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i'd really love to hangout and get to know each other but i can't leave my sons all

alone in the house and i can't get them involved on our first meeting.
You can come to my place, we'll only need to distract them because i don't want
them knowing i'm having a male visitor, i just got out of a very toxic
relationship, they knows everything i went through with my ex.

You’ll need to help me pick up a game card at store on your way. I’ll pay you back
in cash when you get here, I’ll keep them distracted in their room with the card so
we can be free and won’t be interrupted by the kids

My phone is bad for few days now

I can only text for now since my son dropped my phone in the bathtub

hey why did you pick up a used card? i look stupid right in front of my kid, now he
thinks i'm a liar, you could have said you can't get the game card, i didn't force
so why deceive me with a used gamed card

i'm trying to sign-in this pof site but they won't send the confirmation codes to
me i don't know why
i want to put in your number so pls let me know when you get any 6 digits codes

my phone is bad since my daughter dropped it in the bathtub, i tried putting it in

rice but it won't work
Nothing much just here to have fun and meet new friends who are real not fakers
lol and see where all this leads to since a friend introduced me to this app.

My uncles lives here and it has to do with the past my kids father passed away and
my ex was a drug meth and he threatened me to take my kids away from me and he was

It has to do with the pass with my ex being toxic cuz he was a drug meth addiction
and he hits me and my kids so wanting to go far away from him and my uncle lives
here makes it easy for me.

Actually so far so good I haven’t been able to enjoy it like the way I do in
Pittsburgh and I know at times goes on I will get familiar with things over and
someone taking me to places I guess

- [ ] Actually so far so good I haven’t been able to enjoy it like the way I do in
Michigan and I know at times goes on I will get familiar with things over here and
someone taking me to places I guess but the little time have spent here it been

I like bowling, swimming during summer, hunting and camping also riding 4wheelers
and playing with the kids

You are welcome. Nothing much taking the kids to their morning appointments with
the doctor and then chill at home

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