DETAILED LESSON PLAN Systems of Measurements

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School: Antique National School Grade 8

DETAILED Teacher: Rideon Hope D. Ramiro Learning Dressmaking
Date and Feb 29-30,2024 Quarter: 3 RD
Time: 12:30-4:30

The learners demonstrate an understanding carrying out
A. Content Standard
measurements in dressmaking.
The learners will independently carry out and calculations based
B. Performance Standard
on the job required.

At the end of the lesson the grade 8 students are expected to;
a. Identify the types of measurement.
C. Learning Competencies
b. Perform the correct way of converting measurements
from English to metric and vice versa.

c. Value the importance of converting measurements


Subject matter Mathematics
Subject Integration:
Within Curriculum:
Across Curriculum:
Value Focus:

A. References
1. Teachers Guide Pages Most Essential Learning Competencies
Dressmaking NC II Quarter 1-4-Module 2 Carry Out
2.Learners Guide Pages
Measurement and Calculations Week 3-4, pp 11-14
3.Textbook Pages Learning Module Dressmaking/Tailoring 7/8, pp 35-37
B. Other Learning Resources
Laptop,LED TV,Video, PowerPoint Presentation,Model,Tape
C. Aids and Devices
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities


“Can we all stand up for a word of prayer. “Classmates, please let’s all stand up, let us pray”
Let’s bow down our heads for a word of
prayer”. (Bowing their heads and starting to pray)


Good morning, Class!

Checking of Attendance Good morning, Ma’am, Good morning classmates

“Let me check your attendance. Say

present as I call your name.”
“Yes, Ma’am!”

A. Review

“Before we proceed to our new lesson,

let’s have a short review of what we had (Raising a hand)

discussed last meeting. what is it all “It’s about the body measurements needed for men’s’ apparel”.

B. Motivation

"Why do you think it's important for

everyone to learn about different ways of
measuring things, like using both the
Metric System and the English System? Students give their ideas.
How might this knowledge help us in our
everyday activities?"

"Imagine you want to make a special

costume for a school play. How would
knowing both Metric and English Students share their answers.
measurements help you choose the right
fabric, cut the pieces accurately, and
make sure the costume fits the person
wearing it

C. Lesson Proper

1. Activity

Longest Line

Direction: students will be divided into 5

groups to play the “ Longest Line”. Each “The students will work on their activity”.
group will create a line with all the things
they have within 5minutes.

2. Analysis
● What can you say about the
● What are the tools you used in
measuring the line?

3. Abstraction
The teacher will present a PowerPoint
Presentation about how to Perform
Simple Calculations and the correct way
of converting measurements from English
to Metric and vice versar.
Lesson 2
Perform Simple Calculations
Simple calculation is a process in which
the four
fundamental operations maybe involved
to measure
accuracy of measurement and to have a
Four Fundamental Operations
1. Addition
2. Subtraction
3. Multiplication
4. Division
Two Systems of Measurement
Metric System -a decimal system of
units based on a unit of length known as
the meter
(Greek word metron means "measure").
Nowadays, the unit of measurement
commonly used
is centimeter. Designers utilize
centimeters in drafting
patterns. A centimeter has 10 equal parts,
and these
are as follows:
1. The first line is 1 millimeter
2. The second line is 2 millimeters
3. The third line is 3 millimeters
4. The fourth line is 4 millimeters
5. The fifth line is 5 millimeters or one-half
6. The sixth line is 6 millimeters
7. The seventh line is 7 millimeters
8. The eight line is 8 millimeters
9. The ninth line is 9 millimeters
10. The tenth line is 10 millimeters or one
English System - has inches for its basic

unit. However,
it is not frequently used in dressmaking. It
is still
employed by some designers. An inch
has eight equal
parts, and these are categorized as:
1.The first line is 1/8
2. The second line is 14
3. The third line is 3/8
4. The fourth line is 12
5. The fifth line is 5/8
6. The sixth line 3/4
7. The seventh line is 7/8
8. The eight line is 1 inch

Simple calculation is an easy

application used to determine the
measurement of body parts, length and
width of
materials and cost needed to create an
This is the process in which the four
fundamentals of operations (MDAS) is
Length and Width of Materials
In measuring the length and width of
needed such as fabrics, we also need the
use of the Metric Measurement System.
1.How many inches are there in 100
width of fabric?
2. How many centimeters are there in a
60 inches
length of fabric?
a. Given: 1 inch = 2.54 cm
Width of fabric = 100 cm
Equivalent of an inch to cm = 2.54
Calculation: 100 cm/2.54 cm= 39. 37
b. Given: 1 inch = 2.54 cm
Length of fabric = 60 inches
Equivalent of a cm to an inch = 2.54 cm
Calculation: 60 inches X 2.54 cm = 152.4
Cost Needed
You need to buy 60 inches length of
fabric to be used
in making a dress to your customer. You
have known
that the cost of the fabric that you are
going to use is
P2.00 per centimeter. How much will you
need to buy
Step I - Convert the 60 inches length of
fabric into
60 inches X 2.54 cm = 152.4 cm
Step II -- Multiply the cost per centimeter
to the length
of fabric converted.
152.4 cm X Php 2.00 = Php 304.08
Lesson 3 Estimate Appropriate Quantities
Estimate- to form an approximate opinion
of size,
amount, number, etc., calculate roughly.
Approximate- nearly, but not exactly.
Quantity- property of a thing which admits
of exact
measurement and numerical statement.
Estimate Appropriate Quantities
In planning a project, it is important to
estimate the
quantity of materials to be used and the
involved. Doing estimates will help you
make the
right decisions so that there won't be any
money and time wasted.
"Measure and Create Fashion

The learners will be divided into 5
groups. And will be given fashion
magazines to each group and cut out
at least two fashion images that catch
their interest. Then they will measure
and note specific aspects of their
chosen fashion images, such as
sleeve length, dress length, or waist
width. Students must convert these
measurements into both Metric and
English units. Then will present their
output in the class.
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2) Needs Improvement (1)
Accurately measured and
converted all fashion images, Mostly accurate measurements Frequent inaccuracies in
demonstrating a clear and conversions; minor errors Inconsistent measurements measurements and
Measurement understanding of both Metric present but do not significantly and conversions; some errors conversions, hindering
Accuracy (20 points) and English measurements. impact understanding. that impact understanding. understanding.

Demonstrated exceptional
creativity in arranging fashion Presented a satisfactory Limited creativity in
images on the collage, Showed creativity in arranging arrangement of fashion arranging fashion images,
Creativity in Collage showcasing an imaginative and fashion images, resulting in a images, lacking some making the collage less
(15 points) aesthetically pleasing design. visually appealing collage. creativity. engaging.

Effectively incorporated both

Metric and English units in labels, Mostly used Metric and English Displayed some confusion in
Use of Metric and demonstrating a clear units appropriately in labels; the use of Metric and English Frequently used incorrect
English Units (15 understanding of when to use occasional confusion between units in labels, impacting units in labels, leading to
points) each system. the two systems. clarity. confusion.

Actively participated in group Participated in group Somewhat engaged in group

discussions, shared insights, and discussions, shared ideas, and discussions; limited Minimally engaged in group
Collaboration and positively contributed to the contributed to the contribution to the discussions, hindering the
Participation (10 collaborative nature of the collaborative aspect of the collaborative nature of the collaborative aspect of the
points) activity. activity. activity. activity.

Presented a well-organized and Presented a generally Presented a somewhat

neatly arranged collage with organized collage with clear organized collage; labels may Presented a disorganized
Overall Presentation clear labels, showcasing attention labels, with some minor lack clarity or be collage with unclear or
(10 points) to detail. inconsistencies. inconsistently placed. inconsistent labels.

IV. Assessment/Evaluation
Direction: Choose your answer in the
choices provided. Write your answer
in a ¼ sheet of paper
Quiz: Inches and Centimeters Mastery

Question 1: Length Conversion Answer Key:

Convert the following measurements
from inches to centimeters or vice
1. 12 inches = 30.48 centimeters
a. 12 inches = _____ centimeters b. 30 centimeters = 11.81 inches

b. 30 centimeters = _____ inches

2. a. 25 centimeters = 9.84 inches
Question 2: Convert the following
measurements from Metric to English b. 3 feet = 0.91 meters
units or vice versa.

a. 25 centimeters = _____ inches 3. 20 centimeters = 7.87 inches

b. 3 feet = _____ meters 4. 8 inches = 20.32 centimeters

Question 3: Practical Application
You have a piece of paper that is 20 5.Total length in centimeters = 101.6 centimeters
centimeters long. Convert this length
to inches.

a. _____ inches

Question 4: Drawing Dimensions

You are drawing a line on a paper,
and you want it to be 8 inches long.
Convert this length to centimeters.

a. _____ centimeters

Question 5: Measurement Addition

You have a ribbon that is 40
centimeters long. You add another
ribbon that is 6 inches long. What is
the total length in centimeters?

a. _____ centimeters

What have you learned from our lesson


Why is it important that we learn the two

systems of measurements?

“Advance study on lesson 3 “Estimate “Yes, Ma’am!”
appropriate Quantities’.”



Prepared by: Checked by:

Rideon Hope D. Ramiro Ma’am Melisa B. Valenzuela

TLE Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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