Paradise Lost - Ix

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• Authour introduction:
• Introduction
• Marian meets Duncan
• Peter goes to the date with marian
• Ainsley convinces marian to arrange a party
• Conclusion

John Milton was a 17th century historian, born on December 9th, 1608 in London,
He is journalist and poet.
He was famous for his writing of Paradise Lost. Milton first planned to become a
priest , afterwards decided to become a full time writer and poet.

The Paradise lost – IX tells the climax of Adam and Eve's story.
The fall of man. The story begins with Satan,
Satan has been ban from the Garden of Eden so hiding outside . Satan back into the
Garden as a mist. Once he inside the Garden, he transforms into a snake.
He experiences a moment of hesitation over what he's plan to do to Adam and Eve,
but his bad mind tempted him to continue.
The Morning Dilemma:
Adam and Eve, facing a morning decision, debate whether to work together or
separately in the Garden. Adam hesitates as Eve suggests working apart, fearing a
higher risk of temptation without each other's presence. Eve counters, emphasizing
the necessity of testing virtue through independence. Despite their unawareness,
this marks the final innocent moment they share in the Garden.

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