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MECH4411 Heat Transfer

Part 2 – Convective heat transfer

Lecture Note 5
Forced convection across cylinders, spheres and tube banks

1. Forced convection across cylinders

2. Forced convection across spheres

3. Forced convection across tube banks

Flow across cylinders and spheres
The boundary-layer development on the cylinder determines the heat-transfer characteristics.

In a cylinder, the pressure gradient causes a separated flow region to

develop on the back side of the cylinder when the free-stream velocity
is sufficiently large.

The pressure increase and reduction in velocity are related

through the Bernoulli equation written along a streamline:

dp u!
= −d
ρ 2g"

The pressure is assumed constant throughout the boundary

layer. Reverse flow may begin in the boundary layer near the
surface when the momentum of the fluid layers near the
surface is not sufficiently high to overcome the increase in
pressure. This leads to the boundary layer separation.

Drag coefficients for cylinders and spheres
The drag coefficient for bluff bodies is defined by
F# = C# A
where CD is the drag coefficient and A is the frontal area of the body exposed to the flow.

Drag coefficient for circular cylinders as a function of Drag coefficient for spheres as a function of
the Reynolds number the Reynolds number
Correlation for heat transfer in cylinders

Local Nusselt number for heat transfer Correlation for heating and cooling in cross flow
from a cylinder in crossflow over circular cylinders.
Temperature field around heated cylinders
Interferometer photograph showing isotherms around heated horizontal cylinders placed in a transverse airstream.
ρu$ d
Re = where d is the diameter of the cylinder.

Empirical relations for heat transfer in cylinders
The flow separation behind cylinders and spheres are complex, and analytical solution do not exist.
Knudsen and Katz formula:
hd u$ d (/*
Nu%& = =C Pr&
k& υ&

where the constants C and n are tubulated blow. Properties are evaluated at the film temperature as indicated
by the subscript f.

Table 1: Constants for Knudsen and Katz formula

Redf C n
0.4 - 4 0.989 0.330
4 - 40 0.911 0.385
40 - 4000 0.683 0.466
4000 - 40000 0.193 0.618
40000 – 400000 0.0266 0.805

Empirical relations for heat transfer in cylinders
Fand formula works for liquids to cylinders in cross flow when excessive free-stream turbulence is not encountered.
Nu& = (0.35 + 0.56Re&+.-! )Pr&+.* for 10 .( < Ref < 10 -
Eckert and Drake formula are in agreement with the results of Knudsen and Katz formula within 5 to 10 percent.
Nu = 0.43 + 0.50 Re+.- Pr+.*/ for 1 < Re < 10 *
Pr &
Nu = 0.25Re+.1 Pr+.*/ for 10 * < Re < 2 × 10 -
For gases, the Prandtl number ratio may be dropped, and fluid properties are evaluated at the film temperature.
For liquids, the ratio is retained, and fluid properties are evaluated at the free-stream temperature.

Whitaker formula:
μ$ +.!- μ$
Nu = (0.4Re +.-
+ 0.06Re !/*
)Pr +.2 for 40 < Re < 10 - , 0.65 < Pe < 300 and 0.25 < < 5.2
μ0 μ0

ρc3 Ud
where Peclet number Pe = = RePr
All properties are evaluated at the free-stream temperature except that μ0 is at the wall temperature.

More empirical relations for cylinders
The Churchill and Bernstein formula is applicable over the “complete range of available data”
-// 2/-
0.62Re(/! Pr(/* Re
Nu% = 0.3 + 1+ for 10 ! < Re < 2 × 10 4 and Pe% > 0.2
1 + (0.4/Pr) !/* (/2 282,000
The relation underestimates the data in the Re between 200,00 and 400,000. The following formula can work.
0.62Re(/! Pr(/* Re
Nu% = 0.3 + 1+ for 20,000 < Re < 400,000 and Pe% > 0.2
1 + (0.4/Pr) !/* (/2 282,000
ρc3 Ud
where Peclet number Pe% = = Re% Pr

Nakai and Okazaki formula:

(/! .(
Nu% = 0.8237 − ln Pe% for Pe% < 0.2

Properties for the above equations are evaluated at the film temperature.

Empirical relations for heat transfer in spheres
McAdam formula for heat transfer from spheres to a flow gas (Pr ~ 0.7)
hd u$ d
Nu = = 0.37 for 17 < Re% < 70,000
k& υ&
Achenbach formula is applicable over a still wide range of Reynolds numbers of air with Pr = 0.71.
Nu = 2 + 0.25 Re + 3×10 .2 Re(.1 ! for 100 < Re < 3×10 -
Nu = 430 + 5×10 .2 + 2.5 ×10 .(+ Re! − 3.1×10 .(4 Re* for 3×10 - < Re < 5×10 1
The following correlation can be obtained for flow of liquids past the spheres.
h% .+.* u$ d
Pr& = 0.97 + 0.68 for 1 < Re% < 2000
k& υ&
Vilet and Leppert formula for heat transfer from spheres to oil and water:
μ0 +.!-
NuPr .+.* = 1.2 + 0.53Re+.-2
% for 1< Re < 200,000.
where all properties are evaluated at free-stream conditions, except μ0 at the sphere surface temperature.

Whitaker formula used all the above data and is a single equation for gases and liquids flowing past a sphere.
(/! !/* +.2
μ$ (/2
Nu = 2 + 0.4Re% + 0.06Re% Pr for 3.5 < Re% < 8 × 10 2 , 0.7 < Pr < 380
Properties are evaluated at the free-stream temperature.
Non-circular cylinders
Knudsen and Katz formula is employed: Table 2: Constants for heat transfer from noncircular cylinders
hd u$ d (/*
Nu%& = =C Pr&
k& υ&

Forced convection in tube banks (Grimson)
We can still use the Knudsen and Katz formula, but for tube banks, this is referred to as Grimson formula.
hd u567 d (/*
Nu%& = =C Pr&
k& υ&
The constants C and n need to be found from the following table.

Table 3: Grimson correlation for heat transfer in tube banks of 10 rows or more:

In line tubes

Staggered tubes
Maximum flow velocity and small N
For flows normal to in-line tube banks, the maximum flow velocity is given by
u567 = u$
S' − d
For the staggered arrangement the same maximum flow velocity will be experienced unless

! (/! 1
S' /2 + S!3 −d< (S − d)
2 '
S' /2
u567 = u$ (/!
S' /2 ! + S!3 −d

Also, obtained if there were less than 10 rows of tubes in the direction of the flow. The resulting value from the
Grimson formula must be multiplied by the factor given by the table below.
Table 4: Ratio of h for N rows deep to that for 10 rows deep

Forced convection in tube banks (Zukauskas)
Zukauskas formula
hd Pr (/2
Nu = = C Re'%,567 Pr+.*1 Table 5: Constants for Zukauskas correlation for N >20 rows of tubes
k Pr0
Geometry Re%,567 C n
for 0.7 < Pr < 500 and Inline 10 - 100 0.8 0.4
10 < Re%,567 <10 1 100 - 10* Treated as individual tubes

where all properties except Pr0 are 10* - 2×10- 0.27 0.63
evaluated at T$ and values of the > 2×10- 0.21 0.84
constants are given in the table for N Staggered 10 - 100 0.9 0.4
>20 rows of tubes
100 - 10* Treated as individual tubes
10* - 2×10- 9! +.! 9! 0.6
0.35 for <2
9" 9"
0.40 for 9! > 2

> 2×10- 0.022 0.84

Forced convection in tube banks for small N
If there were less than 20 rows of tubes in the direction of the flow. The resulting value from the Zukauskas formula
must be multiplied by the factor given by the table below.

Table 6: Ratio of h for N rows deep to that for 20 rows deep for Zukauskas correlation
N 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 16 20
Inline 0.77 0.84 0.89 0.92 0.94 0.97 0.98 0.99 1.0
Staggered 0.70 0.80 0.89 0.92 0.94 0.97 0.98 0.99 1.0

Example 1: Airflow across isothermal cylinder
Air at 1 atm and 35°C flows across a 5.0-cm-diameter cylinder at a velocity of 50 m/s. The cylinder surface is
maintained at a temperature of 150°C. Calculate the heat loss per unit length of the cylinder.
The film temperature is
T0 + T$ 150 + 35
T& = = = 92.5°C = 365.5 K
2 2
At T& = 365.5 K, from table A-5, we have p 1.0132×10 -
Pr& = 0.695, ρ& = = = 0.966 kg/m3
μ& = 2.14 × 10 .- kg/m3∙s, k& = 0.0312 W/m∙°C, RT (287)(365.5)
ρu$ d (0.966)(50)(0.05)
Re& = = .- = 1.129 × 10 -
μ 2.14×10
We use Knudsen and Katz formula for the cylinder. From table 1, C = 0.0266, n = 0.805
hd u$ d (/*
Nu%& = =C Pr& = 0.0266 1.129 × 10 - +./+- 0.695 (/* = 275.1
k& υ&
k& 275.1 (0.0312)
h = Nu%& = = 171.7 W/m2∙°C
d 0.05
= hπd T0 − T$ = 171.7 π 0.05 150 − 35 = 3100 W/m
L 16
Example 2: Heat transfer from electrically heated wire
A fine wire having a diameter of 3.94×10 .- m is placed in a 1-atm airstream at 25°C having a flow velocity of
50 m/s perpendicular to the wire. An electric current is passed through the wire, raising its surface temperature
to 50°C. Calculate the heat loss per unit length.
The film temperature is
T0 + T$ 25 + 50
T& = = = 37.5°C = 310 K
2 2
At T& = 365.5 K, from table A-5, we have
υ& = 16.7 × 10 .1 kg/m3∙s, k& = 002704 W/m∙°C, Pr& = 0.706

u$ d (50)(3.95×10 .- )
Re% = = = 118 Pe = Re Pr = 83.3
υ& 16.7×10 .1

Since Re = 118 and Pe = 83.3, multiple formula applies.

Here we consider the Knudsen and Katz formula as well as the Churchill and Bernstein formula and compare
the results.

Example 2: Heat transfer from electrically heated wire
Solution by the Knudsen and Katz formula:
From table 1, C = 0.683, n = 0.466
hd u$ d (/*
Nu%& = =C Pr& = 0.683 118 +.211 0.705 (/* = 5.615
k& υ&
k& 0.02704
h = Nu%& = 5.615 .- = 3854 W/m2∙°C
d 3.95×10
The heat transfer per unit length is then
= hπd T0 − T$ = 3894 π 3.95×10 .- 50 − 25 = 11.93 W/m
Solution by the Churchill and Bernstein formula:
-// 2/- -// 2/-
0.62Re(/! Pr(/* Re 0.62(118)(/! (0.705)(/* 118
Nu% = 0.3 + 1+ = 0.3 + 1+ = 5.593
1 + (0.4/Pr) !/* (/2 282,000 1 + (0.4/0.705) !/* (/2 282,000
k& (5.593)(0.02704)
h = Nu% = .-
= 3838W/m2∙°C
d 3.95×10
= hπd T0 − T$ = 3838 π 3.95×10 .- 50 − 25 = 11.88 W/m
Here, we find the two correlations differing by 0.4 percent.
Example 3: Heat transfer from sphere
Air at 1 atm and 27°C blows across a 12-mm-diameter sphere at a free-stream velocity of 4 m/s. A small heater
inside the sphere maintains the surface temperature at 77°C. Calculate the heat lost by the sphere.
At T∞ = 27°C = 300K, from table A-5,
υ = 15.69 × 10 .1 m2/s k = 002624 W/m∙°C Pr = 0.708 μ$ = 1.8462 × 10 .- kg/m∙s
At T0 = 77°C = 350K, μ0 = 2.075 × 10 .- kg/m∙s
u$ d (4)(0.012)
Re% = = = 3059
υ 15.69×10 .1
Here we consider the Whitaker formula as well as the McAdam formula and compare the results.

Solution by the Whitaker formula :

(/2 (/2
(/! !/* μ$ 1.8462
Nu = 2 + 0.4Re% + 0.06Re% Pr+.2 = 2 + 0.4 3059 (/!
+ (0.06) 3059 !/*
(0.708) +.2 = 31.40
μ0 2.075
k (31.4)(0.02624)
h = Nu = = 68.66 W/m2∙°C
d 0.012
q = hA T0 − T$ = 68.66 4π 0.006 ! 77 − 27 = 1.553 W
Example 3: Heat transfer from sphere
Solution by the McAdam formula :
T0 + T$ 350 + 300
T& = = = 325 K
2 2
υ& = 18.23 × 10 .1 m2/s k& = 0.02814 W/m∙°C

u$ d (4)(0.012)
Re% = = = 2633
υ& 18.23 × 10 .1
hd u$ d +.1
Nu& = = 0.37 = 0.37 2633 = 41.76
k& υ&

k& (41.73)(0.02814)
h = Nu& = = 97.9 W/m2∙°C
d 0.012

q = hA T0 − T$ = 97.9 4π 0.006 ! 77 − 27 = 2.214 W

which is about 42 percent higher than the value calculated before.

Example 4: Heating of air with in-line tube bank
Air at 1 atm and 10°C flows across a bank of tubes 15 rows high and 5 rows deep at a velocity of 7 m/s
measured at a point in the flow before the air enters the tube bank. The surfaces of the tubes are maintained
at 65°C. The diameter of the tubes is 1 in [2.54 cm]; they are arranged in an in-line manner so that the spacing
in both the normal and parallel directions to the flow is 1.5 in [3.81 cm]. Calculate the total heat transfer per
unit length for the tube bank and the exit air temperature using the Grimson formula.

The constants for use with Grimson formula may be obtained from Table 3, using
S3 3.81 S' 3.81
= = 1.5 = = 1.5
d 2.54 d 2.54
so that C = 0.278, n = 0.620
The properties of air are evaluated at the film temperature, which at the entrance to the tube bank is
T0 + T$ 65 + 10
T&# = = = 37.5°C = 310.5K
2 2
p 1.0132×10 5
ρ& = = = 1.137 kg/m3
RT (287)(310.5)
μ& = 1.894×10 .- kg/m3∙s k& = 0.027 W/m∙°C c3 = 1007 J/kg∙°C Pr = 0.706
Example 4: Heating of air with in-line tube bank
The maximum velocity is
S' (7)(3.81)
u567 = u$ = = 21 m/s
S' − d 3.81 − 2.54
where 𝑢$ is the incoming velocity before entrance to the tube bank. The Reynolds number is computed by
using the maximum velocity.
ρu567 d (1.137)(21)(0.0254)
Re = = = 32,020
μ 1.894×10 .-
The heat-transfer coefficient is then calculated with Grimson formula.
hd u567 d (/*
Nu%& = =C Pr& = 0.278 32,020 +.1! 0.706 (/* = 153.8
k& υ&
k& (153.8)(0.027)
h = Nu& = = 164 W/m2∙°C
d 0.0254
This is the heat-transfer coefficient that would be obtained if there were 10 rows of tubes in the direction of the flow.
Because there are only 5 rows, this value must be multiplied by the factor 0.92, as determined from Table 4.
The total surface area for heat transfer, considering unit length of tubes, is
A = Nπd 1 = 15 5 π 0.0254 = 5.985 m2
where N is the total number of tubes. 22
Example 4: Heating of air with in-line tube bank
Before calculating the heat transfer, we must recognize that the air temperature increases as the air flows
through the tube bank. Therefore, this must be taken into account when using
q = hA T0 − T$
As a good approximation, we can use an arithmetic average value of T$ and write for the energy balance
T$,( + T$,!
q = hA T0 − ̇ 3 T$,! − T$,(
= mc
where now the subscripts 1 and 2 designate entrance and exit to the tube bank. The mass flow at entrance to
the 15 tubes is
ṁ = ρ$ u$ (15)S'
p 1.0132×10 -
ρ$ = = = 1.246 kg/m3
RT$ (287)(283)
ṁ = 1.246 7 15 0.0381 = 4.99 kg/s
So that
10 + T$,!
0.92 164 5.985 65 − = (4.99)(1006)(T$,! − 10)
T$,! = 19.08°C
Therefore, the heat transfer is
q = mċ 3 T$,! − T$,( = 4.99 1006 19.08 − 10 = 45.6 kW/m
Example 5: Comparison of heat coefficient
Compare the heat-transfer coefficient calculated with Zukauskas formula with the value obtained in Example 4.

At free stream temperature T$ = 10°C, we have
υ =14.2 × 10 .1 kg/m3∙s k = 0.0249 W/m∙°C Pr = 0.712

At free stream temperature T0 = 65°C, we have

Pr0 = 0.70
u567 d (21)(0.0254)
Re%,567 = = = 37,563
μ 14.2×10 .1
From table 5, constants for Zukauskas formula are C = 0.27 and n = 0.63.
(/2 (/2
hd Pr 0.712
Nu = = C Re'%,567 Pr+.*1 = (0.027) 37,563 +.1* = 206.5
k Pr0 0.7
k (206.5)(0.0249)
h = Nu = = 202.4 W/m2∙°C
d 0.0254
Multiplying by a factor of 0.92 from Table 6 to correct for only 5 tube rows gives
h = 0.92 202.4 = 186.3 W/m2∙°C
which is about 13 percent higher than in Example 4. Both values are within the accuracies of the correlations. 24

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