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ISIJ International, Vol. 41 (2001), No. 5, pp.


A Modified Cellular Automaton Model for the Simulation of

Dendritic Growth in Solidification of Alloys

M.F. ZHU and C.P. HONG

Center for Computer-Aided Materials Processing (CAMP), Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Yonsei University,
Shinchon-dong 134, Seodaemun-ku, Seoul, 120-749 Korea.
(Received on November 20, 2000; accepted in final form on February, 6, 2001)

A modified cellular automaton model (MCA) was developed in order to simulate the evolution of dendritic
microstructures in solidification of alloys. Different from the classical cellular automata in which only the
temperature field was calculated, this model also included the solute redistribution both in liquid and solid
during solidification. The finite volume method, which was coupled with the cellular automaton model, was
used to calculate the temperature and solute fields in the domain. The relationship between the growth ve-
locity of a dendrite tip and the local undercooling was calculated according to the KGT (Kurz–Giovanola–
Trivedi) model. The effects of constitutional undercooling and curvature undercooling on the equilibrium in-
terface temperature were also considered in the present model. The MCA model was applied to predict the
dendritic microstructures, such as the free dendritic growth from an undercooled melt and competitive den-
dritic growth in practical casting solidification. The simulated results were compared with those obtained ex-
KEY WORDS: solidification; microstructural evolution; modified cellular automaton; finite volume method;
nucleation; growth kinetics; solute redistribution; diffusion; curvature; columnar dendritic structure;
equiaxed dendritic structure; columnar-equiaxed transition.

tion of the solidification front with time, and thus are un-
1. Introduction
able to generate realistic-looking microstructures.
Control of solidification microstructures is an important In order to overcome the limitations mentioned above,
aspect to obtain reproducible and isotropic properties of stochastic models have been developed over the past several
final casting products in modern casting technology.1) years. The first approach initiated by Brown and Spittle5,6)
Prediction of microstructure evolution in solidification is was based on the Monte Carlo (MC) procedure, which were
a key factor in controlling solidification microstructures. used to predict recrystallization and grain growth in the
However, it is difficult to predict the structure features solid-state phase transformation, as well as to simulate so-
because they are determined through the complicated solid- lidification structures in casting.7,8) But there are some
ification mechanisms, which are controlled by the interplay drawbacks of the MC methods in simulating solidification
of thermal, solute and capillary effects, natural or forced structures. For example, they do not explicitly integrate the
convection, and kinetic length or time scales, etc. The re- growth kinetics of the solid–liquid interface. In addition,
cent advances in computer technology and numerical meth- the MC time step used in the calculations is not correlated
ods have made it possible to analyze transport phenomena with real time. Consequently, they are unable to realistically
(e.g. heat, mass and fluid flow in the mushy zone) to a high show the time-evolution of solidification structures.
level of details.2) The synthesis of that knowledge has, in Rappaz and Gandin9–11) were the first ones applying an-
turn, developed various kinds of deterministic and stochas- other stochastic method, cellular automaton (CA) tech-
tic models to predict the evolution of microstructures in so- nique, to predict solidification grain structures. This method
lidification. is based upon the consideration of physical mechanisms on
Deterministic models, based on the solution of the con- nucleation, growth kinetics of a dendrite tip, and crystallo-
tinuum equations were first developed for the description of graphic orientations. Furthermore, the mechanisms of com-
the nucleation, growth and impingement of equiaxed grains petitive dendrite growth are directly embedded in the CA
in solidification processes.3,4) However, in deterministic ap- algorithm.13) So that the CA model can quantitatively carry
proaches, the coupling of the micro model with the conser- out the time-dependent simulation for microstructure evolu-
vation equations requires to specify hypothetical grain tion, in which the individual grains are identified and their
shapes, such as spheres and cylinders for equiaxed and shapes and sizes can be shown graphically. A series of stud-
columnar grains, respectively. Consequently, the determin- ies using the CA model have been reported by Hong et al.
istic models generally yield an approximation of the posi- on the simulation of solidification structures in squeeze

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casting and planar flow casting,12,14) as well as on the pre- 2. Model Description
diction of the deflection behavior of columnar grains solidi-
2.1. Nucleation
fied in a flowing melt.15) However, the dendrite growth ve-
locity in the classical CA model mentioned above9–15) is ref- Heterogeneous nucleation is assumed to occur on nucle-
erenced only to the local temperature in the solidifying re- ation sites randomly chosen both on the mold surface and
gion for a fixed alloy composition. Therefore, the individual in the bulk liquid. Thus, more than one type of nucleation
grains do not interact directly until they touch each other sites was assumed to exist in most microscopic models of
and it is unable to describe the more detail features such as solidification, each of these site families becomes active at
the side branches and the formation of second phases (eu- a critical undercooling.9) In the present study, the continu-
tectic). ous nucleation model was adopted in which two different
On the other hand, phase field models offer the opportu- Gaussian distributions were considered for describing the
nity for better understanding the dynamics of pattern selec- heterogeneous nucleation both on the mold wall and in the
tion and side branch emission in dendritic growth, and they bulk liquid. The grain density increase dn is induced by an
have recently emerged as a viable computational tool for increase in the undercooling d (DT ) according to the fol-
simulating the formation of complex interfacial patterns in lowing Gaussian distribution23):
solidification.16–18) However, phase field models are present-  1 2
dn nmax  DT DTmn 
ly limited to qualitative simulation of a single dendrite or a  exp    ......(1)
very small calculation domain due to the large computa- d (DT ) 2π DTσ  2  DTσ  
tional capacity needed. In order to study the interactions of  
dendritic growth in many grains in a solidifying mushy where DTmn is the mean nucleation undercooling, DTs is
region, a large calculation domain has to be considered, the standard deviation, and nmax is the maximum density of
which surely will be a very difficult task in the phase field nuclei given by the integral of this distribution from 0 to ∞.
methods. Thus, the density of grains, n(DT), formed at any under-
Some mesoscopic models for dendritic growth are cur- cooling DT, is given by
rently under development.19–22) Steinbach and Beckermann DT

et al.19,20) used a novel mesoscopic simulation technique to dn
n(DT ) d (DT ) ....................(2)
describe the non-steady growth of several equiaxed dendrit- 0 d (DT )
ic grains into a supercooled melt of a pure substance.
However, it is clear that their model cannot account for the
2.2. Growth Kinetics and Orientation
topology and texture evolution of typical columnar struc-
ture. Nastac21) has developed a new stochastic model that In the present simulation, the growth velocity of a den-
includes time-dependent calculations for temperature distri- drite tip under a certain undercooling was calculated using
bution, solute redistribution in the liquid and solid phases, the KGT (Kurz–Giovanola–Trivedi) model.24) The relation-
curvature, and growth anisotropy. This model is able to cap- ships between the growth velocity and the local undercool-
ture the morphological evolution (including the coarsening ing for a succinonitrile–acetone alloy and for Al–Cu alloys
and growth/branching of the secondary and tertiary den- with various Cu contents are given in Table 1.
drite arms) of columnar and equiaxed dendrites, segrega- The total undercooling at a dendrite tip, DT, is given by
tion patterns and columnar-to-equiaxed transition (CET) the sum of the various contributions to undercooling9):
characteristics in casting alloys. Nevertheless, the model DTDTcDTtDTrDTk......................(3)
cannot identify the different crystallographic orientations
since it does not consider the variety of preferential growth where DTc, DTt, DTr, and DTk are the solutal, thermal, cur-
direction of nuclei. vature, and kinetic undercooling, respectively. The kinetic
The aim of the current study is to develop a new cellular undercooling is rather small under normal solidification
automaton method to model dendritic grain structures in conditions except for high solidification velocities such as
solidification of alloys, covering from microscopic to meso- rapid solidification processes.9) Therefore, no provision was
scopic scales. The present model adopts the same schemes, made for attachment kinetics and only the solutal, thermal
which have been used in the classical cellular automata, and curvature undercoolings were taken into account in the
such as the heterogeneous nucleation, the preferential present model.
growth orientations of the nuclei and the growth kinetics of Nuclei formed on the mold wall or in the bulk liquid
a dendrite tip. In addition, it accounts for the curvature, the were assumed to have random crystallographic orientations
solute redistribution both in the liquid and solid phases. within 48 classes. The preferential growth direction corre-
The present model was applied to simulate the evolution of sponds to 10 for cubic metals in the present two-dimen-
dendritic structures in solidification of alloys, such as the
free dendritic growth, the directional columnar dendritic Table 1. Growth kinetics used in the present calculation.
growth of an organic alloy, and the dendritic growth of Al–
Cu alloys solidified directionally and two-dimensionally in
a metal mold. The effects of alloy composition, pouring
temperature and bulk nucleation parameters on the forma-
tion of solidification structures were examined. The compu-
tational results were verified by the experimental results.

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sional model. coupling of the macroscopic heat and mass transport model
with a modified cellular automaton model to predict the
2.3. Solute Redistribution
evolution of dendritic structures in solidification of alloys.
The assumptions for solute redistribution are made as
follows: 3.1. Nucleation and Growth Algorithm
(1) The local equilibrium at the solid/liquid interface is The cellular automaton model for nucleation and growth
preserved as follow. simulation consists of (1) the geometry of a cell, (2) the
state of a cell, (3) the neighborhood configuration, and (4)
Cs*kCl* ...................................(4)
several transition rules that determine the state of a given
where k is the partition coefficient, Cs* and Cl* are the inter- cell during one time step. In this work, the calculation do-
face equilibrium concentrations in the solid and liquid main is divided into uniform square arrangement of cells.
phases, respectively. Each cell is characterized by different variables (such as
(2) The solute field during solidification is mainly con- temperature, concentration, crystallographic orientation,
trolled by diffusion in liquid and solid, and no consideration solid fraction) and state (e.g. solid or liquid). The cellular
on convective mass transfer is made. automaton evolves in discrete time step, and the state of a
As the solidification proceeds, the solidified cell rejects cell at a particular time is calculated from the local rule,
solute to its neighbor liquid cells. Diffusion within the en- such as the nucleation and growth kinetics. At the begin-
tire domain is then simulated. The governing equation for ning of simulation, the nucleation sites both on the mold
the solute redistribution in the liquid region is given by surface and in the bulk liquid are randomly set according to
Eq. (1) and are identified with a reference integer that re-
∂Cl ∂  ∂Cl  ∂  ∂Cl  ∂f s lates to a corresponding undercooling needed for nucle-
  Dl   Dl Cl (1k ) ....(5)
∂t ∂x  ∂x  ∂y  ∂y  ∂t ation. At a time step interval, the change of a cell state from
“liquid” to “solid” is initiated either by nucleation or by
where t is time, Dl is the solute diffusion coefficient in the growth of a solid cell. If a given cell is a predetermined nu-
liquid phase, fs is the solid fraction, and k is the partition cleation site and the local undercooling is larger than that
coefficient. The last term on the right hand side of the Eq. which is necessary for nucleation, this cell changes its state
(5) indicates the amount of solute rejected at the solid/liq- from liquid to solid and its corresponding index is random-
uid interface. ly defined to be an integer among 48 classes, which repre-
The governing equation for diffusion in solid is given by sents its crystallographic orientation.
Once a cell has nucleated, it will grow with a preferential
∂Cs ∂  ∂Cs  ∂  ∂Cs 
  Ds   Ds  .............(6) direction corresponding to its crystallographic orientation
∂t ∂x  ∂x  ∂y  ∂y  having a growth velocity determined by the local under-
cooling and solute concentration. Let us consider a solidi-
where Ds is the solute diffusion coefficient in the solid
fied cell labeled “A” which lies at the S/L interface, shown
in Fig. 1. There must exist at least one liquid cell within its
2.4. Macroscopic Thermal Transport eight neighbors (including four nearest neighbors and four
The governing equation for two-dimensional transient corner neighbors). Figure 1(a) describes the details of the
heat conduction is given by growth algorithm between the solid cell A and its liquid
neighbor cell i. The lAi (tn) in Fig. 1(a) is the growth length of
∂T ∂  ∂T  ∂  ∂T  ∂ fs the solid cell A respecting to its liquid neighbor cell i at
ρC p  λ   λ ∂y ρDH ∂t ....(7)
∂t ∂x  ∂x  ∂y   time tn, which can be calculated by
where T is the temperature, r is the density, Cp is the ∑ [v {DT (t )}D t ]
n n n
specific heat, l is the thermal conductivity, and DH is the l Ai (tn ) n1 ................(10)
latent heat of freezing, respectively. {cos θ | sin θ |}
The boundary conditions at the melt/mold interface and where Dtn is the time step, q is the angle of the cell A’s
the mold/air interface are given by preferential growth direction nA 10 with respect to the
Melt/mold: linking line between the cell A and the cell i, and N indi-
cates the iteration number. vn{DT (tn)} is the growth rate,
qhint(TmoldTmelt)............................(8) which can be calculated using the KGT model depending
Mold/air: upon the local undercooling, DT (tn), taken at the center of
the cell i. As mentioned in Sec. 2.2, the present model takes
qhair(TairTmold) ............................(9)
account of the undercooling contributions associated with
where q is the heat flux, Tmelt, Tmold and Tair are the tempera- temperature, composition and curvature. Therefore, the
tures of the melt, the mold and the air, and hint and hair are local undercoling DT (tn) is given by
the interfacial heat transfer coefficients at the melt/mold
DT (tn)Tl(Ci(tn)C0)mTi(tn)G K
i (tn).......(11)
and the mold/air interfaces, respectively.
where Tl is the equilibrium liquidus temperature, m the liq-
uidus slope, C0 the initial concentration, and G the Gibbs–
3. Numerical Method
Thomson coefficient. K i (tn), Ci (tn) and Ti (tn) are the mean
A numerical model has been developed based on the curvature, the concentration and the temperature of the cell

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Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the growth algorithm used in the MCA model: (a) details of the growth from the solid cell
A to the liquid cell i; (b) the illustration of the growth and coarsening of a primary trunk; and (c) the illustration
of the side branching.

i on the S/L interface at time tn, respectively. Then, the solid 3.2. Calculation of the Interface Curvature
fraction of the cell i at a certain time, fsi(tn), can be ex- The interface curvature in a cell with the solid fraction fs
pressed by is calculated from the following expression21)
l Ai (tn )  n 
f si (tn )

L  f s (i ) fs ( j) 
1  j1 
where L is the length between the cell A and the cell i, as Ki  12  ...............(13)
dx  n1 
shown in Fig. 1(a): if i is one of the four nearest east, west,
south or north neighbors, Ldx; and if i is the corner  
—  
neighbor, L√ 2 dx. When fsi(tn)1, which means the
growth front of the solid cell A can touch the center of the where dx is the cell size and n is the number of the neigh-
liquid cell i, the cell i will then transform its state from liq- boring cells. In the present calculation, n8, which in-
uid to solid and get the same orientation index as the cell A. cludes the surrounding neighbor cells of the first layer. The
By means of the algorithm described above, the primary values of the curvature calculated using Eq. (13) vary from
dendrite will grow and coarsen with the preferential 10 di- 1/dx to 0 for convex surfaces and from 0 to 1/dx for con-
rection, as shown in Fig. 1(b). As the growth and the coars- cave surfaces.
ening of a primary trunk proceed, the solute will be en- 3.3. Calculation of the Concentration Field
riched in the liquid near the S/L interface due to the solute When a cell transforms its state from liquid to solid by
redistribution, which will destroy the interface stability and nucleation or growth, its concentration will be changed ac-
therefore cause the side branching into the secondary arms, cording to Eq. (4). Consequently, this cell will liberate the
as shown in Fig. 1(c). amount of solute, dCCl*kCl*, which is assumed to be
distributed to its liquid neighbor cells.

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Table 2. Thermal and physical properties used in the present calculation.

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of superimposing modified cellular automata cells with control volume nodes.

An explicit finite difference scheme was applied for cal- evaluating the macroscopic heat and solute transport in so-
culating the solute diffusion in both the solid and liquid lidification. Figure 2 indicates the schematic drawing of the
phases, and the zero-flux boundary conditions were used calculation domain with control volumes (CV) which are
for the cells located at the surface of the calculation do- used for the calculation of macroscopic heat transfer. Each
main. The thermal and physical properties used in the pre- CV consists of 3030 square cellular automaton (CA) cells
sent calculation are listed in Table 2. for the MCA calculation. As the thermal diffusivity of
3.4. Solution Scheme for Macroscopic Thermal metallic alloys is 3–4 orders of magnitudes greater than the
Transport solute diffusivity, the kinetics for microstructure evolution
can be assumed to be solute transport-controlled, and there-
In order to analyze macroscopic transient heat transfer
fore the thermal diffusion can be considered to be complete
problems, the calculation domain was divided into control
in the microscopic scale.26) Thus, for the sake of simplicity
volumes. The governing equations and boundary conditions
and the reduction of calculation time, the temperatures of
shown in Eqs. (7) to (9) were solved by the explicit finite
all cells within a CV are assumed to be uniform. Based on
difference algorithm.
the calculated temperature profile in the cells, the calcula-
3.5. Coupling of the Finite Volume Method and the tion of nucleation and growth as well as the solute redistrib-
Modified Cellular Automaton Model ution are carried out by the MCA model as described
The present model consists of two schemes: the modified above.
cellular automaton model (MCA) for simulating the evolu- In order to reduce the computational time, two different
tion of dendritic structures and the finite volume method for time steps were used; one for macroscopic heat transfer cal-

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Fig. 3. Flowchart of the MCA-FVM coupling and calculation


culation based on CV, and the other for microscopic MCA

calculation based on CA cells, as follows:
CV time step:
D X CV ρC p
δ tT .........................(14) Fig. 4. The simulated dendritic shapes during the isothermal
4.5λ growth of an Al–2.0mass%Cu alloy at 888 K (DT40 K):
(a) the initial growth stage; (b) the initiation of the side
where DXCV is the CV size, r Cp is the volumetric specific branch emission; and (c) the dendrite with well-devel-
heat, and l is the thermal conductivity. oped side branches (calculation domain: 320320; cell
size: 0.2 m m).
MCA time step:

1  dx dx 2 
δ tMCA min  ,  ................(15) 4. Results and Discussion
4.5  Vmax Dl 
4.1. Free Dendritic Growth in an Undercooled Melt
where Vmax is the maximum growth velocity obtained by In order to simulate free dendritic growth into an under-
scanning the growth velocities of all interface liquid cells cooled melt, the calculating domain is divided into 320
during each time step and Dl is the solute diffusion coeffi- 320 cells with a cell size of 0.2 m m, which is fine enough to
cient in liquid. resolve a dendrite tip radius. In the beginning of simulation,
When a liquid cell solidifies by nucleation or growth, it one nucleus with the preferential growth orientation of 0°
will release the latent heat of freezing, which is evaluated or 45° with respect to the horizontal direction was assigned
by in the center of the area. The initial concentration of the
D H V dx 2 calculation domain was assumed to be C0.
D TL  ........................(16) The simulated dendrite morphology of an Al–2.0mass%
ρC pD X CV
Cu alloy solidified into an undercooled melt (DT40 K) is
where DTL is the equivalent temperature recovered due to shown in Fig. 4 for three stages: (a) the initial growth stage
the latent heat released by one solidified cell and DHV is the before emitting the side branch, (b) the initiation of sec-
volumetric latent heat of freezing. The temperature of the ondary arms emitting from the primary trunk, and (c) the
CV node is then recovered based on Eq. (16) by the newly dendrite morphology with well-developed secondary and
solidified cells included in this CV. Using these updated even tertiary arms. The figures on the left column indicate
temperatures, macroscopic heat transfer calculation can be the dendrite shapes having the crystallographic orientation
continued. This series of calculation will be repeated until of 0° in regards to the horizontal direction and the ones on
the end of solidification. The flowchart of the present calcu- the right having the crystallographic orientation of 45°, re-
lation is shown in Fig. 3. spectively. The darkness of the figure indicates the concen-

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tration profiles in both the solid and liquid phases. Within

the solid region, along the centerline of primary trunks or
side arms, there exists a spine with lower concentration,
which is considered as the result of the combined effect of
curvature and interface kinetics.28) The concentration in
solid near the solid/liquid interface shows the higher con-
centration where the final solidification occurs. It could be
seen from Fig. 4(c) that the tertiary arm branching occurs
only at one side of the secondary arms. These interesting
phenomena have been observed in the previously reported
experiments29) and are also consistent with simulation re-
sults by the phase field models.27,28,30) Figure 4 illustrates
the capability of the present model to nicely depict the den-
drite evolution features, including the growing and coarsen-
ing of the primary trunk, the branching of the secondary
and tertiary dendrite arms, as well as the solute segregation
It can be noted that the present MCA model has some
significant advantages compared with phase field models.
Firstly, the MCA model has the excellent computational ef- Fig. 5. Competitive growth of columnar dendrites in the direc-
ficiency and only needs a small memory size. For example, tional solidification of succinonitrile–1.3mass% acetone:
the computational time for Fig. 4 was only about 4 min on a (a) experiment (picture assembled from four sequences of
Pentium PC-450 MHz and the memory size needed was photos taken by Esaka31)) and (b) simulation.
only about 10MB. Whereas it is well known that phase field
models suffer from a low computational efficiency and a dendrite tip. The grain selection or competitive growth
very large memory resource. In case of the phase field among columnar grains can be easily seen from the figure.
models, it usually takes about a couple of days to calculate It is obvious from Fig. 5 that the predicted dendrite pattern
a single dendrite formation using a Pentium-level personal is in good agreement with that obtained experimentally.
computer. Secondly, phase field models have a serious cell 4.2.2. Prediction of Dendritic Structures in Directional
size limitation such as in the order of 108 m due to the lim- Solidification of Al–Cu Alloys
iting condition on the interface thickness.27) On the other The present model was applied to predict the evolution
hand, a relatively wide range of cell size such as 108– of dendritic grain structures of Al–2.5mass%Cu and Al–
105 m is available in the MCA model, which enables it to 4.5mass%Cu alloys unidirectionally solidified over a cop-
simulate the evolution of solidification structures in practi- per chill plate with a constant temperature of 298 K. The
cal casting solidification. And thirdly, in case of phase field nucleation parameters in Eq. (1), nmax, DTmn, and DTs , are
models, the side branching into the secondary arms around listed in Table 3. The symbols indexed “s” and “b” are cor-
the dendrite tip is known to be possible only under the exis- responding to nucleation parameters on the mold surface
tence of artificial noise source. However, the MCA model and in the bulk liquid, respectively.
can carry out the simulation of dendrite growth with the Figure 6 indicates the simulated and experimental
well-developed secondary and tertiary arms in the very nat- macro- and micro-structures of Al–Cu alloys unidirection-
ural way without imposing any artificial noises. ally solidified with a pouring temperature of 1 013 K. The
figures on the upper row indicate the simulated structures
4.2. Prediction of the Structures Formed in the
and on the bottom row the experimental ones. The figures
Directional Solidification
on the left column indicate the case of the Al–2.5mass%Cu
4.2.1. Grain Selection in the Columnar Dendritic Growth and the right for the case of the Al–4.5mass%Cu. Figures
As reported by Esaka,31) in situ observation of the den- 6(a) and 6(c), indicating the grain structures simulated by a
dritic solidification of transparent organic materials is a classical cellular automaton model, are in good agreement
very powerful tool for the study of the grain selection or with (e) and (g) obtained experimentally. For this simula-
competitive growth in the columnar zone. Figure 5 indi- tion, the casting domain was divided into 1 0002 000 cells
cates the competition between three columnar grains of a with a cell size of 30 m m. Figures 6(b) and 6(d), indicating
succinonitrile–1.3mass% acetone alloy solidified direction- the dendritic structures simulated by the present MCA
ally with a constant thermal gradient, G1 900 K/m, and a model, are also in good agreement with (f) and (h) obtained
velocity of the liquidus isotherm, 86106 m/s: (a) the ex- experimentally. For this simulation, a calculation domain
perimental result31) and (b) the simulation result by the pre- was divided into 400400 cells with a cell size of 3 m m. It
sent MCA model. The calculation domain consists of is seen from the figures that the present MCA model can be
7601 500 CA cells and the cell size was 5 m m. In the be- applied to predict both the columnar and equiaxed dendritic
ginning of the simulation, three kinds of nuclei were as- growth morphology in casting solidification.
signed at the bottom of the calculation domain, having their
10 crystallographic orientation at about 6° (left), 40° (cen- 4.3. Prediction of Grain Structures Solidified in a
ter), and 5° (right), respectively. The initial undercooling Rectangular Steel Mold
was chosen to be 2 K to control the growth velocity of a The present model was also applied to predict the den-

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Table 3. The nucleation parameters used in the present calculation.

Fig. 6. Comparison between predicted and experimental results in directional casting of Al–Cu alloys with a pouring
temperature of 1 013 K: (a), (b), (c) and (d) indicate the simulated results; and (e), (f), (g) and (h) indicate the ex-
perimental results. (a) and (c) indicate the macrostructures obtained by a classical CA model, and (b) and (d) indi-
cate the microstructures obtained by the MCA model.

dritic structure evolution of an Al–2.5mass%Cu alloy solid- lution. In this case, each control volume consists of 3030
ified in a rectangular steel mold under the time-depended CA cells and the cell size was taken to be 10 m m, which is
temperature boundary condition. The size of the mold cavi- considered small enough to simulate the side branching in
ty was 2 cm2 cm, and 1/4 area of the mold cavity was dendritic growth.
chosen for the simulation because of its geometrical sym- In practical castings, there usually are three kinds of
metry. The solidification was considered to be two-dimen- grain structures formed: chill zone, columnar zone, and
sional problem since the bottom and top surfaces were insu- equiaxed zone. The different structures are determined by
lated. The mold was 4 cm in thickness and its initial tem- various process variables. Generally, the pouring tempera-
perature was 298 K. As shown in Fig. 2, the whole domain ture of melt has a significant effect on the structure of cast-
including the mold and the casting was divided into control ing. The length of the columnar zone increases with an in-
volumes for macroscopic heat transfer calculation, and the crease of pouring temperature. The mechanism proposed is
control volumes within the casting domain were further di- that for a low pouring superheat, new crystals may rapidly
vided into CA cells for simulating the microstructural evo- form in the thermally undercooled region near the mold

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Fig. 7. Simulated and experimental microstructures of an Al–2.5mass%Cu alloy solidified in a rectangular steel mold:
(a), (b) and (c) indicate the simulation results; and (d), (e), and (f) indicate the experiment results. (a) and (d):
fully columnar structures with Tpour1 093 K; (b) and (e): mixed structures (CET) with Tpour983 K; and (c) and
(f): fully equiaxed structures with Tpour933 K.

wall and move into the bulk liquid by convection and turbu-
lence. However, this so-called the big-bang nucleation
could be eliminated by increasing the pouring superheat.25)
Thus, the different conditions for bulk nuclei generation
were implemented. The number of nucleation density de-
creases and the amount of undercooling increases with an
increase of the pouring temperature. The nucleation para-
meters used for the simulations are listed in Table 3.
Figure 7 shows the evolution of solidification mi-
crostructures: (a), (b) and (c) indicate the simulated mi-
Fig. 8. The structures of an Al–2.5mass%Cu alloy solidified in a
crostructures; and (d), (e), (f) the experimental ones. Some
rectangular steel mold simulated by a classical CA
interesting phenomena can be observed from Fig. 7. In model: (a) Tpour1 093 K; (b) Tpour983 K; and (c)
Figs. 7(a) and 7(b), particular features to note are the corner Tpour933 K.
effects due to the interaction of growing columnar dendrites
and the competitive growth at the mold surface. The den-
drites originated from the surface nuclei with favorable ori- ation undercooling of 3.5 K. In this case, a lot of bulk nu-
entation can grow in the direction roughly perpendicular to clei exist over the entire solid/liquid front in the very begin-
the mold wall, which leads to the onset of real columnar ning of solidification (the left picture of Fig. 7(c)), which
growth. In case of 7 K undercooling for bulk nucleation, the could completely suppress the growth of the nuclei formed
well-aligned columnar dendrites can develop up to the cen- at the mold wall and thus result in the fully equiaxed den-
ter of the casting, which results in the fully columnar den- dritic structure.
dritic structure. Since the undercooling in front of a den- The simulation results by the present MCA model were
drite tip is always lower than 7 K, the potential nucleation compared with those by the classical CA model in which
sites in the bulk liquid are not able to become active. On the no consideration on the solute redistribution and transport
contrary, in Fig. 7(b), the center equiaxed dendrites can during solidification was made. Figure 8 indicates the sim-
form before the columnar dendrites reach this region, and ulation results by the classical CA model. Comparing Fig. 8
thus the columnar-to-equiaxed transition can occur. Figure with Fig. 7, it is readily apparent that the present MCA
7(c) shows the simulated microstructure with a bulk nucle- model is able to nicely depict the dendrite features in de-

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ISIJ International, Vol. 41 (2001), No. 5

tails, whereas the classical CA model can only display the to thank Professor Esaka for his kindly providing the photo-
rough morphology of grain strcutures. In addition, it is also graph.
noted that the bulk nucleation undercooling for obtaining
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cial support by a Brain Pool system. The authors would like Lausanne, (1986).

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