A Practical Approach To Assess Risk in Aviation Domains For Safety Management Systems

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Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267

DOI 10.1007/s10111-014-0294-y


A practical approach to assess risk in aviation domains for safety

management systems
P. C. Cacciabue • M. Cassani • V. Licata •

I. Oddone • A. Ottomaniello

Received: 11 January 2014 / Accepted: 14 September 2014 / Published online: 2 October 2014
 Springer-Verlag London 2014

Abstract The introduction of a safety management sys- Keywords Aviation safety  Safety management system 
tem (SMS) in the real operational environment has become Risk analysis  Management of change
a key factor in a proactive view of flight safety. The deep
cultural change and effort that the application of an SMS
requires, at economical and organisational level, has led to 1 Introduction
a delay in the definition of shared mandatory guidelines by
the international civil aviation authorities. At present, the National and international authorities responsible for imple-
majority of attempts to develop an SMS are the result of the menting an orderly development of civil aviation moved from
efforts of single organisations and operators. This paper a traditional attitude towards safety, based essentially on
describes a methodology aimed at practical and straight- compliance with legal requisites, to a proactive approach,
forward implementations of risk assessment processes and which identifies an elaborate and comprehensive structure,
able to tackle real problems. The application process might defined ‘‘safety management system’’ (SMS), as the foun-
be used as guideline for the analysis of critical activities dation of a new contemporary approach, based on proactive
resulting from retrospective and prospective assessments of and constantly evolving attitudes of the organisations
operational environments. The results obtained for a sam- involved. In particular, the International Civil Aviation
ple case, based on a real ‘‘change situation’’ occurring in a Organization (ICAO), the Federal Aviation Administration
medium size flight operator, demonstrate how the process (FAA), the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and
is carried out and how to highlight and deal with the the European Commission (EC) included SMS in their stra-
underlining critical threats and hazards that require tegic plans (e.g., ACRP 2012; IATA 2010; FAA 2010; ICAO
immediate action in order to guarantee acceptable safe 2012; EASA 2011, 2012). The implementation of a SMS and
operational levels. These include the definition of correc- associated manual of implementation are gradually becoming
tive actions and the identification of responsible persons to mandatory requirements for all Organisations involved in
monitor the activities designated to mitigate the associated commercial aviation in order to obtain or maintain their
risk. commercial activities.
In essence, the SMS is a fully comprehensive and
A. Ottomaniello is currently working at SW Italia, Safety Department integrated approach towards safety based on the assessment
of risks and the concept of management. It aims at applying
P. C. Cacciabue (&) three basic steps of prevention, control and containment of
Dip. di Ing. Aerospaziale, Politecnico Milano, Milan, Italy
consequences derived from hazardous events, non-com-
e-mail: pietrocarlo.cacciabue@polimi.it
pliance occurrences and incidents that may occur in the life
M. Cassani  V. Licata of a system and during production processes. All types of
KITE Solutions, SRL, Laveno Mombello, VA, Italy technical, commercial and financial operations of an
Organisation are involved and affected by a SMS devel-
I. Oddone  A. Ottomaniello
Safety Department, Air Dolomiti, Dossobuono di Villafranca, opment process. The success of a SMS entails primarily the
Verona, Italy support of the top management which must be constantly

250 Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267

fed through to the front line by key figures of the organi- applied. On the contrary, by employing consolidated meth-
sation (Stolzer et al. 2010; Liou et al. 2008). ods, based on good knowledge of data and in-depth literature
The SMS has been widely utilised as technique to assess reviews, the overall process of risk assessment becomes
safety (Byrom 1994) and comply with regulatory require- more complex from the numerical implementation per-
ments (Kirchsteiger et al. 1998) in many technologically spective but certainly more acceptable from the statistical
advanced domains, such as energy production, oil and gas perspective. In this way, the implementation of adequate
industry and process systems. The methodologies and methodologies leads to the generation of reliable results that
techniques for hazard assessment and risk management are enable a knowledgeable and consistent risk informed deci-
widely established and are commonly applied (Hudson sion making (RIDM) process about safety (Tamasi and
2000). It is probably for this reason that, in the commercial Demichela 2011; Schindler and Cassani 2013).
aviation environment, the manuals promoting SMS at The objective of this paper is to propose a methodo-
institutional level (e.g., ICAO 2012) do not discuss specific logical framework that offers Safety Managers a relatively
techniques to be put in place for effectively implementing simple and practical stepwise approach for implementing
risk assessment and evaluation processes. These guide- risk assessment and risk evaluation, that avoids a specu-
books are primarily aimed at managers, rather than tech- lative and opportunistic use of data and information and
nical experts, as they focus on detailed discussions about suggests the implementation of standard techniques to
motivation and benefit derived from implementing accurate reduce the uncertainty, enabling to frame the overall
and extensive safety analysis and prevention measures. approach in a more consolidated safety perspective. The
In these manuals and guidebooks, the specific techniques proposed methodology is called Risk Assessment Meth-
to be used to assess levels of risks are neither presented nor odology for Company Operational Processes (RAMCOP).
discussed, under the assumption that they are part of the This paper firstly examines the general features of risk
basic academic and practical training of safety analysts. assessment methodologies and discusses the major key
However, this is not always the case and in many circum- features and limitations of some recently proposed and
stances the crucial area of the evaluation of probabilities or recognised tools especially from the perspective of data
frequencies of occurrence of events and hazards and the and uncertainty assessment. Then the flow chart of the
process of estimation of consequences of occurrences are RAMCOP approach and the stepwise implementation
insufficiently dealt with. The documentation about these procedure are presented in detail. A specific practical
techniques and tools exists and is equally well established application shows how the methodology may be imple-
(UK-CAA 2010; NASA 2011), but it represents an enor- mented in response to specific need of an organisation and
mous amount of knowledge and information that need to be in accordance to authority requirements. Finally, ways
adequately filtered for implementation into SMS processes. forward and possible implementation of the tool to other
The recent request of authorities for the implementation transportation domains and technologies are discussed in
of SMS in the commercial aviation justifies the several the conclusive section of the paper.
revamped initiatives aimed at further training safety analysts
to the in-depth study of methods of risk analysis. Moreover,
there is a clear need for the formulation of methodological
2 Key features of a risk assessment tool
stepwise approaches, dedicated specifically to aviation,
which enables to combine the process of implementation of
2.1 Authority requirements
risk analysis with the selection of the most appropriate
techniques, to be applied on a case-by-case base.
The latest updates to the technical annexes and regulations
Indeed, the obligation of implementing SMS and risk
adopted by aviation national and international bodies
based studies has led to the request by the organisations for
require that all associated service providers develop a SMS.
tools and instruments that enable a rapid and as-easy-as-
EASA has developed a Safety Plan (EASA 2012) con-
possible implementation of a response to the authority
taining very important guidelines for harmonising the
requirement. This generates the danger of choosing the
European norms and standards related to air transport
‘‘painless’’ way out offered by techniques that only appar-
safety and aimed at a continuation of the work already done
ently seem to solve the problem of assessing risk in a simple
by ICAO. This Safety Plan describes a standard manage-
and straightforward manner. Unfortunately, the assessment
ment mode, at a European level, supporting the imple-
of risk requires the consideration of a number of boundary
mentation of safety programmes at national level, and
and complementary conditions, such as the evaluation and
identifies three main thematic areas, namely:
propagation of uncertainties and the availability of historical
data, which are extremely sensitive and can invalidate the 1. Reporting issues that concern an aviation system as a
whole study when shallow and too superficial methods are whole, often associated to the root cause and

Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267 251

retrospective analysis of sequences of events, actually 1. The Safety Manager, as leader of the safety team and
occurred and reported to the authorities. major developer of the SMS content and documenta-
2. Operational issues and problems linked directly to tion, should have sufficient knowledge and expertise in
flight operations. risk analysis to guide the selection of the appropriate
3. Emerging issues that include all aspects related to means of implementation to carry out the technical
novel operations, changes or new regulations for which steps of a SMS.
there are still no data to be parsed. 2. The knowledge of aviation practices is equally impor-
tant for the safety manager in order to enable the
The first thematic area concerns essentially the data
interaction with the primary actors of the domain, e.g.,
collection, storage and analysis of real occurrences leading
pilots, maintenance operators, ground staff, air traffic
to retrospective assessment of the safety state of an orga-
controllers etc., who are the providers of crucial field
nisation. The second and third thematic areas require the
data and reporting that are the fundamental sources of
performance of prospective analyses for the evaluation of
information about safety.
the risk associated to every-day and new operational pro-
3. At a more managerial level, the Civil Aviation
cesses and their acceptability. Moreover, with reference to
Authorities consider the Chief Executive Officer
the operational issues, all EASA member states have to
(CEO) of an organisation as the decision maker
focus on five major safety related problems encountered in:
responsible for the implementation of SMS. Usually,
• runway excursion, in this activity, the CEO is supported by the Safety
• mid-air collision, Manger and safety team. Consequently, the Safety
• controlled flight into terrain, Manager should be able to provide the CEO with the
• loss of control in flight and appropriate and synthetized information enabling sus-
• ground collision. tainable and consolidated decisions.
The definition of these thematic areas and major issues, Therefore, the Safety Manager, while in charge of pro-
identified by EASA, are therefore very useful for the def- viding the CEO with the necessary information to make the
inition of the agenda of a valuable and acceptable SMS at a choices in terms of safety, should equally be able to carry
national level, even if no specifications about means of out technical assessment of risk and acquire trust and
compliance are identified (Ayres et al. 2013). acceptance from the field data providers. This imposes on
the figure of the safety manager a very large competence
2.2 SMS as risk informed decision making process based on appropriate knowledge and leadership at all levels
of the organisation.
2.2.1 Role of the safety manager in the decision making In particular, on the RIDM process, which consists in the
process essential and final step of the SMS implementation, the
problem of managing uncertainty is very relevant in con-
Even if the IACO requirements for a SMS (ICAO 2012) do junction with the question about data and with the moral
not detail explicitly the need to carry out a RIDM process, issue of what is the best criterion to set a limit on safety
the way in which ICAO proposes to the aviation commu- levels. The latter essentially concentrate on the criteria uti-
nity how to carry out safety assessment and preservation lised by the organisation to aim at certain safety perfor-
reflects the guidelines proposed originally by US-NRC in mances. In general, there are a variety of principles that can
1995 and consolidated in the following years in a series of be used by the decision maker (Ersdal and Aven 2008).
publications about RIDM (NRC 1995, 1998, 2002, 2003, Amongst them, the most commonly applied methods and
2009). The recently published handbook on RIDM by criteria are: Cost-Benefit Analysis, multivariate analysis and
NASA (2010) and the various reports published by the the As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) principle.
International Atomic Agency (IAEA 2005, 2011) represent These criteria are applied once the problem of handling
further reference documentation for handling the way in the uncertainty associated with information are resolved
which risk analysis methods can be implemented in order and accounted for. These issues are briefly discussed in the
to offer decision makers a structured and orderly amount of following section.
information to enable adequately informed management
choices. 2.2.2 Assessment of uncertainty and field data from real
In this realm, the role of the Safety Manager is partic- occurrence reporting
ularly delicate and important as he/she has to interact with
different actors of the SMS. In particular, within the The assessment of uncertainty and the availability of
organisation the safety manager operates at three levels: sound and consolidated bodies of data are crucial

252 Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267

aspects for any risk assessment process. These two The prospective and retrospective methods must be
elements are correlated and have a strong impact on the integrated and correlated: information collected from the
possibility to provide the decision makers with consol- analysis of real occurrences (retrospective study) enable
idated and relatively sound information on which to the exploitation of data transfer to the benefit of prospec-
formulate the final decision about the implementation of tive studies performed about new situations, requiring
new barriers or to continue operating as usual or to stop appropriate assessment, before engaging in novel activities.
operations and reconsider the whole system from a The osmosis between the two types of analysis is repre-
safety perspective. sented the Risk Matrix (RM) which offers an immediate,
In particular, the treatment of the uncertainties associ- synthetic and comprehensive vision of the level of safety in
ated to the formulation of the risk assessment, also called which the organization is located.
epistemic uncertainties, the performance of sensitivity The process of safety audit has the goal of continually
analysis to prioritise the results and the process of propa- assessing and ensuring the conformity of the safety levels
gation of the uncertainties throughout the overall risk and measures implemented within an organisation with
assessment process are essential contributor to the gener- respect to the norms and standards defined by the national
ation of a consolidated body of information. and international authorities. The audit processes are the
Strictly correlated to the problem of uncertainty is the most obvious link between quality and safety bodies of an
issue of real data collected and analysed within the orga- organisation. Their implementation requires the use of
nisation. The availability of a rich and reliable database of techniques that go beyond the scope of this paper and will
reports, coupled with associated analyses and statistical not be further discussed.
study of the root causes of occurrences, enables the Emergency management and security assessment are
reduction of epistemic uncertainties and therefore very specific chapters of the SMS, which focus on man-
strengthens the results of a risk assessment. aging the ‘‘after-incident’’ and events of intentional mali-
A key step in reducing the uncertainties is therefore the cious actions. The methodologies and techniques for
availability of a data collection system about real occur- emergency management and security assessment involve
rences reported by the primary actors within the organi- media communication and interaction with general public
sation that enables the safety team to derive a variety of and with family members of persons involved in an acci-
data for risk assessment from the analysis of such reports. dent, sharing tasks and responsibilities within an organi-
This process of data collection and analysis is well iden- zation, specific training of personnel, etc. As for the case of
tified in the regulations that refer to SMS. It requires a the safety audit, these methods will not be discussed
comprehensive approach of retrospective analysis that hereafter, as they go beyond the scope of this paper.
enables to identify root causes of events. Moreover, a However, it is important to note that also in the case of
shared taxonomy is needed between retrospective and emergency and security management, it is essential to
prospective methods for the definition of data and for the adapt and develop new approaches in order to cope with
assessment of hazards and consequences. The problem of continuously changing situations and regulations.
consolidated and integrated taxonomies and data collec- This short review of the basic constituents of an SMS
tion/analysis has been discussed for many years with well shows the need to implement a ‘‘living’’ process that is able
documented results in the literature especially in relation to to generate a constantly adjourned and updated image of
human contribution to incidents (e.g., ICAO 1987, 1993, the safety state of an organisation, correlated to its opera-
1997; Siu 1994; Hollnagel 1998). More recently, methods tional life. From the risk analysis point of view, this is a
have been proposed that tackle these issues in a more well-established approach that is operative in domains such
dynamic and time dependent perspective, implementing as nuclear power plant and energy production in general
techniques such as Event Time Line building, Event (Ranlöf et al. 2012).
Sequence Diagrams and Dynamic Event Tree Analysis
(e.g., Mosleh et al. 2004; Cacciabue 2004; Roelen and 2.4 Agility and user friendliness
Wever 2005).
In addition to respecting authority requirements, basic rules
2.3 Living characteristics of SMS of RIDM processes and being a ‘‘living’’ appraisal of safety
state of an organisation, a ‘‘tool’’ that supports safety
In general, the operational aspects tackled by a SMS assessment must show two fundamental aspects: agility and
comprise the performance of prospective and retrospective user friendliness.
studies, the routine implementation of safety audit and the Agility is necessary as the instrument must be applied to
definition of how to manage emergencies and security many different studies of prospective and retrospective
issues. nature, with many different specific aspects, due to the

Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267 253

need to respond to the requirements of the authorities, as 3 Methodologies utilised in the proposed approach
well as to the actual processes implemented or planned by
the organisation. Moreover, a variety of questions face the 3.1 Reference methodologies
analysts for the definition of the overall safety state and,
consequently, the instrument must be able to tackle dif- Several tools or methods exist for prospective risk evalu-
ferent issues and different perspectives with simple alter- ation. These are combined and correlated by means of
native approaches. appropriate methodologies to assess quantitatively the
The ability to rapidly adapt to different types of analyses probability of occurrence and the severity of the conse-
and perspectives, i.e., the agility of the tool, can be ade- quences for the evaluation of the acceptability of the
quately exploited only if the user can simply access the associated risk within the RM.
means and ways for performing the intended assessments. In the domain of aviation, two well-known and estab-
In other words, the interface with the user should be as easy lished methodologies are usually proposed for the imple-
and friendly as possible, so as not to create an obstacle to mentation of SMS: Bow-Tie and ARMS. Bow-Tie has
the selection and implementation of the best means of become, since several decades, a very popular, structured
compliance for assessing risk levels. and consolidated approach for assessing risk (Fig. 1, left).
The success of the Bow-Tie diagram is that it is easy to
2.5 General considerations understand, even for non-specialists, and enables a rapid
qualitative risk assessment. The idea is simple: to combine
The analyses of safety levels and responses of installations causes and consequences associated to an initiating event
and aeronautical structures require the ability for an orga- or dangerous situation. The origin of the Methodology
nisation to prevent, recover and contain the consequences Bow-Tie is not entirely known, but it can be assumed that it
arising from potential dangers caused by different sources, is an evolution of the Cause-Consequences diagrams
such as random events, technical failures or human errors. (Nielsen 1971). The process of application of the meth-
The outcome of these analyses enable the definition of the odology involves the systematic identification of major
states of safety of an organisation. Such ‘‘states’’, measured threats, the assessment of associated hazards and the defi-
in terms of likelihood and severity of occurrences, must be nition of specific control measures and recovery means that
within values identified and accepted by the authority, need to be implemented and maintained to reduce and
which are framed in a RM. control risks. The process is iterative and Bow-Tie is often
Analytically, the probabilistic risk analysis represents a developed by a team of experts and safety analysts.
perspective estimate of possible evolutionary processes, or Aviation Risk Management Solutions (ARMS) is a
‘‘occurrences’’, that develop following an initiating event much more recent methodology and results from the work
or an unsafe operational state or danger. This involves the of a working group of experts in aeronautical, industrial
intervention of safety systems and/or protective barriers, and academic domain, established with the primary goal to
established by the organisation with the aim to recover develop an approach applicable to all aviation organiza-
normality or to limit the consequences. Other important tions (ARMS 2011). The methodology tackles both types
barriers aim at minimising the probability of occurrence of of retrospective and prospective operational risk assess-
the initiating events. ment. The ‘‘Event Risk Classification’’ (ERC) method
In order to assess the risk associated with a certain ini- implies the analysis of the events that actually happened
tiating event, it is therefore necessary to adopt a procedure within an organisation. Whereas, the ‘‘Safety Issue Risk
for the evaluation of: (a) the consequences, through the Assessment’’ (SIRA) generates, in a perspective mode, a
analysis of the barriers that come into play during the log for the continuous assessment of risks and control
evolution of potential occurrences associated with specific actions, through safety barriers, providing a means for
initiating events; and (b) the probabilities of the occur- safety supervision (Fig. 1, right).
rences, associated with the success or failure of each of the
barriers. This process involves the combination of a qual- 3.1.1 Advantages and limitations of Bow-Tie and ARMS
itative analysis of possible evolutions from an initiating
event or danger, and a quantitative assessment of the The methodology ARMS and Bow-Tie are very similar,
likelihood of occurrence and severity of the consequences, with some minor but significant differences. Firstly, the
in terms of damage to people, environment and systems or methodology ARMS, in contrast to the Bow-Tie, implies
facilities. The results of these studies are organised in the specific choice of Expert Judgement (EJ) as means for
accordance to the principles of RIDM and in consideration the assessment of the probabilities associated with barriers.
for the problems of real data and uncertainties previously In addition, to make ARMS easier and quick, this judgment
discussed. is limited to the group of safety analysts applying the

254 Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267

Fig. 1 The Bow-Tie and ARMS methodologies

method. Similarly, EJ is used for the estimation of the judgements of the Safety Manager or safety team are
severity. deemed insufficient.
The advantages and simplifications introduced by the The first issue to tackle in order to consolidate the risk
ARMS methodology lead to the possibility for the user to assessment approach is to implement a formalised method
rapidly determine the value of risks associated to hazards for EJ. The extensive use of people with recognised
that need to be assessed. These aspects coincide also with experience and proven knowledge of phenomena and
the most important drawbacks of the methodology. In processes is the best way to proceed. These experts are
particular, two critical issues have to be handled extremely called to express their assessment in relation to precise
carefully, namely: questions, either in terms of possible threats and hazards
associated to certain operations, or in terms probability of
1. Firstly, the extensive use of the judgement of the safety
occurrence of some event or seriousness of the conse-
analyst, and possibly safety team, is exposed to the
quences. The transformation of such judgements in quan-
threat of transforming the implementation of ARMS in
titatively meaningful values for the purposes of risk
a simple exercise of combination of probabilities and
assessment requires the application of sophisticated statis-
severities aimed at satisfying the need of the organi-
tical analysis tools which enable to account also for the
sation to ‘‘fit’’ within the acceptable areas of the
uncertainties of different nature.
adopted RM.
Another way to tackle the above mentioned critical
2. Secondly, the lack of explicit consideration for the
issues is to implement ‘‘classical’’ methods for assessing
treatment of uncertainties and for the sensitivity
probabilities and severity of certain sequences deemed
analysis may result in the evaluation of risks that are
particularly relevant. These methods will not be discussed
logical but not substantially credible. In other words,
here as they widely described in many reference books and
avoiding the treatment of epistemological aspects of
publications on risk analysis. The use of consolidated
the data utilised invalidates the predictive nature of the
methods is particularly relevant when aspects associated to
risk estimates and may represent a bias, rather than a
human reliability and human–machine interactions are
support, to the decision making process.
concerned. Many different approaches are available in the
These two critical issues make the straightforward literature for the assessment of the likelihood of success or
implementation of ARMS particular problematic and failure of a procedure. In particular, in the proposed
require a well thought implementation. This is particularly methodology two well-known and broadly applied methods
true in relation to the application of ARMS predictive are utilised, namely: Tecnica Empirica Stima Errori Ope-
method SIRA than can lead to too simplistic and unreliable ratori (TESEO) for the assessment of the likely failure of a
results. Alternatively, a more formalised process can be procedure through the judgement of experts and a pre-
developed that guides the safety manager and team in the established formulation policy of success or failure (Bello
evaluation of hazards and risks in such a way to avoid the and Colombari 1980); and Technique for Human Error
traps discussed above. Rate Prediction (THERP) for structured assessment of
specific procedures (Swain and Guttmann 1983).
3.1.2 Goals of the proposed methodology The issue associated to the management of uncertainties
can only be resolved by recognising its relevance and
The methodology proposed in this paper is essentially implementing a set of procedures and processes for
based on the Bow-Tie/ARMS approach, but it offers the ensuring that the uncertainties are adequately assessed and
user to implement more accurate methods for evaluating then they are ‘‘propagated’’ affecting the final results. In
the probabilities of certain events, when the simple other words, the epistemic uncertainties associated to the

Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267 255

various aspect of data handling are accounted for and In order to organise the severity, selected for each case
propagated thorough the risk assessment process so as to study, a number of discrete levels of severity need to be
offer the decision maker a more valid vision of safety. assigned. The proposed methodology considers 6 levels of
The process of implementing the proposed methodology severity, corresponding to: None, Minor, Low, Medium,
will be described in detail in the next section. In the fol- High, and Extreme.
lowing section, some of the methods implemented for Table 1 shows the complete matrix of combination of
improving the evaluation of probabilities of events and the levels versus nature of severity to be considered for risk
overall RM applied in an SMS of an organisation are dis- analysis.
cussed. Particular reference is made to the RM utilised in
the case study discussed in the last section of this paper. Reference Risk Matrix Combining the severity
and probability/frequency scales, the resulting Risk Matrix
3.1.3 Assessing and categorising probabilities of events applied for safety studies is based on a 7 9 6 areas of
and severity of occurrences different acceptance (Fig. 2).
This RM is extremely important both from the qualita- Evaluation of probabilities and severity of occur- tive and quantitative perspective. The relevant qualitative
rences In order to organise the probabilities in discrete aspects are that the subdivision of the risk levels in a 7 9 6
levels, it must be considered that the norms and standards, matrix offers the user a more complete variety of levels of
discussed earlier, do not define a precise scale of proba- risk that can consequently be assessed in a more accurate
bilities to be implemented in a RM. The proposed meth- way. Than the classical 5 9 5 matrix.
odology has selected a scale based on seven levels of Moreover, the possibility to consider 11 different types
probability values. This discretisation is rather detailed and of severity measures enables the user to carry out an
makes reference to a set of frequencies derived from extremely more articulated evaluation of safety states than
practical observations and reports of events for large the classical measure of damage to define severity. In
operators in the civil aviation domain: frequent/very high particular, the use of these different estimates of severity
probability (P5), likely/high probability (P4), possible/ covers the entire organisation structure from the highest
medium probability (P3), possible under certain circum- level of management to the front line actors and the
stances/low probability (P2), unlikely/very low probability material and immaterial measures of safety. This may lead
(P1), remote/rare probability (P0); and extremely remote/ to very accurate analysis and in depth assessment of the
extremely rare probability (Pe). The highest level of levels of safety at just culture and practical levels.
probability (P5) corresponds to events that occur several Focusing on the actual RM (Fig. 2), it is possible to
times during daily operations, with an average probability note:
of occurrence of 7.3 9 10-3 and a frequency of about
• areas with values ‘‘A’’ correspond to unacceptable risk
1/140 flights, whereas the level of lowest probability (Pe)
and require immediate mitigation actions otherwise
corresponds to events never occurred in past history of
operations have to be stopped;
aviation, which is associated to a probability of occurrence
• areas with values ‘‘B’’ are of high risk and require short
of 2.0 9 10-8 and a frequency of about 1/(50 9 106)
term improvement;
flights (Air Dolomiti 2011).
• areas with values ‘‘C’’ are considered of acceptable risk
In order to identify the severity of an occurrence, the
which must, anyway, be accompanied by long term
usual approach based on EJ is utilised. In particular, the
proposed methodology offers a variety of natures of dam-
• areas with values ‘‘D’’ are of low risk and require
age to be accounted for defining how severe a certain
simple monitoring by the safety team; and finally
occurrence may be. The reason for offering this variety of
• areas with values ‘‘E’’ are of negligible severity and
severities is to enable the safety assessment to be really
acceptable in terms risk.
proactive and to consider the seriousness of certain situa-
tions, attitudes, decisions or facts even before a tangible Finally, it is important to note that the RM shown in
and measurable damage occurs. Fig. 2 represents a reference matrix based on real data of
The methodology enables to consider 11 different types flight frequency for the organisation under study. There-
of severity from the standard one, i.e., ‘‘injury’’ to persons, fore, the results obtained in risk studies, such as the one
to ‘‘equipment damage’’, to other potentially serious con- shown in the final section of this paper have an intrinsic
sequences of less tangible nature, but, possibly, of even validity and meaning. Obviously, this matrix when applied
greater impact, such as for example ‘‘process breach’’, or to other organisations with different characteristics, such as
‘‘safety awareness ignorance’’ by managers (Air Dolomiti flight type, number and frequency, need to be adapted
2011). accordingly.


Table 1 Nature and levels severity utilised by the methodology

Severity S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0
nature Extreme High Medium Low Minor None

ICAO Accident Serious incident Occurrence with minor injuries Occurrence with discomfort None None
incident and minor damage to aircraft
Injury Multiple fatalities and/or Fatalities and/or permanent Serious but non-permanent injuries Injuries requiring medical No or minor injuries (first aid None
permanent disabilities with disability with serious illness or (e.g., loss time injury) first aid treatment only treatment)
serious illness or impairments impairments
Property or [20 Mio EUR 400.000 EUR to 20 Mio. EUR 10.000 EUR to 400.000 EUR 300 EUR to 10.000 EUR \300 EUR None
Reputation Fundamental change in the Extended national/international Short-term nation-wide negative Negative local media None None
and public public perception of quality negative media coverage media coverage coverage
confidence airline
Customer Extensive shut down of More than 40 flights cancelled, Between 1 and 40 flights Between 2 and 5 flights One flight rescheduled or None
impact services for an extended rescheduled or delayed. cancelled, rescheduled or rescheduled or delayed. delayed. Small number of
period. All customers Thousands of customers delayed. Hundreds of customers Many customers affected discomforts
affected affected affected
Operational Fleet grounding for extended Brief fleet grounding up to 2 days Aircraft grounding more than Aircraft grounding 4–48 h Aircraft delay \4 h None
impact period 2 days
Equipment Loss of critical equipment, Major damage, results in major Minor damage, leads to Minor damage, potential No adverse consequences None
shutdown of organization slowdown and/or downtime organizational slowdown and/or slowdown and/or
minor downtime downtime
Compliance Significant disruption to Substantial fine and disruption to Substantial fine but no disruption No fine and no disruption to Minor breaches by individual None
scheduled services over an scheduled services to scheduled services scheduled services staff members
extended period of time
Process Several steps of flight critical No steps of documented process Majority of steps of documented Contiguous steps of Some single steps of None
breach process not followed or flight followed or process non- process not followed or process documented process not documented process not
critical process non-existent existent unknown followed or process partly followed
Know-how Dramatic loss resulting in fully Heavy loss resulting in Worrying loss resulting in Loss resulting in noticeable Slight loss that can be easily None
loss new build-up requiring more substantial build-up and/or substantial build-up and/or build-up and/or renewal absorbed within the existing
than 2 years renewal requiring 1–2 years renewal requiring up to 1 year requiring 3–6 months organization
Safety Intolerable total absence of Unusually high level of safety Unacceptable attitude toward Generally acceptable Sound attitude towards safety None
awareness safety awareness demanding awareness ignorance needing safety awareness needing attitude toward safety awareness with occasional
ignorance immediate dismissal immediate correction or immediate correction or awareness with occasional and isolated misjudgement
dismissal dismissal warning blackouts
Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267
Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267 257

Fig. 2 Generic risk matrix

Fig. 3 Risk assessment

methodology for company
operational processes—flow

258 Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267

4 Risk assessment for managing company operational 2. Some of the sequences and associated risks are
processes associated to a risk zone that resides between the
totally unacceptable and acceptable level (Accept-
4.1 Flow chart of RAMCOP able \ Riskocc \ Unacceptable). This intermediate
area requires the decision of whether or not the
The methodology that respects the key features discussed assessed risks of occurrence can be accepted, as is, or
in the previous sections is named: RAMCOP. It consists of if a re-evaluation of the design is necessary, as it is
a practical approach that offers a simple operational pro- done in Step 3, for a further reduction of risks. Or
cedure for implementing the prerequisites of SMSs set by 3. Some of the sequences and associated risks reside in a
the Authorities (Fig. 3). risk zone that is unacceptable (Riskocc C Unaccept-
The methodology, initially described elsewhere (De able) and consequently it is necessary to re-evaluate
Grandis et al. 2012), contains three essential Steps, namely: design and safety measures in order to further reduce
Develop the case; Conduct Risk Assessment; Revise risks and reach the ‘‘green’’ or ‘‘yellow’’ areas.
design. For each Step, a detailed process of analysis and
In Step 3 (‘‘Re-evaluation of design’’) the actual design
evaluation is performed, following a very classical process
of safety measures must be revised by including further
for risk assessment. In essence, Step 1, ‘‘Problem statement
causal and consequential barriers, and the overall safety
and data sources’’ implies:
assessment process must be repeated, from Step 2, so as to
1.1 ascertain that the introduction of new safety barriers has
The definition of the risk problem under study. For each not induced other ‘‘new’’ hazards and risks that need ade-
system, process and procedure involved, the causal and quate assessment.
consequential barriers, human factors and non-technical The iterative process is completed when all assessed
issues are identified. hazards and risks are considered acceptable and the overall
1.2 set of recommendations is developed, on exit of Step 2.
The selection of available methods and models and the
definition of the reference RM. 4.2 Practical implementation: the Overall Risk
1.3 Assessment Table
The identification of threats and hazards to be studied.
1.4 The methodology RAMCOP described in Fig. 3 is quite a
The mining of data sources from reports about real standard process that implements the principles of risk
events and other means of information. analysis and risk management. In the framework of a SMS
for an organisation operating in the aviation domain, it is
Step 2 entails the assessment of the risks associated to
necessary to explore an enormous variety of situations and
the hazards, selected in Step 1, from a qualitative and
conditions for ensuring that all processes involved in
quantitative perspective. Step 2A (‘‘Qualitative Event
everyday operations are adequately accounted for. For this
Assessment’’) performs a qualitative analysis, usually by
reason, ARMS (2011) is proposed as the methodology to
means of the Event Tree method, and carries out a first
apply, for an initial assessment of risks. This implies that
screening based on the analyst’s judgement. Step 2B
the judgement of the safety manager and safety team of the
implements the ‘‘Quantification’’ process by the evaluation
organisation are taken as principal source of information.
of probabilities of each occurrence, by the estimation of the
In a second instance, the consideration for more sophisti-
severity of consequences, and by the assessment of the
cated and alternative methods may be utilised in the case of
risks and plans for further safety measures, in the case of
situations and events of particular importance.
need. This process, performed for all selected hazards,
In practice, the safety evaluation is performed in three
generates the overall picture of safety related issues and
phases of implementation (Fig. 4). During these phases,
risks. A process of preliminary evaluation of uncertainties
the safety analyst and safety team gradually fill an Overall
is also carried out and an overall uncertainty is evaluated in
Risk Assessment Table that contains the key elements of the
association to the risk of each sequence.
SMS analysis and represents the practical implementation
As a result of Step 2, either:
of the RAMCOP methodology (Table 3).
1. All assessed risks are acceptable (Riskocc B Accept- The Overall Risk Assessment Table (ORAT) may be
able) and consequently the risk analysis is completed compared with the outcome of ARMS/BOW-TIE (Fig. 1).
and recommendations are developed before ending the The first two main columns (Treats and Hazards/UOS)
process. Or coupled with a qualitative evaluation of the variety of

Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267 259

Fig. 4 Phases of development

of the RAMCOP

possible incidental sequences and associated consequences severity and/or probability, and hence new values of risks.
are equivalent to the left-end side of a Bow-Tie analysis. When this process is successfully completed and all risks
The remaining columns are equivalent to the right-end side are deemed, at least, acceptable, the actions to carry out for
of the Bow-Tie. The first two columns can actually be implementing the new safety measures and the subsequent
expanded in a more articulated structure, in the cases of a process of monitoring and reviewing requirements are
complex activity to be studied. This process is represen- made operative.
tative of Phase 1 of implementation of the methodology. The ORAT table represents the practical implementation
The next three main columns of the ORAT table (Inci- of the RAMCOP methodology. A table of this nature must
dent sequence description, Existing control and Outcome be generated for each UOS to be studied. Moreover,
Pre-Mitigation) refer to Phase 2 of the implementation of depending on the specific activity or process, it may be
the methodology. For each specific hazard under study convenient to split the table in several different sub-tables,
(UOS), all possible incidental evolutions are described and associated, for example, to each specific consequence
the associated consequences are identified with their resulting from the same hazard, or to the combination of
probabilities of occurrence and overall distribution of different threats leading to the same UOS, or else, to the
uncertainty. The existing control measures (barriers) that implementation of different mitigation measures.
contribute to reduce either severity of consequences or This simplification and optimisation of the process rep-
probability of occurrence are identified. The overall risk resents a further step of implementation of the methodology
can therefore be assessed, in accordance to the reference that cannot be formalised in a procedure, as it requires
RM, in terms of severity and probability of each sequence. experience and engineering understanding of the way in
This step completes Phase 2 of implementation. which a risk assessment evaluation may be carried out.
The need of further mitigation is dealt with in Phase 3
and it is shown in the last four main columns of the ORAT
table (Additional mitigation required, Outcome Post-Miti- 5 A case study: Electronic Flight Bags for flight
gation, Actions and Owners, and Monitoring and Review management
requirements). This phase starts by identifying additional
barriers that may be put into operation. The overall risk The RAMCOP methodology has been applied in the case
assessment process is repeated, leading to new values of study presented hereafter with the aim of showing how the

260 Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267

methodology can be implemented in detail. It is possible to a complete assessment of the new risk scenarios to be
see the degree of knowledge required in order to identify evaluated.
the appropriate methods and techniques to be used on a The problem was initially tackled by expert judgment,
case by case level. supported by the familiarity with company rules and
The case study refers to the introduction of new ways accepted behaviours (culture), and by the availability of
and processes for flight management in a medium-size data and past experience of other organizations willing to
airline: the use of Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) technology. share their historic data and past experience on EFB.
It is a typical case of prospective study (change manage- Moreover, the implementation of the EFB within the
ment), i.e., a situation of a new configuration that occurs operational processes of an airline follows a precise pro-
within an organisation, and requires a thorough safety cess of progressive inclusion. An initial step of imple-
assessment before implementation. mentation is performed with the usage of electronic maps
The three phases of the methodology are applied in inserted in hardware systems, e.g., I-pads, tablets, portable
sequence and, in this case, the knowledge and experience PC, etc. to be carried on board by the pilots. This implies
of the safety team have been fully exploited, as many of the that the EFB system cannot be utilised during the flight
data necessary for the study have been derived from critical phases of take-off and landing, but can be exten-
piloting practice. sively connected to the control system while the aircraft is
In the development of the case study, the evaluation of on ground and during the pre-flight phase. This step of
epistemic uncertainties and the propagation through the utilisation was considered a ‘‘static usage’’ of the EFB.
event tree of the prospective study has not been discussed, In a second step of implementation, the EFB is fully
as the aim of the sample case is to show how the main step integrated within the control system of the aircraft, so as to
of the methodology are actually implemented in a realistic enable its usage during the whole operational period. In
application. this case therefore, in addition to the usage for the maps
and airport plans and procedures, the EFB can extensively
5.1 EFB-Phase 1: problem statement, data sources, be utilised to support the calculation of critical speeds. This
threats, and hazards step of utilisation was considered a ‘‘dynamic usage’’ of the
5.1.1 Problem statement These two steps of implementation have required the use
of specific methods in support of risk evaluation. The
The implementation of the EFB technology is an opera- RAMCOP methodology has been extensively applied.
tional change for an airline that aims at improving flight
efficiency and effectiveness by replacing the paper copies 5.1.2 Threats, hazards and potential outcome
of information and support material, typically carried on
board by the pilots in their ‘‘bags’’, with electronic files In order to carry out the preliminary analysis of the ‘‘static
contained in laptops or integrated within the flight control and dynamic usage’’ of the EFB, a set of workshops and
panel as part of the flight management system. The brain storming meetings have been performed, accounting
implementation and use of the EFB is an obvious important also for the configuration of the hardware carried on board
change in the organization, as it is expected that there will and the EFB usage for the pre-flight phase. This process
be an overall return in the management of the operations, defined the set of threats and hazards or undesirable
reducing the time spent in preparation of the different operational states that may derive from the usage of the
routes and loads, as well as in optimizing flight times, and EFB system. The threats and hazards were further framed
eventually reducing the overall cost. This would also within the usual activities and processes implemented in
impact on the overall efficiency of the operations, reducing the company as Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), i.e.,
the amount of time loss in correlating the work of ground a table of threats and hazards was developed considering
and flying staff and decreasing possible human errors in the pre-flight steps and activities carried out by the pilots
assessing critical flight data (Cassani et al. 2012). on board. These can be formalized in three phases: the
In particular, it is expected that the use of EFB will cockpit preparation; the final cockpit crew preparation and
remove ‘‘human errors’’ in relation to the evaluation of the dynamic cockpit crew management. The ‘‘cockpit
routes and in preparing landing and take-off procedures, as preparation’’ can be further subdivided in Cockpit Power
well as in setting a variety of crucial data, such as decision up, Walk Around (external inspection), Cockpit Prepara-
on key speeds of go-non-go or rotation (take-off speed). tion by pilot in command (CM 1—captain), Cockpit
However, it is important to consider that the introduction of Preparation by pilot (CM 2—first officer). The ‘‘final
the EFBs may induce other types and modes of human cockpit crew preparation’’ is essentially associated to the
error which must be defined and studied in order to perform operations carried out in the cockpit prior to leaving the

Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267 261

parking area. The ‘‘dynamic cockpit crew management’’ cockpit preparation and 2 UOSs occurring during the
refers essentially to the take-off phase and focuses on the dynamic cockpit management and take-off operations.
setting of the aircraft critical speeds.
A number of threats affecting flight operation, such as 5.2 EFB-Phase 2: quantification of severity, probability
pilot workload, distraction and misunderstanding in some and initial assessment of risk
operation, as well as lack of familiarity with the EFB and
technology used on board, or even the improper setting and 5.2.1 Methods for risk assessment
updating of data and Information Technology support may
be the relevant causes/precursors of possible hazards. The quantification phase of the methodology begins by
In summary, Table 2 shows the threats, hazards and combining the different hazards identified in the qualitative
potential outcomes identified in Phase 1 of the study: 14 assessment process and associating these to the potential
UOSs associated to the ‘‘static usage’’ of the EFB of outcome resulting from the brain storming process, in

Table 2 Threats, hazards and potential incidental sequences of the EFB introduction
Activity and threats Hazard/UOS Potential incidental sequence

Cockpit preparation: cockpit power up; walk around; cockpit preparation CM 1; cockpit preparation CM 2
Excessive workload of CM2 due to number of task 1. Software initialisation not completed Flight diversion or cancellation
to carry out during cockpit preparation 2. Maps not available
Improper/inadequate loading of software 3. Improper selection of portrait Flight diversion or cancellation
2. Maps not available CFIT (Controlled Flight Into Terrain)
Loss of separation
Lack of adjournment of software 3. Improper selection of portrait Flight diversion or cancellation
2. Maps not available CFIT
Loss of separation
Lack of familiarity with PC handling, time pressure 4. Improper storage of PC Damage to cables/PC and fire/smoke
on CM2 in cabin
Damage to cables/PC and flight
Final cockpit crew preparation
Pilot workload 5. Pilots unable to locate maps CFIT
6. Loss of SA (Situational Awareness) Loss of separation
Out of charge batteries 7. No charts on show CFIT
6. Loss of SA Loss of separation
No updated paper maps or 8. Flying with wrong maps or without maps CFIT
Missing paper maps 6. Loss of SA Loss of separation
No airfield Sketch. Lack of familiarity with airfield, 9. No coordinates for cross-check with FMS (Flight Runway incursion
worsen by visibility problems. Management System). Impossible to see taxiway Ground collision with aircraft/
10. Getting lost on airfield infrastructures
Flight cancellation
No SID (Standard Instrumental Departure) 11. Missing performance CFIT
No/wrong SID, bad weather 13. No info/news on obstacles Loss of separation (ground/flight)
14. Flying wrong departure Mid Air Collision (MAC)
No approach for emergency chart 12. Missing information in the case of emergency CFIT
6. Loss of SA Loss of control in flight/loss of
Dynamic cockpit crew management
Pilot workload, distraction, misunderstanding etc. 15. Inadequate speed for take-off Tail strike
16. Inadequate speed for aborted take-off Loss of control
Runway overrun/runway excursion

262 Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267

terms of consequences and probability of occurrence. This

of compliance with

(‘‘how and what to

activity and means
Describe monitoring

assigned actions
leads to the definition of the hazards that need to be studied
Monitoring and

and auditing
in order to ‘‘position’’ each of them on the RM.

review req.
In order to assess the severity of the consequences, some
initial work of definition of the nature and reference units
of severity was carried out. In particular, the injuries to

for mitigating risk

Actions and owners

(‘‘who should do
passengers and crew members and the damage to property
that are planned

and identify the

actors involved
Describe actions
or aircraft resulting from potential incidents were utilized,
in accordance to the first two types of severity measures

defined in Table 1.
The quantification, in terms of probabilities, required
the usage of a variety of methods. Although direct EJ




Outcome (post-mitigation)


application of the safety analysts carrying out the study is

usually applied, as discussed in the previous section, in this





case, given the complexity of operations and the relevance
human factors, it was decided to combine EJ with more

consolidated methods. For the ‘‘static usage’’ of the EFB,






the TESEO approach was chosen for calculating the

probability of unsuccessful performance of procedures




Type of

carried out by pilots. Moreover, in some cases TESEO was

Add. mitigation

combined with the information derived from the existing




database of reports on incidents and near-misses existing in


Type of
Phase 3


the company.




For assessing probabilities of human error and sequen-





ces associated to the ‘‘dynamic usage’’ of the EFB and the


two UOSs identified in Phase 1, an extension the THERP

Outcome (pre-mitigation)

method was considered (Cacciabue and Cassani 2012). In

pcons.1 = f(a,

pcons.2 = f(a,

pcons.3 = f(a,

pcons.i= f(a,



practice, the procedure of critical speed evaluation for



take-off has been analysed evaluating different possibilities

of pilot errors, rather than utilising the simple binary

alternative of success or failure, typical of the standard






THERP approach.

5.2.2 Selection of sequences and quantification of risk




Existing control


For the calculation of the risks associated to the 16 UOSs,






Table 2 has been firstly rearranged in such a way that, for

each UOS, all associated sequences are identified and
Phase 2









evaluated in terms of risk level, i.e., severity and proba-



bility of occurrence. This is in line with the methodology

Incident sequence

approach shown in Table 3. The resulting table that groups


all UOSs and associated sequences is rather complex and





cannot be shown here for sake of space. As for example,


the sequences associated to the UOS n. 2 (‘‘Maps not

Table 3 Table of risk assessment

available’’) are: Flight diversion or cancellation, CFIT

of pUOS as a

pUOS = f(pi)
Description of

function of
Hazard UOS


UOS and

(Controlled Flight Into Terrain), and Loss of separation.


Similarly, the sequences associated to the UOS n. 6 (‘‘Loss


of SA-Situational Awareness)’’ are: CFIT, Loss of sepa-

ration, and Diversion or Alternated or Delay.





The risk levels of all occurrences have been calculated


utilising the methods described in the previous section and




Phase 1


considering the mitigation measures existing within the


organisation. An overall table of risks has been developed.

Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267 263

This process implies a very detailed and accurate analysis erations in relation to the introduction of the new EFB
of each sequence and goes beyond the scope of this paper system on board of the aircrafts of the Company.
(Mariani 2012; De Col 2012). The results obtained have Firstly, it is noticeable (Fig. 5) that no hazards have
been streamlined by selecting, for each UOS, the sequence resulted in the neither ‘‘red’’ nor ‘‘orange’’ areas that
showing the highest risk, i.e., the highest value of com- requires immediate action and possibly the stoppage of
bined probability and severity according to the adopted operations. Moreover, 50 % of the hazards identified and
reference RM. The results, summarising the outcome of studied have resulted in the acceptable area of the matrix
Phases 1 and 2, prior to the implementation of the further and they do not require, at present, further mitigation
mitigation measures, are presented in the first two main set actions. The remaining 50 % of the hazards, i.e., eight
of columns of Table 4. hazards, require careful consideration and possibly long
term improvement.
5.3 EFB-Phase 3: additional mitigation and final safety In particular, the risk levels associated to UOSs 15 and
assessment and actions 16 (inadequate speed for take-off and inadequate speed for
aborted take-off) are the worse cases. This was expected as
5.3.1 The risks assessed they are associated to the dynamic phase and may need the
implementation of further protective barriers.
The results of Phase 2 of analysis have shown that only one Similarly, sequences associated to UOSs 6 and 12 are in
UOS, i.e., UOS n. 10, ‘‘Getting lost on airfield’’, can be the ‘‘yellow’’ area and those risks need to be evaluated. As
accepted with no further mitigation, as it is located in the in the previous case, the loss of SA (UOS 6) and the
area ‘‘Low—Monitor’’ of the reference RM (Table 4). absence of information in the case of an emergency (UOS
The additional mitigation measures required for further 12) are crucial hazards that affect dynamic conditions, i.e.,
reducing risk have been identified in the availability of flight management. Possibly, a common improvement or
Paper maps on board, as a back-up to the EFB system, and safety measure can be implemented that is able to tackle all
a more intensive and focused Pilot Training. It has been the hazards generated in dynamic conditions.
assumed that for each of these two further barriers a UOSs 7, 9, 13 and 14 are also in the ‘‘yellow’’ area of
reduction of a factor 10 of the probability of occurrence the RM. However, they relate to extreme consequences and
could be adopted. No consequential barriers reducing the consequently it is possible to improve the risk only by
severity of the consequences have been adopted. mitigating the severity of consequences, as the probability
The choice of the additional ‘‘barrier’’ requires a more of occurrence is already at the lowest possible level (below
careful discussion in order to explain that the introduction minimum).
of this barrier, reinstalls the risks associated to human This is a typical situation in which particular attention
errors in the management of paper form documentation. needs to be dedicated to the decision making process of the
However, the availability paper copies of maps is seen as a management, as two critical decision processes may be
second level barrier or backup measure to offer redun- generated. On the one side the extreme consequences
dancy, to be utilised only when the EFB technology fails. envisaged in the case of encounter of the specific hazards
As a result of this post mitigation the overall risk require a very careful consideration about the opportunity
associated to the 16 UOS has been further reduced. The to increase further the barriers and mitigation measures, as
risk levels, after the post mitigation, are shown in the last they would surely contribute to reduce even further the
set of columns of Table 4. For readability purposes the last already very low probability of occurrence. However, this
two columns of the standard table associated to Phase 3 of would not actually ‘‘improve’’ the risk index, as the lowest
the RAMCOP methodology (‘‘Actions and owners’’ and position in the RM is already reached in terms of proba-
‘‘Monitoring and review requirements’’) have not been bility. Therefore the new barriers could be deemed not
shown. A graphical representation of the overall risk values necessary.
for all 16 UOSs, after the implementation of all mitigation On the other side, there could be an even more para-
measures, is shown in Fig. 5. doxical situation in which the fact that the catastrophic
conditions are associated to very low probabilities could
5.3.2 Discussion and acceptability of risks favour a reduction of barriers or safety measures, as the
effect in terms of probability would not be noticed for the
The results of the prospective analysis with the RAMCOP same reason as above. But this time the criticality of the
methodology and the specific methods utilised for the decision making would be even more inadequate than
various sequences studied has led to a number of consid- before.

Table 4 Overall risk table for the EFB case study

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Hazard/UOS no. Incident sequence description Existing control Outcome (pre-mitigation) Add. mitig. Outcome (post-mitigation)
Consequences Barriers Severity Probab. Risk Type of Severity Probab. Risk

1 Software initialisation not Flight div. or canc. M-Q; TCAS; EGPWS Low Likely Acc. with Paper maps Low Possible Low
completed mitig. Monitor
2 Maps not available Loss of separation M-Q; TCAS; EGPWS High Remote Acc. with Paper maps High Ext. Low
mitig. remote Monitor
3 Improper selection of portrait Flight cancellation or delay Training; SOP/EOP; Low Likely Acc. with Paper maps Low Possible Low
TCAS; EGPWS mitig. Monitor
4 Improper storage of PC Damage to cables/PC and flight M-Q; SOP High Unlikely Acc. with Paper maps; High Ext. Low
delay/cancel mitig. training remote Monitor
5 Pilots unable to locate maps Loss of separation Training; SOP/EOP; High Unlikely Acc. with Paper maps; High Ext. Low
TCAS; EGPWS mitig. training remote Monitor
6 Loss of SA Loss of separation Training; SOP/EOP; High Low High Paper maps; High Remote Acc. with
TCAS; EGPWS training mitig.
Long term
7 No charts on show CFIT M-Q; TCAS; EGPWS Extreme Ext. Acc. with Paper maps; Extreme Ext. Acc. with
remote mitig. remote mitig.
Long term
8 Flying with wrong maps or Loss of separation Training; SOP/EOP; High Unlikely Acc. with Paper maps; High Ext. Low
without maps TCAS; EGPWS mitig. training remote Monitor
9 No coordinates for X-check Ground collision with aircraft, ATC; SOP/EOP; training Extreme Ext. Acc. with Training Extreme Ext. Acc. with
with FMS vehicles or infrast remote mitig. remote mitig.
Long term
10 Getting lost on airfield Runway incursion ATC; EOP; training Medium Unlikely Low – Medium Unlikely Low
Monitor Monitor
11 Missing performance Mid Air Collision (MAC) EOP; training; EGPWS High Remote Acc. with Training High Ext. Low
mitig. remote Monitor
12 Missing info. in the case of Loss of control in flight ATC; EOP; training; High Unlikely Acc. with Paper maps; High Remote Acc. with
emergency EGPWS mitig. Training mitig.
Long term
13 No info/news on obstacles CFIT ATC; EOP; EGPWS Extreme Ext. Acc. with Training Extreme Ext. Acc. with
remote mitig. remote mitig.
Long term
14 Flying wrong departure CFIT ATC; EOP; TCAS; Extreme Ext. Acc. with Paper maps; Extreme Ext. Acc. with
EGPWS remote mitig. training remote mitig.
Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267

Long term
Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267 265

6 Conclusions

Long term

Long term
Acc. with

Acc. with
This paper has discussed a methodology aimed at sup-


Outcome (post-mitigation)
porting safety analysts and safety managers in the practical
implementation of SMSs and, in particular, in the assess-

ment of risks in modern and complex aviation organiza-

tions. The methodology is embedded in an instrument that


enables the performance of a rapid and relatively easy

sequence of steps for the application of conventional

The methodology implements well-established meth-
ods, in addition to the sole use of the analysts’ EJ as it
Type of barriers

proposed in other methodologies. Moreover, it accounts for

epistemic uncertainties and contains a simplified sensitiv-
Add. mitig.

ity analysis. This ensures that the results and information


Phase 3

obtained are credible and present a measure of certainty

that enables the decision maker to reach knowledgeable
and consolidated opinions about what should or should-not
be done in order to maintain a safe and efficient operational
Acc. with

Acc. with



A real application case study has been discussed: the

Outcome (pre-mitigation)

implementation on board of modern aircrafts of a new

electronic system supporting flight management, the so

called EFBs. This is a typical chase of a change manage-

ment situation, i.e., a novel state/condition encountered by
an organization, requiring prospective type of risk and

safety assessment.

The proposed methodology has been developed as part

of a more general framework, developed in a EU supported
SOP; training

SOP; training

research action aimed at studying the management of


system changes in aviation (McDonald et al. 2012). The

Phase 2


methodology, called RAMCOP, enables the implementa-

tion of the overall risk assessment and supports the ade-
quacy of the SMS of an organisation in responding to the
requirements of the safety authorities.
The linear and simple procedure described in the paper
Runway excursion
Incident sequence

enhances the relevance of the safety manager’s knowl-


edge and experience, as well the importance of having a


Tail strike

sound repository of information about historical events

and occurrences in order to compile the picture of the
company culture and attitudes towards safety. The sub-
stantial use of expert judgment, applied in order to define
Inadequate speed for aborted take-

severity and frequency of occurrences, requires a very

careful and well thought and balanced exploitation of
Inadequate speed for take-off

expertise, field analysis, information and existing com-

pany data.
The principles that govern the approach described in
this paper have been implemented and utilized by AirDo-
Table 4 continued

Hazard/UOS no.

lomiti in the recently developed company SMS, which has

been reviewed and accepted by the Italian National Civil

Aviation Authority. The generality of the approach enables

Phase 1

to consider its possible implementation to other areas of



transport as well in other technological domains. In

266 Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:249–267

Fig. 5 Final assessment of risk

Severity Level
for all 16 UOS—EFB case
study Probability S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0
Level Extreme High Medium Low Minor None



Possible 1, 3

Low 15

Unlikely 16 10

Remote 6, 12

Pe 7, 9, 13, 2, 4, 5,
Extr. Remote 14 8, 11

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the straightforward application of the equivalent concepts
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