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You XiaoMo gritted his teeth, what 'almost forgot about you'? Too hateful!

The Seven-Tailed Demon Fox walked up to You XiaoMo and lowered its noble head. It asked
humbly, "Please, you must accept me. It doesn't matter even if it's an ordinary bond. I'm

This word, willing, was not something that could be uttered carelessly. Although it looked as
if it had been taken in by SheQiu's words, it really had considered it carefully.

It could see from the Nine-Winged Unity Serpent that his bonded master was someone who
was completely without arrogance. Completely different from that Tang YunQi woman.
Although it was the same ordinary bond, the attitude was as different as Heaven and Earth.
This kind of master, and on top of that, the benefits that SheQiu mentioned, it was willing
despite being in an ordinary bond.

With someone so sincere, if he were to refuse, wouldn't that be too hard-hearted?

In the end, You XiaoMo nodded and agreed, "Since you are preparing to join my Qiu team, I
might as well pick a name for you. The fur on your body is very thick, how about we call you
MaoQiu." (fur ball)

The Seven-Tailed Demon Fox stared wordlessly. After a moment of silence, it looked back at
SheQiu, ‘can I change my mind?’

SheQiu coughed, ‘sorry, no can do, once a master had been put up for sale, absolutely no
returns or exchanges!’

Seven-Tailed Demon Fox, "..."

In the end, it still accepted. Compared to SheQiu, it felt that MaoQiu was already a lot
better. Luckily it wasn't called HuQiu. (FoxBall) Otherwise, it would have turned into a
HuQiu. (Fur Coat)

After confirming the new member, one man and two beasts simply left the scene of the

Right now, everyone was separated because of the collapse of Demon Peak. But after
recovering, sooner or later, the search would reach this place. The discovery of Tang YunQi
was only a matter of time.

At first, You XiaoMo wanted to let the Seven-Tailed Demon Fox bond with Fifth Shixiong.
But, remembering that Lei Ju and rest knew that Tang YunQi's bonded demon beast was a
Seven-Tailed Demon Fox, if they recognized it, it would bring trouble to Fifth Shixiong.
Therefore, he dispelled the notion.
Coincidentally, Ling Xiao took in a newborn Six-Winged Divine Tiger not long before this.
Although it would have to be nurtured while it was still young, the potential of the Six-
Winged Divine Tiger was tremendous. Furthermore, nurturing it from youth might help
form a closer understanding.

At this same moment, a matter of hard-selling was taking place where Fang ChenYue and Fu
ZiLin were located.

Due to the collapse of Demon Peak, the Dead Soul Beast couldn’t find Fu ZiLin in the
quickest time. Luckily Ling Xiao had told him that Fang ChenYue's bonded demon beast was
a Poisonous Tail Flood Dragon.

To dodge the collapse of the mountain, Fang ChenYue had no choice but to allow the
Poisonous Tail Flood Dragon to assume its original form. It was just that, unexpectedly, they
were located right on the spot where the mountain split open. Although the Poisonous Tail
Flood Dragon was a level eight demon beast, it was only at level seven. To protect Fang
ChenYue and Second Shixiong, they were almost flattened. Luckily, its body was big enough
to attract attention, and was seen by the Dead Soul Beast who happened to search in the
area. Otherwise, the two men and one beast would have fallen into the crevasse.

But here was where the problem began. The soul beast wanted to bond with Fu ZiLin, but
Fu ZiLin was cautious by habit. He did not believe that he would run over here to bond with
him with no rhyme or reason. It simply didn't make any sense.

Although the Dead Soul Beast was their savior, he was not going to make light of his future
just because of a little indebtedness.

"Just tell me, what would it take for you to be willing to bond with this old one?" the Dead
Soul Beast asked woefully.

"Why must you bond with me?" Fu ZiLin asked expressionlessly.

"This old me… this old me loathes too much freedom, so I want to find a bonded master, is
that not allowed?" The Dead Soul Beast's face was distorted as he forced out a ridiculous
reason. Dammit, who would complain of too much freedom, he really hated that he did not
have enough freedom!

Fu ZiLin was not fooled, "Since it's like that, it doesn't have to be me. Anyone would do."

The Dead Soul Beast was never good-tempered to begin with. He had already presented
himself to the doorstep and yet he was actually facing a decline with all sorts of excuses
situation, so he flipped out on the spot, "Mother! This old one took a liking to you, so what
about it? This old one wants to bond with you, so what about it? This old one is not that
patient, so out with it, are you willing to bond with this old one or not?"

Fu ZiLin, "..."

Fang ChenYue, "..."

In the end, they formed the bond, but only an ordinary bond for now, because Fu ZiLin said
that he didn’t trust him right now, so he wanted to evaluate his performance. If there was
really no problem, it would be changed to a life bond in the future.

The Dead Soul Beast gnashed his teeth while forming the bond with him in tears. If there
was a ranking for losers in this world, he would rank at the top!
Chapter 185: Gathering at the
Teleportation Point
Half an hour later, the collapse of Demon Peak had finally stopped. All the major forces
began counting the casualties. In just a glance, one could tell that it was very horrible.
Although a lot of people fled in time, there were some people who did not have time to
flee; some fell into the cracks, some were crushed to death; the number of people dropped

People from the Tian Xin Sect realized that Tang YunQi had disappeared.

Elder Wang’s face turned pale while looking through the crowd several times, but he still
couldn’t find Tang YunQi’s figure. The headmaster specifically handed Tang YunQi to him,
were something happened to her, he’d be the one whom the headmaster asked first. “Have
any of you seen YunQi?”

Huang Jie stood up and said, “Elder, when Demon Peak started to collapse, Tang-shimei was
the first to flee towards the hill; at that time, she had the Seven-Tailed Demon Fox by her

They already knew Tang YunQi’s personality, but to just run off by herself first and not care
about her other brothers’ and sisters’ life or death was a different matter. If she had done it
secretly, perhaps other people wouldn’t say anything and just hold in their resentments,
but since she just went by herself in front of everyone, of course she’d be criticized.

Huang Jie wasn’t the type to get irritated easily. He was Du Yun the Maitreya’s only
disciple; he was not from the same branch as Tang YunQi, so he rarely had to talk with her,
but he still didn’t like her one bit.

“There is still one day left until we have to go back from the Paradise Realm; how about
this, Huang Jie and I will look for YunQi, while the others can go to the teleportation point
first. We will meet there in five hours,” Elder Wang said.

Huang Jie couldn’t but say, “Elder Wang, Tang-shimei had the Seven-Tailed Demon Fox by
her side, even if we don’t look for her, she can go to the teleportation point by herself.”

Elder Wang glanced at him, “Huang, you also know how YunQi’s temperament is. Besides,
Paradise Realm’s crisis is very dangerous. What are we going to do if something were to
happen? It’s better if we look for her.”

When he said it like that, Huang Jie couldn’t find any excuse to refuse, but his impression of
Tang YunQi became worse. This Da Xiao Jie, she couldn’t let people rest until the end.

With that, they began to part ways.

The teleportation point was not too far from Demon Peak, and they didn’t have to look for
magic herbs anymore. So even though they spent a few days to came from the
teleportation point to Demon Peak, now they only had to spend half a day to go back.

Elder Shi went in the direction where the most people were; he found that most of them
looked weary, their injuries seemed to be heavy. It wasn’t surprising, Paradise Realm’s real
treasures were on the top of Demon Peak, but nobody expected that Demon Peak would
collapse. Not only had they ran out empty-handed, they had also lost a lot of disciples. One
could say that this time’s trip to Paradise Island, all the major forces had to pay a very high
price as this tragedy was even worse than the previous trips.

At this time, Luo ShuHe had arrived at teleportation point along with the disciples.

Compared to the Tian Xin Sect, the Qing Cheng Sect suffered heavier losses.

From forty to fifty people, nearly half had died; the rest of the disciples either had minor or
serious injuries, their casualties exceeded the previous ones. But there were people much
worse than them, for example the Xing Luo Sect, counting all their elders and disciples, only
six people were left.

Probably the least damages were to the three small forces, except Xiao Yao Sect had five
deceased disciples and Elder Xing Shiyi was killed, all the remaining forces didn’t seem to
suffer much, even the individual groups had only lost three.

When Luo ShuHe counted the rest of the disciples and people in his group, his face became
sullen. Even until this time he still couldn’t find Elder Li, he suspected that he was perhaps
already dead. But Elder Li was a cautious person, he wasn’t the type to die easily, and to die
in such strange way.

Luo ShuHe felt that there was something wrong with Elder Li’s death and turned his gaze
towards the Tian Xin Sect.

“Young Master, how is the injury caused by the Six Thunderbird?” Elder Mo came to him
and whispered, it sounded like just a normal greeting, but only Luo ShuHe knew the hidden
meaning inside it.

Luo ShuHe knitted his eyebrows, his eyes showing a hint of annoyance, “It’s already healed
around fifty percent.”

Elder Mo asked, “Then what are you concerned about, young master?”
Luo ShuHe answered, “There’s nothing for you to worry about.”

On the other side, while Elder Shi was asking the disciples about their conditions, he
realized that there was somebody approaching them. Before he could turn around, Qin
ShiYu, who was only slightly injured, suddenly said, “Elder Shi, the people from the Quing
Cheng Sect have arrived.”

Elder Shi turned around and looked, Luo ShuHe came over with a group of people, each one
of them full of killing intent. Although they intended to hide it, it was still showing.

“Mo Sheng, what do you mean by that?” Elder Shi frowned as he saw him coming here
together with Luo ShuHe. Seeing them coming closer without a friendly attitude, surely,
they didn’t come here just to have a chat.

Luo ShuHe came while holding a magic bag, “Elder Shi, this magic bag belongs to the Tian
Xin Sect, ba?”

Elder Shi narrows his eyes, he can roughly guess their intention for coming here, and
immediately said, “Some of our disciples were missing earlier, and later, somebody robbed
them of their magic bags. Luo-gongzi, how come you have the Tian Xin Sect’s magic bag?
Don’t tell me the one who took my disciple’s magic bag was you, Luo-gongzi?”

“Nonsense, we, the Qing Cheng Sect don’t have any intentions to take your magic bags.”
The Qing Cheng’s disciple, seeing them pushing the blame on his Sect instead, he had
anxiously retorted back.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore.” Luo ShuHe shouted to stop his man from finishing
his sentence.

The disciple finally came back to his senses, the old man’s provocation made him almost
spill the beans, he immediately broke out in cold sweat, shamefully returning to the group.

Luo ShuHe calmly stared at Elder Shi and said, “This is the magic bag that Yang-shidi picked
up at the Green Mountain stream, it seems like it really does belong to the Tian Xin Sect, so
of course we will return it, but right now we are not here to give back your lost stuff.”

Elder Shi lifted his eyebrow, “And why is that?”

Luo ShuHe threw the magic bag on ground, saying, “The one who was holding this magic
bag in his hand was my junior brother, and he had been dead for a long time.”

Elder Shi’s facial expression changed, “Luo-gongzi, don’t tell me you want to say that the
one who murdered your junior brother is from our side?”

Mo Sheng coldly make a humph sound and said, “The evidence is here, and you still want to
not admit to one’s own crime, saying that the murderer is not from the Tian Xin Sect. Today
we come here to take justice for our deceased disciples.”

Elder Weng’s temper exploded immediately and he spat, “Mo Sheng, if you can come here
to frame us, who knows, maybe you guys from the Qing Cheng Sect killed our disciple, took
the magic bag, and framed us. Don’t think that you can easily bully the Tian Xin Sect.
Fucking Qing Cheng Sect, you’re just a bunch of thieves!”

Upon hearing those words, the faces of the people from the Qing Cheng Sect darkened.

Mo Sheng’s angry face became even paler, he knew about the level nine magic pill recipe,
so he knew what ‘thief’ meant, but his disciple didn’t know.

From Luo ShuHe’s gloomy face, his eyes gave off a piercing cold stare, “What is the Tian Xin
Sect? Aren’t you just cowards who don’t even dare to confess what you’ve done?”

These words made the Tian Xin Sect’s disciples react.

Since things had become like this, there was no way to reconcile.

As soon as Luo ShuHe and the others walked towards the Tian Xin Sect, other forces
realized it, but they kept out of it and waited.

For now, the Tian Xin Sect and the Qing Cheng Sect had the largest number of survivors.
Even though they wanted to intervene, they didn’t have the strength to do it. Besides, they
were glad that the two biggest factions were against each other. They even looked forward
to it, hoping that both Sects might even fight to death.

Just when they looked forward to the two sides clashing, there was suddenly a sound
coming over from the teleportation point area, a cheerful laugh. “So lively, is everyone
welcoming me?”

Hearing this sentence, most people couldn’t help pursing their lips. Who was this person
who could be so thick-skinned?

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, there was somebody walking towards the
meeting point, and to their surprise, it was Ling Xiao.

After seeing Ling Xiao, everyone suddenly remembered that there was something–

When they thought about it he looked like he had not appeared on Demon Peak at all;
because the atmosphere was intense at that time, there were not many people who had

Seeing Ling Xiao come back safely, Elder Shi was startled, and so was Elder Weng who was
standing beside him, they quietly glanced at each other.

Unexpectedly, their reactions were all seen by Luo ShuHe. This reaction did not seem to be
a happy one, instead, they looked so surprised that he arrived here. Did they perhaps
believe that Lin Xiao had died? It seemed like the relationship between Lin Xiao and Elder
Shi was not like what Luo ShuHe imagined. A perceptive person like Luo ShuHe had already
started guessing.

At this time, there was someone who popped out from behind Ling Xiao; that person spoke
softly, “Ling-shixiong, they don’t seem to welcome you.”

This person was You XiaoMo; after YunQi’s death, he, along with SheQiu and MaoQiu, went
to the teleportation point road to look for Ling Xiao. Of course, it was before he made an
uproar. But the person himself looked like he didn’t care.

Ling Xiao laughingly said, “Xiao Shidi, some words are better left unspoken.”

You XiaoMo replied, “… I’ll remember that next time.” As if.

Du Yun the Maitreya: Du Yun was so kind that he’s nicknamed Maitreya — a Boddhisatva
from Buddhist tradition.
Da Xiao Jie — Big Miss/ daughter from distinguished family/high ranking status.
Chapter 186: The Criminal
T/N: We don’t translate the honorifics because it’d be hard to convey the meaning properly
and distinguish real siblings from the honorifics. Therefore, only the honorifics that have one
meaning will be translated into English.

Elder Shi was the first to react. Before others had a chance, he hurriedly spoke out, “‘Lin
Xiao’, you came just in time, the Qing Cheng Sect said that we killed their disciples, and now
they want to deal with us.”
If you took a good look, it was noticeable that when Elder Shi looked at ‘Lin Xiao’, there was
a hint of guiltiness in his eyes that couldn’t be concealed by his speech.

Ling Xiao acted like nothing had happened, walking over and looking at both side’s
murderous intent; finally, he laid his gaze on the Qing Cheng Sect and laughingly he said,
“It’s already the last day, why don’t we take a step back? Paradise Realm was dangerous,
something out of our expectations might happen. Someone might have even set up that
trap to frame us, wanting to provoke us against each other while they just sit and receive
the fisherman’s benefit. We are all adults, we have to be careful and think of the

These words were very clear and logical, and seeing Ling Xiao’s earnest attitude, many
people’s anger calmed down. Luo ShuHe and Mo Sheng looked at each other, they didn’t
expect Ling Xiao to point out their doubts with only one sentence.

The truth was, when he took the magic bag earlier, Luo ShuHe also suspected that
somebody might have been deliberately trying to put the blame on the Tian Xin Sect,
because according to the person who found YeDan’s corpse, there weren’t many traces of
fighting on the scene. So, one could assume that the opponent’s level was above YeDan,
probably much higher.

But for such a high-level master, how could they leave such an obvious mistake? Even
though they suspected it, they couldn’t just announce YeDan’s death like that. So, Luo
ShuHe instead thought that since the Qing Cheng Sect and the Tian Xin Sect’s relationship
had reached the point of being like water and fire, and that sooner or later would be torn
anyway, they could use YeDan’s death to blame the Tian Xin Sect and then the Qing Cheng
Sect could openly act. But only they knew the truth, not the other disciples, so Ling Xiao’s
words shook them up.

You XiaoMo tried to hold back his laughter. Ling Xiao was good at acting. As the only one
who understood this situation, seeing his pretentious act which the opposite of his true
nature was, You XiaoMo started feeling like he wanted to vomit. Of course, only in his mind.
Originally the two sects were already at the flaming point, but thanks to Ling Xiao’s
“advice”, everyone’s anger had almost died down. The other forces saw that there was
nothing to see, got bored, and left.
Luo ShuHe and the others seemed to have other plans, but also didn’t continue.

Even You XiaoMo, who had a two-digit IQ, could see their inner thoughts. Even though Luo
ShuHe had contracted with a level nine demon beast, he also knew that the level nine
demon beast suffered a serious injury. Unless he had the same lake water as he did, there’s
no way the injuries of the Six Thunderbird had healed. Therefore, he shouldn’t start a
conflict now.

Ling Xiao came up to Elder Shi, making it look like it was unintentional, and said, “Elder Shi,
you all came here at the same time, don’t tell me you all already promised beforehand?”

This sudden remark made Luo ShuHe, who had already prepared to go, stop in his tracks
and look over again with a puzzled expression.

Elder Shi, worried that he’d continue to speak, quickly dragged Ling Xiao to another place
where others couldn’t hear their conversation.

Making a cough sound, he said, “I accidentally got the information of when Demon Peak
would be opened, so I made an appointment with the other Elders to go together to Demon
Peak. At that time, you were still in the north, so I was too late to inform you.”

Ling Xiao made his *oh* sound a little long.

Elder Shi didn’t realize his train of thought, and while patting his shoulder, he faked a big
laugh. “But fortunately, you didn’t come, Lin-shizhi. You might not know, but Demon Peak
just collapsed a while ago, and lots of people got injured. Lin-shizhi, you really are a
fortunate person.”

Ling Xiao raised the corner of his mouth, “Just as Elder Shi had said, Ling Xiao’s luck is really
If only this old man were to know that the person standing in front of him was the one who
caused Demon Peak to collapse – but he wouldn’t say that.

“That’s right, Elder Shi, how come I didn't see Elder Wang and Huang Jie-shidi?” As if
wanting to ease the tension, Ling Xiao ‘considerately’ changed the topic.

Elder Shi suddenly felt relieved, “YunQi had disappeared, so they are looking for her. After
five hours at most, they should be back.”

There was a proverb that said speak pf the devil, and the devil shall appear. Right after
Elder Shi said it, somebody arrived at the teleportation point. It was none other than Elder
Wang’s group, but their expressions looked very gloomy.

Elder Shi looked over, his sight falling to the stretcher carried by two disciples at the back of
the group. When he saw the person on the stretcher, he took a breath, and his eyes

“Wha… what’s the matter?” Elder Weng’s face also became pale. His eyes darkened as he
stared at the hole in the chest of the person on top of the stretcher. Tang YunQi’s body was
covered in blood; her lifeless appearance indicated that she had been dead for a few hours.

Of course, their gloomy expressions were not because of Tang YunQi’s death, but because
of the Grand Master’s anger – once he found out that his daughter had died in Paradise
Realm where they had taken responsibility…

“Elder Wang, what happened? How come my niece YunQi is dead?” Elder Shi hurriedly
went to Wang An’s side, who had the gloomiest expression.

Wang An was the one who was given the responsibility to ensure Tang YunQi’s safety when
they were inside Paradise Realm. Now that Tang YunQi had met this accident, he was the
one to hold the biggest responsibility.

The moment he found Tang YunQi’s body up until now, one could say that Wang An’s facial
expression had not gotten any better. In fact, it had only gotten worse. His icy-cold gaze
looked as if he wanted to devour a person. After he heard Elder Shi’s words, he coldly said,
“I don’t know what happened either. By the time we found her, she was already dead.”

He also wanted to know who had killed Tang YunQi. Although he couldn’t protect Tang
YunQi, if he could have brought back the murderer at least, the punishment would have
become lighter. However, the murderer’s work was too clean, he couldn’t find any clues
about while he was at the crime scene.

When Elder Weng saw that they were getting nowhere, he couldn’t help but wonder, “Elder
Wang, where is Niece YunQi’s contract beast?”

Upon hearing this sentence, Wang An’s facial expression became gloomier, “It’s gone. I
suspect the murderer might have been after Tang YunQi’s contract beast, that’s why she
was killed.”

It was not uncommon to kill people just to rob them of their treasure, that’s why everyone
didn’t doubt this reason. But–

Tang YunQi’s contract beast was a level Seven One Star. The Seventh-Star Star rank beasts
were powerful, despite even being in the Paradise Realm. When compared to the level
seven demon beast, the strength gap was still very big. No matter how they thought about
it, there was no way that a practitioner would just kill her to rob her of a treasure in just a
few hours. Unless it was planned, like for example if more than one Star Rank Seventh Star
joined forces, then it might be possible.

However, this theory didn’t have any evidence.

The collapse of Demon Peak wasn’t something that anyone could have expected, Tang
YunQi getting separated from them was also accidental, so they could rule out the
possibility of a planned murder. If they thought about it like this, there was only one

The killer might be a person who owned a contract beast, and his contract beast’s strength
was likely above Tang YunQi’s contract beast’s. Only this way, could they explain Tang
YunQi’s death.

“Stronger than a level Seven demon beast.” Wang An said this to himself, his fierce eyes
instantly looking towards all the practitioners and mages who owned contracted demon
beasts. With this as the key, the scope for the potential murderer had narrowed down a lot,
because not everyone had the chance to get a contract with a level Seven Demon Beast and
above. They could even say that this kind of person was absolutely like a phoenix feather
and a unicorn horn.

Besides, if the murderer really had snatched Tang YunQi’s contract beast, then that person
was most likely a mage, because only mages could get a contract with more than one
demon beast. With this, the scope had narrowed down even more. But they still could not
rule out the possibility that the murderer might be two or more people.

Having said that, Wang An still couldn’t risk offending the other parties by confronting
them. No one would like to be suspected as Tang YunQi’s murderer. Besides, not everybody
was like Tang YunQi, who flaunted her demon beast for everyone to see. The stronger the
demon beast, the more they’ll hide it; otherwise they might be the one who gets killed and
robbed of their treasures.

So, in the end, Tang YunQi ending up like this was completely because of her own actions.
Nevertheless, Tang YunQi’s death still caused an uproar among the crowd.

The murderer suspects were not only Wang An and his people, everyone here was sharp.
Although some may not show it, but secretly, they must have told their own contract beasts
to hide.

However, there was one person whose contract beast was very eye-catching. That person
was Fang ChenYue.

At that time, to save people, Fang ChenYue was forced to bring out the Poisonous Tail Flood
Dragon. The consequences were that some people ended up seeing it. Some people were
the disciples from martial arts, and their friendships were not deep enough; even if Fang
ChenYue had asked them to not tell, there ought to have been some disciples who spilled it

Elder Shi, who You XiaoMo guessed had abandoned Fang ChenYue before, was showing an
utterly unhappy expression, because he found out that the Poisonous Tail Flood Dragon
was the demon beast that was from the lake before.

Apparently, not only had Fang ChenYue survived, his luck was also large. He didn’t know
how he had managed to get a contract with the Poisonous Tail Flood Dragon, but after that,
Fang ChenYue also didn’t tell them about the Poisonous Tail Flood Dragon. He clearly must
be cautious of them.

After they met, Fang ChenYue was surrounded by a group of disciples asking him this and
that. Fortunately, there was Fu ZiLin. His expressionless yet as cold as an iceberg face,
scared people off.
When You XiaoMo walked out, his cold face melted a little.

“Da Shixiong, congratulations!” You XiaoMo, ignoring Ling Xiao, who was busy playing
innocent in front of Elder Shi and the others, immediately ran towards Fang ChenYue, who
was surrounded by a crowd before, sincerely congratulating him.

Upon seeing him, Fang ChenYue’s face finally revealed a sincere smile. He pulled XiaoMo to
his side, checking over his body. After he was sure that he didn’t have any scratches, he
finally sighed in relief.
Fang ChenYue said, “Da Shixiong wants to congratulate you too; I heard you managed to get
a contract with a Blue-Blooded Wolf. Not bad, oh?”

You XiaoMo immediately laughed cheerfully. “Da Shixiong’s luck was better than mine, I
heard that the Poisonous Tail Flood Dragon had dragon’s blood inside its veins, and
someday will get to breakthrough into level eight.”

Fang ChenYue pointed his finger towards his forehead, “Poisonous Tail Flood Dragon is only
level seven right now, it’ll be a long time before he can breakthrough into level eight, and
besides, do you think a level nine shape-shifting beast could breakthrough that easy?”

Speaking of shape-shifting, You XiaoMo’s eyes sparkled, “Da Shixiong, can I see your
contracted demon beast?”

“Of course!” Fang ChenYue couldn’t but agree. The Poisonous Tail Flood Dragon didn’t like
being watched by humans, so it changed into mini size and hid inside his clothes. If other
people asked him, he wouldn’t let it, but You XiaoMo was different.
You XiaoMo took the Poisonous Tail Flood Dragon from inside Fang ChenYue’s sleeves, and
touched its mini body, whispering, “Poisonous Tail Flood Dragon, ah, Poisonous Tail Flood
Dragon, ah, I’ll leave Da Shixiong’s safety to you, you can never let me down, oh, or else I
will ask Ling-shixiong to beat you.”

Poisonous Tail Flood Dragon, “…….”

After he talked in a manner that looked like he was talking to himself, You XiaoMo gave the
Poisonous Tail Flood Dragon back to Fang ChenYue, and then casually mentioned, “Second-
Shixiong, you didn’t contract a demon beast?”

In fact, he only wanted to know whether the Dead Soul Beast looked for Second-shixiong to
form a contract. When they heard this sentence, both went silent; although he was silent
before, Fang ChenYue finally opened his mouth, “Xiao Shidi, we will tell you after we get

It seemed like he had formed a contract, so You XiaoMo nodded immediately.

“Xiao Shidi, look at Lin Xiao over there.” Fu ZiLin don’t always open his mouth, but when he
did, he only said such a shocking thing.

You XiaoMo turned back to look and found out someone very familiar was walking toward
Ling Xiao.

Da Shixiong: the eldest senior brother / the first to become the disciple
Xiao Shidi: The youngest junior brother / the last to become a disciple
Chapter 187: Xiao Long Pick up
That person wasn’t a stranger, it was Jiang Liu.

Speaking of him, You XiaoMo found that Jiang Liu appeared to be very low-profile, from the
time they entered Paradise Realm until now, he hadn’t heard anything about Jiang Liu, or
whether he had a contract beast or not.

You XiaoMo turned towards his two seniors and said something, then walked toward Ling
Xiao. When he got near, he heard Jiang Liu, whose back was to him, say to Ling Xiao in a
slightly cheerful tone, “Lin-shixiong, congratulations on coming back safely.”

Ling Xiao slightly raised his eyebrows, looking somewhat surprised that he came over to talk
to him, and immediately smiled. “You are… Jiang-shidi, aren’t you?”

You XiaoMo almost spat.

Ling Xiao’s words were a little bit too cruel. Just by looking at Jiang Liu, you could tell that
he was the “smiling Lin Xiao” fan. It might be difficult for him to take this chance to talk to
Ling Xiao, but not only did the other party not remember him, he even almost forgot his
name. Truly tragic!

Jiang Liu’s whole face almost changed color, but his ability to endure was not low. He
immediately recovered and put on a smiling face. This guy was tougher than the previous
one. “Yes, Lin-shixiong, you might not really remember me. Tang-shijie and I are Shi Jie Di
(t/n: big sister and little brother — disciple relationship only), we share the same master.”

Ling Xiao knocked his head, “Aiya, look at my memory. I remember now. During the big
competition at WuShuang Mountain last time, I remember that it seemed like you went to
my room looking for You-shidi, right?”

Jiang Liu’s face changed a bit; he didn’t know why Ling Xiao suddenly mentioned this matter
again. He suddenly didn’t dare to keep staying here, and quickly found an excuse to go
away. Up until the end, Jiang Liu still hadn’t found out You XiaoMo had been standing
behind him all that time. Seeing Jiang Liu stuck on his own words, You XiaoMo almost
laughed out loud.

Regarding Jiang Liu, You XiaoMo had already discovered his true nature. Not only that, he
remembered he was so dumb before, like the WuShuang Mountain’s incident that Ling Xiao
had mentioned just now.
At that time on the WuShuang Mountain, Jiang Liu tricked him to go with him. Although he
was exposed, Jiang Liu still deceived him by telling him that he was threatened by Tang
YunQi. Now that he thought about it, those lies were really flawed, but he still didn’t realize
it. Jiang Liu was Master Feng’s Heavenly Peak’s top disciple. With Master Feng valuing Jiang
Liu highly, there was no way Tang YunQi had bullied him. Even if Tang YunQi’s father was
Tang Fan, with Master Feng from Heavenly Peak’s identity, Tang Fan was the one who must
bow down to him. So, there’s no way she’d bullied him. He must have been stupid to
believe that.

Now the more he thought about it, this guy really had too many faces. He looked harmless
on the surface, but he was the most wicked person out there. Disguised as innocent and
harmless, but he was very narrow-minded. The treacherous and cunning type!

Fortunately, he was not too late to realize it!

Ling Xiao patted his head, “Have you finished laughing?”

You XiaoMo nodded and said, “Ling-shixiong, did you really forget Jiang Liu?”

Ling Xiao raised his brows, “He harmed you three out of four times, how could I forget

You XiaoMo’s face reddened, “The one he harmed was not you, I should be the one who
remembered him.”

Ling Xiao’s eyes narrowed, “From your head to your toes, which part doesn’t belong to me?
Harming you means harming me. Why shouldn’t I resent him?!” He said this firmly, with no
signs of the question being rhetorical.

You XiaoMo stared at him. Damn it, from head to toe, who belongs to you — he really
wanted to shout that back at him but seeing Ling Xiao’s ‘Don’t you dare say no’ expression,
he could only swallow back his words.

After two hours, almost all the people who came into the Paradise Realm had arrived at the
teleportation point. Although nearly half of the people were dead, there were many people
who had survived. When the number of people had increased, the teleportation point
started to give of a faint smell of blood. Finally, the spell under their feet began to glow and
the transmission started.

One by one, the people at the teleportation port began to disappear. Since the transmission
circle on the other end wasn’t very big, it could only transport around five people at a time
and it transferred randomly.

When the people on the teleportation port lessened, You XiaoMo screamed. He felt that
there was force grabbing a hold of him just before he got transferred. Just when he started
to lose consciousness, his waist was hugged tightly.
— Wan Mang Yao Yuan Borderline —

A month had passed, the people who protected the transmission circle saw a light that kept
on glowing, and the people continued coming out from the transmission circle. All they saw
were the pale faces that continued to show some lingering fear.

And then, someone suddenly made a *yi* sound, “Why are there six people this time?”

His words suddenly caught the attention of most people, and everyone went to the
transmission circle to see. This time, the transmission circle transferred six people, which
was unusual. Six people came out of the transmission circle. The people who walked out
last were surprisingly Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo.

You XiaoMo, who heard these people’s whispers, suddenly looked up towards Ling Xiao.
Don’t tell me the sixth person that they mentioned was Ling Xiao?

Luckily, people didn’t investigate this matter. The transmission circle probably could send
out an extra person sometimes; and soon, everybody’s attention was drawn towards the
people who just came out of the transmission circle.

Ling Xiao looked around, he didn’t find Tang Fan’s figure. Not only that, the Qing Cheng
Sect’s leader Luo Cheng was also not there. Originally since a month had already passed,
the people from the two sects who were waiting shouldn’t be this little. Now there were so
few and scattered, surprisingly not that many, something big must have happened.

Ling Xiao caught a young martial arts disciple from the Tian Xin Sect, and casually asked,
“Why is it only you guys who came here, and the leaders didn’t?”

When the young disciple saw that the one who asked him was Ling Xiao, surprisingly he
didn’t tell him at once. Instead, he hesitated a bit, and then his eyes flickered before saying,
“The leaders are having an issue, so they told Xiao-shishu to come first and greet Da

Ling Xiao made an ‘oh’ sound and asked, “What issues are they having right now?”

The young disciple smiled reluctantly, “Da Shixiong asked the wrong person, my status is
not high enough to know this matter clearly.”

Ling Xiao asked, “Then who knows about it?”

The young disciple suddenly choked up. Da Shixiong was usually not someone who loved to
investigate things thoroughly; thinking about the teacher’s warning, he decided to hide it.

Seeing that he wouldn’t say anything, Ling Xiao didn’t ask again.
The disciple immediately sighed in relief and fled away. If he were to say something again,
he’d definitely spill the beans.

Not long after everyone had finished transferring back, they destroyed the small
transmission circle. After that, everyone went away from Wang Mang Yao Yuan. When Ling
Xiao and You XiaoMo were just about to go back, they saw Luo ShuHe, along with the
disciples from the Qing Cheng Sect, leaving in a hurry. Their expressions appeared to be
very anxious, and they didn’t even say any greetings.

“Lin Xiao.” Just then, Lei Ju’s master came over and called Ling Xiao, and talked to him in an
unusually polite manner. “There is a big problem in the Tian Xin Sect. The Grandmaster
asked you to come back with me at once. Let’s go back now.” He didn’t deliberately urge
him, and without sarcasm in his words.

This kind of manner made Xiao Long look so fake that it made even You XiaoMo suspicious,
not to mention Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao smiled and nodded, “Let’s go.”

Then he took You XiaoMo’s hand, prepared to go together.

“Wait.” Xiao Long suddenly opened his mouth and called them. When they looked at him,
he explained, “This time, we must go back immediately to Wu Shuang Mountain, and we
don’t intend to stop halfway, because it is urgent. Your junior shouldn’t come back with
you. Let him go back with the people from the same division. Their destination is the same

Ling Xiao paused, and then raised the corner of his lips, “That’s fine. Then, Xiao-shisu,
please wait for me a little.”

Unexpectedly, Xiao Long didn’t make it difficult for him, and just let him go.

Lei Ju saw his leaving figure from behind, looking somewhat dissatisfied, and said, “Shifu,
why did you let Lin Xiao go? He bullied me in Paradise Realm.”

Xiao Long sneered, “Don’t worry, he won’t be able to keep his cockiness for too long.”

Although Lei Ju didn’t know what had happened, he knew his Shifu couldn’t be wrong, so he
became happy.

On the other side, Ling Xiao handed You XiaoMo to Fang ChenYue and Fu ZiLin. When both
came closer, the Poisoned Flood Dragon who always lazed around on Fang ChenYue’s
shoulder, suddenly behaved like it was afraid of something. However, because it was too
small, there were not many people who realized it. But because Fang ChenYue had become
his contractor, he was aware of it.
Before he even opened his mouth, Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo had arrived in front of them.
Ling Xiao said, “Fang ChenYue, please take care of You-shidi.”

Fang ChenYue was surprised that he handed You XiaoMo over to him, but nodded anyway,
“Don’t worry, I am his Da Shixiong, of course I will take care of him.”

Ling Xiao nodded slightly and went away. When he looked at his back, You XiaoMo wanted
to say something, but stopped. He felt that there was something weird about the whole

The pressure of the atmosphere around the people became vicious.

Chapter 188: Zhou Peng’s Incident
By the time You XiaoMo was just about to climb the winged bird, Xiao Long had already
flown away. Fang ChenYue, who was beside him, patted his shoulder, signaling him to sit
down because the winged bird was about to fly.

Although it was impossible to get information from other people, the one who picked them
up at the summit was You XiaoMo’s Fourth-shijie, Nan GongYing. When they asked,
although Nan GongYing was hesitant, she still told them anyway.

Something big had happened at the Tian Xin Sect.

A month ago, all the major forces and the demons had been in constant dispute. Both sides
had many casualties. The bad relationship had continued to get worse, but not that long
ago, just around half a month after they enter the Paradise Realm.

The Tian Xin Sect dispatched several armies against the demon’s attack, only to be caught in
a surprise attack by the demons and were annihilated. Among these people, there was Xiao
Long’s best disciple, Wang YuFei. He was the one who mocked You XiaoMo at the library
because of the Lei Ju’s incident.

The demons’ attack against the Tian Xin Sect was something that they had expected. But
the problem was that the Tian Xin Sect’s armies were something that was temporary
because of the conditions. They still hadn’t fixed any schedules yet for the shift changes,
and it changed almost every day.

Somehow the demons looked like they knew when and where the shift changed. Not only
did they manage to sneak into the Tian Xin Sect’s territories, they also managed to kill two
patrols. When he found out about this matter, the Grand Master became furious and
ordered the matter to be investigated thoroughly.

To be able to know the exact time and place clearly, there were only two possibilities: one
was that there was a spy from the demon’s side hiding inside the Tian Xin Sect. Second was
that someone was working together with the demons, and that’s how the information
leaked out.

And thus, Tang Fan gathered all the people who knew this information and investigated
them one by one. In the end, they found a suspect. That person was Zhou Peng, Lin Xiao’s
closest junior.

There was no clear evidence about Zhou Peng teaming up with the demons. He couldn’t tell
them his whereabouts that day, and no one could give any testimony for his alibi, so he
became the suspect, and was put on death row by the Tian Xin Sect.

As to why they took Ling Xiao, that was because Zhou Peng and Ling Xiao’s relationship was
as close as brothers and Zhou Peng usually obeyed Ling Xiao’s words. Moreover, Ling Xiao’s
behavior for the past year was very unusual. So, the Grand Master suspected there was
something wrong with him, and asked Xiao Long to bring him back to the Tian Xin Sect.

You XiaoMo became speechless, “You can arrest people without evidence?”

Tang Fan clearly wanted to control Ling Xiao, so he took this opportunity to make Ling Xiao
become powerless.

Nan GongYing was really puzzled too; Lin Xiao was the Grand Master’s top student. He was
powerful, kind towards people, all disciples – whether they were junior or senior – put their
trust in him. You could even say that he had the possibility to become the Grand Master’s
successor. Usually, the Grandmaster should have had a proper investigation done before
ordering people to take Lin Xiao back, this was not the proper way to treat the future heir.

Then again, no one could ever guess what was inside the Grand Master’s head, so even if
they puzzled over his actions, the most they could do was just observe from the side.

“Anyway, I believe Lin Xiao should be okay. We just have to wait for him, the Grandmaster
might release him in two days,” Fang ChenYue said while looking at You XiaoMo. He
obviously said this to relieve You XiaoMo, because he assumed You XiaoMo would be very
worried about Ling Xiao. In fact, You XiaoMo never worried about him. On the contrary, he
only hoped that this matter wouldn’t become serious, or else it would be over, especially if
they ended up provoking Ling Xiao.

On the third day the sun begun to rise, they finally arrived at the summit. Due to the
demons’ attack, the atmosphere at the summit was much more oppressive compared to a
month ago.

When the five of them got to the summit, they received a lot of attention from all the
disciples. Although, there was one more disciple who should have been there, and that
person was Zhao Zhang’s nephew.

Unfortunately, his luck was not as good, and he had died in the Paradise Realm’s territory.

Fang ChenYue, while leading his juniors, walked towards Kong Wen, “Shifu, your disciples
have come back.”

Kong Wen showed a comforting smile, his gaze falling towards the Poisonous Tail Flood
Dragon which was on Fang ChenYue’s shoulder. “As expected of my disciple. The Poisonous
Tail Flood Dragon is not a normal mid-level demon beast. Pretty good, pretty good. Shifu
didn’t raise you as my disciple all these years for nothing. And ZiLin, even though you only
got a contract with level six demon beast, it’s better than nothing. Please continue to work
hard.” He talked while looking at Fu ZiLin. This second disciple of his, although Kong Wen
didn’t really like his cold demeanor, Fu ZiLin had the skill that could only be found one in a
hundred. That made him proud.

The level six demon beast that he talked about was the Dead Soul Beast which was sitting
on top of Fu ZiLin’s shoulder. This Dead Soul Beast was a high level ancient demon beast,
and there were no records about it in the library’s scrolls; besides, it concealed itself on
purpose, so even Kong Wen couldn’t recognize it.

After that, Kong Wen called the other two elder disciples over. Their luck was not as good
as Fang ChenYue and Fu ZiLin, they were only able to obtain a level four and level five
demon beast.
Other than the demon beasts, some people got many magic herbs in the Paradise Realm,
especially Fang ChenYue. He contracted with the demon beast quite early. The Poisonous
Tail Flood Dragon was a beast that guarded many magic herbs. Since these kinds of things
were done individually, no one had to seek permission.

There were five people, but he only called and praised four people. Kong Wen left out You
XiaoMo, consciously or unconsciously.

Fang ChenYue, who didn’t seem to realize it, used all his strength to bring out You XiaoMo,
who was hiding in the crowd, to the front. He happily said, “Shifu, there’s still You XiaoMo.
He is the same as ZiLin, he contracted a level six Blue-Blooded Wolf at the Paradise Realm.”

Kong Wen’s smiling face immediately shrank, he answered drily and didn’t say anything
after that; as if he’d lose something if he said more. Before this, even if he didn’t really like
You XiaoMo, he wouldn’t obviously show it – but now he did it in front of a lot of people.

Fu ZiLin, who usually did not really talk, softly said, “Shifu, you don’t feel happy for You-

Kong Wen took one look and immediately choked on his words; he breathed in quickly, and
then gazed at his two students’ faces, saying, “Of course not, as a teacher, I’m really happy
for him.”

Fu ZiLin nodded, “That’s good, then. I’m also happy for him.”

Kong Wen stared at You XiaoMo, drily laughing. Who was possessing Second-Shixiong right
now? This made him extremely unhappy. Kong Wen became angry at his two disciples; he
didn’t say anything again, and just found an excuse to leave.

After Kong Wen left, You XiaoMo immediately felt that the pressure had reduced a lot. He
left after he talked with the other disciples.

As soon as he arrived in his room, he went to his bed and quickly fell asleep as soon as his
head touched the pillow. During the whole month in the Paradise Realm, he didn’t get
decent sleep. He slept through the whole day until the next morning and felt refreshed
after he woke up.

Just when he opened the door, he ran into Yang Yi, who lived next door. Yang Yi was the
same as ever, still loving to gossip with his talkative mouth; if he stopped gossiping for one
day he would feel uneasy – and to think that his practice was still progressing well while he

It was good to have a senior who loved to gossip, he could ask him about everything
happened that he didn’t know.

The news about Tang YunQi’s death in Paradise Realm had become an uproar in no less
than a day. However, because she did so many evil deeds while she was still alive, many
people didn’t really like her. So, there were quite a lot people who secretly rejoiced in
another people’s misfortune.

Tang Fan demanded that they investigate it thoroughly. But after much discussion, most
people believed that the murderer was most likely from the Qing Cheng Sect. The Qing
Cheng Sect and the Tian Xin Sect hated each other, besides, the only one who wasn’t afraid
of the Tian Xin Sect was the Qing Cheng Sect. Other factions, although they could have
wanted to kill her to take her treasure, they still had to consider the one who was backing
up Tang YunQi.

So even though they said that they wanted to investigate thoroughly, in fact they had
already determined that the Qing Cheng Sect were the ones who had murdered Tang
YunQi. According to the most reliable information, Tang Fan had already given an order to
not hold back the next time they ran into any Qing Cheng Sect’s disciples.

But You XiaoMo didn’t care about any of that information, he only cared about Ling Xiao’s
When Yang Yi heard him question about Ling Xiao, he wasn’t surprised, but he looked at
him apologetically, “, I don’t know anything regarding Lin Xiao myself. This matter is among
the Tian Xin Sect’s classified information, no matter how much I asked, they wouldn’t tell
me anything. But if it is you who wants to know what happened with the person who is the
strongest after Lin Xiao, I can give it to you.”

You XiaoMo thought about it for a minute, and then asked, “That Zhou Peng?”

Yang Yi was surprised, immediately looking around to check, and when he was sure that no
one was around, he whispered, “You-shidi, regarding Zhou Peng’s matter, please keep it a
secret. The Grand Master already gave an order to forbid anyone from talking about this

You XiaoMo was surprised, “Why is that?”

Yang Yi whispered, “You still asked why? Grand Master and the others apparently have
already determined that Zhou Peng was the one who worked together with the demons. I
heard that the Grandmaster had already decided to expel Zhou Peng.”

You XiaoMo’s eyes widened, “What do you mean by decided?”

Yang Yi sighed and said, “I mean it as it is. I feel that Zhou-shixiong is really pitiful.”

Although he was not familiar with Zhou Peng, but he had heard many things about Zhou
Peng. He was a straightforward and tough guy, generous, and never spoke arrogantly.
There was no way that this kind of person could work together with the demons;
furthermore, working together with the demons wouldn’t give him any benefits.

Even he could guess it, how could the Grandmaster not? Moreover, Zhou Peng was his
disciple. Now he even dealt with his two most outstanding disciples; they really couldn’t
guess what was inside the Grand Master’s head.

You XiaoMo reluctantly shook his head. No matter how he thought about it, Tang Fan
wasn’t clever enough.

The demon and the human conflicts were getting more serious each day, and on top of
that, they still had issues with their relationship with the Qing Cheng Sect. The war between
these two sects could break out at any time, yet he still detained his own disciples during
this crucial time. Was he not afraid that other people would object him?

After Yang Yi left, You XiaoMo went to the dining hall.

He realized the seniors and juniors who weren’t that close to him during peaceful times
were now acting cold towards him, some even avoiding him. How puzzling.

Even though he didn’t know why, he preferred it this way.

When he went back to his room, he ran into Zhao DaZhou, who was looking for him.

Zhao DaZhou had come yesterday, but You XiaoMo was sleeping. Knowing that he must be
tired, he didn’t disturb him and just went away. He just came and went away by himself,
even Yang Yi didn’t know about it.

Zhou DaZhou apparently had heard about how Kong Wen treated him yesterday, he looked
at him up and down in a glace, and carefully asked, “Seventh-shidi, are you okay?”
You XiaoMo raised his eyebrow and looked at him, “What would be wrong with me?”

Zhao DaZhou thought that it seemed that he didn’t lie, instantly sighing in relief, “If you
think that there’s nothing wrong, then it’s okay. Oh right, I’ve heard about Lin Xiao, you
don’t have to worry, Lin Xiao is very outstanding, and he has large potential. The Grand
Master won’t make things difficult for him.”

Why would you guys think that I’d be worried about him? You XiaoMo became depressed. If
they heard this tone, it would look like he was worried that Ling Xiao wouldn’t be able to
sleep or eat. Even heaven knew that that guy was tough, that kind of guy didn’t need this
little mage to worry about him. But of course, he couldn’t say it out loud.

When he looked at him, You XiaoMo suddenly remembered one thing, “Fifth-shixiong,
please come with me, I have something for you.”

Zhou DaZhou suddenly realized that they were still standing outside his room, but he was
very curious about what You XiaoMo had for him, so he followed him inside.

You XiaoMo turned towards him and said, “Please wait here for a while.”

After he said that, he went behind the changing screen. When he was sure that Zhou
DaZhou wasn’t peeking, he secretly took out the small Six-Winged Divine Tiger demon beast
from his space. The little Six-Winged Divine Tiger opened its eyes, both of its paws holding
its mother’s condensed spirit, and looked at him, rather dazed.

You XiaoMo immediately looked at this meng face that was still covered in blood. This small
fellow was too cute. He hated to part with it, but beside this little one, You XiaoMo had no
other choice to pick.

Zhou DaZhou wondered what took him so long, and then he saw him coming out from the
screen. Just when he was about to talk, the small demon beast attracted his attention,
“Seventh-shidi, this is…?”

You XiaoMo carried the Six-Winged Divine Tiger demon beast in front of him, excitedly
saying, “Didn’t you ask me to help you find a demon beast the other day? I found this to
give it to you. How is it? Cute, isn’t it?”

Zhou DaZhou gaped, too speechless and only said, *Na, na*. He had long forgotten about
At that time, although he had asked You XiaoMo to find him a demon beast, he didn’t really
say it seriously, and he didn’t think that he would really find one. Moreover, he never saw
this type of demon beast species.

After the long silence, Zhou DaZhou finally couldn’t but ask him with trembling lips,
“Seventh-shidi, is this demon beast really for me?”

You XiaoMo nodded, “Really.”

Zhou DaZhou, “Really, really?”

You XiaoMo nodded again, and said patiently, “Really, really.”

Zhou DaZhou: “Really, really, really?”

You XiaoMo: “...”

T/N: meng = Moe (in Japanese)

Chapter 189: The Ruse of Self-injury
After You XiaoMo repeated it so many times, Zhao DaZhou finally believed him.

Zhao DaZhou was giggling while holding the Six-Winged Divine Tiger. He always thought
that the possibility of him having a demon beast would be after a few hundred years.

For that opportunity to happen, he was to become a level six or level seven mage before his
father would let him to do as he pleased, and then, he and his fellow disciples would leave
the Tian Xin Sect to go on an expedition. After that, he would finally be able to make a
contract with his first demon beast, so it was totally unexpected for him that his Seventh-
shidi would give him this demon beast.

Once he finished giggling after a long time, Zhao DaZhou suddenly thought of a question.
He put both of his hands under the little Six-Winged Divine Tiger’s arm, looking at the
confused little demon beast, and asked, “Seventh-shidi, what is this little demon beast’s
species, is it a low rank or a middle rank?”

You XiaoMo said without hesitation, “Isn’t it supposed to be a high-level demon beast?” He
even said low level, does he look like the type that would use a low-level demon beast to
impress his senior?

Zhao DaZhou laughed at him, not believing his words, “You have a small body, how would
you even manage to capture a high-level demon beast so easily? Don’t think that I know
nothing, if this little demon beast is a species that was just born not too long ago, its
parents would definitely be by its side.”

What he said was right, but…

You XiaoMo shrugged and said, “But it really is a high-level demon beast, ah…”

“Haha… I was only…” Zhao DaZhou wasn’t really clear about what he said, so after he
laughed halfway, he stopped suddenly. He immediately turned his head so fast, it made You
XiaoMo think that his head would come off, and then stared at him with wide eyes. “What
did you just say?”

You XiaoMo repeated patiently, “I just said, it is a high-level demon beast.”

Zhao DaZhou immediately shook his head, “It’s wrong, you didn’t say it like that before.”

You XiaoMo, “Where did I say it wrong?”

Zhao DaZhou said, “Just a moment ago, you clearly said, but it really is a high-level demon
beast, ah. I absolutely didn’t mishear that.”

You XiaoMo, “...” You deliberately want to find a fault, don’t you?

Zhou DaZhou didn’t notice his expression, he just stared at the little Six-Winged Divine Tiger
that he was holding, hardly believing it, and said, “Seventh-shidi, how did you get this high-
level demon beast while no one else found it?”

You XiaoMo had expected that he would ask about that, so he had already prepared the
excuse to answer him, “At the Paradise Realm, I encountered two demon beasts who were
fighting intensely, then they both died, leaving only this little demon beast, so I just brought
it with me.”

Zhao DaZhou showed a complicated emotion while looking at him, and said, “Your luck is
really great.”

You XiaoMo laughed, “Now this luck is yours.”

Zhao DaZhou became silent for a while, and then opened his mouth and said, “I heard you
contracted with a level eight Blue-Blooded Wolf, why didn’t you take this high-level demon
beast for yourself?”

You XiaoMo became awkward, what should he tell him, that he didn’t get PiQiu at the
Paradise Realm? After he quickly thought of a reason, he explained, “This little demon beast
was born less than a month ago; even if I took a contract with it, it’d hardly have any use to
me for the time being. It is not as good as the Blue-Blooded Wolf who can fight. You might
not know, but I found many mature magic herbs thanks to this Blue-Blooded Wolf.”

Matured magic herbs and the ones that were still growing were two different things, if he
didn’t say that they were matured magic herbs, people would find out and come up to him,
asking whether he had a field to grow those magic herbs.

Zhao DaZhou looked at him with half-believing eyes, watching him for a while until he
believed that he didn’t lie, and then he admiringly fondled the little Six-Winged Divine
Tiger’s soft fur. “Since you say it like that, then I should accept it. Oh right, the thing that’s
on top of his claw, is it its parent’s concentrated spirit?”

He had noticed it since before, the little demon beast had been holding the concentrated
spirit tightly with its two paws. You XiaoMo nodded, “That is its mother’s concentrated
spirit, if it can absorb this concentrated spirit, its early stage of cultivation should be higher
than other demon beasts of its kind. By the way, you shouldn’t let other people know about
this demon beast.”

Zhao DaZhou said, “Don’t worry, I know what I have to do.”

Since this little demon beast was too rare, You XiaoMo let him form a contract in his room;
because he had the experience of forming a contract several times, he could then guide
him. Although the little demon beast was a high-level demon beast, its spirituality hadn't
developed yet. So even though the aura of a high-level demon beast would give off an
unusual pressure, for Zhao DaZhou, who was already a third level mage, it was not a big
problem at all.

Half an hour later, the contract was finally finished. Zhao DaZhou and the small demon
beast’s bond was a life contract, so it took longer; they stayed for a while before leaving.

After sending Zhao DaZhou off, You XiaoMo tidied up his room briefly, and then he went
into his dimensional space.

He already planted the magic herbs near he got at the Paradise Realm. In fact, most of them
were Dipper herbs, and it had the ability to produce around a hundred seeds. Now that
most of the seeds had fallen off, both Hidden Dipper Stink Bug were flying happily around
the magic herb field.

You XiaoMo walked towards the lakeside and looked around. Aside from SheQiu and
MaoQiu, who didn’t really like water, the other two were at the lake playing around. He
couldn’t help getting a headache.

Come to think of it, the real reason he formed a contract with these demon beasts was so
that he could get them help him from time to time. Such as watering the magic herbs with
the diluted spirit water and gathering the seeds. The magic herb seeds that he had planted
grew up at an incredible speed, and there were many of them; if he didn’t gather them for a
while, it would pile up. He originally thought that these guys would help, but they were just
lazing around.

You XiaoMo walked over, looking at SheQiu and MaoQiu who were lazing around, and then
said to the two of them who were at the lake, “PiQiu, XiaoHei, didn’t I ask you to help me
pick up the seeds? Why are both of you swimming in the lake instead?”

XiaoHei turned into a ruthless beautiful young boy, he rarely spoke, and he often ignored
him, just like now, even though he heard his words, he didn’t care, and just hid in the water.

PiQiu was better, he emerged from the lake, showing his white and tender face that looked
like steamed buns, naively said, “XiaoHei and SheQiu said that it is your business, it had
nothing to do with us.”

You XiaoMo’s delicate and pretty face suddenly darkened.

XiaoHei splashed out from the water, staring at his face, and said, “Idiot, do you want to get
PiQiu got scared, and immediately dived into the water.

You XiaoMo became angry, no matter what anyone said, he was the one who raised PiQiu
until he grew up, and although it was only for a few months, he already considered PiQiu as
his own family. He didn’t expect that XiaoHei would deceive PiQiu.

There were many magic herb seeds, and he usually was busy, so he didn’t have time to
collect it. Even if he asked them to help, it was a task that wouldn’t take too much time.
They played in the water, slept, and lazed around in the space, yet they didn’t have time to
help him pick up the seeds?

He didn’t know why, but You XiaoMo suddenly felt so irritated.

As if responding to his feeling, the space that was so peaceful before suddenly blew a
strong wind, the blue sky turned dark and thundered instantly, along with lightning that lit
over half of the sky; the gloomy space suddenly became oppressive.

This phenomenon immediately woke SheQiu and MaoQiu who were taking a nap at the

XiaoHei and PiQiu who were inside the water also came out from the water, going back to
the lakeside, and looking at the sky along with SheQiu. They guessed that it had some
connection with You XiaoMo’s body.

You XiaoMo didn’t realize it at first, he only started to realize it after there were few
lightning sounds. His irritable mood suddenly turned into a scared one. He looked around
blankly, everything around him was blown upside down. After a while he suddenly
remembered, and he ran towards the magic herb field, and after he saw that all magic
herbs were planted securely on the field, he suddenly relieved.
The four beasts didn’t say anything, but they could vaguely guess what happened.

PiQiu looked at his master’s figure from behind, and then looked at XiaoHei, SheQiu, and
MaoQiu. He then shook his body off the water drops, and his two little legs ran off towards
his master.

“Master, I’ll come to help you.”

You XiaoMo turned back to see the baby PiQiu hurried to come to his side; compared to the
time he couldn’t walk after transforming, this was really an improvement, he couldn’t help
laughing, “PiQiu is a good kid, I didn’t spend the several thousand of gold coin to buy you
mutton for nothing.”

PiQiu grinned instantly, revealing two rows of baby teeth. His spirituality formed early, so
he knew that his master was good to him.
Both master and servant looked at each other and giggled for a moment, and then began
picking up the seeds.

Both worked together continuously, each of them carried a magic bag and each worked on
one block of the magic herb field. No matter if the seeds were good or bad, they put it into
the bag. The mood was so comfortable, as if nobody could get in between them.

When You XiaoMo was just about to pick up a seed, he suddenly felt that there were three
more breaths. He turned his head to one side and saw that the cold-faced XiaoHei was
squatting on the magic herb field beside him. One of his hands was holding the magic bag,
while the other hand was picking up the seeds that fell on the ground. In front of him was
SheQiu’s lazy figure and MaoQiu’s silent figure.
He took a glance and then withdrew his gaze, bowing his head, the corner of his mouth
slowly curving up. What a bunch of awkward guys, made him must use this “self-injury”

However, the change in the space was unexpected. He himself didn’t realize it, but the
space changing to follow his mood was greatly beyond his expectations.
Chapter 190: Death Prison
After that day, You XiaoMo didn’t have to worry about picking up magic herb seeds any
longer. Because of his “self-injury” ruse, SheQiu lead the other four demon beasts to
initially help pick up the seeds that fell in the magic herb fields. Furthermore, they even
started to help watering them with spirit water.
You XiaoMo wrote down all the kinds of magic herbs he had, how frequently they should
water them, and when they would mature, then pasted it on the board. So, if they found
something they didn’t understand, they could just look at it and they didn’t have to look for
him. After he finished, he felt that he was so clever!
Lead by SheQiu, not including PiQiu, all three of them feel that they’ve been deceived!
Ever since they helped to collect the seeds, You XiaoMo handed them this task. It was
originally his task, but now it was all their tasks.
Even though they knew they’d been deceived, they still completed it. Otherwise, if You
XiaoMo became unhappy, the thunder would be waiting for those who lived in the space.
In the blink of eye, it had been half a month since they came back to the Tian Xin Sect.
Although it looked like the breeze was still and the waves quiet, everybody could feel it,
whether it was the Tian Xin Sect, or the other sects, their relationships were reaching the
The relation between the Tian Xin Sect and the Qing Cheng Sect was the most vulnerable.
But the grand masters from both sides were not just leaders by name, they already had
problems with constant disputes between the human practitioners and the demons. If they
were still killing each other, then the demons would just take advantage of it.
On top of everything, a serious thing had happened a few days ago. It was related to the
people from Xing Luo. Rumors said the people from Xing Luo were working together with
the demons.
The reason was that when the Paradise Realm had only been opened for five days, at the
Wang Ling cave, beside Xin ShiYi’s group everyone had been killed mercilessly, and there
were also five unidentified bodies. Later people found out those bodies belonged to those
who hated practitioners deeply. Demons.
From the traces of the fights at the crime scene, it looked like the people from Xing Luo
worked together with the demons to fight their enemies. But these were not the reasons
they doubted whether the Xing Luo Sect was working together with the demons or not.
The real reason was that there was a practitioner who came with them to the Paradise
Realm, and he made a contract with a demon beast. That demon beast said that before
they made a contract, it saw some people from the Xing Luo Sect walking together with an
extravagant person, and then they killed the people from the Xiao Yao Sect.
As for how they died, and who killed them, the demon beast didn't see it, because it was
blown away by a powerful force.
This really was the biggest news!
For one of the big sects to join forces with the demons, it was disastrous.
For a while, apart from the people from the Xing Luo Sect, they temporarily compromised
to set aside the prejudices between the Qing Cheng Sect and the Tian Xin Sect, and they
formed an alliance to oppose the Xing Luo Sect.
The result was that the master of the Xing Luo Sect, ShenTu Dao, was forced to come out
from his seclusion. ShenTu Dao stated that the people from the Xing Luo Sect never worked
together with the demons, and that everything was framed by that practitioner.
For a mere independent practitioner, who didn’t have any backup to protect him, and who
was without any resentment towards the Xing Luo Sect, would he just suddenly frame the
Xing Luo Sect? This argument didn’t make any sense.
Not long after, the elder from the Xing Luo Sect explained that the said practitioner once
had a conflict with the disciples from their Bamboo Group, and then he held a grudge long
enough to frame the Xing Luo Sect. He even brought a witness.
At first, some people believed it because after they checked it out, that practitioner really
did have some grudges against the disciples from the Xing Luo Sect. But not long after, this
lie was cleared.
To confront the accusation towards the Xing Luo Sect, ShenTu Dao of course couldn’t let
him off the hook, and thus sent people to hunt him down. Fortunately, that practitioner’s
demon beast had the ability to conceal their breath, so he didn’t get caught. Later, when
that practitioner was driven into the corner, he ran into the Qing Cheng Sect and made an
oath in front of many people, then he disappeared.
Because of that oath, the people who half believed and half doubted him, finally believed
him. Led by the Qing Cheng Sect and the Tian Xin Sect, both big sects forced ShenTu Dao to
take an oath. If Xing Luo Sect really didn’t join forces with demons, then he should take an
Of course, ShenTu Dao couldn’t take an oath, so it meant that the Xing Luo Sect really was
working together with the demons.
Working together with the demons meant that they had betrayed humankind; this round of
events, even the notably cunning person like ShenTu Dao wouldn’t expect that things would
develop like this.
Ultimately, the Tian Xin Sect worked together with several other sects to oppose the Xing
Luo Sect.
In less than half a month, the situation had changed dramatically. Now, several forces were
discussing how to deal with the Xing Luo Sect. ShenTu Dao’s strength was at the emperor
level, Luo ChengYuan and Tang Fan had to participate. After Tang Fan left, the matter about
Ling Xiao and Zhou Peng was set aside for the time being.
You XiaoMo got all the news from Yang Yi.
Before, You XiaoMo didn’t understand why Tang Fan didn’t release Ling Xiao and Zhou
Peng, even though it was already late. Now he knew that things had changed.
Later, he asked around where the death prison’s location was. Everything comes to the
person who waits; he finally found him.
The Tian Xin Sect’s death prison had a long history. It’s located at Wan E forest, behind the
Tian Xin Sect’s mountain, but it was heavily guarded. The guards were Silver Armor guard,
and they all were star level guards protecting the place. Besides, there was a barrier
surrounding the Wan E forest. If someone touched it, the Silver Armor guards would come.
The death prison was heavily guarded because they put all the prisoners inside, from way
long ago until now. There were the Tian Xin Sect’s traitors, moles who spied on the Tian Xin
Sect, some famous villains, and so on.
Up until now, the people inside had reached a large number, so it was necessary to keep
many guards outside. Not only that, there was the Tian Xin Sect’s elder who was very
famous a long time ago.
Currently, from the inside of the endless darkness, there was a flicker of fire, continuously
giving out a sound, a very heart-wrenching one. That was a sound of grieving anguish,
followed by the sound of beating; the painful sound became louder and louder, but as time
went by, the sound became numb.
This was the current situation of the death prison, the hidden world that resided beyond
the Wan E forest, while at the same time, it was a world that looked like purgatory.
Just by staying at the death prison for a day, anyone could become insane. It was said that
even when your good friend was standing in front of you, you wouldn’t be able to recognize
*Ka ta ka ta*, light footsteps could be heard, coming from the death row entrance.
There was a light coming out of the flame, and the reek of fresh blood perforated the air, it
was salty and humid. Soon it spread to the tip of the nose, enough to turn a normal
person’s expression into a frightened one in an instant. Instead, there wasn’t even a slight
sign of reaction. A slow step came out from upstairs, drops of blood flowing down from the
edge of his feet.
From the side of the river of blood, there was a mountain of bones piling up, and these
bones looked ‘fresh.’ The bones still had some residual flesh; dozens, hundreds of them
were piling up alongside the river of blood. If it weren’t at the death prison’s underground,
which was dim enough to limit one’s vision, anyone would be scared to death just by a
However, the man looked at the piles of bones at his side as if it were nothing and
continued to walk until he reached the end of the river blood.
As far as the eye could see, the death prison was dyed in a deep red color, the iron bars
looked as if they were burned by a mortar, each was scorching hot, enough to burn and tear
down the flesh and blood.
Inside this prison, locked individually, people were bound to change beyond recognition. No
one could see the appearance of a single person.
From inside the cells, several people looked at the man who was walking in front of them.
Among them, there was an old man who had a distorted look and suddenly dashed out,
both hand held the iron bars tightly. He wasn’t afraid of the pain from the burning irons,
and uttered a mournful scream, “Tang Zhen, you demon! Just wait until the day when you
and Tang Fan die mercilessly!”
“Hehe…” the man laughed softly, stopping in front of the old man’s cell. He turned around
to see the old man, showing a cheerful expression with a hidden joyful smile, “Old man, it
seems like your life will only last for a few more days, soon it’ll be your turn.”
After saying that, he ignored the old man and continued to walk.
Fifteen minutes later, he reached the end of the cells. The few cells at the end were built
differently from the front ones. These rooms didn’t have hot iron bars, instead, the surfaces
used a black spar. Although it looked like an ordinary thing, the black spar could suppress
practitioners greatly. Inside of there, they couldn’t use any of their power.
The man walked by, and stopped at the last two rooms, he turned his body and looked at
the dark cells on his right side. There was a silhouette of a slender figure that seemed to
become one with the darkness.
That man stared at the person inside, and smiled, “Lin-shizhi, how do you feel, confined for
half a month?”
The owner of that slender figure walked out of the darkness; surprisingly, it was the one
You XiaoMo hadn’t seen in the last half month – Ling Xiao. Although he was imprisoned,
there wasn’t a hint that he had any difficulties. On the contrary, he still had the aura of
elegance, just like a handsome and refined noble son. Looking at his hypocrisy, he pondered
for a while, and nodded, “I’m fine.”
The man thought that he was only boasting, and said, “Lin Xiao, your qualifications were
excellent, you’d make an excellent successor. It’s a pity that my eldest brother doesn’t want
a rebellious disciple. You surely know what kind of place death prison is, if you enter here,
you won’t be able to go out for the rest of your life.”
Ling Xiao said, “I indeed didn’t think that the Tian Xin Sect, although it looks like a
prestigious sect from the outside, unexpectedly did these kinds of things behind the scenes.
Are you not afraid that if this information were to leak out, it would damage the Tian Xin
Sect’s reputation?”
The man was laughing, *he he*.
“You don’t have to worry about this, ever since the death prison was established, nobody
had escaped and gotten out of this prison.”
Ling Xiao answered back, “Don’t be so sure about that.”
The man said, “I can prove whether I was only bluffing or not to you. Next time, it will be
your and Zou-shidi’s turn. Enjoy your last few days.”
After saying that, he went away, and it soon became dark again after his figure
The black-colored cells soon become silent and grim again. Suddenly, there was a soft voice
coming out from inside the darkness.
From inside the cell in front of him, Zhou Peng, whose voice were choked with sobs and full
of desperation, said, “Da Shixiong, I’m sorry, if I wasn’t being so stupid, you wouldn’t be
dragged into this and taken to the death prison with me.”
Ling Xiao smiled, and suddenly said “Zhou-shidi, I already said this before, but this isn’t your
fault. Tang Fan was already dissatisfied with me before this, and you’re the closest to me
during normal times, so it’s natural for him to put his hand on you. In fact, I was the one
who dragged you into this. You don’t have to blame yourself anymore, you should just think
about how to escape from this place instead.”
“Da Shixiong, you don’t have to comfort me anymore, my heart had understood this matter
clearly.” Zhou Peng said while shaking his head. He thought Da Shixiong said that because
he wanted him to stop blaming himself.
Ling Xiao laughed while scolding him, “Who wants to comfort you? Don’t tell me you didn’t
believe my words?”
Zhou Peng choked back a sob, he couldn’t explain it properly and could only make a *na,
na* sound.
Ling Xiao said, “Zhou-shidi, if one day, you found out that I wasn’t the Da Shixiong that you
knew, would you regret doing all these things for me?” He finally asked him about this.
Zhou Peng was suddenly stunned, after a while he became silent, and then he shook his
head firmly, “I wouldn’t.”
Ling Xiao asked, “Why?”
Zhou Peng hesitated for a moment, and then said “Actually, I feel that the you right now
had become much more humane. The you before, although you appeared to be kind to
everyone, I feel that you still distanced yourself at one point. Although you understood
them, you didn’t believe anyone, you only believed in yourself, and you never opened your
heart to me. To tell you the truth, I used to feel uncomfortable before, because you always
used the similar tone to order as it should be by rights to let me help you do things. But I
feel that the you right now had changed a lot. You have become much more cheerful, you
can share lots of things with me, and you even helped me improve myself…”
Although it was completely dark, Ling Xiao clearly saw in a split second, that his face didn’t
show any sign that he was nervous or any kind of unnatural expression. Upon hearing his
reasoning, he couldn’t help but laugh, it was the first time for him to hear from other
people that he was sociable and cheerful. He laughed hard. It was killing him.
Nevertheless, Ling Xiao never thought that Zhou Peng could see clearly through everyone,
and he always thought about so many things deep inside his heart even though he never
said it. He really couldn’t hold it back. “Since Zhou-shidi really believes in me, then I shall
reward you with a huge gift.”
Just when he finished this sentence, the old man at the cell next to Ling Xiao’s suddenly
made a sound.
“Little brothers, do you have any interest in making a deal with me?”
Chapter 191: Secrets and the Transmitter
Tang Zhen was Tang Fan’s biological little brother, there was only a five years difference
between them. During their younger days, you could say that both were the most talented
people in the Tian Xin Sect. During Grand Master Yu’s reign, they caught his attention, and
he personally trained them.
At that time, many people were guessing around to who would succeed the Grand Master,
because both brothers were the best in the last three generations. Everyday people would
discuss who was better between Tang Fan and Tang Zhen. Some people even believed that
they would end up against each other.
However, the outcome was beyond everyone’s expectations, because Grandmaster Yu had
an accident.
Grand Master Yu’s strength was at Spiritual level seventh star rank, and he almost had a
breakthrough into Emperor level.
But when he went out to do some work, he and other elder disciples encountered the
demons attack, and all of them had perished.
Losing a Spiritual level seventh star rank, and a Grand Master to boot, was a big blow for
the Tian Xin Sect. Luckily, according to the Tian Xin Sect’s inside information, there weren’t
any other forces that were involved in this accident. During the critical moment, there was
a great elder protecting the Tian Xin Sect using his enormous strength. He had incredible
strength, and he fought back those who tried to provoke them.
A country should not be without a ruler even if were just for a day, and that included the
Tian Xin Sect.
Later, that great elder became the one who made the decisions and arranged a new Grand
Master. The candidates were Tang Fan and Tang Zhen.
Because of their good characters, innate talents that could only be found one in a hundred,
and the fact that they were hardworking practitioners, this made them the best candidates
to become a Grandmaster. But if there were two candidates, of course they should
But the day before the competition, Tang Zhen decided to withdraw, giving up the position
of Grand Master to his Da Shixiong, Tang Fan, and voluntarily went to protect Tian Xin
Sect’s death prison. Nobody knew the reason why he decided to withdraw, and the only
thing they knew was from then on, Tang Fan had become the Grand Master for several
hundred years.
This matter wasn’t really a secret, because all the predecessors who from the same period
as Tang Fan, those from a few hundred years ago, knew about this. Yang Yi only had to ask a
little to know the story roughly.
A little brother who could sacrifice himself for his brother’s future, in the whole continent
of Long Xiang, if there were somebody who could believe Tang Fan unconditionally, it
would be only his little brother Tang Zhen.
After he heard about this from Yang Yi, You XiaoMo felt that there was something wrong.
Tang Zhen gave up the Grand Master’s position to Tang Fan, it means that the two brothers’
relationship was very good. But then again, Tang Zhen didn’t really have to protect the
death prison.
Staying in the death prison for too long would made you develop neuroticism, furthermore
it wouldn’t be any help for a practitioner. The air at that place was very heavy, if the
practitioner was not strong enough, the odds of being possessed by a devil were very high.
So, if their relationship were good, Tang Fan should have called Tang Zhen back after he
succeeded the Grand Master title. But not only did he not he do it, he ignored it for a few
hundred years. Could it be that there was a special place at the death prison?
You XiaoMo really wanted to go to Wan E forest and look, but the guards there were
exceptionally strict, he might even get caught before he went near it.
He asked SheQiu, but SheQiu simply rolled his eyes, and said that he would only hinder Ling
Xiao if he went there, and just told him to relax.
It was not easy for him to worry about Ling Xiao, but once he did, he was told that he would
only become a hindrance; someone was being arrogant.
Three days later, You XiaoMo saw Fang ChenYue who he hadn't seen for many days.
This time, Fang ChenYue didn’t look for him to chat around; a month ago, he promised You
XiaoMo that he would give him some high-level magic herb seeds, and not long ago, a small
high-level magic herb field recently dropped some seeds, so he finally had the opportunity
to enter the seed house. After he got a hold of the seeds, Fang ChenYue especially came
here running to give him the seeds, and after talking a bit, he hurriedly going back.
You XiaoMo brought the seeds and gave it to SheQiu and the others, let them soak the
seeds in the spirit water until they became puffed up, set up the magic herb fields, and then
planted them in the fields. Because these were high level magic herb seeds, the growth
time for these seeds was much longer, so they needed to prepare them beforehand before
they could plant them.
In the afternoon, You XiaoMo went out from the space, and then he went to meet Zhao
DaZhou who was in a rush looking for him.
When Zhao DaZhou saw him, the first thing that he said was, “Seventh-shidi, I’m really
Saying that all sudden, You XiaoMo didn’t know what he meant.
After he panted a few times, Zhao DaZhou began to explain, “Last time, didn’t you say that I
shouldn’t let other people know about MengMeng’s existence? I wasn’t careful enough,
and my dad found out, so I had to tell him about it.” MengMeng was the little Six-Winged
Divine Tiger.
You XiaoMo just wondered about what he was going to tell him, but it was about this
matter. He already expected that Fifth-shixiong wouldn’t be able deceive Zhao-shibo, so he
already expected that Zhao-shibo would find out.
Zhao DaZhou saw his flat expression and couldn’t but be surprised, “Don’t tell me you
already guessed it?”
You XiaoMo patted his shoulder, and said in an understanding tone, “Fifth-shixiong, to tell
you the truth, I feel that with your IQ, it’s impossible for you to deceive Zhao-shibo.”
Zhao DaZhou twitched his mouth, “Should I thank you for being so understanding to me?”
It sounded like he was praising his father’s high IQ, but it clearly meant that his own IQ was
You XiaoMo laughed, “You don’t have to.”
Zhao DaZhou rolled his eyes, while keeping his face close to him, but the worries in his
heart had finally lifted. He was afraid that You XiaoMo would be mad at him.
You XiaoMo didn’t get angry at all, in fact he felt that it was better for Zhao-shibo to know
the truth. Since he was much smarter than Fifth-shixiong, he knew that such a treasure
shouldn’t be exposed to other people, and with his harsh language, he could help keeping
the secret, so it would lessen the chance that MengMeng would be found out.
Zhao DaZhou said, “there’s still one other thing, have you heard about Xing Luo’s matter?”
You XiaoMo asked back, “I’ve heard about it, why did you ask?”
Zhao DaZhou said, “I heard my father say that Grandmaster would go to the Yun Canyon
tomorrow and meet with other forces, and afterwards they will go looking for the Xing Luo
Sect. They estimated that this war would last for several days.”
You XiaoMo nodded his head, “I know about this, ah.”
Zhao DaZhou rolled his eyes and said, “I know you do, what I want to say next is the thing
that you don’t know, please listen until I finish talking.”
You XiaoMo rubbed his nose, he felt that recently he received too many eye rolls.
Zhao DaZhou said this in the mysterious way, “There is something that you absolutely don’t
know. Not everybody in Tian Xin Sect listens to what the grandmaster had said. My father
said that inside the Tian Xin Sect, there is a group of strong people that can’t be controlled
by the Grand Master, so he really wants to eliminate them as soon as possible. Sadly, their
strength is too high, unless he breaks them one by one, it would be impossible even for
grandmaster to remove them.”
You XiaoMo, thought about it, “Don’t tell me they used to oppose the Grand Master to
succeed the previous Grand Master?”
Zhao DaZhou praised him and said, “You’re correct, my father told me, actually, during the
time when the current Grand Master succeeded the grandmaster title, there was a hidden
story behind this, although it wasn’t very clear specifically.”
You XiaoMo wasn’t a fool; when he had heard Zhao DaZhou mention his dad a few times,
he knew why he told him about this.
This kind of matter concerning Tang Fan was an absolute Tian Xin Sect secret, you couldn’t
obtain it just from Yang Yi-shixiong’s gossip. Since Zhao-shibo asked Fifth-shixiong to tell
him this, it was clearly his way of thanking him for the high level little demon beast that he
gave to Fifth-shixiong.
Zhao-shibo couldn’t interfere with Ling Xiao’s matter, but the people who opposed Tang
Fan could do it, so Zhao-shibo wanted to warn him that he could look for those people.
After sending Zhao DaZhou off, You XiaoMo stayed inside his room all afternoon.
When he got out of his room, he apparently already had some determination, his
expression looked firm.
The next day, Tang Fan and others left the Tian Xin Sect for Yun Canyon. The reason he
could just leave the Tian Xin Sects was because the person who temporarily filled in his
position was the great elder who helped him succeeded the Grand Master position. That
great elder was already very old, and of course it had been a long time since he handled
things, so nobody knew how strong he was now.
In You XiaoMo’s space, on the second day Tang Fan left, he gathered up all the Qiu team
members to start a secret discussion. “You want me to infiltrate the death prison at Wang E
Forest and look for boss? Only me?” SheQiu frowned while looking at him. He didn’t
understand this way of thinking, in the end, who was the one who had to listen and do all
the work?
You XiaoMo nodded, “I didn’t ask you to bring me and look for Ling Xiao, but I want you to
help me tell Ling Xiao about that matter. I think we can make use of it, who knows, maybe
we can even get Zhou Peng out.”
SheQiu made a complicated expression while looking at him for a long time, and then
looked at Xiao Hei and the others.
Xiao Hei and the three others who were beside him turned their heads away, not looking at
The four beasts’ reactions immediately made You XiaoMo confused, he thought that his
plan didn’t have any problems, he had confidence in this plan, even just a little, so why did
they have those kinds of reactions? Besides, it made him feel that somehow, they were
feeling somewhat guilty.
After a while, SheQiu made a coughing sound, and then took out a luminous stone from his
chest and gave it to him.
You XiaoMo took the stone, “What is this?”
This whitish stone had milky white color inside; it was very beautiful.
SheQiu’s eyes were sparkling, and then he said, “This is a transmitter stone.”
You XiaoMo asked, “What is a transmitter stone?”
SheQiu mumbled, “It… can let two people to talk with each other even when they are not at
the same place, as long as it’s not exceed ten thousand miles.”
You XiaoMo nodded, it’s like the 21st centuries telephone, but the distance was longer, and
there’s no limit for the signal or place. Of course, he knew that; and then, he asked in a very
gentle tone, “Then, who are you usually talking to using this stone?”
SheQiu imitated Xiao Hei and the others, turning away his head, not daring to look at You
You XiaoMo “…”
Transmitter stone, “Haha…”
Chapter 192: Bottleneck
Following the “Ha ha” sound, the atmosphere instantly quieted down.
Five seconds later, someone got pissed and jumped up from the ground, brutally throwing
the transmitter stone away, while furiously shouting, “Ha ha… Ha your sister, you all
deceived me, spun me around and around like a toy.”
You XiaoMo was deathly angry, and to think he wasted all those times “withering away”
from worrying about Ling Xiao. In the end, that bunch already had been in cahoots with
each other, all except him who had been utterly fooled. He felt abandoned. What a bunch
of assholes!
The stone transmitted Ling Xiao’s voice with a laughing undertone, “Xiao Shidi, don’t be
mad, there is a reason I didn’t tell you right away, but I’m really happy to see you worry for
The moment Ling Xiao said this, the SheQiu group understood and quickly dispersed, even
the little innocent PiQiu was fast on his legs, although, he went to pick up the transmitter
stone that was thrown earlier.
You XiaoMo rolled his eyes toward PiQiu, who wanted you to meddle in my business?
PiQiu pretend he was blind, couldn’t see anything, and then *pi pi* ran away.
You XiaoMo fiercely said, “You better have a reasonable explanation, one good enough to
convince me, or else… I won’t refine any magic pills for you to eat anymore.”
Ling Xiao,” Ha ha.”
Ha your sister, ah! Hurry and tell me, quickly.
Ling Xiao seemed to receive You XiaoMo’s resentment, so he started to explain, “Actually,
Tang Fan arranged people to monitor you.”
Fuck, You XiaoMo realized that this “couldn’t be any shorter and simpler” of a sentence to
succeed in persuading him, and he was hoping for a longer explanation, in the end the first
sentence explained everything.
You XiaoMo suddenly remembered all the stuff he had done, anxiously saying, “You said
Tang Fan arranged people to monitor me, which means he already learned everything I
have done this past half month?”
Ling Xiao saw him getting frustrated and calmly said, “No, rest assured, Tang Fan didn’t
send his men to monitor you side by side, only when you leave the peak, his men will follow
You XiaoMo silently let out a sigh of relief, “Then it’s okay.”
He calmed himself down, he knew that he was making a fuss; if Tang Fan really sent people
to closely monitor him, Ling Xiao would have certainly warned him beforehand and told him
to be careful. But then, since he didn’t say anything, it was probably because that spy was
not a threat.
Ling Xiao gave a *ha ha* laugh, “Not angry anymore?”
Dropping a bomb like that, You XiaoMo lost all his energy to get angry, “Are you still in the
prison? When will you leave?”
Ling Xiao teased, “Miss me?”
You XiaoMo pouted, “Who would miss you?!”
Ling Xiao was very satisfied with his “mouth said one thing, but heart speaks another,”
softly saying, “Xiao Shidi, I miss you so much…”
You XiaoMo heart went on a rampage, how could he say something like this so easily, but
he had underestimated Ling Xiao’s thick skin; what Ling Xiao said next made his pink
blushing face quickly go red from anger.
“I really miss you… when you are naked from head to toe, such meticulous fair and smooth
skin rubbing my body, so soft and delicate that it makes me horny every time. When that
happens, what goes down there can’t help but go… hard, Xiao Shidi, what should I do now, I
suddenly want to eat you…”
Ling Xiao’s vulgar voice slowly transmitted through the stone, every word seemed to be
bewitched, softly coaxing into You XiaoMo’s ear, making him unconsciously remember the
skinship of those nights when Ling Xiao embraced him. This was absolutely a restricted
“Ah-ah!!!” You XiaoMo shockingly threw away the transmitter stone again.
Ling Xiao’s laugh spread through the air, and then a *plunk* sound and the stone dropped
into the lake, the sound also disappearing.
SheQiu kicked little PiQiu into the lake, PiQiu bitterly looked at them, accepting his fate and
dived down to pick up the stone again, giving it back to You XiaoMo.
You XiaoMo’s mouth twitched, he took the stone, then patted PiQiu’s little head, calmly
saying, “PiQiu, you don’t have to pick it up next time.”
PiQiu looked at him, then silently ran away.
You XiaoMo swore, he could read the meaning in PiQiu’s eyes, “As long as you stop
throwing it, I will stop picking it up,” this was literally threatening him.
The angry You XiaoMo directly diverted the anger toward Ling Xiao, “If you don’t speak to
the point, I won’t make any more magic pills for you.”
Ling Xiao held in his laughter, saying, “Ok, here is the issue, for the next month, try to stay
in your room as much as possible. No matter what happens, keep hiding inside. It’s safer;
also, let SheQiu out to protect you.”
You XiaoMo excitedly said, “Don’t tell me you are about to do something big?”
Ling Xiao said, “You can say it that way.”
You XiaoMo continued, “Are you plotting to overthrow and claim the throne?”
Ling Xiao said, “You can guess.”
You XiaoMo, “…”
That moment someone nearly blew his fuse again, Ling Xiao said, “You don’t have to ask
anything, when the time comes you will know, the less people who know, the better.”
You XiaoMo reluctantly accepted, “So when will you escape the death prison?”
Ling Xiao paused a little, “That moment is probably not too far, uhm, actually, the death
prison is very fun to play at.”
You XiaoMo blankly said, “Oh, then you might as well stay in there a few years, go and have
a blast.”
Ling Xiao laughed, “I would like to, ah, but this death prison doesn’t have your milky smooth
body, and your squishy soft butt. The fun will soon be boring, and I’m still longing for
You XiaoMo finished the sentence for Ling Xiao inside his mind, wanting to faint, could this
guy be any more vulgar, ah!
Although he succeed in contacting Ling Xiao, You XiaoMo once again got vulgarly roasted by
Ling Xiao; simply speaking, this was literally throwing money down the drain.
As for the transmitter stone, You XiaoMo didn’t return it to SheQiu, but straightforwardly
confiscated it, and then he ignored the four who ganged up to deceive him. Don’t think that
just because Ling Xiao said a few words, he would drop the charge; You XiaoMo was a very
petty man.
The next few days, the SheQiu group was very cautious and careful, especially in front of
You XiaoMo. Sometimes they even had to look at his mood, it looked like the master finally
stood up to fight for one’s own right.
Then three more days passed; the outside finally came with the news – Tang Fan and Lou
ChengYuan had joined forces, and after paying a small price, they finally succeeded in killing
the Imperial level ShenTu Dao.
As for the demons, originally, they were cruelly beaten by the major forces and suffered
from heavy casualties. Moreover, the demons were already wicked in nature, working with
them was like a double edge sword; even though they had an alliance with the Xing Luo
Sect, in the end, those demons didn’t send their men to lend a hand.
Since then, the three major forces now lost to the Xing Luo forces, the southern area was
finally under the absolute reign of the Qing Cheng Sect and the Tian Xin Sect.
Originally this should have come to the end, but conflicts happened at the time when they
were sharing the goods, Tang Fan and Luo ChengYuan couldn’t agree with each other,
resulting with breaking up in conflict; the situation in the south was again turned into a
tense atmosphere.
Their common enemy, the Xing Luo Sect had disappeared, the demons also went back into
the dark to recuperate, so there wouldn’t be any storms coming up in this short period of
time. But predictably, the Tian Xin Sect and the Qing Cheng Sect conflictions quickly rose up.
Tang Fan and Luo ChengYuan turned their backs against each other, all the old debts were
being brought up one by one.
The Tian Xin Sect had their own reasons, the Qing Cheng Sect had their own right.
One side accused the other of his daughter’s murder and stealing the magic pill recipe. The
other side asked for justice for his disciples and his elder’s death, even Elder Li’s death was
grouped into the Tian Xin Sect’s crime, although, in a way, it was not wrong.
Of course, they would never have thought that in a sense, all of them had been killed by the
very same man.
No matter what the truth was, the Qing Cheng Sect and the Tian Xin Sect had already made
up their minds.
In two or three months’ time, the southern forces were likely to go under a big reform, with
the Qing Cheng and Tian Xin Sect’s both being stubborn to death, afraid that another major
force would end up crumbling. In the next two weeks, there were various small battles
between the two.
You XiaoMo listened to Ling Xiao’s word and holed up in his room where he either refined
magic pills or harvested his magic herbs.
But to have a gossip-lover Shixiong, he was not completely clueless; even though his ear
never stuck outside the window, sometimes he even knew sooner than the others.
It was worth mentioning that Zhao Da Zhou came to visit him again, and this time he
brought good news; his MengMeng after nearly a month of efforts, finally succeeded in
absorbing the concentrated spirit, and the results were, even though he was not born more
than two months ago, Meng Meng’s strength had already surpassed PiQiu’s, his level was
now level six three star, even a rocket wasn’t that fast.
Zhao Shibo was also very happy, and when he was happy, he pulled some of his authority to
give him more magic herbs. You XiaoMo could not refuse and had no choice but to accept.
After that, You XiaoMo found an excuse to see MengMeng, and then secretly stuffed a
shapeshifting pill into his mouth and asked him not to tell Zhao Da Zhou and Zhao Shibo for
the time being. MengMeng had gained his wisdom, vaguely remembering this person as the
one who had saved him before, so he promised, because it just temporary anyway.
And so, You XiaoMo would, practicing from time to time and occasionally talking with Ling
Xiao through the transmitter stone, leisurely pass through the month. But today, You
XiaoMo finally met his first obstacle in his cultivating.
Today, just like every other day, he stayed inside his space to practice the Heavenly Soul
Scripture. Usually he absorbed the spiritual energy smoothly, and each time his soul power
would improve, but this time he could not feel anything.
You XiaoMo originally wanted to use the space’s dense spiritual energy to try whether he
could breakthrough to Heavenly Soul Scripture’s second level. He could feel that he was
only a thin layer away from the second level, but he didn’t know why, he felt like he had
gotten stuck at some part, he could not move forward or backward, and was stuck at a
standstill there.
You XiaoMo knew he was being hasty, and you cannot hastily eat hot tofu, before his
practicing was smooth sailing, perhaps too smooth and lucky, so it should be normal to
encounter an obstacle now. Don’t get anxious ya!
Even though he understood it clearly, he was still a bit impatient.
But soon, the news that Yang Yi-shixiong brought next made his impatience disappear.
It had been a month since the Tian Xin Sect set against the Qing Cheng Sect. Through all the
small and big battles, victories and defeat, both sects still equaled in strength, but today the
Qing Cheng Sect had flashed out their hidden ace, instantly taking all the advantages to
their side.
The hidden ace was Luo ShuHe’s level nine contract beast, a real Imperial level warrior.
The Qing Cheng Sect’s young master Luo was lucky enough to have a contract with a level
nine beast, no wonder they dared to challenge the Tian Xin Sect. As such they had already
expected it, and held it to the present, perhaps they had already been well prepared.
At this point, all the neutral bystander forces, one after another, stood to the Qing Cheng
Sect’s side; now that the wind had turned, the Tian Xin Sect was quickly pressured.
It was said that the Qing Cheng Sect was organizing their people, preparing to attack the
Tian Xin Sect in three days.
The news Yang Yi told was neither earlier or later, after all, their battles had already
attracted a lot of attention, some even received the news quicker.
So, when You XiaoMo got the news, the Tian Xin Sect was already in chaos, people started
to panic, everyone was talking about this matter.
Until the next morning, Tang Fan finally came forward to appease people, he assured all
that the Tian Xin Sect would not lose.
Tang Fan had already been the Grandmaster for hundreds of years, his power and trust was
still very high, many disciples and elders panic eased after hearing his assurance.
Three days later, the Qing Cheng Sect brought their men to attack.
In addition to the Qing Cheng Sect, there were other forces and lone practitioners who also
came to watch, because this battle marked a big turning point of the major forces in the
south, many people wanted to use their own eyes to witness this piece of history.
Chapter 193: Showdown
As the sun gradually rose, the mountain where the Tian Xin Sect was beginning to light up.
On the road that lead to the Tian Xin Sect’s square, if the Qing Cheng Sect and the Tian Xin
Sect were to confront each other, this square was a perfect battleground.
The square had been filled up with spectators since dawn, but most of them were standing
rather far away from the main ground; after all, a battle between two Imperial level
practitioners was usually very gruesome, anyone could accidentally be caught up in the
Under the expectations of the crowd, suddenly dozens of winds slashing sounds
approached from the distant, the momentum was large, making the people gasp in
Not long after, the leader of the group had arrived at the square and proclaimed, his words
accompanied by very rude laughter, “Tang Fan, I, Luo ChengYuan, have come forth; stop
being a turtle hiding in your shell, come out and fight!”
All the eyes in the square switched to where Luo ChengYuan standing. Afterward, another
wind slashing sound stopped by his side, dozens of figures floating behind his back,
including his son, Luo ShuHe.
Some people opened their eyes widely to see Luo ShuHe’s level nine beast, and they finally
found it on his shoulder, but the beast was in its mini size, so the people couldn't see it
Although they could not see the Six Thunderbird, the Qing Cheng Sect’s strong troop had
made a lot of people gasp in fear. The crowd was faintly disturbed, a thousand-year-old sect
was so distinctive, second-rate forces cannot compare to them.
The Qing Cheng Sect sent out sixty strong practitioners, the lowest at the Moon level, the
Star and Spiritual level cultivators were everywhere, like sale off bok choy. Just for this one
battle, the Qing Cheng Sect sent out many strong practitioners, it looked like Tian Xin Sect
couldn’t avoid this fight.
On the other side, even after Luo ChengYuan had led his men to lineup while waiting, Tang
Fan still hadn’t showed up.
Luo ChengYuan wrinkled his eyebrows, loudly shouting, “Tang Fan, are you so afraid of us in
the Qing Cheng Sect that you have to hide your tail and can’t come out?”
His voice was deliberately loud, almost spreading thousands of miles away, like he was
afraid that Tang Fan couldn’t hear him.
“Oh, Luo ChengYuan, don’t think that because you have a level nine demon beast that it can
help you reign over the south. The words spilled out of the mouth of the one who had been
number two for thousands of years is absolute nonsense. Let me clarify this today, right
here, a ‘thousand year’ number two will forever be a ‘thousand year’ number two; no
matter how hard you climb, you can never become number one.”
Up above the Tian Xin Sect’s peak, Tang Fan let out a cold sneer, his blunt words causing an
uproar among the people standing by the square. Who would have thought Tang Fan would
say such an arrogant thing?
Luo ChengYuan ‘s face suddenly intensified, his eyes quickly becoming gloomy. “If you don’t
try, you won’t know who is the eternal number two, but I think you have no other choice
now, because right now, me, the grandmaster, will send the Tian Xin Sect to destruction.”
As soon as he finished his sentence, on the opposite mountain, dozens of silhouettes
The wind-slashing sound once again approached; not long after, people had arrived on the
opposite side of Luo ChengYuan. They were led by Tang Fan, and behind his back there
were the Tian Xin Sect warriors among whom, just like in the Qing Cheng Sect, the lowest in
strength was a Moon rank.
Both sides lined up were the millennium rare of the rare, all the people gathered at the
square couldn’t but widen their eyes to engrave this picture in their hearts.
At the same time, You XiaoMo, who was still hiding inside his room, could also heard those
two voices.
To think that he had thought he would need someone to report to him the battleground
situation, and yet he didn’t expect to hear it live, those two must have used a lot of power
to talk this loudly, ah.
SheQiu, who was lazily lying on You XiaoMo’s bed, suddenly came out from behind the
screen, unexpectedly proposing the idea, “Master, want to go and see?”
You XiaoMo froze as he was holding a book, he tilted his head, “You are willing to take me
He thought that SheQiu wished he wouldn’t ever leave this room, to think that SheQiu
would take the initiative to bring him out. Something was wrong here, but he was really
interested in viewing the battle scene with his own eyes.
SheQiu nods, “Of course.”
Although he couldn’t figure out what he was thinking, You XiaoMo didn’t care, maybe he
could see Ling Xiao if he went to the battlefield, so he agreed.
Following along was also the Qiu team; they didn’t want to stay inside the space, of course
because they couldn't see the fun if they stayed in there. You XiaoMo had no choice but to
let them out; they all turned to their mini size, hiding inside his clothes.
To leave the peak, he must avoid Tang Fan’s men who had been sent to monitor him.
However, this was not a big deal to You XiaoMo, Tang Fan thought he was just a weak little
mage, so the spy he sent out was only a Star rank three star.
If he entered the space, and controlled the space slowly, moving to the mountain foot
where the Tian Xin Sect’s square lies, he could reach there in no sweat.
But right now, You XiaoMo was ready to go out, a disciple of Capital Peak suddenly came for
You XiaoMo recognized this guy, he was the one who swept Kong Wen’s courtyard, the last
time he went to meet Kong Wen, he also saw this man, seemed like he was called Zhu An
Zhu An said, “You-shidi, sorry for bothering you, but I need you to come with me, the peak
master wants to see you.”
You XiaoMo difficulty wrinkled his eyebrows, Kong Wen asking for him right at this period
probably didn’t mean any good. He asked, “Zhu-shixiong, do you know why Shifu wants to
find me? “
Zhu An emotionlessly said, “I don’t, You-shidi, just follow me and you will soon know.”
Ending his sentence, he seemed to be certain that You XiaoMo can keep up with him, he
turned around and walked.
You XiaoMo hesitated for a moment, then he reluctantly shook his head and followed him;
his relationship with Kong Wen really needed a work out, or else he would inconvenience
his two Shixiong’s who would get caught in the middle. Besides, he had a feeling that if he
missed this chance, there wouldn’t be any more opportunities.
The courtyard inside the compound was still the same as ever, unfortunately after a few
months the surrounding remained but the people were gone.
Zhu An walked to the door, speaking with respect, “Peak master, I have brought the one
you asked for.”
After a while, inside the room came out Kong Wen’s gloomy voice, “You go outside and
keep watch, unless I have granted permission, don’t let anyone enter here.”
Zhu An replied “Yes, peak master.”
You XiaoMo pushed the door open and went in, he saw Kong Wen standing beside the
window with his hands behind his back, just like the last time; the only difference was that
beside the window, the level eight magic herb, Blazing Flower, was no longer there.
You XiaoMo walked behind his back, carefully asking, “Shifu, what do you need me for?”
Kong Wen turned around, his usual cold face now unexpectedly covered with a gentle
smile, looking at him with eyes full of kindness, as if he had always been a kind elder.
You XiaoMo suddenly had goosebumps all over his body, an alarm triggered inside his brain,
something was wrong with Kong Wen today.
Kong Wen laughed, “Don’t be nervous, little seventh, the reason I need you is mainly
because I want to have a chat with you.”
You XiaoMo’s mouth stiffened, he tried to put on a smile, “Shifu, what do you want to talk
about?” I’d have to be dumb enough to believe you – chat? He couldn’t see anything good
about talking with Kong Wen.
Kong Wen said, “Little Seventh, you have been in the Tian Xin Sect for about a year now; as
your Shifu, I haven’t been able to teach you much, you won’t blame me, ba?”
You XiaoMo lowered his head, “No, sir, I know you have been busy.”
As he spoke the last word, You XiaoMo deliberately increased the tone of irony inside it.
Kong Wen acted as if he didn’t understand, “Then it’s okay, but I didn’t expect that in less
than a year, your relationship with Da Shixiong and Second Shixiong would be even closer
than the others’. Not only did Da Shixiong disobey me for you, even the ever-cold Second
Shixiong spoke out for you, which really gave me a surprise. Little seventh, can you tell this
Shifu, what benefits have you offered to your two Shixiong’s, so that they would start
protecting you?”
You XiaoMo couldn’t read Kong Wen’s deep dark eyes; he took a step back, and said, “Shifu,
what kind of person do you think Da Shixiong and Second Shixiong are? They are your
personally trained disciples, you must be the one who is most clear about their
personalities. Do you think that they would throw away their life code just for some random
Kong Wen laughed, “Of course I should be the clearest about them, that is why I feel that it
is so strange. How would you, out of all people, make my two prized disciples take your
side, even to the point of disobeying me?”
You XiaoMo said, “Shifu, you asked me, why don’t you ask yourself first? At first you took
me in as your disciple, and yet you ignored me. Da Shixiong, because he noticed it, he
started to look after me more frequently. Later you started to make things difficult for me
as much as possible. You have never treated me as a proper disciple, and what do you have
to say about that?”
Kong Wen noticed that his “You” had gone from formal to informal, his expression went
grim in a blink, “Are you complaining about me?”
You XiaoMo shook his head, “No, I’m not, I’m just speaking the truth.”
Kong Wen said, “The thing I regret most, the worst thing I have ever done in my life, is that I
accepted you as my disciple.”
You XiaoMo replied, “Me too.”
Kong Wen eyes went cold, “You XiaoMo, I won’t beat about the bush with you anymore, as
Lin Xiao was imprisoned by the grandmaster, since you have a relationship with him, the
grandmaster will certainly not let you get away. If you want to survive, if you hand over the
items, I will guarantee you can safely leave the Tian Xin Sect.”
T/n: In Chinese, the pronoun is much more classify than in English. The “you” momo used
to call Kong Wen before is a formal “you” (Nin 您), which it a polite way to address
someone with respect, like how a waiter address customer as “sir” or “madam”. Later
Momo address Kong Wen as “you” (Ni 你) but this pronoun is much more informal, as this It
use to address stranger, or someone is on the equal with you. This pronoun is very impolite
if you use this toward your elder, parent, teacher, etc., …
Chapter 194: You XiaoMo’s Soft Spot
Motherfucker, finally he spilled the beans!
You XiaoMo had soon figured out that Kong Wen had another purpose for calling him here,
after a long wait, finally the cat was out of the bag.
Although, You XiaoMo was caught by surprise as Kong Wen’s words seemed to imply that
he was after something he owned. had Kong Wen found out about his secret space?
Impossible, ah, he had been extra careful up to now, beside Ling Xiao had also said before
that he already set up a barrier around his room. If Kong Wen secretly monitored him, Ling
Xiao would have found out.
You XiaoMo couldn’t determine whether Kong Wen had learned about his space or not, he
had no other option but to say, “What do you mean?”
Kong Wen squinted his eyes, “You don’t have to pretend, I already knew, with your
qualifications, if not for that item, it would be absolutely impossible for you to gain three
levels in just a year. I am now giving you a choice; do you want to take it out yourself or do
you want me to do it for you?”
You XiaoMo’s heart suddenly started beating fast, Kong Wen really was a sly fox. He had
long suspected him but still pretended as if nothing had happened. It seemed that he really
had found out about the existence of the space and wants to claim it for himself, that’s why
he stayed quiet about his discovery until now.
At this moment, SheQiu’s anxious voice interrupted his thoughts.
SheQiu said, “Master, you must not believe him, he is deceiving you, he doesn’t know about
the space’s existence at all, he is only setting you up with words, don’t fall into his trap.”
You XiaoMo finally reacted in time, he lifted his head as he saw Kong Wen’s eyes sharply
stare at him, as he was trying to find some clue from his expression. You XiaoMo was
surprised a little, but then quickly calmed down.
You XiaoMo said, “I also cannot fathom what you’re saying.”
Kong Wen laughed, his smile hidden with a creepy chill, solemnly saying, “I have given you a
chance, since you didn’t cherish it, then don’t blame me for being ruthless. You are about to
die anyway, even if you disappear no one would investigate it, maybe Tang Fan would even
send his gratitude to me as I help him finish you.”
Even though You XiaoMo denied it, but from his reaction, Kong Wen finally got the answer
he wanted.
This You XiaoMo, as expected, he was hiding a secret, a quick level-up method. If he could
have it, those geezers of Heaven peak would have to be humble before him.
Thinking of this, Kong Wen didn’t give You XiaoMo any chance to dispute, he had already
decided You XiaoMo was holding a sacred treasure, which was enough. Afterward, he
raised his hand toward You XiaoMo, grimly smiling. “Behave and take out that item, then I
will see you as my used-to-be disciple and spare you from the hurtful death.”
You XiaoMo wanted to take a step back, but then he found out his body couldn’t move, he
couldn’t help but panic. Kong Wen really did have some underhanded tricks, no wonder he
decided on this day to finish him off.
Just right about when Kong Wen nearly caught him, a green shadow climbed out from You
XiaoMo clothes. This shocked Kong Wen and he wanted to take his hand back, but it was
too late. On the back of his hand there now appeared two small bloody holes, as his red
blood spilled out, it slowly had become a greenish color.
Kong Wen screamed, he drew back a step and hit the desk beside him, which made all the
pen brushes on the table fall off and scatter on the floor. He panicked and looked at the
green shadow on You XiaoMo’s shoulder. He found out that that it was a green snake in
mini size curling up on You XiaoMo’s shoulder, its bright red tongue flicking towards him.
Kong Wen raised his hand to look. He was frightened to find out that the venom had
extended to the whole arm; if not for his quick action of protecting his inner core circulation
system, he was afraid that this venom would have spread further.
“What kind of snake is this?” Kong Wen’s pupil’s constricted and he glanced toward the
thing on You XiaoMo’s body, “You didn’t contract with just one demon beast, right? This is
also your contract beast?”
If this were the level six Blue blood Wolf, Kong Wen himself could deal with it, he was a
level eight mage, his soul was capable of attack and defense, that was why he had
confidence in dealing with You XiaoMo. Unexpectedly, You XiaoMo didn’t contract with just
one beast, since this snake could easily break through his defense, this one was above level
Thinking about this, Kong Wen knew things had gone out of his control, now he shouted
those words, he immediately rushed to the window. Before they had time to react, he had
to run to where there were lots of people.
But his intention was destined to fail; the windows that were previously opened suddenly
slammed down, a black shadow appeared in front of it, blocking his escape path.
Kong Wen was startled. He hurriedly rotated his footsteps to another direction to escape,
but as he turned around, the way was already blocked by another person of a bewitching
face, MaoQiu.
All the escape routes had been cut off.
Kong Wen’s heart sank, his facade couldn’t conceal his terrified expression.
Being a level eight mage, naturally he had recognized their identity as demon beasts, but
what scared him was that most of these beasts here hadn’t reached level nine. Yet they
were all in human form, which indicated one thing, You XiaoMo must have the shape
shifting herb. Not herb, but herbs.
Kong Wen quickly shifted his intention; this was not the time to seize the treasure,
protecting himself was the priority.
The whole process only occurred in a moment, Kong Wen with his escape route being
blocked, blatantly shouted, “You XiaoMo, what do you want to do, you want to disgrace
your teacher and annihilate your ancestor?”
Kong Wen deliberately shouted, acting as if he did it unintentionally. Even Zhu An, who was
standing outside would hear it, even the nearby people most likely could. If he had
expected the appearance of the demon beasts, how could he have not taken the time to
prepare? That why, the moment You XiaoMo came to the courtyard, they had already
MaoQiu said with a bewitching face as it gave away a sneering smile, “You don’t have to
shout, this room had been covered by my hallucination spell, outsiders won’t be able to
hear anything.”
A demon fox was best known for its confusing trickery, and hallucination spells were one of
their specialties.
Although he had expected this outcome, but when he heard the answer, Kong Wen
couldn’t help feeling disheartened; the hunter now had become the hunted.
Who would have thought that this used-to-be weak little mage now had become so
powerful? In just a short year, not only had he become a level three mage, but he had also
contracted with four powerful demon beasts. Really, they had to look at things in a
different light, as nothing stays the same. With this kind of fighting strength, he could easily
take over the south!
Kong Wen regretted this, but the dignity of a level eight mage didn’t allow him to bow
down to his disciple. When he thought of his two favorite disciples, his fear suddenly
decrease little by little.
“You XiaoMo, if you let me go free today, I will treat it as if nothing had happened. Of
course, you can also choose to kill me, but in the future, when your two seniors learn about
this matter, you think you can continue your relationship with them? Your brotherhood
shall never be mended again!” Kong Wen coldly made *heng* a sound.
When he finished his sentence, Kong Wen face had already calmed down by a lot. He
believed You XiaoMo relationship with his two disciples was his last card from being killed.
He had no choice but to admit, Kong Wen’s words indeed had caught You XiaoMo in his soft
Until now the reason You XiaoMo hadn’t spoken a word was because of this thought. Kong
Wen could kill him without hesitation, but You XiaoMo couldn’t do that.
It was not that he was afraid of accepting the ‘Shifu murder’ sin, it was because he didn’t
want to put those who were nice to him in a tough spot. In this life, he might not have many
friends, but his Da Shixiong, Second and Fifth Shixiong had always been sincere to him.
Seeing him not utter a word, Kong Wen knew he had hit the right spot.
You XiaoMo really cared about his brotherhood with his seniors, this way, although Kong
Wen might be at a disadvantage, in the emotional respect, he still had the initiative.
Kong Wen couldn’t help but put on a content smile. “You XiaoMo, take away your demon
beasts, I will ignore what happened today, and you shall still be my good disciple.”
XiaoHei, MaoQiu and PiQiu immediately rolled their eyes at him, this old coot really was a
give him an inch and he will take a yard type. This egotistical man, he thought that their
master would be dumb enough to believe in his words?
Unfortunately for Kong Wen, You XiaoMo was not dumb. However, he was still having a
hard time, to kill or not to kill was the hardest choice he had ever encountered since he
came to this world.
The atmosphere went silent for a while, SheQiu who had been staying on his shoulder, now
suddenly said, “Master, let me say a word, I think you treat your three seniors way too
nicely. Even though they also take care of you, on the scale speaking, they haven’t had a
chance to treat you better and yet you already gave them your best. Just think, is there any
shidi with this greatness, out of worry for their safety you even found three high level
beasts for each of them. Although I haven’t seen many different people, I can assure you,
you are definitely the foolish one.”
“You have given them too many blessings, even gone way passed the borderline of
brotherhood. If later they sever their relationship with you as they blame you for killing
their Shifu, then I think they are not worthy of your goodwill. The Shifu has abandoned the
teacher-student bond to kill and steal, and you, as the disciple, must just stand still and let
your Shifu kill you? Moreover, this Shifu never gave you any affection. He even accepted
you as disciple only for his personal benefit. That is why, if they cannot sympathize with
your situation, you should just let the relationship die. Don’t feel regret about it, and I
believe, if boss Ling Xiao is here, he would also say the same thing.”
After listening to SheQiu’s analysis, You XiaoMo’s hesitation had disappeared and now he
became engrossed in something else. He looked at Kong Wen with the eyes full of thought,
as if he was judging what SheQiu said about Kong Wen, and whether it was right or wrong.
Kong Wen, standing on the opposite side, saw this face. His heart suddenly sank low, his
facial expression becoming extremely unsightly. You XiaoMo’s resolve had been shaken by
just a few sentences?
If You XiaoMo really listened to the snake on his shoulders, then Kong Wen was in a very
dangerous situation.
Chapter 195: Kong Wen’s death
Kong Wen’s complexion kept getting worse over time, the fear in his eyes becoming more
and more revealed.
That damn beast, did he just say You XiaoMo, for his three seniors, even went through the
trouble and found three different high-level beasts for them? How could this be possible?
But he immediately thought of Fu ZiLin and Zhao DaZhou; besides Fang ChenYue, those two
also had close relationships with him.
Kong Wen’s mind instantly filled with anger.
Fu ZiLin, his good disciple, even dared to hide the truth about his contract with a high-level
demon beast, no wonder that day he publicly disgraced this Shifu in the face, turned out he
had already been bribed.
Very good, very good!
What a waste, he spent nearly a decade to teach them wholeheartedly, and yet this was
how they repaid him!
Kong Wen eyes suddenly filled with hatred to the bone, his eyes focused on You XiaoMo as
his face couldn’t but twitch. All because of this person, if it weren’t for him, his two beloved
disciples would never betray their Shifu. You XiaoMo, the damn You XiaoMo, if he had
known that things would have come to this point, he should have just one-hit killed him
before everything began!
You XiaoMo let out a long sigh; he had to admit, what SheQiu said kind of made sense.
Kong Wen wanted to kill him, and he couldn’t just stand still; moreover, Kong Wen had
learned about some of his secrets. If he let him live, it would only bring more trouble for
him and Ling Xiao in the future.
Kong Wen was a peak level eight mage; with his appeal, if he wanted to put a bounty on
You XiaoMo with a level eight magic pill as the reward, there would be tons of experts who
would risk their life for him. If that really happened, then they would have endless troubles
following along.
As for the three high level beasts he found for his seniors, he didn’t want them to repay him
or some sort, he had done it voluntarily in the first place.
But he was amazed, Kong Wen intentionally chose this day to act, because all the powerful
practitioners of the Tian Xin Sect wouldn’t be here, as they were at the battle to fight. So
even if he laid his hand on his disciple, there would be no one here to find out. This moment
was indeed a perfect chance, but he didn’t expect this could also be his one-way pass to
The war between the Qing Cheng Sect and the Tian Xin Sect, this day was not only a good
day for Kong Wen to finish him, but this could also apply to You XiaoMo, because he could
push this crime onto the Qing Cheng Sect.
He realized, ever since he got together with Ling Xiao, his heart had sunk darker and darker,
should he say that Ling Xiao’s strategy was a complete success? You XiaoMo couldn’t help
This action indirectly told everyone the answer in his heart; in addition to Kong Wen’s
horrid face, the XiaoHei bunch also got excited, their master should be cruel when the time
called for it. Finally, they were willing to help their master!
“You XiaoMo, go and die for me!” Kong Wen knew he had resolved to kill him, he took the
risk and formed a massive soul force above his head.
When they thought that he would attack You XiaoMo, that soul force went straight to the
roof that was covered by barrier, this was truly a make a sound in the east, then strike in
the west kind of move. All he needed was his soul force to escape here so that the people
outside would find out.
SheQiu kept his eyes on every move Kong Wen made, so he didn’t panic, he transformed
from his mini size to his bigger size, his tail quickly wiped toward Kong Wen. As his tail was
his best, and hardest part of his body, even if faced with another level nine beast, this tail
could easily whip them and make them fly. The defense of the mage that had yet to reach
level nine was not worth mentioning.
Kong Wen’s soul armor, that he had cast onto his body, in a blink had been torn apart. It
made a *puchi* sound, the tail accurately pierced through Kong Wen’s chest, the blood
splashed everywhere, and the soul force that was charging toward the roof, since there was
no one to control it anymore, had immediately dispersed.
Kong Wen spat out blood and staggered back two steps, his body leaned on the wall as it
slipped down, the white walls now painted red by blood, even looking at it could give you a
shock; after a while his green robe also turned deep red.
A peak level eight mage like himself, if he hadn’t harbored any evil intentions, he could have
lived a glorified life for many years. But now this man had fallen, once again it reflected how
cheap a human life can be!
You XiaoMo’s face wrinkled like wasted paper, and he ultimately gave out a reluctant sigh.
If Kong Wen hadn’t been greedy about his treasure and provoked him, You XiaoMo would
never have thought of taking his life.
Life was so unpredictable!
Xiao Hei came forward, he furrowed his sharp thin eyebrows, “What, soft hearted?”
You XiaoMo’s mouth twitched, who needed to be soft hearted over a dead body, that
seemed too hypocritical, and he was not like Ling Xiao. “I’m just thinking if Da Shixiong
knew about this, he would be very sad.”
Xiao Hei made a *heng* as he said, “So what, you just need to get rid of this corpse, and
make the Tian Xin Sect think that Kong Wen had just gone missing.”
You XiaoMo thought a little, this idea was not bad, “Ok, but how do you plan to deal with
this body?”
Xiao Hei said, “Let me devour his body, a level 8 mage body is certainly a very nutritious
thing for me, maybe I can even gain a star after eating him.”
As he was saying it, his body was already in the position ready to come forth at any time.
You XiaoMo got scared by him and quickly pulled him back, “No, no!”
Xiao Hei was dissatisfied, “Why not?”
You XiaoMo said, “No means no, there is no why not.”
He was already dead, and You XiaoMo was already burdened with the “teacher murder”
sin, although the one in the wrong was this Shifu first; but if he also let his contract beast
eat his body, then this would be no different from a wild animal. This was not just for his
own sake, but also for his seniors, as they were in debt with Kong Wen’s years of effort of
raising them. If they knew his body was not in one piece, they wouldn’t even think about
continuing to be a brother-in-arms anymore.
Having said that, the problem was still there.
He could throw the body into his space, but he didn’t want his space to be stained with
blood; but if he buried it here. then it would be easily discovered.
SheQiu could see through his troubles and said, “Master, you don’t have to be troubled so
much over this body. Just let one of us take it away and get rid of it, we will find some
faraway place and bury it there.”
There wasn’t any other option, so You XiaoMo immediately said, “Xiao Hei, you go.”
Xiao Hei unwilling said, “Why me?”
You XiaoMo said, “I will give you another chance to thirst for this nutritious thing.”
Xiao Hei, “…”
This was holding a grudge against him!
Minority obeyed majority, in the end Xiao Hei against four people was undoubtedly
defeated, and he had no choice but to take the black bag with Kong Wen’s body inside
away. He then used the highest speed to leave the Tian Xin Sect, with the hope he could get
back in time to watch the battle.
After he finished cleaning up the holes and blood, MaoQiu finally took off the hallucination
spell outside. Zhu An was the only one left in the courtyard. SheQiu proposed to kill Zhu An
too, but You XiaoMo didn’t want to stain his hands further, moreover Zhu An so far hadn't
done anything to him, that’s why if you can avoid killing then avoid it.
After that, MaoQiu used one of its spells to trick people into thinking MaoQiu was Kong
Wen, waiting inside the room. After You XiaoMo left, MaoQiu called Zhu An inside, and
made an alibi. You XiaoMo left while “Kong Wen” was still doughty as a dragon and lively as
a tiger.
When everything was in order, they finally went to the foot of the mountain.
To avoid the supervisor, You XiaoMo deliberately hid inside his space, and moved the space
toward the foot of the mountain. Then he found a secluded place and finally came out of
the space.
You XiaoMo had to disguise himself so people wouldn’t be able to recognize him. He
changed his original blue robes into a black coat, and he let down his bangs; even though
there wasn’t much change overall, his aura had become more unrestrained and casual, a
very heroic manner.
PiQiu stuck his head out of his clothes and said, “Master, you’ve become so handsome.”
You XiaoMo broadly smiled, “Really, I also feel like that.”
SheQiu lazily scolded, “A flatterer and a narcissist.”
MaoQiu also nodded.
When You XiaoMo reached the square, fortunately, the fight had just begun, the edge of
the square was filled with lots of practitioners that came here to watch, constantly
whispering voice came from the crowd, almost everyone’s eyes were focused on the people
from the two sides.
Who would have thought, the Qing Cheng Sect and the Tian Xin Sect had just a few days
ago joined forces to eradicate the third largest force of the south, the XinLuo Sect. They had
even managed to damage the demons hard. Although people had expected that their
cooperation wouldn’t last long, they did not expect that they’d betray them so fast.
Today, the story about how Luo ChengYuan brought his disciples to destroy the Tian Xin
Sect had almost caught the whole south’s attention.
Even though the Xing Luo Sect had been destroyed, the Xiao Yao Sect and various other
forces remained; even though they were second-rate sects, to draw them here, they
needed a lot of effort.
Therefore, Luo ChengYuan had a few days ago handed out the olive branch to them. Only
the XieSha Sect accepted it, the Xiao Yao Sect and the Ji Le Sect just gave neutral responses.
You XiaoMo walked to the center, he saw a familiar face among the warriors for today’s
battles, but he didn’t have deep impression of him. He vaguely remembered this one was
also Lin Xiao’s shidi, Luo something, as his relationship with Xiao Peng was neither good nor
This Luo-shixiong was still at moon level three star, his strength was nothing special, and yet
he appeared on the battlefield, so probably he was just a dummy. Not long after, this
Shixiong quickly got beaten.
His loss was not unpredictable, after all his opponent was a moon level four-star
But those two levels were still too low, their fight didn’t attract much attention.
After the opening fight finished, immediately various people cheered and shouted for the
real strong practitioners to step out.
The Qing Cheng Sect didn’t let them be disappointed, between the people stepped out a
dignified man.
Chapter 196: Three Imperial
The man gracefully appeared, his vigorous heroic posture floating above the center square
as his robes leisurely floated along with the wind. Such a dignified and outstanding
appearance surely had captured everyone’s hearts.
He had just appeared and yet he immediately got all the cheers from the practitioners at
the square. This was the real battle everyone had been waiting for; compared to those
minor brawls earlier, the upcoming battle was undoubtedly pushing the atmosphere to the
That man was Luo ShuHe, as his recent limelight was even higher than his father’s.
Although he was only at the two-star Star level, his life contract with a level nine demon
beast quickly made him jump up to the same table as Tang Fan, an Imperial level
If he came out to fight, then the Tian Xin Sect was bound to send out another Imperial level
warrior. But as people saw on the surface, the Tian Xin Sect only had Tang Fan as an
Imperial warrior, so everyone continuously made guesses of whom the Tian Xin Sect would
send out to fight.
As he listened to the whispers getting louder and louder, Luo ShuHe’s face showed a faint
smile, his eyes swept across the Tang Fan side, and he slightly provoked, “Tang
grandmaster, I shall come forth in the third fight, I don’t know whether Tang grandmaster
had any interest to ‘consult’ with me a little?”
Tang Fan’s complexion was still as calm as ever; even after hearing those words, he still
casually said, “Young master Luo, you are too confident about yourself, your Six
Thunderbird had just stepped into the level nine realm not long ago, if you want to
challenge me, you’re still not qualified enough.”
Those frivolous words suddenly caused an uproar among the crowd.
But this was not surprising. Tang Fan, after all, had been famous for many years, and his
fame for his fighting prowess and his strength compared to Luo ShuHe, who had just
levelled up, was much stronger. Those words were not an exaggeration.
Although he was publicly disgraced, Luo ShuHe didn’t get angry, on the contrary, he even
slightly smiled.
“Whether I am qualified enough or not it is not up to Tang grandmaster to decide. I’m okay
with it, you are not the one I want to challenge today. By the way, your eldest disciple Lin, it
seems like he hadn't appeared for a long time now. I heard that he was locked up by you, is
it true?”
Tang Fan’s expression got slightly heavier, as if he didn’t want other people to mention Ling
Xiao. He coldly said, “This had nothing to do with your Qing Cheng Sect. “
Luo ShuHe ignored his words and continued, “I heard that, Tang grandmaster locked away
Lin Xiao because of his shidi’s mistake. Since the incident might be about Lin Xiao being an
accomplice, that is the perfect excuse to get rid of him, right?”
Tang Fan eyes flashed with frosty intention, “Young master Luo, where have you heard such
a fictitious thing?”
Luo ShuHe answered, “You should know better than me if it is a true story or not. Tang
grandmaster, I quite sympathize with Lin Xiao-xiong, actually, the heaven’s prideful child is
now being harmed by his shifu’s jealousy, such a pity, ah!”
Tang Fan’s face twitched a little, he glanced at Luo ShuHe as his eyes gradually got colder
and he then shouted, “Nonsense!”
However, regardless of whether what Luo ShuHe said was true or not, the people gathered
at the square already were enticed by Luo ShuHe’s words. They gave out a few criticisms.
“Could it be? Isn’t Lin Xiao Tang Fan’s eldest disciple?”
“These past few years Lin Xiao had brought him a lot of reputation, and his talent is also
first-class, which certainly would be a great help to the Tian Xin Sect one day. Tang Fan
should have no reason to frame his own disciple, right?”
“Pft, like you know everything. Lin Xiao is the best candidate for the next grandmaster seat,
and as his power gets stronger, he would certainly gain even more supporters. Which also
means that Tang Fan, sooner or later, will have to step down. Try seeing things further, if
Tang Fan was still in his prime time right now, do you really think he would be willing to
“Every man for himself, or else heaven shall destroy you.”
“Looks like Tang Fan is not a good person after all, he had even laid his hands on his eldest
“I heard that Tang Fan accused Lin Xiao of colluding with demons and put him in prison, but
then Lin Xiao was at the paradise realm for a month at that time. As if he had the damn
time to work with demons, ah!”
“Yes, I remember the first person to discover Luo Shan was a demon was Lin Xiao.”

The public’s opinion gradually leaned over to Lin Xiao’s side. A lot of people glimpsed at
Tang Fan with sneering eyes; even some of the Tian Xin’s disciples and elder He also
wavered. They had long been curious why the grandmaster had locked Lin Xiao away for no
reason. Suddenly a hint of suspicion toward Tang Fan arose.
One of the elders looked at Tang Fan with complicated eyes, “Grandmaster, they said…”
“Shut up!” Tang Fan didn’t wait for him to finish the sentence, he coldly scolded, “That is
Luo ShuHe’s provocation plan, and yet even you believe it. Don’t say you believe everything
other people say!”
The elder quickly turned red as he was scolded; he retreated in line. Indeed, those doubtful
words came from Luo ShuHe’s mouth, he was the young master of the Cheng Sect, of
course he would want the Tian Xin Sect to split up or be torn apart.
Tang Fan withdrew his line of sight, he took a step forward, his eyes coldly swept through
the square. “Lin Xiao colluding with the demons was our Sect’s scandal, which had no
relation to anyone else. Which means to the Qing Cheng Sect as well, not even a tiny bit. If
the young master Luo had enough free time to worry about this sinful person’s safety, you
might as well worry about yourself first. Great elder, I sincerely have to trouble you this
His sentence referred toward the senile looking old man standing between the people
behind his back.
The old man, with his hair and beard all white like snow, who obviously was of great age,
had skin like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, glossy and snow white like it had been
rejuvenated. This old man was the same guy in the past who supported Tang Fan’s
ascension to the throne, he was the Great Elder Yuan Mo.
It had been a long time since Yuan Mo had last appeared in front of people. Many people
had long forgotten his appearance and reputation. Even Tang Fan had to ask him
respectfully, it was then obvious this person was not an ordinary one.
Everyone followed Tang Fan’s line of sight, but in the blink of an eye, too short for their
reactions to keep up, Yuan Mo had already disappeared from where he stood, and he
instantly appeared in front of Luo ShuHe.
Yuan Mo’s muddy eyes stared at Luo ShuHe, a mature yet melancholy voice flowed from his
mouth, “Youngling surpasses the old, Luo ChengYuan really was lucky to have such a
talented son. This old man won’t blabber anymore, come forth.”
Yuan Mo’s current level, even though it was a hundred years ago, his level was at the seven-
star Spiritual level. The path from Spiritual to Imperial was indeed a rocky road, but after all,
a hundred years have already passed, no one knew whether he had breakthrough into a
full-fledged Imperial yet.
Among the people at the center, SheQiu’s green eyes emitted a radiant glance, “This old
fart, he is also an Imperial level practitioner, but he only had one star. If he fights with the
Six Thunderbird, it will probably be a tie.”
You XiaoMo was surprised. “How do you know?”
SheQiu said, “He had been at a standstill at the one star for a hundred years now, and the
Six Thunderbird had just had a breakthrough to level 9 recently. His strength hadn't
stabilized yet, not to mention he was also seriously injured not long ago. Thankfully that
bird is physically stronger, so it can make up at some parts. In the end, those two should be
equal. If you don’t believe me, just look at them yourself.”
As Yuan Mo just finished his sentence, Luo ShuHe also pardoned himself, immediately
calling out the Six Thunderbird.
The human form of Six Thunderbird was a handsome man, his facial features gave people
lots of feelings. Between his eyebrows, he gave out a ruthless and tyrannical aura of a
demon beast. Since he was a thunder property demon beast, his fighting capability was
much stronger compared to other beasts.
That was why even though he just leveled up a while ago, just like SheQiu said, he probably
evenly matched Yuan Mo.
However, a battle between two Imperial level warriors could not compare to other fighters’
battles. Rock and dirt scattered throughout the grounds, the atmosphere got very tense,
and even the thick ground got blasted into a big pit.
Hidden among the crowd, You XiaoMo under SheQiu’s protection could still feel the
aftermath of the big battle.
While the others were focusing on the fight, You XiaoMo took out the transmitter stone;
unfortunately, the stone didn’t light up, which indicated Ling Xiao didn’t contact him.
You XiaoMo didn’t know where he was right now. Did his plan proceed smoothly or not?
MaoQiu next to him seemed to recognize his thoughts. “Master, rest assured, boss is a very
formidable man.”
You XiaoMo heard MaoQiu’s consolation, and he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “You
haven’t seen him yet, how do you know he is formidable?”
MaoQiu was silent. Of course, an emperor beast was formidable.
You XiaoMo didn’t hear MaoQiu reply, so he stopped asking.
Two hours later, on the square, the two figures who had been fighting non-stop finally
separated, the outcome just like SheQiu had predicted. One man, one beast, both tied.
Their injuries were neither light nor heavy, but if they dragged out this fight, then both sides
would suffer, and have no choice but to stop.
Luo ShuHe called back the Six Thunderbird, his face turning grim; even though he had soon
predicted the result, he didn’t expect the Tian Xin Sect to really have a hidden trump card. If
so, then the Qing Cheng Sect had no more advantages in their hand. It would be best to say
that they were evenly tied.
On the side where the Qing Cheng Sect’s party stood, Luo ChengYuan was proudly standing
in front of people. His expression became unfathomably deep, no one can measure it. His
abstruse eyes moved towards his son’s standing, and he slowly sighed. “Tang Fan, the Tian
Xin Sect will soon have two Imperial level practitioners. You purposely hid this fact because
you have been waiting for me to come straight to your door, right?”
Tang Fan, who was standing on the opposite side, suddenly showed a sneering smile. His
voice slowly transmitted throughout the square, “Who said that the Tian Xin Sect only had
two Imperial warriors?”
Chapter 197: A Big Storm is Coming
Luo ChengYuan’s pupils suddenly constricted, he blurted out a voice that went hoarse
suddenly with a hidden trace of incredible shock. “Don’t tell me… the Tian Xin Sect had a
third Imperial practitioner?”
Following this sentence, all the noise among the square instantly went silent as their eyes
trembled with an extreme horrified astonishment. They looked at Tang Fan who had a calm
expression on his face.
After a brief silence, the crowd instantly burst out with the sound of fear.
“A third Imperial warrior? How can it be possible?”
“Since when did the Tian Xin Sect have a third one? How could I have never heard of the
news about the Tian Xin Sect having a newly leveled up Imperial warrior?”
“When a Spiritual level practitioner breaks throughs to the Imperial level, a big momentum
would greatly erupt. If the Tian Xin Sect had a third one, there should have been a big sign
that had shown up.”
“I’m afraid this time the Tian Xin Sect might become the one and only Sect in the south.”
If what Luo ChengYuan said was true, that the Tian Xin Sect really did have a third Imperial
practitioner, with Luo ChengYuan’s current level, he wouldn’t be able to handle two
Imperial’s at once. If he can only tie with Tang Fan, then if there were more than one
person, if Tang Fan held him down, then all the people he brought here today would die.
Luo ChengYuan’s face instantly became unsightly to the extreme, as he didn’t expect the
situation would have reversed. The spy he sent to the Tian Xin Sect did not have a low
position. If the Tian Xin really did have another Imperial level warrior, there was no way
that person couldn’t have learned about it.
Tang Fan’s expression didn’t look like he was lying, though; there was only the explanation
that the existence was a third person whom only Tang Fan knew. He could guess this
through the Tian Xin’s disciples and elders’ expressions, which obviously proved that even
they didn’t know about the third presence.
Behind Tang Fan, not far away, Yuan Mo gazed at Tang Fan’s figure, he suddenly wrinkled
his eyebrows, because he didn’t know whether what Tang Fan said was the truth or not.
Even though he was a Great elder himself, he was also clueless about it.
Tang Fan slowly walked a few steps forward, his eyes swept through the people inside the
square and finally landed on the people of the Qing Cheng Sect, but it was only just a quick
glance. The way he acted almighty and looked down on people like they were ants made a
lot of people furrow their brows.
“After today, in this land, the Qing Cheng Sect won’t exist anymore. In the name of Tang
Fan, I ask everyone, and the other forces, surrender or face your demise. The choice is in
your hands, but I only give you one day, by tomorrow, if no answer is given, then I shall see
all of you as an enemy!”
The atmosphere was lost in silence, only Tang Fan’s arrogant voice echoed throughout the
sky, slowly transmitting to everyone’s ears, as if everything had been decided for them.
“Motherfucker, this Tang Fan guy is getting too cocky.”
Among the people, You XiaoMo whispered a sentence, but it seemed like ‘someone’ had
forgotten the square was dead silent right now and his voice was not that small either…
To say “This Tang Fan guy was getting too cocky” in front of the person himself, it seemed
like his nerves were not small as well. Not only the people gathered here could hear it
clearly, but up above in the sky, even Tang Fan’s group could hear it.
A pair of eyes filled with surprise looked toward You XiaoMo’s direction, wondering who
dared to be the leader bird at this important moment.
You XiaoMo was so embarrassed that he wanted to join his ancestors.
Hidden inside his clothes were the four beasts who also had no words to say, it seemed like
a big storm was coming.
Because You XiaoMo was in disguise, even his bangs were down, not many people
recognized him. Two months ago, outside of Demon peak as he and Ling Xiao kept fooling
around, a lot of people had seen his face.
However, a real strong practitioner, such as Tang Fan, with one glance, he could tell that
this one was You XiaoMo.
This little mage should have been monitored by his men, and yet he appeared at the
square, probably, You XiaoMo had escaped the surveillance and ran here.
Tang Fan faintly squinted his eyes, those eyes flashed a deadly intent.
As a disciple of the Tian Xin Sect, he dared to say the grandmaster’s name plainly, this You
XiaoMo really was not to stay.
Tang Fan felt a little regretful that he didn’t finish this one off sooner. Hidden under his
sleeve, his fingertips suddenly shot out a secret attack.
Before SheQiu acted, that secret attack was soon discovered by Luo ChengYuan. Luo
ChengYuan also recognized You XiaoMo’s identity, even though he had only seen him once,
his impression of this little mage was quite deep.
As he saw Tang Fan attack this mage, inside Luo ChengYuan’s head popped up a plan, he
immediately blocked the secret move, and not only that, he deliberately created a big
When the people’s attention had averted towards them, Luo ChengYuan immediately
shouted. “Tang Fan, such a waste for you to be the grandmaster, to think you don’t mind
attacking someone a weak and inexperienced mage. You really have given the Tian Xin Sect
some face.”
A little mage had no value of strength.
Even if that sentence was likely to be unintentional, the fact that Tang Fan wouldn’t let a
little mage off the hook remained. Such a narrow-minded person, how could he be qualified
for the grandmaster position? If people worked under him, wouldn’t that make every day a
day they were living in fear?
In the moment, those forces which originally intended to surrender to the Tian Xin Sect’s
side, suddenly hesitated.
Tang Fan read through all the expression of the people, his face suddenly sunk.
Being preempted by Luo ChengYuan, he couldn’t say You XiaoMo was a Tian Xin Sect’s
disciple, or else the people gathered here would know he wanted to kill his own sect’s
disciple. He was afraid that other disciples and elders would harbor doubt toward him.
But if he could think to this point, then how could Luo ChengYuan also not think of it.
He didn’t wait for Tang Fan to speak, he continued, “Others probably don’t know, but this
little mage was a Tian Xin Sect’s disciple. He only unintentionally let out some words and
now Tang Fan wants to kill him. Try to think a little, if such a man rules over you, what will
happen to you all in the future?
One again an uproar broke out among the people.
Even the Tian Xin Sect’s side was also shocked by Luo ChengYuan claim. This little mage was
Tian Xin Sect’s disciple?
He had succeeded in becoming the focus of attention, You XiaoMo facepalmed, he was so
done for.
He just wanted to secretly slip away. He did not expect Luo ChengYuan to expose his
identity like that, won’t this just push Tang Fan into murdering him sooner?
As expected, he immediately felt a gaze as sharp as a knife freeze him all over.
He looked up, obviously it was Tang Fan, his deadly stare filled with killing intent that even
an outsider could notice. After a moment, he moved his line of sight toward Luo
ChengYuan, coldly lifting the corner of his mouth, “Luo ChengYuan, after I finish this one, it
will be your turn next.”
After he finished his sentence, his eyes returned to You XiaoMo who just let out a sigh of
relief, casually saying, “You as a disciple of the Tian Xin Sect, publicly insulted the
grandmaster. You’re such an unfaithful person. With my position as the Tian Xin Sect’s
grandmaster, from today on, You XiaoMo is expelled from this sect!”
You XiaoMo pupils ferociously constricted, Tang Fan kicked him out, did he hear it right?
The crowd once again started whispering, Tang Fan seemed to be the type who puts his
face above all others.
Lots of people looked at You XiaoMo with sympathy.
You XiaoMo’s eyes filled with tears, “SheQiu, what should I do? I got kicked out of the sect.”
SheQiu twitched his mouth, “He kicked you out of the door. His loss. There is nothing to
grieve about.”
Moreover, you and boss will soon leave the Tian Xin Sect, isn’t this a much better situation
ah, but of course, he won’t tell You XiaoMo anything.
You XiaoMo cried, “But I never thought about being expelled ah, and this was too sudden.”
He had lived here for almost a year now, his seniors were all here, and he couldn’t abandon
SheQiu was speechless. Didn’t you already kill two important people of the Tian Xin Sect?
Even though it was indirectly, to think you haven’t thought about being expelled one day,
sir, you must be really dedicated toward the Tian Xin Sect, ah!
But fortunately Tang Fan was blind, or else, later if boss wanted to take him out of this sect,
it would require some work.
This incident, he liked it!
But SheQiu didn’t intend to tell him the truth, he beat around the bush and said, “Then
there is no way. Tang Fan, this senile old fart, really kicked you out in front of all these
people. Just accept the fact, but you should pity him a little, he’s already too old, inside his
head is probably filled with poop. Maybe the poop had blinded his eyes.”
Every sentence that came out was ‘poop this poop that’ without hesitation. But most
importantly, his voice was not small as well, especially when people’s attention was still
focused on You XiaoMo, his words were just like thunder strikes to the ear.
To think someone, in front of Tang Fan, would not only call him old, but he even said the
inside of his head was filled with poop. Who was this man, ya, these words were too
domineering! They felt the need to bow down before him.
Chapter 198: Tang Fan is an Idiot
Tang Fan’s face turned purple with rage. He had been Tian Xin Sect’s grandmaster gloriously
for hundreds of years, no one had ever been disrespectful or impolite to him before, let
alone publicly disgracing him in front of so many people.
Even though he could tolerate it, his expression said otherwise.
Tang Fan took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down the anger raging inside his
heart. As his eyes rose with a killing intent, it was as though a sharp arrow pierced through
You XiaoMo and SheQiu. Being disgraced by his own disciple in front of a crowd, if he didn’t
give them a lesson today, even if he won today’s war, he would still be the laughing stock of
this continent.
“Who do you think you are to come here and cause a fuss, You XiaoMo. You bear a grudge
against me for expelling you. You even allowed your friend to speak such gibberish. If today
I let you two go, this grandmaster title of mine will be nothing but trash!”
Tang Fan stared at them, he no longer cared about how a grandmaster should behave
anymore. Even if it resulted in him being criticized for bullying the weak, he still wanted to
kill both You XiaoMo and the man next to him.
“Oh ho, that old fart is so ashamed that he got angry.” SheQiu laughed without any fear.
Tang Fan eyes instantly flashed with killing intent, he turned over his hand and blasted out a
palm force toward You XiaoMo.
The power of this technique took half of his spiritual power, the huge palm was surrounded
by a raging flame, carrying the pressure of an Imperial warrior as it blasted down from the
In the eyes of many people, You XiaoMo and that man wouldn’t be able to survive.
If they had the gall to challenge an Imperial warrior, they must have the gall to accept the
rage of an imperial warrior. The existence of an imperial warrior was rare like a phoenix
feather and unicorn horn, half of their strength could easily kill a peak seven-star Spiritual
level, let alone a small mage like him.
But surprises always come unexpectedly.
When all the people thought that the two of them would die under Tang Fan’s palm force,
the man who was just mocking Tang Fan earlier suddenly stood in front of You XiaoMo as
he quickly punched out a fist.
A strange green aura was suddenly emitted. A *puchi* sound, and the shot went straight to
Tang Fan’s palm force. In a blink, it heavily hit the force and all the sudden, a big explosion
came out from the collision of the two energies, the aftermath caused the atmosphere to
Above in the sky, Tang Fan’s expression suddenly changed, and he immediately took a step
At the same time, that strange green aura turned into green arrows as it came out from the
explosion, targeting Tang Fan with super speed, in just the blink of an eye.
Tang Fan crazily pushed the spiritual power to flow inside his body. Fortunately, he had
prepared beforehand; he quickly formed a thick shield made from condensed spiritual
power in front of him. However, when that green aura with a *puchi* sound struck his
shield, it made many small holes on it.
In the square, people went completely silent.
Although no one knew what happened, those with sharp eyes saw it clearly.
Tang Fan used half of his energy and yet that man could easily dispel it, and even make a
hole in his spirit shield.
Everyone was horrified looking at the holes in Tang Fan’s shield – a shield made by an
Imperial level practitioner.
A few seconds later, the sound of gasping continued one after another. To break that kind
of defense was impossible unless he were also on the same level; this unusual-looking man,
was he also a genuine Imperial warrior? Some people couldn’t hold back and let out foul
“Fuck, that guy is too buff!”
“Since when did Imperial warriors start spawning everywhere? Ah, to think another
imperial warrior appeared again, it seems like they have become bok choy.”
“I bet, Tang Fan is definitely crying inside.”
“Me too, I bet Tang Fan is bleeding inside his heart right now, he just kicked out a disciple
that had an imperial level friend, such an idiot ah!”
People started to discuss one after the other, even Luo ChengYuan was also in shock as he
looked over at that guy, his eyes were filled with surprise.
As for Tang Fan, he was terrified from the inside out. You XiaoMo had an Imperial level man
to protect him? No wonder the aura surrounding him was a bit strange. He didn’t expect
that man would turn out to be an Imperial warrior, and not mention his strength was no
less than his?
“I don’t know who you are, but this is a matter between me and that Tian Xin Sect’s
disciple. I must ask you, sir, not to intervene. Even if you are an Imperial level practitioner,
fighting against two other Imperial at once might still be too much for you.”
Tang Fan, although he was endlessly astonished, he was, after all, still the head of a sect, he
had to quickly calm down. At present, the Tian Xin Sect was still at the biggest advantage; if
he angered this man, causing him to switch sides to the Qing Cheng Sect, then the scales
would tilt, and the gains would not make up for the losses.
Only, Luo ChengYuan didn’t wait for that man to answer and he burst out laughing, a very
apparent satirical laugh.
“Tang Fan, your skin is thick, this little friend here just got kicked out of your door, and now
you said he is a Tian Xin’s disciple? Must be a talent to say those words with your eyes wide
open.” As he ended the sentence, Luo ChengYuan immediately turned around and said to
SheQiu, “My friend, this lowly man, Luo ChengYuan, as the head of the Qing Cheng Sect, is
very happy to help out if you are in a dire situation.”
Tang Fan’s face suddenly got colder, and he gloomily looked at Luo ChengYuan.
SheQiu slowly smiled, these two sly fox’s intentions, how could he not know them. “Ha, you
two can say such nice words. Too bad you’re asking the wrong person.”
Ask the wrong person? Including Tang Fan and Luo ChengYuan and the people in the
square, everyone started asking themselves this question.
SheQiu pushed You XiaoMo, who didn’t want to see anyone, forward. SheQiu evilly
laughed, “He is my master, so naturally he has the final say.”
Everybody immediately rolled their eyes as they stared at the uneasy You XiaoMo. This little
mage was the master of an imperial warrior? Since when were Imperial level practitioners
so cheap to be this little mage’s bodyguard?!
Right away, a voice of anger suddenly shouted out.
“It’s really you, Nine-Winged Unity Serpent!”
Everybody felt a buzz inside their ear, Nine-Winged Unity Serpent? Isn’t that a high-level
demon beast? Following the direction of the voice, everybody recognized this sentence was
said by the Six thunderbird.
At this moment, the Six thunderbird was already in his human form, his angry face stared at
the man behind You XiaoMo. If he hadn’t had such a bad injury in the first place, his
freedom wouldn’t have been grabbed by chance by this practitioner.
Chaos! Too chaotic!
So that man was not a practitioner, he was a level nine beast!
SheQiu had soon guessed that bird would recognized him, and he didn’t deny it, he even
generously admitted, “Didn’t expect you to be still alive.”
Six thunderbirds ground his teeth, “Since you haven’t died yet, then how can I die so soon?”
No one noticed that Luo ShuHe’s face became excited, he had been suspecting that the
Nine-Winged Unity Serpent probably was contracted to at least a level five mage. He never
thought that it would be this little mage.
If you put it that way, then that Emperor Blood herb was also taken by him, and not only
just that, he probably also had something to do with the missing Elder Li too. Well, but
then, he didn’t have any evidence to prove it was his doing.
You XiaoMo listened to their conversation and he began to feel a headache coming on.
“SheQiu, don’t quarrel with him.”
He only came here for the fun, until today he had never thought that one day, he would be
in the spotlight like this; he couldn’t digest this fact at all.
SheQiu also didn’t intend to make a fuss any longer, he promptly took a step back.
This action answered everyone’s question. This man truly was this little boy’s contract
beast, seeing how obedient he was towards him.
As for Tang Fan, his expression was like it had gone deep into a different world. There was a
big difference between having an Imperial warrior friend and a level nine contract beast.
Your friend can ditch you, but a contract beast cannot, as both lives between the beast and
its master were linked, it was impossible for a beast to leave its master.
“My little friend You, with my position as the Great Elder, I have decided to annul your
expulsion from Grandmaster Tang, you are still a Tian Xin disciple.” The great elder Yuan Mo
took this moment to suddenly open his mouth, and his sudden words were like a stone
falling into a calm lake, causing a ripple on its surface.
This made people break out in shock; even though Yuan Mo rarely appeared in these past
hundred years, his prestige was much higher than Tang Fan’s. No one would dare to
disobey his word, even Tang Fan had to give him face. Today, in front of all the people, he
publicly degraded Tang Fan; although it might lead to Tang Fan harboring resentment, it
was worth it since he was able to grab a level 9 beast to their side.
Before the sentence was even finished, Tang Fan’s expression turned gloomy like water.
While people were waiting for You XiaoMo’s answer, he shook his head, “I’m sorry Great
Elder, I don’t want to return to the Tian Xin’s Sect.”
“Why?” Yuan Mo asked, “If it was because of Lin Xiao’s lock up, then I shall free him.”
You XiaoMo was surprised by that acknowledgment.
Tang Fan’s face became more and more twisted.
Chapter 199: You Dare to Make a Move
on My Man?
“Great Elder…”
Tang Fan didn’t expect Yuan Mo could slaughter his face like that in front of so many
people, he looked at Yuan Mo unbelievably, his eyes saying everything.
“You shut up!” Yuan Mo didn’t let him finish his sentence, loudly shutting him down and
coldly looking at him, “Tang Fan, don’t you feel enough shame?”
Tang Fan’s face turned red from embarrassment. This was the first time Yuan Mo scolded
him, not only in front of people, not only that but also because of this little mage. Tang Fan
lowered his eyes as they flashed with a hint of shivering blood-thirst.
You XiaoMo replied, “No, that’s not the reason.”
Yuan Mo was a little surprised, “Then why?”
“Grandmaster Tang is a narrow man, for now, he will stop at kicking me out, or framing his
eldest disciple, Lin Xiao. However, in the future, he probably could go beyond that
boundary.” You XiaoMo responded. “Even though I just joined the Tian Xin Sect less than a
year ago, I do have some lingering feelings for the Tian Xin Sect. Although, Grandmaster
Tang’s compassion really can’t give it any compliments.”
You XiaoMo didn’t realize that the transmitter stone inside his clothes had been lit up for a
Being told like that, Tang Fan screamed, “You XiaoMo, you really are looking to die!”
You XiaoMo used a lot of guts to say those words, as he boldly faced Tang Fan’s sharp stare.
He’d rather be hiding behind SheQiu, those eyes were way too scary, but… SheQiu was
holding him down right now, he could not run away.
Yuan Mo, who hadn't said anything for a while, proclaimed, “Tang Fan’s misconduct and
bad deeds really do not suit the grandmaster title…”
“Old geezer, in the end, whom are you helping?” Tang Fan stopped him right in the middle
of his sentence, as his voice became more twisted and gruesome, his face wrinkled up like
an earthworm. It was a very unsightly expression.
Yuan Mo’s face instantly sunk, “Tang Fan, do you know who you are talking to?”
Even though a hundred years ago, he was the one who had helped Tang Fan ascend to the
grandmaster seat, that didn’t mean he would support every decision Tang Fan made.
In fact, even before he had felt that Tang Fan was not suited for this seat, because his heart
was too dark. To get rid of the thorn in his eye, he was very likely to sacrifice any Tian Xin
warriors, everything was for his own benefit. This time was even more outrageous, after all
the trouble of raising two exceptional disciples, he couldn’t even distinguish between right
and wrong. He had locked them in the death prison, and obviously he didn’t want to set
them free.
Now he even kicked out a disciple with a level 9 contract beast, how could Yuan Mo not
know about Tang Fan holding a personal grudge against this little boy? He was very
“Well, old geezer, except you, who do you think I’m talking to, huh?”
As he had decided to tear off his mask, Tang Fan decided he no longer needed to hide his
true face anymore.
He had never been an upright type of person, the thing so-called ‘justice,’ that was just a
facade he put on.
No one expected that the situation would get worse and that it would turn into this kind of
Yuan Mo’s face filled with anger, “Tang Fan, today I, the Great Elder, in the names of all the
Elders, remove you from the grandmaster seat! From today on, you are no longer the Tian
Xin Sect’s head!”
“Ha ha ha!” Tang Fan boldly laughed out loud with an ear-splitting tone, it echoed
throughout the square. Those people with lower power even had to cover their ears to
protect themselves, as they faces filled with pain. After a while, that wild laugh ended, and
then a brutal voice spoke as it was directed toward Yuan Mo. “Hey, old geezer, you really
think that the Tian Xin Sect today was still under your control? Let me tell you, dead bones
like you have no right to speak. As the Tian Xin Sect is already in my palm. These many years
I still gave you my respect only because you used to help me, or else I would have killed you
a long time ago.”
“You, you, you… Such major immoral betrayal! Disgracing your predecessor!” Yuan Mo was
so angry he couldn’t speak properly.
“So, what?” Tang Fan slowly, softly said, “Today no one shall leave here alive, be prepared
to become the first offering.”
This sentence suddenly caused a big disturbance, they couldn’t make sense of what Tang
Fan had just said.
Yuan Mo’s face twisted, “Tang Fan, you really have a problem after all. When the second
elder told me, I still didn’t believe it. The third Imperial warrior you just spilled out, in fact, it
was your brother Tang Zhen, correct?”
“Old geezer, you still do have some brains left, ah.” Tang Fan sneered, “but it is too late. No
one can stop me from dominating the Long Tian continent now. “
“In your dreams!” Yuan Mo coldly shouted.
“Dream or not, you just need to wait to find out.” Tang Fan, after coldly finishing this
sentence, he also stopped bothering himself with Yuan Mo.
He suddenly screamed out.
In an instant, his energy power rose up insanely, that vigorous energy slowly drifted out
from his body, and warped the atmosphere around non-stop. Even with naked eyes, people
could see the spiritual energy rapidly flowing into his body. He then ripped off the fabric on
his left hand, revealing a dragon tattoo wrapped around his arms. As if it came back to life,
the little golden dragon flew out of his arm and shot straight up into the air.
What happened next was a once-in-a-lifetime scene no one could forget.
Originally Tang Fan’s level was at two-star Imperial level, but then his strength crazily shot
up with a maddening speed and made its way to three stars. But it didn’t stop there, by the
time it reached to four star the speed started to slow down, and then stopped at peak 4
Not a single witness understood what it meant.
Tang Fan really had hidden his real strength, his true level was a peak four-star Imperial
At that moment, people couldn’t say a word, all the people from the Qing Cheng Sect were
overwhelmed with shock as they stared with eyes wide open, especially Luo ChengYuan, his
eyelids trembled with fear.
Tang Fan closed his eyes to enjoy this comfortable feeling of gaining back his strength. He
let out a sigh, he had been suppressed it for so long, to finally release it…this feeling was
too awesome, and not to mention, he also enjoyed all those horrified expressions.
Tang Fan opened his eyes and he leaned his head to glance at Yuan Mo’s shocked face. He
laughed evilly. “Old geezer, rest assured, after I finish You XiaoMo and his contract beast, I
will take care of you!”
Having said that, his figure suddenly disappeared from where he stood and in the blink of
an eye, he reappeared in front of You XiaoMo.
SheQiu had set his eyes on Tang Fan since the beginning and after hearing his declaration,
he had firmly stayed alert. So, when he saw Tang Fan disappear, he first pushed You
XiaoMo away, then he looked up to the sky and hissed a sound as his true form was
revealed. A big Nine-Winged Unity Serpent almost covered half of the sky, with its dark
green body rolled into a circle.
Such a magnificent sight.
Demon beasts could level up fast in human form, but in the end the original form was still
more powerful. Since SheQiu’s level was level nine three star, it was less than Tang Fan by a
star. In the case he couldn’t control the situation, he wouldn’t take the risk.
You XiaoMo shockingly looked at the war between man and beast.
MaoQiu and Xiao Hei had turned back to their human forms, each person took an arm and
immediately took him away from the battlefield.
Although You XiaoMo could hide inside the space for refuge, that was just plain dumb as it
would expose the space’s existence to everyone. One should know, when it came to
benefits, any practitioners would go crazy with madness for it.
So, they decided to drag their master to an unoccupied field, so he could enter the space.
But the ideal was rich while the reality was weak!
Tang Fan was determined to kill You XiaoMo, that’s why he didn’t need to confront the
Nine-Winged Unity Serpent, even though his strength was higher than him by one star. The
Nine-Winged Unity Serpent was a rare lineage of high-level demon beasts, if that snake
went all out, even he probably couldn’t deal with it that easily.
SheQiu made a miscalculation. He didn’t expect that Tang Fan would think like that.
Since SheQiu’s true form was not as quick as his human form, plus Tang Fan’s strength was
higher, Tang Fan easily shot past SheQiu.
“You XiaoMo, die!”
Behind his back, Tang Fan proudly laughed.
You XiaoMo turned around to see and saw Tang Fan’s sarcastic face as he dived down from
the sky, rushing straight toward him. He was only a few kilometers away and yet in a blink,
Tang Fan appeared in front of him…
Tang Fan fiercely laughed, under every person’s shocked eyes, Tang Fan pulled a fist toward
You XiaoMo.
A fist from an Imperial practitioner, even Xiao Hei and MaoQiu wouldn’t be able to
withstand, not to mention You XiaoMo, who didn’t even have the time to blink. As he saw
Tang Fan’s fist ready to fall on him, a shocking thing happened.
A giant fire pillar rumbled from the ground and rushed out to the sky. Suddenly that soaring
fire swallowed up the first force, and it shot straight to the sky. Its heat and power
submerged the whole area in bright red.
Everybody was terrified, why were there flames from below the square?
But what shocked them more was that inside that scorching flame a slender figure
appeared, floating in mid-air. His face wasn’t clear, but his body let out the strong aura of a
practitioner who’d make everyone’s hearts throb. With his proud posture and his white
robes elegantly drifting among the flame, it made everyone see a god high above in the sky,
noble and elegant.
At this moment, the man stretched out his hand from inside the flame, casually catching
Tang Fan’s fist, his domineering voice echoed throughout the heavens and earth.
“You dare to make a move on my man? Do you have a death wish?”
Chapter 200: Revealing the identity
A domineering voice spread throughout the area from above to the very bottom corner.
The square sunk deep into silence, the whole vast sky now felt like there was only the man’s
voice. Time seemed to stop at this moment.
Dare to make a move on my man!
Don’t say that this “my man” was the expelled You XiaoMo, ba. Before it was the level 9
beast Nine-Winged Unity Serpent, and now there appeared another man who could catch
Tang Fan’s fist’s force with no difficulty, which clearly indicated his strength was higher than
Tang Fan.
This You XiaoMo, what kind of god are you, to have Imperial level practitioner appear
beside him one after the another?
Tang Fan’s face completely distorted as if he still couldn’t hide his horrified expression.
The others may not have noticed, but Tang Fan was only one arm away from that man, so
he could see the face clearly, plus that familiar voice, Tang Fan immediately recognized the
identity of that man.
“You… You are… Lin Xiao?” Tang Fan frighteningly shouted.
This sentence was like dropping a stone into calm water.
Everybody stood petrified as if they were struck by lightning; they maintained their posture
for one second, and then stiffly looked toward Tang Fan’s direction. Everyone went silent
for another few seconds, and finally their inner thoughts escaped. No one knew who was
the first one to curse.
“Fuck, am I having a hallucination right now?”
“Am I having an hallucination also, did Tang Fan really just say Lin Xiao?”
“Fucking dammit, what with today’s events? The later ones are even more shocking than
the previous ones! This is too much info for me to consume.”
“Can someone tell me the truth? Isn’t Lin Xiao only a Star level? Since when did he become
more powerful than Tang Fan?”
“Mother lord, this teacher-student duo… One compared to the other is even more bizarre,
both have hidden their own strength, but the truly dreadful one is Lin Xiao – he jumped
from to Star level to even pass his own Shifu. He had not yet reached a hundred years of
age, right?”

“No, you are not Lin Xiao!” Tang Fan tried to convince himself to break that ‘unreal’ image,
violently shaking his head. His eyes shone like a torch as they scorched Ling Xiao. With a
twisted face, he said, “Lin Xiao’s talent is not bad, but it is absolutely impossible for him in a
short period of ten years to achieve the Imperial level. A dozen months ago I already felt
something was not right. No matter how much one person can change, it is impossible to
change their personality completely.”
Hearing Tang Fan’s words, Ling Xiao raised his lips and showed a freaky smile. When he
tried to speak, Tang Fan suddenly used his other hand to attack him, Ling Xiao followed
along the action and loosened his restraint.
Once his hand was set free, Tang Fan immediately retreated like a frightened rabbit, until
he felt the distance was safe and then he stopped.
Ling Xiao, from the beginning to the end, didn’t take any advantage to chase Tang Fan;
whatever happened, he was still nonchalant and superiorly still. Ling Xiao’s smile didn’t
fade, as his unchanged face jeeringly looked at Tang Fan, as if he were watching a dancing
As for the flame that surrounded him, when he raised his hand, that flame seemed to be
called back. It slowly faded until it completely disappeared, revealing a very familiar figure
and face.
Standing not far away, Luo ChengYuan stared at Ling Xiao for a while, and finally let out a
sigh of relief.
Luo ShuHe came to his side and whispered, “Dad, is he really not Lin Xiao?”
Luo ChengYuan shook his head, said, “Yeah, I have met Lin Xiao a few times before, there is
a big difference between this man’s aura and Lin Xiao’s aura. Before, I couldn’t recognize it
probably because he was deliberately holding back his aura. I’m afraid that this one’s
strength is even way above me.”
The color on Luo ShuHe’s face changed even more.
“However, for now we don’t have to worry, Tang Fan and this person seem to be in a not-so
small dispute. We should observe the direction of this situation first, if I’m not wrong, this
time Tang Fan is probably trapped in a big disaster now.” Luo ChengYuan spoke those
words with a face that couldn’t help but reveal a trace of joy.
“I hope so…” Luo ShuHe looked at that man with his eyebrows slightly furrowed.
On the opposite side Tang Fan was standing with a frozen expression as he looked at Ling
Xiao. It was not like he never thought about the fact that Ling Xiao was an imposter, but he
never thought that Ling Xiao’s ability was higher than his own. Such a strong warrior like
him, why did he have to pretend to be Lin Xiao and lurk in the Tian Xin Sect? Tang Fan
couldn’t think of any reason, so then, maybe, there was something inside the Tian Xin Sect
that had attracted him.
Tang Fan took a deep breath; he forced himself to suppress his anger down, and he looked
at the man before he slowly asked, “In the end, who are you? Why are you hiding inside the
Tian Xin Sect?”
Ling Xiao laughed, “Who I am is not important. As for the purpose, well, why should I tell
Tang Fan gloomily asked, “The grudge between you and me is only because of Lin Xiao.
Strictly speaking, you and me, we have nothing to do with each other. I know you must be
looking for something here. I am the grandmaster of the Tian Xin Sect, if you are willing to
leave now and not take part in today’s war, I shall give you the things you want with my
own hand.”
Ling Xiao made a *pft* a sound and laughed, this old fart really was self-righteous; he did
guess it right, though, so Ling Xiao generously admitted, “Indeed, I’m looking for a person.”
On the inside, Tang Fan was joyful, but it didn’t show on his face; only his tone was a little
eager. “Who are you looking for, if you say the name, I shall immediately send him to you.
Furthermore, I shall make it so that one not dares to resist.”
Ling Xiao had yet to make a sound and Yuan Mo quickly shouted out loud, “Tang Fan, you
are not the head of the Tian Xin Sect anymore! You have no right to decide the disciples of
the Tian Xin Sect’s life or death matters.”
“Shut up, old geezer!” Tang Fan angrily turned around and shouted, this geezer dared to
destroy his call for business. Out of all the things he needed to resolve, he must erase this
old man first.
After he finished the sentence, he turned back to Ling Xiao, and said, “Well, who is it that
you want?”
Ling Xiao jokingly looked at him, under everyone’s curious gaze, he looked down at You
XiaoMo whose eyes were wide open. He gave him a smile and instantly stretched out his
hand. Energy was released from his action, that energy lifted You XiaoMo up and brought
him in front of Ling Xiao.
Ling Xiao reached out and held You XiaoMo’s waist, with an intimate gesture he brought
You XiaoMo to his chest. Under You XiaoMo’s stare, he slightly smiled at him and then
looked at the anxious Tang Fan, sneering, “Grandmaster Tang, this little mage is the one I’m
looking for.”
Tang Fan eyes twitched a few times, his old wrinkly face suddenly cracked.
Some of the people in the audience down below, watching this scene, held in their laughter.
Then one laughed out loud, and once there was one, then there was a second and third…
and so the whole crowd burst into laughter.
Even the ever-serious face Yuan Mo this time he couldn’t but laugh loudly, “Tang Fan, ah,
Tang Fan, the moment you kicked him out, you probably didn’t expect that you would have
cut your last life-saving straw by your own hand! What retribution, ah!”
“Shut up!” Tang Fan angrily roared at him as he finally understood that the man was simply
playing with him; no matter whom he wanted, he did not intend to reconcile.
If things have come this far, Tang Fan knew this fight was inevitable now, so he didn’t
hesitate for a moment. He clenched his fist and let out a big shout, next, an enormous aura
burst out from his body, this aura caused the whole spiritual energy of the area to become
Under this pressure, the people in the square felt a lag in their breathing, like a hundred-ton
boulder dropping onto their body. They couldn’t help but be terrified, a peak four-star
Imperial level practitioner was dreadful. If it were not for the unforeseen event earlier,
perhaps they wouldn’t be able to avoid this calamity.
“I don’t know who you are, but those who go against me, I shall not let them pass! Even
you, wait for your death!” Tang Fan grinned as he looked toward Ling Xiao.
Before, he thought that rather than having an Imperial level enemy, it was better off to be
without one. That was why he had to ignore his anger and had offered a condition, but he
didn’t expect this person to not care even an inch.
He didn’t excuse himself anymore; even though he was indeed afraid of his strength, it was
not like he didn’t have any trump cards.
When he reached this thought, Tang Fan suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, “Tang
Zhen, come out now, let these people here witness the power of us brothers!”
Luo ChengYuan’s group immediately raised their guard as they looked around.
After a few seconds, there was still no one in the square responding to his words. The
square was so quiet that you could hear one’s breathing. But soon, a whisper broke out.
“Don’t say, perhaps, Tang Zhen was so scared, he didn’t dare to show his face?”
“Impossible, I heard that the Tang brothers are very close to each other, to the point of
giving up the head seat to the other.”
“Who said it was impossible, to lose the title and to lose your life is a big difference.”
Tang Fan was angry, he absolutely didn’t believe that Tang Zhen would leave him alone to
escape, not to mention they even have a bigger hidden trump card; this fight was not a fight
that they didn’t have a chance to win, that was why he didn’t resign and called out a few
times more.
Opposite of him, Ling Xiao was stroking the bristling You XiaoMo while he lightly laughed,
“Don’t bother calling, no matter how hard you try, he won’t show up.”
Chapter 201: Resolve
That one single sentence made everyone fall silent.
After a while, Tang Fan’s roar once again pierced through the air, “What did you do to Tang
Ling Xiao laughed and slowly said, “Not much, I just killed him, that’s all.”
His strength was probably like Tang Fan’s, an Imperial practitioner, but it was just a “just” to
that man. Though those words were too arrogant, everyone knew that this arrogance had
its standing.
Tang Fan angrily stared, “You actually dared to kill Tang Zhen! You’ll pay with your life!”
Before the last word even came out, Tang Fan’s figure was already gone from where it
stood; his whole body was covered in killing aura. He gathered all his spiritual energy and
attacked Ling Xiao. His eyes were filled with blood from anger as he straight up ignored the
gap in strength between himself and his opponent.
Just when he was about to come close, Ling Xiao finally acted, even You XiaoMo under his
arm moved a bit.
The distance was only one step away and even this time Ling Xiao still gave him the slip.
Tang Fan’s pupils instantly shrank, he couldn’t believe it! His speed had reached the
maximum, as he had also undergone soul training techniques specified for speed, even if
the other party were higher than him by one or two stars, it would still be impossible to
easily escape his attack. His mind couldn’t help feeling a sense of absurdity.
He remembered Ling Xiao had entered the Paradise Realm…
His train of thought hadn’t reached its destination yet, and Ling Xiao’s indifferent, slightly
disdainful voice was already ringing next to his ears, laughing faintly. “Tang Fan, I admit that
you are a very talented genius, you reached the Imperial level in less than a thousand years,
such talent is indeed an incredible rarity, hard to come by, but unfortunately, you have
sinned too much. Destiny is not standing by your side anymore, your fate in this life is
destined to have a miserable ending!”
The Wan E forest behind the mountain of the Tian Xin Sect was where Tang Fan’s misdeed
would take place.
Millions of human skeletons, the grieving emotions had long overfilled the sky.
Today was the day Tang Fan must pay his debt.
Ending the sentence, Ling Xiao applied an unavoidable palm force toward Tang Fan.
Two flames of purple and red appeared along his hand as they flew in his palm’s direction
into Tang Fan’s body. Those scorching flames burned all his vital energy channels and flesh
in a blink of an eye.
The flame was so powerful, even Tang Fan who was known to be a strong practitioner
couldn’t but scream desperately. The voice was full of suffering, even the crowd felt their
scalp going numb just by hearing it.
Everyone stood horrified, watching a soulless-like Tang Fan drop down from the sky; a
*thud* sound, as he heavily hit the ground.
The fate of a sect grandmaster had such a horrible ending, really a retribution, ah!
“Grandmaster!” Tang Fan’s henchmen shouted.
These people were obviously not afraid of death, but there were some who were too
scared to say a word.
Ling Xiao looked in the voice’s direction; there were a few anxious faces, and there were
some that tried to blend into the crowd. Unfortunately, there were a few familiar people
who had some grudge against him before.
The teacher-student Xiao Long bunch, when they saw Ling Xiao look at them, they couldn’t
help cursing those who shouted for Tang Fan earlier.
When people thought the war had come to an end, a wind-slashing sound suddenly flew
over the square. When the person reached the destination, some people who recognized
the appearance behind that sound couldn’t but let out an “eek”.
That person was Zhou Peng, who was imprisoned previously.
Zhou Peng ignored people’s gaze as he threw someone in Tang Fan’s direction.
Since Tang Fan had yet to die at this point, when he tried to look over to see who it was, his
eyes couldn’t help constricting.
It was none other than Tang Zhen, his younger brother; from the appearance everyone
could tell there were similar features between them, but his eyeballs looked like they had
almost fallen out of their sockets, like he had seen a living hell, though his breathing had
already long stopped.
Tang Fan’s throat uttered a bizarre giggle-like sound, after a while he finally spat out a
sentence, “That thing had been completed, all of you… cannot escape, I want all of you… to
be buried one by one!”
As soon as he finished the sentence, his breathing also completely vanished.
The grandmaster of the Tian Xin Sect, Tang Fan, leading such a prestige life, was now dead
just like that!
Everyone looked at each other, they couldn’t understand what his last words meant, they
couldn’t help but look up to the sky at Ling Xiao.
Ling Xiao knew clearly what Tang Fan meant, though; he furrowed his eyebrows and turned
over to Zhou Peng, “Before you came, how much had that thing advanced?”
Originally Ling Xiao wanted to destroy that thing before coming here, but You XiaoMo was
in danger unexpectedly, he had no choice but to abandon it and directly come here to save
Zhou Peng said, “The situation is not good right now… that old man said that thing will
enter the world in no longer than an hour.”
“So, there is still an hour left, it shouldn’t be…” The two final words “a problem” hadn’t
come out of his mouth yet, when Ling Xiao’s expression suddenly changed.
He sharply looked at the back of Tian Xin mountain, You XiaoMo under his arm also noticed
his change in expression, he followed along his line of sight, eh, nothing at all!
You XiaoMo hurriedly asked, “What happened?”
Ling Xiao said, “That thing is coming.”
You XiaoMo whispered, “What thing?”
Ling Xiao lower his head and laughed, “You guess?”
You XiaoMo, “…”
As soon as he stopped speaking, the ground suddenly vibrated and started buzzing like an
earthquake, but it was more intense than a normal one. A breathing sound could be heard
under their feet, all the practitioners’ expression at the square suddenly changed.
Obviously, they also noticed something was under there, and like a train wreck they quickly
flew up into the sky, and then looked down to the ground.
After a moment, something seemed to hit the thick ground of the square, thump thump, as
if it hit directly into everyone’s hearts. The whole area was completely silent but for that
sound. After some time, that thing finally quieted down, but the crowd couldn’t keep their
calm, instead it became even more nerve-wracking.
A few seconds later, a big *bang* loudly escaped, a huge wave of fire crazily poured out
from underground, those fire waves looked like a big fire pillar, they were even bigger than
Ling Xiao’s earlier.
That fire wave kept ragingly pouring out, the whole square hadn’t expected such movement
would cause an impact this loud. Those who couldn’t dodge in time were hit by a wave of
fire, stronger ones only spat out some blood and then quickly ran away. The weaker ones
were directly swallowed by the fire. For a short period of time, the sounds of agony could
be heard one after another.
Ling Xiao was flying near the border of the square, he should have been out of the target
zone, but that thing seemed to target only him. Under his feet was the center of that fire
wave, that fire once again raged up, in a blink it submerged both Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo,
who was under his arm.
In front of Ling Xiao, who was born with fire within him, this kind of fire obviously couldn’t
do anything. It couldn’t even burn a single strand of his hair, and You XiaoMo who was
wrapped inside his arm was even more secure.
Ling Xiao stroked You XiaoMo’s head, and then gave him a kiss on the forehead. By the time
You XiaoMo looked up, being surprised by his action, he had already been sent by Ling Xiao
into his space without his consent. If he hadn’t done that, Ling Xiao was afraid You XiaoMo
would inconvenience him.
After sending You XiaoMo away, Ling Xiao looked down to the fire pit, faintly squinting his
At the bottom of the pit was a monster whose body was made from massively thick blood,
refined from over thousands of people’s blood and bones. This monster couldn’t be called a
demon beast, because it didn’t even have a face, and yet its negative emotions were
extremely intense.
This kind of monster was attracted to one’s strength. The more powerful someone was, the
more it was attracted.
It was probably aware that he was the strongest one among them all, that was why it
continued pursuing him.
Ling Xiao thought it arrived at about the right time, saving him the effort of trying to find it
Ling Xiao paused a little, and then his body, swiftly like a sharp arrow, flew straight into the
fire wave.
At the same time, the fire seemed to be constantly rushing into his body, then it was
continuously refined into a tiny energy, and soon, that big fire wave was reduced by half.
That monster seemed to feel the threat coming out of Ling Xiao, it let out a sound as if it
were scared; it immediately turned back to hide in the ground, but would Ling Xiao let it
escape? The answer was no!
Almost in the blink of an eye, Ling Xiao had caught up to it. The thick blood smell constantly
emitted out of its body, and everywhere it passed, it left a hell-like atmosphere.
Ling Xiao also saw this scene and he couldn’t keep the smile on his face anymore. Whether
if he was angry or being hypocritical, now there was only a chill, all the way down the bone,
on his expressionless face. Ling Xiao looked at the monster, then he slowly lifted his right
hand and there on his palm was a black round mark…
Sometimes, even when someone was not a hunter, they could still become one.
As time passed, even hunters would become prey!
The monster’s food was practitioners, but if the position was reversed, it would also
become the prey of a practitioner.
The vibrations of the ground soon quieted down, everyone only saw that the churning fire
had finally gone back to where it was born. It vanished into thin air, just as though the
whole scene earlier was just an illusion, the only thing left on the ground was a big black pit.
But those with sharp eyes quickly noticed Ling Xiao had disappeared, when they thought
something must have happened to him, suddenly something was slowly appearing inside
the pit, one tall, one short. Wait…it seemed like the tall guy’s expression was a little strange,
on his cheek there was a faint mark, it resembled teeth.
Those two were Ling Xiao and You XiaoMo.
Ling Xiao, after he had finished that monster, had taken You XiaoMo out of his space.
You XiaoMo didn’t say any words as he bared his teeth toward him and bit him.
Chapter 202: The End of the Show
The Tian Xin Sect and the Qing Cheng Sect’s war, because of Ling Xiao intervention, was
finally put to an end.
The biggest loss was on the Tian Xin Sect’s side, the Qing Cheng Sect’s side barely had any
casualties, at the most, there were only some people with light injuries.
Even so, Luo ChengYuan still took his people back home. The one whose strength was even
higher than the master of the Paradise Realm, he couldn’t find any reason to advance
On the surface, Ling Xiao might not be a disciple of the Tian Xin Sect, but the one he
protected was, though barely. As he was unsure about the man’s standpoint right now, Luo
ChengYuan didn’t dare rush into action, otherwise his corpse might lie next to Tang Fan’s.
When the Qing Cheng group finally left, the crowd also dispersed as there was nothing left
to see.
In less than two hours, the square had almost emptied. The remaining ones were the Tian
Xin Sect’s disciples, who didn’t dare to leave as they looked up to the sky toward Ling Xiao
with respect and fear.
Yuan Mo hesitated a little, but he still came forward, looking at Ling Xiao, he said, “From
now on I will call you Lin Xiao, today Tang Fan had been killed by you, since you also found
the one you were looking for, there shouldn’t be any grudges left between you and the Tian
Xin Sect, right?”
Which literally implied, ‘can you overlook the Tian Xin Sect?’
With his age and status, to say these words was not easy.
Ling Xiao, toward this Great Elder, held a bit of appreciation. For the Tian Xin Sect’s future,
Yuan Mo even disregarded his self-esteem; if you can hold it then you can discard it.
Ling Xiao had no intentions toward the Tian Xin Sect in the first place. Even if he wanted to,
You XiaoMo wouldn’t let him either, or else. Ling Xiao touched the teeth marks on his
cheek, he had a feeling You XiaoMo was going to bite him to death.
Thinking about this, Ling Xiao said, “Great Elder, rest assured, I won’t do anything to the
Tian Xin Sect, but as you said, Tang Fan is dead, the grandmaster seat is now empty, I
expect there shall not be a second Tang Fan appearing.”
Yuan Mo was startled, and immediately, he tentatively asked, “What do you mean?”
Ling Xiao’s finger pointed toward Zhou Peng standing not far away, “Zhou-shidi is young
and can be considered a talented person compared to his peers, it would be fitting to let
him take on the head seat.”
Yuan Mo didn’t expect he would nominate Zhou Peng, he knew Zhou Peng’s personality,
although he was not the most suitable one for the grandmaster title, it was not like letting
him on was not ok, only… “His level is not enough for people to submit to.”
Ling Xiao had already guessed he would say so, and he calmly suggested, “What if he had a
contract with a level nine demon beast, then how about it?”
Yuan Mo’s heart moved a little, “Seriously?”
Ling Xiao nodded, “Sure.”
Before, he told Tang Fan that ‘Tang Zhen was murdered by him.’ That was a lie; at best he
only heavily injured Tang Zhen, the one who really killed him was Zhou Peng and his demon
beast. Previously when Ling Xiao said he wanted to give Zhao Peng a big gift, he meant this
level nine beast. This was when he pretended to be Elder Li, he found some excuse to leave
for a while, it was to capture this one.
Yuan Mo immediately expressed he would support Zhou Peng for the grandmaster seat, he
was worried that when Tang Fan died, the Tian Xin Sect would have one less Imperial level
practitioner and that the Qing Cheng Sect would take advantage of it. But if Zhao Peng
became the grandmaster, then it should be enough to make up for the loss from Tang Fan’s
And the most important thing is, he saw Ling Xiao seemed to be interested in promoting
Zhou Peng, if he can get Ling Xiao to stand on Tian Xin Sect’s side, then there was no need
to be worried about if the Tian Xin Sect could grow strong or not, this was what he had long
Of course, it was not like he had never thought of Ling Xiao putting Zhou Peng on the seat
so that he could turn the Tian Xin Sect into his possession. But why would such a strong
person like himself do that? Not to mention, he also said he only came here to find
someone, so that possibility was relatively low.
Following Tang Fan’s death, it marked the day the Tian Xin Sect would undergo a big purge.
Those parties once led by Tang Fan, with Yuan Mo’s underhanded method, gradually
And replacing them were those parties which had a long time ago been against Tang Fan’s
party. It was the bunch of people that Zhao DaZhou had told You XiaoMo about before;
even though some of them still opposed Zhou Peng becoming the head, they were all
suppressed by Yuan Mo.
With Yuan Mo’s method, even if they were unwilling, they still had to obey. Nominally, he
was the only Imperial level practitioner of the sect, but if in the first hundred years, he
could support Tang Fan onto the seat, then a hundred years later, he could still support
Zhou Peng.
With pressure here and there, those who wanted to stand up already stood up. Tian Xin
Sect’s atmosphere grew into a new color, some people were sad, but naturally some people
were content with it. After this big wash was over, the most notable change was Earth Peak,
most of the cheer was also from there.
As for You XiaoMo, although he was kicked out by Tang Fan, his disciple position was
restored by Yuan Mo.
When he came back to the Earth Peak, he was immediately blocked by three people as he
went to enter his room, three different angry faces stared at him.
You XiaoMo shallowly laughed, Ling Xiao was dragged away by Yuan Mo to help Zhou Peng
take the seat, so he was not here to help him.
“My three Shixiong’s, we should calmly discuss this matter.” You XiaoMo secretly glanced at
the door, trying to find any figures of those from the SheQiu bunch. Your master is in big
trouble now, where the hell are you?
SheQiu, just like the others, thought “Solve it yourself!”
Zhao DaZhou was the one who lost his patience first. He fiercely stared at him, “You
XiaoMo, you did so well hiding this fact from us. Now look how glorious you are! To think
we were touched from your kindness earlier, you have already contracted with a level nine
beast.” Of course, this was not the reason for his anger, what he was angry about was that
You Xiao Mo didn’t tell him anything at all, which clearly indicated he didn’t trust him.
You XiaoMo could only smile obsequiously, he didn’t mean it though.
Fang ChenYue, seeing his grievous little face, sighed and said, “Xiao Shidi, I understand your
idea. I cannot blame you completely, but you should be honest with me. The one who
saved me at the Paradise Realm, was it also ‘Lin Xiao’?”
You XiaoMo nodded; since it had come to this, he didn’t have to hide anymore.
Fang ChenYue’s heart finally calmed down, “I should have guessed this sooner… then, the
Dead Soul demon beast was also ‘Lin Xiao’s’ masterpiece?”
Remembering that Dead Soul Beast’s strange behavior and speech, they were full of doubt
before, but if this was ‘Lin Xiao’s’ doing, then things started to make sense. Although they
knew if it were not for You XiaoMo, ‘Lin Xiao’ wouldn’t bother helping them.
“Xiao Shidi, you treat us too well.” Zhao DaZhou grouchily said to hide his shyness.
You XiaoMo touched his nose, and laughed, “It’s because you are also good to me, ah!”
Fang ChenYue couldn’t help patting his head; this Xiao Shidi’s personality, he knew. If other
people repaid him with double kindness, he would repay back ten times better. In fact, the
lucky ones were them.
“That’s right.” You XiaoMo suddenly slapped his head; he took out from his magic bag a thin
book and handed it to them, “This is for you guys, good stuff, ah.”
Fu ZiLin took the book, he didn’t show any expression but directly opened it to see. When
he swiftly looked over it, his eyes instantly opened wide. This was only the second
expression people had ever seen on his face.
Zhao DaZhou was tickled by the sentence, he came over to look, and his reaction was the
same as Fu ZiLin’s – the only difference was that his expression looked more stupid.
Fang ChenYue also got curious. When he looked at it, he couldn’t take a breath, not for a
while. Then, he finally reacted and said, “Xiao Shidi, this this this… this book is not our sect’s
soul training, right?”
Although the handwriting was awful, it didn’t stop them from reading the book.
Compared to the Tian Xin Sect’s soul training manual, this Heavenly Soul Scripture was no
doubt a higher level.
But they did not expect You XiaoMo would give this to them, this was way too kind to
Of course, they didn’t know You XiaoMo was feeling guilty, that was why he thought of
giving this Scripture to the three of them for them to practice it. After all, he was the one
who killed their Shifu, Kong Wen. Although he never treated him right, he didn’t treat them
Moreover, Ling Xiao didn’t say he could not give it to others in the first place, and the worse
of it, he never told him that he stole it…
After some explanation, the trio finally knew this soul training manual was given by Ling
All kinds of envy and jealousy arose, but after all, they had all lived longer than You XiaoMo
by a few years, their thoughts were much more subtle.
Fang ChenYue, as the representative, firmly warned him not to casually take out a soul
training manual like that. Even in the future if someone was nice to him, he shouldn’t feel
touched out of nowhere and then take it out, or else it could bring unexpected trouble.
You XiaoMo was “gently” taught a lesson from top to bottom, he even nearly swore to not
to take it out ever again.
But right now, he didn’t expect that this soul training manual would later bring him major
After talking about the main business, Fang ChenYue suddenly remembered one thing. He
hesitated before asking, “Xiao Shidi, if that business with the Tian Xin Sect is over, are you
and ‘Lin Xiao’ going to leave here?”
You XiaoMo was petrified, he never thought about it, “I don’t know, I want to know his
intentions first…”
As he finished the sentence, he couldn’t help but shed a tear, why did he have such an
abnormal thought “Ling Xiao? Go where he goes?” Why does it sound like the idiom
‘married to chicken, follow the chicken, married to dog, follow the dog’?
Fang ChenYue sighed, why did he have a feeling his little shidi was sent off to his husband’s
In fact, even Zhao DaZhou and Fu ZiLin also felt that way.
In their brotherhood, it turned out the youngest one was the first “to be married.” Wait,
this logic seemed to be a bit off.
Fang ChenYue no longer forced him, he patted You XiaoMo’s miserable face, and said, “Xiao
Shidi, in the future wherever you go, remember not to forget us, and we will always
remember you.”
You XiaoMo immediately said, “Shixiong, rest assured, I can forget Ling Xiao, but I certainly
will never forget you guys.”
Fang ChenYue and Fu ZiLin, “…”
Zhao DaZhou weakly inserted a word, “Seventh-shidi, next time, before you say those
words, remember to check behind your back first.”
You XiaoMo, “…”
Behind him was standing a shadow, and that one was Ling Xiao!
Chapter 203: Fulfill the Promise
When they spotted Ling Xiao, Fang ChenYue and the others voluntarily started to leave.
You XiaoMo stood up, wanting to follow them and leave, but Ling Xiao grabbed his collar
and dragged him back.
Not waiting for him to say goodbye to Fang ChenYue and the others, Ling Xiao immediately
threw him off with a *hong* sound. When the two-leaf door closed, the three of them
almost bumped into it. They looked at each other, and then left.
We hope that we still can see you tomorrow, Xiao Shidi!
“Xiao Shidi, this is your own room, where are you going?” Ling Xiao asked, while leaning on
the wall.
You XiaoMo shrank his neck, “I… I’m not going anywhere, I just want to send off my three
seniors.” And to slowly slip away…
Ling Xiao glanced at him, “They have their legs to walk, they don’t need you to send them
You XiaoMo cried inside his heart, he didn’t mean it that way.
Ling Xiao took advantage of this moment when he was not aware, lifted him up, and walked
while carrying him behind the screen.
You XiaoMo got scared. “What are you doing?”
Ling Xiao turned his head, showing his pearly-white teeth, laughing eerily. “Doing you.”
You XiaoMo “……” This lecherous guy.
This isn’t a big-sized bed, but Ling Xiao just threw him like a sandbag, resulting in a very loud
sound. Luckily, there was nobody outside the room during this hour, or else people would
have gathered. Just by imagining how embarrassing it would be if people saw them, was
enough to make him want to puke…
You XiaoMo immediately shrunk into a ball, his expression was slightly distorted.
Ling Xiao poked his butt, “Are you playing dead?”
You XiaoMo “……” Shouldn’t you poke my face instead?
As if he heard his inner thoughts, Ling Xiao put his palm on top of his butt and stroked it a
few times. “You have more meat on your butt.”
You XiaoMo “….” Go die!
Ling Xiao took off his shoes and climbed up onto the bed and pressed his body on top of
him while pulling his clothes off. “Xiao Shidi, do you still remember your promise when we
were at the Paradise Realm? Don’t tell me you want to break your promise?”
The corners of You XiaoMo’s mouth twitched; as expected, Ling Xiao came here to collect
his reward. He shouldn’t have promised him anything, something must have possessed him
at that time.
As if he could hear You XiaoMo’s inner thoughts, Ling Xiao leaned down, bit his lower lip,
and nibbled it gently using his teeth. You XiaoMo immediately felt numb, as if he was being
electrified at the place where their bodies touched each other. His whole body was
trembling. After enduring for a long time, Ling Xiao didn’t have any patience to play
He had longed for this juicy lump of meat called You XiaoMo for a long time. Today, no
matter what happened, he was going to eat him from inside out. So, he took the most
straightforward way, and that was to kiss him until You XiaoMo forgot everything else.
Ling Xiao slowly moved his hands downward, pulling his belt and throwing it to the floor,
and he did the same with his outer clothes. When the only thing that remained was the thin
inner robe, he didn’t try to take it off hurriedly. Instead, he put his hands into the lower
garment, and gently pulled his pants. Seeing his half-naked state made his blood boil.
You XiaoMo’s body was steaming with heat, just as if it were being boiled all over. When
Ling Xiao took off his clothes, You XiaoMo didn’t resist at all. His cheeks became bright red
as if he was in ecstasy. The blood inside his body was overflowing joyously, and his body
couldn’t help but stick close to Ling Xiao.
Ling Xiao really loved his reaction, and he couldn’t help chuckling.
Every time he kissed him, this little guy’s reaction was always so straightforward.
Ling Xiao lowered his head and kissed his lips. Using the tip of his tongue, he tried to open
his clammed-up teeth that were tightly closed, and then he forced his way into his mouth.
When XiaoMo felt the tip of his tongue, he tried to shrink up only to be entangled quickly.
When their tongues pushed against each other, it felt as if he got electrified, and he
couldn’t help letting out a moan.
You XiaoMo was unable to endure this kind of intense pleasure and tried to retreat by
putting his two soft hands against his chest, but he was too weak to move him up. His chest
was already exposed, and his fair skin was dyed in a pinkish color from the burning lust,
making him look more delicious than usual.
Ling Xiao couldn’t stop his hand from gently caressing and stroking him; his sly finger
slightly touched the trembling little nub on his chest, he even fondled it a few times with his
These movements made You XiaoMo gasp, his eyes opened like round bronze bells. The
sudden stimulation made him lose his reasoning little by little, but he quickly became
shocked again.
Ling Xiao bent over to his chest, sticking out the tip of his tongue, and licked his pink nipples
lewdly while sucking there a few times. This made You XiaoMo’s chest lighten up a bit,
while the sucked areas became red and swollen. After that, he caressed it again and kissed
You XiaoMo cried, constantly letting out “ngghhh. ah…” sounds, the pleasure was sending
out electricity all over his body. It was putting him into disarray and bringing him
incomparable and never-ending excitement. This kind of torment was more unbearable
than ever, his body arched unconsciously, as if searching for something.
Ling Xiao took this opportunity to grab his waist, his hand moved toward his butt, and
pulled off the rest of the pants that were halfway down, revealing his well-rounded bottom.
From behind the thin undergarment that was covering up his upper body, he could faintly
see his member. This sight really was enticing.
You XiaoMo tried to clamp both of his legs together, but Ling Xiao was already in between
It was the first time he felt such a strong desire, and the desire was running rampant, as if
wanting to gather up in one place and go down, eagerly trying to find a way out.
Ling Xiao’s face stiffened, his fervent eyes were gazing at You XiaoMo’s confused face.
Knowing that You XiaoMo couldn’t stand it anymore, Ling Xiao moved his hand towards the
bottom, and he reached into the clothes that covered the body slightly. Then he gripped the
thing that had been swollen and wet since a long time ago.
You XiaoMo suddenly opened his eyes widely, his body leaned powerlessly against his
shoulder. His body quivered with each of his strokes. As the panting grew heavier, his throat
sent out uncontrollable moans.
Ling Xiao grabbed his waist tightly, his forehead soaked with a thin layer of sweat, while his
eyes became darker than usual with a hint of a glimmer, just like a deep night sky full of
twinkling stars, yet with aggressiveness; like a ferocious beast, completely different than his
usual self.
Sensing that he was going to cum, Ling Xiao’s hand moved faster. When You XiaoMo
opened his mouth and moaned, he kissed his lips, continuously moving his tongue to tease
his sensitive spots. You XiaoMo came immediately, stimulated from both places. When he
let it out, Ling Xiao’s hand and the clothes on his upper body were sprayed with hot, wet
liquid. But it wasn’t clearly noticeable, as he was wearing white clothes.
Ling Xiao didn’t get rid of the hot liquid on his right hand. He first used his other hand to
half-support You XiaoMo who almost passed out from the intense pleasure, and then used
the fingers from his right hand, that was covered with the hot liquid, to thrust into the hole
of his lower part. He slowly squeezed in one finger. After making sure that he didn’t feel
uncomfortable, he squeezed in another finger.
You XiaoMo was shocked and his eyes widened. He clearly felt that there were two fingers
entering his body, and in such an embarrassing place. Although he already guessed that it
would become like this, but when it happened, of course he panicked.
At this time, Ling Xiao said near his ear with suppressed laughter, “Xiao Shidi, do you feel
You XiaoMo’s face reddened, both of his hands were on his shoulders, but they looked
powerless. He only managed to say, “You… take your fingers out!”
Ling Xiao threw off his own clothes. His neat appearance and You XiaoMo’s messed up
clothes formed a strong contrast, but the thing below that was bulging out from his pants
could be seen clearly. He didn’t know when it happened, but it looked like it was going to
tear through the fabric.
You XiaoMo was sat exactly on top of it, his butt got poked with the hot and stiff, restless
thing. His body automatically turned around, wanting to flee.
But little did he know, the more he tried to move, the more Ling Xiao became excited. His
lower part became harder and hotter.
Ling Xiao was panting heavily while grabbing You XiaoMo’s slender waist, when You XiaoMo
was about to climax, Ling Xiao quickly pulled off his pants, and while You XiaoMo was
dozing off, he thrust into him all at once.
The moment You XiaoMo felt it come in, he inhaled sharply. The painful feeling of getting
torn from below cleared his mind, he grasped Ling Xiao’s hand tightly, his fingernails looked
as if they were going to sink into his flesh, which of course, was impossible.
Although Ling Xiao had stretched him before, for men, that place was small to begin with, it
wasn’t made to accept another man. Besides, Ling Xiao’s thing was bigger than that of a
normal man, so when he shoved it in all in one go, of course it would hurt so much he
almost died.
Ling Xiao didn’t want him to feel too much pain, but his endurance had already reached its
limit, so after he waited for him to adapt a little bit, he started to move slowly.
Thinking that his lower part was already torn, You XiaoMo felt it get thrusted into
repeatedly. His strained, slender body felt like a small boat swaying up on top of water. If
Ling Xiao hadn’t grabbed his waist, he would have fallen on top of the bed already.
Fortunately, Ling Xiao didn’t only enjoy himself, he sometimes took care of his lower part,
so after a while, You XiaoMo started to feel pleasure. The pain slowly started to subside,
and soon he enjoyed the feeling of lovemaking.
When Ling Xiao realized this change, he started to speed up. Whether it was because of his
strength or movement, You XiaoMo’s body started to shake violently, going up and down,
each time with intense movement. Soon, You XiaoMo became exhausted and surrendered
But Ling Xiao’s endurance was much stronger than his. He didn’t show any sign of stopping,
instead, his movements became more and more intense, not stopping until he climaxed.
Ling Xiao hugged You XiaoMo tightly, supporting his body that couldn’t stop shaking, both
drenched in sweat and sticking close together. He then grabbed his head, and
simultaneously kissed his lips while he intertwined their tongues together. It muffled You
XiaoMo’s moan completely, until he was out of breath, and then he put him on top of the
bed. After that, he put both of You XiaoMo’s legs on top of his shoulders, positioning them
so their bodies were sticking close to each other, and then he started moving for a new

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