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NAME: ______________ DAYAL BAGH, FBD. DATE:23.10.17
ROLL NO.:___________ PERIODIC TEST-(2017-18) TIME: 3 Hrs

General instructions:-
1) The question paper comprises of two sections A and B. Attempt both the sections.
2) All questions are compulsory.
3) Sec A and Sec B are to be attempted separately.

1) What is focal length of a convex mirror of radius of curvature 32 cm? 1
2) Define electrical energy and electric power. Give their respective S.I. unit also. 2
3) What is solenoid? Draw magnetic field lines due to a current-carrying solenoid. Write three
important features of the magnetic field obtained. 3
4) State the types mirror preferred as (I) Rear view mirror in vehicles (II) shaving mirror. Justify
your answer giving two reasons in each case. 3
5) What is heating effect of electric current? State Joule’s law of heating obtains an expression
for amount of heat produced. Name some appliances based on heating effect of current. 3
6) Explain the following:-
(a) Why are the coils of electric toasters and electric irons made of an alloy rather than pure
(b) Why is the series arrangement not used for domestic circuits?
(c) Why is tungsten used almost exclusively for filament of electric lamps?
(d) How is a voltmeter connected in a circuit to measure the potential difference between two
(e) On what factor does the resistance of a conductor depends 5

7) a) What is magnetic field? How can the direction of magnetic field lines at a place be
b) State the rule for the direction of the magnetic field produced around a current carrying
conductor. Draw a sketch of the pattern of field lines due to a current flowing through a straight
conductor? 5


Draw ray diagram to show the formation of images when the object is placed in front of a
concave mirror:
(I) Between its pole and focus point.
(II) Between the centre of curvature and focus point.
(III) Object placed at centre of curvature. Also mention the properties of image for all three
condition. 5

1) Write equations for reaction of

(i) Iron with steam.
(ii) Calcium & potassium with water. 2
2) Define the following
a) Combination Reaction.
b) Decomposition.
c) Precipitation . 3
3) What is rancidity? How can we reduce the problem of rancidity? Explain any two. 3
4) State three ways to prevent the rusting of iron. Explain? 3
5) A substance X used in building material and is insoluble in water.When X reacted with dil
HCl,it produces a gas which turns lime water milky.Predict the substance X and write the
chemical equation involved. 3
a) Platinum,gold and silver are used to make jewellery.Why?
b) What are the amphoteric oxides?Give two examples.
c) In the electrolytic refining of a metal M ,what would you take as the anode,the cathode and
the electrolyte? 3
6) Give the chemical formula of the following salts and also write one use of each: 3
a) Caustic soda
b) Gypsum
c) Baking soda.
7) A metal ‘X’ loses two electrons and a non-metal ‘Y’ gains one electron. Show the 5
electron dot structure of compound formed between them. Is Ionic and Covalent? Does it have
high melting point or low? Will it conduct electricity or not? Will it be soluble in water?
8) A metal (A) which is used in thermite process when heated with oxygen gives an oxide (B)
which is amphoteric in nature? Identify A & B. Write down the reactions of oxide B with HCl
and NaOH? 5

1) Identify the procedure used in the working of an artificial kidney? 1
2) Explain in brief the case of a plant shoot bending towards light. 2
3) State the function of the following in the alimentary canal:
a) Liver b) Gall bladder c) villi 3
4) Name three plant hormones and state the function of each. 3
5) Which endocrine gland and its part is involved in the secretion of insulin? What is the role of
insulin? 3
Brain & Spinal cord are known to be very essential and delicate parts. Explain how they are
protected in our body?
6) Yellow pea seed is crossed with green pea seed, where yellow colour is dominant character
and green is recessive. Show the phenotype & genotype of F2 generation. 5
7) What are the advantages of DNA copying? Describe three methods of birth control 5

Q1 In the experiment which verifies the Ohm’s law where should be:
(i) Ammeter and (ii) Voltmeter be connected? 2
Q2.While tracing the path of a ray of light through a glass prism it is advised that the
distance two pins you fix for drawing incident and emergent rays, should not be too large or
too small. Why? Explain briefly. 2
Q3 Why are thorn of Bougainvillea plant and a tendril of passiflora plant considered as
homologous structure. 2
Q4. Observe the diagrams:- 2

a) Identify the process.

b) Name the organism who uses this process.
Q5. (a) Acetic acid, when dissolved in water, it dissociates into ions reversely why?
(b) Give reaction involved. 2
Q6. In order to study the properties of HCl acid, a student adds dil. HCl to a test tube containing
a compound X. As a result a colourless and odourless gas is evolved, which turns the lime water
milky. What could be the compound X? Name the gas formed. What would happen on passing
the gas in excess of lime water? 2

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