Role of Women in Society

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The role of women in society has evolved significantly over the years , reflecting changing socials,
economic and cultural dynamic. This essay delivers into the important roles that women play and the
impact they have on changing various aspects of society.

HISTORICAL CONTEXT: In history,women are used to do tradional works such as

homemakers,cleaniness,etc. Their opportunities in education , emplowement and participation in
public life is limited. However, as socities get progressed women contribution and participation get

ECONIMICAL EMPOWERMENT: In modern society,women have made substail strides in the

workforce.the now hold diverse position across various industries,from technology to politics ,
business and science . economic empowerment has not only improved their own lives but has also
contributed to household and community well being.

In conclusion,the role of wmen in society has evolved from tradional domestic roles yo encompass an
array of professional and leadership position.this progress is the result of persistent efforts to
challenge norms , promote education and adovocate the equal rights.

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