shown in
= - 31,, . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (37) fig. 24(a), and residual voltage by a broken-delta
winding on a three-phase voltage-transformer, as shown
The minus sign is used because of the convention that
in fig. 24(b).
all currents act away from the source; this convention is
illustrated with respect to the zero-sequence and earth
currents in fig. 23.
The vector sum of the three line-currents at any point
in the network is sometimes called the residual current.
I, = I, + Ib + I,
= (I,, + IbO + 1~0) + (Ial + Ibl + Icl)
+ &2 + Ib2 + Ic2).



i T =-3Iao
L.-.--k--._.i Faults in phases other than those for which the
basic equations are established
(a) (b:

FIG. 23. The methods of connecting the diagrams for the four
main kinds of faults, as given in fig. 15, and the equations
The components in the last two brackets are balanced, that follow for the calculation of the sequence
and by definition their sum must be zero components, are based upon earth-faults in phase-a,
phase-to-phase-faults between phase-b and phase-c, and
Therefore two-phase-to-earth faults between phase-b and phase-c
and earth. The procedure holds good for these
I, = IaO + IbO + IdI
= 31,(, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (38)

Here Lao is the zero-sequence current flowing at the

point in the network under consideration. The current I,
may therefore equal the total earth-fault current in mag-
nitude, or only part of it, if there is more than one path to
the fault; and it may sometimes consist of capacity-
current only.
The residual voltage at a point in a network is the
vector sum of the three line-to-earth voltages.

E, = E,, + Ebe + E,,
= (E,o + Ebo + EC,,) + (E,, + Ebl + EC,)
+ (EaZ + Eb? + EC?)
As before, the resultant of the last two components is
zero, and therefore
E, = E,,, + Et,c, + E,,,
= 3E,,).

E,,, is the zero-sequence voltage at the point under

Residual currents and residual voltages are used in
protective schemes for the detection of earth-faults. FIG. 25.

conditions only, i.e. phase-a must always be the faulty precedure in the calculation of fault-currents and
phase for earth-faults, and phase-b and phase-c must fault-voltages, and, as was stated earlier, some of the
always be the faulty phases for phase-to-phase-faults principles are also applicable to load-distribution and
and two-phase-to-earth-faults. If the phase-marking of a other studies. Many fault-conditions (or prospective
system is R, Y, B, for example, and a calculation has to fault-conditions) are completely soluble by the methods
be made for an earth-fault in phase-Y, this phase is described, but it should be understood that conditions
phase-a for the purpose of the calculations. Phase-B can and do arise in practice to which the formulae and
then corresponds to phase-b, and phase-R to phase-c. the procedure given herein are not immediately
The various correspondences between the applicable. Two examples of this are cross-country
calculations-phases a, b, and c, and the named phases R, earth-faults and broken-conductor faults. The details of
Y, and B, are shown in fig. 25(a) for earth-faults, and fig. procedure for the calculation of these and other special
25(b) for phase-to-phase faults and for conditions is outside the present scope. Sometimes it is
two-phase-to-earth faults. merely a matter of extending the principles described
above, but sometimes additional concepts are necessary.
Whatever the problem may be, however, a proper
understanding is necessary of the basic principles dealt
These notes have covered many of the basic elements of with in the foregoing exposition.

CHAPTER 2 The Use of the Network Analyser in the
Solution of Unbalance Problems
SUMMARY and a number of different types of “vector computer”
The network analyser has made possible the routine are used to speed up what can be a very tedious set of
investigation of many unbalanced-power-system prob- calculations.
lems which were hitherto untackled because of the tedi- When all three phases of the problem system are set
ous calculations involved. The mathematical analysis of up on the analyser, all quantities are read directly on the
the majority of such problems has been well established analyser instruments and no subsequent calculations are
for a number of years now but for only the less compli- necessary.
cated problems was it feasible to apply paper analysis, In the following sections an attempt will be made to
the more complicated networks involving too much illustrate the use of the analyser in the solution of prob-
effort. lems involving 3-phase unbalance. Methods involving
The introduction of the method of symmetrical- 3-phase modelling and symmetrical components will be
component analysis answered the need for a simpler discussed and examples given to illustrate procedure in
mode of attack and it was soon apparent that a familiar- both cases. It will be assumed throughout that all are
ity with the method made it possible to visualize the familiar with the principle formulae and manipulation of
processes involved in quite complicated unbalanced symmetrical components, and an attempt will be made
conditions. This has been described as “the to interpret these in terms of physical phenomena.
symmetrical-component outlook” and the acquiring of In view of the fact that an intimate knowledge of the
this “outlook” constitutes a major advance towards the a.c. network analyser is confined to a relatively small
understanding of the phenomena of a 3-phase unbal- number of engineers the first part of the paper is devoted
ance. to a brief general description of the features of the
There is a great similarity between the method of typical modern network-analyser which are involved in
symmetrical-component analysis and Fourier analysis as unbalance-problems.
applied to the solution of problems involving non- Subsequent parts dealt with the use of 3-phase model
sinusoidal wave forms. In both cases an appreciation of networks and the application of the theory of symmetri-
the physical significance of the method leads first to an cal components to the network-analyser. In these parts,
understanding of the problem and secondly to a facility only the less complex cases are dealt with as a thorough
for the evaluation of the problem. grasp of the fundamentals in the simple cases opens the
In this paper the two distinct advantages to be way to the tackling of the more complex cases.
obtained from a knowledge of symmetrical-component
analysis will be stressed and it will be shown that, when a Part I.
network analyser is used, the “symmetrical-component THE CONVENTIONAL A.C. NETWORK
outlook” is in many cases more important than the use of ANALYSER
the method for the actual evaluation of the effects of the
unbalance. This is because the analyser “looks after” the GENERAL
calculation but the problem must be correctly posed to
The simplest a.c. network analyser to describe and
the analyser and the results correctly interpreted.
understand is what is termed the “conventional” a.c.
The solution of unbalanced 3-phase conditions is not
network analyser. In this analyser the impedances of the
always best obtained on an analyser by using symmetri-
power system being studied are modelled using specially
cal components and frequently the actual 3-phase net-
designed variable inductors, capacitors, resistors, and
work is “modelled” on the analyser and the unbalance
transformers. Any desired “scaling factor” may be used
applied in the same way as in the power-system. When
in the model system as regards ohmic value and fre-
two or more unbalances simultaneously exist or when
quency but the phase-angle of all impedances must be
the problem involves partially unbalanced reactances in
strictly observed. Generally, the frequency is fixed in
each of the three phases of a power-system, even the
any one design and scaling of ohmic value is applied.
symmetrical-component method may become too cum-
The variable impedances can be interconnected in any
bersome and 3-phase modelling may be a more profit-
manner and the network so formed energized by means
able approach.
of voltage generators of continuously-variable phase
It is important to realise that when the method of
and amplitude.
symmetrical components is used on the analyser, only
the quantities associated with the reference phase are
Impedance Scaling
read directly. The quantities associated with the other
phases must be calculated from those of the reference It is usual to scale the impedance values to conform to
phase. This latter calculation usually takes much longer “percentage” notation or “per-unit” notation because
than the actual reading of the reference-phase quantities the majority of analyser problems are more easily solved

using these notations and most analvser imnedances and type of connection.
me&s are correspondingly calibiated. k familiarity Consider that it is required to measure the vector
with percentage (or per-unit) notation is assumed and it current in a particular branch of a network and that
will merely be noted that the percentage impedance per-unit notation is used. The amplitude of the current is
(Z%) of any branch (of impedance Z ohms) in a network measured by the current-meter and this current is passed
is through the current coils of both the wattmeter and the
Z% = e. Z ohms . 100 The voltage-coils of both the wattmeter and varmeter
(k”)* are connected in parallel and fed from a “reference”
where “MVA” is the base quantity to which all impe- voltage which is fixed in phase and amplitude. The actual
dances are referred and “kV” is the phase-to-phase phase-angle of this reference is chosen as convenient and
voltage of the part of the system in which Z ohms is the amplitude is fixed exactly at 1 per-unit (i.e. 100%).
connected. The wattmeter reads (VI cos 9) and, if V is fixed at
Per-unit notation is similarly defined except that there unity, it reads (I cos e) where 8 is the phase-angle
is no factor of 100. between the current I and the reference voltage. The
value (I cos e) is the real part of the current I referred to
Measuring Equipment the axis fixed by the phase-angle setting of the reference
voltage. The varmeter similarly reads the imaginary part
Most analysers are fitted with four main measuring of the current.
instruments. There are: In this way, any current can be read in Cartesian form;
(a) Voltmeter.
(b) Current-measuring meter.
(c) Single-phase wattmeter. (VI cos 63) If the phase-angle instrument is used to measure 8
(d) Single-phase varmeter. (VI sine (3) direct, the current can be expressed in the polar form:
Each meter has a number of ‘ranges’ and the scales of I =(I[ L8
each are calibrated in percentage or per-unit according where (I( is read on the current-measuring meter.
to how the impedances are calibrated. The meters can be
connected to any point in the network analyser. If a reference current is passed through the current-
When percentage notation is used on the network coils of both the wattmeter and varmeter, any voltage
analyser, its meaning is clearly illustrated. If, for exam- may be read in Cartesian or polar form in exactly the
ple, a voltage of 100 per cent is applied across an anal- same way.
yser resistor of 100 per cent, the current-meter will read When quantities are being measured in sequence net-
100 per cent and the wattmeter will read 100 per cent. works, the Cartesian form is preferable as corresponding
There is no reactive power in this case. If this analyser quantities in each sequence-network must be added to
resistor represents a particular resistor in a 132-k” sys- give the true reference-phase quantity. This reference-
tem and the base chosen is 100 MVA, the meter read- phase quantity is then transformed to polar form. With a
ings would be interpreted as follows: good vector computer, it is possible to read from it the
100% voltage = 132 kV phase-to-phase final quantities in polar or Cartesian form with the
minimum of effort.
100% current% = loo x lo3 = 435 amperes per
phase If the unbalanced problem is modelled in 3-phase
d/3 x 132 form, the voltages and currents of any phase at any point
100% watts = 100 megawatts. can be read directly in Cartesian or polar form.
Other quantities are interpreted similarly, the percen- The real and reactive power at any point can be read in
tage voltage and percentage current changing their all cases by using the wattmeter and varmeter in the
meaning according to the voltage of the part of the normal way.
system in which measurements are taken.
An instrument to measure relative phase-angle is also Part II.
usually included and this can be used to measure the
phase-angle between any voltage and current. or the SOLUTION BY MEANS OF 3-PHASE
phase-angle between either of these quantities relative MODELS
to a reference. This instrument usually indicates phase- INTRODUCTION
angle direct in degrees.
When the power-system problem is modelled in 3-phase
Use of Instruments form it is necessary to simulate, accurately to scale, all
the parameters of the power system. The major items in
With the above instruments it is possible to measure all a power-system are:
the quantities requried in the solution of unbalance (a) Overhead lines and cables.
3-phase problems. In many instances the wattmeter and (b) Reactors.
varmeter are not used as such but are connected to (c) Transformers, regulators, etc.
measure the real and imaginary components of either (d) Rotating machinery.
the voltage or the current. The following illustrates this Of these, the last is the most difficult to simulate

accurately on the analyser because of its complicated network while the transformers method preserves the
nature (involving rotating parts), and because the para- identity of the three phases on both sides of the network.
meters vary with time, mainly due to armature-reaction The former can be used when the equipment is con-
effects. nected between the three phases and neutral and the
All these items are characterized by the fact that each latter when the impedance is a “series” impedance such
phase has self-impedance and, between phases, mutual as the series impedance of an overhead line or bank of
impedance to an extent depending on the equipment. It reactors.
should be borne in mind that the self and mutual impe- Referring to fig. l(u), the self impedance of each
dance of the three phases of an equipment are the basic phase (Z,) is, with
impedance-parameters and that the sequence impe-
dances are derived from them. In many instances, when z,=z,+z,,
the 3-phase model has been set up on the analyser, its and the mutual impedance between phases (Z,,) is
validity may be checked by measuring the three symmetrical, and
sequence-impedances. zpp=zm.
When the actual self and mutual impedances are not Exactly the same values are obtained using three per-
known, the sequence impedances may be used to derive fect transformers as in fig. l(b). The impedance Z,,, is
these parameters. In many instances this is the case, as reflected equally into each phase and again
present-day practice is to quote the sequence impe- z,=z,+z,
dances of an equipment rather than the basic para- zpp=zm.
In almost all cases, the self impedances of each phase The circuit of fig. l(c) is electrically equivalent to fig.
and the mutual impedances between phases are differ- l(b) but uses one less transformer.
ent for each phase due to asymmetry in construction of Fig. l(d) illustrates the use of a single four-winding
the equipment. These differences are usually small and transformer of equal turns per winding. This arrange-
the average value of the impedances can be taken and ment is equivalent to that of fig. l(b) or l(c) but is
symmetry assumed. obviously more econimical as regards transformers.
In some instances, of course, the different per-phase The above network can be used to represent many
impedances must be represented on the analyser, and 3-phase circuits either by using a number of networks
this can lead to a degree of complication which makes each representing an individual equipment or by using
the process very tedious except for the smaller problems. one network to represent a section of a power-system
In fact, the process of 3-phase modelling is invariably involving many different equipments.
confined to the small problems, since the representation It is interesting to examine these networks as regards
of all self and mutual impedances in a large network their sequence impedances. Looking at fig. l(u), if
demands a very large number of analyser impedance- positive-sequence voltages are applied to the three
units. upper terminal (with the lower terminal at neutral
In the following sections, the use of 3-phase models potential) the point P will be at neutral potential and the
will be discussed and illustrated and every attempt will impedance of each phase is Z,. Thus, Z, in the network is
be made to draw attention to the reationship between the positive-sequence impedance (Zi). Z, is also the
the basic parameters and the derived sequence para- negative-sequence impedance (Zr).
meters. If zero-sequence voltages are applied to the upper
terminals, the impedance of each phase becomes:
Representing the Basic Parameters z,+3z,.
Throughout the following discussion, the three phases of This is most readily seen by re-arranging the network
all equipment are assumed to be symmetrical as regards of fig. l(u) so that the single impedance Z, is replaced by
impedance. three parallel impedances each of value 32, as in fig.
The self-impedance of the three phases of an equip- 2(a). When this has been done, the points X, Y, Z are
ment are easily represented using the resistors, induc- equipotential points for zero-sequence applied voltages
tors, or capacitors of the analyser set to the appropriate and may be opened to form the network of fig. 2(b)
value. where it is obvious that the zero-sequence impedance
The mutual-impedance between phases can be rep- per phase (Z,J is:
resented by the inclusion of an impedance common to all
phases or by the use of “perfect” transformers of unity The network of fig. l(u) thus has equal positive-
turns-ratio connected between phases and to an impe- sequence and negative-sequence impedances and a
dance which represents the mutual impedance. The per- zero-sequence impedance which depends on the value of
fect transformers have a very low excitation-current and Z,, the mutual impedance. The zero-sequence impe-
negligible resistance and leakage-reactance. dance can be made greater or less than the positive-
Fig. l(u) shows the use of a common impedance to sequence impedance by making the impedance of Z,,, of
represent the mutual impedance and fig. l(d) illustrates opposite sign to that of Z,. Thus, if Z, is inductive, Z,
the use of perfect transformers. It will be seen that the can be made capacitive. There are obvious limitations to
common-impedance method results in the loss of the this manipulation when resistors are involved.
identity of the three phase connections on one side of the The network of fig. l(b) is equivalent to the above

z, =Zz=Za z, =z*=za
Zo=Za+3Zm Zo=Za+3Zm

(0) (h)

z, =Z*=Za z, =ZpZa
Zo=Za+3Zm Zo=Za+3Zm

(c) (4

network except that as the 3-phase terminals are avail- netted with an impedance 32,.
able at each end of the network it can be used to repres- The impedance offered to positive-sequence and
ent, say, a bank of reactors with mutual impedance negative-sequence currents is the excitation impedance
between phases, or’the series impedance of a 3-phase of each transformer, which is so high as to constitute an
line or cable. The impedance offered to positive- open-circuit. The impedance offered to zero-sequence
sequence and negative-sequence current is: currents is 32,,,/3=Z,,, per phase, i.e. Z,=Z,.
z,=z,=z,, Fig. 4 shows a further arrangement using the four-
and that to zero-sequence currents is: winding transformer of fig. l(d) with the fourth winding
open-circuited. Under positive-sequence or negative-
z,=z,+3z,. sequence conditions this transformer introduces zero
Figs l(c) and l(d) behave in an exactly similar impedance into each phase because the total flux in the
manner. magnetic circuit is zero. The impedance per phase
A further arrangement of impedance and perfect offered to zero-sequence currents is, however, so large
transformers is given in fig. 3. Here the second winding as to be infinite in the practical case, the actual impe-
of each two-winding transformer is open-delta con- dance being governed by the excitation impedance of

They are thus applicable to all but equipments involving
rotating parts such as the induction motor etc. where the
positive-sequence and negative-sequence impedances
differ considerably. In many cases, however, they can be
used to represent synchronous motors and generators
without excessive error.
Overhead Lines
An overhead line has both series and shunt impe-
dance. The series impedance constitutes the resistance
3&l 3Lll and inductance of line and the shunt impedance the
capacitance of the line. The shunt leakage resistance can
usually be neglected in the absence of corona.
In this case it is convenient to consider the series and
shunt impedances separately and to choose the simulat-
ing network by examining the self and mutual impe-
?j--- dances of each phase conductor. The validity of the final
(a) 3-phase model can then be checked by measuring the
sequence impedances.
If each conductor is considered singly as constituting
an “earth-loop”, the conductor forms the “upper” part
of the loop and the earth-return the “lower” part as
shown in fig. 5. The earth-return is common to all
The self impedance (Z,,) of each “earth-loop”
could be measured directly by applying a voltage at one
end (with the other end connected to earth) and measur-


the transformer. The transformer

circuit or short-circuit
thus acts as an open-
in each phase depending
sequence voltages and currently involved. If, as in fig.
1 (d) , an impedance Z, is connected to the fourth wind-
on the
I/ FIG. 3.
ing then an impedance 32, is reflected into each phase
under zero-sequence conditions.
This network can be used in the approximate rep-
resentation of 3-phase transformers etc. when, as is
usual, only the sequence impedances of the transformer
are known, and the complex self and mutual impedances
are unknown.
In the following section, some examples of the use to
which these circuits can be put is illustrated.

Representing Power-system Equipment

The networks described in the previous section can be
used, either singly or in combination, to represent many
equipments encountered in power-systems. Their use is
confined, however, to those cases where the positive- FIF. 4. FOUR-WINDINGTRANSFORMER WITH FOURTH
sequence and negative-sequence impedances are equal. WINDING OPEN-CIRCUITED.

~-----__---~-- _I__ 0

I 1

I I -+ZP
‘. EARTH-RETURN*------&


ing the resulting current with the other conductors frequency a strict analogue holds with the series impe-
open-circuited. The impedance measured is ZP. In a dances ZP and ZPP and the same network can be used to
similar manner, the mutual impedance Z,, between the represent them.
separate earth-loops can be measured. These two para- Fig. l(u) is the most convenient form to use and it will
meters can be calculated by the method due to Carson be seen that the self capacitive-reactance X, is rep-
with good accuracy. resented by
The network of figs l(b), l(c), or l(d) can be used to x,=z,+z,,
represent the series impedance of the overhead line. The and the mutual capacitive-reactance X,, by
self impedance Z, is then
and the mutual impedance between conductor loops By analogy with the case of the series impedances
Z1=Z2=Xp-XPPr and
zpp=z,. z,=x,+2x,,.

In the previous section it was shown that the positive- This is illustrated in fig. 7 where the two notations are
sequence and negative-sequence impedances of this again given. When all phases are considered symmetri-
network were: cal the circuit of fig. 7 is preferred to the usual capacitive
K zi=z*=za, circuit using eight capacitors in star and delta connection
both because of the smaller number of capacitors
and the zero-sequence impedances:
involved and because the self and mutual capacitances
are more readily visualised.
Expressing these derived quantities in terms of the self The series and shunt networks can now be used to
and mutual impedances of the phase conductors: simulate the 3-phase overhead line as in fig. 8 where the
z,=z,=z,-z,, line is represented as a r section, half the capacitance
z,=z,+22,,. being connected at each end.
It can be shown that these values of the sequence In long-line problems a number of such sections are
impedances in terms of the self and mutual impedances used to represent the line.
hold for all types of overhead-line construction. The The above argument can be extended to include the
addition of an earth-wire merely changes the value of the case of the double-circuit overhead line. Considering the
self and mutual impedance, the form of the equations self and mutual series inductance and resistance only,
remaining unchanged. fig. 9 shows the network used as the model. In this
In fig. 6 the network is drawn with the impedances network, the mutual impedance has been split, forming
marked in terms of ZP and ZPP with the alternative an impedance divider which is adjusted to give the cor-
notation in Zi, Z2, and Za. The network of fig. l(d) is rect mutual impedance between the conductors of one
used as a basis. circuit and the mutual impedance between the conduc-
The shunt capacitive-reactance of the line can be con- tors of the two separate circuits.
sidered in exactly the same way. Each conductor has The mutual impedance between the two circuits is
self-capacitance to earth which is measured with all con- effective only for zero-sequence currents flowing in one
ductors completely open-circuited and there is also or two circuits and is termed the zero-sequence mutual
mutual capacitance between the three conductors. impedance, designated ZOO.
These values can be measured or calculated, and if the It should be noted that the only resistor in the mutual
values are expressed in terms of self and mutual branch is that common to both circuits and is the resis-
capacitive-reactance (X, and X,,) at the power- tance of the earth-return of the overhead lines.

d b 0
z,=z,=zp- z,,
zo=zp J.-2zpp

Fig. 10 shows the associated capacitance net-work for return.

the double-circuit line and includes the mutual capaci- Knowing these reactauces it is necessary to form a
tance between the two circuits. This network is com- 3-phase model which has the same reactances. One form
bined with that of fig. 9 in the same way as for the of this is shown in fig. 12. The analyser “perfect” trans-
single-circuit line (fig. 8).
j-phase Transformers
In the previous section, it was shown that a 3-phase
model of the overhead line could be built up from a
consideration of the self and mutual impedances of each
phase conductor. These quantities are readily calculable
and their use leads to a good understanding of unbalance
in 3-phase lines.
When dealing with power-transformers however, it is
generally not possible to build up a 3-phase model from
the self and mutual impedances as these are not nor-
mally quoted. The sequence impedances are generally
given for any transformers and it is from these that the
3-phase model is designed. The positive-sequence and
negative-sequence impedances are identical in power-
transformers and the zero-sequence impedance varies
with the type of transformer.
When modelling power-transformers the basic net-
works detailed at the beginning of Part II are used to
form, in most cases, a composite 3-phase network. In all X,=X, t iXpp
cases, the power-transformer magnetizing impedance FIG. 7. THREE-PHASECAPACITIVEEQUIVALENTOF AN
can be neglected and, for clarity, the winding resistance OVERHEADLINE.
will be neglected here.
Considering first the star-delta transformer of fig. formers T, and Tz are necessary to ensure the correct
1 l(u) with the starred windings connected to earth, the reactances. Note that TL comprises three separate units
sequence impedances are as illustrated in fig. 1 l(b). and that Tz is a four-winding transformer. For positive-
The positive-sequence and negative-sequence reac- sequence of negative-sequence currents flowing from
tances are identical and the zero-sequence reactance of star-winding terminals to delta-winding terminals the
the delta winding is infinite due to the lack of an earth- only reactance is that marked X,. This is because the




L / . /
v v



analyser transformer T2 offers no reactance to positive- Part III.

sequence and netative-sequence currents, and the trans-
former T1 offers infinite reactance. SOLUTION USING THE PRINCIPLE OF
For zero-sequence currents passing from the earth SYMMETRICAL COMPONENTS
connection to the “star” terminals, the per-phase reac-
tance is:
In Part II, the solution of unblanced problems using
x, + 3 m-w = x
3-phase models was discussed and these models were
used to illustrate the relationship between the basic
per-phase parameters and the sequence impedances. In
the following discussion, the only impedances used are
There is no path for zero-sequence currents in the the sequence impedances but, where possible, the
delta winding due to the infinite per-phase impedance of effects using these impedances will be interpreted in
T2 offered to zero-sequence currents. terms of physical quantities.
The 3-phase model of a star-delta-star transformer is When the analyser is applied to the solution of unbal-
built up in the same way but the fact that both starred anced problems using symmetrical-component theory,
windings can be earthed leads to a more complicated the general pattern of connection of sequence impe-
network. dances is unchanged from that when the problem is
Fig. 13(u) shows the star-delta-star transformer with solved by calculation. Each sequence network is “set
both star windings earthed. The positive-sequence and up” on the network-analyser in single-phase form and
negative-sequence reactances are identical and each star the networks are interconnected as one would intercon-
winding has a zero-sequence reactance which is low as a nect them if a calculation were being made on paper.
result of the delta winding. Zero-sequence currents flow- The networks are energized and readings taken in
ing in one star winding will induce zero-sequence vol- each to establish the positive-sequence, negative-
tages in the other star winding due to leakage-flux link- sequence, and zero-sequence currents and voltages. The
ages, and for complete modelling this should be included quantities are those associated with the reference phase
even though the effect is normally small. and, as outlined in Part I, these can be read in Cartesian
Fig. 13(b) shows the sequence reactance of this trans- form by energizing the current or voltage coils of the
former. The coupling between the two star windings is wattmeter and varmeter from and independent source.
apparent. Straightforward addition of the reference-phase quan-
Fig. 14 shows how these two sequence-impedance tities in each network yields the true phase-quantities of
networks may be combined to form a single 3-phase the reference phase. The quantities associated with the
network. Again, a combination of analyser “perfect” other two phases must now be calculated from those of
transformers is used and it will be seen that the correct the reference phase in the same way as when calculating
sequence impedances can be measured at all terminals. results.


0 -0


0 0







As mentioned previously the latter process is usually in each network to determine the true distribution in
carried out using a vector computer and can be very terms of phase quantities.
rapidly completed. A vector slide-rule can be used, but a Thus, most of the time is taken in reducing the net-
fair amount of manipulation is still necessary. works and in calculating current-distribution through
When symmetrical-component calculations are made them, both of these operations having little connections
on paper, much of the time is spent in sequence-network with the principle of symmetrical components.
reduction, a necessary prelude to the interconnection to When a network-analyser is used for the same prob-
the sequence networks to conform with the type of fault lems, no circuit reduction is necessary and the current
or unbalance being investigated. The interconnected and voltage distribution is read directly in each network.
networks are then used to establish the total unbalance The calculation of actual phase-quantities is also rapidly
currents and voltages and their sequence components at accomplished using the vector computer.
the point of unbalance. Knowing these, it is then neces- This freedom from calculation enables more time and
sary to establish the distribution of current and voltage thought to be devoted to studying the underlying princi-

‘3’ 'b'


Xl x2



(h )



pies behind the interconnection of sequence networks currents and voltage are at once apparent.
and this has led in many cases to methods which are Using an analyser the phase-to-neutral voltage of
suited particularly to the network-analyser. each phase would be 1 per-unit and, say, the value of
each resistor 1 per-unit. The current in the faulty phase is
then 1 per-unit and is zero in the other two phases. The
Physical Representation of Symmetrical Compo- voltages at the points R’, Y’, B’will be undisturbed and,
nents at the faultpoint, the red voltage is zero and the other
The essence of symmetrical-component theory is that two phases are at nominal voltage. It is obvious that this
any configuration of three vector quantities can be rep- system could be modelled on the analyser and the above
resented uniquely by three sets of “balanced” vectors, quantities read directly but the solution could equally
these sets being designated positive-sequence, well be obtained by symmetrical-component methods.
negative-sequence, and zero sequence quantities. The Without evaluation, two facts are apparent. At the
vector quantities are usually those associated with vol- fault-point, the red voltage is zero and the yellow and
tage and current. blue voltages are of normal phase and amplitude. Sec-
This fact in itself is of limited use in numerical analysis ondly, current flows in the red phase only. These vol-
unless it can be applied to the solution of unbalanced tages and currents are illustrated in fig. 16.
problems and the importance of symmetrical compo- Fig. 17 shows the same circuit drawn in a different
nents is due solely to the fact that the balanced resolu- way. The fault is removed and voltage-generators have
tion of unbalanced vectors leads to a simple analytical been connected to all three phases at the fault-point. The
method applicable to,many cases of practical interest. horizontal sets of three generators are adjusted to give
The widest and most direct application is to the analysis respectively a positive, negative, and zero sequence set
of fault-conditions, i.e. single-phase to earth, phase to of 3-phase voltages and each is adjusted until the vertical
phase, and phase-to-phase to earth. summation in each phase gives:
In this section it is shown how the unbalance currents Red-to-neutral voltage = zero;
and voltages can be considered as being generated by Blue-to-neutral voltage = normal voltage;
sets of sequence-voltage sources at the point of un- Yellow-to-neutral voltage = normal voltage.
balance. Fig. 18 shows one possible adjustment of the
Referring to fig. 15, this sketch shows three single- generators to comply with the above conditions. The
phase resistors fed from a 3-phase “infinite busbar” (i.e. positive-sequence generators are 2/3 per-unit amplitude
zero-reactance source). There is no mutual impedance and are “out of phase” with the negative-sequence and
between phases. The system is subject to a single-phase zero-sequence generators, the latter being l/3 per-unit
fault to earth (red phase) and is so simple that the amplitude. The circuit is now completely balanced in a


3-phase sense but behaves as if the original inbalance cance of the sequence voltages and currents and shows
due to the fault still exists. that a solution can be obtained using 3-phase models and
Fig. 19 confirms that the vertical summation of these first principles. Any of the 3-phase equivalent circuits
generator voltages is correct. Thus, if these nine discussed in Part II could have been used in place of the
generators are connected in place of the fault, the system three resistors thus catering for different positive, nega-
as a whole behaves in the same way as if the fault were tive, and zero-sequence impedances. Sequence currents
connected. The voltages across the yellow-phase and can in this way be looked upon as being driven by the
blue phase-resistors is zero and the current in these artificial generators at the fault-point. The most complex
phases is therefore zero. The voltage of the red phase at problem can be treated in this way but obviously the
the fault is zero and the two other phases are at normal treatment would be tedious. When the impedance
voltage. offered to currents of the three sequences is different in
If now we apply the principle of superposition to fig. size and phase-angle it is almost impossible to choose the
16 to determine the currents flowing in the circuits as a correct “mixture” of sequence voltages for the artificial
result of all nine generators, we can treat each set of generators so that they simulate the voltages with the
generators of the same sequence separately and obtain fault applied.
the sequence currents. In all cases involving single-phase-to-earth faults it is
The three sequence impedances of the resistors are the current sequence-components which make the solu-
identical and equal to 1.0 per-unit since no mutual tion unique. The relative phase and amplitude of these
impedances exist. Taking first the zero sequence are always known from the fact that there is current in
generators, the zero-sequence current per phase is as the faulty phase at the fault-point and none in the other
shown in fig. 20 which should be read in conjunction two phases. Consideration of this leads to the conclusion
with fig. 18. Taking, now the negative-sequence that in all cases, independent of the sequence-
generators alone the currents will be as in fig. 20. When impedances of the faulty network, the current
considering the positive-sequence generators, there are sequence-components are as shown in fig. 20 where all
two sets to consider, that of the source as well as the components are of equal size and the reference (faulted)
added generators. The net positive-sequence voltage is phase-components are in phase. The sizes and relative
the vector sum and this, with other sequence voltages, is phase-angle of the voltage sequence-components at the
given above the resulting positive-sequence current in fault-point are governed by the sequence impedances of
fig. 20. the network.
From fig. 21 it is seen that the correct current- Fortunately, for the direct faults it is possible to con-
distribution is obtained but care must be taken with nect the sequence-impedance networks in the pre-
vector conventions; driving voltages and voltage-drops scribed manner to determine the sequence voltages at
must be identified. the fault-point and the sequence currents flowing at the
This simple example illustrates the physical signifi- fault-point.


IY 0

Vu' VY IB 0


FIG. 17.

Fig. 22 shows the familiar connection for a single- at the fault-point current flows in only the reference
phase fault. The circuit applies only to the reference phase. This indicates that the other two phases carry no
phase, in this case the red phase. It was seen that, in this current and, as stated above, there is only one set of
phase, the sum of the sequence voltages should be zero sequence currents which will satisfy this condition. Thus,
at the fault-point. This is satisfied in fig. 22 by the the loop-connection is correct for all single-phase-to-
closed-loop connection. Note that the individual sequ- earth faults and it will solve for all reference-phase quan-
ence voltages are not specified; only the summation to tities no matter how complicated the network may be.
zero is known in the general case. It is further known that The same approach, for say, phase-to-phase faults can






VoR. V2R VIR 4

f-i %* 4
IS : IS : IS:

J vu





be made and the significance of the parallel connection
of the sequence-networks is apparent. In this case the
known conditions at the fault-point which have to be
satisfied by the artificial generators are:
Yellow-phase and blue-phase voltages are identical;
Yellow-phase and blue-phase fault-currents are equal
and opposite;
Red-phase fault-current is zero.
As there is no fault-connection to earth, no zero-
sequence currents are involved and fig. 23 shows the v, I.0
sequence currents with, in fig. 24, the summation. Note
here that to satisfy the conditions for the phase currents
at the fault, there is only one possible arrangement of the
two sequence-currents to give no current in the refer-
ence phase and equal and opposite currents in the other
two phases. Similar conditions can be drawn regarding
the sequence voltages, and the phase-to-phase-to earth
fault yields to similar treatment.
It should be borne in mind that when the sequence N F
networks are connected together in a particular fashion, FIG. 22. SINGLE-PHASE-TO-EARTHCONNECTION.
the composite network so formed has no true physical
significance. It can be looked upon as forming a compu-
tational aid in solving for the sequence currents and
voltages. The composite network is thus a form of In the following section, the methods usually adopted
‘analogue computer’ into which the constraints are fed in will be outlined for these routine studies.
the form of voltage and current equations which define
t the unbalance. Routine Investigation of Unbalanced Faults
The majority of faults (i.e. phase-to-phase, one or two The most direct method of solution is to set up on the
open conductors, and so on) can be solved by the con- analyser all sequence-impedance networks and to inter-
ventional series of parallel connection of impedance connect them in the established manner. This method is
networks. These are “complete” phase unbalance cases applicable to all networks but physical limitations of the
in the sense that the impedance of one phase is infinite or analyser usually prohibit its use when the network is
zero in a series or shunt sense. When the impedance of large. The large number of analyser impedance-units
one phase is finite and different from that of the other required by this method is the usual limiting factor.
two, these two connections are again valid but when all It is usual with large networks to set up on the analyser
three phase impedances are different, more complicated each sequence-impedance network in turn and to meas-
connections have to be devised, some of which demand ure voltages and currents in each separately. When deal-
the use of “unilateral” mutual impedances. Solutions ing, for example, with the negative-sequence network
involving two simultaneous faults or “unbalances” are, one unit of fault-current is passed through the network
in general, of this form. from the neutral plane to the fault-point. All branch
currents are now measured as a proportion of the total
fault-current and the phase-angle is measured relative to
Application using the Network Analyser that of the total fault-current. The latter is usually made
zero degrees for ease of reference.
General In this way the vector distribution of the total fault-
In the previous sections, a physical picture of the current through the three networks is established, usu-
working of the method was given for one case of a direct ally for a number of fault-positions. This distribution is
fault and it was indicated that the other faults could be expressed as a “distribution factor” and each branch has
interpreted in the same way. In applications using the three such factors in the general case, one in each sequ-
analyser, the conditions at the fault or unbalance must ence network, for a particular fault position. A large
always be examined first and, from these conditions the number of analyser readings is, of course, entailed by an
sequence-impedance networks are then interconnected extensive network and the data obtained so comprehen-
to satisfy the conditions at the unbalance point. sive as to become unmanageable in many cases.
In many cases, the analysis of unbalance follows an The distribution factors obtained for each network
analyser power-flow study coupled with an investigation are universal and can be used for all types of fault. The
into circuit-breaker 3-phase performance. The results of total fault-current for each fault-point can be deter-
these studies dictate the interconnection of the system mined by using three simple equivalent impedances
for normal operation. Earthing and protection arrange- connected in the usual way according to the type of fault
ments are then considered and a series of studies made being studied. Knowing the total fault-current, the sequ-
to examine the performance of the system under fault- ence currents previously measured as distribution fac-
conditions. tors in each branch can be “scaled” from the values




obtained using the assumed unit value for this fault- and can, for instance, show to what degree the sequence
current. voltages developed at the fault cause unbalanced vol-
The above method enables each phase current in each tages and currents at points in the system remote from
network-branch to be evaluated as well as all neutral the fault.
currents and the total fault-current. In many instances, it
is only necessary to know the zero-sequence-current
distribution through the network for the purpose of, for
instance, earth-fault protection-grading or mutual- Special Methods
interference problems. When this is the case, only the A number of special methods are used but all these are
zero-sequence impedance-network need be set up on derived from the basic methods described above.
the analyser and the “distribution factors” are then Numerous ‘dodges’ are often resorted to for the purpose
measured as described above. Only the lumped equival- of simplifying calculations which must eventually be
ent impedance of the positive-sequence and negative- made when the unbalance currents and voltages have
sequence networks is required to determine the total been measured. For example, the equivalent circuits of
fault-current. The positive-sequence equivalent- equipments such as impedance relays can be set up on
impedance is usually obtained during the load-flow the analyser and, with the analyser meters connected to
studies which frequently precede the unbalance studies. the output terminals of the equivalent circuit, the input
The negative-sequence equivalent-impedance can, in terminals are connected to the appropriate point in the
the majority of cases, be taken as equal to the positive- power-system network. The analyser meters thus
sequence value but special measurement may be essen- responding the same way as would the actual equipment,
tial when large induction motors are involved or faults and much valuable information regarding the perfor-
adjacent to power-stations are being studied. mance under complex unbalance conditions can be so
It should noted that while it is usual to evaluate the obtained. This technique can be extended to deal with
branch currents in terms of amperes-per-phase, the “dis- many other unbalance problems including those associ-
tribution factors” alone often yield valuable information ated with induction motors.

CHAPTER 3 D. C. Primary Transients in

This article is intended as a study of simple exponential current zero, while the maximum transient is given by
d.c. transients which is necessary for understanding the switching at a prospective current maximum. The rate of
behaviour of current-transformers and protective sys- decay of the transient is determined by the time-constant
tems in the transient state. This latter subject will be L/R, which is also directly related to X/R or the circuit Q
dealt with in a subsequent article. factor, or to the circuit power-factor or phase-angle.
Faults on power-system components and interconnec- It is not necessary, in practice, to have more informa-
tions are mostly of a sudden nature and, because of this, tion than the basic time-constant of the circuit, the pros-
are accompanied by transient components of current. pective steady-state current, and the “point-on-wave” of
These may last only for a few cycles of system frequency making the circuit. The form of the transient is the same
but, even for this short duration, they may affect the for all switching points except in respect of polarity and
performance of fast-acting devices such as circuit- initial starting value. The familiar “off-set” or fully
breakers and protective gear. asymmetrical current is shown in fig. 2(u), which gives
The transient currents may be oscillatory or of a maximum d.c. transient. Also shown in 2(b) and 2(c) are
unidirectional type. The oscillatory types are mostly of oscillograms of switching 30” in advance and 30” later
high frequency unless they are concerned with large than prospective current maximum. Note the initial
values of capacitance, such as series capacitors. These minor loop for the advanced making.
oscillatory current-transients do not usually last long
enough to affect protective gear and they do not consti-
Some Useful Properties of Exponential Current
tute a current-transformation problem. Extreme condi-
tions of current and high frequency may, however, cre- Some of the properties of the exponenial can be useful
ate an insulation problem on the current-transformer both in the analysis of test-results and in the interpreta-
secondaries and on the associated relay equipment. tion of test-data and oscillograms. The more interesting
The exponential transient, with which this article is of these are described below.
concerned, is of importance both in circuit-breaking and
in protective gear. In the latter, the large current levels Time-constants
and the low-frequency character of this transient create The time-constant can be shown mathematically as
difficulties in accurate current-transformation. being the time when the transient is reduced to I/e
Familiarity with the d.c. primary transients can be of (36.8%) of the initial starting value. In addition, it can be
great value in application problems, in the assessment of shown that the tangent to the exponential at zero time
test circuits, and in the interpretation of test-data such as intersects the time axis at a value equal to the time-
oscillographic records. The basic phenomena are simple constant. These are shown in fig. 3. Another property of
and are treated in most text-books, but some of the finer the exponential which can be of value in this respect is
points are not always appreciated by many engineers in that the ratio of currents at equal successive intervals of
relation to practical problems. time is constant and equal to e4t/T. Each of the above
properties can be used for the evaluation of time-
Basic Switching Exponential constants but, because of practical errors of measure-
There are a number of different ways of explaining or ment, the average result of more than one method is
deriving the basic exponential d.c. transient which usually preferable. A table is given in fig. 4 of the corres-
accompanies the making of a circuit containing linear ponding values of time-constant, phase-angle. and cir-
resistance and inductance as shown in fig. 1. cuit power-factor for various ratios of X/R at 50 c/s. Fig.
The basic mathematical analysis gives the required 5 gives typical values of X/R for the various components
solution as: in a power-system. These of course are only typical but
are sufficiently correct for most purposes. However, it
-t/T should be remembered that, in practice, we are con-
i = I.sin (ot + a! - 0) - I.sin (a -a) e cerned with the overall time-constant of the circuit
I being the peak value of the steady-state current. which may be somewhat complex and contain a number
The transient term is of initial amplitude equal to that of components in different configurations. Allowance
of the starting value of the prospective steady-state cur- has to be made for this in evaluating the effective X/R of
rent, and is of opposite polarity to satisfy the require- the total fault-current which is the quantity usually
ment that total current must start from zero with induc- under consideration. These effects, together with the
tance in the circuit. The case of zero transient is obtained influence of arc-voltage on effective X/R, are dealt with
if switching takes place at a prospective steady-state later.

(a) Full asymmetry. (b) 30” in advance. (c) 30” later.


-i2 = -i3 = ........................ e- b t!T

il i2



T Log/Linear Plotting
X/R 0 cos 0
The exponential waveform has the useful property
that when it is plotted on a log/linear scale the result is a
4 1.59 26.5” .895 straight line. This is a useful way of obtaining exponen-
1 3.18 45.0” .707 tial curves, particularly for data purposes. Typical data
2 6.36 63-S” a446 curves on this basis are shown in fig. 6. Linear plotting of
4 12.72 76.0” .242 exponentials is most easily done using the constant ratio
8 25.44 82.8” .123 of successive values already referred to.
10 31.8 84.3” -099
12 38.16 85.3” .082 Values of Transient-current Peaks
14 44.5 86.0” .07 It is often necessary, for the purpose of assessing
16 SO.9 86.5” -061
contacts, circuit-breakers, and protective gear, to know
18 57.2 86.8” a054
the values of current-peaks in an asymmetric waveform.
20 63.6 87.25” *05
The theoretical upper limit of twice the steady-state
t 22 70.0 87.4” -045
peak current is only achieved with extremely long time-
24 76.3 87.6” .042
constants outside the range normally met in practice.
26 83.2 87.8” -038
For the case of peak values of current, maximum
28 ~ 89.6 88-O” .035
values are obtained, not with maximum d.c. transient,
30 96.0 88.2” -033
but with the slightly lower transient current occurring
FIG. 4. CORRESPONDING ‘K, TIME-CONSTANT,AND when the circuit is made at voltage-zero. Although the
CIRCUITPHASE-ANGLEVALUESIN 50 C/S SYSTEMS. transient is lower in this case, the peaks occur earlier,
Component Voltage (kV) Range of X/R Remarks

Generators alone 11-15 30-120 Generally large generators at high

X/R, but these are usually combined
with transformers

Generator Transformers 11 or 15/ 20-40 Large generators for transmission


Transformers for transmission 275/t&132 30-35 Value depends on % reactance required

and primary distribution 132166 for system reasons

Transformers for distribution 3.3-33 5-10 Reactance values kept low for
regulation reasons

Reactors - 30-120 Depends on throughput and economi

design of losses

Cables 3.3-6.6 0.16-1.0 Largely depends on rated current.

1 l-22 0.2 -2.0 Larger values tend to be obtained wit1
33-132 1.0 -5.0 large-section single-core types
275 2.0

Overhead lines 1 l-22 JS-S

33-66 14-3 Depends on rated current
132 2:
275 4 2 X *175 in2 conductors
9 2 X *4 in2 conductiors
400 9 2 x .4 in’ conductors
15 4 x .4 it? conductors


giving the slightly increased values of peak current. The ably valid for larger time-constants it should be appreci-
values of the first peak of current are plotted against X/R ated that there is theoretically always a minor loop
in fig. 7. Values are given for the first peak for switching associated with this condition. Fig. 8 shows an analysis
at both voltage-zero and at prospective maximum cur- for this particular effect. The total current is the differ-
rent, but it can be seen that the difference is only signif- ence of the exponential and cosine wave and the minor-
icant at relatively low values of X/R. The first current- loop effect can be seen by plotting an exponential cur-
peak is an important value for the rating of a contact. rent and cosine current together. The shaded area rep-
Other points which may be of importance on a resents the minor loop in duration and magnitude. It can
transient-current waveform are at times of about 50ms be seen from this that the duration of the minor loop is
and 7Oms. These are the approximate times which fast significant for X/Rs between 2 and 8 but that the amp-
circuit-breakers and protective gear would take to litude of the minor loop is not greatly significant for
achieve contact-separation. Values for these times are X/Rs above 4. This effect is pointed out because it can be
also given in fig. 7. important in assessing accurately the switching point
The values of d.c. component can of course be particularly of low X/R circuits and also because this
obtained by subracting 1 per unit from the values given part of the waveform is frequently shown in an expanded
by these curves. form on some oscillographic records. The existence of
this minor loop would also be important in protective-
Minor Loop on Full Asymmetry gear devices responsive to polarity of current and posi-
It is quite common to see sketches of oftset current tion of current-zero.
waves with maximum d.c. transient not showing any There is no minor loop at all in the other important
minor loop at the commencement. While this is reason- case of switching the circuit at voltage-zero.

Time of First Major Peak on Full Asymmetry tally this is not exact but the accuracy is quite sufficient
It is quite common to estimate the peak-value of a for all practical purposes. The exact time of occurrence
loop, particularly the first major loop, by adding the of the first major peak and its value can be obtained by
peak-value of the steady-state current to the instantane- plotting curves of d.c. exponential, sin ot, and d.c
ous values of the d.c. component at that point. Theoreti- exponential/X/R. Again the disparity is most noticeable

I.0 -



t (m. sets)

t (m. sets)


I .o



-- -..--.-.-.---.

I 2 3 4 m. sets


on time-constants in the range of 2-4 but comparison bered of course that there will will be a discontinuity
between values of peak current obtained accurately when the resulting total current passes through zero.
from this construction and the additive method used for The expression is given for the resulting transient cur-
fig. 7 gives negligible errors, as shown on the construc- rent which is still exponential in waveform but which is
tional diagram, fig. 9. asymptotic to a horizontal line through kX/R. An
approximate evaluation of the increased rate of decay
Effects of Arc-voltage due to the presence of the arc is given by the equivalent
The presence of an arc-voltage in series with the cir- time-constant
cuit has a pronounced effect on the waveform of the T’ = T
resulting transient current, even for relatively low values
(1 + kX/R)
of arc-voltage. It is not possible, of course, to calculate
accurately the effects for complex arc-waveforms, but a In this expression X/R is the natural value of the circuit
common case is that of a relatively small arc-voltage of and k is the per-unit value of arc-voltage referred to the
rectangular waveform. The general circuit is shown in peak sinusoidal voltage. An example of the extent of this
fig. 10 and the resulting total current can be obtained by increase is obtained by taking the X/R= 15 and k= l/25,
superimposing the currents resulting from the two sepa- T’ being equal to .625T. The complete waveform of
rate voltage-sources, one being the normal prospective current for this particular case is plotted in fig. 11. Dur-
transient current without arcing and the other being the ing the first loop the resultant current is obtained from
current resulting from the replacement of the arc by an the transient expression shown in fig. 10. At current-
equivalent squarewave generator. It must be remem- zero the arc-voltage is restarted with opposite polarity.

In addition the decay transient of the current i’, which is only about 2 or 3 for very-high-voltage lines with
was the ultimate value of the previous arc-voltage trans- bundle conductors.
ient current, has to be taken into account. Subsequent In practice, therefore, the total circuit-current under
loops are obtained by repetition of this process. Fig.. 12 short-circuit conditions will usually involve impedances
shows the approximate correction factor for various val- having different X/R values and this should be taken
ues of X/R and arc-voltages. into account when evaluating the transient currents.
There are four basic circuits, which, when analysed,
can usually cover most practical cases. These are as
Mixed Circuits follows.
In general, the concentrated componets of a power-
system such as generators, transformers, and reactors Series Impedances
have X/R values which are greater than those of cables This is shown in fig. 13 and represents, in general
and ovehead lines, althoughin the latter case the factor terms, the common case of a fault beyond the switching


Natural X/R = 1.5

e, = 1/25E.

k = e,/E


k = _!_
k = 1.
k _ _!_

_._L--_--_--~ -1_-- ’

s IO 15 20 25 30 35 x


or relaying point, the fault being fed by predominantly Simple Shunt Circuit
generator and transformer plant. This is as shown in fig. 14 and is representative of a
The fault-current, apart from reducing as the fault is close-in busbar-fault, with two types of infeed to the
moved out along the line, will have a reducing X/R value busbars. Generally, part of the fault-MVA will be
derived from generators and transformers having an
effective X/R value about 30-40, and the remainder will
be infeeds from the system, having X/R values approxi-
mately that of the lines, i.e. of the order of 3-15. This
results in two components of fault-current, each with a
transient corresponding to its own particular X/R value,
and an initial magnitude corresponding to the respective
steady-state value.
1 1

xi +x2
Parallel/Series Circuit
Total circuit G = ---- This is an extension of the previous case of mixed
RI fR2 infeeds, but has the complication of a common length of
FIG. 13. SIMPLE SERIES-CIRCUIT line between the fault and switching point, as shown in
fig. 15. The line impedance is mutual to the two infeeds
since the line X/R is less than that of the source. The and the solution is therefore more difficult. A degree of
equivalent X/R of the total fault-current is easily simplification is possible if one infeed, i.e. that due to
obtained by dividing the total circuit-reactance by the line infeed, has the same X/R as the line impedance
total resistance. Curves relating equivalent X/R with between switching point and fault as will generally occur
various busbar MVAs and line-lengths-to-fault are given in practice. Analysis of this case shows that the total
for various system-voltages on pages 25 and 26 of R.R. fault-current has two exponential transients, one at the
174. (A Reyrolle Review Reprint). X/R value lying between that of the line and that of the

generator-transformer X/R. The exact value of this lat-
ter X/R, and the magnitude of each component of the
transient have been evaluated for a range of
impedance-ratio values in figs 16 and 17. These are
based on an X/R of 30 for Z1 and an X/R of 9 for Z2 and
Z3 which are the approximate figures for the 275kV
system. The values obtained from these curves are inter-
esting since they show that, for a wide range of practical
cases, x’is substantially below the maximum value of 30,
and the proportion of current having a transient of the
minimum X/R=9 is large. A simple example is when
Zz = Zz = 1
Zl 23

This is the case of a station, in which the total short-

circuit MVA is divided equally between generator/
X transformer plant and line-infeed from the system, the
ZI fault for a 275kV 15,000-MVA level being about 15
miles from the busbar. In this example, .75 of the fault-
v-1 R2vX2 R3
current has an X/R = 9 and .25 has an X/R=17. The
z2 Zj curves can be used to evaluate the total d.c. component
of fault-current, or to determine current-transformer
d requirements.

Shunt Resistance
x2 x3
This simple case, shown in fig. 18, sometimes gives
RI R2 R3 rise to difficulty because of the use of such circuits to
z2 produce the 50-cycle conditions equivalent to a series
-_=m -z2 _
1 circuit. Since this equivalence is only valid at the one
ZI z3
frequency, 50 cycles, a completely different current-
- transient can be expected in each case.
i/ On making, the current is immediately established in
C’I the resistance, with no transient, and the current in the
inductance is accompanied by a normal exponential
transient. This transient is not, however, related in
time-constant to the original circuit power-factor, but
only to the natural X/R of the inductive branch. This
transient will be considerably longer than the equivalent
series circuit for the same overall power-factor.

Three-phase Faults
TOTAL FAULT-CURRENT TRANSIENT Three-phase transients will be of the general form of
the single-phase cases already covered. As the starting
values of the prospective steady-state currents add up to
between zero, so also will the three d.c. transients summate to
zero at all times. With three phases, however, there is
, and x1 always a higher probability of experiencing asymmetry
of fault-current in the system. There will, theoretically,
always be a minimum of 86% asymmetry in at least one
or more phases. Some differences arise with sequential
closure of the different phases of the circuit, but these
tend to be of academic rather than practical interest.
Analysis of the d.c. transient arising from faults on a
power-system shows that the basic exponenital form is
applicable, with some modification, to most practical
systems. These modifications can be important in the
evaluation of the practical fault-conditions needed to
FIG. 15. TRANSIENT CURRENTS IN assess the realistic requirements of equipment such as
PARALLEL/SERIES CIRCUIT. current-transformers and protective gear. It is hoped

between the busbars and the fault and this will have the
same X/R as the line-source input.
This particular case can be solved with a minimum of
mathematics, if certain circuit concepts are borne in
The general circuit is shown in fig. 19.
The steady-state currents will be divided in the ratio
1,/I,= Zz/Z1 and the resulting transient components in
each loop must satisfy this division.
From inspection, two loops exist with Z3 as the mutual
impedance. It was previously pointed out that the expo-
nential current in a circuit comprising impedances of the
same time-constant does not generate any external vol-
tages. It is possible, therefore, for the loop Z2Z3 to carry
an exponential of the line time-constant without inter-
reaction with the loop Z1Z3, and this is one of the trans-
ient currents.
The other transient, involving Z1, must intereact with
Z, and will be of a time-constant intermediate between
that of the generators and that of the line, and be distri-
buted so as to satisfy both the inter-reaction and the
initial starting requirements.

Transient Current Distribution

Let I1 and I2 be the steady-state components of cur-
rent in the two loops. The transients il and i2 will distri-
bute as shown in fig. 20.
Total transient current =(l - c) il + iz,

where c = Z3 = 1
z2+z3 z,. 1

i, must start with initial value =I 17

i2 must start with initial value = 12 + CI,,
and the total transient with I, + 12.


that the data provided in this article will help in this

respect, because there is always the possibility that the
over-simplification which results from lack of working
data may give rise to excessively pessimistic require-
ments. ’

Circuits of Mixed Time-constants
Detailed Analysis and Alternative Presentation
As previously discussed, many practical systems can
be reduced to the form shown in fig. 15. This constitutes
one input source of predominantly generator and trans- FIG. 19.
former characteristics, and another in which line charac-
teristics predominate. Also, there will be a length of line

Thus, the per-unit of current at the line time-constant And the effective Q of this series circuit will be

1+& 1+cz2 Z
r + 1
= A = b+cIl = I2 = Zl

- zl+z’ = 0 Z’
I,+11 I1 z2
1+ - 1+ - z Z’

I2 Zl Xl X2

or, expressed in terms of x2

33 +9=
X2 -3 z, +1

x1 0 Z’ Xl/X2

The above expressions can be shown as in figs 16 and
17. However, more generalised data-curves relating the
values to the various fault-MVA levels at the busbars
and at the line are more useful and are shown in figs 21,
22, and 23.
Independent variables are obtained involving three
short-circuit levels such that

Total MVA at the fault

Total MVA at the busbars ,
FIG. 20.
MVA at the busbars from line-source
Intermediate time-constant
MVA at the busbars from generator-source

The intermediate time-constant of the transient il can Fig. 21 shows the per-unit value of fault-current at the
be readily obtained from fig. 20. line time-constant for various values of X and Y.
Total impedance seen by this transient Fig. 22 shows the dependent variable z plotted against
various values of x and y.
= Z1 + zz = z,+z’. Fig. 23 gives the intermediate X/R (Q value) for vari-
Zz+Z, ous values of this dependent variable z.

CHAPTER 4 C.urrent-transformers in Relation to
Protective Gear: Steady-state
INTRODUCTION ary impedance is reduced, and the circuit can be consi-
dered as current driven as shown by fig. 2. On this basis,
The wide application of current-transformers to power- the primary resistance and leakage reactance may be
system requirements presents a scope greater than can omitted to give the simplified current-driven circuit
be dealt with in a single article. As part of a course on shown.
protective-gear, this article deals with some of those In most cases, current-transformers are of the ring-
aspects which are of interest to protective-gear core type, with toroidal secondary windings and sym-
engineers, both designers and users, and which are con- metrical primary windings. For these, the leakage reac-
cerned with the behaviour of current-transformers in tance of the secondary winding is very small and may be
protective-gear circuits. From consideration of such omitted from the equivalent circuit. With unsymmetrical
aspects it is possible to obtain a better understanding of primary windings, incomplete winding of the core, and
the problems and difficulties which arise in the design built-up cores, the secondary leakage-reactance may be
and application of protective gear. high and, in extreme cases, comparable to the secondary
Whenever possible, a complicated mathematical load, in which case it must be included in the equivalent
approach has been avoided in favour of graphical circuit. These two categories of current-transformers are
analysis. The use of some mathematics is, however, defined in B.S. 2046 (Protective Transformers) as low-
inevitable and a reasonable knowledge of this and of reactance and high-reactance current-transformers, and
basic electrical circuit theory has been assumed. different testing and application techniques are required
The importance of the current-transformer needs no for each type. Low-reactance types are generally prefer-
emphasis. The device is basically a very simple one but red for use in protective systems.
its behaviour, particularly under saturated and transient The shunt impedance Zw of the equivalent circuit
conditions, is rather complex. These conditions are of represents the magnetizing and iron-loss impedances of
particular interest in the design and understanding of the transformer and it is convenient to consider these as
modern protective-gear. a linear reactance in shunt with a linear resistance for
many calculations where high accuracy is not required. It
Equivalent Circuits is important to remember, however, that these impe-
The use of equivalent circuits can be invaluable in the dances are non-linear and must be considered as such
study of curren-transformer problems and full use when accurate calculations in the unsaturated region are
should be made of these techniques. The basic equival- required or when operation in the saturated region is
ent circuit of a current-transformer is shown in fig.1 and being considered.
is similar to that of a power-transformer. For the case where the shunt impedance Zw is consi-
The effective impedances of the current-transformer dered linear, a further variation of the equivalent circuit
imposed on the primary energizing system are invariably is possible by using Thevenin’s Theorem, as shown in fig.
small compared with the natural impedance of the prim- 3. This gives an equivalent circuit which is voltage-
ary system, even under fault-conditions when the prim- energized. It is important to realise that the voltages


RpN2 Primary resistance
XLPN* Primary leakage-reactance
Rs Secondary resistance Referred to
XLS Secondary leakage-reactance secondary
ZM Shunt magnetizing impedance level
zs Secondary load


RpN2 XwN2 Rs KS

EpN (Primary system-voltage ”

ZpN2 (and impedance referred
to secondary level.


developed across &, in this circuit are theoretical and do tic circuit, the quality of iron, the cross-sectional area of
not occur in the actual current-transformer windings. iron, and the number of secondary turns. Most of these
This circuit gives the same value of secondary current in factors are affected by the space available for accom-
the load and the same errors as that in fig. 2. modating the current-transformer and the design factors
are such that, for a given space, there is an upper limit of
Design Factors and Steady-state Performance accuracy which can be attained for a particular secon-
Accuracy dary burden and primary rating. This maximum accu-
The main criterion of performance is the accuracy racy can be increased by the use of high-permeability
with which the primary current is reproduced
in the low -low steels for a part or the whole of the core. The
secondary circuit with respect to both magnitude and accuracy is also dependent on the secondary load-
phase-angle. This steady-state performance is expressed impedance and will be increased as this impedance is
in terms of ‘Ratio error’ and ‘Phase-angle error,’ defined reduced. In the limit, the value of accuracy on short
as: circuit is determined by the secondary-winding resis-

NI-Ip tance and leakage reactance. Many protective current-
Ratio error = -___ 100%
transformers operate under conditions approaching this.
[ IP
The value of secondary turns will be related to the
Phase-angle error = y in fig. 4 number of primary turns, the transformation ratio, and
(+ ve when Is vector leads IJN vector as shown). the rated secondary-current. When the rated primary-
Considering the simple equivalent circuit shown in fig. 2, current is below about 300 amperes, the number of
a given primary current will be divided between the secondary turns, especially with a Sampere secondary
shunt impedances Zjd and (R,s+XLs+Zs) in accordance rating, may become too low to achieve a particular accu-
with their relative magnitudes and phase-angles as racy with a bar-primary (single-turn) so that multiple
shown in fig. 4. Thus the accuracy of output for a given primary turns must be used. The effect of secondary
total secondary impedance will be governed by the value turns and rated secondary current is considered in more
of Z,. This is directly related to the length of the magne- detail later.


The saturation-factor is dependent, to a large extent,
on the same factors which govern the accuracy and, for a
given space, primary rating, and core material, there will
be an upper limit to the saturation-factor which is attain-
Although saturation effects the greatest departure
from linearity, most magnetic steels are fairly non-linear
over most of the working range, giving typical voltage/
current characteristics as shown in fig. 5(a). There is
generally a region of low initial permeability followed by
a region of high permeability and finally the region of
low permeability resulting from saturation. Such non-
linearity results in harmonic components of magnetizing
currents even in the unsaturated region.
The type of curve shown in fig. 5(a) is associated with
a core of homogeneous cross-section, such as obtained
with a ring-core comprising either annular stampings or
spiral-wound strip. Cores of the built-up type using over-
lapped butt construction exhibit an effect of two-stage
saturation, as shown in fig. 5(b). This is due to saturation
at the butt joints, where the cross-section is halved and
the flux-density is about twice that in the remainder of
the core. This results in an equivalent air-gap line before
--(I&n0 + 11~cos0) x ,ooyO total saturation is reached. Built-up cores are not often
Radio error ?Y ~
IPIN - used for main current-transformers, except at low vol-
Phase error = y lead tage, but they are generally used for auxiliary current-
~. 1~ cos 0-11~ sin 0
radians. transformers.
The hysteresis loop is such that harmonics are pro-
FIG. 4. SIMPLEEXPRESSIONSFORACCIJRACY duced due to the hysteresis-loss current, i.e.the shunt
resistance representing the iron losses is really a non-
linear resistance. In order to produce sinusoidal iron-
loss currents, the hysteresis loop would need to be ellip-
Saturation and Non-linearity of Iron tical in shape (see fig. 6). Both these effects make the
The main departure from linearity in the shunt impe- vector combination of magnetizing and loss currents
dance Zu occurs when the core flux reaches saturation. with the primary and secondary currents, as in fig. 4, an
This is accompanied by a rapid reduction of Z, and a approximate process of convenience. The inaccuracies
large increase in errors. It is important to know the involved are not great, however, and for most
secondary current at which this departure from reason- protective-gear purposes may be neglected below the
able accuracy occurs. It is often defined by Saturation region of saturation.
Factor, which is the multiple of rated current up to which
the current-transformer is accurate for a specified sec-
ondary burden. The correlation of accuracy, burden, Design-data Curves
and saturation-factor is used in B.S. 2046 as a conve- The characteristics of various typical materials used
nient method of specifying the general capabilities of a for current-transformer cores are conveniently shown in
current-transformer. the design-data curves in figs 7a, b, and c. Log/log scales




1~ amps


Saturation at butt-joints


are used to maintain accuracy over a wide range of Area = 19.4 sq cm

values. These curves are based on r.m.s. ampere-turns LMP = 63.5 cm
and peak flux-density at a frequency of 50 HZ and are Total secondary impedance Z = 1+7.5 /63
normally given for a sinusoidal voltage, the current and = 8.0 154”.
thus the ampere-turns containing harmonics. This is a Total secondary voltage = ZxIsec (r.m.s.)
compromise which is generally justified in practice and is = 4.44 Bu A f N 1W
referred to again in the following section on ‘Basic Per- from which Bw = 620 I,, lines/cm’
formance Data.’ The curves are expressed in unit values where B,+, = Peak flux-density, and
and the separate values of magnetizing and iron-loss I set = secondary r.m.s. current.
ampere-turns are given so that it is relatively easy to
relate them to a specific design-problem. For example, 1, = AT ,+,/crn 63.5 =.212AT,+&m
to calculate the phase-angle error and ratio error for a
300/l Stalloy current-transformer having LMP = 25 in, 300
a cross-section of 3 in=, and a secondary-winding resis- 4, =.212 ATIL/cm, where
tance of 1-O ohm, assume a range of secondary currents I, and IIL are the r.m.s. magnetizing and iron-loss
up to 20 amperes and a burden of 7.5 ohms/62. components of exciting current.


(a) Grain-orientated Sillcon-Iron

Peak Flux-density-Gauss

I.0 _

0 5

(b) Hot-rolled Slllcon-iron



: 0.1
K 05


/ I I I
(c) Nickel-iron (Mu-metal)


Peak Flux-denslty-Gauss


For various values of I,,,, values of Bw and thus Iu and instrument current-transformers and are not normally
IIL are obtained, the ratio and phase errors then being required for protective current-transformers.
calculated. For protective current-tranformers, a suitable ratio-
The values of ratio error and phase-angle error are check with zero burden and rated current is usually
shown plotted in fig. 8 for a range of currents up to 20 made to check the turns ratio, which is an important
amperes. factor in protective systems, particularly those of the
By reducing the number of secondary turn from 300 balanced type. In addition, the excitation-currents are
to 292, the ratio-error curve would be referred to the measured (see ‘Open-circuit Excitation Curves’ below)
new axis through 0 (see fig. 8), and the effective error since, in this type of application, this is considered to be
would be reduced over most of the working range, but sufficient indication of the expected accuracy under
would not affect appreciably the phase-angle error. working conditions. Special ratio-tests are seldom called
Turns compensation is used to increase the accuracy of for.
metering current-transformers but it is rarely necessary
for protective current transformers, although it is often Internal Resistance
done to make these also suitable for metering.
It will be seen from the above example that the: region This also may be important in the operation of balance
of low initial permeability results in a considerable systems of protection. Whilst it can usually be predicted
reduction in accuracy at low currents. This region is with sufficient accuracy, the measurement of this is done
important in both metering and protective current- as a routine test.
transformers as it limits the lower value of current for
which high accuracy may be obtained. Open-circuit Excitation Curves
Basic Performance Data These are used to define the volt/ampere characteris-
Performance can be predicted from a knowledge of tics of the shunt-impedance Zw. They may be predicted
the design parameters, the connected burden, and the from the basic data curves in fig. 7 and/or by actual
characteristic curves of the core material, as shown in the measurement on the current-transformer. The predicted
previous section. A production current-transformer will or measured open-circuit excitation characteristic of a
generally be tested to show that it falls within a specific particular current-transformer may be used as a data
class and that the predicted performance is obtained. curve for general design-purposes, as shown in fig. 9.
B.S. 81 and B.S. 2046 give details of the classes and the The scale factors of the two coiirdinates are obtained
tests which are normally called for. from the core dimensions and secondary turns. The
phase-angle of the exciting current and the secondary-
Accuracy winding resistance are often shown on the same sheet.
Accuracy can be checked by bridge methods against The knee-point voltage (see the following sub-section)
standard transformers for the required secondary bur- can also be shown as it is independent of the scale
dens. Such tests are usually associated with metering and factors.




Kv = r4”&

K, = LMP

- 0.8

Material Stalloy.
- 0.4 Dimensions: 4” x 52” diams x 24” deep.
Std. LMP : 39 cm. Std. CSA : Il.4 sq. cm.
- 0.2 Winding : 119 turns 14 s.w.g,

0.5 I.0 I .5A

R.m.s. Secondary Current


Current waveform
with sInusoIdal V

Core: 54"x 7:" dlams x 3’ deep

Secondary WInding. 300 turns

(I) & (2) AveragereadIng Instruments

(3) & (4) R.m.s.-reading jnstruments

0 50 100
I50 A.T

Exaung Ampere-turns


These curves are widely used for protective current-
transformers as, for a low-reactance current transformer,
they contain all the information necessary to assess
the capabilities of a current-transformer and its con-
sistency with others of the same nominal design. It is
important to appreciate, therefore, that the form of this
curve is affected by the methods of test, the instruments
used, or the basic data curves from which it is derived.
This is illustrated in fig. 10, which gives a series of
excitation curves for the same current-transformer for
different test-conditions. The first curve (1; is for aver-
age values of voltage and exciting current for applied
sinusoidal voltage. The second curve (2) is similarly for
Exmng Current
average values but is for sinusoidal current.
Considering curves (1) and (2) the average value of
voltage, regardless of waveform, depends on the average
flux-change, which depends on maximum flux and hence
on peak magnetizing-current. Two points on these materials except, perhaps, mumetal. It is difficult to
curves, (a-a’) of equal average voltage, would have the define this transition, and use is made of the so-called
same peak magnetizing-current. The current of curve ‘knee-point’ voltage for this purpose. It is generally
(1) being peaky, will have a smaller average value than defined as the voltage at which a further 10 per cent
that of curve (2) and so will lie to the left. increase in volts requires a 50 per cent increase in
The r.m.s. value of a quantity is very dependent on excitation-current as shown in fig. 11. For most applica-
wave-form, and this is noticeable in curves (3) and (4). tions, it means that the current-transformer can be con-
Taking the sinusoidal-voltage case (3), the r.m.s. value sidered as approximately linear up to this voltage. This
of the peaky magnetizing current will be greater than its voltage does not necessarily correspond to that given by
average value but will still be less than that of the the saturation factor and its associated burden, but will
sinusoidal current, and this curve will thus lie between be of the same order.
(1) and (2).
For similar values of sinusoidal current (b-b’) the
average voltage being the same, the r.m.s. value of the Special Requirements for
peaky voltage will be very much higher, raising the level Protective Current-transformers
of this curve as shown. This sinusoidal current/r.m.s. Instruments and meters are required to work accurately
curve gives the impression of a higher saturation level. up to currents of the order of full load only. Accuracy is
Curves of average values are shown because many not rquired above this and saturation may, in fact, be
average-reading instruments of the rectifier type are in advantageous in limiting the overload imposed on a
general use, these being scaled in terms of 1.1 times secondary burden. Saturation could therefore take place
average value, which gives the true r.m.s. value only for a at secondary currents above about 150 per cent of nor-
sine wave. mal rating but, in many cases, it will be considerably in
It should be noted that all the curves coincide in the excess of this because of the iron section needed to
unsaturated region because both current and voltage are obtain the required accuracy. This is not necessarily so
approximately sinusoidal. when high-permeability core-materials are used.
The curve normally used for protective gear is No. (3) Protective gear, on the other hand, is concerned with a
i.e. sinusoidal voltage with r.m.s. reading instruments. wide range of currents from fault-settings to maximum
and most design-data curves, e.g. those in fig. 7 and fig.. fault-currents which may be many times normal rating.
9, are given for this condition. This is valid in most While larger errors may be permitted in protective
applications of low-impedance schemes with linear bur- current-transformers it is extremely important that sat-
dens since the secondary current, and thus voltage, is uration should be avoided whenever possible in order to
nearly sinusoidal. For high-impedance schemes the vol- eliminate gross errors. The widely differing require-
tage may become very peaky on internal faults and curve ments of current-transformers for instruments and for
(4) is more applicable. However, this is not generally protection usually mean that it is advisable to provide
used even for high-impedance systems, the additional separate transformers for these two duties. In smaller
voltage obtained being considered as an additional classes of switchgear, however, economic limitations
safety-factor. In any case, the validity of using a-curve may require that instruments, such as ammeters, are
would depend upon whether the relay used is responsive energized from the protective current-transformers.
to r.m.s. values or average values. An acknowledgement of the special requirements of
protective current-transformers is given by B.S. 2046,
Knee-point Voltage which is concerned with the specification of current-
The transition from the unsaturated region to the transformers for non-balance systems of protection.
saturated region of the open-circuit exitation charac- B.S. 81, for Instrument Transformers, is under-going
teristic is a rather gradual process in most of the core revision and may in future utilize some of the methods of

specifying performance given in B.S. 2046. It should be accuracy and to saturation-factor. As most current-
noted that B.S. 2046 is concerned with current- transformer specifications seem to favour the 5ampere
transformers for protective systems such as overcurrent, level and as the l-ampere level is often preferable from
earth-fault, and distance. In the latter case, special con- protection design considerations, it is worth while
sideration may be necessary for high-performance reviewing the significance of the secondary level in more
high-speed distance. The requirements associated with detail.
balance systems of protection are so various and so As previously pointed out, the main requirement
dependent upon the particular protective system that it associated with protective current-transformers is that
has not yet been considered advisable to attempt to they should maintain their ratio with a prescribed accu-
standardise this type of current-transformer. However, racy for primary currents greatly in excess of the rated
the methods of specifying and defining output used in current. This factor is important in both slow-speed and
B.S. 2046 are applicable to current-transformers for high-speed protective systems and in both balance and
balance systems and are to be preferred to those used in non-balance systems. For slow-speed balance systems
B.S. 81. In addition to the current-transformer tests the required saturation-factor is determined largely by
specified in B.S. 2046, balance systems of protection the steady-state stability conditions, but a much higher
would require conjunctive testing of some form either as saturation-factor will generally be required for high-
type-tests or individual proving-tests. speed balance-systems due to the transient fluxes occur-
ring in the current-transformers under fault-conditions.
In some high-speed non-balance systems, such as dis-
tance protection, transient effects may have to be taken
into account and similarly high saturation-factors will
Choice of Secondary Rating thus be needed.
Though B.S. 81 and B. S. 2046 give a preferred value of This requirement of high saturation-factor has
rated secondary current of 5 amperes they permit a become an important aspect of modern protective-
l-ampere or 0.5ampere level to be used where (a) the systems. The level of performance required of
number of secondary turns is so low on a S-ampere protective-systems has increased and system conditions
winding that the ratio cannot be adjusted within the have become more severe. In order to achieve adequate
requisite limits by the addition or removal of one turn, protective-systems it has been necessary to reduce the
and (b) the length of the secondary connecting-leads is VA requirements to as low a value as possible and, in
such that the burden due to them, at the higher secon- some cases, to a value which is low compared with the
dary current, would be excessive. internal burden of the current-transformer and the
Requirement (a) may be largely associated with met- external lead burden.
ering applications, as the precise transformation-ratio of With these considerations in mind, for high-speed
protective current-transformers is not particularly low-VA protective gear a l-ampere secondary level is
important so long as the current-transformers are all the very desirable except for those current-transformers I
same. It has already been pointed out that the number of having primary ratings sufficiently high to give the
secondary turns can have a marked effect on the required saturation-factor with a 5-ampere secondary.
capabilities of a current-transformer both in respect to At these higher primary ratings the physical problem of

Saturation Factor = 30


Primary Rating


yinding drop

J SaturaFion Factor = 30

Primary Rating


winding l-ampere secondaries would, in any case, 5-ampere secondary level as shown below.
favour a 5-ampere secondary. The following analysis Peak open-circuit voltage for l-ampere sec.
may help to bring out the particular problems involved VI = Ka1”p.n.
in choosing the secondary level.
Fig. 12 shows the saturation-voltages plotted against Peak open-circuit voltage for 5-ampere sec.
primary rating (and thus secondary turns) for a bar- V5 = K7al”pn/5
primary current-transformer of core-section ‘a’ and sec- where K and a! are constants for given core-material,
ondary rating of 1 ampere. Also plotted are the various and n is the number of turns of a l-ampere secondary.
voltage-drops, which would occur at a multiple of the
vs/v1 = 1.4.
primary rating, given by the saturation-factor. Typical
values are given from which it is seen that, for a primary
rating of 300 amperes and a saturation-factor of 30, a Some Steady-state Problems
core-section of 3 square inches would be required. For a Fault Settings
600-ampere primary-rating the core-section required In applying protective gear, it is important to be able to
would be 2 square inches, since the required saturation- assess the primary fault-setting in relation to the
voltage is only 50 per cent greater and there are twice as minimum level of fault-current to be expected. This is
many secondary turns. relatively easy in relay-systems where the reflected
Fig. 13 shows the equivalent case for a 5-ampere relay-impedance is small compared with the effective
secondary rating, the VA in the winding and load being value of Z,, the shunt exciting impedance, as it will be
the same, but the lead burden being kept at the same sufficiently accurate to refer the actual relay setting-
ohmic value. current to the primary by the turns-ratio of the feeding
It can be seen that, in order to give the same current transformer. Such conditions will probably
saturation-factor, a core-section of about 7 times that apply to overcurrent relays, some earth-fault relays, and
used in the l-ampere current-transformer would be some low-impedance differential relays. The value of
required. Such a current-transformer would be difficult relay-impedance may not be low compared with exciting
to accommodate and would often be impracticable. In impedance, however, in the case of low-set earth-fault
many cases it would be necessary to accept a current- relays, high-impedance differential relays, and low-
transformer with a much smaller saturation-factor in impedance differential relays in protective-systems
order to permit accommodation. where there are many current-transformers connected
One of the points often quoted in favour of the in parallel. Where this arises, the primary fault-setting
5-ampere secondary level is that it does not give rise to must be obtained by referring the vector addition of total
such high peak-voltages when the current-transformer is exciting-current and secondary relay-current to the
open-circuited. This is not a!ways so if the lead burden is primary by the turns-ratio as shown in fig. 14.
significant and if the same saturation-factor is provided The above general calculation will be sufficient for
in both cases. In fact, in the cases shown in figs 12 and 13, most cases, but it is applicable to a given ratio of
a higher oIjen-circuit peak-voltage is possible with the current-transformer and a given relay-setting. It some-

Simple Case of Two Current-transformers in Balance
The simple case of two current-transformers and a
differential relay is shown in fig. 18. The separate equi-
valent circuits of the two transformers are connected as
shown for through-fault conditions where the primary
currents ‘in’ and ‘out’ are equal. This equality will exist
on the secondary level, provided the turns-ratio of the
transformers is the same, and the return current-paths
may be omitted, a simplified equivalent circuit being
obtained as shown.
It can be seen that the relay is connected across a
bridge formed by the burdens and the exciting impe-
1’ = Secondary output of feeding current-transformer, dances. The condition for no unbalance current is given
-> -> \ by R,!R2 = ZHI/ZW2. It is thus possible to obtain
1R + 31E theoretical balance for differing current-transformer
designs and loading by satisfying this requirement. This
FIG. 14. FAULT-SETTINGS condition is only true when Zwl and ZMz have similar

times happens that the best choice of these parameters
has to be made in the design stages to give a minimum
primary fault-setting.
In the first case, many relays such as overcurrent and
earth-fault have a range of settings obtained by provid-
ing a tapped operating-coil. The VA burden at the
relay-setting will remain constant, but the ohmic burden
will vary and so will the accuracy of the current-
transformer if its design is fixed. The primary fault-
setting will be given, as shown in fig. 15, by the vector
IP/N = Is + IE
sum of exciting current and relay current. Expressing
VA = lS(ZA4IE)
primary setting as a function of relay-setting will give:
Ip/N = Is + $$
I, = N((VA/Z& + Is)
The minimum value of IP is given when VA/Z,,,Is = Is FIG. 15. FAULT-SETTING:
i.e. when the exciting current and relay current are FIXEDCURRENT-TRANSFORMER
This is shown in fig. 16 for the case when the phase-
angles of Z,,, and ZR are equal. When the phase-angles
are unequal the same condition, i.e. 1ZM[ = ) ZRI, gives a
minimum primary-setting but the vector sum of the two
currents must be taken.
Another problem is the case where the turns-ratio of
the current-transformer is variable and the relay-setting
is fixed, as shown in fig. 17. A similar condition, 1Z,,,( =
(Z,l, is required for minimum primary-setting, the
turns-ratio being chosen to satisfy this relationship.

Steady-state Balance
The value of unbalance current in the relay-circuit of a
balanced group of current-transformers carrying
steady-state through-fault current is important in slow-
speed systems of protection as it will determine the
upper limit of stability. Even where care is taken to avoid
saturation, some unbalance is to be expected where
current-transformers of different design or loading are
used. The equivalent circuit is particularly useful in Is
obtaining an estimate of the unbalance which will result FIG. 16. VARIATION OFFAULT-SETTING
with a particular arrangement. WITH RELAY-SETTING.

Is + IE

For minimum Ip
- =N
i.e. ZR=~N~=ZM.


When RI/R2 and Ziul/ZMz are not equal, it is possible Z,, as shown in fig. 20. The approximate expression for
to calculate fairly easily the resulting unbalance current. out-of-balance current is also shown. For small unbal-
Using Thevenin’s theorem the voltage across the relay ance Z,,,, must be kept small with respect to Z,,,l, which
circuit, when this is open-circuited, is determined. The is an advantage in tranformer protection where the
unbalance current is calculated by applying this voltage high-voltage current-transformer is usually much
to the relay impedance and exciting impedances as inferior to the low-voltage one.
shown in fig. 19. It should be noted that, for accuracy, This particular arrangement can be considered in
ZM1 and Z,+,, are complex values, but some simplifica- terms of the ampere-turns on the inferior current-
tion is possible if they are of the same phase-angre. transformer. The secondary current of the good
In this type of calculation it is normally sufficiently current-transformer is sufficiently accurate to supply
accurate to assume that the impedances Z,, and Zuz are secondary ampere-turns to the inferior current-
linear, and some average values for these are obtained transformer which almost balance the primary ampere-
from the excitation curves in accordance with their turns. The small unbalance does not result in appreci-
respective approximate working levels. able output, because of the low value of Z,,. This
approach leads to the name “Magnetic Balance.”
Principle of Magnetic Balance
It can be seen from fig. 18 that, if the value of Z,, is Single-phase Balance of Multi-terminal Group
small compared with Zwl, the value of R2 must be made The use of equivalent circuits can be extended to the
small compared with R1. The limit of RI will be when case of a number of current-transformers in a balance
there is no external lead burden and it becomes equal to group under divided through-fault conditions as shown
the winding resistance. This value of R7. may be still too in fig. 21. When the exciting impedances and lead bur-
large for balance and to eliminate it from the relay dens are different the calculation is tedious although it
connection an additional winding is provided on involves simple circuit-calculations.
current-transformer 2 so that, in the equivalent circuit, In most cases, some simplification is possible. For
the relay may be considered as being connected across example, if all the current-transformers are of the same

b/N R1 b/N

FlG. 18.



interposing Transformers
The transformers can be inserted into the equivalent
circuit as shown in fig. 24, and calculations of unbalance
are possible though more laborious than in the simple
case. Generally speaking, their inclusion should be
avoided unless essential to some feature of the protec-
tive system, wither as a summation-transformer or to
change the level of current. There is usually some
minimum required core-volume relative to the main
current-transformer volume and this will depend on the
particular duty. They have a special application in some
modern systems of protection where the burden of the
relay equipment is low compared with the lead burden.
By reducing the current level and mounting the interpos-
ZMl ZPl2 ing transformers close to the main current-transformers
the overall burden may be reduced and better perfor-
mance obtained with a relatively small interposing trans-
former. In fig. 25 this condition would be given as fol-
” = Vca-Vcb lows:
Vca 2 g . Rr Voltage required from main current-transformer
@MI ) )Ri)
without interposing transformers
=1,-/N @,+I%)
Voltage required from main current-transformer with
interposing transformer
= IP/N (R1+Rz/n2+2r).
Voltage required from secondary of interposing trans-
former = IP/Nn (Rz+rn2).
The relative values of Ri, Rz, and r will determine
FIG. 19. SIMPLIFIED CALCULATION whether any advantage is gained from fitting interposing
OF UNBALANCE CURRENT. transformers. It should be noted, however, that if it were
practicable to obtain the overall ratio of Nn on the main
current-transformer itself, this would be the better
design and loading the equivalent circuit is reduced to arrangement.
that shown in fig. 22 and it can be seen that balance is
obtained assuming the exciting impedances are linear. Steady-state Saturation
This would not be strictly correct and the calculation
should be made taking the mean values of ZM from the The Importance of Avoiding Saturation
exciting curve according to the respective working levels When the primary current and secondary burden are
as shown in fig. 23. The divided fault condition, how- such that the required secondary voltage is in excess of
ever, is normally capable of being reduced to the simple the knee-point voltage, a current-transformer will pro-
form of two current-transformers in balance, making the duce a secondary current of distorted waveform. This
calculation of unbalance a simple matter. secondary current will contain a high proportion of odd

IP (RlfW Zti
Unbalance current i 2 N* -~~~~~-~!-.-~---~z~~l~
- ~-~-
ZR +
(Rl+R2) zM2
IfZMl>> ZM2 i 2 !f!_--*






harmonics, will have a larger ratio-error, and may have that the violent distorti.on takes place at a current about
zero-points considerably displaced from those of the half the value corresponding to saturation in the previ-
primary current. Such steady-state saturation must, in ous two cases. This is because the non-linearity in the
general, be avoided up to the maximum value of open-circuit impedance of the current-transformer is
through-current in balanced and phase-comparison sys- such that the incremental inductance in gradually reduc-
tems of protection. In high-speed protective systems the ing at flux densities above half the saturation-level.
requirements for transient conditions, discussed later, Ferro-resonance causes the cyclic peak of current-
automatically cater for this. In non-balance systems the distortion at such levels, this current-peak being due to
results of saturation, while not so serious, still require the flux level in the inductance being driven beyond its
some consideration. The harmonic content and limita- normal level, giving saturation and consequent dis-
tion of output may modify time/current characteristics charge of the capacitor through this saturated induc-
of overcurrent I elays, directional relay characteristics, tance. In the oscillgrams shown, the distortion is of rela-
and the accuracy of distance protection. tively short duration and the waveform recovers to nor-
As with any non-linear system, calculation of the mal. The results given by the graphical analysis are for
effects of steady-state saturation is not simple. It is not conditions of high current for which saturation could be
often that exact computation is required or justified, and normally expected. Because of the risk of resonance and
as the effects will depend on the type of circuits and distortion, the use of a capacitive burden is not common.
relays connected to the secondary winding actual test Where it is used, care must be taken to design to much
and observation are generally necessary. lower values of maximum flux-density than would nor-
However, an understanding of the mechanism of mally be acceptable. There are other problems associ-
steady-state saturation is worth-while and the following ated with capacitive burdens in relation to transient
sections describe the effects obtained with simple secon- response which make them undesirable.
dary loads of resistance, reactance, and capacitance.

Saturation with Capacitive Burden

The combination of capactty and non-tmear induc-
tance is known to produce complex waveforms through N RI
the action of what is known as “ferro-resonance.” The
solution of these problems is difficult, even with the
simplification of two-stage excitation characteristics.
The general shape of the waveform is as shown in fig. 29
where it appears derived from graphical analysis and fig. A
31(c) which reproduces the actual oscillograms, 9 and
10. Oscillogram 10 shows some general agreement with FIG. 25. INTERPOSINGTRANSFORMER
the graphical result but the interesting feature about it is ANDLEADBURDEN.

I, with Lz
I, with L,



LIW L2,,
Is I.
i \A !B -b/N-k



Peak-voltage on Open-circuit or High-resistive Burden high value and short duration will occur as the primary
The peak-voltages developed in the secondary wind- ampere-turns cross the zero, from the negative to posi-
ing do not generally present any problem provided that tive saturation-levels and vice versa as shown in fig. 30.
saturation does not take place. In recent years, however, If the saturation-level of ampere-turns is small com-
attention has been given to the risk of high peak-voltages pared with the peak primary ampere-turns, the peak
in current-transformers which have been inadvertently value of voltage will be directly proportional to the peak
open-circuited on load or, under fault-conditions, in primary ampere-turns, since the primary current has an
current-transformers which feed high-impedance relays. approximately constant slope in this region. Oscillogram
In both cases, considerable saturation takes place with 11 (fig. 32) shows this waveform for a low-loss mu-metal
consequent high peak-voltages. These are usually more core but it will be noticed that the pulse of voltage is
of a problem in modern high-performance current- displaced from the primary current-zero and has dissimi-
transformers, particularly those of the post-type, with lar leading and trailing edges. This is due to the effect of
multi-turn primaries. the hysteresis loop. Fig. 32 shows a construction which
For the conditions referred to, the peak primary takes this into account and which agrees closely with the
ampere-turns are greatly in excess of the ampere-turns flux and voltage waveforms shown in oscillogram 11. It
required to saturate tlie core. In the simple case, neglect- can be seen that the hysteresis effect does not materially
ing secondary load and iron losses, a pulse of voltage of reduce the value of peak-voltage.




Saturation with Resistive Burden A simplification is obtained if the slope of the excita-
The effect of saturation when the burden is a pure tion curve is assumed to be zero in the saturated region.
resistance is shown by the graphical analysis of a simple The transient when changing into the daturated region
case (see fig. 26) and by the oscillographic records l-4 then disappears. The resulting waveshape is shown in
(see fig. 31). The waveforms of secondary current and fig. 27.
exciting current in fig. 26 are obtained by assuming a It can be seen from the analysis and the oscillograms
two-stage excitation curve for the current-transformer of progressively increasing primary current that the dis-
with constant slopes in both the saturated and unsatu- tortion resulting from saturation is generally in the form
rated regions. The analysis is started at any point in time of a loss of the trailing part of the half-cycles of secon-
and the circuit conditions are changed when the exctting dary current. This gives rise to a general loss of output,
current passes through the values corresponding to the considerable harmonic content, and a possible large shift
onset of saturation. With this type of change, a connect- in the zeroes of the secondary current. This latter effect
ing exponential transient involving the magnetizing is especially important with respect to phase-comparison
inductance and the secondary resistance must be systems of protection. It is sometimes wrongly assumed
included at each change. The transient in the unsatu- that such protection is more immune from the effects of
rated region is assumed to be long and is approximately saturation than differential protection. This, as can be
equivalent to a constant offset in the exciting current. In seen, is not necessarily the case.
the saturated region, the transient is of short duration.


/_iTV Prospective
/ \
/ \


! 6



-Voltage, V = du/dt


Saturation with Inductive Burden tained with a slow decay by the inductance of the load.
Similar analytical methods may be used in the case of Successive oscillograms of increasing primary current
an inductive burden, the exciting current having a differ- are shown in the oscillograms 5-8 (see fig. 3 1) which line
ent phase-relationship from that of the resisitive case. up with the graphical waveform. It can be seen that the
Again, connecting transients are required but in this case effect of saturation, in this case, is to lose the peaks of the
the time-constant in the saturated region will not be secondary-current waveform, leaving zeroes relatively
zero, but will be determined by the Z/R ratio of the unchanged. Phase-comparison systems would be less
burden and the current-transformer-winding resistance. affected by saturation of this type than differential sys-
The resulting contruction is shown in fig. 28 and it can be tems. This is useful in some phase-comparison systems
seen that the secondary current does not drop to zero where the main secondary burden may be largely reac-
when the current-transformer saturates, but is main- tive due to the use of sequence networks.

C.T. and
Load Data

IF.= 125 IP =250 * IP= 500 -.---
I. = 1000

N = 300

(a) Resistive Burden,

6=250 ip * 1000

(b) Reactive Burden.

(c) Capacitive Burden.

FIG. 31. CR0 records showing effects of steady-state saturation.

(Primary and secondary current-traces superimposed).

B-H Loop


In most practical cases, the effect of eddy-current The effect of the eddy-current iron-loss is to give an
iron-loss or secondary resistive-loading must be taken expression for peak-voltage as follows:
into account. As the eddy-current loss can be rep-
resented by a shunt resistance in the equivalent circuit,
its effects will be the same as a secondary loading resis- tJ = KI#
tance. Fig. 33 gives the mathematical and graphical solu-
tion to this problem. It can be seen that the transient The value of K depends on the core dimensions, lamina-
generated in the shunt reactance and loading resistor tion thickness, type of material, etc. B also depends on
slows down the rate-of-change of flux, alters the some of these but it is-generally a fractional index rang-
waveform of the secondary voltage, and reduces it peak ing from about 0.4 to 0.6.
value. Analysis for various values of resistance shows the Design-data curves have been evolved to enable
dependence of the time-constant, and thus the peak peak-voltages to be estimated with corrections for
value of voltage, ‘on the resistance; but the area of the external resistive loading, but there is still some disag-
secondary voltage-wave remains substantially constant, reement between the calculated figures and the test
as one would expect. Oscillogram 12 (fig. 33) shows the figures. Practical testing of transformers is difficult as it
practical results obtained by loading the secondary wind- . is necessary to preserve a sinusoidal waveform on the
ing with various values of resistance, starting initally primary and this requires high-power test-supplies. Cal-
with the open-circuit condition of oscillogram 1 I in fig. culation methods are of considerable value, therefore,
32. and work is going on to improve their accuracy.

ifl II?

a = R/L

Differential Equation :
di,/dt + aim = a w It
Solution :

WI -x(t + to)
im=wIt-y ,_e
iR = i-im

WI -a(t + to)
-1a l-e


CHAPTER 5 Effects of Transients in Instrument
Current-transformers and voltage-transformers play an long duration and impose onerous conditions on
important part in the operation of modern power- current-transformers and are thus of considerable
systems. They provide the link over which information is importance. The emphasis in this article is therefore
derived from the main high-voltage system for the pur- given to this type of current-transient.
pose of measurement, control, and protection. Meas-
urement and control are generally concerned with the Voltage-transients
longer-term steady-state conditions and transients will Transients in voltage wave-forms can occur due to
not be of any great significance. primary faults or to switching operations. They are gen-
Protective equipments, particularly the modern high- erally of the form of a step-function representing a sud-
speed types, are concerned with instantaneous condi- den change in voltage and may be accompanied by high-
tions. The performance of current-transformers and frequency oscillations due to the reactance and capaci-
voltage-transformers is therefore of considerable impor- tance of the primary circuit. Again, these oscillations are
tance to protective gear at all times and particularly of relatively short duration and are not of great signifi-
under conditions of fault on the primary system. The cance to secondary apparatus. In some cases, where the
subject of the transient response of instrument- phase-angles of lines and power-system components are
transformers is therefore dealt with in this article, with not equal, the flow of d.c. exponential fault-current can
particular reference to its effect on protective gear. The give rise to d.c. exponential voltages and these may have
transient response will be the same in relation to instru- to be taken into consideration. Fig. 2 shows how those
ments and meters but its significance will be less. d.c. voltages may occur under fault-conditions.

Primary and Secondary Transients Secondary transients

Transient conditions are set up in the power-system Besides the secondary reproduction of the primary
whenever it is disturbed, either by the occurrence of a transient, secondary transients may be generated in the
fault or by the re-arrangement of connections, for exam- internal and external circuits of instrument transformers
ple, by switching operations. These transient conditions under rapidly changing conditions. These secondary
give rise to transient voltages and currents which, under transients may be extremely important and will depend
idealised conditions. should be reproduced accurately in upon the design parameters of the transformer and the
the secondary circuits of voltage and current transfor- nature of connected secondary burden.
mers. Since practical voltage-transformers and current-
transformers are far from ideal, transients receive con-
siderable modification in passing through them and it is Reproduction of Transients in
the errors and imperfections so caused which are of Voltage-transformers
interest to protective-gear engineers. Voltage-transformer devices at present in use are of
In general, it is sufficient to consider the response of two main types:
current-transformers with respect to current-transients (a) A conventional transformer having primary and
on the system and of voltage-transformers with respect secondary windings and a magnetic circuit of high
to voltage-transients. permeability.
(b) A capacitor-transformer device using a capacitor
Current-transients voltage-divider, a tuned circuit, and an auxiliary
The main forms of current-transient which may occur transformer of conventional type.
in a power-system are: The two types are widely different in their characteris-
(a) D.C. components of exponential form such as tics and respond to transients in different ways. The
those which are produced at the start of fault response of the capacitor voltage-transformer (CVT) is
conditions (see fig. 1.). Similar currents can be of considerable importance since this type of trans-
produced under load conditions by the switching former is being applied almost universally at system-
of reactive circuits. voltages of 132kV and above.
(b) High-frequency oscillatory currents caused by
switching operations or restriking conditions in Transient response of wound voltage-transformers
circuit-breakers. The transient response of wound voltage-
The latter type of transient is generally of short dura- transformers is generally good, and the secondary
tion and is not of major significance to the secondary reproduction of the transient primary wave-form is sub-
equipment. D.C. components, however, are of relatively stantially correct.



I -+

(XS + XL)
w (RS + RL)



In general, the design requirements for normal (4 Recovery of voltage from the fault voltage to
steady-state accuracy are Iow winding resistance and normal system-voltage- which occurs when the
leakage reactance compared with the connected burden. fault is cleared by operation of circuit-breakers.
These, together with relatively low working flux- (e) A d.c. exponential voltage which may occur
densities tend to minimise the problems of transient under(c) if the system impedances have different
reproduction. A detailed analysis is not often necessary, time-constants.
but some general consideration of the effects is of inter-
The most common primary transients likely to be XL
RL, . w. 2!_ (See Fig I)
impressed up on a voltage-transformer are caused as Trans,enr vc4tq.e ar R _j Y
fQ) Energisation or de-energisation of the trans- Solvtng. Y 1e-- : RL-
former at normal voltages- equivalent to a cir- [ (XS ’ XL) I

cuit being switched in or out.

fb) Sudden increase of voltage to a value above nor-
mal. This can occur on a system with insulated or
resistance-earthed neutral with voltage-
transformers connected between line and earth.
(Increased voltage is g/3 time normal).
(c) Collapse of voltage from normal system-voltage
to fault voltage. This happens when a fault occurs
on the primary system, the fault voltage depend-
ing on the system constants and the type and
position of the fault. FIG 2. D.C. EXPONENTIALVOLTAGES.

/ I

I 3R


(N.E. V2

(a) (b)



In the case of switching-in a voltage-transformer, the The condition of a d.c. exponential voltage on a
transients are similar to those in power transformers, the wound voltage-transformer is fortunately not too severe
main transient appearing as an exponential in practice. The solution for transient secondary voltage
magnetising-current, with possible consequent doubling and magnetising current is shown in fig. 7. It can be seen
of peak flux-density at the start of the transient. The that the secondary output has an exponenital voltage in
output voltage is not unduly affected and, with the small addition to the 50 c/s voltage, this transient changing
frame-sizes of such transformers, the transient time- polarity at the point of maximum d.c. magnetisation.
constants are fairly short being of the order of one or two The value of d.c. magnetisation will depend on the
seconds. At the switch-off point the magnetising current power-system parameters and the secondary loading. If
will decay exponentially through the connected burden typical values are inserted in the expressions derived in
and iron loss resistance, and will produce a small d.c. fig. 7 it will be seen that the maximum dc. flux-density is
ouput-voltage depend on the relative values of magnetis- not much in excess of, and may be even less than, the
ing current and load current. The basic forms of the normal steady-state peak flux density at full voltage.
switch-on and switch-off transients are shown in fig. 3 With the use of normal flux densities, saturation can
together with typical oscillographic records a, b, and c. If usually be avoided.
a voltage-transformer were designed to work at rela- Summarising, it can be said that, with the normal
tively high flux-densities similar to those of a power- designs to be expected in practice, the transient response
transformer, some distortion of output wave-form of wound-type voltage-transformers is very satisfactory.
would take place due to transient saturation and this The most serieous phenomenon which might occur is
would be exaggerated further if there were initial rema- that of ferro-resonance and this is generally avoided by
nence in the core of the same polarity as the transient the use of relatively low flux-densities and as much resis-
flux rise. The increased magnetising current under such tance loading of the secondary as is practicable, either
conditions could cause appreciable volt-drops in the directly as secondary load or in the form of a loaded
primary resistance and leakage reactance, as shown tertiary-delta winding.
diagrammatically in fig. 4 and associated oscillograms d
and e. These results are exaggerated in order to enhance Transient response of capacitor voltage-transformers
the effects. The primary voltage transients to be considered are
The effects of transient flux rise would be further those already described for wound voltage-transormers,
increased in the event of a rise in voltage above normal, but the capacitor voltage-transformer has far more com-
as in the case of an earth-fault in (b) above. plexities because it is basically a tuned circuit and can
Considerable attention is given to the avoidance of generate transients of its own during rapidly changing
serious saturation in voltage-transformers, especially conditions. In order to consider the response of this
where this might lead to non-linear resonance (ferro- device, it is necessary to consider the basic circuit and its
resonance) between the neutral inductance of the trans- method of operation. Fig. 8 shows the general layout
former and the capacity of the associated primary sys- with the equivalent circuit in its reduced simple form. In
tem. This phenomenon was occasionally experienced this equivalent form it can be readily seen that the
some years ago, in the circumstances shown in fig. 5. capacitor volage-transformer has the elements of a
Such conditions can lead to high over-voltage harmonics band-pass filter. The band-width and cut-off frequencies
(neutral inversion). Designing for low flux-densities and depend on the choice of design parameters, but with
resistance loading of secondary windings have elimi- many standard designs the power-system frequency is in
nated this problem. the region of mid-band. Under shock excitation, such as
In practical voltage-transformers, the windings have occurs with sudden change of primary voltage either
distributed capacity to earth between layers and bet- under fault conditions or switching conditions, the
ween HV and LV windings. This capacity, in conjunc- device will ring at two frequencies, one below the supply
tion with the transformer reactances, can produce oscil- frequency e.g. 8-l 6 c/s and the other above the supply
latory transients at the switch-on and switch-off points in frequency, e.g. 200-300 c/s. The former oscillations are
addition to those described above. They are generally of between the series capacity and the magnetising reac-
high frequency and short duration and are not usually tance and the latter are between the series reactance and
significant, although it is well to appreciate that they can the leakage capacitance. The magnitude of the trans-
occur. Examples are shown in fig. 6 and oscillograms f ients will depend on the particular point-on-wave at
and g. which the voltage change occurs. The duration of the
The case of reduction or restoration of voltage, during transients will depend on the amount of damping pres-
or following a fault condition are generally similar to ent i.e. the iron and copper losses of the various compo-
those described for switch-on or switch-off. However, nents and, in particular, the value of resistance in the
when a fault occurs on the primary, the voltage- load. The most pronounced effects will be experienced
transformer primary winding is effectively short- when the voltage is suddenly reduced,e.g. on the occurr-
circuited and the flux at the instant of fault will die away ence of a fault, since in this case the transient may be
exponentially. Rapid restoration of the voltage may superimposed on a relatively small power-system vol-
occur while this flux still exists so that some increase in tage. Under these conditions, relays such as distance or
the peak flux-densities might be expected on this directional relays may be modified in their performance.
account. The restoration to normal voltage after a fault is not

- “P

Tome-constant TI inuntrturilted region e &3 G 0.5 sec.

The-constant T2 in saturated region :I?= && e @OOS rec.




The neutral earth-point is moved outside the system-voltage A.

Note the voltage between No and Earth is not of fundamental frequency.
Under normal condition l/Cw < -z Lw, but if saturation takes place series
resonance may occur between the saturated inductance on one phase and the
capacitive inductance on the other phase, with consequent high voltages and
displacement of the neutral.



0 0

- - “,


T = system ttme-conrranr

Let v, = kV (see fig. 2), where V = peak value of normal voltage.

e-b =i,+ L
- .Sdi . Solved, this gives i, = $!a 2 -at -q
-( )
e -e
rp VP 4 ( )( )
a=- 3 =m?. (Usually a P> 9).
T’ L
Solution for maximum value of i,,
kV ‘I
1-y P
1m =
-4rp Y ) > where y = a-

If p << a, i’, --> k XRp i,,, where i, = peak steady-state magnetising current at normal voltage.
( II )

For maximum case of fig. 2 and for 70” line,

_.- = tan 70” = 2.75

RL 1
k = CmTijz . xL = 11

Max. i ‘, = ill (X-p

R, 1
i, =11-1 ( 2x-2RP ) i, = 0.5 f.

Maximum d.c excitation for example shown = 50% peak a.c. excitation at normal voltage.


l- CH


CH(V) _-


cH (VI


quite so significant, the transient being superimposed on consequent overvoltages, distortion of output voltage,
the normal working voltage. and perhaps sustained flashover on the protective gap.
The damping may well be an important factor and it is Record (j) show the results of this effect which has been
better that capacitor voltage-transformers be resistance deliberately exaggerated in an experimental trans-
loaded up to their rated burden in order to improve the former.
transient performance. Typical oscillograph records of The avoidance of the above conditions is essential and
capacitor voltage-transormer wave-forms are shown in practical designs of capacitor voltage-transformers are
fig. 9 for the various conditions of collapse and restora- arranged to have low working flux-densities in both the
tion of voltage. Little difference is observed beween the reactor and the transformer. Since it is necessary to
conditons of voltage being switched on or off and the maintain as high a degree of damping in the circuit as
conditons of collapse or restoration. This is understand- possible, the maximum permissible resistive burden
able when considering the equivalent circuits, the differ- should be used.
ence being only in the inclusion or omission of the high-
voltage capacitance.
In the case of the d.c. exponential primary voltage, the
device being essentially a band-pass filter will not repro-
duce the d.c. voltage very faithfully and this transient WOUND
will be attenuated very rapidly. There will, of course, be V.T.
the usual oscillatory transients at the commencement
due to the shock excitation. The response to this type of “2
transient is shown in record (h), the oscillogram being
taken by switching in at the fault voltage in order to
avoid confusion with transients due to collapse of vol-
The lower capacitor of a capacitor voltage-
transformer is provided with protective spark gaps (h)
which may flash over under impulse conditions on the
primary circuit or for short-circuit conditions on the
secondary circuit. Flashover in the former case is usually Summarising, there are far more possibilities for dis-
of short duration, but one may expect transients to be set tortion of the secondary wave-form to occur in capacitor
up in the capacitor voltage-transformer circuit due to voltage-transformers than in conventional wound-type
this shock and these transients are similar to those voltage-transformers. Care in design and loading can
already described. The conditions may be made more reduce these, but the natural ringing of the circuit under
severe by repeated shock excitation under intermittent transient conditions is to be expected. The effects of such
flashovers. ringing are not usually very great in practice, their dura-
Most of the transient conditions in capacitor voltage- tion not being very long. Where relays are used, they are
transformers can produce flux densities in the step-down generally operated by currents derived from the secon-
transformer in excess of normal, but the condition of dary voltages and the high-frequency transients at least
flashover at the spark-gaps can produce.the most severe will be considerably reduced in terms of the current
increase, e.g. as high as 3 times normal. Thrs increase, produced in the reactive circuits of relays. The many
added to possible effects due to remanence may cause advantages of the capacitor voltage-transformer at
the transformer to work in the non-linear region of its higher voltages, both for economy and safety reasons,
magnetic circuit. Such conditions can give rise to trans- make its use desirable even when its transient charac-
ient or even sustained ferro-resonance between the teristics are somewhat inferior to that of a wound
capacitance and the transformer shunt reactance, with voltage-transformer.







Transient Response of Current-transformers through various stages of simplification. The final simple
circuit is possible because, in most cases, toroidal-wound
The most important transient condition ro be consi- ring cores are used and the leakage reactance may be
dered in the operation of current-transformers is the d.c. neglected. The complete subject of current-transformer
exponential current which generally occurs with a prim- transient performance including saturation, non-
ary fault. In order to simplify the problem of understand- linearities, balanced working, and the effects of various
ing the behaviour of current-transformers under such types of burden is too large to be dealt with here, but the
conditions, it is necessary to look at rhe current- basic phenomena may be brought out by considering the
transformer in terms of its simplified equivalent circuit. secondary currents and exciting currents of a current-
Fig. 10 shows the basic circuit of a current-transformer transformer when working with a simple resistive load.


II very small with respect to system impedance


For ring-core type, further simplification gives :

Fo! transient investigation of magnetising current:

where R includes
winding resistance,
iron loss, and burden.

X, = Shunt magnetising reactance.

Wi = Iron loss resistance.
rs := Secondary winding resistance.
Zl_ = External burden.



i = I cos wt-le -xt

1 1
= Primary time constant. = Secondary time-constant = z<
a ?
;F + 9 i, = I(3 (cos tit- e

With reasonable approximations the solution is:

i ,=I. i.sinwt--I (~J(c+ --eeat)

Steady-state term Transient term

Basic form of magnetizing-current Basic form of the secondary current

The general problem of a transient primary-input cur- The form of the secondary current can be obtained
rent to the equivalent circuit is shown in fig. 11. The readily as the difference between primary current refer-
primary current contains two terms, the d.c. transient red to the secondary level and magnetising current. This
current and the a.c. steady-state current. The magnitude is also in the form of a transient component and steady-
and polarity of the d.c. transient will depend on the state component. The transient is again the difference
instant of time at which the fault occurs. In the interests between two exponentials, one having the primary
of simplicity, the condition of maximum primary trans- time-constant and the other the secondary time-
ient is taken. The time-constant, and thus the duration of constant. The initial values, however, are unequal, giv-
this transient, will depend on the effective X/R ratio of ing the initial transient secondary current equal to that of
the primary circuit. This is assumed to be fairly large, i.e. the referred primary current. The general form of this
10 or more, as is often the case in practice. transient is shown in fig. 12. It can be seen to be gener-
The expression for the magnetising current may be ally similar to the primary current, but reduced by the
solved and takes the form shown. The total value of the magnetising current, and is of changing
magnetising-current has two terms, the steady-state polarity. The point at which the secondary transient
term and the transient term. Some simplification and crosses zero corresponds to the point at which the mag-
approximations are made in order to bring out basic netising current is equal to the referred primary trans-
principles. ient current, i.e. all primary transient is expended on
The transient magnetising-current is in the form of the exciting the core. This also corresponds to the point at
difference of two exponential terms, having the same which maximum transient excitation takes place and in a
initial value, but having different time-constants. One linear system, the point at which maximum transient
has a time-constant equal to that of the primary circuit flux-density occurs.
and the other equal to that of the secondary-circuit
resistance and shunt inductance. In most cases, the latter
is long compared with the former. From this point arises The effect of inductive burden
one important fact, that the transient conditions in the The case of an inductive burden often occurs in prac-
current-transormer core may persist after the d.c. prim- tice. It can be shown that, for most practical cases, the
ary transient has disappeared. The general form of the maximum value of transient flux-density is dependent
secondary magnetising-current, including both transient only on the resistive component of the secondary bur-
and steady-state components, is shown in fig. 11. It will den. The steady-state component of flux is, of course,
be noticed from this that the rise of transient exciting dependent on the total secondary impedance. The con-
current is largely dependent on the primary time- siderations given to the resistive burden are therefore
constant whereas it decays largely in accordance with the applicable. Capacitive burdens are considerably more
secondary time-constant. In the simple idealised case complex and are difficult to analyse. In most cases,
where the shunt inductance is linear, the flux in the capacitive burdens are avoided because of the difficulty
current-transformer core would be of exactly the same of preventing ferro-resonance and they are thus not of
form. great practical significance.
The form of the magnetising current and flux transient
gives the key to the transient performance of current-
transformers. If the expression is solved for the max-
imum value, it can be shown, with suitable approxima- Effect of iron saturation
tions, that this value is related to the steady-state value
As already mentioned, the high d.c. flux densities
by the expression:
produced under transient conditions frequently lead to
saturation of the magnetic circuit. Such saturation
causes non-linearities in the shunt inductance, which
I -xm(I,J. lead to drastic modification to the linear case previously
dc = RP
Quantitative analysis is difficult as with most non-
As the value of Xp/Rp may be quite large, i.e. 5-30 linear systems, but, with certain simplifications, an
according to system conditions, it can be seen that the understanding of the effects may be obtained. The
peak transient flux-density may be very much larger greatest simplification is to assume that the shunt impe-
than the steady-state value, and that the effective prim- dance is a two-stage inductance with the characteristic
arv time-constant determines this value. shown in fig. 13(a). This is further simplified if the
‘Bearing in mind the fact that the steady-state value Ia, second-stage inductance is taken as zero, as in fig. 13(b).
mav, be manv times (un to 1001 that which occurs under
2 \ 1
This characteristic is approached in such materials as
normal load conditions, the transient condition imposes mu-metal and greatly facilitates the study of transient
a very high flux-density in the iron circuit of the current- effects.
transformer, and transient saturation will be experi- Fig. 14 shows, for a resistive burden, the magnetising
enced in many cases. The consequence of such satura- current and prospective fluxes under transient condi-
tion will be further referred to later. tions for the linear case, i.e. with no saturation, only the


ILIcOs;(+I[&t-~~ r g+P]

Tranrienr Term


d.c. component being considered. This condition wm The most important aspect of the region ot saturation
exist until the magnetising current reaches the value of the core can only be appreciated when both the d.c.
corresponding to saturation. At this instant the induc- transient component and the a.c. steady-state compo-
tance becomes zero and the total primary current nent are considered together. This is shown in fig. 15, the
becomes expended on exciting the core, the secondary prospective values without saturation being shown
output disappearing. This condition will last until the dotted.
primary transient current has reduced to the value cor- The combined a.c. and .d.c. flux curve will enter the
responding to the saturation point. From this point saturation region at some point, and again all the prim-
onwards, the core comes out of saturation and the core- ary input is by-passed through the saturated shunt induc-
flux decays in a transient largely decided by the secon- tance. However, due to the cyclic variation in the prim-
dary time-constant. The secondary transient in this reg- ary input, the core will come out of saturation for some
ion is of negative polarity. period of each cycle. This can be appreciated by the fact




that the negative loops of primary current require a Remanence

negative flux change, i.e. reducing flux. The flux will From the preceding considerations, it can be seen that
reduce from saturation for the duration of the negative transient saturation is difficult to avoid under practical
loop and again start to increase as the positive loop working conditions and that the errors and transient
commences. It is easily seen that there will be a period of distortion produced can be considerable. This is so even
non-saturation on the positive loops as shown in fig. 1.5, when the full range of core flux is available. The pres-
such that the area on the positive side is equal to that of ence of remanent flux in current-transformer cores can
the negative loop. The secondary output wave-form will considerably increase these problems. Ring-core
thus be distorted by loss of the output on the positive current-transformers have low reluctance cores with no
loops during the period of saturation. As the primary air-gaps and the loop characteristics are such that
transient decays, the wave-form becomes more symmet- remanant flux densities of from 6000 gauss (Stalloy-type
rical and less of the positive output islost until eventually materials) to 80004000 gauss (cold-rolled grain-
the core fails to saturate. Note that it is the trailing edge oriented steel) are easily obtained. Such conditions can
of the positive loops which is lost during saturation, This occur, for instance, after a transient has been experi-
is shown also in oscillogram record (k). enced. Instead of the transient flux decaying to zero, it
With a reactive burden it can be shown, in a similar will decay to the remanent flux-density. This can remain
way, that the top part of the wave-form is lost during the in the core because the fault is cleared fairly quickly and,
saturated period. This condition is shown in oscillogram in most cases, the ac. component of fault-current or
record (1). load-current will generate such a small minor BH loop


that the remanence is not destroyed. Remanence can circuits when reactive burdens are used. Such voltages
exist in a core under load conditions almost indefinitely. are of short duration due to the rapid decay of the
It will give rise to small steady-statwrors which may be transient but flashovers have been experienced in the
significant to high-accuracy metering. The most impor- secondary circuit, which is normally adequate for 2-kV
tant effect, however, is in connection with a further test. The iron-losses in the core at these frequencies are
transient of the same polarity. The transient flux now effective in reducing the voltages somewhat but the vol-
rises from the remanent value of flux and the effective tage may still be high compared with 2-kV.
flux change before saturation will be much less. Satura-
tion will take place earlier and the effects will be more
pronounced. A transient of opposite polarity will, of CONCLUSIONS
course, benefit from remanence and the saturation From the limited considerations of transients given in
effects be reduced. this article, it can be seen that they are of considerable
importance in relation to high-speed devices such as
Effects of high-frequency transients relays and instantaneous measuring devices such as
High-frequency current transients can occur on the oscilloscopes. The functioning of relays under transient
primary of a current-transformer due to sudden switch- conditions is a problem for protective-gear engineers,
ing, restriking, etc., where the primary system can oscil- but the correct interpretation of oscillograph records
late between inductive and capacitive members. The may be of wider interest. In this latter case, it is often
conditions are particularly pronounced in some cable- useful to be able to distinguish between the actual condi-
systems. This current transient can be reproduced in the tions existing in the primary system and those effects
secondary circuits and, because of the initial magnitude which may be introduced by the instrument transfor-
of the current and the high frequency involved (e.g. 30 mers. It is hoped that this brief survey will help in both
kc/s), high voltages may be set up in the secondary cases.

CHAPTER 6 Transformer protection
The increasing demand for power on distribution and Types of Fault and Effects
transmission systems throughout the world has resulted To design a protective scheme it is necessary to have an
in transformers of very large capacity. Whilst this has intimate knowledge of the faults that have to be
certain economic advantages in maintenance as well as detected.
installation and running costs, it creates the very real With regard to transformers fig. 1 shows the types of
danger that a transformer fault will cause a large inter- fault that can be exoerienced.
ruption to power supplies. 1. Earth fault on’ H.V. external connections.
In general, transformer breakdowns are relatively 2. Phase to phase fault on H.V. external connections.
few, but repair and replacement of large transformer 3. Internal earth fault on H.V. windings.
units means considerable expenditure and time, and 4. Internal phase to phase fault on H.V. windings.
further, if faulted units are not cleared quickly and selec- 5. Short circuit between turns H.V. windings.
tively can cause serious damage and power system stabil- 6. Earth fault on L.V. external connections.
ity problems. 7. Phase to phase fault on L.V. external connections.
Protective schemes applied to transformers thus play 8. Internal earth fault on L.V. windings.
a vital role in the economics and operation of a power 9. Internal phase to phase fault on L.V. windings.
system. The percentage cost of protection compared 10. Short circuit between turns L.V. windings.
with the capital cost of the transformer being protected 11. Earth fault on tertiary winding.
is extremely small making it totally uneconomic to apply 12. Short circuit between turns tertiary winding.
anything less than a complete scheme of protection, to 13. Auxiliary transformer internal fault.
large transformer units. 14. Earth or phase to phase fault on L.V. connection of
This of course is not true of smaller transformer units auxiliary transformer.
where their loss may not be so important to system 15. Sustained system earth-fault.
operation. For these units the protection applied must 16. Sustained system phase to phase fault.
be a balance against economic considerations.
The following notes give some guidance on the protec-
Earth Faults
tion schemes manufactured by Reyrolle Protection
Limited for application to transformers. It will be con- The following conditions must exist for earth fault
cluded from these notes and published literature that current to flow:-
Reyrolle Protection Limited manufacture a complete A path exists for current to flow into and out of the
range of relays to protect transformer units. windings i.e. zero-sequence path.

WNo\Nb tERnA& wiu01ti LUbllNDW6


- - -
&LIAltf 5UfklES

0 01 0,


\\ ts
\ f
\\ 7



Star Connection - Resistance Earthing

The fault current in this case is primarily determined
by the earthing resistance. The value of earth fault cur-
rent is directly proportional to the position of the fault in
the winding the curve being as shown in fig. 2b.

Delta Connection - Earthing Transformer

Fault current in this case is determined by the impe-
dance of the earthing transformer windings. The dis-
tribution is as shown in fig. 2c.
0.2 0.6 0.8
u- O'$ The above earth fault currents, particularly in the case
of solid earthing, flow through the transformer coils
FIG. 2a. FAULTCURRENT DISTRIBUTION& MAGNITUDE causing them to try to assume a circular shape and thus
FOREARTHFAULTNEAR STARPOINT OFA produce very high mechanical stresses which are propor-
33KVSOMVATRANSFORMER tional to the square of the current. In resistance earthing
the fault current is much reduced but consideration must
be given to the possibility of flashover particularly if the
That ampere turns balance is maintained between resistor is of the liquid type.
the windings.
Phase Faults
The magnitude of earth fault current is dependent on the
method of earthing, i.e. solid, resistance or transformer, Phase faults have a similar effect to that of an earth
and transformer connection, i.e. star or delta. fault on a solidly earthed transformer since current is
only limited by transformer winding impedance.
Star Connection - Solid Earthing
The distribution of fault current for this configuration Transformer Connections and Fault Current Flow
is shown in fig. 2a. It is only dependent on transformer Under fault conditions, currents are distributed in dif-
winding impedance and thus is not directly proportional ferent ways according to the winding connections. An
to the position of fault. The reactance decreases very understanding of the various fault current distribution is
quickly so that fault current is actually highest for a fault essential for the design of balanced differential protec-
near the neutral point. tion, the performance of directional relays and setting of


overcurrent and earth fault relays. Figures 3a and 3b applying the rule that the ampere turns produced by the
show some typical examples. The current values shown fault currents flowing in the transformers secondary
are for transformers with equal phase voltages on prim- windings are balanced by equivalent ampere turns in the
ary and secondary side. The currents are devised by primary windings.


r ------‘-----‘--,


0 i -I 0

I- i I
!- I I

L-- ---e---m--- I

f, ~------~~ r -_-_-___

ve 11;


+--vTi=’ L-_ --_A L________


Having a knowledge of the various connections and mers are generally based on the current balance prmci-
characteristics of transformers in terms of type of fault ple of magnitude comparison of currents flowing into
and current expected on internal fault to give operation and out of the transformer.
and external faults to define stability limit, we can pro- This principle can be used to protect the transformer
teed to the methods employed to detect faults and the windings separately or as an overall unit. However, in
Reyrolle Protection range of relays for this purpose. the latter case as we shall see later, certain refinements
are necessary.
Current Balance Principle To explain the basic principle consider a single phase
The differential protective schemes applied to transfor- arrangement as shown in fig. 4. It will be seen that under

quiescent conditions, magnetizing conditions, normal The main problem experienced in designing a current
load and through fault conditions that current circulates balance scheme is ensuring stability on through faults
between the two current transformers which results in which cause unequal saturation of the C.T.‘s during the
no current flowing in realys Rl and R2. This is a stability first few cycles after the fault initiation. This is overcome
condition. by using a relay of high impedance, as our type 4B3,
If we now consider an earth fault at ‘X’ shown in fig. which has a high value stabilising resistor connected in
4d it is seen that the balance is disturbed and current the relay circuit.
flows in relays Rl and R2. As fault ‘X’ approaches ‘Z This scheme has now been in use for many years, the
the transformer acts as an auto-transformer so that 12 simplicity in application being that the performance of
increases and Ii decreases. The resultant current is suffi- the protection on both fault setting and stability can be
cient to operate the relay for all positions of ‘X’, and calculated with certainty. This is shown in fig. 6.
therefore the whole of the windings can be protected
using this principle. Stability
When the system is resistance earthed (fig. 4e) I2 For a given through fault current (I) the maximum
decreases as ‘x’ approaches ‘Z’. As a result the amount voltage that can occur across the relay circuit is given by:
of winding protected depends upon the relay sensitivity,
i.e. fault setting. VR = +R + X)

Three-phase Where R = Maximum lead resistance

Extending the foregoing principle to three-phase X = CT secondary resistance
transformers the connections will be as shown in fig. 5. This is based on the assumption of a worst condition
Since both of these schemes only protect the transformer when one current transformer completely saturates and
on earth faults within the zone covered by the C.T.‘s; this ceases to transform any part of the primary fault current,
scheme of protection is known as “RESTRICTED whilst the other CT continues to transform accurately.
EARTH FAULT PROTECTION”. The Reyrolle Pro- If the setting voltage of the relay is made equal to or
tection relay designed for this application
__ is the type greater than this voltage the protection will be stable for
‘4B3’. - - currents up to the through fault current level used in the

P2 -



calculation. The knee point voltage of the C.T.‘s is This may be necessary when the CT excitation cur-
designed to be at least twice this value in order to ensure rents and relay current give a primary setting too low in
high speed operation of the relay. relation to CT steady state errors.





Fault Setting
This is given by:-
IFS = N (IR + IA + IB)

IR = Relay circuit current at setting voltage CURRENT (ORCURRENT-BALANCE)PROTECTIVE
IA, IB = CT excitation currents at relay setting vol-
N = CT ratio.
The primary fault setting can be adjusted to the level Type 4B3 Relay
required by adjustment of the relay circuit current using The circuitry of our type 4B3 relay is shown in fig. 7.
resistors connected across the relay circuit. The operating element is a type B61 d.c. attracted arma-
ture relay energised from a full wave rectifier. The
capacitor, in conjunction with the resistors, forms a low
pass filter circuit. The function of this is to increase the
setting in relation to harmonic frequencies thus retaining
stability under high frequency currents which can be
produced in certain installations during switching. The
variable resistor R2 to R6 enables the voltage setting to
be adjusted and the non-linear resistor Ml limits the


peak voltage output from the C.T.‘s during internal fault ever, any mismatch in C.T.‘s will result in unbalance
and so protect the secondary wiring which otherwise current which will flow in the relay circuit. Since most
may flash over and short circuit the relay resulting in transformers are equipped with tap changing the design
failure to trip. of an overall scheme for three phase transformers must
Summarising: separate winding current balance take account of this mismatch under through fault condi-
schemes are:- tions.
(u) Unaffected by load current, external fault or Therefore, the application of an overall differential
magnetizing inrush currents. scheme to three phase transformers requires a biased
(6) Unaffected by the ratio of transformer relay to maintain stability during:-
(c) Complete winding can be protected with solidly (u) Tap Changing
earthed neutral but not when resistance earthed. (b) Magnetizing inrush conditons, when switching
(d) Will not detect phase faults (three-phase protec- transformer on or when subjected to sudden loss
tion) shorted turns or open circuits. of load.
In both of these cases the out of balance current
tending to flow through the relay circuit may be several
Overall Differential Protection times the basic fault setting. The method employed to
The current balance principle can also be applied in an ensure that the relay remains stable under the above
overall unit protection to cover both primary and secon- conditions is by means of bias windings. The application
dary windings. Fig.8 illustrates the principle in terms of of a biased relay is shown in fig. 9, where it will be seen
single phase. This shows that an overall scheme is that the bias is arranged to give an operating setting
effected by magnetizing current and internal fault cur- which is always greater by a suitable margin than the
rent and remains balanced under normal load or through expected maximum spill current. Usual practice is to
fault current providing C.T. ratios are matched. How- arrange the bias characteristic as a slope of at least twice




the slope of the spill current characteristic. current, thereby preventing the relay from operating
During internal faults the whole of the available sec- during magnetizing conditions.
ondary current will pass through the relay operating One thing to be considered with “harmonic bias” is
circuit. Usually the secondary current will pass through that harmonics are also present during internal faults
part of the bias winding so that it will produce what is due to CT. saturation. To ensure that the relay will
sometimes referred to as “self bias” and causes an operate under all internal fault conditions the harmonic
increase in setting. If for example the current required to bias unit should preferably be designed to use only sec-
operate will be as indicated by curve 4. Relay operation ond harmonic which predominates in a magnetizing
occurs at the point where curve 3 crosses curve 4. surge.
The points to be considered in setting a biased relay Both of the above factors have been very carefully
are therefore:- optimised in the design of Reyrolle Protection type
(a) The graph of current required to operate under 4C2 1 ‘Duo-bias’ relays.
external fault conditions must be well above the
graph of anticipated spill current. (Fig. 9b) Type ‘4C21’ Overall Biased Protection Relay
(b) The available operating current under internal Figure 10 shows a single phase diagram of the ‘4C2 1’
fault conditions must be well above the graph of relay. Under load or through fault conditions, the C.T.
current required to operate. (Fig. 9d) secondary currents circulate through the primary wind-
ing of the bias transformer. The rectified output of this
Harmonic Restraint
transformer is applied to the bias winding on a transduc-
The second reason, already mentioned, for using a tor via a shunt resistor. Out of balance current flows
biased relay for overall transformer protection is that from the centre tap of the primary winding of the bias
operating current may flow during a magnetizing surge. transformer energising the transductor input winding
This current is known to contain a high percentage of and the harmonic-bias unit.
second and higher harmonics. It has been found conve- The input winding and output winding of the trans-
nient to use these harmonics and connect them into bias ducter are inductively linked, but there is no inductive



linking between these and the bias-windings. So long as is small and consequently the output to the relay is
the protected transformer is sound the transductor negigible.
bias-winding is energised by full-wave rectified current If the power-transformer develops a fault, the
which is proportional to the load or through-fault cur- operating-m.m.f. produced by the secondary fault-
rent, and this bias-current saturates the transductor. current in the transductor input-winding exceeds the
Out-of-balance currents in the transductor input- bias-m.m.f. resutling in a large change in working flux-
winding, produced by power-transformer tap-changing density. This allows transformer coupling to be effective
or by current-transformer mis-match, superimpose an between the input and output windings and thus opera-
alternating m.m.f. upon the d.c. bias m.m.f., as shown in tion of the relay.
fig. 11, but the resulting change in working flux-density Relay-operation cannot occur unless the operating-

Earth Fault Sensitivity
When a power-transformer is resistance-earthed, the
--r---r---- -p.c.M.W. current available on an internal earth-fault for operation

of a differential protection may be relatively low and the
I AL. m-w- percentage of the winding protected against earth-faults
, 6AmctMJJf may be inadequate. This is a fundamental point and
applies to all differential protections. In these circums-
tances it may be necessary to add some separate form of
earth-fault protection.
Consider the delta/star-connected transformer shown
I I in fig. 13 in which the star-connected winding may be
I H.M.F. connected to earth through a resistor. Suppose that a
I- Ok.-ma fault occurs at a point F, p% from the neutral end of the
winding, and that the neutral-earthing resistor is rated
to pass the full-load current of the star-connected wind-
FIG. 11. FLUXES DUE TO OPERATING ing with a terminal fault. If the fault is fed from the delta
AND BIASING AMPERE-TURNS. side of the transformer then the current in the primary
winding of the faulty phase is:-
I, = P x T2 X!LX P X
m.m.f. exceeds the bias-m.m.f.; and as the bias-m.m.f. is 100 Tl 100
proportional to the load or through-fault current, the Full-load
required operating-m.m.f. - and hence the required secondary current
operating current - is also proportional to the load or Since
through-fault current. Fig. 12 shows the operating
characteristics of the relay with the 20%, 30% and 40% Full-load TI x 1
percentage-bias slopes corresponding to the 20%, 30% Secondary current = __ ~ x
T2 v/3
and 40% shunt-resistor tappings.
The harmonic-bias unit is a tuned-circuit which
primary current ,
responds to the second-harmonic component of the
magnetizing current. When magnetizing inrush-current
flows through the relay-operating circuit the rectified
primary current
output of the harmonic-bias unit is injected into the
transductor bias-winding and restrains the relay.


On the other hand a restricted-earth-fault relay on the can be combined with the overall protection as illus-
star-winding would be energised by the fault-current trated in fig. 14. A current transformer is required, of
passing through the earthing resistor via a neutral course, on the neutral-to-earth connection. The advan-
current-transformer, that is by tage of the restricted earth fault relay is that it is ener-
gized from a current transformer which “sees” the whole
P Full-load
of the fault current and not just the primary side equival-
secondary current
-X ent of the fault current. Where the system is solidly
100 earthed an overall transformer protection with a setting
of about 30% would give complete phase-to-earth fault
Using the given expressions, the amount of winding protection of the delta winding and about 80% of the star
protected can be plotted graphically against the fault- winding. In that case additional restricted earth fault
setting, as shown in fig. 13. This demonstrates that a protection is not required for the delta winding, but if it
restricted-earth-fault relay is a much more efficient is fitted to the star winding it may detect faults much
device for the detection of winding earth-faults than a nearer to the neutral end of the winding. On star wind-
differential relay; and, in addition, to cover a reasonable ings at 132kV and above, it is usual practice to fit
percentage of the winding, the latter would need to be restricted earth fault protection.
extremely sensitive. This, however, is impracticable In addition to overall protection it is usual practice to
because of the limitations imposed by out-of-balance protect all but the smallest transformers against inter-
current, due to tap-changing, current-transformer mis- turn faults using a Buchholz relay. Severe faults are
matching, and power-transformer magnetization. detected from the resultant surge in oil and low current
Although tests on Duo-bias protection have shown faults by the measurement of accumulation of gas pro-
that separate high-set overcurrent relays are not duced.
required to ensure tripping under heavy internal fault Back-up protection is normally provided by IDMTL
conditions, some customers still demand them. Care overcurrent relays, although in recent years this has
must be taken in setting high set relays because their taken the form of a two-stage scheme. This comprises
speed of operation may cause them to have significant one IDMTL relay energised from the C.T.‘s on the H.V.
transient overreach. side, the source of infeed. Operation of this relay trips
Some care must also be exercised in choosing the the L.V. breaker and starts a time-delay relay. The set-
current transformer ratios and connections. The current ting of this time-delay relay is such that it does not
transformer ratio must compensate for the difference in operate before the L.V. breaker trips. If the fault persists
primary and secondary currents of the Transformer and the time-delay relay trips the H.V. breaker. Since
their connections must compensate for the phase differ- IDMTL relays have a relatively long reset time an
ence. Fig. 14 has illustrated a typical example. instantaneous overcurrent relay with a fast reset is con-
The restricted earth fault relay can be operated from a nected in series so that the time lag is de-energised as
completely separate set of line current transformers or it soon as the fault is cleared.


In the case of banked transformers separate overcur- Clearly, therefore, the application of an overall
rent back-up protection is usually preferred. scheme must be considered in relation to the risk of
The most usual questions asked on the application of phase to phase faults.
protection to transformers are:- Considering question 2, this is entirely a matter for the
1. What advantage does an overall scheme have over a user to decide in relation to loss of supply and conse-
scheme of separate over-current and earth fault. quently loss of revenue. In the experience of Reyrolle
2. What is the minimum size of transformer to which Protection overall schemes are usually applied to all
an overall scheme should be applied. transformers of IOMVA and above.
Considering question 1, overall protection gives
instantaneous clearance of phase faults, has a high
through fault stability whilst retaining a low fault setting Auto-Transformer Protection
and is inherently discriminative. Against this the degree Fig. 15a indicates the scheme used to protect auto-
of protection afforded by IDMTL overcurrent relays is transformers. Each phase winding forms a three-ended
very limited since the relay must be set above emergency primary zone and is protected, therefore, by three
loading conditions which often means a setting of 200% C.T.‘s, one at each end, connected to form a circulating
rating. In addition the time setting may have to be high in current system. Three such systems share a common
order to grade with other overcurrent relays on the neutral lead and form a complete phase and earth-fault
system. protection of the transformer. _

4QM\# IYISlkv Kv! T1sB t: IS%



132/2X K$ 120 WA





70 2751132 kV. AUTO-TRANStORMERS.

It should be noted that all the C.T.‘s are of the same pivoted floats carrying mercury switches contained in a
ratio and that there is no magnetizing inrush problem chamber. This chamber is connected in the pipe which
since the inrush appears as a through-fault as far as the connects the top of the transformer tank to the oil con-
protection is concerned. Fig. 15b shows the arrangement servator. Under normal conditions the Buchholz relay is
of the auto-transformer protection when, as is com- full of oil, the floats are fully raised and the mercury
monly the case, the transformers are arranged in pairs switches open.
banked on the H.V. side to a single 275kV switch. Five This device relies upon the fact that an electrical fault
sets of C.T.‘s now form the complete circulating current inside the transformer tank will be accompanied by the
system, a single set of three relays (one per phase) being generation of gas and, if the fault current is high enough,
provided for the pair of transformers. The isolator aux- by a surge of oil from the tank to the conservator.
iliary switches shown in the CT. secondary circuits Gas bubbles due to a core fault will be generated
ensure that the isolation of either transformer discon- slowly and collect in the top of the relay. As they collect,
nects its C.T.‘s from the remaining C.T.‘s and relay, so the oil level will drop in the relay and the upper float will
avoiding any possible interference with the latter when turn on its pivot until the mercury switch closes. This is
work is carried out on the isolated transformer. used to give an alarm.
It will be evident that since both transformers are Similarly, incipient winding insulation faults and
protected by the one scheme, discrimination between interturn faults which produce gas by decomposition of
the transformers is impossible. This is sometimes over- insulation material and oil may be detected. Such faults
come for earth-faults within the transformer by the pro- are of very low current magnitude and the Buchholz
vision on each transformer of a simple frame leakage relay is the only satisfactory method of detection.
“tank earth” indication relay, Type ‘Bl’ or “CFl’ Serious electrical faults, such as flashover between
depending on setting required. connections inside the main tank generate gas rapidly
and produce a surge of oil. This causes the lower float to
Directional Overcurrent Protection be forced over about its pivot, causing the lower mercury
Directional overcurrent relays are usually employed to switch to close. This is arranged to trip both the H.V. and
provide discrimination on phase faults for two parallel L.V. circuit-breakers.
transformers where there is no source on the L.V. side. In addition to the above, serious oil leakage will be
An analysis of the various fault conditions has shown detected initially by the upper float which will give an
that a 90” connection 45” maximum torque relay is the alarm and finally by the lower float, with will disconnect
best arrangement. the transformer before dangerous electrical faults result.
The Buchholz relay is thus a versatile protective
Buchholz Relay device and for certain types of faults the only protection
This device is illustrated in Fig. 16. It consists of two available. However, the time of operation of the surge


float for a fault well down the winding may be appreci- Several methods of intertripping are available, but we
able (of the order of O-5 second). For severe electrical will only consider those generally used.
faults on large transformers, the Buchholz relay there-
fore serves as a back-up to other faster forms of pro-
Fault Throwing
If pilot cables are not available or considered too
Intertripping Schemes expensive to be used for intertripping purposes, then
intertripping can be achieved by means of fault throwing
In order to ensure operation of both the H.V. and L.V.
switches. This scheme is restricted to cases where the
circuit-breakers for faults within the transformer and
fault level is below certain limits.
feeder, it is necessary to operate both circuit-breakers
The transformer protective relays first trip the L.V.
from protection normally associated with only one. The
circuit-breaker. This immediately operates a fault
technique for obtaining this facility is known as inter-
throwing switch which is a spring-operated switch (gen-
tripping. The necessity for intertripping arises from cer-
erally single-phase) which applies single-phase to earth
tain types of faults producing insufficient fault current to
fault to the associated H.V. feeder. Feeder protection at
operate the protection associated with one of the
the remote end then operates to trip the associated
circuit-breakers. These faults are:-
Incipient faults in transformer tank, which, as we
have seen, operate the Buchholz relay associated Post Office Pilot Intertripping
with the L.V. breaker but fail to operate the Hired Post Office pilots are normally used to transmit a
protection associated with the H.V. breaker. coded intertripping signal initiated by the transformer
Earth-faults on the L.V. winding of transformers protective relays and arranged to trip the remote
which have resistance earthing. circuit-breaker. A complete Post Office pilot intertrip-

0.98:0.578:0.57$:0. CUT:]




ping scheme can provide coded intertripping in both
directions for duplicate feeders, using a single pair of Type of Type of Relay
pilots. Transformer Protection

Other Forms of Protection 1. Distribution IDMTL On TJMlO

Depending upon the transformer connections and cir- Rating ) SMVA o/c each 4B3
cuit configuration other forms of protection such as the REF. Winding
type ‘B37’ neutral displacement relay and type Bl or
CF3 or TJM60 relay for standby earth fault protection 2. Distribution Overall Differential 4C21
may also be required. Rating ( SMVA REF. each Winding 4B3
Each circuit must be considered as a unit and the
protection assessed accordingly. 3. Two-Winding Overall Differential 4C21
Transmission REF. each Winding 4B3
The degree of protection provided for any particular
arrangement depends to a great extent upon the size and
functional importance of the unit. A further important
4. Gen/Transformer Overall Differential 4C21
factor is economics.
REF. each Winding 4B3
The following table gives a guide to the protection
applied to the various forms of transformers usually
associated with power system installations:
Reyrolle Protection have had many years of experience
in the design and application of relay schemes for the 5. Auto Transformer Overall Circulating 4B3
protection of transformers and any advice required for a Current
particular installation will readily be given.

CHAPTER 7 Proving Test of Duo-bias Transformer

The use of unit systems of protection is now almost
standard practice in all important electrical power sys-
tems. Most unit systems are of the balanced class and
are based on the assumption that under through-fault
conditions the currents entering and leaving the pro-
tected zone are equal to one another, or bear some fixed
relationship to one another. In applying unit protection
to power-transformers two special problems arise, nam-
ely, the unbalancing effect of tappings on the trans-
former windings which cause the relationship between
the magnitudes of the input and output currents to vary,
and the magnetizing inrush current which occurs when
switching on a transformer with its output side open-
circuited or very lightly loaded. The first problem is
usually dealt with by employing bias or restraint on the
relays so that the current required to operate the protec-
tion increases roughly in proportion to the straight-
through fault-current. The second problem presents
much greater difficulty. It can be dealt with by introduc-
ing time lags, as in conventional systems such as that
using our type-TJG relay, or by methods which in some
way or other differentiate between normal internal-fault
currents and magnetizing inrush currents in such a way RELAY

that the protection operates for the former but not for
the latter. One difference between these two currents, FIG. 1. DUO-BIAS DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION
which may be used for the purpose mentioned, lies in WITH TRANSDUCTOR RELAY.
their wave-forms, fault-currents being nearly sinusoidal,
whereas magnetizing currents contain appreciable sec- rectified and fed into the d.c. control-winding on the
ond harmonic. The duo-bias system of transformer pro- transductor thus biasing the protection in the same way
tection derives its “magnetizing” stability by taking this as does straight-through fault-current.
into account. Fig. 2 shows the interconnections between the relays
in the protection of a three-phase transformer. It should
GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF DUO-BIAS be noted that the outputs of the three filter-units are
TRANSFORMER PROTECTION paralleled and fed through the transductor bias-
The principles of duo-bias protection are now fairly well windings of all three phases connected in series, thus
known. It is a Merz-Price system with biasing to take ensuring adequate restraint in all relays under condi-
care of tap-changing, and harmonic restraint to coun- tions of magnetizing inrush.
teract the effect of magnetizing inrush currents. A
schematic diagram for one phase of a three-phase trans-
former is shown in fig. 1. It differs from most other TESTS ON DUO-BIAS PROTECTION
differential systems of transformer protection in that the Research and exhaustive testing are continually finding
relay is fed from the secondary winding of a transductor, new ways of improving the performance of protective
the primary winding of which is connected across the systems generally. The Reyrolle Research and Certifica-
pilots in the usual way. Biasing is obtained by d.c. excita- tion Laboratories are very fully equipped for work of
tion of the transductor via a separate d.c. control- this kind and the majority of system conditions can
winding which is fed from an auxiliary transformer in readily be simulated. For transformer protection, how-
series with the pilots. On internal faults the transductor ever, a fundamental difficulty exists in connection with
acts more or less as a transformer but on external faults the production of magnetizing inrush currents which
the saturation of the transductor core by the d.c. represent service conditions sufficiently accurately. It is
control-winding prevents the unbalance current present therefore desirable to supplement laboratory tests on
in the pilots from being transferred to the relay. With transformer differential-protection with tests on site. It
magnetizing inrush currents the harmonic-restraint cir- is not often that facilities for site tests are available but
cuit has appreciable second-harmonic output. This is through the courtesy of the Central Electricity Author-





ity, Eastern Division, it was possible to test the duo-bias injection as described below.
system thoroughly at their Rayleigh Transforming Sta-
tion recently and these tests, together with comprehen- Primary-injection Tests
sive laboratory tests, have fully proved the performance In order to simulate site conditions as closely as poss-
of the system. Before dealing with the site tests we give a ible, a number of laboratory tests were made using cir-
brief outline of the laboratory tests. cuits incorporating 500-kVA and 2500-kVA power-
Secondary-injection Tests For the majority of the tests the transformer had a
A large number of tests were made using secondary- 3-phase rating of 500-kVA, 660/48 volts, with delta/star
injection circuits, and these provided data on the trans- windings. On the H.V. (delta) side three 25/l current-
ductor and filter characteristics, and the ratings of com- transformers (i.e. 200/l using 8 primary turns) were
ponents. connected in star, and on the L.V. (star) side three 600/l
A detailed investigation of the percentage-bias (i.e. 347/0.58) current-transformers were connected in
characteristic showed that the overall relay performance delta. With these ratios the steady-state unbalance cur-
was almost unaffected by phase variations between the rent was negligible. To simulate power-transformer
bias and the operating inputs to the transductor, and that ratio-changes (due to tap-changing) of plus and minus
the settings were similar irrespective of whether the 12&%, the number of primary turns used on the H.V.
inputs were switched or slowly increased. Further tests current-transformers was altered from 8 to 9 and 7
were made to determine the effects of harmonic content respectively.
and frequency variations. Fig. 4 shows the magnetization curves of the current-
The operating-time of the protection at three times transformers used in these tests, but other current-
the setting of the relays was shown to be approximately transformer designs have also been tested.
60ms. with no through-load current, and 85ms. with Fault-settings without through-load were measured in
full-load current. Furthermore, it was proved that the terms of the H.V. current, and were less than 36% for all
asymmetry of the fault-current made little difference to phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth faults, the variation
the operating-time, the actual times varying by only 5ms. in the settings obtained for the six fault-conditions being
between fully symmetrical and fully asymmetrical condi- less than 5%. These figures applied for faults on both the
tions. H.V. side and on the L.V. side of the power-transformer.
The detailed data obtained by means of low-current The effect on the fault-settings of 100% three-phase
testing techniques were confirmed by tests using primary load (using the circuit shown in fig. 3) is shown in fig. 5,


from which it is apparent that the phase-angle between of the protection is shown in fig. 6.
fault and load is unimportant in deciding the sensitivity. The stability of the protection under through-fault
Tests also proved correct operation with high values of conditions, the fault being applied on the secondary
fault-current and current-transformer burden (such that (L.V.) side after the transformer had been energized,
the current-transformers saturated). The operating-time was proved under normal and maximum tap-change
conditions with H.V. current-transformer burdens of up
to 8 ohms. Fig. 7 shows a typical record of the relay-
operating current and L.V. primary current, the latter
corresponding to approximately 15 times the current-
transformer rated-current. The record shows the safety
margin at an extreme tap-change position, and illus-
trates clearly that the relay output, resulting from the
magnetizing current of the power-transformer prior to
closure onto the fault on the L.V. side, is low relative to
the relay operating-level. Tests were also made to
demonstrate the stability when the H.V. side was ener-
gized with an external fault already applied on the L.V.
side, and to prove that repeated fault-current asymmetry
did not prejudice the stability of the protection.
Tests to prove the performance under conditions of
magnetizing inrush current were made in the laboratory
I on the 500-kVA transformer and also on the 2,500-kVA
6.6-kV 3-phase transformer. For the former, the ratio of
the H.V. current-transformers was 200/l, and peak cur-
rents of up to 6,l times the current-transformer rating
I were obtained, the time-constant of the magnetizing
inrush current-decrement being 35ms (X/R = 11).
These tests were made with repeated point-on-wave
switching, and the protection remained stable through-
out, oscillograph records showing that the value of the
transient relay-operating current never exceeded half
that required for operation. A further test was made
using current-transformers of ratio 25/ 1, when the pro-
tection remained stable with a peak magnetizing-current
100 equivalent to approximately 30 times the current-
transformer rating.
FIG. 4. MAGNETIZATION CURVES OF THE CURRENT- Similar tests were made on the 2,500-kVA trans-
TRANSFORMERS USED IN PRIMARY-INJECTION TESTS. former using 100/l and 200/l current-transformers of



differing designs. Peak surges of up to 14 times the ditions are independent of source-impedance and trans-
current-transformer rating, and time-constants of former size. Stability under conditions of magnetizing
105ms. were obtained on these tests. inrush current is, however, dependent upon both the
magnitude and the time-constant of the inrush current.
Site Tests The laboratory tests demonstrated the stability of the
The characteristics of duo-bias protection concerned protection with heavy inrush currents, but the time-
with fault-settings and stability under through-fault con- constants of these inrush currents were much shorter




than those usually associated with large power- cerned with the output of a particular current-
transformers. The site tests at Rayleigh were made, transformer (which will be higher the ‘better’ the
therefore, to prove stability with an inrush current of current-transformer) and not with the balancing of the
long time-constant. outputs of current-transformers.
The tests were made on 3O-MVA and 6Q-MVA Across the output of each power-transformer was
132/22-kV transformers (see Table 1 opposite) using permanently connected a 150-kVA auxiliary trans-
the current-transformers available on site. The former, the secondary winding of which was open-
magnetization-curves of these current-transformers are circuited. The magnetizing-current of this transformer
shown in fig. 9. It should be noted that these current- would produce very little bias, and did not therefore
transformers have a much higher knee-point than those affect the validity of the tests.
which would normally be supplied for duo-bias protec- Throughout the tests Dude11 oscillograph records
tion. The use of these current-transformers does not, were taken of the primary-current and relay-current in
however, ease the test-condition, since here we are con- each phase, and the harmonic-bias current was recorded


Table l-Data of Rayleigh Transformers

Reference T3 T2B

Rating 1 30 MVA: 160 MVA:

ON/OFB-cooled ON/OFB-cooled
(15 MVA (30 MVA
ON-rating) ON-rating)
Connection Star-Delta Star-Delta
Voltage 132133 kV 132133 kV

1 Impedance 1 10.3% 1 12.4% I

Ratio of
H.V. current-
transformers 15010.5 25010.5

on a moving-film cathode-ray oscillograph. Fig. 8 is a

typical record and shows that the relay-current is well
within the operating-level of the relay.
Whereas the laboratory tests were made with control
of asymmetry, thus permitting testing always under the
most severe conditions of primary-currents, such control
was not possible on site, and a large number of switching
operations were necessary. A total of 69 switching oper-
ations were made during these tests.
In many tests the harmonic bias was deliberately
reduced below its normal level by altering the primary
turns on the harmonic-bias reactor, the bias produced
being in direct ratio to the number of primary turns.
Although the harmonic bias was reduced to 4 of its
normal value protection still remained stable.
Some of the more significant results are given overleaf
in Tables 3 and 4.
Examination of the results given above (and of the
oscillograms taken) show that:
(a) The greater the inrush current the greater the
harmonic bias produced.
(b) The greater the harmonic bias the less the relay
current for corresponding inrush currents.
(c) The continuation of the asymmetrical wave due
to the longer time-constant did not produce any t
adverse effect on the stability of the protection.

From the laboratory and site tests described it can be
concluded that:
(1) Duo-bias protection is stable with through-fault FIG. 9. MAGNETIZATION-CURVES OFTHE CURRENT-
currents of at least fifteen times the rated current TRANSFORMERSUSED IN SITE-TESTS.
of the current-transformers with magnetizing
inrush surges having maximum peak values
exceeding any likely to be found in practice, and no through-load, and less than 60 per cent of the
also that it is stable with magnetizing surges hav- current-transformer rating with 100 per cent
ing time-constants of at least 6 seconds. three-phase through-load. The phase-angle bet-
(2) The fault-settings of the protection are less than ween the load-currents and the fault-currents is
40 per cent of the current-transformer rating with unimportant.

Table 2-Site-testing Data

Transformer No:- T3 T2B

Steady-state Magnetization-current 3.4 A (approx.) Red and blue phases-l 1 A (approx.;
Yellow phase 6 A (approx.,
Time-constant 6 sets (approx.) 2 sets (approx.)
Normal lead-burden 6 ohms/phase 4.6 ohms/phase
Ratio 150/75/0*5 (used as 150/0.5) 25OlO.5
Secondary turns 295 of 19 s.w.g. 495 of 19 s.w.g.
D.C. resistance 5 ohms 3.5 ohms
Excitation curve Fig. 9 Fig. 8

Table &Results of Tests on Transformer T3

Nominal turns on

Table AResults of Tests on Transformer T2B

Peak primary Relay-current Harmonic-

Nominal turns on Lead- current (% of operating- bias
harmonic-bias burden (A) current) current
reactor (per cent) (ohms/phase) (m-Q
Red Yellow Blue Red Yellow Blue

I 100 I 4.6 1 490 ( 330 1 220 1 25 1 30 1 18 1 35 1

100 4.6 230 320 140 21 18 34 28

57 4.6 570 410 230 31 38 32 29

57 6.6 340 180 160 30 25 28 9

33 6.6 570 320 220 36 56 No record 8

33 6.6 110 120 170 29 33 27 Very small

(3) The operating-time of the protection is less than frequency greatly exceeding anything likely to
100 milliseconds at 3 times the setting under all occur in practice.
conditions of load and fault-current asymmetry, These additional tests and appreciable operating
and is less than 65 milliseconds at 3 times the experience with duo-bias protection have provided val-
setting for internal faults with no through-load. uable confirmation that this system of transformer pro-
(4) The correct performance of the system is unaf- tection is basically sound in principle, and that it can be
fected by the presence of harmonics higher than applied with confidence to the largest and most impor-
the second, and by departures from the nominal tant transformers in service.

CHAPTER 8 The Requirements for Directional Earth
Fault Relays
SUMMARY Impedance Values
This report deals with the conditions under which Generator/Transformers.
directional earth fault relays may be required to
Z, = Z2 = 23%.
operate in conjunction with distance protection
relays. Variations in system conditions which might zo = 10%.
occur in practice are related to the current settings,
relay characteristics and forms of polarising. The Primary values. (Total impedance of generator/
results are plotted graphically in order to assist in the transformer portion of busbar MVA rating).
application of this type of relay. 1500 MVA Busbars
Zi = Zz = 18.15 ohms, Z0 = 8.05 ohms
2500 MVA Busbars
Z1 = Z2 = 11.1 ohms, Z0 = 4.8 ohms
3500 MVA Busbars
The investigations on which this report is based were
Zi = Z2 = 7.93 ohms, Z0 = 3.43 ohms
made in connection with Distance Protective Schemes
using a single directional earth-fault relay to control
Secondary values. (On basis of 500/l CT and 132
the operation of plain impedance relays for earth
kV/llO VT).
faults. The results, however, are of general interest in
respect to the application of Directional Earth Fault 1500 MVA Busbars
relays to solidly earthed systems where the polarising Z1 = Zz = 7.7 ohms Za = 3.33 ohms
winding is energised from a residual voltage trans- 2500 MVA Busbars
former, provided the appropriate range of system Zi = Z2 = 4.62 ohms Z0 = 2.0 ohms
conditions and characteristics is taken into account.
3500 MVA Busbars
This report deals with the particular case of a typical Z0 = 1.43 ohms
Zi = Z2 = 3.3 ohms
132 kV system.
This is taken as overhead line impedance where Zi =
In the typical 132 kV system chosen, the relaying
point is associated with busbars having 3,500, 2,500, Primary values. (Total impedance of grid infeed
or 1,500 MVA rating, the voltage transformer ratio portion of busbar MVA rating).
being 132-kV- 11 O-volts and the current transformer 1500 MVA Busbars
ratio being 500/l. The station is assumed to have a Z, = Z2 = 29.3 ohms Z0 = 72.5 ohms
local generating capacity and a proportional grid in-
2500 MVA Busbars
feed. For example, in the case of 2,500 MVA break-
Z1 = Z2 = 17.4 ohms Z0 = 43.5 ohms
ing capacity, the generators have a load capacity of
360 MVA and the grid in-feed a short-circuit capacity 3500 MVA Busbars
of 1,000 MVA. ZI = Z2 = 12.4 ohms Z0 = 31.0 ohms
The lines are assumed to have Zi =Zz = 0.7 ohm/
mile and Z0 = 2.5 Z,. Secondary values (On basis of 500/l CT and 132
For convenience, the calculations are made on the kV/llO VT).
basis of equivalent secondary voltages, currents and 1500 MVA Busbars
impedances. The impedances obtained from the max- Zi = Z2 = 12.1 ohms Za = 30.2 ohms
imum fault MVA will represent the minimum source 2500 MVA Busbars
impedances. In practice, the actual source impedances Zi = Z2 = 7.25 ohms Z0 = 18.2 ohms
will vary over a range of values, the maximum of
which will correspond to the minimum plant condi- 3500 MVA Busbars
tion. Z1 = Z2 = 5.18 ohms Z0 = 12.9 ohms
The impedance encountered between the relaying
point and the fault will be directly proportional to the BOUNDARY CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION
distance from the fault to the relaying point, provided Taking an earth fault relay, the current circuits of
there are no in-feeds of fault current between these which are energised by the residual current of the
two points. This condition has been assumed in this line C.T.‘s and the voltage circuits of which are ener-
analysis. gised from the open delta voltage of the V.T.‘s, the


ON &LAY = VP = 310 &


two quantities on the relay are:- the relay is required. This will normally be decided by
Voltage = V, = 310Zs0 the maximum stage 3 setting, which may be of the order
of 100-200 miles. The lower limits of these boundary
Current = In, = 310
lines are marked off corresponding to various line
The circuit conditions being investigated are rep- lengths for the stage 3 setting.
resented in equivalent form in figs. l(a) and l(b), the
parameters which are varied being the impedances (c) Distant Faults with Increasing Source Impedance
Z Ll, ZL2, ZLO and Zsl, Zs2 and Zss. The boundary
The voltages corresponding to the lower limit of the
conditions may be explored by:-
boundary lines in (b) above are the lowest at which the
(4 First considering terminal earth faults, i.e. ZL1, relays are called upon to operate. It is of interest to note
ZL2, ZLo = 0, and varying Zsl, Zs2, ZsO down that these low voltages also correspond to small cur-
to their minimum value, i.e. maximum MVA. rents, i.e. the relay is not called upon to operate at low
(b) Secondly, keeping Zsi, Zsz, ZsO at their voltages and heavy currents.
minimum value and varying ZL1, ZL2, Z,,, up The currents at this lower limit are not, however, the
to the maximum value to be considered. minimum at which the relay should operate. These will
be obtained by keeping the fault at the maximum chosen
(4 Lastly, keeping ZL1, ZL2, ZLo constant at the
maximum value to be considered and varying distance from the relaying point and following the
Zsr, Zs2, Zsa up to the maximum value to be appropriate curve to the line MQ, or a line parallel to
considered, i.e. minimum plant conditions. this if the maximum source impedance is less than that
corresponding to 250 miles of line. Whilst the current
will reduce during this process, the voltage will rise again
(a) Terminal Earth Faults because of the increasing zero sequence impedance of
Whilst terminal earth faults at the relaying position do the source. The current corresponding to a fault at the
not produce low polarising voltages in the relay, they limit of reach and with maximum source impedance will
form one boundary line enclosing the zone of operation give the minimum pick-up current of the relay. It will be
of the earth-fault relay. noted that this minimum current value of the relay
For terminal faults Z L1 = ZLz = ZLO = 0, the variation occurs with reasonable voltage, i.e. tends towards the
in relay voltage and current will depend entirely on the minimum operating current with full volts. The bound-
source impedance. Referring to fig. 2 showing the rela- ary lines for 200 mile and 100 mile reach are shown in
tion between relay volts and current in log/log form, the fig. 2 scaled against equivalent line lengths of source
points A, B, C, give the relay voltages and current for the impedance. The maximum length of 250 miles corres-
three maximum MVA’s. For the condition of a terminal ponds to a range of about 30 referred to a minimum
earth fault with increasing source impedance, the boun- stage 1 setting of 8 miles.
dary here will be A, B, or C towards Q. It should be The curves shown through ‘m’ and ‘n’ are typical and
noted that at small currents on this boundary, conditions presume a proportional reduction of generating plant
are such that the predominating impedance is that of and grid infeed down to about 20% power, and then
overhead line, where Zs = 2.5 Zi, i.e. no generators in, further reduction of input with no local generation.
and the residual voltage will rise above 63.5 volts. These Other conditions will not produce much deviation from
boundary lines are typical, but will vary slightly accord- these curves.
ing to the proportionality of line impedance to machine
The boundary lines thus formed represent the upper The voltage/current characteristics for particular phase
limit of the voltage/current zone experienced by the angles may be superimposed on the boundary diagram
relay. of residual voltage and current shown in fig. 2. The
characteristics of two such relays are shown.
(b) Earth Faults beyond the Relaying Point with
Minimum Source Impedance (Maximum MVA) Type USE Relay
In this case, the effect on the relay voltage and current As used in XZA protection, having a nominal max-
of moving the fault away from the relaying point is imum torque angle of 30” and which consumes 3 VA in
shown. It should be noted that the condition of minimum the voltage circuit at 63.5 volts. The characteristics for
source impedance is taken. The boundary line for this this relay are shown with 30”, 60” and 90” between
will obviously go through the Point A, B or C according polarising voltage and current. The basic equation for
to the appropriate maximum MVA. volts and current are of the general form VI = const, so
The relationship for relay volts and current is that on log/log scales, the characteristic is a straight line
Vr = 3IOzSO = IEFZSO, at 45” to the axes.
and as Zso is constant (at its minimum value) this bound-
ary line will be a straight line through A, B or C at 45” to Comparator Relay
the axis. Such as obtained with the use of a rectifier bridge
The lower limit of this boundary line will depend on polarised relay arrangement. The maximum torque
the maximum distance of the fault for which operation of angle for the relay is 60”, and the VA for the voltage







&/NE 2, =zf =
VT = 132 KV/,10
0;7rz/mile 20 = 2~52,


circuit corresponding to the characteristic shown would The comparator type of characteristic is more
be 30. The theoretical characteristic for such relays is amenable to application and can give reasonable
formed by two straight lines parallel to the axes. In coverage with reasonable VA in the voltage cir-
practice, the corner so formed is rounded off, as shown cuits.
in the characteristics. The characteristic may be com-
The particular property of the hyperbolic relay
pensated to give the increased voltage at higher currents
by the unbalancing of the current inputs in favour of the characteristic which gives operation at very low
restraint side of the comparator. currents at high voltages, and at very low voltages
for very high currents may be a definite disadvan-
INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS tage in relation to possible spurious operation.
The possibility of such operation would be
In order that the relay should operate satisfactorily increased considerably if the characteristic were
under all practical system conditions, its voltage/current lowered by consuming more VA in the voltage
characteristic should lie between the axes and the area circuit, and it must be borne in mind that the
enclosed by the boundary lines appropriate to the par- voltage can increase to about 105 volts. The pres-
ticular application. It should be appreciated that the ent relay characteristic gives operation at 105
phase angle between polarising voltage and current will volts and 0.1 ampere.
vary between 90” and 50” for the various system condi-
tions. For example it is nearly 90” when the source is Current polarising from neutral current trans-
predominantly machine and transformer impedance formers would overcome some of the weaknesses
(i.e. along lines aA, bB, CC of fig. 2) and nearly 50” when of the hyperbolic relay characteristic. The
the source is predominantly line impedance (i.e. along required degree of current polarisation may be
the other boundary lines). obtained from the curves in fig. 2. For example,
to obtain complete operation for the whole
CONCLUSIONS boundaries given by A, a, m, the required
From a consideration of the relay characteristics and minimum operation is 2 volts, 0.7 amperes, but
boundary conditions, the following conclusions may be actual operation is 13 volts, 0.7 amperes. The
drawn. additional polarising effect from 0.7 amperes
must be eqivalent to 11 volts (assuming the fault
64 The directional earth fault relay is not called current and polarising current to be equal). If no
upon to operate with low voltage and heavy cur- allowance is made for increasing VA on the
rent. polarising circuit due to the requirement of two
(b) With the hyperbolic characteristic such as is polarising windings, the VA in the current
obtained with Beam relays, it is difficult to cover polarising circuit would be
a range of system conditions at low voltage and
low current. L= approximately
(4 Although the USE characteristic might be low-
0.2 VA at 1 ampere,
ered, this would require considerable VA on the
voltage circuit. For example, to give a coverage which is a reasonably low figure. Current polaris-
comparable with that of the comparator relay ing is not, however, always practical as it requires
would require a neutral point to be available and in use near to
2 the relaying point. The use of current polarising
3VA x 15 = 300 VA. will require some care in relation to the choice of
1.5 phase angle for the relay as the residual capacity
( )
Generally, it can be considered that the hyper- currents will cause phase shifts between the
bolic characteristic is basically not particularly residual CT. current and the neutral C.T. cur-
suited to this type of application. rent.

CHAPTER 9 The Performance of Distance-Relays
A variety of relays are used in protective systems of the
distance-measuring class, typical forms being plain
impedance, mho, ohm, reactance, and directional relays.
All these come under the general description of
distance-relays and are characterised by having two
input-quantities respectively proportional to the voltage
and current at a particular point in the power-system,
referred to as the relaying point. The ideal forms of such I&a) PLAIN IMPEDANCE I(b) MHO
relays have characteristics which are independent of the
actual values of voltage and current and depend only on
the ratio of voltage to current and the phase angle bet-
ween them. The ideal characteristics are thus completely

specified by the complex impedance Z=V/l. The impe-
dance Z can be shown on a complex diagram having
principal axes of resistance and reactance. The form of R R

this function for the commoner types of characteristics is

illustrated in fig. 1. Operation of the relay occurs in the l(c) REACTANCE l(d) DliECTlONAL
shaded areas and no operation takes place in the
unshaded areas. The boundary curve represents margi- FIG. 1. IDEALPOLARCHARACTERISTICSOF
nal conditions and is referred to as the “cut-off impe- DISTANCE-RELAYS.
Practical distance-relays depart from the ideal and the simplified diagram of fig. 2. Zs represents the source
have characteristics which depend on the actual valuesof impedance from the relaying point P back to the
the input voltage and current. An approximation to the generators and ZF the fault impedance of the power-
ideal is obtained only over a specific range of input system from the relaying point to the fault. Both are
quantities. Inside this range the relay will have errors supplied from the open-circuit system-voltage E. The
which are acceptable, and outside the range it will have current and voltage at the junction of the two impe-
excessive errors and may not even operate. The dances are proportional to those applied to the relay via
operating-time of the relay will be variable and depen- the current and voltage transformers at the relaying
dent on the individual magnitudes of the input quan- point. The source impedance Z,s depends on the amount
tities, being, for example, long for small inputs near the of generating plant available behind the relaying point
cut-off impedance and short for large inputs well within and is directly related to the short-circuit MVA available
the cut-off impedance. The complete performance at the relaying poing. This will vary according to system
specification of a practical relay should thus include conditions but it will normally be possible to assign an
information on these aspects in addition to the ideal upper and lower limit to the short-circuit MVA and
polar-characteristic such as is illustrated in fig. 1. hence to Z,s.
In the past, various methods of specifying perfor- The fault impedance Z,is proportional to the distance
mance have been adopted to meet these difficulties. of the fault from the relaying point. The ratio of the
None of these, however, enables the performance of the voltage and current applied to the relay is always equal
relay to be related easily to the requirements of the to ZF, but the actual values are determined by both Zs
power-system and most do not facilitate comparison of and ZF.
different relays. It is the purpose of this article to outline Consider a fault at the nominal cut-off impedance of
methods which have recently been developed to over-
come these difficulties and to outline the principal fac-
tors affecting the performance. The testing of distance
protection is also considered and test-procedures out-
lined which are directly related to the new methods of
specifying performance.

I’- -Rel,ty,ng ,>“I”,. E.-- Normal aystrn, volt,~gc.

Performance Requirements as Dictated by ZF I-ault mprdunce. I --Current dt relsylng point.

the Power-system LS ~ Source Imped;lnce v -Volt‘lge ii, r&ymg pocnt.

The requirements for a particular distance-relay can be FIG. 2. BASIC CIRCUITOFPOWER-SYSTEM UNDER
assessed in relation to the power-system by reference to FAULT-CONDITIONS.

the relay. The impedance Z, is thus fixed and will nor-
mally correspond to 80 per cent of the line protected.
The voltage at the relaying point is then determined only
by Z,. For a very large MVA source, i.e. small Z,, this
voltage will approach the normal system-voltage. For a 6) DIRECT CONNECTION

small MVA source, i.e. large Zs, the voltage will only be
a fraction of the normal voltage and will be determined
by the ratio ZJZ,. A practical relay is required to work
correctly between these limits of voltage. Since the top
limit is normally fixed by the system-voltage it is usually
necessary only to specify that the relay will work down to I:N N.Il:N I
some minimum voltage V,.
Apart from the magnitude of the impedances Zs and
Z, it is necessary to consider their phase angle. This
determines the time constant of the primary transients
which will occur in the voltage and current waveforms
when a sudden fault is applied. With high-speed relays
this factor becomes of great importance as the relay is FIG. 3. RELATIONBETWEENVOLTAGE-TRANSFORMER
required to measure correctly during the transient BURDENANDPERFORMANCE.
Since relays are generally connected to a three-phase
system the problem is more complicated than that shown setting and hence the minimum voltage-setting is prop-
in fig. 2, as different types of faults can occur. The ortional to V%, all other parameters being constant.
problem can, however, always be reduced to the simple The general expression relating the voltage range, the
case for a particular fault though it may be necessary to voltage-transformer burden, and the basic relay-setting
use different values for the source impedance according is thus of the form
to whether the fault is to earth or between phases.
-E oc d/w
Vl?l W.

Factors affecting Relay Performance Compensation of relays

Voltage-transformer Burden and Relay Sensitivity A simple distance-relay element which has linear
The optimum performance that can be obtained from a characteristics will have a curve relating applied voltage
given relay is directly related to factors such as the and current of the form shown in curve (a) of fig. 4. With
burden on the voltage-transformers at nomal system- zero applied-voltage a certain minimum current known
voltage and the minimum operating-current of the basic as the pick-up current is required to cause operation.
relay-element. The relation between performance and With increasing voltage the operating-current increases
voltage-transformer burden is illustrated in fig. 3. A
relay is represented in fig. 3a which has a voltage-
transformer burden W and operates correctly from the
normal system-voltage down to a minimum voltage V,.
If transformers of ratio N:l are inserted in the input
circuit as shown in fig. 3b the normal setting of the relay
is unaltered because the ratio V/I is unaltered. The
minimum voltage is reduced to V,/N but the voltage-
transformer burden is increased to W.NZ. If the useful
performance-range of the relay is expressed as the ratio
of normal system-voltage to minimum voltage for cor-
rect operation, this is related to the voltage-transformer
burden by

The burden of the current input circuit is related in a

similar manner to the voltage range of the relay. Nor-
mally this is not so important as the voltage-circuit bur-
den, the main difference being that the voltage circuit is IP 1877
energised continuously whereas the current circuit is CURRENT

only energised to any extent during fault-conditions.

Ip.-Minlmum pick-up current. Im.-Minimum current for correct
The voltage range of the relay is also closely bound up operation.
with the setting in milliwatts (w) of the basic relay-
element. For a particular relay the minimum current- ??IG. 4. SIMPLERELAYCHARACTERISTIC

linearly. If the nominal impedance-setting is as shown by voltages and currents. The extra voltage range has only
the dashed curve (b), the cut-off impedance will always been obtained, however, at the expense of using the
be less than the nominal impedance, the percentage relay in a very delicate state below the nominal
error becoming progressively smaller as the inputs are minimum setting. This introduces problems of variation
increased. If limits of permissible error are assigned as of setting with friction, of long operating-times, and of
indicated by the dotted curves (c) and (d), then the relay general mechanical instability. Voltage compensation is
characteristic must lie in the shaded area to be of practi- therefore to be preferred to current compensation.
cal use. It can be seen that for the example illustrated the
minimum current at which the relay can be used is
appreciably larger than the minimum pick-up current.

Presentation of Accuracy
In the previous section the errors in a relay have been
assessed in relation to a graph of voltage against current
plotted on linear scales (figs 4, 5, and 6). Such a graph
does not enable the errors to be determined directly and
also has limitations in that the lower end of the scales is
very cramped. Alternative methods are briefly reviewed
in this section and indication given of merits and
demerits of each form.

Ip BIm
Existing Methods
FIG. 5. VOLTAGE-COMPENSATED RELAY The first modification to the basic graph of voltage
CHARACTERISTICS. aginst amperes on linear scales is to replace the linear
scales by log. scales. Constant ordinates on the graph
now represent constant percentage-errors and difficul-
In order that the relay may be utilised to full advan- ties associated with the cramping of scales at the lower
tage, compensation can be added to produced a curve of value are removed. In order that the errors may be
the form shown in fig. 5. This compensation may take measured directly it is preferable to plot the per-unit
the form of a non-linear impedance in the voltage circuit impedance as a function of current or voltage. Per-unit
of the relay to prevent the voltage-input being effective impedance is the ratio of cut-off impedance to the nomi-
until a value is reached which corresponds to the product nal impedance setting of the relay, i.e. per-unit impe-
of the minimum pick-up current and the nominal impe- dance of 1 is fully accurate. In this case the per-unit
dance setting. impedance can be plotted on a linear scale and the
current or voltage on a log scale. A comparison of the
different methods is given in figs 7 and 8. The most
useful of these two final methods is that using current, as
the minimum pick-up current can easily be obtained. By
using current x nominal impedance in place of current
as the independent variable, the curves are made more
general. The maximum point now corresponds to the
normal system voltage. Such graphs provide the most




-/ I

Compensation can also be obtained by introducing a 1 1 1

I 2 5 IO 20 50 100
step in the current-input to the relay. The resulting curve CURRENT-AMPS
is then of the form shown in fig. 6. At first sight this is
attractive and enables the relay to operate down to lower FIG. 7. ACCURACY OF CURRENT GRAPH.

It is again convenient to plot y on log. scales and x on
linear scales as shown in fig. 10.
2 I.0

I 2 5 IO 20 50 100


*I .2 .5 I.0 2.0 5 IO 20 50
convenient method for plotting the results of steady
state tests and enable characteristics of relays to be
compared and assessed quickly. FIG. 10. ACCURACYOFRANGEGRAPH.

Impedance versus Range Presentation

The per-unit impedance versus current X nominal-
impedance method, while enabling relays to be assessed The accuracy-range curves referred to previously can
as individual items, is not readily applicable to assessing be plotted for various values of phase angle between
the requirement or perfomance of a relay in relation to a voltage and current. Normally only the curve at the
power-system. On a power-system, conditions are nor- nominal angle and either side of this angle is required. A
mally such that at a particular time, the source MVA and general idea of the relay performance outside this region
the length of protected line are known, the variable is best given by a series of polar characteristics taken for
factor being the position of fault. At other times the fixed values of current. It would be theoretically possible
source MVA may have different values. Information on to take such curves at fixed values of range (y) but in
the performance of the relay is required in terms of the practice such elaboration is unjustified.
length of line at which cut-off takes place as a function of
source MVA. Ideally this length is constant. These two
variables may be generalised in terms of per-unit fault
position (x) and “impedance range factor” (y) where Operating Time of Relays
x= 1Z and Y = AZT The variation of cut-off impedance with system condi-
Z.2 Z,\ tions is not in itself adequate for applying distance-
protection. It is necessary to know the operating-time of
and the symbols have the significance shown in fig. 9. the relays as a function of both fault-position and
The impedance range factor is conveniently referred to system-source conditions. In the simplified theory of
as range. distance-protection, a constant low operating-time of
say 60 ms is assumed for the zone-l relays which extend
to 80 per cent of the protected line. A further constant
time of say 300 ms is assumed for the zone-2 relays up to
150 per cent of the first feeder. In practice the
operating-time of a relay may become very long for
fault-positions near the cut-off impedance. If the effect is
very marked the zone-2 relay may operate before the
zone-l relay. thus reducing the eftective zone-l cut-off
impedance. It is therefore important to present informa-
tion as regards operating-time which can be readily
applied to the evaluation of such effects.
The variables x and Y are related to the voltage and
current applied to the relay by Conventional methods of presenting operating-time
are considered below.
One common method is to plot operating-time as a
V=‘-. E 1 =E.L function of current for specified values of voltage, a
X-tY z\ x+\ _
series of curves being obtained as in fig. 11. This is
difficult to relate to system-conditions.
An improved form is shown in fig. 12. Operating-time
is here plotted as a function of fault-position. curves

The per-unit impedance/range curves (see fig. 10)
already described are a particular contour curve in which
the operating-time is infinite, i.e. operation of the relay is
marginal. Similar curves can be plotted for a given
operating-time and will be of similar shape. By plotting a
series of curves in this manner a contour graph is
obtained as shown in fig. 13. The outside curve repres-
ents the boundary between operation and non-
operation and thus shows the cut-off impedance. Succes-
sive curves approaching the origin give decreasing
operating-times as the inputs to the relay are increased.
0 i i i i The time of operation for a particular set of system-
CURRENT conditions is obtained directly from the graphs by find-
FIG. 11. TIME".CURRENTGRAPH ing the fault position(x) and the range(y) corresponding
to the available source MVA and interpolating between
being given for various values of current. The fault- The curves can be extended to cover reset-
position is expressed on a per-unit basis, a value of 1 impedances and reset-times as shown in fig. 14, without
corresponding to the nominal cut-off impedance. It is any difficulty.
necessary to use great care in evaluating such curves
since a judicious choice of current values can give the
impression of good performance as regards operating-
time. Closer examination may show that curves are con-
centrated in the region corresponding to large inputs to
the relay.
By replacing the constant current by constant range a
set of curves corresponding to a given set of system-
conditions is obtained. These are more easily applied.
The general form is very much as for the constant-
current curves of fig. 12.

.I .2 .5 I 3 5 IO 20 50 IO0





Contour Presentation
With the methods of presenting operating-time so far CURVES.
described it is necessary to provide a separate curve to
show the per-unit impedance range characteristics. It is
thus necessary to have two separate sets of curves
describing the performance of a relay. With the contour
method described below only one set of curves is used to System Application Contours
give complete information on both accuracy and The contour method of presentation can be extended to
operating-time. cover a complete scheme of distance-protection com-

prising a number of relays with different nominal-
impedance settings and extra time-lag relays. In this case
the nominal impedance used in the assessment of range .
and cut-off point is taken as that corresponding to the
complete length of the protected line. All relay-
characteristics are then plotted on this basis. Overall
timing contours are assessed from the individual con-
tours for each relay and only composite curves need to
be drawn as shown in fig. 15.
Since the performance of the overall protection may
be quite different for different types of fault it will nor-
mally be necessary to have a series of diagrams covering
the principal types of fault such as phase-to-earth,
phase-to-phase, and three-phase.
The three-phase-fault condition is of particular
interest as in most forms of distance protection the direc- RANGE-y


2*ol------ Test Methods

A method
of testing distance-protection has been
in parallel with the method of presentation
described which tests the protection under conditions
closely approaching actual conditions. In essence the
method consists of providing a mimic three-phase sys-
tem with source impedances in which relays can be con-
nected to the junction of source and line impedances.
Contour curves are thus obtained directly in terms of
calibrated impedances without recourse to measure-
ments of voltage and current, thus eliminating one
source of errors immediately. The phase angle of the
source impedances can be altered, thus enabling desired
transient conditions to be set up.
The test-bench which enables such tests to be made is
described in the following article.



._.----.-- ZONE 2 RELAY TIMING
Typical Characteristics
FIG. 15. SYSTEM APPLICATIONCHART Typical curves for a medium distance relay using the
methods outlined are given in fig. 17. These were taken
tional feature fails for faults at or near the relaying point. on a polarised mho zone- 1 earth-fault relay used in our
The forms of characteristic obtained is indicated in fig. type-H distance-protection. The two sets of curves relate
16. It will be noted that the fraction of the line which is to conditions of minimum and maximum transient. It is
unprotected for particular source conditions on the of interest to note the effect of the transient on the
power-system is obtained directly from the curves. This timing contours and also that with this particular relay
information is very difficult to obtain from the existing the boundary curves are identical. The latter feature
methods of specifying performance. indicates that transient over-reach effects are negligible.

0 I 2 3 45 7 li 20 30 405060
(0) (h)
(Numberson wr~rs rekr 10operating-timein milliwconds;tndincludeIO ms. for Ibllower-relay).



CHAPTER 10 Developments in Bench Testing Facilities
for Protective Gear

INTRODUCTION (4 Provision of facilities for close control of the

The testing of protective-gear systems and their con- test-conditions and parameters.
stituent components calls for test-equipment of a rather (4 Rapid rate of testing.
specialised nature. The requirements of modern
protective-gear systems have increased the complexity
and cost of such equipment and the amount of testing to General-purpose Test-bench for Protective-gear
be done has necessitated a speeding up in the procedure General
of tests.
An overall view of the test-bench is shown in fig. 1.
The tests which may be necessary on protective-gear
The main primary circuits for the test bench are supplied
equipment are somewhat varied but, in general, will fall
from the 440-volt 3-phase mains, with alternative
into one or more of the following categories.
arrangements for taking this supply from a three-phase
Investigatory variable-frequency machine when necessary. The max-
imum current which is taken by the primary circuits is of
These include those tests which may be essential on
the order of 120 amperes but, as tests at these currents
circuits and components during development projects.
are of a limited time-duration, the supply need not be
The scope of these test may be large, as they often
rated continuously at this current. When the primary
explore a variety of effects, design factors, parameter
currents are of the order of 10 amperes these may be
changes, etc. Tests of this type may also include investig-
used on a continuous basis.
ations into more fundamental problems, such as the
The main primary circuits are shown diagrammati-
transient response of current-transformers and the
cally in fig. 2, from which it can be seen that the three-
effect of this on various protective-systems.
phase supply is applied, by a “fault-making” switch, to
The information obtained from such investigations is
two sets of variable impedances per phase, one of which
often used to check the soundness of new ideas and
represents a generating source impedance and the other
provide practical design-data upon which new experi-
the impedance of a line. The current-transformers, of
mental equipment may be based or by which existing
which there may be up to four per phase, can be con-
designs may be modified to improve their performance.
nected in various combinations according to the particu-
lar fault distribution which it is required to reproduce.
Performance Testing The primary circuit has two ma’ln functions:
The overall performance of protective-systems, (0) To provide primary currents in various combina-
relays, and the like is an important aspect of protective- tions of current-transformers, with control of
gear testing. Tests of this type may be concerned with overall time constant, the point of wave at which
experimental and production prototypes or with the cer- the fault is applied, the type of fault, and the
tificiation and type-testing of new protective-gear duration of fault. This function is required when
equipment or relays. the bench is used for tests where only current is of
In the past, a large amount of the testing referred to significance.
above has required heavy-current rigs, which are costly (b) To provide variable current and voltage condi-
and limited in flexibility. Such heavy-current rigs require tions at a relaying point with control of time
extensive machine supplies, the demands upon which constant, duration of fault, point-of-wave, and
are so great that they often form a considerable limita- type of fault. This function is required when the
tion to the number of investigations which may be bench is used for the dynamic testing of relays
undertaken. and protective-systems which require both cur-
The protective-gear test-bench described in this arti- rent and voltage, e.g. distance protection.
cle was developed in order to replace the conventional The equipment required for the above basic functions
heavy-current and secondary-injection equipment in lends itself to many other test applications which require
many types of testing particularly those concerned with controlled current and/or voltage conditions. The vari-
investigatory work on experimental projects and pro- ous units which make up the complete test-bench are
totypes. The main requirements borne in mind in the described in more detail overleaf.
design of the equipment are as follows:
Source and Line Impedances
(a) Extreme flexibility of test circuit and conditions.
(b) Rapid setting up of equipment. One of the main requirements of test-equipment of
(c) Use of ac. mains as the source of power. this type is to obtain current and voltage transients of the

order of those which may occur in practice. The source practice. The line impedances are designed with a max-
impedances are designed with maximum X/R values of imum X/R of about 10 which corresponds to that of a
the order of 30 and these produce current-transients typical 275-kV line. Resistance can be inserted to
which are large enough to be comparable to those reduced this X/R value to about 2,6 which corresponds
obtained with generator and transformer impedances in to that of a typical 132-kV line.
The reactors in both source and line impedances are
CONNECTION REACTANCE AT 50 C/S air-cored so that they are completely linear.
UNIT ‘A’ UNIT ‘6’ Two source-reactors are provided for each phase,
each having four sections. These two units are provided
3.0 6.0 with switches so that their sections can be connected in a
number of ways and the resulting impedances connected
singly, in series, or in parallel to give a total source-
impedance per phase, variable in relatively close steps
n 12.0 24.0 between 2 ohms and 144 ohms. This arrangement is
shown in fig. 3. The X/R values can be made constant
over this range of source-impedance. An earlier version
of the bench uses the simpler method of a tapped reactor
48-o 96.0
with manual plug-selection but this has the disadvantage
‘/R(O) FOR ALL CONNECTIONS z 35 of a varying value of X/R over the range of impedances.
Source-impedance is not normally included in the
neutral connection, but where tests require a higher
value of zero-sequence impedance in the source, the
source-impedance of one phase may be connected in the
neutral connection. This is permissible, since such tests
will invariably be concerned with single or double
phase-to-earth faults where one phase is not in use. A
- 0 3.0 12.0 48-O neutral link is provided so that resistance may be con-
nected to simulate systems which have a resistance-
earthed neutral.
=-iz% 6.0 9.0 160 54.0 Three line reactors are provided in each phase and in
the neutral. These represent, when all are in series, a line
of approximately 3.5 ohms, the sections being 0.5, 1.0,
24-O 27.0 36.0 72.0 and 2.0 ohms respectively (at 275 kV). By shorting out
various sections, the impedance between the relaying
point and the fault can be varied from O-3.5 ohms in
96.0 j 99.0 1 108.0 144-o steps of 0.5 ohm.
The neutral line impedances are half the value of the
phase line impedances, giving a typical value of ZO/Z1 =
(h) 2.5 for the line. The arrangement of the line reactors are
shown in fig. 4.

I-I ol”/ol OI Impedance ofllne

0 10 3.5 ohm\ in O-5 ohm wzps \~~th phase-angles of
70 10 ns
Neutral 0 to l-75 ohms in 0.25 ohm step, with phase-angle5
0 2.0 4.0 5.34 of ho or 70


0 2.56 8.0 I b-0

“Make” Switch and Main Contactor
The function of the main contactor is to connect the
0 2.9 10.6 32.0
voltage-supply to the test-bench a short time (about f
sec.) before application of the fault and to interrupt the
fault-current after the required duration of the fault.
CC) With this arrangement, the main primary circuit is nor-
FIG. 3. SOURCEREACTORS,SHOWING(U) CONNECTIONS, mally dead and is only made alive for the minimum
(b) RANGEOFSOURCEIMPEDANCEWITHUNITSINSERIES, required time. The main contactor is of the heavy indus-
AND(C) RANGEOFSOURCEIMPEDANCEWITHUNITSIN trial type and is capable of interrupting repeatedly the
PARALLEL. maximum currents at very low power-factors.

The “make” switch is required to apply the fault at a also provides the facilities for interlinking the primary
particular “point-on-wave”, so that high speed and con- circuits of the current-transformers to form the various
sistency of operation are essential. Experience has arrangements required. A tapped section of 10 per cent
shown that telephone-type relays with heavy-duty con- of the secondary turns enables the ratio of some of the
tacts can perform this duty with comparative ease. The current-transformers to be controlled by t10 per cent in
arrangement adopted is shown in fig. 5. One telephone- steps of 2 per cent. The arrangement permits tests up to a
type relay with two parallel heavy-duy contacts is used current which is equivalent to 30 times the current-
per phase, and two auxiliary relays, energised in parallel transformer rating at fairly high values of X/R. The
with these, provide synchronised contacts for timing, amount of influence which the secondary burdening
interlocking, etc. The standard contacts have been mod- exerts on both the magnitude and time constant of the
ified by the addition of a momentum transfer-device primary current is relatively small with modern low-VA
with practically eliminates contact-bounce. Very consis- protection and the arrangement is a fairly close approx-
tent operation is thus obtained and wear on these con- imation to a current source over the whole range of
tacts is negligible. The relays are energised from the currents.
master control-unit as will be described later. Typical arrangements of the current-transformer cir-
cuits are shown in figs 6a, 6b, and 6c.
It should be noted that the reversing-switch in the
Current-transformers primary circuits of some current-transformers enables
Up to twelve current-transformers can be energised rapid change-over between a single-end-fed internal
from the primary circuit in various combinations. They fault, a double-end-fed internal fault, and a through-
are of typical bar-primary design having normal 300/l fault, when balanced-current systems of protection are
and 3001.5 secondaries. Four primary windings are pro- being tested.
vided to enable the overall transformation-ratio (and The provision of both l-ampere and 5-ampere secon-
thus secondary current level) to be varied over a wide daries on the current-transformers enables relays and
range in close steps. These windings are in the propor- protection for either rating to be tested. Alternatively,
tion 1 : 3 : 9 : 27 giving primary turns by addition or one secondary can be used as a search coil while the
subtraction of 2-80 in steps of two. Selection of the other is in use, or can be used for the injection of d.c. or
primary turns is by means of a manual plug board which a.c. ampere-turns into the current-transformer to simu-
late certain conditions.

These are provided so that the voltage windings of
relays may be connected to the relaying point, i.e. bet-
ween the source and line impedances. They are of nor-
mal accuracy, suitable for burdens up to 75 VA, and are
of ratio 440/l 10 volts, open-delta windings being pro-
vided for relays requiring residual voltage connection.
The primary windings of these voltage-transformers
may be connected via a selector-switch to a number of
positions as follows:
(1) Continuous 440-volt supply. This is of use during
those tests and adjustments where a continuous
voltage-supply is necessary.
(2) The source side of the “make” switch, so that the
relays are energised at normal voltage prior to the appli-
cation of the fault-current. This represents the condi-
tion, in practice, of a fault occurring on a line which is in
(3) The line side of the “make” switch, so that the relays
are energised by the fault-voltage simultaneously with
application of the fault-current. This represents the con-
dition, in practice, of a faulted line being switched into
The general arrangements of the voltage-transformer
connections is shown in fig. 7. It can be seen from this
that the current taken by the voltage-transformers is fed
through the current-transformers. This is not completely
desirable, but with the normal voltage-transformer bur-
FIG. 5. “MAKE" SWITCH ASS~MBLI dens used in practice the reflected impedance of the

voltage-circuits is so large compared with the line impe-
dance that the resulting errors are negligible. This con-
nection is preferable to that in which the current-
PLUG CONNECTIONS transformers are on the line side of the voltage-
transformers, since in this case the small voltage-drop
across the current-transformers is imposed on the
voltage-circuits. This voltage-drop becomes significant
when testing with terminal faults close to the relaying
point with heavy currents.



VOLTAGE z jjjc-


Master Control-unit
The master control-unit provides the following fea-
MP tures:
(1) A safety time-lag of about f second between closing
of the main contactor and operation of the “make”
switch. Interlocking contacts on the contactor and
“make” switch ensure that the circuit is always broken
by the contactor.
(2) 360” control through a “selsyn” and thyratron cir-
cuit for selecting the point-on-wave at which the “make”
switch closes its contacts. This is accurate and consistent
within about 1” or 2”.
(3) A timing circuit which controls the duration of the
Eault-current. Extreme accuracy of interruption of the
circuit is not possible but the duration of fault may be
adjusted from short faults of the order of 3 loops up to
long faults of the order of seconds.
(4) A variable pulse which can be used for triggering an
oscilloscope at any point in the fault-sequence. This
means that the whole of the fault may be observed on a
slow time base or that any part of the fault or associated
phenomena may be recorded in an expanded form by
using a fast time base. This feature is extremely valuable,
espeically when used with an oscilloscope equipped with
a long persistence tube. Full advantage may be taken of
the rapid testing-rate as photographic records may be
kept down to a minimum.
The genera1 arrangement of the lastest type of
control-unit which has been developed is shown in block
form in fig. 8. The unit is shown withdrawn from the
pane1 in fig. 9 which also shows the unit construction of
the Dekatron counter stages. These are made withdraw-
able so that units can be easily replaced or interchanged.
The selsyn unit provides a variable-phase supply to an
FIG. 6. CURRENT-TRANSFORMERSSHOWING (a) ARRANGE- electronic squaring circuit from which a pulse-forming
MENTOFTYPE-A UNIT,(b) ARRANGEMENT OFTYPE-B UNIT, circuit is energised. The 51-cycle oscillator may be used
AND(c) A VIEWOFTYPE A AND B UNIT. as an alternative to the phase-shifter and this provides





the facilities for random point-on-wave switching which the main contactor. The duration of fault may therefore
is sometimes required. The pulse-forming circuit be controlled in IO-millisecond steps from about 2-3
develops a train of pulses at 10 ms intervals which, when loops up to 9Q seconds. Facilities are also provided for
taken from the phase-shifter, are locked to a selected stopping the sequence, i.e. tripping the main contactor,
point-on-wave of the main supply-voltage. The pulse from a protection relay under test.
train actuates a 3-decade “dekatron” counter unit which The whole test-sequence is automatically controlled
gives a maximum overall time of 10 seconds. The from on2 push-button. the equipment automatically
counter system is arranged to start always on a pulse resetting when this button is released.
corresponding to the negative going half-cycle of voltage
out of the phase-shifter. Thus the firing unit for the make
switch, which is selected to a fixed 500-millisecond point
on the second decade. always fires at the correct point-
on-wave which is indicated by the phase-shifter. The
firing unit of the make switch contains a thyratron which
is triggered at the correct point, discharging a condenser
through the “make” switch coil. Fast consistent opcra-
tion of the “make” switch is thus obtained.
The trigger control for the oscilloscope can be selected
to any point in the pulse train thus enabling it to be up to
1 second in advance or 9; seconds later than the firing
point of the make switch. This enables the beginning of
the fault to be observed or any point after to be
expanded on a fast time base. For complete convenience
in this respect. a variable IO&20 milliseconds delay is
fitted to the trigger circuit to enable triggering to be
effected at points between the pulses of the main pulse
The internal stop selector is also capable of being
selected to any pulse in the train and this is used to trip FIG c). Vlt:U 01. (‘ON I‘KOL:UNIT
Ancillary Equipment
Apart from the facilities offered by the main primary
circuit, current-transformers, voltage-transformers,
control-unit etc., certain auxiliary equipment has been SECONDARV

included in the bench in order to extend its use and

provide greater flexibility. The main items are described

A variable-phase supply is a frequent necessity in both
protective-systems and relay-testing and this facility has I I
been incorporated in the test-bench. The normal rotary INPUT
phase-shifters have limitations which make them unsuit-
able for such use and a special static phase-shifting trans-
former has been built. The arrangement is as shown in
fig. 10a and is basically a tapped three-phase trans-
former energised from the same power-supply as the
main primary circuits. The taps are so arranged that the
manual plug-selection of the output circuits on the
phase-shifter panel provides a 240-volt supply adjust-
able in 10” steps through 360”. The plug-selection pro-
vides a visual indication of the phase-angle selected. The
turns on the various secondary taps are so arranged that
output-voltage remains constant independent of its
phase-angle. Variac transformers can be inserted in the
output to give control of the output-voltage. Two plug-
250 v
selector systems are provided so that two variable-phase OUTPUT
supplies may be obtained. The phase-shifter is capable (h)
of delivering currents of the order of 10 amperes without
significant phase-shift so that there is no zero-correction
necessary and the selected phase-angle may be referred
to the main supply-voltage. Practice has shown that con-
trol in 10” steps is adequate for most tests. Where closer
control of phase-angle is necessary an external auto- Auxiliary A.C. and D.C. Supplies
transformer unit has been designed, as shown in fig. lob,
In view of the large number of electronic instruments
which gives control between the 10” positions in steps of
1”. in use which require mains supplies, a number of mains
sockets are provided on the bench. These can also be
used for auxiliary voltage supplies of fixed phase-angle.
Voltage Simulators A 1 lo-volt d.c. supply which can be used for repeat-
It is sometimes advantageous to use the main current contactors is provided on the bench. A repeat-contactor
circuits of the bench to energise the current circuits of a with seal-in contacts and lamp-indication is a built-in
relay, but to use voltages which change in a predeter- feature for relays with no repeat-contactor incorpo-
mined way (independent of the bench circuits) on appli- rated.
cation of the fault-current. A voltage-simulator unit has
been designed for this purpose. Potentiometers in each
phase-to-neutral voltage enable the voltages on each Timing
phase to be adjusted to a particular value to which they A portable electronic timer is normally used in con-
will fall from normal voltage when the current is applied. junction with the bench. The provision of contacts sync-
hronised with those on the “make” switch ensure easy
measurement of overall operating-times of relays and
Primary Shunts and Meters
protection. Auxiliary contacts on the main contactor
The primary circuits are provided with current-shunts provide similar facilities for measuring the release times
so that the primary current-transient may be observed of relays on de-energisation.
by oscilloscope. A multi-range ammeter is provided
together with current-transformers so that the steady-
state current in any phase or the neutral may be meas- Oscillographic Work
ured. The facilities for triggering oscilloscopes on single-
An operations-counter is provided so that the number stroke operation enable transient phenomena to be
of operations may be logged. This is useful both from the readily investigated on the bench. The ability to repeat
test and maintenance aspects. shots under controlled test-conditions in conjunction

with long persistence tubes reduces photography to a the overall time of operation for faults within the zone
minimum. It is usually only necessary to photograph may be determined for various source conditions and for
traces when permanent records of a particular trace are varying degrees of transients.
required. With suitable interconnections it has been possible to
explore the effect of reversal of current-flow when a
Typical Application switch opens under fault. The effect of the zero-
Some of the applications for which the test-bench has sequence impedance of transformers and the efficacy of
been used are described below. earth-fault compensation has also been investigated.

Differential Protection Relays

Most of the protective-systems based on current- Tests on individual types of relays may be made with
balance of current-transformers can be explored. or without the effects of current-transformers. Some
Protective-systems with up to four terminals can be examples are as follows:
tested on a three-phase basis, and those with up to (a) The dynamic characteristics of instantaneous-
twelve terminals on a single-phase basis. The steady- relays with off-set current-inputs.
state and transient balance of current-transformers are (b) Timing characteristics of overcurrent relays and
readily checked by the equipment. The examples of overshoot measurements. The effect of current-
oscillograms shown in fig. 11 illustrate how clearly the transformer saturation on time of operation of
problems of transient balance of current-transformers overcurrent-relays.
may be demonstrated. These records also show the con- (c) Dynamic tests on directional-relays.
siderable time constants obtainable and the consistency
of point-on-wave switching. CONCLUSION
The illustrations in this article apply to a new design of
Distance Protection test-bench just nearing completion. A previous pro-
lndividual distance-relays or complete distance- totype design has been in use for three years and has
protection schemes may be tested in a very realistic proved invaluable. It is of interest to note that nore than
manner with extreme rapidity. The provision of line and 100,000 operations have been done on the earlier test-
source impedances affords a realistic relaying point for bench with practically no maintenance.
distance-protection, the source-impedance being varied The principles developed in these test-benches have
to simulate the system plant conditions and the line been applied to the testing of production-equipment,
impedance varied to simulate the fault-position. Fine and a bench of similar type is being supplied to the
control of the impedance relay setting is effected by C.E.A. It is also of interest to note that the equipment
means of primary and secondary adjustments on the developed and the methods used are finding application
current-transformers, thus enabling the accuracy of the to University research. For example, a bench of this type
relays to be determined under switched conditions in is being constructed at Manchester College of Technol-
addition to ordinary static bench-test. The effects of the ogy for use in post-graduate research and as demonstra-
primary transients on accuracy is important with high- tion equipment, the major items being supplied by
speed systems and this may be readily explored. Also, Reyrolle.

Primary current adding to rcmanence








CHAPTER 11 Distance Protection of Feeders
A variety of relays are used in modern schemes of dis-
tance protection as produced by different manufactur-
ers. These can be classified according to the theoretical
polar characteristics and the type of comparator used in LOCUS OF FAULTS
the basic relay element. There are only a limited number
of characteristics in general use. These are normally
referred to by the terms, plain impedance, ohm, reac-
tance, directional, mho, and polarised mho characteris-
tics. Any type of comparator can be used to produce any
type of characteristic. Thus while there appear to be an
exceptionally large number of relays in use, all with
individual characteristics, in fact the number of types is
All distance relays are characterised by having two
input quantities respectively proportional to the voltage
and current at a particular point in the power system, x = Phase-angle of Feeder Impedance.
referred to as the relaying point. The ideal forms of such
relays have characteristics which are not dependent on
the actual values of voltage and current but only on their
ratio and the phase angle between them. These ideal
characteristics which define the conditions for marginal
operation are thus completely specified by the complex
impedance Z where Z = VII. The impedance Z can be x
shown on a complex diagram having principal axes of
resistance and reactance. The modulus (( ZI ) of Z when
plotted as a function of the phase angle (0) of Z com- INSIDE SHADED AREA
pletely defines the relay characteristics.
The locus of the impedances presented to the relay by
the power system can be superimposed on this same
diagram. Thus the locus of faults is a straight line
through the origin inclined at the angle of the line of
impedance to the resistance axis. This is illustrated in fig.
1. Other system conditions such as load currents and
power swings can also be represented and are consi-
dered later.


Plain Impedance
The plain impedance characteristic shown in fig. 2 is the FIG. 2. PLAIN IMPEDANCECHARACTERISTIC.
simplest in use and consists of a circle with centre at the
origin. Operation occurs in the shaded area inside the
circle. The significance of this is that the relay operates
below a certain impedance level, which is independent
of the phase angle between voltage and current. admittance instead of impedance diagram, gives a
straight line. The more general case where the circular
Mho and Offset Mho characteristic of the plain impedance case is offset by
A class of relays is used in which the characteristic is varying amounts is known as the “offset mho” charac-
again circular but is not now centred on the origin. The teristic. Different degrees of offset mho characteristics
term “mho” is given to the particular case where the are shown in fig. 4. Offset mho relays used in practice are
circumference of the circle passes through the origin as intermediate in characteristic between a plain impe-
shown in fig. 3. This term was originally derived from the dance and a mho characteristic and do not normally take
fact that the mho characteristic when plotted on an the completely offset form of fig. 4b.

The polarised mho characteristic is identical to the
mho characteristic. There are, however, important prac-
tical differences between relays with the two types of
characteristics. It should also be noted that the term
‘polarised mho’ is not in general use and has been intro-
duced in order that the two types may be distinguished.
In most of the literature, the term ‘mho’ is used indis-
criminately and a close study is necessary to determine
which type of relay is used.

The characteristic is a straight line passing through the
origin as shown in fig. 5. Operation takes place on one
side of the line as indicated by the shading.


Ohm and Reactance

The characteristics of this group are also straight lines
FIG.4a. OFFSETMHO CHARACTERISTIC. but they do not pass through the origin. One of the most
commonly used forms is the reactance relay shown in fig.
6a in which the characteristic is parallel to the resistance
axis. Operation occurs for reactances less than this
value. Another is the ohm blocking relay in which the
characteristic lies parallel with the locus of the feeder
impedance as shown in fig.6b.


Comparators are conveniently divided into two groups
according to whether a comparison is made of the amp-
litude of the two input quantities or of the phase-angle
between them. In practice the two types may be made to
give exactly similar results and the arrangements of cir-
cuits may be similar. It is important to recognise the
distinction however as similar circuits used with the two
types of comparators will in general give different relay
characteristics. Thus, for example, as will be shown later,
the circuit used to produce a directional characteristic
with an amplitude comparator is identical to that used to
l------ produce a plain impedance characteristic with a phase



finite amount for an output to be obtained. The equation

FIG. 6a. REACTANCECHARACTERISTIC is then modified to:
lf(S,)IkK + If(&)/ ........ .. . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
The function (f) is the same for both inputs and for
most devices is either a linear or square function i.e. the
signal is either of the form S or Y.
LOCUS OF Over the working range of the relay it is always neces-
sary for the constant K to be negligible so that the
simplified equation (1) may be used. This may be
achieved in practice either by making the input quan-
tities very large or by modifying one of the inputs so that
a further constant which is equal and opposite to K is
effectively added to the equation. It will be noted that
the above expressions are independent of the angle bet-
ween the complex inputs.

Phase-angle Comparator
The general case may again be conveniently rep-
resented by the ‘black box’ of fig. 7, the two inputs
signals now being designated by Si and Sz. The condi-
tions for operation in the ideal case may now be written

- Tr < rl$
-= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)
where y is the angle by which S, leads S2.
FIG. 6b. OHMCHARACTERISTIC In this case, the operation is independent of the mag-
nitude of the two input quantities.
With practical comparators, it is necessary for the
inputs to exceed a finite value before operation can be
obtained and the expression becomes:
Amplitude Comparators
f(l Si[ 1)Szl
, ~0s ~123.
The general case may be conveniently represented as In the simplest case, this function merely involves the
in fig. 7 by a ‘black box’ with two pairs of input terminal product of the three quantities, i.e.
and an output which may take the form of an electrical or
mechanical signal. The two alternating input quantities IS&z/ cos r, K.
may be either voltage or current according to the par-
ticular device in question. If the two inputs are denoted
by an operating signal (S,) and a restraint signal (S,), Practical Amplitude Comparators
then the conditions necessary to obtain an output can be Beam Relay
expressed as:
One of the earliest comparators used, which is being
IsO[lls,( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) gradually superseded, is the balanced beam relay. In this
With all practical comparators it is necessary for the relay, two magnetic circuits are arranged to act at oppo-
operating signal to be in excess of the restraint signal by a site ends of a beam as illustrated in fig. 8. Assuming that

the turns are equal on the two coil systems and that the angle between inputs. So far as is known, it is not used in
magnetic circuits are similar, operation isobtained when any modern scheme of distance protection.
~1,~‘)~11~’ + K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5) This type of comparator should not be confused with
the induction disc or cup phase-angle comparators
It is necessary to ensure that the operating and described later. In the former the driving torque is the
restraining forces are adequately smoothed as otherwise sum of two separately derived torques, whereas in the
there is a tendency for the beam to follow the pulsating latter the two compared quantities combine in the pro-
forces and violent c,hattering may be set up. This is duction of a single torque.

Moving-Coil RelayI
A moving-coil relay (see fig. 10) with two operating
coils, the general construction of which is similar to that



particularly the case when the two inputs are 90” out of
phase. It is difficult to design this comparator to work
safisfactorily over a large range of input quantities due to
the rapid increase of force with input-currents. The
beam must be designed to withstand the large forces
corresponding to maximum input and yet must also be
sufficiently light to enable a small control force K to be FIG. 10. MOVING-COIL AMPLITUDE COMPARATOR
used. The comparator is also very susceptible to posi-
tional errors as the operating force increases rapidly with
change in position of the beam. of a loudspeaker movement, is currently used by one
The main application of this type nowadays lies in the manufacturer. With this unit, operating and restraining
provision of cheap starting elements with limited range forces are proportional to the input currents. This,
and accuracy requirements. together with the high basic sensitivity of the moving-
coil relay, enables a reasonable range to be obtained
Induction Disc before thermal overloading limits the maximum values
By providing two entirely separate driving mechan- of input currents. As the forces are independent of the
isms on an induction disc as shown in fig. 9, an amplitude position of the coil the unit does not suffer from posi-
comparator is obtained. This unit suffers from most of tional errors and also has a reset value equal to the
the disadvantages of the beam relay with regard to range operating value. An alternative form of relay similar in
of operation but has not the positional errors, as the principle to an ordinary ammeter movment can also be
forces are independent of the actual position of the disc. used. In practice this form is currently used only in
It is much less efficient however and is slow in operation. conjunction with the rectifier comparator.
There is also interference between the two magnetic
circuits, which produces errors dependent on the phase
Rectifier ComparatoP
A comparator circuit consisting of two bridge recti-
fiers and a sensitive output relay is shown in fig. 11. A
moving-coil relay is normally used as the sensitive ele-
RESTRAINT OPERATE ment, both axial and rotary types being currently used.
The unit is capable of operating over a large range as the
sensitive relay never obtains large restraint or operating
inputs, these being limited by the action of the rectifiers
to a value in the region of 3 to 5 times the relay-setting.

The transductor can be used as shown in fig. 12. The
output winding of the transductor is directly coupled to
an input winding to which is applied the operating-
current input. The restraint input is rectified and applied
FIG. 9. INDUCTION-DISCAMPLITUDE COMPARA-T‘OR. to the bias winding of the transductor. The unit is inher-


b 0



ently sensitive but has certain disadvantages associated

with the transient response. It is not currently used by
any manufacturer.
Polarised Moving Iron’
A large number of relays are in use which employ a
magnetic circuit and an attracted armature. These are of
two types, one of which is not sensitive to the direction of
the d.c. flux in the magnetic core and is not suitable as a direction, the armature releases under the action of a
comparator. The other type has a permanent magnet mechanical spring. The relay must be reset by hand or by
somewhere in the magnetic circuit and will only operate an auxiliary set of relays which complicates the overall
for a given sense of the d.c. input to the coil system. scheme of protection.

Practical Phase-Angle Comparators

Induction Disc
A torque is obtained by the interaction of the fluxes
from the two magnet circuits which act in close proximity
on the copper disc as illustrated in fig. 14. The unit has a
very low sensitivity and suffers from interaction between
the two magnetic circuits. It is also difficult to balance
and there is a tendency for spurious torques where only
one input is applied. It is currently used in directional
elements where high performance is not required.



Relays of this type can be used as comparators by having

double coils, one being used for the restraint input and
the other for the operating input. Since the coils are on a
common magnetic circuit, there is a certain amount of
mutual coupling between the two inputs, which must be
considered in the design of a relay with such a com-
parator. One type which is in use is illustrated schemati-
cally in fig. 13. An armature is held in an operated
position in a loop magnetic circuit due to remanent flux.
When the flux in the magnetic circuit is in the correct FIG. 14. INDUCTION-DISCPHASE-ANGLECOMPARATOR

Induction Cup3
The induction-cup comparator is illustrated in fig. 15.
It is an improved version of the induction disc phase-
angle comparator just described. It is more efficient, can
work over a larger range of input quantities, and has very
little interaction. The forces are proportional to the pro-
duct of the input quantities. In order to limit the torque
produced at high inputs, a clutch mechanism is some-
times inserted between the contacts and the cup.


If now the sum and difference of two input quantities

S, and S2 are fed to the comparator such that
S,=S, + S2 and S,=S,-S2,
the equation for operation becomes:
IS1 + SZI 1(S1-S21.
b INPUT I b If S1=o where w is complex quantity with
angle y, this equation can be written as
10 + I(&-11.
This can be seen to represent a straight line on the
Electronic Relays
imaginary axis through the origin as shown by the
Experimental comparators have been produced using graphical construction of fig. 17. This however, is the
valve circuits 14, 15. Many of these have been very crude characteristic of the ideal phase-angle comparator and
and lacking in accuracy, while others, though accurate, can be expressed alternatively as
have been exceptionally complicated. None of them has
found practical application as yet apart from experimen-
tal insallations. Present indications are that the transis-
tor ‘s. 19.2o offers a lot more promise here and may well
be applied in the not far distant future in applications
where exceptional range is required and for very high
It will be noted that electronic comparators have been
described under the heading of phase-angle com-
parators. This is deliberate as they lend themselves far
more readily to this than to the amplitude comparator.

Relation between amplitude and phase-angle
The expression for marginal operation of the ideal amp-
litude comparator has been given previously as:
I &Ill s,l FIG. 17. IMPEDANCE DIAGRAM OF 1 w + 1 111 OJ- 1 1
This can be written as:
The combination of an amplitude comparator and
I& 1 where z = 5 Ideal transformers is thus exactly equivalent to a phase-
SO angle comparator and is illustrated in fig. 18. It can be
The characteristic of z on a polar graph is a circle as shown that the converse, as illustrated in fig. 19, is also
indicated in fig. 16. true.




In general, therefore, any characteristic which can be Plain Impedance Characteristics

produced by one comparator can also be produced by From what has already been done, it is fairly easily
the other comparator with a different combination of the seen that a plain impedance characteristic can be pro-
input quantities. The required relations are given below: duced by applying a quantity proportional to the system
or S,=SI + S2 and Sr=S1-S2, voltage as the restraint input, and a quantity propor-
tional to the system current as the operating input in an
or S,= % + S, and S2= s+%
amplitude comparator. The system voltage and current
2 2
considered are those associated with the faulty phase or
Derivation of Characteristics phases.
Thus (It - where S, = I and S, = 1,
Having shown the equivalent of the two types of com-
Z, Z,
parators it is convenient to take each characteristic in
turn and consider first in each case that comparator or - ( 1 where Z = .I.
which most simply produces the desired results. Z, I



0 0 0 0
Sr SC.



The phase-angle of the impedance Z has no effect on The overall equation becomes:
the ideal characteristics. In practice, however, it may be V
__ -nI
significant where non-ideal comparators are used in 7 I517
1 G I
which the characteristic is not an exact circle.
which reduces to:
Directional Characteristic I Z--nZrIIIZrl
From the previous analysis, it is again easy to see that a This can be seen to represent a circle by the graphical
directional characteristic is obtained directly from a construction of fig. 2 1. The difference between the com-
phase-angle comparator by making one input propor- plex impedances Z, represented by the line OA, and nZr
tional to the system current and the other to the system represented by the line OC, is constant and equal to ) Z,(
voltage. if the locus of A is a circle with centre at C and radius

the angle of Z, is p, and

the angle of Z is 8.
The phase-angle of Z, determines the angle of the
perpendicular to the characteristic as indicated in fig. 20.
The magnitude of Z,, has no effect on the characteristics
in this case.

FIG. 21. CHARACTERISTICTO) Z - nZ, 1 = 1 Z, I.

For the particular case in which n = 1, the circumfer-
ence of the circle passes through the origin. It should be
noted that this does not give a true directional action for
very small impedances which are obtained for faults near
FIG. 20. DIRECT~ONALCHARACTERISTIC. the relaying point.
The corresponding inputs in the case of the phase-
angle comparator are obtained as:
The corresponding inputs to the amplitude com-
parator become: S,= (l-n)I+v/zr and s = (l+n)I-v/z,
2 2

Ohm Characteristic
and the overall equation for the amplitude comparator
The ohm characteristic is obtained with the amplitude
comparator by feeding the voltage signal into each side
of the comparator and the current into the operating
side. The inputs are given by

Offset Mho Characteristic &,=I +v.

An offset mho characteristic is obtained with an amp- Z,
litude comparator by taking a plain impedance relay as
described and feeding a fraction of the operating current s,=v.
into the restraint input. Thus the two inputs are now Z,
given by: The overall equation thus becomes

S,, = I, and S, = G- nI. I%1 d /I + :I and IZ(Z(Z, + ZI


This represents a straight line as illustrated in fig. 22. to multiply both inputs by the same terms and consider
The perpendicular to this line from the origin is equal to the phase relation between the following two modified
Z,/2. The phase-angle (a) of Z, controls the angle at
which the characteristic is inclined to the axis. gl= IL
_ ’ and sz=zr-z.

The simplest case is where the input S1 can be taken as

a scalar quantity times the impedance Z. (This is equi-
valent to assuming that the polarising and restraint cur-
rents are in phase.) This can be seen to represent a circle
by the graphical construction of fig. 23. The major
diameter of this circle is the impedance Z,. The condi-
tion that the angle between (Z) and (Z,Z) is a right-
angle is that the locus of(Z) is a circle centred on (Z,) as
a diameter.


The more general case in which the voltage signal

injected into the operate side of the comparator is not
equal to the restraint signal results in an offset mho
characteristic. This form of offset mho relay has practical FIG. 23. POLARISED MHO CHARACTERISTIC.
limitations and is not in general use.
The corresponding inputs for the phase-angle com-
parator are:

s,=L + v. and Sz= 1_, In the more general case where the polarising and
2 Z, 2 restraint currents are displaced by an angle (y) the
characteristic is still a circle but of the form shown in fig.
24. The angle between (Z) and (Z,-Z) is now (90”---y)
on one side of the impedance Z, and (9O”+y) on the
Polarised-Mho Characteristics
other side.
This characterisitic is most easily obtained using the
phase-angle comparator. One input is taken from a suit-
able reference voltage which will be termed the polaris-
ing voltage (V,). The other is taken as the difference
between voltage and current. The two inputs can thus be
written down in the form.

&=I-3. 7

Generally, the polarising voltage can be related to the
restraint voltage by an angle (@ such that

The ratio C can have any value.

To analyse the behaviour of this relay it is necessary to

determine the conditions for there to be a 290” shift
between the two input-signals S, and S2. It is convenient FIG. 24. GENERALCASEOFPOLARISEDMHO.

In practice it is usual to work with the particular case
of polarising and restraint currents in phase, though
small angular shifts are used to some extent to swing the
characteristic round. The performance of a practical
relay deteriorates as the angular shift is increased.
The corresponding inputs in the case of the amplitude
comparator become

s,=++1--v-, and S,=x -I+ L

P Z, ZP Z,

Modified polar characteristics can be obtained in a
number of ways. In general, these have found very little
application up to the present. A brief survey of the
various methods is given in this section.


Modified Two-input
Phase-angle Comparator
A phase-angle comparator can often be arranged so
that the cut-off angles are some angle less than 90”. The
equation can thus be rewritten as

This results in modified forms of the various characteris-

= 30”
tics. These are shown in figs 25-27 for the directional,
plain impedance, and polarised-mho relays. The offset =IS”
mho and ohm characteristics are of identical shape to the
plain impedance and directional relays respectively but =I)”
with offset axes.


\ \
\ ’
\ The flattened form of polarised mho and offset-mho
\ \ characteristics are used by one manufacturer, the flat-
\ ’
tening being at right anles to the locus of the system
\ fault.
Three-input Amplitude Comparator
An amplitude comparator can be be made with three
inputss. This can be represented by an equation
I %I1 * /&*I I I SOI
Elliptical characteristics are obtained by making the
inputs as follows:
s,i=v-z, I
s,z=v-zs I
s,=zc I,
FIG. 25. MODIFIED DIRECTIONAL CHARACTERISTIC. and using the additive arrangement.

Thus 1V - Z/,11 + ( V - Z,II 5 1 Z,II , PERFORMANCE OF PRACTICAL
which can be rewritten as IMPEDANCE-MEASURING RELAYS
lz--z,l + I z-zL3l5l z,I General
The characteristics are shown in fig. 28 and can be The ideal polar characteristics so far described are inde-
deduced from the property of the ellipse that the sum of pendent of the actual values of current and voltage
the distance from the two foci to a point on the curve is applied to a distance measuring relay and depend only
constant. on the ratio of the input quantities. Practical distance
relays depart from the ideal and have characteristics
which depend on the actual values of voltage and cur-
rent. An approximation to the ideal is obtained only
over a limited range of input quantities. Inside this range
X the relay will have errors which are acceptable, and
outside this range it will have excessive errors and may
not operate. The operating time of the relay will be
variable depending on the individual magnitudes of the
input quantities, being for example long for small inputs
near the cut-off impedance and short for large inputs
well within the cut-off impedance. The complete rep-
resentation of a practical relay has thus to include infor-
mation on these aspects in addition to the ideal polar

Performance requirements of Power System

The requirements for a particular distance relay can be
assessed in relation to the power system by reference to
the simplified diagram of fig. 30. Z, represents the


Using the subtractive arrangement and similar inputs Zf

a hyperbolic characteristic is obtained as shown in fig.
29. Relays have been constructed using these com-
parators but have not found any application as yet. 1' '


source impedance from the relaying point (P) back to

the generators and Z, the fault impedance of the power
system from the relaying point to the fault. Both are
supplied from the open-circuit system voltage (E). The
current and voltage applied to the relay via the
current and voltage transformers at the junction of the
two impedances are proportional to those at the relaying
point. The source impedance (Z,) depends on the
amount of generating plant available behind the relaying
point and is directly related to the short-circuit MVA at
the relaying point. This will vary according to the system
conditions but it will normally be possible to assign
upper and lower limits to the short-circuit MVA and

The fault impedance (Zr) is proportional to the dis-
tance of the fault from the relaying point. The ratio of
the voltage and current applied to the relay is always
equal to Zr, but the actual values are determined by both
Z, and Zt.
Consider a fault at the nominal cut-off impedance of
the relay. The impedance Zr is thus fixed and will nor- FIG. 31. PLAINIMPEDANCE RELAY.
mall correspond to 80% of the line protected. The vol-
tage at the relaying point is then determined only by Z,.
For a very large MVA source, i.e. small Z,, this voltage
will approach the normal system voltage. For a small
MVA source, i.e. large Z,, the voltage will only be a
fraction of the normal voltage and will be determined by Compensation of Characteristics
the ratio Z,/Zt. A practical relay is required to work It will be noted in the above example that the
correctly between these limits of voltage. Since the top minimum current at which the relay can be used is
limit is normally fixed by the system voltage, it is usually appreciably greater than the minimum pick-up current.
necssary only to specify that the relay will work down to In order that the relay may be utilised to full advantage,
some minimum voltage V,. compensation can be added to produce a curve of the
Apart from the magnitudes of the impedances Z, and form shown in fig. 33. This compensation may take the
Zr it is necessary to consider their phase-angle. This form of a non-linear impedance in the voltage circuit of
determines the time constant of the primary transients the relay to prevent the voltage input being effective
which will occur in the voltage and current waveforms until a value is reached which corresponds to the product
when a sudden fault is applied. With high speed relays of the minimum pick-up current and the nominal impe-
this factor beomes of great importance as the relay is dance setting.
required to measure correctly during the transient
As relays are generally connected to a three-phase
system, the problem is more complicated than that
shown in fig. 30 as different types of fault can occur. The
problem can always be reduced to the simple case for a
particular fault though it may be necessary to use differ-
(d) I
ent values for the source impedance according to
whether the fault is to earth or between phases.

Factors affecting Relay Performance
Characteristics of Simple Relay
The various factors affecting the performance of a (b)
relay are most easily explained by taking a simple exam-
ple such as the plain impedance relay based on the V
amplitude comparator. Considering a linear comparator
comparing current signals, a circuit of the form shown in
fig. 31 could be used. The relevant equation for opera-
tion is Vl7l

1I,I 2 i, + (I,[, and1I,( L i, + .

These characteristics are shown in fig. 32 (curve a).
With zero applied voltage a certain minimum current FIG. 32. CHARACTERISTICS OFSIMPLERELAY
known as the minimum pick-up current (i,) is required
to cause operation. With increasing voltage the current
required increases linearly. At large inputs the impe-
dance setting of the relay approaches Z, which is taken
as the nominal setting of the relay. If limits of permiss- Compensation may also be obtained by introducing a
ible accuracy are assigned as indicated by the line (b) and step in the current input to the relay. The resulting curve
(d), the relay characteristic must lie within the shaded is then of the form shown in fig. 34. At first sight this is
area to be of practical use. The useful working range of attractive and enables the relay to operate down to lower
the relay thus lies between the minimum voltage V, and voltages and currents. The extra voltage range can only
the normal system voltage (E). be obtained, however, at the expense of using the relay

A relay is represented in fig. 35a which has a voltage
transformer burden W and operates correctly from the
normal system voltage down to a minimum voltage V,.
If transformers of ratio N:l are inserted in the input
circuits as shown in fig. 35b, the normal impedance
setting of the relay is unaltered because the ratio VI is
unaltered. The minimum voltage is reduced to V,N but
the voltage transformer burden is increased to WN’. If
the useful performance range of the relay is expressed as
the ratio of normal system voltage to minimum voltage
for correct operation, this is related to the voltage trans-
former burden by:

V,ll “m

i, I


in a very delicate state below the normal minimum set-
ting. This introduces problems of variation of setting (a)
with friction, of long operating times, and of general
mechanical instability. Voltage compensation is there-
fore to be preferred to current compensation.

(a) Direct Connection.

(6) Transformer Connection.



The burden of the current input is related m a similar

manner to the voltage range of the relay. Normally this is
not so important as the voltage circuit burden, the main
difference being that the voltage circuit is energised
FIG. 34. CURRENTCOMPENSATED. continuously whereas the current circuit is only ener-
gised to any extent during fault conditions.
The voltage range of the relay is also closely bound up
with the sensitivity of the basic relay element. For a
particular relay the minimum current setting and hence
V.T. Burden and Relay Sensitivity
ihe minimum-voltage setting is proportioial to 6,
when w is the sensitivity expressed in milliwatts, all other
The optimum performance that can be obtained from parameters being constant. The general expression
a given relay is directly related to factors such as the relating the voltage transformer burden and the basic
burden on the voltage transformers at normal system
relay setting is thus of the form
voltage and the minimum operating current of the basic
relay element. The relationship between performance E /w
~ “dw
and voltage transformer burden is illustrated in fig. 35. V,,

Thermal, Mechanical and Saturation Limitations design of the impedance element it is possible to minim-
The maximum voltage that can be applied to a given ise the effects of the transients and still maintain a fast
relay is often limited by thermal effects. The designs may operating time. Theoretically a relay can be made free
thus be chosen so that the voltage corresponds to the from transient effects by the correct use of a ‘replica
normal system voltage. This can be achieved by the use impedance’. In essence the principle is to ensure that the
of voltage-matching transformers or in most cases by the transient inputs are identical on both sides of the com-
suitable choice of turns level on the relay coils. With a parator. This is achieved by deriving a restraint current
given sensitivity of relay element, this places a funda- from the voltage through an impedance which is equi-
mental restriction on the maximum obtainable range. valent to the impedance of the faulted line. The transient
Exactly similar limitations occur due to mechanical components of operating and restraint currents are then
forces and saturation of magnet circuits. identical.

Distortion, Operating Time and Transients Cut off Impedance
Distortion of Characteristics Review of Methods of Presentation
The operating torque of a relay is in general of a pulsat- Under the heading ‘Factors Affecting Relay Perfor-
ing nature due to the alternating nature of the input mance’ the errors in a relay were assessed in relation to a
quantities. When the operating and restraint inputs are graph of voltage against current plotted on linear scales
in phase in an amplitude comparator, this is not normally (figs 32, 33, and 34). Such a graph does not enable the
of great consequence as the restraint and operating tor- errors to be determined directly and also has limitations
ques pulsate together and there is only a small residual in that the lower ends of the scales are very cramped.
pulsating torque on the relay element. If the operating Alternative methods are reviewed briefly in this section
and restraint inputs are not in phase, however, very large and indication given of the merits and demerits of each
pulsating torques are set up. These may cause distortion form.
of the characteristics. For example, with a balanced The first modification to the basic graph of volts
beam relay, violent chattering commences and the set- against amperes is to replace the linear scales by log
ting becomes indeterminate. The effects may be minim- scales. Constant distances on the graph now represent
ised by electrical or mechanical ‘smoothing’, but this constant percentage errors and difficulties associated
tends to increase the operating time of the relay. with the cramping of scales at lower values are removed.
Because of this, it is normal to arrange that measure- In order that errors may be measured directly, it is
ment is made when the inputs are approximately in preferable to plot the per-unit impedance as a function
phase in any particular design of relay. Apart from the of current or voltage. Per-unit impedance is the ratio of
fact that greater accuracy and consistency is obtained the cut-off impedance to the nominal impedance setting of
operating time is in general smallest along this axis. the relay, i.e. per-unit impedance of I is fully accurate. In
this case, the per-unit impedance can be plotted on a
linear scale and the current or voltage on a log. scale. A
comparison of the different methods is given in figs. 36
Operating-time and 37. The most useful of the two final methods consi-
The operating-time of a distance relay is dependent on dered is that using current, as the minimum pick-up
a number of factors and cannot be simply assessed. The
factors involved are: magnitude of individual inputs,
ratio of inputs, phase angle between inputs, and trans-
ient components of each input. In order that fast
operating-times can be obtained it is necessary to use
light movements with low mechanical inertia. This con-
flicts with the requirements for ‘smoothing’ and some
compromise is always necessary.

When a fault occurs on a power system a transient d.c.
component exists in both current and voltage inputs to
the relay. These transient components may cause ‘over- E I, I I

reach’ of the impedance measuring elements, i.e. trans- I 2 5 10 20 50 100

ient operation for impedance in excess of the steady CURRENT (AMPERES)
state setting. The transient components may alterna-
tively cause an increase in operating-time. By correct FIG. 36. PER-UNITIMPEDANCEICURRENTGRAPH



current can easily be obtained. By using current times

nominal-impedance in place of current as the indepen-
dent variable, the curves are made more general. The
maximum point now corresponds to the normal system
voltage. Such graphs provide the most convenient
method for plotting the results of steady-state tests and I, I,, I11 I
enable characteristics of relays to be compared and .I .2 .s I.02.0 5 IO 20 50
assessed quickly.


Per-unit Impedance versus Range Presentation”
The per-unit impedance versus current times
nominal-impedance method, while enabling relays to be
assessed as individual items, is not readily applicable to
assessing the requirements or performance of a relay in Polar Characteristics
relation to a power system. On a power sytem, condi- The accuracy range curves referred to previously can
tions are normally such that at a particular time, the be plotted for various values of phase-angle between
source MVA and the length of the protected line are voltage and current. Normally only the curve at nominal
known, the variable factor being the position of the fault. angle and either side of this angle is required. A general
At other times, the source MVA may have different idea of the relay performance outside this region is best
values. Information on the performance of the relay is given by a series of polar characteristics taken for fixed
required in terms of the length of line at which cut-off values of current. It would be theoretically possible to
takes place as a function of source MVA. Ideally this take such curves at fixed values of range (y) but in
length is constant. These two variables may be general- practice such elaboration is unjustified.
ised in terms of per-unit fault position (x) and ‘impe-
dance range factor’ (y) where Operating-time of Relays
x=Landy= -,ZS The variation of cut-off impedance with system condi-
zN ZN tions is not in itself adequate for applying distance pro-
tection. It is necessary to know the operating-time of the
and the symbols have the significance shown in fig. 38.
The ‘impedance range factor is conveniently referred to relays as a function of both fault position and system
as ‘range’ and this shortened form will be used from now source conditions. In the simplified theory of distance
on. The variables (x) and (y) are related to the voltage protection, a constant low operating-time of say 60 mS is
and current applied to the relay by assumed for the zone-l relay which extends to 80% of
the protected line. A further constant time of say 300 mS
~ X
( ) x+Y
E I=$_
Y+x )
) is assumed for the zone-2 relays up to 150% of the first
feeder. In practice the operating time of a relay may
become long for fault positions near the cut-off impe-
E-V dance. If the effect is very marked the zone-2 relay may
y=rz, operate before the zone-l relay thus reducing the effec-
tive zone-l cut-off impedance. It is thus important to
It is again convenient to pilot y on log scales and x on present information as regards operating time which can
linear scales as shown in fig. 39. be readily applied to the evaluation of such effects.

Review of Methods
Various methods of presenting operating-time
characteristics are in current use by various manufactur-
One common method is to plot operating-time as a
function of current for specified values of voltage, a
series of curves being obtained as in fig. 40. This is
difficult to relate to system conditions.
An improved form is shown in fig. 41. Operating time
is here plotted as a function of fault position, curves
being given for various values of current. The fault posi-
tion is expressed on a per-unit basis, a value of 1 corres-
ponding to the nominal cut-off impedance. It is neces-
sary to use care in the evaluation of such curves, it being
possible for all the curves to represent large inputs to the L 1

relay. I.0
By replacing the constant current by constant range, a PER-UNIT FAULT POSITION
set of curves corresponding to a given set of system
conditions is obtained. These are more easily applied FIG. 41. TIME/FAULT-POSITIONGRAPH.
and assessed. The general form is very much the same as
the constant current curves of fig. 41.

The per-unit impedance versus range curve already

described is a particular contour curve in which the
Contour Presentation operating-time is infinite, i.e. operation of the relay is
With methods of presenting operating time so far marginal. Similar curves can be plotted for a given
described it is necessary to provide a separate curve to operating-time and will be of similar shape. By plotting a
show the per-unit impedance versus range characteris- series of curves in this manner, a contour graph is
tics. It is thus necessary to have two separate sets of obtained as shown in fig. 42. The outside curve repres-
curves describing the performance of a relay. With the
contour method described below, only one set of curves
is used to give complete information on both cut-off
impedance and operating time.

400 0 IO

(1 ,2 ,s I 2 5 IO 20 50 100


ents the boundary between operation and non-

I r I I operation and thus shows the cut-off impedance. Succes-
I 2 3 4 sive curves approaching the origin give decreasing
CURRENT operating-times as the inputs to the relay are increased.
FIG. 40. TIMEICURRENTGRAPH. The time of operation for a given set of system condtions

CUT-OFF IMPEDANCE Linear Comparator
The linear comparator has a characteristic as illus-
trated in fig. 44. It will be seen that the setting is constant
X in terms of either input and that the curve has a discon-
200mS ’ IOhS tinuity at the point where the two setting lines cross.
l-i-l --. \ Curves at different phase-angles between inputs are
parallel, the settings becoming higher as the phase-angle
difference is increased.

System Characteristics
Plain directional relays are normally only applied for
‘I ,2 ,5 I 3 5 IO 20 50 100 earth-fault distance protection and are energised from
residual voltage and current at the relaying point.
Phase-fault directional relays are practically always
FIG. 43. EXTENSIONOFCONTOUR METHOD TORESET made in the form of crude polarised mho relay and can
CURVES. be treated by the methods developed for impedance
measuring relays. It is thus only necessary to determine
the relation between residual current and voltage at the
is thus obtained directly from the graphs by finding the relaying point for various source and line conditons to
fault position (x) and the range (y) corresponding to the obtain the requirements for practical earth-fault dirc-
available source MVA and then interpolating between tional relays.
contours if necessary. The general form of these requirements can be seen
The curves can be extended to cover reset impedances from a consideration of the simplified system of fig.
and reset times as shown in fig. 43 without any difficulty. 45(a) in which a single-phase-to-earth fault is consi-

As directional relays have no impedance setting the
methods of specifying performance described for (a) ’ (b)
impedance-measuring relays are not generally applic-
able. Only the contour timing curves are of any applica-
tion and these are normally considered in relation to an
overall scheme in which impedance and directional
relays are used in conjunction. This aspect is discussed
later under the heading “System Application Charts”.
So far as the directional relay is concerned, the main
information required is the relation between voltage and
current for marginal operation of the relay. This must
then be related to the voltage and current available
under various system conditions.

Voltage-Current Characteristics
Square-Law Comparator
The characteristics of directional relays in use nowadays
can be divided into two groups, the square-law and
linear comparator. These have appreciably different
characteristics. The square-law comparator has an equa-
tion of the form. I 2 5 IO 20 50 ’ 100
At a fixed value of the phase-angle between inputs this
is the equation of a rectangular hyperbola. Thus if the ia) Square-law comparator.
characteristics are plotted on log.-log. scales the locus is (b) Modified square-law comparator.
a straight line as illustrated in fig. 44. Curves taken at Cc) Linear comparator.
other angles will also be straight lines parallel to the

Z%, Zf0
Z,, 41

t Vo



.I .2 .5 I 2 5 IO 20 50 100

Boundary curve shown for:

Source 100-2500 MVA. Line 100 miles.


dered. For this system the following relations can be POLARISING SUPPLIES
shown to apply:
Residual current = 3 lo=
In the previous descriptions of impedance measuring
and directional relays, reference has been made to three
input quantities to the relay. These were operating cur-
rent, restraint voltage, and polarising input. The first two
determine the complex impedance (Z) measured by the
Residual voltage=3V= -3Z,, I,,. relay and are derived from the voltage and current
associated with the fault. The third quantity isessentially
Considering the above expressions it can be seen that a reference for determining the phase-sense of the
low voltages and currents are obtained together with a operating current and may be derived from a variety of
low source-impedance and a large line-impedance. quantities. The requirements for the polarising input
The boundary line within which the voltage and cur- may be summarised as follows:
rent must lie can be plotted on a voltage/current diagram (a) The phase-angle of the polarising input should be
as in fig. 45(b) if limits of source and line impedance are fixed relative to the restraint voltage.
known. In this diagram a particular type of system is (b) The magnitude of the polarising input is unim-
chosen by way of example in which the source has a portant so long as it is never zero, e.g. for terminal
ZO/Z1 ratio of 0.5 and the line has a Za/Z ratio of 2.5. faults, when the restraint voltage is zero the
Similar curves can be drawn for other examples. Consid- polarising input must still exist.
ering a particular case of a 100 mile line and source In practice it is not possible to satisfy these two
which can vary between 100 MVA and 2500 MVA the requirements completely. The different methods in use
area in which the directional relay must operate is indi- for polarising suffer from limitations and are discussed in
cated in chain-dot. the following sections.
From considerations of these curves and those given
in fig. 44 for the two types of comparators it can be seen
that the area covered by the square-law comparator is
far wider than is necessary. Under conditions of one Faulty Phase Voltage
large and one small input to the relay the setting will
If the same voltage is used for polarising as is used for the
tend to be excessively sensitive. This introduces diffi-
restraint voltage and the comparator input is derived
culty with regard to spurious operation on small out-of
through similar impedance, the polarising signal disap-
balance quantities under three-phase fault conditions. In
pears when the fault impedance is low and thus this
some practical relays using square-law comparators the
method of polarising is not of practical use. It is worth
characterisitics have been modified slightly to the shape
noting however that the phase-angle relation is always
indicated by curve (c) of fig. 44 to help overcome these
satisfied. A combination of faulty phase voltage with
defects. The linear comparator is not affected to the
some other input is thus sometimes used to minimise
same extent by these effects.
phase-angle errors.

Phase-Angle Characteristics
A general picture is best achieved by plotting phase-
angle characteristics on a polar diagram in similar fash- Faulty Phase Voltage with Memory
ion to the ideal characteristics. Curves taken at constant
If, instead of applying the faulty phase voltage through a
voltage and constant current are both useful to cover the
similar impedance to the restraint impedance to provide
full field of the relay. A typical curve is shown in fig. 46.
a polarising input, an alternative impedance consisting
of a tuned circuit is used, it is possible to maintain a
polarising signal for a short time after a fault occurs.
Thus in the case of a terminal fault the polarising input
will be maintained sufficiently long for operation of the
relay to occur. This method, which is straightforward in
principle, is widely used in America by one manufac-
turer in this country. The two ideal requirements laid
down previously are not satisfied completely. From
apphcation constderations, the most serious drawback is
that the arrangement is not effective when a line is
energised. The relay being initially de-energised the
‘memory’ is ineffective under this condition. The disad-
vantage can be overcome completely by using busbar
instead of line voltage-transformers.
The polarising current does not maintain a constant
phase relation to the faulty phase voltage. When the
FIG. 46. POLARCHARACTERISTICOF DIRECTIONAL RELAY fault occurs the phase-angle of the faulty phase voltage

alters whereas the memory circuit maintains a current at Healthy Phase Voltage
the original phase-angle. The value of this shift is given
in Table 1 which summarises phase-angle shifts for all A polarising voltage can be obtained from one of the
the various methods of polarising. The amount of this healthy phases or between two phases. Numerous alter-
shift is not excessive and can be tolerated. It is men- natives are possible depending upon whether the relay in
tioned mainly because the fact that it exists at all is not question is an earth or phase fault relay. The phase-angle
always appreciated. shifts associated with the principal methods in use are
A further and more serious cause of phase-angle shifts given in Table 1.
is due to variations in the supply frequency. The reson- The main disadvantage of this method is that in the
ant circuit always resonates at a fixed frequency whereas event of a three phase terminal fault the polarising vol-
the supply frequency may vary between certain limits. In tage disappears. This risk is normally accepted in this
this country these limits are laid down as 47 to 51 cycles. country and no special measures are taken to cover this
The error due to this cause is cumulative.The phase- condition apart from the back-up feature provided by
angle shift increasing with each cycle. To avoid trouble it zone 3 of the protection. In a number of cases in
is essential that the ‘memory’ is restricted to about three America it has been possible to use high-set overcurrent
cycles at the most. This implies that the relay must be relays which can protect for this type of fault.
very fast.

Table 1
Phase-Angle between Polarising and Restraint Voltage.
The phase-angle by which the polarising voltage leads the restraint voltage is tabulated for various types of relay connections and
system connections. These cover the principal types of fault and limiting values of the source conditions. Under the column headed
“Source”, the first letter indicates whether the source impedance is large with respect to the fault impedance, letter L-Large, or small,
letter S. The followipg figures give the phase-angle of the source impedance in degrees. The column headed K ives the ratio of zero
sequence to osltlve sequence impedance of the source impedance. The corresponding value fort IFl e fault impedance is
taken as 2. P. m all cases. The phase-an le of the line is taken as 60 de rees.
In the main part of the table the first 7 etter denotes the magnitude oft a e polarising voltage, i.e. Large-L, small-S,
zero-O. The second figure 1s the angle by which the polansing voltage leads the restraint voltage.

Source Type of Fault

Connctions Value K, R-N R-Y-NB-R-N Y-B-N Y-B R-Y-B

Restraint V, L, 120 L, 120 L, 120 - - L, 120

s, -
L, 60 F5 L, 134 L, 120 s, 120 - s, 120
Operating I, L, 90 0.5 L, 139 L, 180 S, 60 s, 120
Polarising V, L, 90 1.0 L, 1.50 L, 169 s, 82 - r s, 120

Restraint V, S, 60 2.5 S, 0 s, 300 S, 60 - - 0, -

s, 90 +_1 s, 30 s, 330 s, 90 - 0, -
Operating I, L,60 2.5 L,O L, 300 L, 60 - 0, -
L, 90 0.5 L, 30 L, 90 L, 90 0, -
Polarising-V, L, 90 1.0 L, 30 L, 19 L, 101 - r 0, -

Restraint V,.-BI, s, - L, 90 L, 90 L, 90
L, 60 F5 - 1 - L, 90 L, 90 s, 90
Operating I,-& L, 90 0.5 - - L, 120 L, 120 s, 90
Polarising V, L, 90 1.0 - L, 120 L, 120 s, 90

Restraint V,-V, s,- - - - L, 120 L, 120 L, 120

L, 60 2.5 - L, 90 L, 90 s, 120
Operating I,,-& L, 90 0.5 L, 120 L, 120 s, 120
Polarising Vr--VY L, 90 1.0 - 1 1 L, 120 L, 120 s, 120

Restraint V,-V, s, - - - L, 240 L, 240 L, 240

L, 60 F5 - L, 270 L, 270 S, 240
Operating Iy-Ih L, 90 0.5 - - L, 300 L, 300 S, 240
Polarising V,-V, L, 90 1.0 - - L, 300 L, 300 S, 240

Restraint V,-V, s,- - LO L, 0 L, 0

Operating I~-Ib L, 60 2.5 - 1 - L: 0 L, 0 L, 0
Polarising V,-V, L, 90 0.5 - - - L, 30 L, 30 L, 30
(Memory) L, 90 1.0 - - - L, 30 L, 30 L, 30

Residual Voltage impedances. In this first zone tripping is instantaneous.
The residual voltage, i.e. zero sequence voltage, at the The second zone reach is set to a point outside the end of
relaying point can be used for polarising all the earth- the protected line but short of the end of the next line in
fault relays. The phase-angle is automatically correct for the system. The second zone thus extends from the end
an earth-fault on any phase for the appropriate relay. On of the first zone to the second zone cut-off and covers the
two-phase-to-earth faults, however, the shift in angle is remote line terminal. In this zone, tripping is delayed
excessive for use with polarised mho relays. This limita- sufficiently to co-ordinate with the operating-time of a
tion does not exist with an earth-fault directional relay in circuit-breaker on a zone-l fault. An external fault will
which the operating current is derived from the residual thus be cleared by the circuit-breaker of the adjacent
current of the main system and this arrangement is line section before a tripping impulse is received on the
commonly used. The method suffers from the disadvan- protected line. The two zones described are sufficient to
tage discussed earlier under “Healthy Phase Voltage” establish a complete scheme of protection. It is custom-
above that no polarising is obtained for a three-phase ary however to provide a third zone as back-up protec-
terminal fault. There is a further practical limitation in tion. This is set to extend into the third line and has a
that under conditions of long lines and low source- long time-delay of the order of 2 to 5 seconds. It is
impedances the residual voltages may become very important to realise that the operating times indicated
small. Relays can be designed to operate with this small by the diagram of fig. 47 are ideal times and are not
voltage but there is always the possibility of spurious obtained in practice. Near the cut-off points of the vari-
operation due to out-of-balance voltages appearing in ous zones the times increase rapidly. Reference should
the residual voltage. This point has been discussed more be made to the later section on “System Application
fully under “System Characteristics”. Charts” for practical timing curves.

Residual Current
If a transformer neutral is available at the relaying point Application to Three-phase System
a polarising current can be obtained from a current- In a three-phase system a wide variety of faults can
transformer connected to respond to neutral current. occur, i.e. phase-to-phase, phase-to-earth, two-phase-
The available current may be small if the neutral current to-earth, and three-phase. Some duplication of relays is
is shared by a number of transformers and may also vary thus necessary in order to provide complete protection.
with system operating conditions. Normally the method A number of methods can be adopted and are listed
can be used and overcomes the limitations of very small below.
signals under conditions of long lines and low source-
impedances. The main practical drawback is that a trans- (0 Multiplicity of relays to cover all fault conditions.
former neutral may not be available for all system condi- Six sets of relays are required for the three poss-
tions. ible phase-to-phase faults and the three possible
earth-faults. Other faults are covered by one or
more sets of relays. This method involves the
most equipment but is also the most reliable. It is
SCHEMES OF DISTANCE PROTECTION generally adopted by nearly all manufacturers for
all important applications.
(ii) Three sets of relays are sometimes used, which
Up to the present distance-relays have been considered
can be switched to measure either phase-to-phase
as individual units and their performances assessed in
or phase-to-neutral quantities. The relays are
terms of the single-phase voltage and current applied to
normally connected for phase-to-phase fault
the relay terminals. In developing an overall scheme of
measurement and are switched to earth-fault
distance protection it is necessary to provide a number of
measurement by a residual current-detector. Dif-
relays to obtain the required discrimination. The
ficulties arise due to spurious residual currents
method adopted in all medium and high performance
and on changing faults. The arrangement is not
schemes today is known as the three-zone scheme. Con-
in common use.
sidering this in relation to a single-phase system in which
only one type of fault can occur, the principle is illus- (iii) One set of relays is used and can be switched to
trated in fig. 47. A number of distance relays are used in any one of the six measuring conditions. This
association with timing relays so that the power system is phase selection is normally accomplished by
divided into a number of zones with varying tripping over-current and residual current relays, but may
times associated with each zone. be supplemented by under-voltage relays. The
Thus the first zone extends from the relaying point to a phase-selection relays restrict the application to
point just short of the far end of the protected line. The lower voltage and relatively unimportant lines.
first zone reach is normally set to between 80% and 90% The same difficulties are experienced with chang-
of the line, the margin being allowed to cover inac- ing faults but are generally accepted as a reason-
curacies in the relays and assessment of the system able risk in this particular application.




A method by which one set of relays can be used Phase-fault relays-Phase-to phase voltage.
for all faults by the use of static sequence net- Difference between phase cur-
works has been considered.” The basic principle rents.
is to derive the various sequence components of
voltage and current at the relaying point and Earth-fault relays-Phase-to-neutral voltage.
make use of the relation that Phase current plus k times
residual current (31,)
ZF, =
k= z1
This is reasonably accurate so long as the
phase-angle between source and line impedances and Z. and Z, are the positive and
is small. Special methods have to be adopted zero sequence impedances of the
however for two-phase-to-earth faults for which protected line.
the expression does not apply. This method has
It can be shown that all relays measure positive sequ-
not been used in practice.
ence impedance for all appropriate fault-conditions. The
reason for the added component in the earth-fault relays
is that currents flow in the sound phases of the system in
the event of an earth-fault due to the various zero sequ-
Earth and Phase Fault Compensation’ ence paths via transformer neutrals. The presence of
Having provided six sets of relays it is still necessary to these sound-phase currents induces a voltage into the
arrange the inputs in order that correct measurement is loop formed by the faulty phase and ground causing an
obtained under all conditions. A typical arrangement is error in measurement. The added current component is
shown in fig. 48. It can be seen that the quantities proportional to these currents and compensates for
applied to the various relays are as follows: them.


For Red Relay I = IR + 3n1o

I = 11 + I2 + (1 + 3”) I
I = Ii + 12 + kIo
where k = 1 + 3n, or n = ~



SCHEMES Directional and Plain Impedance Relays
General The overall characteristics are shown in fig. 49. There
The characteristics of complete schemes of protection are three identical sets of relays for the three types of
are conveniently expressed in the form of ideal polar phase fault and one set only need be considered. The
characteristics of similar form to those previously consi- direction of the fault is determined by a directional relay
dered for single relays. The arrangements adopted for and three separate impedance relays are used to deter-
phase faults and earth faults are conveniently studied mine the zone 1, 2 and 3 cut-off points. The tripping
separately, different combinations of the various areas for the three zones are thus as indicated by the
schemes being used in practice. The principal forms in shaded areas. The d.c. circuits associated with the relays
current use are considered in the following sections. are shown in fig. 50. Operation of the directional (D)
and third zone impedance element (23) start a timing
relay (T) which permits tripping after a time-lag (T3).
ZONE I - - - - Tripping in a shorter time is obtained if the zone-2
ZONEZ_---__- impedance relay (22) has also operated. Direct tripping
ZONE 3 is obtained if the first zone relay (Zl) operates.
One of the difficulties associated with this arrange-
ment is the co-ordination between the directional and
the zone-l impedance relays. Under external-fault con-
ditions on an inter-connected system it is possible for a




Polarised Mho and Plain Impedance
In the arrangement just described four relays are
used. An obvious simplification is to use only one impe-
dance relay instead of three and change the setting by
the appropriate timing relays to obtain the second and
third zones. If this is done, starting must be by means of
the directional element only. A plain directional ele-
ment is liable to operate under load conditions, how-
+- AFTER C OPENS f --INITIAL ever, and such an arrangement is not very satisfactory.
By using a modified directional element, which is in
FIG. 5 1. CONDITION FOR SUDDEN effect a crude form of polarised mho relay with very
REVERSALOFCURRENT. inaccurate settings, this difficulty is overcome. The
arrangement is shown in fig. 52. It should be noted that
the circle shown for the polarised mho relay can vary
widely and does not give a precise cut-off point. The
general operation of the scheme is similar to that previ-
ously described and the same problems are encountered
as regards directional control.
sudden reversal of current to take place when one With long heavily loaded lines, the inaccurate setting
circuit-breaker opens. Unless the timing of the direc- of the polarised mho relay is not adequate to distinguish
tional and impedance relays are carefully co-ordinated between load and fault conditions. The polarised mho
this can result in spurious tripping. The condition is relay can be made more accurate and provide the zone-3
illustrated in fig. 51. There are two conditions which setting. This simplifies the arrangements for changing
must be satisfied. the settings on the impedance relays and makes the
scheme of wider application. In practice, however, the
limitations as regards operating time usually mean that
(i) At terminal A the directional relay will initially
the scheme using off-set mho and polarised mho relays
restrain and the zone 1,2, and 3 impedance relays
described later is used instead.
operate. When circuit-breaker C opens the direc-
tional relay will operate and the zone 1 and 2
impedance relays reset. It is thus essential that the
reset of the zone-l impedance relay is less than Polarised Mho and Reactance6
the operating time of the directional relay. With very short lines difficulty is experienced on arc-
ing faults due to the resistive component of the arc-drop
(ii) At terminal B the directional relay, zone-2 and being added to the line impedance drop. In an attempt to
zone-3 impedance relays will operate initially. overcome this difficulty, reactance measuring relays
When circuit-breaker C opens the directional have been used instead of impedance measuring relays.
relay will restrain and the zone-l impedance relay
operate. It is thus essential that the directional
relay resets before the zone-l impedance relay
operates. Thus both directional and impedance
relays require slow operating and fast reset times.
The “slow” is, of course, a relative term, as the ZONE I - ---
ZONE 2 -.~__~_
operation must still be fairly fast if the protection
is to be in the high-speed class. ZONE 3

To avoid this race between contacts some manufac-

turers adopt the practice of directional control. In this
the impedance relays are short-circuited until the direc-
tional relay operates. This cuts out condition (i) com-
pletely. Of the two, this is the more onerous condition. It
can be shown that condition (ii) cannot in fact arise at all
if both lines are the same length, because the zone-l
impedance relay can never operate during the second
stage of the fault. This applies for any source conditions
at either end of the lines. The condition can arise if the
line AB is shorter than the line CD as may be possible on
a more complex system. Since in any case it is likely that
the impedance relay would then be operating marginally
with long time, the condition can normally be disre- FIG. 52. POLARISED MHO AND IMPEDANCE
garded as a practical risk. CHARACTERISTIC.

A polarised mho starting relay is used which also pro- ZONE I ----~
vides the zone-3 setting, the reactance relay being set for ZONE2 ~~~~--~
zone-l cut-off. The setting of the reactance relay is ZONE 3
altered by the timing relay to give the zone-2 cut-off. The
impedance diagram for this arrangement is shown in
fig. 53.
The same problems as regards directional control
arise as discussed under “Directional and Plain Impe-
dance Relays” above. An alternative solution adopted
by one American manufacturer is to open the trip circuit
by means of an auxiliary element if the reactance relay
has not operated within 30 mS after the polarised mho
relay. To prevent a permanent lock-out of the trip circuit
in the event of slow operation of the reactance relay, a
further auxiliary relay reconnects the trip-circuit if the
reactance-relay contacts remain closed for 15 mS.

20~~ I ---.-- (ii) The tripping area associated with zone-l is small.
ZONE 2 ______. This is of help in respect to power swings. (See
the section “Power Swings” on page 29).
(iii) The area associated with the starting relays is
small. This is a help in cases where it is difficult to
distinguish between load and fault conditions.

Earth-Fault Schemes
Single Directional and Separate Impedance Relays
A single directional relay is used which is energised by
zero-sequence voltage and current at the terminal. This
is adequate for both directional properties and starting,
there being no difficulties associated with spurious oper-
ation on load currents. Separate impedance relays are
FIG. 53. POLARISEDMHO AND used in each phase and are normally used for all three
REACTANCECHARACTERISTICS. impedance settings by alteration of settings. The
arrangement is illustrated in fig. 5.5.

The use of reactance relays is falling out of favour with

ZONE I -----
some manufacturers nowadays and their use has been
discontinued. There are two main reasons for this: the ZONE 2 -------
first is the preference for schemes in which zone-l trip- ZONE 3 -~-~
ping is determined by one relay only in order to obtain
maximum speed. The second is that technically it is very
doubtful whether the use of reactance relays actually
improves matters when all system conditions are taken
into account. This aspect is discussed more fully later in
the section “Arc Resistance”.

Offset Mho and Polarised Mho’, 4.

This arrangement is shown in fig. 54. Zone-l is deter-
mined completely by a polarised mho relay and zone-2 is
obtained by alteration of the settings of this relay. An
offset mho relay is normally used for starting the timing
relays and for the zone-3 back up. This is set with the
backwards reach about 10% of the forwards reach. The
main features of this arrangement are as follows:
(i) The maximum possible speed is obtained for FIG. 55. DIRECTIONALANDIMPEDANCE
zone-l faults. CHARACTERISTIC.

Single Directional and Separate Reactance Relays ZONE I -.-.-
ZONE 2 .______
Reactance relays are sometimes used instead of impe-
dance relays for zone-l and zone-2 cut-off points. Due to ZONE 3
the large area covered by the reactance characteristic
associated with the directional characteristic an extra
impedance relay is added to restrict the tripping area.
This can be seen from fig. 56. This relay is normally used
to give the zone-3 cut-off point.

Offset Mho and Polarised Mho

With long lines and high source MVA difficulty is
experienced due to the very low polarising voltage avail-
able at the relaying point. This can be sometimes over-
come by using current polarising but this is not always
possible. A further difficulty is that a fairly low current-
setting is required for the operating current of the direc-
tional relay. With the long untransposed lines which are FIG. 56. DIRECTIONALANDREACTANCE
becoming common nowadays, the zero-sequence cur- CHARACTERISTIC.
rent produced on a three-phase fault may be large
enough to operate the relay. As the phase angle is inde-
terminate this could result in spurious tripping. In such
cases, an identical scheme can be used to that already
described in the section headed “Offset Mho and Polar-
ised Mho” on page 26. This overcomes the difficulties
just described and also enables the faster operating-
times to obtained.


Arc Resistance4
The effective resistance of an arcing fault is difficult to
assess accurately. The voltage does not vary uniformly
with current and the waveform is considerably distorted.
The effect on the protection is also dependent on the line
length and spacing and imponderables such as the arc
length which is dependent upon wind velocity and other
variables. Published information on the subject gives a
figure for the drop of

V =8,75OL V=drop in volts.

I 0.4 L=length of arc in feet.
I=current in amperes.

It is generally accepted that the effects become pro-

nounced with lines of 10 miles or less at the higher
voltages, and distance protection is not normally applied
to very short lines.
It is of interest to compare the errors produced by the
three types of relay characteristic in common use, i.e.
impedance, reactance, and poiarised mho for various
system conditions. For this purpose it is not necessary to FIG. 58. ARC-RESISTANCE AND REACTANCE

know the value of arc resistance accurately as relative
performances are being considered. In the simplest case
in which there is only an in-feed to the fault from one line
terminal the reactance relay has no errors, the impe-
dance relay has fairly large errors, and the polarised mho
relay is intermediate, the exact values depending upon
the angle chosen for the characteristic. Normally the axis
of the circle will be lined up along the axis of the line but
as can be seen there is a definite advantage to be gained
by setting the axis of the circle to a smaller phase-angle.
These conditions are illustrated in figs 57-60.
Normally there will be a feed into the fault from both
ends of the protected line. If the two in-feeds have the





same phase-angle there will be no difference in the rela-

tive performance of relays. The actual effects of the arc
resistance will be accentuated slightly due to the larger
current in the arc. If, however, there is a phase shift
between the two in-feeds, as is quite likely when large
blocks of load are being transmitted on the system,
conditions are changed. The voltage across the arc can
now appear to have a reactive component. When viewed
from one line terminal this appears as a positive reac-
tance and when viewed from the other as a negative
reactance. The effect on the various relays is illustrated
FIG. 60. ARC-RESISTANCE AND MHO WITH A in figs. 61-64. It will be noted that the reactance relay is
SHIFTIN ANGLE. now worse than the polarised mho relay.





Double Circuit Lines

With double circuit lines there is an appreciable zero
sequence mutual coupling between the two circuits. The
impedance seen at the relaying point at the end of one
line is thus dependent on the current flowing in the other
line due to the induced mutual voltage. The apparent
impedance may become either larger or smaller depend-
ing on the direction of current in the unfaulted line. The
relay may thus tend to under-reach or over-reach respec-
tively. The amount of this over-reach or under-reach is
dependent on the line parameters, source and line impe-
dances, and position of fault. For a particular line con-
figuration it is possible to plot a graph as shown in fig. 66
in terms of the two range factors and the fault position.
The main axes are the range values of the source impe-
dances at the two ends of the double circuit line, i.e. the
values yA and ys are equal to the ratio of the respective
source impedances to the impedance of one line. The
various lines on the graph represent the actual cut-off
FIG. 64. MODIFIED ARC-RESISTANCE AND MHO WITH A point of the zone-l relays assuming that these have a
SHIFT IN ANGLE nominal cut-off of 80% of the line length. Thus, knowing
the values of the source impedances the cut-off point can
be estimated by interpolating between contours.
It should be noted that the maximum amount of over-
Power Swing+ * reach is restricted to the total length of the line and the
cut-off point can never extend outside the line length.
Distance protection, not being a true unit protection, is This can be shown to be independent of the line para-
affected by power swings on the system and can operate meters and the actual value chosen for the zone- 1 cut-off
under these conditions. The locus of a power swing can point. It is thus unnecessary to provide any form of
be illustrated on the polar diagram as shown in fig. 65. It compensation for these effects in practice.
will be noted that the locus is at right angles to the
general direction of the line impedances. In general
terms the mho types of characteristics are less suscept-
ible to operation on power swings due to their narrower
Setting Adjustments
characteristics. If the system actually goes out of step of
course these relays will also operate. Because of this Distance-measuring relays must be set to correspond to
special measures are sometimes taken to block opera- the actual length of the protected line. These initial
tion during a swing. In general, these work on the time setting adjustments may be made on either the voltage
interval between the operation of successive relays to or current inputs to the relay. In order that the perfor-
determine if a swing or a fault exists. mance of the relay can be maintained for all values of

4; :j&* ;:$ji
POINT Ii= .53

-01 , J
.Ol *02 .05 .I .2 .5 2 5 IO 20 3” I””



setting the adjustments must be made on the current Transient Response of Current-transformers and
input circuits. This follows directly from the considera- Voltage-transformers
tions of an earlier section headed “Characteristics of
Simple Relay” in which it was shown that the range of a Current-transformers
relay is dependent on the burden on the voltage-
transformers. Any alteration to the voltage input affects With any form of distance protection it is necessary to
the range of the relay. It is common practice therefore to ensure that steady-state saturation of the current-
make the main initial adjustments in the current circuit transformers does not take place when system condi-
and to make only fine adjustments or zone-2 settings in tions are such that the relays are operating near the
the voltage circuit. cut-off impedance. This normally does not present any



___- -______




difficult design problem. With high-speed protection it is System Application Charts

also necessary to ensure that transient saturation does The contour method of presentation of distance relay
not occur under the same system conditions. This may characteristics already discussed can be extended to
present difficulties with units having a high burden in the cover the performance of a complete scheme of distance
current circuits. protection comprising a number of relays with different
nominal impedance settings. In this application of the
method it is convenient to take the impedance corres-
ponding to the complete length of the protected line as
the nominal impedance ZN. All relay characteristics are
Electromagnetic voltage-transformers do not present then expressed on this basis and composite contours
any problem as the primary voltage is reproduced faith- drawn representing the performance of the complete
fully in the secondary winding. With capacitor voltage- schmem, as illustrated in fig. 67.
transformers, transient voltages occur in the secondary As the performance of the protection may be quite
whenever a sudden change of primary voltage takes different for different types of faults it will normally be
place. These transient components consist of two necessary to have a series of diagrams covering the prin-
damped oscillations, one at a frequency higher than the cipal types of fault, e.g. phase-to-earth, phase-to-phase,
normal mains frequency and one at a lower frequency. and three-phase faults.
The order of these frequencies is 200 c/s and 12 c/s
respectively. Special Applications
The effect of these transients will depend on the par- Distance relays may be applied to the protection of
ticular type of relay in use. Normally there is a slight transformer feeders and to tee’d feeders. In recent years
reduction in operating-speed of the protection. Cases protective schemes employing distance relays and a car-
have occurred however in which mal-operations have rier link between feeder ends have been used to an
occurred with half-cycle protection in which this cause increasing extent in order to provide high-speed clear-
has been suspected. ance over the complete length of line.

BIBLIOGRAPHY 10. NEUGEBAUER,The use of Rotating Coil Relays and
Rectifiers in Protection, Elketrotechnische
The following bibliography is not intended to be exhaus- Zeitschrift, 1950, August. (In German).
tive of the literature on distance protection. It has been 11. The Effect of Coupling Capacitor Potential Devices
chosen so that further study may be made of topics dealt on Protective Relay Operation, A.I.E.E., 1951,
with in this paper. To assist in this respect number refer- p.2089.
ences have been given throughout the text to relevant 12. EDGELEY & HAMILTON, The Applications of
papers. Further references will be found in the bibliog- Transductors as Relays to Protective Gear,
raphies given in the various papers listed. Proc.I.E.E., 1952, August.
1. GUTTMAN, Behaviour of Reactance Relays with 13. RYDER,RUSHTON& PEARCE,A Moving Coil Relay
Short-Circuit fed from both Ends, Elektrotech- Applied to Modern System of Protection,
nische Zeitung, 1940. p.514 (in German). Pro.I.E.E., 1950.
2. CLARKE,Impedances seen by Relays during power 14. BERGSETH,An Electronic Distance Relay using
Swings with and without Faults, A.I.E.E., 1945, Phase Discriminator Principles, A.I.E.E., 1954.
p.372. 15. All Electronic One Cycle Carrier Relaying Scheme,
3. HUTCHINSON,The Mho Distance Relay, A.I.E.E., Four papers, p.161-186, A.I.E.E., 1954.
1946, p.353. 16. GIBSON,Improvements in Electric Protective and/or
4. WARRINGTON,Application of the Ohm and Mho Fault Locating Systems for Polyphase Alternating
Principles to Distance Relays, A,I.E.E., 1946, Current Power Transmission Network, British
p.278. Patent 743,323, 1956.
LEWIS & TIPPE~T,Fundamental Basis for Relaying 17. HAMILTON & ELLIS,The performance of Distance
on a Three-Phase System, A.I.E.E., 1947, p.694. Relays, Reyrolle Review, No. 166, 1956.
DEWEY & MCGLYNN, A New Reactance Distance 18. BERGSETH. A Transistorised Distance Relay,
Relay, A.I.E.E., 1948, p.743. A.I.E.E., 1956.
GOLDSBROUGH,A New Distance Ground Relay, 19. ADAMSON & WEDERPOHL,Power System Protec-
A.I.E.E., 1948, p.1442. tion with Particular Reference to the Application of
WARRINGTON,Graphical Method for Estimating the Junction Transistors to Distance Relays,
Performance of Distance Relays during Faults and Proc.I.E.E., Part A, October, 1956.
Power Swings. A.I.E.E., 1949, p.608 20. ADAMSON & WEDERPOHL,A Dual-Comparator
9. BRATEN & HOEL, A New High Speed Distance Mho-Distance Relay using Transistors, Proc. I.E.E.,
Relay, C.I.G.R.E., 1950, Paper 307. Part A, August, 1956.

CHAPTER 12 An Introduction to Distance Protection


It is as well to remind ourselves at the beginning that A third zone of protection is traditionally provided
distance protection does not measure distance but actu- which is not directional, this has special duties which
ally the impedance between the relay and the fault. depend on the type of scheme and facilities required.
However, the impedance of a feeder is related to its Because it is available for these duties it can also be used
length so that if the impedance per unit length of a feeder as a second stage of back-up protection covering typi-
is known the protection can in effect measure the dis- cally the next feeder in the forward direction and the
tance to the fault. busbars and a small percentage of the feeder in the
It is fundamental to the requirements of discrimina- reverse direction.
tion that distance protection measuring characteristics Impedance settings of this zone 3 are sometimes dic-
for direct tripping need to be directional. Also because tated by the zone 3 other duties and may also be limited
tripping is determined by measurement of the impe- by load impedance. Time settings of the zone 3 back-up
dance to the fault, fundamental accuracy is necessary have to take account of any I.D.M.T.L. relays which may
rather than comparative accuracy as required by diffe- be providing back-up for other equipment. This leads to
rential protection. the difficulty of grading inverse characteristics with defi-
Thus a concept of zones of protection naturally nite time lag characteristics. However, the zone 3 time
develops where the first zone of measurement is that lag may always be set long enough to provide a back-up
part of the protected feeder impedance to which the to the I.D.M.T.L. back-up if co-ordination of the two is a
distance really can be set without any possibility that problem.
relay errors, instrument transformer errors or errors in Individual relays may be used for each zone and the
estimation of the power system impedances will cause six basic types of fault may each have an associated relay.
mal-operation. Typically a figure of 80% of the pro- With this arrangement a three zone distance protection
tected feeder length is chosen as first zone and many requires 18 relays. There are two ways of reducing the
installations are operating successfully using this zone 1 number of relays; first, common relays may be used for
setting criteria. The advent of more accurate relays both zone 1 and zone 2; this is TefeTTed to as a zone switched
basically (i.e. better steady state accuracy) and dynami- relay. Secondly, a common measuring relay may be
cally (i.e. little or no transient over-reach) has encour- switched to the appropriate current and voltage signals
aged use of 90% of protected feeder impedance for zone by fault detecting relays; this is referred to as a phase
1 settings by some users, but most authorities prefer to switched relay.
accept the better performance as increasing the safety This concept of zones with increasing settings and
factors, considering that 80% of feeder impedance gives time lags to give discrimination gives a very comprehen-
adequate coverage. sive protection scheme when viewed from the total
There is some justification for increasing the percen- power system aspect. In addition when the various zones
tage coverage for phase fault relays but for earth fault are programmed with other equipment to provide the
relays the uncertainty of determining the zero sequence full facilities of which a modern distance protection is
impedance makes it undesirable to change from the well capable, the fact that it is all provided from one set of
established 80% value. C.T. cores makes distance protection very attractive.
The remainder of the feeder is protected by zone 2 Schemes of distance protection were originally built
which is set typically at 120% of the protected feeder up from discrete relays of various characteristics with
impedance. This means that zone 2 will operate for interconnection being done at the panel building stage.
busbar faults and faults at the busbar end of adjacent The need for faster and more sensitive distance relays
feeders. This allows the zone 2 to provide busbar protec- has been met by using semi-conductor designs which
tion in its own right or to act as back up to a busbar unit allows greater sophistication in the interconnection of
protection. Also the zone 2 acts as back up protection in the various relays. However the inclusion of the relay
the important area at the busbar end of adjacent feeders interconnection within the composite relay case can be a
where, in general, a relatively high fault incidence may disadvantage if the overall relay design is not flexible
be expected. Discrimination between zone 1 and zone 2 enough to cater for the varieties and options within the
is traditionally provided by a definite time lag relay various types of scheme.
which can be made to be very precise and relatively The inter-face between supplier and user is especially
unaffected by climatic and electrical environmental important in this respect because communication of the
conditions. complexities and their possible options is not easy and
Thus the grading of zone 1 and zone 2 is simple changes introduced late in manufacture or on site while
because it is only one step and only the circuit breaker although unavoidable in some circumstances are not to
operating time has significant variation. be recommended.






Further development produced a relay with a basic
Distance relays are generally classified by their charac- characteristic of a circle whose diameter is the relay
teristic as defined by a polar characteristic using resis- setting and whose circumference passes through the
tance and reactance axes. Thus a plain impedance relay origin of the Rand X axes as illustrated in fig. 1. This was
will operate when the ratio between the voltage applied termed Mho relay because of the fact that the Mho
to it and the current applied to it is a set value (setting) characteristic when plotted on an admittance instead of
irrespective of the angle between the current and vol- an impedance polar diagram gives a straight line. The
tage. This characteristic is a circle with radius equal to Mho relay is clearly directional and the characteristic
the relay setting and centre at the origin of the R and X angle is at the diameter of the circle which originates at
axes. the origin of the R and X axes. This characteristic is
generally designed with a polarising signal derived in represented typically by the characteristic in fig. 4.
part from the sound phase voltage (conventionally refer- This off-set element can be set to a variety of charac-
red to as Polarised Mho relay). With this type of polaris- teristics from the conventional off-set Mho circle to a
ing signal, during unbalanced fault conditions, when the narrow waisted characteristic by choice of simple links
faulted phase voltage can have significant phase differ- within its printed circuit. It is particularly useful when
ence from its reference but the sound phase voltages used as shown in fig. 5 where the links for the top half of
will not have changed their phase angle, the characteris- the characteristic are chosen to give a reasonably broad
tic will change to that shown in fig. 2. The extent to which coverage to allow for errors in the power system data,
the characteristic is changed is dependent upon the rela- fault resistance etc. and the lower half of the characteris-
tionship (magnitude and phase angle) between the tic is chosen as the narrowest to give very good discrimi-
faulted phase voltage and the sound phase voltage. This, nation with load impedance.
in turn, is dictated by the magnitude of the source impe-
dance in relation to the nominal measured impedance.
Hence the various curves for different values of SIR
(system impedance ratio). For balanced faults (i.e.
3-phase) the relay characteristic is the circle as in fig. 1
because all voltages are affected equally and remain in I”

balanced phase relationship.

Fig. 3 shows a modified impedance characteristic
which is called the offset Mho characteristic and is used
to supplement polarised Mho relays to provide definite
operation for close up balanced faults where the polar-
ised Mho relay is not sure to operate. The offset Mho
characteristic develops from the requirements to have a
large reach in the forward direction to use as a starter
and overall back-up without encroaching too much on
the load transfer of the feeder. The load impedance
generally will be centred around the resistive axes and
thus the offset Mho relay gives better discrimination
with load whilst providing sufficient reverse coverage to
ensure operation for close up faults in the forward direc-
tion (line earth bars left on) or reverse direction (busbar
Where very long starter or back-up reach is required, BALANCED CONDITIONS
shaped characteristics need to be applied and these are TYPICAL APPLICATION - ZONE 1 AND ZONE 2

One of the problems encountered by distance protec-

tion is the possibility of relatively large values of fault
resistance in earth faults. This is obviously related to the
length of line or magnitude of impedance being pro-
tected because the fault resistance is determined by the
voltage, current and physical make-up of the fault. To
eliminate resistance from the distance relay measure-
ment on short lines, reactance relays may be used. This
type of relay characteristic is effectively a straight hori-
zontal line at the relay setting value above the R axes.
Theoretically a reactance relay will operate when a cer-
tain reactance is reached without any limitation as to the
resistance involved. However, all reactance relays will
have limits and generally they are controlled by other
characteristics such as an off-set Mho starter to keep
their reach within reasonable limits. The use of two
relays to provide a composite characteristic has always
produced problems of contact racing, (if not in the oper-
ate mode quite often in the reset mode) and fig. 6 shows
CONDITIONS a reactance form of characteristic developed from a
APPLICATION - ZONE 3 shaped Mho characteristic thus giving a directional reac-
POWER SWING BLOCKING. tance characteristic produced by one element.

factor to compensate for the mutual effect. Obviously
with this arrangement if the current returns via the
sound phases there is no residual current and hence no
compensation. Thus, in this case, the earth fault relays
basic setting is the same as the phase fault relays.
Under three-phase fault conditions there will be no
residual current and no mutual effect so the earth fault
relays will measure correctly. The phase fault relays will
be energised with phase to phase voltage which is equal
to phase to neutral voltage times fi and the currents
FIG. 7. DIRECTIONALSHAPEDREACTANCE will be the difference of the two phase currents which in
the case of a three phase fault are displaced 120” in phase
and will therefore give a d times factor on the current
Because this characteristic is derived from the polar- per phase. Hence both earth fault and phase fault relays
ised Mho characteristic it retains the change in charac- will measure three-phase fault conditions correctly.
teristic during unbalanced conditions as shown in fig. 7.


TO RELAYS From the previous section, it is obvious that different
Because the power system has three phases which are types of fault require different input quantities fed to the
carried on conductors in relative close proximity, the relay and in full distance protection schemes it is conven-
effective fault impedance of the conductors is made up tional to provide relays for each main type of fault. Thus
from self and mutual impedance. Thus the fault currents in each zone of protection six relays would be provided,
in each conductor inter-act with the other two conduc- red-yellow, yellow-blue and blue-red for phase faults
tors and incorrect measurement would occur if compen- and red, yellow and blue for earth faults. These would be
sation was not included to allow for this. connected directly to the appropriate current and vol-
With phase to phase faults the fault driving voltage is tage signals to measure their designated faults
clearly the phase to phase voltage and the fault impe- To obtain individual measurement in each zone for
dance does not include mutual effects because equal and each type of fault a three zone full distance protection
opposite currents are flowing in the two conductors would therefore use eighteen relays (or more correctly
which cancel out any induced voltages. It is conventional eighteen measuring elements because with semi-
therefore with phase to phase distance measurement to conductor design, the inputs and output tripping and
apply to the relay phase to phase voltage and the differ- logic circuits are often commoned and the dedicated
ence of the two phase currents, (because these are in element for each fault type resolves to a simple printed
phase opposition the difference results in twice the value card). The use of eighteen elements is regarded as
of one phase current) which results in a measurement of unjusitified economically for distribution systems and
one conductor impedance without any mutual effect. schemes with less elements are readily arranged by, in
(Self impedance minus mutual impecance which is equal the first stage, using common relays for the first two
to the positive sequence impedance.) zones by switching settings on completion of the zone 2
With phase to earth faults the driving voltage is clearly time lag. This results in using 12 relays in a full scheme, 6
phase to neutral voltage and considering that the earth relays for zone l/zone 2 and 6 relays for zone 3. This is
fault current could all return to the sending end via the possible because the zone 1 and zone 2 relays are of the
earth path, considerable mutual effects can be present. same type (i.e. directional distance) and the zone 3
This results in an earth fault impedance 1.5 - 2 times the relays are non-directional. Where schemes use the same
impedance measured by the phase fault relays. This can type of relay for all zones, the setting can be switched
be compensated for simply by an increase in setting of twice or more, however, there is a requirement always
the earth fault relays but for the fact that in some cases for an independent set of relays to start the timing sequ-
the earth fault current may return on the unfaulted ence. These detect that a fault exists and therefore have
phases (i.e. the sound phases). Thus if the earth fault to be set to cover the complete range of all zones.
relays are arranged to measure the increase in earth fault The above schemes are referred to as zone switched
impedance caused by mutual effects by a simple increase schemes and a further reduction in number of relays (or
in fault setting, this must be cancelled if the earth fault elements) can be achieved by employing the technique
current returns via the sound phases. This can be of phase switching. Phase switched distance relays gen-
achieved by feeding a signal to the earth fault relays erally use only one master measuring relay and three
derived from the sound phase current, and is referred to starting relays and are referred to loosely as switched
as sound phase compensation. distance schemes.
An alternative compensation for earth fault relays is A typical switched distance arrangement is shown in
to feed an additional current signal to the relay which is fig. 8. Because this relay is a semi-conductor design all
derived from the residual current in the C.T.‘s so that the currents and voltages are fed to the elements via isolat-
current which is flowing back to source via earth is ing transformers. The current transformers perform the
identified and can be fed to the relay with an appropriate additional duty of providing the replica impedance so

FIG. 8.

that they provide to the measuring elements the current will reflect the primary impedance to be measured to the
signal as a voltage equal to 1 times the relay setting and relay at a level dependent upon their ratios, Thus the
phase shifted to correct for the line angle. Thus the impedance presented to the relay:
current transformer in the relay has an angle setting and x Ct Ratio
Z, = vs = VP
an impedance magnitude setting.
IS VT Ratio IP
Residual compensation is provided for earth faults
and a second residually connected transformer feeds a x Ct Ratio
neutral starter which switches the voltages from delta to ZP
VT Ratio
star when an earth fault is detected.
Offset Mho starters are used and these select the The relay is normally set to 80% of the line impedance
correct voltages and currents to the measuring element so that the relay setting would be:
dependent on the fault condition they detect. They also
start the zone timing which increases the setting of the zr = 0.8 zL x Ct Ratio
main measuring element. VT Ratio
These schemes which save in relay equipment are = Positive Sequence
Zr = relay setting; Zr
economical for application to voltages as low as 1lkV
Line Impedance
but have the disadvantage of the dependence on the
starters to detect the correct type of fault. Sound phase
In the general case, the source impedance is signific-
currents, load current and complex fault conditions can
ant and during a fault, less than rated voltage is applied
cause incorrect measurement and this would only result
to the relay; as the source impedance increases, the
in incorrect indication in a full scheme but it could result
voltage applied to the relay reduces to a point at which
in incorrect tripping in a switched scheme if the measur-
the relay cannot measure accurately. It is important to
ing element was provided with incorrect measuring
understand and allow for this limitation in applying dis-
quantities. However, provided the worst case can be
tance relays.
analysed, the use of shaped characteristics (fig. 5) will
A typical relay is shown in block diagram form in fig.
allow wide application.
9. This is a semi-conductor design using a phase angle
comparator fed by amplifiers but a limit is placed on the
OVERALL RELAY PERFORMANCE sensitivity obtainable because of the linearity of the
Of necessity relays are fed from the power system by current transducers, among other things. Thus all dis-
current and voltage transformers and these transformers tance relays have a lower limit at which accurate meas-

composite characteristics in fig. 10 and fig. 11 where fig.
10 is for the condition of minimum transient current and
fig. 11 shows the increase in time of operation caused by
maximum off-set current transient. The insignificant
transient overreach (i.e. little difference in the two
boundary of operation characteristics) which is typically
obtained from semi-conductor designs should be noted.
The third input shown in the typical relay block diag-
ram in fig. 9 is a useful stabilising device for line drop-
ping conditions. Line dropping can cause operation of
distance relays with consequent difficulty when auto-
reclosing is being used. The third input is also used for
shaping characteristics.


One of the main objections to the use of distance protec-
tion is the fact that because of inaccuracies in the relay
and in the determination of power system data, the high
speed zone 1 protection can only be applied to operate
FIG. 9. for faults within the first 80-90% of the feeder. This
leaves a proportion of the feeder at each end which can
urement is maintained and this can be defined by voltage only be protected by zone 2 of the remote distance
limits. However, a powerful method of measuring dis- protection and unless additional equipment is used final
tance protection performance uses the ratio between clearance of faults in these areas is delayed by zone 2
source and nominal measured impedance, this is termed time.
system impedance ratio (S.I.R.). This value can be plot- The additional equipment used with the distance pro-
ted against the accuracy of the relay and the time of tection is generally some form of end to end signalling
operation in relation to fault position is shown in the which ensures high speed operation for all faults bet-
ween the two associated distance protections and, of
DC OFiSFT course, stability for faults outside the protected zone.
CHARACTERISTIC This effectively gives distance protection a unit scheme
1/1 type of operation.
Before describing the various forms of end to end
signalling, a diversion describing extended reach
schemes is worthwhile because these are the most
economical method of providing the high speed clear-
ante over the whole length of the feeder which is a basic
requirement for auto-reclose schemes.
The basic scheme of extended reach operation is
arranged by setting the high speed zone 1 relay to over-
lap the adjacent feeder as shown in fig. 12(a). Thus a
fault in the overlap areas as represented in fig. 12(a) will
trip circuit breakers A, C and D. During the dead time
the auto-reclose relay will switch the zone 1 setting of the
distance relay to 80% of feeder impedance giving there-
fore the conventional stepped time distance protection
scheme as shown in fig. 12(b). Upon reclosing, circuit
breaker A will remain closed, circuit breaker C will trip
high speed and circuit breaker D will trip in zone 2 time.
Of course, if the fault is transient, all circuit breakers will
reclose successfully.
At the end of the auto-reclose reclaim time the zone 1
setting of the distance relays are switched back to the
extended reach as in fig. 12(a). Thus the scheme pro-
vides the high speed tripping at both ends for all fault
positions as required for the high speed auto-reclose
sequence. The disadvantages are that faults in the over-
lap area will trip a healthy feeder as well as the faulty
feeder causing additional circuit breaker operations, and
will give final clearance of one end in zone 2 time. These


l------- -- -- -__--___b

r__-_--_--___, r--___-__-
1 I

4I3si~$q d,
I 1

N- _____--__ -I r__---____l LEGEND:






factors must be taken into account when assessing the tances a permissive scheme must gate with zone 3 which
economics of the scheme. because of its greater reach is less secure. However, an
In choosing the form of end to end signalling to be alternative is to use the received signal to accelerate the
used the fundamental fact that the faster the signalling change of setting so that the zone 2 reach is made effec-
channel, in general, the more susceptical it will be to tive as soon as the signal is received. This system may be
interference must be considered. The assessment of how classified as an acceleration scheme and is slower than
much the worst fault condition may interfere with a the permissive scheme because the zone 2 relay only
given signalling scheme is not simple and therefore the starts to operate after the signal is received. Thus a faster
various types of scheme have developed to suit particu- signalling channel may be used for an acceleration
lar requirements as developed from experience in ser- scheme because the time of operation of the zone 2
vice. element is a safeguard against short pulses of interfer-
The simplest form of end to end signalling is to use a ence.
plain intertripping channel to signal to the other end that Very short feeders require the use of overreach
a fault has been detected in zone 1 and therefore the schemes because the distance relay settings may not be
other end should trip directly. The problem with this low enough to match the line. Also with short lines the
arrangement is that interference at any time will directly fault resistance, which is determined by line configura-
trip the circuit breaker and therefore the signalling tion, earthing and rated voltage, will be higher in rela-
channel must be very secure and therefore generally tion to a conventional relay setting of 80% of line impe-
slow. dance so that an overreach scheme may be used to
To improve the security of the end to end signalling increase the effective fault resistance coverage. The
system, it is gated with a local relay and this allows a simplest form of overreach scheme is that using the zone
faster signalling channel to be used because operation is 2 to signal the remote end zone 2 to trip. Thus tripping at
dependent upon both the signalling channel and the each end is dependent on a signal from both ends. This
local relay. One form of this scheme is shown in Fig. 13 scheme requires two independent signalling channels
where the signal to the other end is sent by the zone 1 because the permissive signal from one end must not be
which is set to its conventional underreach setting (80- confused with the permissive signal from the other end.
90% of feeder impedance). The received signal is per- Because the received signal in the permissive over-
mitted to trip if zone 2 has operated and hence this reach scheme has the same action as in the permissive
scheme is ca!led the permissive underreach scheme. In a underreach scheme, the two schemes can be combined
switched zone distance protection the received signal as shown in fig. 14. This, of course, can only be achieved
cannot be gated with zone 2 because it does not exist as a when independent zone 2 relays are available and the
separate relay and the zone 2 setting will not be effective zone 1 settings are low enough to set to 80-90% of the
until after the zone 2 time lag. Thus in these circums- line impedance.

A ------_-- 1


---_. ---------4 , ,

! 1 L_--__T3_;
; L-_---- TX-+
&__-----_-- i PERMISSIVEUNDERREACHSCHEME. c--_------a

FIG. 13.

A particular problem of overreach scheme is when a An external fault within the reach of the remote zone
healthy circuit in parallel with the faulted circuit first 2 relay must be blocked by operation of the local zone 3
detects the fault in one direction and, on opening of a relay which will detect the fault within its reverse reach.
circuit breaker in the faulted circuit, then detects the If the zone 2 relay is intrinsically more sensitive than the
fault in the opposite direction. This is the classical revers- zone 3 relay low level faults can operate the zone 2 and
ing fault condition and may be allowed for by delaying not the zone 3 thus giving mal-operation for.a low level
the tripping logic a short time to allow the establishment external fault.
or reset of the end to end signalling in relation to the To correct this the zone 2 may be made less sensitive
operation and reset of the overreaching distance relays. than the zone 3 relay but this may cause blocking of an
Signalling channels for end to end signalling have internal fault which could operate the zone 3 relay and
traditionally been provided by power line carrier not the zone 2 relay at the low infeed end thus giving a
equipment operating over the protected line and it is blocking signal and causing failure to trip. This is the
obvious that in order to receive a permissive signal or basic dilemma of simple blocking schemes and the
acceleration signal the power line carrier equipment is reason why blocking schemes tend to be more complex.
required to transmit through the primary fault. Experi- The classical blocking scheme uses elements for block-
ence has shown that this is a viable system but doubt still ing which can only operate for external faults e.g. direc-
remains in some minds and the alternative system of tional elements looking into the reverse direction. The
using the signal to stabilise the remote end is thus scheme is shown in fig. 16 where it can be seen that the
favoured. These schemes are referred to as blocking reverse directional element (ZlR) sends its signal to
schemes and generally require more complex relaying. block the remote end provided the local end zone 2 has
A simple blocking scheme is shown in fig. 15 where not operated, also a special 3 phase detection gate sends
the signal is sent to the other end if zone 3 operates and a blocking signal to cover the condition when the polar-
zone 2 does not operate, thus indicating that the fault is ised Mho directional relays may not have correct polaris-
in the reverse looking portion of the zone 3 characteris- ing signals. Tripping is dependent on operation of both
tic and signalling that the overrreaching zone 2 at the zone 3 and zone 2 which ensures that the blocking signal
other end is not to operate. The basic problem of this is more sensitive than the tripping signal because the
scheme caused by racing of the zone 3 and zone 2 con- zone 3 is not as sensitive an element as the reverse
tacts is overcome by the short time lag relay (STL) and measuring element.
provided that the blocking channel has a fast reset a Where a full complement of elements (24) is included
reasonable scheme is possible. However, the problem of in the relay, independent zone 1 high-speed tripping can
relative relay sensitivities could cause incorrect opera- be included. This is a very powerful scheme and the
tion at marginal fault levels. blocking mode can be regarded as complementary to

I Zl
1 T ---_)

6 V
t--_-_-_-__-~ L-________,
1 I
Zl Z? z,
z, z> z3
’ I ;

4 --
------ -__

AH” -- -_iy;;;

; I


) ,
D ;
AN” Q-i
k 1 L-_-_-T, ;
T3 I ’ I

L T,---____A ’ I c--4--- T2-

I I 8 t
e--_-_---a--- 4 L--___-----A
FIG. 14.

i Z:
4 l
I z:
. b

’ z,

- ----m-4 &_--_-_-_--_.



acceleration and permissive schemes. tional reverse measuring element to be housed within a
Fig. 17 shows a dual element which allows the direc- standard distance relay.

T: ZONk* TlMtH

Line Check
Polarised Mho relays require a voltage signal to
ensure operation and the severe condition of a bolted
3-phase fault can cause failure to trip because the vol-
tage at the primary of the V.T. is too low to give relay
operation. The bolted 3-phase fault is caused by earth
bars being left on a circuit when it is closed. A special
feature can be provided for the special problem of the
bolted 3-phase fault.
The zone 3 or starting relays are invariably not depen-
dent on voltage for operation and can thus be relied on
to detect the bolted 3-phase fault. Because this type of
fault can only occur when closing-in, the zone 3 or start-
ing relay can be made to trip directly for a certain time
after closing-in and this feature is referred to as line
check. The switching of the time lag to give direct trip
from zone 3 or starting relays may be achieved by an
additional contact on the closing control (dc. line check)
or by an undervoltage relay which detects that the line
has been de-energised (ac. line check.)

Voltage Transformer Supervision

The distance relay is dependent on being provided
with the correct voltages for operation and also to main-
tain stability. Operation due to load current is likely if
the voltage signal is lost due to fuses blowing or being DUAL
removed. Supervision of the voltage signals to the dis- TYPICAL APPLICATIONS FORWARD-ZONE 1 AND ZONE 2
tance protection is therefore very important because the SlGNALLlNG OR REVERSE DIRECTIONAL
whole operation of the distance protection is dependent FIG. 17. BACK-UP (ZONE 4)

with the attendant difficulties in ensuring stability, con-
sidering that it has to detect the difference between loss
of voltage due to a primary fault and loss of voltage due
to voltage transformer supply failure.

Power Swing Blocking

Any sudden power system disturbance results in trans-
IMPEDANCE DURING ient changes in the generator angles caused by changes
SWING in the power demand and the inertia of the generators.
With substantial power system disturbance the
generators can swing in this way until their apparent
impedance is contained within the distance relay charac-
teristic thus causing tripping. On transmission systems
where power swing is a likely condition, distance protec-
DISTANCE RELAYS tion can be fitted with power swing blocking which
detects the power swing and blocks all the distance
measuring relays.
A typical power swing blocking arrangement is shown
in fig. 18. A relay which matches the zone 3 characteris-
tic is used with a time lag to detect the difference bet-
ween a power swing and a fault. A power swing changes
the impedance slowly from operation of the power swing
element to operation of the zone 3 element, so that the
power swing timing element can time out and block all
the distance measuring relays. On the other hand a fault
will effectively operate both the power swing element
and the zone 3 element simultaneously resulting in
blocking of the power swing element and thus resetting
of the power swing timing element.

Directional Earth Fault

D.C. CIRCUIT- POWER SWING BLOCKING RELAY Certain power systems have a problem of high resis-
FIG. 18. tance earth faults and, although the distance relay has
much better fault resistance coverage than is apparent
upon the reliability of the voltage transformer output. from consideration of the simple characteristics, the use
Two basic forms of voltage transformer supervision of sensitive directional earth fault relays is the only
are used, one which give an alarm only and therefore has solution when very high earth fault resistance is present.
no special high speed requirement and the other which is The directional earth fault relay is essentially an over-
made fast enough to prevent the distance relays operat- reach element and therefore if it is required for high
ing when a voltage is lost. With the high speed of dis- speed tripping it must be used in one of the overreach
tance protection measurement (typically 15 mil- types of scheme i.e. permissive over-reach or blocking.
liseconds) the voltage supervision scheme to prevent In a classical blocking scheme dual elements similar to
distance protection operation must be extremely fast the dual Mho elements would typically be used.

CHAPTER 13 Polarised mho distance relay
New approach to the analysis of practical

The use of the polarised mho distance relay for the In the past two decades, the use of polarised mho dis-
protection of high-voltage lines has become widespread. tance relays for the protection of high-voltage transmis-
Up to the present time, the relay has been thought to be sion lines has become widespread, because of their
of limited use in the protection of short lines, owing to its inherent property of being simultaneously an impedance
relatively small reach for arcing faults. However, recent and a directional measuring element.
practical tests have shown that the actual performance is This type of relay is associated with a number of
considerably better than that predicted by theory. A new advantages and drawbacks, and these have in the past
analysis is therefore developed in this paper which shows been used as a basis for assessing its merits relative to
that the polarised mho relay has an offset characteristic, other schemes of feeder protection. It is inherently
in the case of unbalanced faults, which encloses the directional and has the virtue that of all distance relays it
origin and hence enhances the relay reach in the direc- is least sensitive to power swings.’ On the other hand, by
tion of the resistive axis. The degree of offset is a func- virtue of its constrained characteritic, it is rather insensi-
tion of the source/line impedance ratio of the system to tive to resistive components in the fault impedance and
which the relay is connected. It is shown that the theory is, for this reason, of limited use in the protection of short
developed is in good agreement with results obtained in lines, when resistance due to fault arcs may be appreci-
practice. able compared with the line impedance. In these appli-
It is shown in an Appendix that the theory also covers cations it is customary to specify reactance relays” or
the cases of crosspolarised directional relays and differential schemes of protection. The fault-arc prob-
polyphase impedance relays, both classes of relay having lem is further aggravated by the fact that the polarising
an offset characteristic. voltage, derived from an unfaulted phase or a tuned
The paper concludes by discussing the implication of circuit, may be out of phase with the fault voltage.
the results. It is noted that the polarised mho relay has Recent measurements have been made to investigate
most of the benefits of the reacatance relay, while retain- the sensitivity of polarised mho relays to faults with
ing the advantages of being inherently directional and simulated arc resistance, and it has been found that the
insensitive to load currents and power swings. It is also results are not consistent with the present theory. The
noted that, by using this method of analysis, the reach for relays are found to be capable of operating in the pres-
lines with series capacitance may be predicted. ence of fault-arc resistances which considerably exceed
the values predicted by simple theory; the situation
improves as the source/line impedance ratio increases.
As a result of these measurements, a new analysis of the
List of symbols polarised mho relay was developed, and it is the purpose
Va, Vv, Va= phase-neutral voltages of red, of the paper to describe this, together with presentation
yellow and blue phases, of results and consideration of their practical impli-
respectively, at relaying point cation.
Ia, Iv, Ia= phase currents
E= phase-neutral generated voltage on
red phase
Ii= positive-sequence current SIMPLIFIED THEORY OF POLARISED MHO
12= negative-sequence current RELAY
Ia= zero-sequence current It is well known that the characteristics of all distance-
K RI, K2= relay constants relay functions may be obtained by using either an amp-
Z”, Znl, Zn2= relay impedance constants litude or phase-comparing measuring element. The rela-
8= angle of Z, tionships in the polarised mho relay are more readily
zL= positive-sequence line impedance understood by considering the operation of the phase
zLo= zero-sequence line impedance comparator. Identical characterisitcs may be obtained
zs= positive-sequence source impedance
from both comparators if the following transformations
Go’ zero-sequence source impedance
are observed:
s, = $(S, + Sr)
a= - + + $jd3 or /120” s, = t(S1 - S,)

or s, = s, + s, The relative phase angle between S1 and S2 is not dis-
s2 = s, - s, turbed if they are multiplied by the same quantity, i.e.
(Z, + Z,)/E. The two vectors to be compared in phase
where S, and S, are the operate and restraint input
are therefore
signals to the amplitude comparator, and S1 and S2 are
the two inputs to the phase comparator. The criterion for s; = zr
operation of the two relays is s, = z, - zr
Sx 5 S, The vector diagram is shown in Fig. 2, and it is clear
and -rr/2 d 4 s 42 that the locus of ZL is a circle with Z, as diameter.
In practise, the mho relay is not suitable as a direc-
where C#Jis the phase angle between Si and Sz.
tional element, since a finite value of Si is required in
The basic phase-comparator input quantities for a
order to effect operation, so that the origin is outside the
polarised mho relay are
relay characteristic, and there is no protection against
si = v, terminal faults. The problem is solved in the polarised
s2 = IZ, - v mho relay by making Si = V,, where V, is in phase with
where V, is the polarising voltage and V and I are V but not proportional to it so that for terminal faults,
voltage and current at the relaying point.
The corresponding inputs to the amplitude com- X

parator to give identical characteristics are

s, = 2(VP + IZ” - V)
s, = i[Vr - (IZ, - V)]
Fig. 1 shows the basic input arrangement for a mho-
connected phase-angle comparator. The two quantitites
which are compared in phase are
s, = v z,-ZL

s2 = IZ, - v

where V = EZL
Z, + ZL
I= E
zs + ZL
s, = EZL
when V = 0, phase comparison can be effected. In this
s2 = Wn - ZL)
zs + ZL
s; = z,
The criterion for operation is that
S$ = z, - ZL
- rr/2 < /s, - ,/s, 55-12
where Z, is a vector of constant magnitude but in phase
with ZL. The vector diagram is shown in Fig. 3, from

Zs which it is clear that phase comparison of Z, - ZL with
Z, is the same as ZL, because these latter two impe-


dances are in phase: consequently, the ‘polarised mho’ mho relays to systems are interested in the maximum
characteristic is identical with the ‘mho’ characteristic, negative value which = can attain, since this corresponds
except that the origin in this case is a well defined point. to a minimum value of R. Typically, 8 = 75”, and, if (Y=
The problem is in selecting a suitable polarising vol- - 15”, R = 0. This case is illustrated in Fig. 5, together
tage V,, and three basic solutions are adopted in prac- with a typical range of system impedances superimposed
tice. V, is either derived from the fault voltage V on the diagram, including the effect of fault-arc resis-
through a resonant circuit tuned to system frequency tance. It may be seen that the relay coverage under
(memory) or from an unfaulted phase through a suitable
phase-shifting circuit (sound-phase polarising): alterna-
tively, a combination of part sound-phase and part
faulted-phase polarising is used. The last two methods
do not solve the problem in the case of S-phase faults,
when an unpolarised mho characteristic is obtained, and
operation for close faults once more becomes indeter-
In practice V, and V are not in phase for terminal
faults, because of the characteristics of the system, prin-
icipally unequal source-impedance/line-impedance ang-
les. By considering a number of boundary conditions,
Ellis3 has shown that, in most cases, a suitable choice of
sound-phase polarising voltage gives rise to errors in
phase of less than 15” between V, and V. The effect of
phase shifts between these two voltages modifies the FIG. 5. POLARSED MHOCHARACTERISTIC
relay-imput equations to the following: 0 = 7.5 a=-15
s;=z,/(y arc-resistance conditions is rather poor. The effect
s; = Z” - ZL shown in Fig. 5 is most severe in the case of short lines
and low fault currents, corresponding to high source/line
Z, and ZL have the same phase, and the angle between
impedance ratios, and has detracted considerably from
V, and V is accounted for by the additional rotation 0~.
the appeal of these relays in this case.
From the relationship in the vector diagram shown in
Warrington’ has shown that, in these circumstances, a
Fig. 4, it is seen that Z, is a chord of the mho characteris-
reactance relay is more suitable as a distance-relay ele-
ment, despite the added complexity of the arrangement,
since separate directional elements must be provided.
In order to verify these conditions in practice, a series
of measurements was made on a practical polarised mho
distance relay, and marked disparities between theory
and practice were noted. The reach in the resistive axis
for terminal faults was found to be greater than
expected, and it increased as the source/line impedance
ratio increased. These results are presented and discus-
sed in Section 7.
The reason for the disparity between theory and prac-
tice is in assuming that V, and V are in phase or sepa-
rated by a fixed angle (Y. In practice, this only applies
when Z, and Z, are in phase. Deviations become prog-
ressively more severe as ZL moves around the polar
FIG. 4. CHARACTERISTIC OFPOLARISED MHO RELAY diagram, and it is possible under certain conditions for (Y
WITH PHASESHlFTBETWEENZ,AND&, to equal 180”. In the Sections to follow, a more rigorous
analysis of the operation of the polarised mho relay is
presented, in order to take this effect into account.
tic, and the diameter D lags Z, by CYand has a magnitude
In Section 3 it will be seen that, in the case of the
IDI =IZ,Iseco.Foro=15.secoisl.O35,whichisa
polarised mho relay, the input quantities to the relay
negligible increase. The polar equation of the mho circle take the most general form, i.e.
S, = Z,: + KZL
(ZJ = JZ,( cos (I#J- /3 + a) set (Y
sz = z,, - ZL
where I#Jand 0 are the angles of ZL and Z,, respectively.
The value of Z when C#J= 0, i.e. the relay reach in the It is shown in Appendix 12.1 that the locus of ZL at the
resistive axis for terminal faults, is boundary of operation of the relay is a circle, and a
simple construction is developed which relates the posi-
R = /z,I cos (0 - a) set a
tion of the circle in the complex plane to the three
Engineers concerned with the application of polarised constants Z,,,, Zn? and K.

ANALYSIS OF POLARISED-MHO-RELAY Vaa is not used in practice, because the vector position
CHARACTERISTIC FOR PHASE-TO-PHASE is such that inductive phase shift is required to achieve
FAULTS the correct phase relation with Vyn, and this raises prac-
The system is shown schematically in Fig. 6, together tical problems. There are no further advantages to be
with the sequence impedance diagram. The operation of gained by this choice, and it will not be considered.
a relay connected between yellow and blue phases is

Derivation of polarising voltage for phase-fault

relay element
The three practical cases are considered below for the
derivation of the polarising signal Sr.
This is a case of mixed polarising, where K2 is complex
with an angle of approximately - 90”. For later simplifi-
cation, we write K2 = - jd3K;. Kr is generally real and
approximately equals 1.
Subsituting for Vyg and VR and simplifying,
S1 = E(a2 - a)[KIZL + K;(Z, + ZL)]/(Zs + Z,)

fb) Sr = K~VYB + KzVYR

E- K1 is as before. For convenience in this case we write
w K2 = G/60".
Zs 11 Substituting for the voltages and simplifying, S1 becomes

E(a* - a)[KIZL + K;ZL

+ (d3/2)K; EZs]/(Zs + Z,)

(C) Sl = KIVYB

This is the case of a memory relay, where KiVya is
initially the interphase voltage prior to the fault, which
considered. then decays exponentially to the fault voltage. K1 may
The voltages and currents in each phase are have a small angle, owing to the resonant frequency of
VR = E the tuned circuit not coinciding with the system fre-
quency. In this case,
vy = 2(z “, zL) WZL - Zd
S1 = KIE(az - a)(Z, + ZL)/(Zs + Z,)
VB = (2aZL - Zd
2(Z, + ZL) which is the signal just prior to fault occurrence.
These three cases cover those generally used in prac-
VYR = E[(aZ - l)ZL- 1..52,]/(2, + Z,)
tice. The general characteristics for the three types of
V YB = E(aZ - a)ZL/(Z, + Z,) mho relay may be obtained in the manner detailed in
Ia = 0 Appendix 12.1. The signal S2 in each is the same; S1
Iv = E(a2 - a)/2(ZS + Z,) takes the three alternative forms described in (a), (b)
IB = - Iy and (c) above. In order to obtain the general form of
input signal S; and S;, all input signals will be multiplied
IY - I, = E(aa - a)/(Zs + Z,) by the vector
The measuring signal for a polarised mho phase-fault
relay is
s2 = (IY - IB)zn - VYB
(Z, + ZL)/E(aZ
- a)
which, in this case, is The input signals for the three cases then become

S2 = E(a2 - a)(Z, - ZL)/(Zs + Z,) (a) s; = K;Z, + (K, + K;)Z,

There are three possible practical alternative choices for s, = z, - ZL

polarising voltage: (b) s; = (d/3/2) /3o”K;Z, + (K, + K;)Z,
(c) combination of VYa and Va s; = z, - ZL
(b) combmation of VYa and VYa (c) s; = KrZ, + KIZL
(c) memory circuit associated with VYa. s; = z, - zr

Characteristic of polarised mho phase-fault relay
The relay characteristics for the forward direction of
power flow in the three cases are shown in Fig. 7. In all
cases, the origin is enclosed by the relay characteristic,
-CR the degree of offset of the relay in the third quadrant
being principally a function of the source-impedance

P K, V,, +K,

4 I b Polarised
K, vYB + K, VYR


c Polarised b
Kl EYB (memory)



The relationship between the three general constants aZ,=O

Znl, Z,, and K is given in Table 1. bZs=m

vector Z, and the constant KZ. When Z, = 0, the charac-

teristic always passes through the origin. The construc-
Table 1 tion for this special condition for case (a) is shown in Fig.
Relationship between vectors 8. By virtue of the construction for the relay characteris-
tic, the diameter subtends an angle of 90” at the origin,
Case Znl Z n2 K which must therefore lie on the relay characteristic. Also
shown in Fig. 8 for the same case is the construction for
(4 Z, K;Z, Ki + K; the special condition Z, = COin case (a). It is evident that
the characteristic is a straight line through Z, perpen-
(d3/2)K; /30” Z, Ki + K; dicular to K;Z,.
(b) Z,
From the foregoing, it would appear that the direc-
KiZ, Ki tional feature of the relay has been lost, since the origin
(c) Z”
is enclosed by the relay characteristic. This interpreta-

origin lies outside the relay characteristic, which is
almost entirely in the third or negative-impedance
quandrant. Only in the special case of Z, = 0 is it per-
missible to identify negative impedance and reverse
power, since the characteristics for both directions of
power flow are then identical.



In this case, operation of a relay connected beween the

red phase and earth is considered. The sequence diag-
ram is shown in Fig. 10.

11 = E/[(2 + p)Z, + (2 + s)Z,l

Ii = I* = 10

Where ZSO = pZ, and ZLO = qZL


= E[(2 + q)Z&[(2 + P)Z, + (2 + q)Z,l

VY = E[(2 + p)a*Z, + (2 + q)a*Zr
tion follows from the fact that negative impedance in the + (I -P)ZM(2 + P)ZS + (2 + q)ZJ
forward sense and positive impedance with reverse V’s = E[(2 + p)aZ, + (2 + q)aZL
power flow are normally identified. This assumption is
+ (I- P)Z,1/[2 + P)Z, + (2 + S)ZLl
not valid. In the case of reverse power flow, the relay-
input equations change, owing to the new vector rela- V YB = E(a* - a)
tionship between voltage and current. Typically, in case
IR = 3E/[(2 + p)Z, + (2 + $51

(a), the equations become

s; = K;Z, + (K, + K;)Z,
s; = - z, - ZL In the case of an earth-fault relay, the measuring current
is a combination of phase and zero sequence to give
The vector construction for this case is shown in Fig. 9. It correct measurement impedance, i.e.
may be seen that the characteristic is totally different
from that for forward power flow. In particular, the 1, = IR + [(&/ZL) - 1lIo
= E(2 + qM(2 + p)Z, + (2 + q)ZJ

The measuring signal in the case of an earth-fault relay is

sz = I,Z, - v,

= E(2 + q)(Z, - Z,)/[(2 + PY, + (2 + q)&l

I In this case, there are four practical cases of polarising-

FOG. 10. SEOUENCEDIAGRAM FORPHASE-EARTH voltage signal S, to be considered: K,Va + K,Va, K,Vs
FAULT + K?VYs, K,Vs (memory) and KIVR + K:V,B.

Derivation of polarising voltage for earth-fault
(a) SI = KIVR + K2VB
Writing for convenience Kz = KG /- 120”,

E[K1(2 + q)Z,_ + K;(2 + p)Z, + K;(2 + q)ZL + K;(l - p)Z, /120” ]

S1 = K,VR + K2V, =
(2 + P)Z, + (2 + SPL

= E(2 + q){K;[(d3 ,‘- 30” + d3p /)Z,/(2 + q)] + (K, + G&Z,}

(2 + P) Z, + (2 + 4PL

(b) SI = K,VR + KZVYB

Writing K2 = - jK4,

s1 = E(2 + q){[d3K;(2 + p)Z,/(2 + 41 + WI + d3K;)Z~1

(2 + P)Z, + (2 + SPL

(c) S1 = K,E =
E(2 + q){[K,(2 + p)Z,/(2 + 41 + KJL)
(2 + P)Zs + (2 + q)Zl_

E(2 + q){[d3K;( ,‘- 60” + p)Z,@ + q)] + (K, + d3K;)Z,1

(4 SI =
(2 + P)Z, + (2 + S>ZL

and K2 = K; / 30

Characteristic of polarised mho earth-fault relay reason. The same arguments regarding extren;e limits of
element Z, apply, i.e. zero and infinity.
In the former case, simple mho-relay characteristics
The input quantities S,’and S; for the four cases are
are obtained and, in the latter case, reactance-relay
obtained by multiplying S1 and Sz by
[(2 + P)Z, + (2 + qPJ(2 + qF
fa) S; = d3K;I( /- 30” + p /30” )Z,/(2 + q)] 2-PHASE-TO-EARTH FAULT CONDITIONS
+ (K, + K;)Z, Owing to the complexity of the voltage and current
s: = Z” - ZL relationships, it is not possible to describe the charac-
teristics in terms of the simple basic quantities as has
(b) S,’= V,3%[(2 + p)Z,/(2 + q)] been done in other cases. However, the following gen-
+ (K, + g3K;)Z, eral observations may be made:
s: = Z” - ZL (i) When Z, = 0, all characteristics are simple ‘mho’
circles through the origin.
fc) s; = K,[(2 + p)Z,i(2 + q)l + K,ZL (ii) When Z, = m , the characteristics are straight
s: = Z” - ZL lines whose angles of inclination are functions of
Zs. as before.
(d) s; = d3K;Z,[(,/- 60” + p)/(2 + q)] The choice of the type of sound-phase polarising is of
+ (K, + d3K;)Z, some importance, since the vectors are subject to severe
s: = z, - ZL_ phase shifts. A danger exists when Z, is large that, if KiZs
is too far in the fourth quadrant, overreach for arcmg
It may be seen that cases (a) and (d) are almost identi- faults will be experienced. The basis for selection of
cal if Ki in the second case has a leading angle of 30”, sound-phase polarising described by Ellis” is valid in this
while cases (b) and (c) are similar. case, since the phase shifts described in his paper are in
The characteristics for cases (a) and (b) are shown in fact related to the effective position of K$Zs on the mho
Fig. 11. The general appearance is similar to that for the characteristic. In general, the preferred choice of ‘sound
phase-fault relays. The condition for reverse power is phase’ for a phase-fault element is Va for a RY relay
similar to that previously described for the phase-fault while the preferred phase for a RE relay is also Va. It is
elements, and the characteristics are not plotted for this important to note that the RE relay measures correctly

(iii) St = KtE
S2 = E(Z, - Z$(Zr + Z,)
s; = K,Z, + KrZi_
s; = Z” - zt_

The two characteristics are shown in Fig. 12. The

-I? angle of K; has purposely been exaggerated to show the
lack of coincidence between Z, and the diameter in this




for both RYE and RBa faults. In the former case, the
characteristic encloses the origin as in the case of the
simple earth fault, while in the latter case the origin is
indeterminate, because Vn falls to zero with Vn, and a
simple mho characteristic is obtained.
With the exception of the memory relay, the characteris- PRACTICAL RESULTS
tics will be simple ‘mho’ circles, the origin being inde- Tests were carried out on a polarised mho phase-fault
terminate. The diameter may not coincide with Z,, if K: is relay using the rectifier-bridge moving-coil principle.
not real. Polarising was as for case (u) of Section 4.1, and the
The behaviour of a RE relay polarised from Vn and constants of the relay were 0 (angle of Z,,) = 60”. K, =
the same relay with memory are considered below: 1.42 and KJ = 0.14/- 15’.
A set of polar curves is presented in Fig. 13. These
(i) VR = W/G - Z,.) were obtained by connecting a relay to a j-phase test
Vu = aEZ,/(Z, - ZL) bench and varing the line impedance together with simu-
lated fault resistance. The curves are normalised, in that
IK = E/CC - Z,) all vectors are divided by Z,,. It follows that ZJZ,, = y is
_ 0 the system-impedance range factor. The curves are pre-
(ii) t’: I E[K,Z, - K;Z,.]/(Z. + Z,) sented for a number of such factors. The curves are not
circles about the major diameter, since in this particular
S? = E(Z,, - Zr)i(Z\ + Z,) type of relay the criterion for operation is that the angle
s; = K,Z,_ - K:Z, between the two signals S, and S? is 75” rather than Yo”.
.SJ= Z,, - ZI so that the relay characteristic consists of the arcs of two

circles with the major diameter becoming a chord. If the characteristic which is independent of system condi-
reach in the resistive axis is critical, this effect could be tions, i.e. ZL = Z,. In the past, in certain cases, the
taken into account. The theoretical curves are also setting of a polarised mho relay for line angles other than
given, and, apart from the disparity in reach in the resi- that of Z, has been specified in terms of the simple
tive direction for the reason stated, the agreement bet- trigonometrical equation Z, = Z, cos (0 - +), where Z,
ween theory and practice is good. is the setting for a line angle 19- 4 displaced from that of
Z,. It may be seen from the analysis in this paper that the not valid and that errors in setting may arise
ASSESSMENT OF THE CAPABILITIES OF if this approach is used. If an accurate knowledge of the
THE POLARISED MHO RELAY setting is required, the angle 0 - + should not exceed
In the past, it has been customary to use polarised mho 10”.
relays for relatively long feeders, while reactance relays In the case of lines with series capacitors, this condi-
have been preferred for short lines where arc resistance tion cannot be met and the setting becomes indeter-

I nomlml
angle 60° Owing to disparities between theory and practice in
predicting the performance of polarised mho relays, a
new theoretical analysis was undertaken, the treatment
5 being presented in Section 1 of this paper.
The characteristics of the polarised mho relay for a
number of well known connections are shown to have an
offset in the negative-impedance quadrant in the case of
unbalanced faults, thus providing added reach in the
direction of the resistive axis. In particular, the reach for
arcing-terminal faults is far greater than would be
expected from a simplified analysis.
0 R
0 0.5 2. I.0 l-5 Negative impedance and reverse power flow should
z not, in general, be identified, since the characteristic for
FIG. 13. COMPARISON BETWEEN THEORETICALAND reverse power flow is different from that for forward
EXPERIMENTALRESULTS flow. It is shown that, for unbalanced faults, the polar-
y = Z,/Z" ised mho characteristic for reverse power flow is a circle
-0- experimental lying almost entirely in the negative-impedance quad-
- - - theoretical rant and not enclosing the origin, so that the relays are
has been a problem. This latter solution has not been The characteristics of crosspolarised directional relays
ideal, because of the need for a directional-control ele- are in accord with the general theory as shown in
ment and an impedance element for preventing unde- Appendix 12.2. For unbalanced faults, the origin is
sired operation on load current. From the analysis pre- included within the relay characteristic for faults in the
sented in this paper, it may be seen that, when the source forward direction and lies outside it for faults in the
impedance is large compared with the relay setting, the reverse direction. In this case, the relay characteristic is a
polarised mho characteristic is similar to that of a reac- straight line.
tance relay, and the advantage of the latter becomes The polar characteristics of polyphase directional
marginal. The condition of a very short line with arc impedance relays may be obtained by the same general
resistance usually implies that the source- method (Appendix 12.3) and are in accordance with the
impedance/line-impedance ratio is high, and it follows results for single elements.
that the polarised mho relay has the virture of automati- The advantages of the reactance relay for short lines
cally adapting itself to system conditions. Load current is are not as great as may be expected from a simplified
not a problem, since in this case of balanced current analysis, and the polarised mho relay may be favoured,
flow, the characteristic is the classical mho circle. Gen- because of its ability to adapt itself to the system condi-
erally the likelihood of a 3-phase arcing fault is small, tions; i.e. increasing its reach in the resistive axis for
and the lack of reach in this case would not be a serious arcing faults on short lines, whilst retaining the virtue of
drawback. insensitivity to impedances due to load currents and
The analysis also enables an assessment of reach to be power swings.
made for faults which lie in the fourth quadrant. This If an accurate knowledge of the settings of a polarised
may be necessary in lines which have series-capacitor mho relay is required, the angles of the nominal impe-
compensation, and in the past it has been difficult to dance Z, and the line impedance Zr should not differ by
predict the relay behaviour in this case. more than 10”. The setting in the case of lines with series
A further important point which should be noted is capacitance may be determined for certain specific plant
that there is only one point on the polarised-mho-relay conditions but cannot be specified in the general case,

since it is a function of the system source- K = D/B
impedance/line-impedance ratio. ZL = V/I
Finally, it should be noted that the analysis in this
paper is based on the assumption that the faulted line is and A, B, C, D and K are, in general, complex. The
energised from one end of the system only. The analysis boundary of relay operation is defined by the condition
in the more general case does not lend itself readily to a that S; and $ should be displaced in phase by 90”.
simple geometrical interpretation. In this case, it would The vector diagram is shown in Fig. 14, the vectors S,’
be more appropriate to study specific cases with the aid and S; being represented by AB and DC, which are at
of a digital computer backed by practical results
obtained from a test bench. This does not detract from
the analysis in the paper, however, since the main effect
of an interconnected system would be to alter slightly the
amplitude and phase of the voltage derived from the
unfaulted phases and to include reactive effects in the
arc-resistance voltage, which is purely resistive in the
simple case. The general form of the characteristic
would remain unchanged. The comparison with earlier
analysis is in any event valid, because this was invariably
based on the assumption of a power feed from one end of
the system only.

The author wishes to thank A. Reyrolle and Co. Ltd. for
permission to publish this paper.
Thanks are expressed to Mr. F. L. Hamilton
(Engineer-in-charge of research), and Mr. J. B. Patrick-
son (Deputy Engineer-in-charge of research) for helpful
discussions during the preparation of this paper, and to
Mr. T. H. Potts for carrying out the practical tests.
OE = Z&K
WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C.: ‘Application of the right angles on the relay boundary. Since it is the locus of
ohm and mho principles to protective relays’, Truns. point B which is of interest, a point E is described, so that
Amer. Inst. Elect. Engrs., 1946, 65, p.378 triangle OCD is similar to triangle OBE. The ratio bet-
WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C.: ‘Reactance relays ween sides is OC/OB = K, so that corresponding sides of
negligibly affected by arc impedance’, Elect. World, the two triangles are in the magnitude ratio K and sepa-
1931, 98, p.502. rated in phase by S, the angle of K. The corresponding
ELLIS, N. S.: ‘Distance protection of feeders’, sides EB and CD intersect at X, and the angle BXC is 6.
Reyrolle Rev., 1957, (168), p.16 (which is chapter By definition, AB and DC are at right angles; angle
11) XBY is therefore 90” - 6 and angle ABE is 90” + 6.
WARRINGTON, A. R. VAN C.: ‘Protective relays, Since A and E are points fixed by Z,, , Zn2 and K and are
their theory and practice’ (Chapman and Hall, not functions of ZL, AE must be a chord of the relay-
(1962) p.285 characteristic circle. A diameter of the circle must be
AF, such that ABF is a right angle, and therefore angle
APPENDIXES FBE is 6. Since A is also on the characteristic circle, FE
12.1 General distance-relay characteristic must subtend the same angle at B as at A, so that angle
FAE is S. Finally, FEA is a right angle, since it is sub-
The most general input to a 2-terminal phase-angle
tended by the diameter.
comparator is
This diagram provides the basis for a simple construc-
S, = AI - BV tion for the general circle. It is noted that ZL = Znl is a
S2 = CI + DV point on the circle; the vector diagram is drawn for this
special case in Fig. 15. Here B and A are coincident,
The relative phase angles are not disturbed if both
since Z,, = ZL and OC = KZL =KZnl. E is the same as
signals are divided by BI to give
before. The phase of the zero vector AB must be at right
s; = z,* - ZL angles to DC (= Zn2 + KZnl). The triangles OCD and
s; = Zn2 - KZL OAE are similar, as before. A diameter is obtained by
where describing F so that angle FAE is6 and angle FEA is a
right angle as before.
Z”, = A/B A new point M is fixed so that MA is equal and
Z,* = C/B parallel to OC (= KZnl), and G is fixed so that MG is

equal and parallel to DO (= Z,,). OH is drawn perpen-
dicular to OA (= Znl), and it remains only to show that
HF is parallel to MG and GFA lies on a straight line.
This is done by noting that triangles OAH and EAF are
similar (equal angles 6 and one right angle), and conse-
quently triangles AHF and AOE are similar, since there
is an equivalence in translation from H to 0 and F to E.
However, triangles OAE and MAG are similar, and
therefore MAG and HAF are similar, so that F lies on
AG. The final construction of the general characteristic
is shown in Fig. 16. Vector K is also shown for clarifica-



12.2 Directional relays

‘Crosspolarised’ directional relays may be explained
in terms of the analysis described for polarised mho
relays. The analysis will be performed for one particular
connection, but the extension to other connections is
obvious. Consider a phase-comparing relay of the type
previously described, in which S, = IPZ, and S2 = Vva
i 90”, this being the so-called ‘quadrature’ directional-
relay connection.
A number of faults need to be considered, i.e. RY,
RB, RE and RYB.
RY fault
s, = E(1 - a*)Z,/2(Z, + Z,)

s> = v3E(;d3Z5/30” + Z$(Z\ + Z,)

s, = z, &I2
s, = ;d3z, /30” + z,

RB fault
s, = E(1 - a)Z,/2(Z, + Z,)
zL= z, s:= d3E(&d3Zs /-30” + Z$(Z, + Z,)
s;= Z, ,/ - 30”/2
Since the construction will be used repeatedly in the
$= #3z, /- 30” + z,,
text, it is worth while summarising the steps:
Vector Z,, is drawn from the origin. RE fault
Vector KZ,, is drawn to meet the extremity of the s, = EZ,,/[(2 + P)Z\ + (2 + q)Z,l
Z,, vector.
Z,, is drawn in such a position that the extremity sz = (a2 - a) /OO"E
touches the beginning of vector KZ,,,. s;= Z,/~3(2 + q)
Vector Z,,? + KZ,,, is formed by joining the begin-
ning of Z,,? to the extremity of KZ,, (and incidentally .$= ZJ(2 + P)/(2 + 41 + ZL

RYB fault
5. A line is drawn from the origin perpendicular to Z,,,
to intersect KZ,,. s, = EUK -+ ZL)
6. From the point of intersection with KZ,,,, a line is
s, = d3EZ,/(Z, + ZL)
drawn parallel to Zn2 to interset Z,,? + KZ,,,.
7. The vector diameter of the relay characteristic is s; = z,,N3
drawn from the final point of intersection to the
extremity of the Z,,, vector. SJ = z,_

The characteristics are shown in Fig. 17, where it can either be in phase or in antiphase at the boundary of
be seen that they are similar to those of the polarised operation. The same characteristic could be realised
mho relay, except that in this case the diameter is infi- with a cos 4 comparator, if a relative phase shift of 90”
nite. The general characteristic is a straight line through were introduced between the two signals. It has been
indicated’ that a phase comparator with this connection
gives correct impedance measurement for interphase
X faults between any pair of phases but gives no protection

against 3-phase faults. However, the polar characteristic
for various fault types is not described.
The polar characteristic is obtained for the possible
fault types as shown below.

12.3.1 Fault between phases R and Y

s1 = (1 - 4E (Z” - Z,)
zs+ ZL

s; =
= (1 - W
zs+ ZL
z, - ZL
Cl-a>(Z,+ZL> + Z,
1 - a2 2
s; = fz, - z,( ,‘-60” - 4) - z, /- 60”

= 22, + $jd3Z, - ZL /- 60”


u RY tault
h RB fault

the modified Z, vector, perendicular to the modified Z,,

vector. Again the origin is included within the relay-
operating characteristic for forward power flow and is
outside it for reverse power, except in the case of a
3-phase fault, when the characteristic passes through
the origin. For the cases considered for this particular
connection, the characteristic rotates through ?30”,
depending on the type of fault. This is a well known

effect and is taken into account when specifying the

angle of Z,,. ZS
12.3 Polyphase directional impedance relays R =v
There is a certain class of relay connection which gives 2s

rise to polyphase directional impedance characteristics.’

The characteristics of one of these will be described
d e
below. The two input signals to a phase comparator in

S, = (I, - IYjz,, - vRY
t, RY tilllIt
and Sz = (IR - l,,)z,, - VKH
h RB li~~lf
The only practical realisation of this relay described in (’ YB t;rillt
the literature“ makes use of an induction-cup movement,
so that the criterion for operation is that S, and Sz should
It is important to note that the criterion for operation 12.3.3 Fault between phases Y and B
is S1 and S2 in phase or antiphase. If S’i is advanced 60” to In this case, the two input signals are
become S2, the criterion for operation becomes s; = $Z, /60” - &V/32, /-30” - ZL
60” 5 o 5 240”
S; = ;Z, /-60” - ;d3Z, / - ZL
where (Y isthe angle of S” relative to S; and
s; = z, - zr where, as before, the operating criterion is 60” < a <
s; = fZ, /60” - id32, /-30” - ZL 240”. The characteristic is once more an offset circle
through Z,, as shown in Fig. 14~. The vector chord in this
The polar characteristic is shown in Fig. 18a. It is seen case is
that the characteristic is an offset ‘mho’ circle with the bZ,( ,‘60”- ,‘60”)-$d3Z, (/-30”- /30”)
= ijV3(Z, + Z,)
Z” - (dZ, /60” - &V/32, /-30”)
As before, the vector chord subtends 60” in the major
= N/3(2” + Z,) /-30” quadrant, so that the diameter is Z, + Z,, and the
vector as a chord. characteristic is identical with that for the previous two
It is clear that the chord subtends an angle of 60” to the cases.
right and 120” to the left of the chord. The diameter must The characteristic for all phase faults for forward
therefore be the vector D = C /30” set 30”, where C is power flow is shown in Fig. 18d and for reverse power
the chord; i.e. D = Z, + Z,. For reverse power, the flow in Fig. 18e.
diameter is D = - Z, + Z,, and, as in previous cases, the
characteristic lies almost entirely in the third quadrant 12.3.4 2-phase-earth faults
and the origin is outside the relay circle. As before, a geometrical presentation of the polar
characteristics is complicated, but it is readily seen that
the vector Z, is on the relay characteristic, and it may be
12.3.2 Fault between phases R and B assumed that the main effect in this case is for the degree
In this case, the two signals become, after manipula- of offset in the negative-impedance quadrant to be mod-
tion, ified, while retaining accuracy of setting in the positive-
impedance quadrant.
S; = ;Z, /-60” - ;d3Z, /+ 30” - ZL

s; = z, - zi_ 12.3.5 3-phase faults

The criterion for operation is, as before, In this case, Si and S2 are equal in magnitude. Si is
proportional to (1 - a’) and S2 to (1 - a), so that there is
60” 5- a! 5- 240”
a permanent restrain condition; no operation can take
where cr is the angle of S; relative to S’/. The polar place.
characteristic is shown in Fig. 18b. In this case, the
vector chord is 12.3.6 Comparison of the relay characteristic for different
Z, - (22, /-60” - #3Z, ,‘+30”) fault types

= &V/3(2” + Z,) /30” It has been shown that, in the case of each type of
phase fault, the relay characteristics are identical, with
Applying the same reasoning as for a RY fault, the diameter Z, + Z,. The connection thus yields a true
diameter is Z, + Z,, and the characteristics are identical poly-phase polarised ‘mho’ phase-fault element which is
in the two cases. insensitive to 3-phase balanced conditions.


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