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i) tne Povo cedures forititating the formation of natioial porulgny Loo wo wie perey ooh deg start on + i b) Te preocedunts OUnd ADULAR Crweled Un tue AAD OOM at te Unternatti onal truck o notional foretq LEO NO MUED pote, Heuoulgh the negotiation aud axreprouve tnromntt onal exononde commitments “Subtrodie COME of RO MWALUE frmineto oe: \ n SPubtorty, The prowess Lrwveued Ln LCrnptementetion 3 . T 5 2 : asc concerned wel the procedures of 2 a) Pouterng and Loree ment Of TEL at natlonas devel . he process twwetuad dn Legal Souttiny focus Om te Sate 4 noatono Ret trrerati oni Lael: the paneess Of ~mpelumentation oud Souutiny Ore CLortly ON. « Moity * proeesaes ase Literal to the sheute , Houeuers AY AHO feahre ub dhe ouLationship beruen nol ov ond TEL Lonat dering vere Cnt ero ecovrowwe MUpense to Uinkeunational eeomate Of fyoucrs : the i i ¢ ben een behuren Nation and TEL hat Arndie‘oually ‘OUR i Pp Mi cotta ond stsjou sep aun appouee nt, Art ons cnr petats or Lnttianed at He con Aw: Heountives, LULU, Regt, CLL pont Ao OL more Coun pelttan , mutt -reuel tw Oxfenred bottom -up approach. Thus, ano afeeastisyssion? On the swationsnip % nactouod & DEL da wonurmed wud Ox Mali sucng hoe the rvionout Lonitoloucttevs art th the drowl nator By the Voutous fouled on y Implement otton & ae Sourcing procenes- us grounded wh wont durattovu Peolecting to Lonstitiutiona Saye wh Hae noitlowdl -feutan eohonic onjatt ons food, os well O8 tie Sypeoaey o,IEL: Thus, ip is conterned uolth the doce % Sepa ation Poueky asd sutams +o notfonot 4ontign eCoonorne POU oy ound paul e ; qe ourrnaine er tHe moviomal economic polley > parackiu fe we rule 4 la, _Apruncy, actountablltty , demovratic pao wssesr, dus procar, me ddserrmination Ree poor OL y etonomic egpectengy & humo alent - FORMULATION: PROCESS & SUBSTANCE ~ PRocege Genny tho formulation paves drwetuad uh naw onal foruign evononuc pert oy and pra eice tend to be primordial, Abe w tonitituttonal Sapegnnds grainauciny an Enap yi otek MON % orgagement vin un inreanodi onal eeonomto swlotlovs + Thao, HUA Ore fee eectre Cont b vevutitub onal cruks on tw Pe Such as Sepa odion 0) powers dum be paskiet potion un peticy formation , Cure prscers , tr sLeparency » p.r0porkion alt Oud non- dis aiminadion + Th ttre gud 4 Lnternatomal trade th port eutar., conititutt onal principle & Seporati an % Telatiug & 2p Utube pours QD not Poo Pox tg: wr the US, de weeeUTiver power ees Sh = deetuting TUotY nowtug diseer ep4ect He ee Sytem , ts mop gupiect to offerte Covuti tu Cows1ou — ped! ally kegs Lacie Stwtlouy wn tee EU) the mandate for LH enbernat Crwwnowle xlntlons dr badly cLuapted cural fo muushat dunovied prom the ort wos iw ei mum Show . <2 Cond? ~ SUBSTANCE, Be us gt gustan 9 Ge t clo nat seecognise que Pmport aneg, we” 2 Hontnast nol evonone vlg hz a the udtutdual as ce 2 $ | humane, ee ty% tn US. Undiufduals Atght to engage din faronabt onal trade is vomscolered pecullecae ’ svat wt Lud 400s mationol Patt Hom a alg nt Yor, erwnonitc righ CZ WuMaAy at gus, aud suc os AG aw ackrouedged wlth qederations b seg onal ero one Oe ane — The Taos motionnt ownewile rig of Hus Ludtl A wu a bundle o, aiguia suirred to an pen , vine yrbrare Snrennott onal erpnowc system « tue etght © Such 4 4 a) TAnde * Reyne to dvmport & ee port : 8) monstary s the alge fo aumih b exchange qurende , 0) Developrumt + The eight fo he Trwoiuned wy IME and word bowk- dJantenatoum , pegut nor to be duble taxed Tayatton * Rignr te be accorded ap pow pot ate Compens aki on WpOn Me eepte Pp of properrter ettucred clb2o od - e) Taveshmenty * ac oLtvo w fee Ue, - Natfona! constltutf ors do not pcoutde ok Atso, dome He maechout em to Sage guard usse rents: Systems clo WOE provide effect ue, mechantsme cohich ere Hot pont ero ro mic pertey du Subj ered to core aii anep i ae enna ‘ epee ay Corum “SM ay cy wololt se Spe OF hand, Me futenatfona) soci ety utr based on need State System - Daveto pling econmnrles need! tobe nuare goweutiont it wn Ua Approach and Hoepore , trrernational dvonowio dow ws mor fourted on tho nati ous Ineo fam reiinig af IMPLEMENTATION & LEGAL gecuerty. - Te swtatiouslup benwun notfonn & TEL swwuitobly toads Zo a foun on tte AFOUL Of IEL un Hre cLomestic sysiem , and cometely che stort o, donisittao at the durprnationm tml, anise focus esdent ally Surouas Sout wy oy ee, votes Aepal dystem qeM. dt fee de PAM, dhe vb w qQuuti on seine ug fo we srs & Enrer nathonal 2uswo mie woh yin Hie dowisele Lea ot 9 - dts i Oo Complen fa cue cutug Jo ee fot TEL dest th +o clourertle oysleme ade pone va wouter EL Sueuld he adopred witun Cra. The practise sree OL Cute ust Huts Hie deese dyctene had on tap ewe on te cuipluaration $ 2yyerrt uemess Oy such ue aide uolettrer bi - Loteal OW wut lawl wt ako WU Oud tp pret orn aLegise Oy Oder, % oun dvrranrotonal erovowts nous - Mio, the dnt 5 TEL ut Hun “a dorasitic. System ut ‘ Bependemt upon Me approach odo p-red by ft to tHe Lyprum of Duronatlougt aw “The pamctico ey eret wr ls rxraodk atk wot wnt foun rly pases ein movi ov QUAM, un whicr Atte dyer Are Cyitums are paren to oe dupeion ule HAtde Own hams: F 3 us ae AS Stas seen Jy Ave pracecee Hae SPO Hint tn yy Common tans System, Yasouell Lae 10 be HARI Po, Agi sation, +0 Le, gupta a le ead ta prea, & ree os ui curt Law, puncte ey charts ts Kor Unitou, Rent, Ustantenes the draLU oY DEL to the clonrestic SPMUL, Jaa wth Wen MEAL Woke CASES Mane dee hoa PM uunptt on tat olpnustte Cation to be “Unter patheat Ly auth a manner oto aveld coup lier with UROL OL Late + ~ The cate AOL dtrock appt cabiliry 4 furl econo ute NPD bey wo may tmple 6 Uae ud one a | HO sehogis 4 lw 1) Dike appl cantly , HW) Ddirnect appueapility - f) Dineee Sppecability s Ernie -LUaten Peboumann 9 a | PAmclpat proponent Ott Seuool- Tuts genoot Ls | MOLY douuuled on penile bie natlouot & Mnewnate o model of ye ALLL ovis buip “dL ADU <4 Oot He wood Xe tovrtitrttoual Sage pages for te trp natrouat | Ccovowute Ad guts & Avot viduo pCOUplecl usin op Puy’ belek un TMH evow08 md lpcencaaee Le pu forttus He forrourtus augur é a) Ue fartliitats Hue Lawewemont Of patvate peti erpann cdiinist antl ou d He LoL UA Hee, Cufortemene gf TWA to wun tent Hucupl dewmistio oredress, wot Heat a Upee tril: Usurts for Ardara « b) te PACT Motuldued Honimaliousl econenio Atgua : js 6) Bett Sate epettion Dy inter natlenal Op aremtints: . Adtavect App cabluty 5 The (ase agate cline ct »ppet cabtiny wy Aed John gacksone 4 forunred m & Commu +e deo OEE, ps0 sa qt on emphar gu Avot Atgh ln tutte erp Uo ne Seloll eu: wn pacet cuter, ae wpe tue pp cabietiy- hou foul cating 4) “eu oumattone pres the EYE ULELLS frou de fuiatting vot Hout the Lrvelrewune ch the teqa Laltat quar a nogared wt Hus Awry « b) Fuscturs tre emp euertu) of prtvate pasetes aduuist rns that digoer oppeee iLiraces » aLerd Hae annem ab corset anal Aro Loni % power benoren 12 Legis toner Pte events & Hie quatelay: 0) Dial applicability dos wor se * eppeebeut pare appin WIAe om agence a AEN appleante o tours mou wor arrow Hie gener ill cin Tis applicaton Liat ago rt gine » dn epee breach , cb Lt Goncuded Huot Wohthe He dotratwunt Lt minimalbur othe potitteod ou Ob ROM SUbshanead, © banc way be aut able proposiHon - d) drs Hhougict HAr mousarouy dLiowoce appli cabilé ay usiue olifue maf ot econommepouet jrom participate) uly fyurean oud onal cates com penely : He LOU, 2) Dincct op pri cabt ity ay an Jrrenoatlonal agneewent ome unttrtunl baste wruw ort partir trou cdo wet divat tatty eng tae 7 CO) vriesett oUt wbalonlt We de AU Arte! OW dy The Howet burolen % wt wow bu p CLL from Suen int ag ruumerdt « 4 CONCLUSION > Vv Nor ow us dhe At atts mel at thre dorms to Lovel le, Aro wel en og, Hae £r0uts your Hane Haase gralts lie, iwgage Sy Hot outs caret On clo 40 tartiyg Lut account pout tovuddunttovy, Drury ty 06 periey angus e, fuvowed ae srablicuing He pauetse pelatl ovsup benoeen 1EL ke vinet ovat LAW, / de pe wored ot Ln? agrees aw bludung Ov see pores * aque comesctd Law a Fhe gale ene: Gent noeboindh Leal Lb wot a Leyench fo men peg’ Nato nol Lowd con be uceuad arn He far enattounds dove win oy WLLULD er Of wus: BRON LOM et dee op fr provt aing Lacignt £vto wine congoor"f 4 natiom Law within tel. to con also proriol vd for Spor prncetee: oP ENICRNATIUVAL CLUNUMIG LAW TUTORIAL ev wa —_ Hooda CHAKRABOR Ty p Whar Ad meat by Inteanational Economic Law ? Explain tn detail the nature and Scope oh International Economic law . Syropsio: Ws Dntrvoduetion Defining International Economie. Law S- Noture TEL + Sousces gree 4 Scope q Tet 2 Wptluston ds INTRODUCTION & International Economic haw us a tteld o& puble int enational UD Hor ne ces he behaviaus g, states a arcana ow Oud fous operating ws Ahe Untenotl PRL +Aounk aud matutalns theta economic Arlatlons. do main atm os to oeal with varmweus Perrpeceived deoing yt eum autatlowd 9 atate . dn this field. antiw-dnter- dntonational prsrpedived % econ enue, ethange om Aaken Corr %, ord enw te none, Untumadioual erononit taw ub the apt name jor He Gueject * Repo umd aol, ih war named aS dreematuimat TRAE ABW Gd pose oud WOU TL , dr utos runnmed oA Antematiouwl eeonoi uu: Le deuier ip bal pom Cowenti nu and taeatiu wong hee ro knees. The Generac Rpreriuert 4 Berlin 41825 gduowmrd drat me Ande gh Cache towunt-uy enowld be fue % ony Avsttoti on . funy Grate 1A Loui and bower ean cay our dude, @ pu ww Lowomte poetry’ Intunaioual evono mic Low Mad nlp devetoped wh the Aye a peace Deucto ped matnty on MEChontle Law concepto, Lis ckyite, Lis Genttum ras deverop econemic suratians behuoon Atatu ; feecan nottonaus eqtialy + For ee fre tive wh tte, ine Cortney » AALALL ALlated to Ppp, Copyrtgnt otas ALLOH nL wy HO pAsrect otenomic Aig uta the rate. Intenatianar Peenouwo Law tad crud uta the pascoge 04 He have, Wee Vey Lowporcane gut ect MULOUgle Tt so PHAM, owe ies notre Curd pp cae gulet seeral reason, akale tp abode y ar 2 Derinin @ INTERNATIONAL ECONONIC LAIN TERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAIN Intenottenal Clenemic saw Aegeulates economic order OX Ltonowte ADK OU aie nat ons, Homer thre tere “TEL encompaues op Munusar q anens- ib is gen clegenent broadly Yo unde vast arUUy oF pope Aanglug prom PAL oe tnt, ah. t tt, 40 rtain Ape Of commerttal Ls « TEcl doet not raw a Atandard Heading feorotorr, ohn Janson Lv VO tated ty gue he btlevw depinitt ov. “IAL KON, Lis PALE Can Comer a Veuy broad Ivventos b dubjecta, CUMPAALE NG the Laie O} Reononric relat ons U tus att Ons: Poneman q beuctdoing MAYO MUU Labo beried » bitanal » Peete, AGENT ¢ 2 tonda Ao Lan cred 4 Anta ovat O14 aud Satliow!, fpeurlemens contig He nohnre of Wer erat ood! Auommie hows Ld we Woh ik Us droped mH hod My bt wadingmress ? ~ BINDINGNESS OP TEL Bu eupdatnatt ona (us to why etats Proce obey ar ay \ Munro, anugh ny quo dowdent 40 Lounctlons “Ace ( Aaiy quit, ele ane Hee Majer ALacons Wtuy states Abide be Tél: Thee ow Ay fotos : . - Fact, Yuen tat the low oy Lteuational economic Atladt ons us tented arocud ‘enuclog’,” and itt prritieacton, given thot Sut niional economia ut aera Macwudiliom, Laser aie, tre wotion of b pre ANd OA built-in ganetions 4 wth du auy have cot AW POLE ae Conutderationys . ‘ Feconalty. Given oat much 1EL wu to be downs Huo ; . rw AY AMOUTS | cee mation OF Loneent us COUN: Hence, ay aie er Ahumaclies agate, drs VOLO ob, that aids ane wut Utieg “0 dotloun » 3+ The, ° . Twhadly the Oh the tureprnned Wsureleer 07 divecnatioul Md Lkages benuoen Loe eronomte ' MOK the Cau fellow JEL aie Mr wbpetue, oy nel rULENG toncemmed gaals- The dere to oeluleve they Wommen qoals and HALit Aut NAL, LRU oe, ULLAL Cem olay “4 SEL. There ore esc oly tuto dimensions 00 a toncidewouton Of Ae Lowrced % Lntemattonal economic tau: ie ts Publo Fut enati onal boty - ; 2. Complexe ow OF UL re Lousees wh cle toutentc TEL -_ SOvRcES OF TEL ee es Ling, LEL Usa pore of poetic tur euratiorat orneeal Acquis Let oULLeb Oey frou, the Lame Lous ro Unt mati oat AM Arti ng gy ero o Le depiud tre Lourees oh, Publlo taternotrovod tort: mes SEI Vale nn eR a att, AgAttwent, central bank arrangements , cits a PH PLY, rrcsoutions, sure mmuendat an, aS | AME iaLA ee sisi ba o | OU, Your denets y fudtdal dielsions, pat a < ° oC On but al e et The wath objective @ Inteurational evonowic taey ha Promote erowomic” dereLopment behoeed se , MOLOU oO and ty ee eee ee tronomte Auatibn yp anactes on the USC princi ple % “won dard | mMourkind © winter wos &y an oxtempt cto define Teel , Acty Qureshé hos ald hat, ee te ib unduarowd Os o part dh, fuortc Intemational Law shir depint Hon re teuns | Oko ‘norm’ dexnition - feronolly wh ib coneieued Oyylately %* baoneh SOU Aut concerned wlth ocononte prenomena OL Avtornatonal tone thu ui thy broad! duginition The +110 oepiniti ons do nor Sealy eee j RUE EM RU ASAE = The Brood uth public WUE OUT Ha dow ouso touKuU prtvrate Suctemor antl tu cond oer Contrmed muntupal Low qa orate unio UA oumhih. Cuton, oor 3 NATURE AND Sources of TeL Sa EELS International evononve daw us mat mMotwroup economic seration benvecn st abe. Iba MOtWe O24 Low with hos facta - A dept dow 4 “2uen buWol does war bind tHey Aegatty . &uen Hugh fer A Sept Lavo yk Lou tutain WOU Oud wWicous colic. Malos Hie notton ghaty Te. A may ox Quortion whittr needs ty he crimenrcd OUbe uN - a % Sars 0) Comentions and Tole es iy pice & ) duutto wal vgs And Otte Ae © Gena patniipl a irre ADLU- PEL OLE wes marily, qaowr agecumen tl Ou berwen states, eer - 4k Batol, MULL ox fone / i bees Sytten gtr the Ortingenciea qpvnrenabions eonowue, \ Ytew Ul stot COW ewrter Recording iho LL Woes ae : Cuty rh ad ’ a OWOUno Oat ty Thon ub on to duke ts Louneprom rhe | Cuttouary. Petret pied tun au packa unt dewranca Oud freedom % Agnsens. TMA tetped EL 40 sapi and 4 SiO He generar patie pli oy Lut omarion! Laut The 0 AU Yreronce “us Of fut ofa ducleiowt » ICI nad lens Aalto Pay Aue: The, CUS pues y ele notte Ch moitly tonuiodwud Ary organ corrdny AU as WTO, (ATT eps 4) Scope OF reL _ tL ORM Eeononute Lu vanes Suto SH cunbir He , RAHen trate put i © Howe Lr Quo ras place fase Anal wtolual oo pAtvabe eewnonuc traniovetion + rts ts UL Agaon voluy TEL, When paneti Truptimenved tenaa ne WEL +ourasols ie prtnutpales 4, pHtvoe Lnteuatiounl oor » UNDE SA tho ou of Inten at onal eeono ute law > Wey Lmport out cto and thor Untenational Cronote oAoLe coed worhawe ap prectged eorek guctool Cott tional {Ammenore tien Lat ob gran 00K he earel PUKE AAO The goal Hat BE 3D PULL OL Mingo aimed ay for mute eude Of Hake olde and Lrdep enone: analystt, THe geal gealk g TEL are Sen wrned eufth ap adltitast ng the, dleuelopmrent- Sn ol ut eletal CeO nonmles Od Arolenane unl sittin Hime drononfes, Ctuile ALbo enard OUOLAU aluuLLo pment gy ee Entenottonat RCOMOMY i.e to AMTee He standards of Aluka, PMLA RG JU erployimant ond Her Yacttiranion Bh qrocuute ur seat freome tue Sot mecnant ous to Melle wes gous ae a to. oper atl on, Wo-ordi nation, conter ABian” NOLAN and Lex alleation 4 etonoMuc borders, I atey fees Jrom tre delop mone Of developing Counties % pauicutauy pounty Aeduction ,to tw Tog a etount % AeveLopmenct Leis dtl Tniplemontat ons Ch ft eanati ouat eeononle nouns. ws fnew asi TUE COOL eeonomle afhecu become aus sed in MULE Late OCLOLOd , tig, gem ef TEL become clear OW better articular « 5? CONCLUSION a nt vuroté onal srononte Liu pocut on dhe oULMaul | Bevelopment athe ronnie woudutae: Lt Wate the eonoimfo retain buween LEU « Erenouly ws port 4 pruotte vet AN OLEB UAL Lave, Are WEL odarancomenct tre Seope gq rho Subject, tHe Ludiutdiau Cd patwracte ascent | : Tamu achiev (Us wlan oddiiiid, privat Jurenrotioval Yow playra ital aple Ve a Leta, bourses Lea : tou atu abstde byetr, Chhe ey ute tle Mut m4 oS / _ Poe bana = Rov ne Par el 30 HISTORICAL, DeveLorment oF INTERNATIONAL ECONONIC LA INTRODUCTION: TrtunatievaL Byonomic Law fegutatis thw tnteamationgl _ teoromts Order OL tonomin AcLations anrcrrg Wations Hower, tre ter ‘Lntwnational bonomic Law’ | entrap ose Ou sosge WU 0) ORLAS + Leis oyter depinad | dreodly te tnonde avast OAR Ly ofp topes Sosnging, ow public ins dows Ba wet an | by teade +0 pw ate | aus % § tanda to wth te deces dtutenational vomit atl foo and the 4010 Tae aw hoo ferturs Hat have chasack vised | TEL during, the Accene pated op Aapide ard $eemabrgly Unstaatned ttono we 0 nticadfon ase: a) 105 emergent os thy Mot acne TInt enosouol daw b) 1B cose assocration wine “the. C — pasads qn. % Arwelopratnt, Os embodted ww Hue web rated wade Consensus - “the aise +0 promabnense a, Del te we wouel deverop rest: Unt secmily , T TEL uy vor en ALtoguitsed Ab Aral Lous as wort oy £12 Aules and Sr eath oes were not biuding eg: NuueLous tutes 9 GATT. Frou tre [9e0'c, Worotust , le eur Lak O) He UAdEnt WQS Of alisatiow , TEL underwent a moive trosupoamation | 0 become tre most \) oxcome [eld e+ ncemnosto ual Ue + 7 : a Trpore ance Js tomyinnnes theougn Hoe va) vous, © 8) Stope 9) Ae: 4 +0 Me extent to volte Hae autos | Whtrerty Sagnsged Gt @ park y the exclirelid i Bran h pass “40 Page Br A) The proutotiiow ow use of pore unless duly UAW OM Ad) doy Hae UN Semudthy Yountte: corm notton Hat te tna onal toronunity ve Aad 0. dary 40 promote panlefu Soctal and erouounle_ ) neo aatntoulin pincer \y Seuastte * papeck 2, Hoe pouttie e Pbfed ves oy He | past ¢ WIAL LeKHement _ wee inseparable, mtare ex oly Hee UN crauzy is committed — | 40 acltevins ihe cop apenie oe te COM mont usar Hud CUA, Baan ona Oe Hee spo Fits wor $e sebeeruud © (onion He Grand pouitioat “objectives Aspucted ed fw tee UN Charter Wer Woo acut ered “que Cold wa, wont divided Hiy world nto Hwo Vaaecoiobl Lamps wrdermived Huw tle Hat oN would | Hie use OF fore o trtread enerared Seurthy pac that were tondned wits npoutttioad _Surost ity Rael Hp pres . Mossoutts tHe acluctonw oy, Some _ bolo utal pousces to acept Hae patil plu oy Sel; dereumrty Lou baagle about A UID O, WARE Or VALiOUOL Aiberakiou Hrak dittoled Hab rasmbus OF UM ond gutipted true fous Ouse 4 dacw evcowonty fads - Apter the tonputon spell panes (Rese A as ail the nev! Caran bean, etree witty ae “louuntces 2 poise ts ee RRA. Sena politteal bles OF UN. The (att) bias to enlist inte eas me aed Bo suppor 4 tree mene UsFoueth pov soda & etonomle development. — eee wip, ser Wo las ~14g0 Lmpou, Substitution t Lopt io Between 19co -1480, most deve pkg (x Wray y ! othe grater a strong Ole tA Conon a. Hu, Dn stats capacity, the Gratis wee ae vedy wo ' Promoting tue eérabliohmend OO hoy dia, bose and modemtsing Hae a OA of, thas, Sector, orien trough He tds i butt on, - nN : Howe, Hide goalk WEA wor ‘ a ACC ore, Chtoute Aourage of qoutan rch ange L Made dip we Low duveto png, ote ’ ts Tmpoue He Atyrtagd capital ood4a (wpdomonting wn Ub perent wooufs 2% wo note Wing Hot Come ty be Known ag ipo Substutton This pow wag Suple Ido shat dnstead m9 Coase | Beare, feaetan he ow twrpotted pa lire “t te ate Caw appoad, He phate ohoud | Me In cent ey fr Hw dewelop ment } local | ds “ Shanty CApacthy The Tp Lomouhectt au, Op Hats pou Auapisod @ Lommec citar potty Hat Heda w ee, Mp aedod, a4 per protectionice para as toe aldo oa 45 then bo | Aeware notiouad Atrralop rent, Obfecti ves + | Baetton Woods systems on, import Subst trig, (The Bietton woods Pnettutions | Lat rare] | Womumt ted oo bea) Mtanat gy Awuowsd ge ‘| A; didnot grand th te wa : \ tae Trwpont Substliution srraregies: On the tomprary: = palalband Bore dcively Loni bred to Staungtleniug | Ae eronowte Capatt ty Ste ¢fosns pecae Pe outtrawe ond grant otmod at “Potten Hue economic PARAL EEL xy | doweto piu Guneta: ee IME, wshicn , auLouned L crcouraged pear tap conte » censured e roles, on teoluctug torts so Md Tadd al geass, wos woh | Overly tonered vite the spank DE aie a nud: Howey UA Ais Were’ fevible [ei wih et Aik nat th Det tf Y COUT t Bits fron 4 chatide _puieiples _ would ew ee ee acces — ; Duslng Hots tbo ds he deveto pling toy Ot eh ov) _ _oto Hoo WR a) Steenatenrt taly C ae i a te eeprterattan 9} Hoot mats t ey v eaetuaaty were Haein tgs ™ iy Hae eet cL MNCL opUntig asunclegy wets i 2 Dilt tw orden +o Support r4w tv dusrekop Here ae +o Tap uncut Hie poling g Imapour fUbs Hi hang * «8 Exploration op Natutal Resovmrcy ard Tans ben Oy Teno lo gay Bn He vot » Oispubs ove te Mant o desta pig CouUces tp LOUTU Hey natal Ar Hae udas wo Loneuins on Arew to Abdus Mats ucsue- prro Ane Jagd wed Hee, +e pay promph, a ole uatz b edt ve tompensacton © | —— - = The Vines oy Hw duretooed A duvelopiig - i OUd- hry Lin : 2 taupe | w te Vf ate to Aifpenent ude HU aapect wr AUB LUD extemal Tvberventito u ound SOm2EMLU guew Ove Hehe wing 9 gout: The tanneger teen Lo ULAS Oro Hee fesue Hat nuded ? dvetn d 4 one . 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