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Status of Tribal Communities in post-independence Era


According to the 2001 census, the shortages make up more than 8.6% of the total
population 1and are called the oldest because of their different socio cultural patterns. Prior
to the Constitution, India called shortages indigenous peoples, Adivasis, forest shortages,
alpine shortages, and live shortages. Indian races have different lives, traditions and customs
living in different climatic zones. Living in close harmony with nature and ecosystems, but
lack goes to other races. In fact, the condition of the Indian tribes deteriorated after
independence. They live mainly in rural areas, mainly in forests and mountains. The majority
of the population lives below the poverty line with high infant mortality, malnutrition,
various infectious diseases, low literacy rates and very slow development. It was under
development and exacerbated poverty due to lack of proper management and judicial
mechanisms in tribal areas. They suffer from geographical and cultural exclusion and cannot
choose to say. The originality of the shortage situation requires a separate policy and
management framework to manage regional development. Lack of welfare and development
has been well received since the first five-year plan, but is still the most underdeveloped
country in South Korea. Therefore, in this article we will look at the efforts made in the field
since independence.

Keywords: Post-Independence, Tribal Community, India, Tribes.

Government Of India Planning Commission, 2005 (last visited on 04th

Tribal Movements in India:

Sadly after fighting with Britishers and after 50 years of independence, the tribe benefits little
from the Parousia of freedom. Although independent India has made great strides for the
majority of India's population, Daritto and Adivassi are raising new challenges for the often
excluded tribal populations. The population has tripled since 1947, and pressure on the
demand for Earth's resources, particularly ice cream, is affecting the lives of the tribe.
The basic problem behind the tribal movement after India's independence is deforestation,
training and deprivation of work due to influx of outsiders, cultural immersion and
disproportionate development. Post-independence tribal movements can be divided into three
categories: (i) movement due to exploitation by outsiders (ii) movement due to economic
deprivation (such as the Kondo of Madhya Pradesh and the Mahal of Andhra Pradesh)
movement of trends, etc.). Tribal movements can be divided into four types according to their
direction: (i) forest movements (ii) socio-religious or socio-cultural movements (iii)
movements that demand political autonomy and state formation (nagasu, mizos, zu Harhand)
and (iv) Land Movement, Nakusaruban Movement of 1967, Burisadaru Movement of
196869. Under the strong leadership of Dari Abba, the reform movement realized that it was
one of the largest movements in the world. He promoted the Hindu ideal of ceremonial
purity, asceticism, and criticized the worship of priests. The Naga Revolution began in 1948
and continued until 1972 3when a newly elected government took power and the Naga
rebellion was suppressed. Tribal Nakusaraito movement in Bihar, West Bengal and Andhra
Pradesh. Land and land movement of the Kondo and Beer tribes in Madhya Pradesh and the
migration of the Kondo forests are mainly due to oppression, discrimination, backwardness
and government opposition to Israel. Poverty, hunger, unemployment and exploitation appear
in difficult situations in the pipeline started insensitively. The second movement was
launched, alienated from the forest, deprived of jobs, and influx of outsiders, demanded by a
new country. Kiri Khan Dudan founded an under-chewed Oxford-educated Christian, hoping
to leave the new country in Para alone, up to the Magilus antiquus of the Voice Shah in
Bihar, and west of Madhya Pradesh's Sulja. The Indian Alliance's underpopulation is

Census of India, 2001 (last visited on
04th June,2021)

Tribal Movement, (last visited on 04th June,2021)
numerically predominant in Manipur, Bengal. Since the entry of multinational corporations
into bauxite mining and processing companies in 993, with the migration of under-ethnic
groups in the Damantpur and Laxmipur areas of the Rayagada area of the Koraput area and
the tribal people of the Thuamul Rampur area of the Koraput area in Kalahand, Odisha. I am
concerned about the loss of my livelihood. People worried that they would have to give up
their houses or chimneys, so they started organizing road blockades and holding
demonstrations in front of the Kasipa and Rayagada offices. The company's research area has
denied access to that area. Tribal people's reactions were coordinated by organizations such
as Prakrutik Sampada Surakya Parishad, Baphilimali Surakya Samiti and Anchahk
SurakhyaSamiti. Now there are resistance forces in every town. Conflicts over bauxite mines
changed dramatically and three innocent tribes were killed. Since 1993, the police have
signed up to 80 criminal cases against tribal people and activists. Police have repeatedly
accused Latina. The extremists attacked and the offices of the resistance movement were
destroyed. The boycott of the Alumina project and the firing of the police are very important.
Elite local entrepreneurs in the previous government ruling party have supported all alumina
projects. At the same time, the struggle and determination of the people to sacrifice to protect
citizenship, politics, livelihoods and residence rights clearly shows that grassroots people do
not tolerate the effects of market power. In the 1990s, another campaign was launched in the
Keonjhar area of Odisha against mining for evacuation (especially shortages). Workers have
flowed in many parts of the country for mining activities at Keonjhar. In the 1990s, the
number of immigrants increased for geographical and socio-economic reasons, threatening
cultural invasion. All types of violence have increased. Mining followed indiscriminate
deforestation and inhabitant migration. Mining prevention campaigns are popular with
consultants like Bhuiyan, Juan, Munda, Santal and Kondh. The main motto of the Bangwang
movement is "our land" is our minerals and our rights. "Criminals were involved in false
cases after being harassed by police in rallies, rallies, fasting struggles, etc. Between 1994
and 1999, some villagers were imprisoned in false cases. The villages and tribes of the village
of Lara Galubogi in the Bishakhapatnam region of Andhra Pradesh have bravely resisted
illegal mining by various enterprises in recent decades. The Kondadora are the largest tribe in
northern Andhra Pradesh. Lara Gallubogi Province is located in the mountainous region.
Famous for its reserves of calcite, flint and mica, it is one of the most popular mining areas.
There have been hundreds of attempts to illegally acquire tribal lands. Much of the tribe's
long-fighting land is still not managed by illegal mining.
It can be said that various tribal movements are concerned about their identity. The Bodø and
Naga movement in the Northeast is a good example of how national identity can advance its
interests through political channels. In all these separatist movements, the main reasons are
the growth patterns of diversification and urbanization rather than concentration of
unbalanced development and modernization interests. Lack of tribal consciousness
Regionalism and border tribalism emerged They were welcomed after moving to the
northeast border area. Tribal regionalism is political in nature and is seen as a struggle for
identity against alienation from its basic roots: the desire to protect land, forests, and
traditional cultures. He recently led the Assam TUJS and Bodo Landtripura movements. The
Gurucaran movement has gone beyond the stage of limited cultural needs. The region's
emerging elite are hoping to become more active in the power structure. A local leader who
mobilizes the emotions of a group by improvising or manipulating identity symbols is rarely
able to assess the possible reactions of the dominant political authorities or social groups.
Leaders and groups need to adopt modern technology and mobilize resources as the
movement tends to turn the ethics of discussions of identity claims into a series of political
conflicts. In the process, they become modern participants and participate in democratic
power games. With Gokhaland and Jharkhand, these democratizations are clear. The
Gorkhaland turmoil gained momentum on issues such as the India Nepal Treaty, Nepal in the
eighth schedule of the Indian Constitution, and various other economic factors. The main
driving force is to demand citizenship and claim the identity of Nepalese Indians. The two
main topics of the Transfer Currant Agreement (1988), which announced the establishment of
the Transfer Kasan Development Committee, will remain unchanged. Suppose that adding
the word "Gurkha" to Congress solves the problem of identity. It remains unclear whether
granting national status to Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh will improve the conditions for Indian
However, all Advise districts must receive special attention from the central government in
terms of school investment, participatory forest management and protection, clean industry,
and opportunities for the Advise community and protection of its rich heritage. Counselors
must have special access to educational, cultural, and economic opportunities to reverse the
colonization and past injustices experienced by the counselor community. At the same time,
the country can learn a lot from the beauty of Advise's social practices, the sharing and
respect of all deep humility and love for nature, and a deep dedication to social equality and
civil harmony. India’s current tribal issues After independence, India has adopted a policy of
integrating tribes in personal development, such as education, health, health, and women’s
improvement. At the same time, integrating them into the mainstream, hindering or
destroying their unique culture has never been an agenda. In this sense, the Northeast Frontier
Agency (NEFA) came into being. 4clearly stipulates: tribal land and language protection
tribes develop with their own gender tribes participate in local administration tribal areas do
not have excessive administration NEFA was first applied to the most remote areas of
northeastern India. In 1987, these areas were called Ah Runachal Pradesh. The active
integration and separation policy of the traditional tribe created the most peaceful state of
Arunachal Pradesh Gahara. However, this can not be applied to other parts of the tribal
region, as in Arunachal Pradesh, which can be effective that day. After independence, the
Government of India introduced other legislative measures according to Nehru's leadership
and vision: Article 46 of the Constitution emphasizes the promotion of education and
economic improvement tribal ethnicity. Provides protection against exploitation at the same
time. The right base application has been modified to provide the governor from the country
who holds the power to modify the law to protect the tribal advantage of the tribal zone.
Positions reserved on legislative and execution. Established a tribal advisory committee in all
states. The Tribal President is a Tribal President appointed by Presidentin vestigates if the
protection device provided to the tribe achieved the goal. The administrative action is: many
funds have been maintained in a five-year plan. Promote crafts and rural industries that will
help increase your job. A solution to the problem of tribal problems The northeastern part of
the tribal region is difficult in all cases. It is even difficult to integrate them because it is even
isolated from a struggle without difficult terrain. The Christian missionary was a spirit
created among the inhabitants of the northeast. In the 1950s, the local government of Assam
was preparing a bill that forced the use of Assamese in the surrounding Assam region. The
lack of leaders responded to this "assusion" and required the meeting of Assam's officials. All
holidays. After that, the Indian government has adopted various measures by approving the
Hill Tribal, Kashi and Autonomy (1969). In 1972, the region was merged into one and the
state of "Meghayaya" was given. Other LEDs such as Manipur and Mizoram are also
condemned. Naga has been declared an independent national residence depending on the
direction of AZ in 1955 and a sustained external person. However, the Indian army controlled
the situation in 1956. The army was temporarily managed, but the exercise can not be
eradicated. Therefore, the Indian government has decided to take a political stand.

Government of Arunachal Pradesh, (last
visited on 04th June,2021)
Negotiations for the Agreement with Nagaland, part of India, were later IMKong Loba AO
for the agreement of India, Liberalism in Nagarland. So some people suggested that they
were not worried about "assamification" and to create a new state of the Lord. In this way,
Nagahalland's problem has been solved and the new country "I am" in 1963 was created in
1963. In addition, violent movements similar to the northeast were launched under the Lord
de Lal Denga in the years 1950 and 1960. The Indian government has again dealt with the
situation and has created a distinct beauty as a senior minister with Lardenga in 1987. India is
difficult to bring these tribal areas to dominate. It is far from the economy and education that
live in extreme poverty compared to the Northeast Tribe, but it is essential geographically,
but the region has been interrupted in some areas. The delivery of goods and services is a
serious problem in today's regions of Jharkhand and Chattisgarh. Jharkhand Jaipal Singh
asked for the creation of separate countries of Jharkhand outside Bihar. Munda, Hu and
Santar Southern Vilhar in the Chota Nagpur area as a large number, as it is great because it
requires an independent state. For this reason, Japar Singh has created a part called Jharkhand
in 1950. However, the language is no different and the basis of the reconstitution of the state
time rejected its complaint to the National Reconstruction Committee. In 1970, Jharkhand
Mukti Morcha (JMM) is created under the direction of Shibu Soren 5and cultivated
demand. It has strengthened the exercise, including a mediocre criticism of the demand from
independent countries. He cooperated with the Maoist Communist Center. It was launched
with violent movements and later cooled to the diplomatic position of the Indian government.
Therefore, in 2000, the Jharkhand states were separated from the bar. The Chattisgarh
Chattisgarh region is the most isolated area, back and abandonment of the Indian Alliance.
You can say that the communist is administered by the government before the government
arrives. Over time, the development of the selected area has come to the region, but it has not
been used for lack. On the contrary, they have lost traditional rights on earth. This land now
belongs to the upper class and the lack is ruthless. Now they are inspired by Mao Zedong,
Karl Marx, Lenin and other ideas. Since then, this violent movement called for a stubborn.
He was named after the name of the origin of Nasarbari in Western Bengal in 1967. The
Naxal control area is now called the red corridor. The government worked hard to solve this
problem and launched Salwa Judum policies at this stage. According to this policy, some
local supports have won Figresholds. However, this policy has failed and the Supreme Court
has been declared illegal. Chattisgarh also settled in Madhya Pradesh in 2000, but still exists

Britannica, (last visited on 04th June,2021)
in naxism. As intellectuals and historics are offered, abortion is at the heart of the paradise
movement, so you can solve the problem of fennel by solving the problem of the earth. .

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