Say It With Style

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III) Expression

This chapter is concerned with words and expressions you will need so as to* say precisely what you
mean. For once you have a general idea of what you want to say the real test of a thought comes
with the search* for the right words with which to express it. This is never easy in one's own
language, say nothing of a foreign language; rest assured* the lists we will be giving you here would
be of help even to a native English speaker. You should keep them nearby whenever you write an
essay: the way we think and write is to a great degree a habit, like nearly everything else we do, and
sometimes we need a new word to shock us out of our habits. Moreover, it often happens that
when you're not sure of what you want to say, a new word will make a vague idea suddenly take
shape. All sorts of exercises, written and oral, can be invented on the basis of these lists. Use your
imagination and make them up*. It's not enough to know what "achieve"* or "undergone* mean.
You have to use such words actively if you want them to come naturally when you need them fast.
At the end of this chapter, we also hope to amuse you with a few phrases that "just won’t work" in
English, and are typical of the errors a French student in particular will make. We have been
collecting these sentences for years, but if you have any especiaIly original ones, we would be
delighted to include them in a future edition. Please don't mind the big X's scratched over* what you
shouldn't say. O.K., it's rather crude*, but these mistakes are so persistent we thought a new means
of dissuasion had to be tried.

1) Verb und Noun Combinations

Getting to know your way around a language is like getting to know your way around a city. If you
want to go to Neuilly, you look on a city map and find out which bus or metro will get you there.
Likewise in language, if you want to get to a certain noun, you have to find out which verb will get
you there. The 144 bus will get you to Neuilly, but the 143 simply will not. Nouns and verbs are the
same - they demand the same precision in hooking up*, otherwise the reader gets lost. We have
made up* two lists for you: the first one names the verb and tells you which noun it will take you to,
and the second one names the noun and tells you which verb you must take to get to it. Bon voyage !

to abide by (respect) the law, tradition

to achieve* success, aim, goal, purpose, ends
to acknowledge* (admit) defeat, error, the need for

so as to: afin de - search: la recherche - rest assured: rassurez-vous - make up: composer, inventer+ -
achieve: réaliser - undergo: subir - scratched over: griffonné - crude: brut - hook up: accrocher -
acknowledge: reconnaître.

to adopt a project, an attitude of ...

to advocate* a policy, point of view
to bear* (bore,borne) responsibility for, hardship
to broaden* one's viewpoint, knowledge, range of choice
to cast* a glance at
to claim* one's rights, a bombing, an assassination
to come to (arrive at) a conclusion, an agreement
to conduct* research, a survey, an experiment
to create a system, society, problem, conflict, company
to deal with a situation, conflict, problem, crisis
to demand a raise in salary, improved working conditions
to earn respect, a living, money
to encounter difficulties, obstacles, problems
to encourage (foster, further)) good / bad relations, science, trade, development
to envisage a plan, a settlement, an arrangement, a future
to exercise authority, power, influence, one's rights
to experience events, difficulties, hardships, growth
to fulfill* desires, expectations
to gain power, importance, knowledge, experience
to gain access to (accede to) education, equal rights, power
to give an impression of (+ -ing), evidence of
to grant* permission, aid, funds, a subsidy*
to hold an opinion, a position, a meeting
to lay the foundations for, the blame for sth on sb, to lay stress, emphasis on sth
to lend assistance, support, a hand to
to level criticism at (to criticize)
to make a proposal, speech, promise, survey, an experiment, progress, strides*, money
to meet standards, expectations
to perform an experiment
to pursue a goal, career, policy, one's education
to raise a question, an issue, an objection, a problem, a subject, prices, salaries,
standard of living to
regain* confidence, equilibrium (use for: trade, economy, people)
to resolve (settle) a conflict, dispute, crisis / difficulties, problems
to seek an answer, an ideal, understanding, jobs,
fulfillment, satisfaction
to set up (establish) a company, factory, business
to solve a problem
to spark* (trigger) violence, hatred, clash, conflict, debate, interest, inquiry
to spur (to stimulate) the economy, production
to step up* production, trade

advocate: être partisan de - bear: porter, supporter - broaden: élargir - cast: jeter - claim:
revendiquer - conduct: mener fulfill: satisfaire à - grant: accorder - subsidy: subvention strides: de
grands pas - regain: retrouver - seek: (re)chercher spark: déclencher - step up: intensifier.

to stress*(emphasize) the fact that..., one aspect of the problem, individuality, production, etc.
to support a candidate, political party, person, an idea or an opinion

to undergo* a trial*, an ordeal*, difficulties, change

fo undermine* the effectiveness, functioning of..., productivity, relations, the morale
to uphold an ideal, an idea, a principle
to wage* war, a campaign against...
to win a race, a prize, a scholarship*, a competition
to wipe out* racial prejudice, illiteracy, violence
to witness* a change in ... , a period, an age, an era, an event

2) Noun und Verb Combinations

accidents occur, take place, happen
aggression mounts, builds up
anger flares up*, explodes, abates
arguments (disputes) arise, flare up, are settled/negotiated
battles rage, subside*
bombs explode, go off, are set off, are planted
business flourishes*, booms, prospers / slackens*, declines, lags, falls off, slows down
causes (reasons, problems) can be attributed to, are due to
complications arise, are brought about by*
consequences are the result of, are brought about by
crises (sing. a crisis) arise, develop, subside*
danger threatens*, looms*
economy (the) is looking up, picking up, recovering* / slowing down
events take place, occur, happen
hardships (ordeals*, trials*) are undergone, suffered, borne
industry expands, grows / lags, declines, slackens*, falls off, slows down
laws are passed, enforced*, applied, obeyed, broken

stress: souligner - undergo: subir - trials, ordeals, harships: épreuves - undermine: miner - wage:
faire (la guerre) lancer (une campagne) scholarship: bourse - wipe out: éliminer - witness:
témoigner - illiteracy: analphabétisme - flare up: s'embraser flourish: prospérer - recover, pick up:
reprendre - slacken, etc: ralentir, diminuer - brought about by: provoqué par - subside: se calmer -
threaten, loom: menacer - recover: reprendre - enforce: mettre en vigueur.

meetings are held, scheduled*, planned*

needs arise*, are brought about by, are satisfied
plans are made, are envisaged, fail, backfire*
prices rise, go up, increase /fall, go down, decrease
problems arise, are brought about by, are the result of, lead to
production increases, expands / falls off*, slackens, lags, decreases
projects and plans are drawn up
requirements (demands, needs) are satisfied, met
science progresses, advances, makes progress, makes strides
situations bring about, result in, lead to, are brought about by, are the result of
solutions involve*, entail*
standards are met, achieved (the standard of living improves)
strikes (demonstrations, riots) are staged*
war and violence break out*, are triggered off*, spread*

3) Idiomatic Expressions
The expressions listed here are idiomatic in the sense that they are characteristic of the English
language. They will not only help you avoid gallicisms, but will give your writing a specifically English
flavor and at the same time replace some of the more banal expressions one gets into the habit of
using. As you read over the list, think of how you usually express these ideas and remember to try
the new way. We have chosen commonly used phrases rather than the more specific ones you risk
using incorrectly and which will do you more harm than good. We would like you to master this list,
and the only way to do so is by using the same expressions over and over again until they become
part of your way of thinking. Try to use two expressions in each essay you do this year. French
equivalents are given, but it's important to get the English "feel" for the words.

schedule, plan: envisager - arise: apparaître - backfire: échouer, faire un raté - fall off: diminuer -
involve, entail: occasionner, nécessiter, entraîner - to stage: monter - break out, trigger (off)
déclencher - spread: se répandre.
1. to see the point in doing sth: comprendre la raison de faire qqch.
Often we can't see the point of (in) doing something until we've done it.
2. to fail to see the point (of doing sth): ne pas comprendre le sens, la raison (de faire qqch).
We often fail to see the point of a policy because we are badly informed.
3. there is no point in doing sth: il n'y a aucune raison de faire qqch.
There is no point in decreasing taxes if there will be a corresponding rise in prices.
4. everything points to (the fact that): tout laisse supposer que
Everything points to the role of television in children's poor reading habits.
5. to be beside the point: être à côté de la question.
Children watch too much television. The fact that the programs are instructive is beside the point.
6. it is taken for granted that: on tient pour certain que.
We take it for granted today that the better your diploma, the better your job opportunities.
7. we should bear in mind that: il faut se rappeler que.
No matter how good such a project may sound, we should bear in mind that there's never an easy
solution to rehabilitating juvenile delinquents.
8. all too: beaucoup trop (+adj. or adv.).
At the present time, the birth rate is all too low in Europe.
9. to be all to the good of: être avantageux pour.
A little less tension between workers and employers would be all to the good of the company.
10. none too: peu, guère (+adj. or adv.).
We would be none too pleased to see our taxes go up again.
11. to be at a loss to do sth: ne pas avoir les moyens de faire qqch.
If you refuse to say "the", we are at a loss to improve your pronunciation!
12. it's up to X to do sth: c'est à X de faire qqch.
It's up to our generation to improve East-West relations.
13. to be mistaken: se tromper.
Are we mistaken in believing that the superpowers really want peace?
14. to have insight into a situation: avoir une compréhension intuitive d'une situation.
This articles gives us further insight into the problems of the jobless.
15. to shed light on: éclairer (un problème).
The writer sheds light on the problems of the immigrants.
16. to play up, down: exagérer, minimiser.
There's no sense playing up or playing down the generation gap; it's just a reality you have to live
17. to live up to: être à la hauteur de.
People are under more and more stress to live up to the standards of a materialist, "achieving"
18. to run up against, to encounter: rencontrer.
We hope that the entrepreneurial system will get us out of trouble, but it may also cause us to
run up against new problems.
19. for the sake of: pour, afin de.
It's worth earning a little less money for the sake of enjoying what you do.
20. in addition to: en plus de.
In addition to material problems, immigrants have to cope with the feeling of a loss of identity.
21. on the basis of: à partir de, par suite de.
I once had a teacher who said you could judge a country's level of civilization on the basis of how
it treated old people and criminals.
22. to get into the habit of: prendre l'habitude de.
It's easy to get into the habit of giving other people's opinions as your own.
23. to be at odds with (at loggerheads with): être en désaccord avec.
When you're dissatisfied with yourself, you're at odds with everything and everybody.
24. a foregone conclusion: une chose prévisible.
It was a foregone conclusion that a rise in the price of the dollar would bring about a trade deficit,
and that's just what happened.
25. in the course of (over the past...): pendant.
In the course of the last century, technology lias made tremendous strides.
26. say nothing of (let alone): sans parler de.
The Japanese have developed their own industries, say nothing of constituting serious
competition for the West.
27. in any case: de toute façon.
In any case, without competition, technology would certainly nove less fast.
28. by no means: certainement pas, d'aucune manière.
The rise in the oh l price was by no means the only reason for the economic crisis.
29. to put an end to: arrêter, abolir.
Is there any possible way of putting an end to racial prejudice?
30. to make the most of: tirer le maximum de.
If you want to make the most of this list, repeat it into a tape recorder and listen to it from time to

4) Articulating Thoughts: "directional signals"

If you turn back to Student Y's Essay, you will notice that we had a few comments to make on
the use of words like "however" and "therefore". These words are often incorrectly used and we
would like to straighten you out* on them now.
You remember that we spoke about a thought that moves in space. Now we would like you to study
the following locutions, which specify the articulation of your thought and forewarn* the reader of
the direction you are about to take. Are you leading from cause to effect? Are you stopping at an
intersection and turning into a contrary argument? Speeding ahead with added information?
Shooting back* into the past, forward into the future?

straighten (you) out: mettre les choses en ordre - to forewarn: averter - to shoot back: retourner en

All this, your reader is glad to know in advance. It enables him to anticipate your thought, to
follow you with ease and pleasure, sit back and enjoy the ride. Besides which, it is a much more
respectful way of treating him than dropping him off* at the end of the road like a sack of potatoes
and leaving him to figure out* where he is and how he got there.
We call these words and phrases "directional signals", and have put them under a few
headings* which should be helpful to you by suggesting different ways of approaching an argument.
Just don 't forget, as we have shown in our correction, that signaling with "therefore" does not
suffice to establish a cause and effect relationship; nor do "on one hand" and "on the other"
necessarily establish an opposition. The logic must first be in your thought. Anyone can put a sign for
Chartres on the road to Paris. But no fool* will believe the sign when he finds himself at the Eiffel


thus donc
since puisque
therefore, thus donc
thanks to (only positive) grâce à
consequently, as a result par conséquent
for that reason, on that account pour cette raison
owing to, due to, on account of, because of.. à cause de


in order to, so as to, for the purpose of afin de

so that, in order that (+can/could, shall/should, afin que

even if même si
however, yet cependant
whereas, while alors que
despite, in spite of malgré
nonetheless, nevertheless néanmoins
as opposed to, contrary to contrairement à
though, even though, although quoique, bien que
on one hand...on the other hand d'un côté … de l'autre
at first glance, on further examination à première vue, de +près

to drop sb off:laisser qqn qqpart — figure out: arriver à comprendre — headings: titres, rubriques —
fool: imbécile.


it is doubtful that il est douteux que
one is reluctant to say that on hésite à dire que...
there is little evidence that il est difficile de prouver que

provided that, so long as pourvu que
depending on whether...(or not) ce qui dépend de...


doubtless, of course bien entendu

obviously, evidently évidemment

with time avec le temps
afterwards ensuite (adv.)
from now on désormais, dorénavant
from then on dès lors, (passé)
sooner or later tôt ou tard
eventually, in the end à la fin, en fin de compte
in the future, in the post à l'avenir, dans le passé
retrospectively, looking back rétrospectivement
at the present time, at present à présent, actuellement
after (+NOUN or present participle) après

this is evidenced, supported, proved by the fact ceci est prouvé, soutenu par le fait que...


even so, still and all tout de même, quand même

moreover, besides, furthermore, in addition du reste, de plus


to the extent (degree) that dans la mesure où

to a certain extent (degree) dans une certaine mesure..
to a great, slight extent dans une grande (faible)...

from this point of view (viewpoint) de ce point de vue
on the basis of these arguments à partir de ces arguments
judging from these examples à en juger par ces exemples

in fact, actually en fait, effectivement
according to selon
all in all, on the whole dans l'ensemble
and so forth, and so on et ainsi de suite
as a general rule, generally spaeking en règle générale
as a whole, globally en bloc, globalement
as concerns, concerning en ce qui concerne
as regards, regarding à propos de
at first au premier abord, à première vue
finally en dernier lieu
first, firstly d'abord
formerly jadis, autrefois
if need be le cas échéant
in any race, in any event en tout cas, dans tous les cas
in short bref
in terms of en fonction de
in this regard, regarding à ce propos
insofar as X in concerned à propos de X
lastly, in conclusion en dernier, en conclusion
later (on) plus tard
lately, recently récemment
notably, especially notamment
previously, previous to X auparavant, avant X
principally, largely dans une grande mesure, pour la plupart
so to speak pour ainsi dire
so, thus par conséquent (use "so” preferably in mid-sentence)
so-called soi-disant
that is to say c'est-à-dire
the former, the latter celui (ceux) -là, celui (ceux)-ci
thereby de cette manière

5) Verb and Preposition Combinations

English verb and preposition combinations are by no means easy to get straight. Here are some
of the most commonly used - and misused, because of their French cousins. Where two prepositions
are possible, the one less used is given in parentheses. Obviously, if there is a verb after the
preposition, it will be in the -ing form. For example:

We asked him to participate in the meeting.

We asked him to participate in organizing the meeting.


to talk about (of)

to argue about (over)*
to complain about
to be worried, anxious, concerned about* to boast, brag about*
to be optimistic, pessimistic about to think about (of)


to be angry at sb (about sth)

to be amazed, astounded at*
to arrive at (place, station, conclusion - see in)


to wait for
to blame sb for*
to be responsible for
to prepare for a hope for
to compensate for a need for
to exchange sth for sth else a desire for
to charge sb for sth*


to benefit, profit from

to prevent sb from doing sth
to suffer from to borrow from to recover from*

to argue about: se disputer au sujet de- to be worried about: être préoccupé par - to boast, brag
about: se vanter de to be amazed, astounded at: être étonné de - to blame sb for sth: reprocher
qqch à qqun — to charge sb for sth: faire payer qqch par qqun — to recover from: guérir de.

to have difficulty in (with)
to be disappointed in (with)
to succeed in Remember:
to fail (in) sth
to participate in . an increase of 5% .
to be interested in . an increase in X .
to result in . has increased by 5% .
to be lacking in
to believe in
to arrive in (city, country)


to enter into (or no prep.) of

to take advantage of* to be capable of
to have the possibility of
to have the opportunity of (+ -ing, to + inf.)
to approve, disapprove of to run out, short of*
to consist of (in) to be in charge of* to be proud of
a lack of (in)
in spite of* (+ noun, + -ing)
in face of

to depend on
to insist on
to comment on
to blame sth on sb or sth
to impose sth on sb

to fight, struggle, argue over (about, against sth)
to have power over sb or sth
to apply to* a firm for* a job

to take advantage of: profiter de - to run out, short of: manquer de - to be in charge of: être chargé,
responsable de - in spite of: malgré - to apply to...for... poser sa candidature à.. pour...
to be used to* (+ -ing)
to send sth to sb
to go to a place (all verbs of movement + to)

to be satisfied with
to be faced with to compete with*
to charge sb with*
to comply with*
to reproach sb with (+ noun or -ing)

Verbs that take NO preposition in English

(causing confusion because they may take a preposition in French)

to ask (sb for sth)

to attend*
to confront
to discuss
to enter
to face (but: to be faced with)
to lack
to obey
to remedy
to resist
to satisfy
to suit
to fit*

6) Style and Elegance: a few formulas

If you are the kind of person who likes dramatic effects, the following will be just your "cup of
tea". A brief warning however: before dressing up your writing, make sure your grammar is in A-
1 perfect shape. A Cardin suit is a fine idea, but if you've got dirty shoes and holes in your socks,
its effect may not be quite what you expect.

a. However + adj. or adv: (aussi...que...)

However promising such a scheme might have seemed at first, its faults soon became evident.
However rationally we look at the problem, there is no simple way of solving it.

to be used to: avoir l'habitude de — to compete with: faire concurrence à — to charge sb

with: accuser qqn de qqch, confier une tâche à qqn — to comply with: obéir à, respecter
to attend: assister à — to suit, fit: convenir à.

b. Inversion of conditional forms:

Should arms negotiations succeed this time, the world may well be free of war for several
Were arms negotiations to succeed, the world would be free of war for several generations.
Had arms negotiations succeeded, the world would have been free of war...
c. Inversion of subject & verb with negatives: Never has unemployment reached such
catastrophic proportions.

Not until now have we been faced with such a delicate decision.
Few are those who really care about the problems of the elderly.

d. Gerund and participle constructions:

Talking is no solution, it's action we need.

Working at a satisfying job is every man's need.
Carrying 25% of the country's traffic, West German highways* are among its safest* roads.
Clouding* the future for a generation of young people, is the continued prospect* of unemployment.

e. Parallel constructions: (not to be abused!)

Now, at the end of the 20th century, complex road networks* have changed the face of the earth,
the airplane has taken possession of the skies, the computer has all but taken over* the work of
the human being. What will be next?

f. Use the passive

A tendency away from the machoism of the 60s and 70s can be noted in Jagger's last songs, "She's
the Boss" and "Hard Woman".
This issue* has been brought up* again and again but a workable solution has not yet been found.

highway: autoroute - safe: sûr, pas dangereux -to cloud: s'assombrir, s'obscurcir - prospect:
perspective -network: réseau -to take over: prendre la responsabilité -issue: problème, question
- to bring up a issue: poser un problème.

7) Spelling
The way a page looks is also important if you want your writing to have style, and good spelling
is just another of those "professional touches" that make a page sit peacefully before the reader's
eye and allow the content to speak. The English words most commonly misspelled by French
students are of course those which have French brothers and sisters. Here is a list of such words,
with the French given alongside so you can compare:

address adresse
aggression agression
analysis analyse
analyze (to) analyser
characteristic caractéristique
committee comité
company compagnie
democracy démocratie
democratic démocratique
develop développer
development développement
employment emploi
enemy ennemi
equal égal
exaggerate exagérer
example exemple
government gouvernement
honor honneur
honest honnête
independence indépendance
investment investissement
judg(e)ment jugement
mechanical mécanique
millionaire millionnaire
movement mouvement
negotiate négocier
negotiations négociations
personal personnel
personality personnalité
personally personnellement
professional professionnel
public public, publique
recommend recommander
resources ressources
responsible responsable
responsibility responsabilité
sacrifice (n + vb) sacrifier
technical (adj) technique (adj)
technique (n) technique (n)
technology technologie
technological technologique
tendency tendance
traditional traditionnel

8) Colorful and Colorless Words

Throughout this book we have been talking about precision, and now we would like to give you
a bit more material with which to bring your ideas into focus*. We are tired of hearing "It would be
a good thing to..." and "It would be a bad thing to...", "It is necessary to...", "People like to...", The
text shows us that..." and this sort of easy-way-out* to which we fall victim for one reason or
another, mainly out of laziness*. The fact that so many other words exist is ail the proof we need of
their necessity: you can't express a complex idea unless you have a wide range* of words at your
disposal, and complex ideas are usually what make the world go round. Not that the words "good"
or "bad", or "like" or "show" aren't perfectly "good" words. Not only are they acceptable (for
instance) but they're absolutely necessary. But they are general words - big and extremely hungry
words that have a tendency to devour ail the small, particular words around them. This is not really
fair, and if we want to keep the subtleties of English or any other language alive, something must be
done to keep particular, colorful and suggestive words in use.

The following is not a list of synonyms, for there are really few synonyms in any language. It is a
list of particular words suggested by a general word. If you have an English dictionary - which we
highly recommend after you have passed the intermediary stage of translating from English into
French - use it to define the unfamiliar words. We couldn't possibly define them all here because of
the volume of information that would entail*. But we have sufficiently spoiled* you up to now to
expect a Little effort on your part! If you like this sort of work, we also recommend to you a
"Thesaurus" of English words. This fabulous book contains ail the words and phrases suggested by
any one word. Our list is but a beginning, and we hope that you will go on to replace more and more
general words in your vocabulary with particular ones.
Good fine, valid, excellent, deserving, beneficial, favorable, advantageous, attractive, desirable, a
boon, high-quality, efficient, positive, a godsend, first -class, first-rate, reliable, dependable,
workable, sound, suitable, appropriate.

Bad evil, harmful, detrimental, damaging, dangerous, criminal, appalling, inhuman, defective,
awkward, inacceptable, unsuitable, undesirable, scandalous, unfavorable, invalid, inaccurate,
false, ungrounded, second -class, futile, useless, absurd, foolish.

to bring into focus: préciser - an easy-way-out: une solution de facilité - laziness: paresse - a wide
range: une gamme étendue - entail: nécessiter, occasionner - spoil: gâter.

VOCABULARY: Words, phrases, sentences

The following words, phrases and sentences correspond to the 6 basic headings. It is a good
idea to read them into a tape recorder so that you can listen to them frequently and feel perfectly at
home* with them. If you are sufficiently familiar with these sentences, net only will you speak more
fluently, but you will be able to devote all your preparation time to reading your article and taking
notes, confident that you will always find the right words to express your ideas. You are strongly
encouraged to learn the introductory and model sentences by heart, and to say them out loud. It is
not enough to rely on* a silent ear or one's visual memory when working on the spoken language.
So... turn off the stereo and talk !

1. SUBJECT: What, when, where?

1A) What?

This article is about ....

deals with........................
discusses, talks about...............
raises the issue, question of* .............

1B) When?

preterite: last week, month, year / a few days ago / in 1982

present perfect: in the past (last) few days, years, months, decade(s), century / recently, in
recent weeks, months, years, since 1982....
future: in the next few days, in the coming months, in the near future.
1C) Where? Be familiar with names of countries, cities.


Use present perfect for events that started in the past and continue “up to now”;
this tense usually accompanies expressions such as "in recent weeks, months",
"since + date..."
Use preterite for events that are completely over with and finished. Phrases such
as "last week", "in 1968", "a few days ago" "in the 19th century" indicate that the
preterite must be used.
at home with: à l'aise avec - to rely on: compter sur – raises the issue of: pose le problème de.

1D) Model sentences

1. This article is about the summit meeting* that was held in Bonn last week.
2. This article talks about a survey* that was made recently on the eating habits of
American teenagers.
3. This article reports on the progress that has been made in the field of genetics research
in the past 5 years.
4. This article deals with the fighting that has been going on in X over (in) the last few days.
5. This article raises the issue of the use of drugs during sports competitions.
6. This article describes a new project to rehabilitate delinquents which will be carried out
in France in the coming months.


2A) Causes: Introductory sentences

X is, has been, was due to...............

the result of....
brought about by*... the consequence of....
X is, was the product of, an outgrowth* of.... X has come about* as a result of
X stems from*, can be attributed to, has come up*, arisen* as a reaction to, against …
The purpose* of, reason for X is, was to

2B) Examples, added information: Introductory sentences

The article cites several cases in which...

occasions on which...
examples, instances of...
In one case, instance, example another...............

2C) Model sentences (correspond to 1D)

1. The meeting was called as the result of a desire on the part of European governments for
cooperation in the field of space defense.

summit meeting:réunion au sommet - survey: sondage – brought about by: provoqué par - an
outgrowth of: le résultat de - to come up, about: se produire, apparaître, arriver - to stem from:
provenir de - the purpose of: la raison de.

1. The survey is an outgrowth of reports that the majority of American teenagers lack basic
foods in their diet*.
2. Progress in genetics research has largely* been due to the discovery of...
3. The article cites several examples of guerrilla attacks on small villages on the border
between X and Y.
4. The inquiry* has come about owing to the arrival on the American market of the new
non-prescription* drug X.
5. This project has been brought about by protests against
the unsatisfactory living conditions in French prisons.


3AB) Arguments: Introductory sentences

1. Considerable debate has been sparked* over X

has arisen* as to, concerning, over X
has come up*..........................

2. The issue has given rise* to divergent points of view


3. Whether or not a subject of intense debate.

heated discussion.
lively controversy.

1. The majority of arguments are in favor of/ against X.

2. There are two main arguments for / against X.
3. In general, opinion seems to favor / be opposed to X.

3C) Argument and Opinion: General vocabulary

3C1. Arguments, supporters and opponents*:

the pros and cons* of the situation

arguments for, in favor of, against / counter-arguments, advocates*, partisans, proponents* /
adversaries, opponents*

3C2. Points of view and proposals:

From the viewpoint, point of view of Y, X is .............

Y's evaluation, assessment*, view, conception of the situation is that ..../ objection to this idea is
that... Y's idea, proposal, suggestion, recommendation is that, would be to, would involve*…

diet: régime - largely: en grande mesure - inquiry: enquête prescription: ordonnance - to spark:
déclencher - arise, come up: arriver, apparaître - give rise to: provoquer - the pros and cons: le pour
et le contre - opponents: adversaires - advocates, proponents: partisans - to asses: évaluer - involve:

3C3. Aspects of a problem or argument:

the positive and negative points, aspects, features* of X the advantages and drawbacks*,
inconveniences, dangers of X the strong, weak points of Y's argument are first of all....

3C4. Consequences: (learn together with Causes: 2A)

X might bring about*, give rise to*, lead to, provoke, promote, further*, favor*, create,
contribute to, open the door to, lay the foundations for*

3C5. Statement of opinion:

X says, feels, believes, holds, claims*, argues*, contends* makes the assumption*, expresses,
voices the opinion that...

X advocates*, endorses* a policy of ..................

X stresses*, emphasizes*, lays stress, emphasis on ...........

X regards, considers, views, looks on Y as (being) ..................
3C6. Agreement:

X agrees with, is in agreement with Y, I agree with Y...............

X is also in favor of Y's intention, plan, project, idea................
Most people support Y in his view that... For instance.............

3C7. Disagreement:

Introductory sentences:

Contrary to, unlike X, Y believes in, that....

However, not only may Y give rise to ..., but...............
On the other hand, there is some disagreement over ........
However, there is a conflict, clash* of opinion over X.
Though there is evidence that...., I personally feel that...

followed by particular arguments:

X disagrees with, is in disagreement with the idea that ....

He says, feels, believes that....
X challenges*, disputes Y's point of view as concerns X because……
X objects to, disapproves of a policy of..., saying that...

features: caractéristiques - drawbacks: inconvénients - bring about, give rise to: provoquer - further,
favor: encourager – lay the foundations for: poser les bases de - claim: prétendre que argue,
contend: soutenir que - assumption, assume: supposition, supposer - advocate, endorse: soutenir
(opinion, policy)- stress, emphasize: souligner - clash: conflit - challenge: contester.

3C8. Doubt and reservation:

X wonders whether it is possible to ..........

However, it seems unfair* to assume that.......
X calls into question* the argument that .........
We can agree with Y about Z to the extent that* ...........
The article expresses doubts, misgivings*, reservations...
3C9. Personal agreement or disagreement:

First: An introductory phrase

My own feeling on the subject is that...

I would like to add an argument to those expressed by....
I think the problem can be seen from still another angle...
Then: Reasons or other arguments

X's argument is sound*, well thought-out, fair*, impartial, based on sound evidence*,
proof...However*, one might add...

X's arguments are biased*, one-sided, prejudiced

X's point of view is superficial, unsound*, unconvincing, debatable, ambiguous, misleading*.

(see also 6. Ed. Op.)
3C10. Model sentences

1. A number of pros and cons have been voiced concerning the proposal. Among the advocates
of the bill* are…………….
Opponents, such as ... express doubts as to whether..............
2. Dr. X views the new treatment as being unsafe* until further research has been carried out.
3. A general disarmament policy would lay the foundations for mutual understanding.
4. X contends that the immediate withdrawal* of troops might open the door to a renewal of
5. X supports the resolution to the extent that it would provide additional employment
opportunities. However,…………..
6. Contrary to the current trend* of specialization, Professor X deems* the study of humanities*
essential to scientific training.
7. Despite majority opinion, X has serious misgivings about the long-term effectiveness* of the

fair, unfair: juste, injuste - to call into question: remettre en question - to the extent that: dans la
mesure où - misgivinge: doutes: sound: solide, bien fondé - evidence: preuves - however: pourtant
- biased: ont un parti pris - unsound: pas solide misleading: trompeur - bill: projet de loi - unsafe:
dangereux nonetheless: néanmoins - to withdraw: retirer - trend: tendance to deem: considérer -
the humanities: les sciences humaines effectiveness: efficacité.


4A) Reflection of contemporary problem or trend:

4A1. Introductory sentences.

The significance of X lies in* the fast that it is representative, characteristic, symbolic,
symptomatic of the current trend, fashion, tendency, attitude

X is a superb, striking*, unusual, dramatic, tragic, humorous, excellent, typical example of

today's ...........................................................................

4A2. Patterns* of trend:

a sharp*, increasing, steady*, considerable, slight* rise or decline in ....

rise: increase, expansion, growth, acceleration

decline: a decrease, drop, falling-off*, slowdown

an upward* / downward* trend in ...

a growing, increasing, rising, widespread* movement, tendency, trend, wave* of opinion in

favor of, against.......................................................................

people are prone to*, inclined to, likely to, tend to*....

4A3. Present time:

at the present time, nowadays, so far*, until, up to now, in the 1980's, in the 20th century, as
we see things today...................................................................
4A4. Root* Causes: Introductory sentences:

X is only a symptom of the general malaise of our age. The sources of this malaise are complex,
difficult to isolate. One of the main problems is……….

The source, essence of the problem ...........

due to, owing to, because of, thanks to ..........
the root* cause, the basic, fundamental problem.......

4A5. Reflection of a contemporary trend: Model sentences

lies in: se trouve dans - striking: frappant - sharp: net, marqué steady: régulier - slight: faible -
falling-off: baisse - upward, downward: vers le haut, le bas - widespread: répandu -wave: vague to
be prone to, inclined to: être enclin à - to tend to: avoir tendance à - so far: jusqu'ici - root: de base,
de fond.

1. The rising trend toward alternative life-styles calls into question our traditional attitudes
toward marriage.
2. The punkers and other "tribes" of Britain are representative of a growing wave of
disenchanted youth.
3. AIDS* is thought by many to be merely symptomatic of the sharp rise in sexual
4. Due to a lack of work outlets*, there has been a falling-off in the number of students who
go into* the humanities.
4B) Comparison and contrast:
4B1. Introductory sentences

This article reminds me of a book I read about ...

This problem is not confined* to France but can be found in other industrialized, materialist-
oriented countries...
A parallel can be drawn between the incident that occurred in Brussels and the dangers of any
crowd manifestations.
A similar situation occurred in 1927. However, whereas* in 1927..., now
4B2. Similarity:

X bears a resemblance to*, can be compared, likened to Y, is similar to, much the same as,
comparable to Y in that..........................................................
4B3. Difference:
X is unlike, different, distinct from, at odds with*, opposed to Y in the sense that, to the extent
There is a widening*, narrowing* gap* in values between.... The importance of Y outweighs*,
exceeds by far that of Z. There is a disequilibrium, imbalance between X and Y.
4B4. Uniqueness: Introductory sentences
The novelty*, uniqueness of X lies in the fact that...
The event, situation, declaration, point of view is unconventional, unprecedented,
surprising,uncommon, novel*, extraordinary,
singular in that…………

AIDS: SIDA, maladie moderne - work outlets: débouchés - go into: étudier en vue d'une carrière -
confined to: limité à - whereas: alors que - to bear a resemblance to: ressembler à - to be at odds
with: être en désaccord - widening: qui s'élargit narrowing: qui se réduit - gap: trou, brèche - to
outweigh: dépasser, l'emporter sur - novelty, novel: nouveauté, nouveau.

X is the same AS
X is different...FROM
X is more.....................................less
X is AS............................................................AS
Don't say!
This event is similar to the Europe's one
This event is similar to the nowadays one
Do Say!
This event is similar to what, the one that occurred in 1920.
This event is similar to what is going on nowadays in Europe.

4B5 History: Introductory sentences

X is not without historical precedent....

However startling*, surprising, tragic, unusual X may seem to us today, there is nothing really
new about it.

4B6 The past:

before, previous to X....

earlier, previously*, formerly*, traditionally, in the past, historically, it used to be that ...

Progression of Time:

Over.....................the period of time that lasted from A to Z,...

During..........the span* of time that followed P,......................
Throughout*..the era, age that preceded W,............................
Ever since Y, (+ present perfect)...there have always been.......
In the 1920s, (+ preterite)..................there were.....................

startling: surprenant, saisissant — previously, formerly: autrefois — span: durée — throughout:

pendant, partout dans.

Comparison and Contrast: Model Sentences

1. The contrast between our parents' values and our own is commonly called "the
generation gap".
2. Due to the revolution in information technology, there is an ever-widening gap
between the amount of information available and what man is capable of
3. The Japanese approach to automation in industry is quite revolutionary compared to
that of the West.
4. The popular singers of the '60s were young people fundamentally at odds with the
consumer society.
5. Advertising is quite different in Europe from what it is in the United States.
6. Some people argue that the importance we accord to military strength far outweighs
the actual danger of war.

4C) Implications for the future: 4C1. Introductory sentences:

For the time being*, the implications of X can only be surmised*, supposed, are a matter of

It is expected, hoped, feared, that X may give rise to, bring about, foster, further, promote,
lead to.............................................................................

The effects of X will be felt in all branches of industry, far -reaching*, extensive, considerable /
minimal, confined to*, limited to

X is likely to, bound to* profoundly modify, be a challenge to, to call into question , to

X may involve*, entail* .............

It is difficult to foresee, forecast*, determine in advance the long-term effects of

4C2. Vocabulary:

in the long / short term

the final, eventual outcome*, upshot*, what may ensue*.....
following, subsequent to, in the wake of* X .................
prospects*, perspective(s), what the future holds..................
a new advance, finding, discovery.................................

for the time being: pour le moment - to surmise: supposer - a matter of conjecture: dans le domaine
de la supposition - far-reaching: étendu - confined to: limité à - is bound to: est sûr de - involve,
entail: occasionner, nécessiter - to forecast: prévoir - outcome, upshot: issue, résultat - to ensue:
s'ensuivre - in the wake of: à la suite de - prospects: perspectives
4C3. Implications for the future: Model sentences

1. The implications of cloning, the technique of producing a genetically identical

duplicate of an organism, are vast and far-reaching.
2. This advance marks a profound modification in our concept of human reproduction.
3. In the short term, this new advance represents a challenge to scientists, but in the
long term its implications may give rise to abuse.
4. The idea of cloning in humans challenges the basic concept of Nature's infinite
variety, and there is no telling what the future may hold if man takes it on himself to
decide which species deserve* to endure and which do not.


5A) To whom is the subject important in a personal manner?

5A1. Beneficial: (sentences correspond to detrimental, following)

1. X will be beneficial to, desirable for, a boon* to Y, will boost*, stimulate, foster*,
further*, favor, improve, enhance*, bring out*, have a positive effect on...
2. X will aid, help, serve the purpose of, make it possible to, allow, permit, enable, give Y
the chance to
3. X is sure, certain to, will undoubtedly, will ensure...
4. X has been proved safe*, harmless*, reliable*, non-toxic, X produces no harmful after-
5. The advantages, strong points, positive features* of X as compared to Y are...
6. X has been praised* by Z, will be immune to, safe from, not prone to*, undesirable
effects of X are negligible.
7. Thanks to X, Y will certainly do well, thrive*, prosper, flourish*, benefit, profit (from),
gain momentum*.

See also Colorful and Colorless Words for "good".

deserve: mériter - a boon: une aubaine - boost: remonter, donner du tonus - foster, further:
encourager - enhance: mettre en valeur - bring out: mettre en valeur - ensure: assurer - safe,
harmless: inoffensif - reliable: digne de confiance - features: traits - to praise: faire l'éloge - prone
to: susceptible à, de - thrive, flourish: prospérer - gain momentum: prendre de l'élan.

5A2. Detrimental:

1. X may be detrimental to, undesirable for, may disfavor, discourage, endanger,

damage*, jeopardize*, expose Y to the risk of, compromise the chances of, have a
negative, damaging effect or influence on Y.
2. X will hinder*, get in the way of*, handicap, be a disservice* to, a threat to*, will
threaten*, make it impossible (for Y) to, X looms* as a threat to Y.
3. There is no guarantee that X will, it is doubtful whether (that) X will, X is not sure,
certain to...
4. X is not safe, is unsafe*, dangerous, hazardous, harmful*, noxious*, unreliable*,
users of X may suffer, undergo* undesirable side-effects.
5. X comes under attack from the point of view of ... The disadvantages, risks, hazards,
dangers of X will most severely affect ...
6. Those most vulnerable, subject, exposed, prone to these risks are...X may increase
the undesirable effects of....
7. Because of X, Y may soon disappear, decline, weaken, fall off, lose momentum.
8. See also Colorful and Colorless Words for "bad".

5B) Ramifications and repercussions: (see 4C. "Implications")

5B1. Introductory sentences:

This disclosure....has already had............ramifications............

decision.............will probably have...repercussions.........
finding....................can, may have.......echos..................
study, event, measure other countries, fields, sectors, areas*.

.............on the daily, professional lives of many people.

It may with time ................bring about...............

eventually* ............give rise to..................
in the future..............enable Y to.....................

to damage: être nuisible à - to jeopardize: compromettre- hinder, get in the way of: faire obstacle
à - a disservice: un mauvais service - to threaten: menacer - to loom: apparaître de façon
menaçante - safe: sûr, inoffensif - unsafe, harmful: dangereux noxious: nocif - unreliable: pas
sérieux, inefficace - undergo: subir - areas: domaines - eventually: à la fin, à la longue.

X has already brought about, sparked*, triggered*, given rise to....

a discussion, debate over................................
a calling into question of.......................................
a reconsideration, reappraisal* of...............................
a split* in public opinion as to whether..............................
5B2. Model sentences

1. Though the subject has sparked controversy from a moral standpoint*, French arms
sales to Middle Eastern countries have not only been a boon to French military
technology, but have also fostered (furthered, stimulated) growth in the ailing* steel
2. Bad Bugs*, Inc. guarantees its insecticide to be harmless for animals and to produce
no harmful after-effects on those who handle* it for prolonged periods.
3. Such a move* is liable to*, apt to* favor (further, foster, promote, encourage) a
renewed outbreak* of anti-X sentiment.
4. This unexpected breakthrough* brings new hope to hundreds of victims of...
5. The events at the Brussels stadium have damaged the reputation of the British in the
world of sports.


A news article differs from an editorial in that the former is expected to be completely
neutral. An editorial, however, written not by a reporter but by a journalist or columnist*,
takes a stand, is an expression of personal opinion. This is why we have separated "Editorial
Opinion" into A) news articles and B) editorials. Although a news article sets out to* present
the news objectively, a sophisticated reader can often detect signs of partiality to one side or
another. The following is some of the vocabulary you may need to present your ideas; in
many instances it is the same for A) and B).

6A) News Reports:

The article is fair, impartial, unbiased.

gives evidence for and against both sides.

The account*, coverage* of the event is biased in favour of, is partial to Y, is against Y
The report plays up*,exaggerates, overstresses*, misrepresents*, distorts* certain facts and
plays down*, disregards*, ignores*, neglects to mention other facts such as…

Words, expressions, such as ....give the reader the impression that…

spark, trigger: déclencher - reappraisal:remise en question split: division - standpoint: point de vue
- ailing: en mauvaise santé - bugs: insectes, bestioles - to handle: se servir de qqch+ - move:
mesure, démarche - to be liable to, apt to: être susceptible de - outbreak: déclenchement -
breakthrough: percée columnist: journaliste, collaborateur d'un journal - to set out to do sth:
entreprendre de faire qqch - account, coverage: reportage, compte-rendu.

6B) Editorials:

A columnist may speak for, defend, take a stand on behalf of*, be committed to*, represent a
political party or tendency, a social class.

His leanings* may be right-wing*, left-wing, liberal, conservative, moderato reactionary, radical,
socialist, communist. He may be a Republican or a Democrat, (US), Conservative or Labour*,
(UK). He may be a spokesman* for a party, a policy...

the upper class, the upper middle class, the middle class, the lower middle class, the working

6131. Content, outlook*, style:

A columnist analyzes, comments on the news.

He suggests, implies, infers*, warns, foresees that..............
He urges*, recommends, makes a plea* for
His style may be humorous, witty*, ironic, pessimistic, grave, optimistic, confident

6B2. Model sentences

1. The writer is convincing in his support of .....

2. By using the words...and...the writer portrays X as
3. I believe the columnist is justified in laying stress on but it is also true that…

and before we close, a few last words.............

No government can long be secure without formidable opposition.

I respect only those who resist me, but I cannot tolerate them.

spokesman: porte-parole - Labour: les travaillistes - to infer: déduire - outlook: attitude, perspective
- to urge: encourager to make a plea for: faire un plaidoyer pour - witty: spirituel to take a stand in
behalf of: prendre position pour - wing: aile.

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