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Chapter 2

The introduction provides a full overview of the significance, context,
and objectives of the study, setting the stage for this report. It gives a
thorough understanding of the importance of preserving rural history
as well as the traditions, celebrations, and cultural activities that most
accurately represent rural Indian life.
2.1 Historical Factor
If one is to comprehend the significance of cultural events and festivals
in rural India, it is crucial to investigate the historical context that has
shaped these traditions through many generations. The intricate
tapestry of rural culture is woven into the region's historical,
sociological, and geographic fabric. Examining the historical
foundations of rural inhabitants and their cultural practises is crucial to
comprehending the ongoing resilience and vibrant history of rural
2.2 Cultural Factor
In rural India, festivals and cultural activities are quite significant.
Long-standing traditions can be expressed, disseminated, and
preserved via these platforms. These cultural events serve as a manner
of telling the values, beliefs, and traditions that set rural communities
apart. Through fostering a sense of identification, belonging, and pride,
they promote a strong sense of community and shared history.
2.3 Traditional Values
Through cultural practises and festivals, traditional knowledge, which
encompasses a range of skills, craftsmanship, agricultural practises,
healing arts, and ecological understanding, is preserved. These
activities serve as a platform for the transmission of ancestor
knowledge from one generation to the following. By actively
participating in and documenting these events, we may contribute to
the preservation and upkeep of indigenous knowledge and assure its
continuity for future generations.
2.4 multidisciplinary viewpoints
Studying rural cultural practises and festivals requires a
multidisciplinary approach that draws on anthropology, sociology,
folklore, history, and cultural studies. Through the use of a
multidisciplinary lens, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the various facets of rural heritage. Explored are the
intricate connections between cultural practises, social dynamics,
economic factors, environmental sustainability, and policy

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