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Date: 7/06/23

Dear Parent/Guardian

Today at the College, regrettably, your child chose to not follow College expectations. Due to their

actions, they are unable to return to school/class until they are committed to following the school


I request that you help your child work through the ‘Plan to Return to School’ form in order to support

your child through a successful re-entry to the College. Please make sure that you have had time to

discuss this form with your child. Please also ensure your child is committed to following the plan they

have created (before your scheduled re-entry meeting). This re-entry meeting will include your child,

yourself, House Dean and/or the Assistant Principal Wellbeing.

If you have any questions that you have, please do not hesitate to contact the college and speak with
Ms Deanna Turner on 3269 8188.

Yours sincerely

Ms Deanna Turner

Assistant Principal Wellbeing

DATE 7/06/23 STUDENT Talithah Knights PC CLASS 9BR3

Describe what happened accurately and in detail.

= I walked into the bathroom at around 1:50pm because I seen Rubie Kenny run into it, so I followed but
I don’t think she knew I was behind her because I came from a different direction. When I entered Rubie
sprinted past me outside with smoke coming out of her mouth while she was running. I kept walking in
and turned the corner to the far side and seen Isla Hayden Davis, Erin Holmes, Ashleigh Cockling, Emilia
Murphy. When Isla had seen me she said “oh its fine it’s just tilly she won’t snitch” then pulled out her
vape (either king or legend) that she had put in her bra and passed it to Emilia and she did a gohstie
(which is like where u puff the smoke out and then quickly inhale it again without the smoke going into
the air to much) with it then like 5 hits, then she passed it Ashleigh (cause the one that she had and was
sharing with Erin had died) and she did like 5 or 6 hits then Isla took it back and asked if I wanted some
and I said no because I don’t do it anymore because it hurts to breathe in a lot now. So, Isla passed it
back to Ashleigh because she wanted more and as she was taking her like 8th puff of the break and while
she was walking out of the stale 2 seniors and junior walked around the corner while she had the vape in
her mouth and she had taken the vape out but still had the vape in her hand and the vapes smoke was
still in her mouth and let it out in front of the persons face and was waving the vape around then we left.

Does your description match what the person in charge said? Yes □ No□ I don’t know□ If no, how will
you deal with this difference and come to an agreement?

= I don’t know because I think that if the other girls get in trouble there gonna say anything for me to get
in trouble so if you were to ask them “was tilly vaping with you guys” they will probably say yes because
they will want me to get in trouble if they do. There’s no difference between us because they don’t know
that I snitched on them. They think that I kept the agreement with them that they didn’t do anything but
I’m not lying for them, and that will never know that I lied about keeping the agreement.

What was the expectation (things we need to do) or procedure (the way we need to do things) that
you didn’t follow? (Use the John Fisher Way Matrix in your planner)

= The school expectation or procedure that I didn’t follow was not being safe, not showing the St John
Fisher ways of learning, not showing pride in the school, not being aware and mindful of my actions and

DATE 7/06/23 STUDENT Talithah Knights PC CLASS 9BR3

Why do you think we have that expectation/procedure at St John Fisher College?

= We have procedures at st john fisher college to be able to function effectively and ensure everyone is
connected, and it is important to follow the schools’ expectations because it provides the basis of
maintaining a safe and effective learning environment.

Who is responsible for your actions and choices?

= I am responsible for my actions and choices because I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I
continued to do it while I knew that if I got caught, I would get suspended for it. And I knew that if you
guys found out you and miss sweeney would be disappointed and mad at me.

Think about the time you didn’t follow the expectation/procedure. Did that keep the teacher or other
students from doing things they were trying to do? Yes □ No □

If yes, what did you keep them from doing?

What things are most important to you in your life right now? (Your priorities list e.g., good marks,
sport, time with friends, family, pets, etc.). (In the large boxes below)

2 Friends 5 School
4 Cheer 3 My bed 1 Pus Pus (My Cat)

Next put a 1 next to the top priority, a 2 next the second priority and so on. (In the smaller boxes
located to the left of important things)

What do you notice about your list of priorities and the way you have been spending your time in the

= schools my last priority and friends are higher on the list

DATE 7/06/23 STUDENT Talithah Knights PC CLASS 9BR3

Please read the following questions with care. Answer honestly (when writing your Goal and Action

1. What are you going to do next time you have this problem? Leave the bathroom straight
2. What steps/actions could you take to help you avoid being asked to go home? Not doing a
bad thing at the start.

GOAL: = Not get suspended again

ACTION STEPS – Write down exactly what you WILL DO to achieve your goal.

□ I will: Not hang out in the bathroom

□ I will: Not hang out with people who are vaping

□ I will: Leave the area if I see something that shouldn’t be happening

□ I will: Be a snitch if I see something happening

Is my Goal… Specific Yes □ No □ Realistic Yes □ No □ Measurable Yes □ No □

What difficulties could you encounter when trying to follow your plan?

= That if my friends go into the bathroom, I’m gonna follow because I don’t want to be alone outside,
and I might not leave the bathroom if they are doing something bad because I don’t want to be alone.

If you are committed and serious about following your plan, what should we see happening? What
changes could we expect?

= Not going into the bathroom if I see multiple people go in, not dodging the wrong thing.

What do you need to help you to be successful with your goals and plans?

Monitoring sheet plan Plan reminder Nothing extra

Meeting with guidance counselor Meeting with house dean Chill pass
Meeting with curriculum leader Different seating plan Other:
DATE 7/06/23 STUDENT Talithah Knights PC CLASS 9BR3

In detail, describe how you will catch up on any work missed (while not in the classroom)

Who will you get the work from? = My teachers from my classes that I missed.

When/where/how will you do it = I will do it at home/free time the night I get it.

When will you show the teacher the completed work? = I will either email it to them if it is on my
laptop or give it them at the staff room.

Have you filled out your ‘goal monitoring’ sheet? Yes □ No □

Name of Student Signature Date

Please Print name in full

Name of Parent Signature Date

Please print name in full

Name of House Dean Signature Date

Please print name in full

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