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‫‪March Revision‬‬

‫د‬ ‫ا‬‫د‬‫ع‬ ‫مراجعة شهر مارس است‬

‫ح‬ ‫المت‬
‫ه‬‫ش‬ ‫‪Second Term‬‬
‫ لطالب الصف السادس باإلجابات النموذجية‬Step Ahead ‫هدية كتاب‬
Unit )9-10( ‫مراجعة شهر مارس استعدادا المتحان شهر مارس على‬

Revision on Unit 9
1 Choose the correct answer: Vocabulary

1. The (narrators - characters – setting - endings) are the people or

animals in a story.
2. The (character - setting - narrator - moral) is the time and place where
a story happens.
3. The (character - moral - narrator - setting) is the person who tells the
4. The (character - beginning - middle - ending) is the last part of a story.
5. The (moral - beginning - character - narrator) is the lesson you learn
from a story.
6. Goha’s stories are (unimportant - useless - popular - bad) all over the
7. Shehab worked alone as a (teacher - shepherd - doctor - purse),
looking after sheep.
8. Ahmed felt (excited - interested - bored - happy) and lonely and
decided to have some fun.
9. The (teachers - singer - villagers - players) were busy waking in the
10. Mona didn’t do her homework, so the teacher was very (happy
excited - interested - angry).
11. We’re very busy. You mustn’t (take - spend - waste - appear) our
2 Step Ahead
March Revision - Units (9-10)
12. Don’t lie! You must tell the (lies - truth - stories - books).
13. Salma saw a real wolf. She was very (happy - excited - popular -
scared) and climbed a tree.
14. The wolf (left - told - drank - killed) and ate the sheep.
15. Amira loves (driving - riding - sailing - flying) her boat.
16. A man in France found the message and sent his (boat - coast reply -
ship) to it.
17. We went to the beach to (send - happen - surf - laugh) and swim.
18. (Tests - Exams - Books - Jokes) make us laugh.
19. Every day, Amy took the sheep up the (grass - sea - hill - city).
20. When you (cry - shout - scream - whisper), no one can hear you.

2 Choose the correct answer: Grammar

1. Tamer and Ali (play - plays - playing - were playing) in the forest yesterday.
2. Yesterday evening, Mariam (doing - was doing - were doing - does) her
3. We (play - playing - played - were playing) when we found a golden box.
4. I was running when I (fall - falls - fell - falling) down.
5. Sara was watching TV when her father (come - comes - came coming).
6. Osman was writing his message (what - when - where - who) Grandpa
entered the room.
7. One day, they were swimming in the sea when tom (see - sees - saw -
seeing) a glass bottle in the water.
8. Yesterday evening, Peter was (walk - walks - walking - walked) his dog.
9. What was (happen - happened - happening - happens) yesterday?
10. Karim (is - are - was - were) watching TV When Amin called him.

Connect 6 3
March Revision - Units (9-10)
11. Haitham (is doing - was doing - did - doing) the shopping when he met
his old friend
12. (Is - Did - Was - Were) You watching TV when I called you?
13. They (aren’t - wasn’t - weren’t - didn’t) studying when their father came.
14. We were (swim - swam - swimming - swims) when we saw a shark.
15. Hend wasn’t (watch - watches - watched - watching) TV yesterday
16. Ramy (is - are - was - were) studying English yesterday.
17. My mom and dad (isn’t - aren’t - wasn’t - weren’t) watching TV yesterday
18. What (is - are - was - were) they doing yesterday evening.
19. Tamer and Tamara were playing video games when their dad (comes -
come - came - coming) home.
20. I was doing my homework when the light (go - goes - going - went) out.

3 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
set - turns - let – ending - countryside

I’m writing a review of one of Goha’s stories. The one about a man
who goes to the market with his son and a donkey. The setting is the
1 ............................ . Many years ago, two of the characters – Goha and
his son – take 2 ............................ riding the donkey because it’s a long
journey. When the boy rides the donkey, the people they pass say he
should 3 ............................ his father ride. When Goha rides the donkey,
they say that he should let his son have a turn. Then, they say the donkey
must be tired. In the 4 ............................ of the story, they both carry the

4 Step Ahead
March Revision - Units (9-10)

4 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
boat - message - color - bottle - coast

My name is Hugo and I live in Paris, France. I live on the 1 ............................

and I love sailing my 2 ............................ . Last week, I was sailing
when I saw something in the water – a 3 ............................ in a bottle!
It traveled over 6,000 kilometers. I enjoyed reading about the favorite
things in the message. My favorite things are my boat, mangoes, and the
4 ............................ green.

5 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
excited - reply - bottle - travel - message
Tom and his grandparents forgot about the message in a 1 ......................
that they threw in the sea. Then, one day, Tom was working when
Granddad sent him a message. A man in France found the message and
sent his 2 ............................ . They had a reply to their 3 ............................
in a bottle! Tom was very 4 ............................ . Their message traveled a
really long way!

6 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
bored - grass - wolf - shepherd - sheep

Peter was a boy who lived in a village. He worked as a 1 ............................

. Every day he took the 2 ............................ up the mountain and rested
while the sheep ate the delicious grass. One day, he felt lonely and
3 ............................ and decided to have some fun, he shouted, “Wolf!
There’s a 4 ............................!” But that was untrue.

Connect 6 5
March Revision - Units (9-10)

7 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences:

1. great - а - He’s - narrator.
............................................................................................................ .

2. was - What - yesterday – happening?

............................................................................................................ ?

3. in - character - the main - the story - Who is?

............................................................................................................ ?

4. both - the - They - carried - donkey.

............................................................................................................ .

5. his - was - Tom - message - writing.

............................................................................................................ .

6. Why - an - activity - is - reading - important?

............................................................................................................ ?

7. villagers - The - angry - were - very.

............................................................................................................ .

8. stories - are - Goha’s - popular - the world - all over.

............................................................................................................ .

9. grandparents - Tom’s - sea - the - lived by.

............................................................................................................ .

10. doing - were - What - you - yesterday?

............................................................................................................ ?

8 Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets:
1. Why did Goha and his son ................... (carried) the donkey?
2. Tom ................... (is working) when Granddad sent him a message.
3. Ayman was doing homework (where) ................... his dad came home.
4. Sara was ................... (watch) a new film when the mobile rang.
5. What was. ................... (happened) yesterday
6. How did they................... (found) the message
6 Step Ahead
March Revision - Units (9-10)
7. Nora ................... (swim) when she found a message in a bottle.
8. I was running when I ................... (fall) down.
9. It ................... (rain) all day yesterday.
10. Last week, I was. ............ (sailed) when I saw something in the water.

9 Punctuate the following sentences:

1. i love english

2. hugo is from france


3. tamara likes reading goha’s stories


4. what was ali doing yesterday


5. ayman was riding a bike when he met his friend haitham


10 Write an email of (50) words to your friend Hala:

Tell her about a story you read and liked so much. Your email address is and her email address is






Connect 6 7
March Revision - Units (9-10)

Revision on Unit 10
1 Choose the correct answer: Vocabulary
1. A (proverb - verb - plan - description) is a well-known phrase about
something which is generally true and has a meaning other than its exact
2. (Successful - Careful - Similar - Sensible), means a good idea that
someone has carefully thought about.
3. (Real - Similar - Careful - Successful), means something which happens
and is true.
4. A person who tries hard not to make mistakes is called (sensitive - similar
- careful - real),
5. When two things are (unlike - different - similar - careful), they might look
the same or do the same things.
6. Birds make (nets - tents - flats - nests) to live in.
7. Birds always (tear - bear - hatch - catch) eggs.
8. There are many (history - historian - historical - unimportant) places to
visit in Egypt.
9. (Touring - Eco-tourism - Farming - Tourist) is a way of traveling that
doesn’t damage the environment.
10. Eco-tourism is designed to (damage - protect - stay - destroy) nature.
11. A (book - magazine - guidebook - story) gives tourists information about
a place.
12. To (hurt - damage - destroy - respect) means to like something and
want to look after it.
13. (Guidebook - Snorkeling - Shopping - Accommodation) is somewhere
you stay.
14. People can go (driving - shopping - snorkeling - climbing) in the Red

8 Step Ahead
March Revision - Units (9-10)
15. Many birds (sail - snorkel - migrate - stay) to find warmer weather in
16. There are 450 (spices - spaces - species - spicy) of birds in Egypt.
17. A/An (tourist - eco-tourist - habitat - teacher) likes to explore new ways
of traveling and do activities that don’t damage the environment
18. We should all try to protect animal (habits - habitats - mountains - fires)
19. We can plant plants and flowers to (waste - destroy - help -damage)
animal habitats.
20. You can see coral (roofs - reefs - birds - animals) in the Red Sea.

2 Choose the correct answer: Grammar

1. You (must - mustn’t - can - may) smoke in hospitals. It is not allowed
2. We (must - mustn’t - can - are) swim here because there might be
3. You (must - mustn’t - can - are) respect nature.
4. Salma must (studies - studying - study - studied) hard.
5. Mariam mustn’t (swims - swimming - swim - swam) here; as there might
be crocodiles.
6. Sara (must - mustn’t - can - is) scare birds.
7. It is an important habitat and people (mustn’t - aren’t - must -shouldn’t)
protect it.
8. You (must - can - are - mustn’t) talk in the library.
9. If you study hard, you (get - gets - will get - would get) top marks.
10. If you (doesn’t - don’t - won’t - didn’t) study hard, you won’t get top
11. Yousef will buy a new car if he (have - had - has - having) a lot of money.
12. Nora will learn French if she (will travel - travel - travels - traveling) to
13. What will you (does - do - did - doing) if you have a lot of money.

Connect 6 9
March Revision - Units (9-10)
14. If you go to bed late, you (will - won’t - aren’t - don’t) get up early.
15. If Ayman doesn’t leave now, he won’t (catches - catching catch - caught)
the bus.
16. If you learn to bake, you will (saves - saving - save - saved) a lot of
17. Abdo is over 80 years old, (and - so - but - because) he can run fast.
18. Amira was ill, (and - but - so - because) she didn’t go to school.
19. Osama won the first prize (and - but - so - because) he practiced a lot
20. Animals need safe places to live, find food, (and - but - so - because)
look after their babies.

3 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
catch - proverb - worm - successful - meaning

“The early bird catches the worm.” This is a famous 1 ............................ .

Proverbs have more than one 2 ............................ . This proverb tells us
that a bird that is early, or the first to try to 3 ............................ a worm,
usually catches it. So, it also means that to be 4 ............................, you
need to be the first to do something.

4 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
safari - sail - snorkeling - tourism - historical

Egypt is an amazing country. There are many 1 ............................ places

to visit, as well as stores, markets, and museums. People can go
2 ............................ in the Red Sea, go on a desert 3 ............................, climb
mountains, or 4 ............................ on the Nile. So, tourism is important –
but eco-tourism is becoming very popular, too.

10 Step Ahead
March Revision - Units (7-10)

5 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
vacations - sustainable - species - protect - migrating

There are over 450 1 ............................ of birds in Egypt, and people come
from all over the world on 2 ............................ to see them. For example,
Siwa Oasis is a fantastic place to see many 3 ............................ water
birds. It is an important habitat and people must 4 ............................ it.

6 Read and complete the text with the words in the box:
simple - sustainable - accommodation - Eco-tourism - pollution

1 ............................ is a way of traveling that doesn’t damage the

environment. It’s more 2 ............................ than traditional tourism, and it
is designed to protect nature. People stay in simple 3 ............................,
not large hotels, and they mustn’t travel in ways that cause lots of
4 ............................ .

7 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences:

1. this - does - What - mean - proverb?

............................................................................................................ ?

2. like - things - Similar - people - doing - the same.

............................................................................................................ .

3. is - place - Siwa Oasis - a fantastic.

............................................................................................................ .

4. the - doesn’t - environment - damage - Eco-tourism.

............................................................................................................ .

Connect 6 11
March Revision - Units (9-10)
5. Can - in the - people - Red Sea - go – snorkeling?
............................................................................................................ ?

6. is - eco-tourism - Why - idea - a good?

............................................................................................................ .

7. birds - very long - Migrating - fly - distances.

............................................................................................................ .

8. must - the - We - clean up -beach.

............................................................................................................ .

9. see - can - You - lots of fish - and - coral reefs.

............................................................................................................ .

10. mustn’t - You - sandwiches - eat - in the library.

............................................................................................................ .

8 Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets:
1. You ................... (mustn’t) study the birds quietly from a safe place.
2. We ................... (must) waste water or drop litter.
3. The migrating birds must ................... (flew) very long distances,
4. You ................... (mustn’t) respect nature.
5. They mustn’t ................... (getting) too close to the birds.
6. We mustn’t ................... (traveled) in ways that cause lots of pollution.
7. If I am hungry, I ................... (would) eat.
8. If tourists ................... (staying) in simple accommodation, there won’t be
so many big hotels.
9. Amira won’t get high marks if she ................... (don’t) study hard.
10. People come from all over the world to snorkel ................... (but) scuba
dive in the Red Sea.

12 Step Ahead
March Revision - Units (7-10)

9 Punctuate the following sentences:

1. what is a habitat

2. tourists like to visit egypt


3. adam loves visiting giza zoo


4. egypt is an amazing country


5. if mohamed is hungry he will eat


10 Write a paragraph of (50) words using the following

guiding elements:
"An Eco-tourism Vacation"

Ideas to help you: respect nature - traveling - watching animals - hiking -

taking photos


Connect 6 13
Model Answers

Model Answers
Revision on Unit 9
1 Choose the correct answer: Vocabulary

1. characters 2. setting 3. narrator

4. ending 5. moral 6. popular
7. shepherd 8. bored 9. villagers
10. angry 11. waste 12. truth.
13. scared 14. killed 15. sailing
16. reply 17. surf 18. jokes
19. hill 20. whisper

2 Choose the correct answer: Grammar

1. were playing 2. was ding 3. were playing

4. fell 5. came 6. when
7. saw 8. walking 9. happening
10. was 11. was doing 12. were
13. weren’t 14. swimming 15. watching
16. was 17. weren’t 18. were
19. came 20. went

3 Read and complete the text:

1. countryside 2. turns 3. let 4. ending

4 Read and complete the text:

1. coast 2. boat 3. message 4. color

5 Read and complete the text:

1. bottle 2. reply 3. message 4. excited

14 Step Ahead
Model Answers

6 Read and complete the text:

1. shepherd 2. sheep 3. bored 4. wolf

7 Put the words in the correct order:

1. He’s a great narrator.

2. What was happening yesterday?
3. Who is the main character in the story?
4. They both carry the donkey!
5. Tom was writing his message.
6. why is reading an important activity?
7. The villagers were very angry.
8. Goha’s stories are popular all over the world.
9. Tom’s grandparents lived by the sea.
10. What were you doing yesterday?

8 Read and write the correct form:

1. carry 2. was working 3. when
4. watching 5. happening 6. find
7. was swimming 8. fell 9. was raining
10. sailing

9 Punctuate:
1. I love English.
2. Hugo is from France.
3. Tamara likes reading Goha’s stories,
4. What was Ali doing yesterday?
5. Ayman was riding a bike when he met his friend Haitham.

Connect 6 15
Model Answers

10 Write an email:
from :
to :
subject : An interesting story I read

Hi Hala!
I hope you’re doing well. Tread an interesting Story at the library, and I want
to share it with
The story was about a boy who worked as a shepherd. He wasn’t telling the
truth to the villagers, and he lied to them
As a result of his lies, the wolf ate his sheep and the villagers didn’t help
him. I learned that I mustn’t lie and I must tell the truth. See you soon, Amal.

Revision on Unit 10
1 Choose the correct answer: Vocabulary

1. proverb 2. sensible 3. Real

4. careful 5. similar 6. nests
7. hatch 8. historical 9. Eco- tourism
10. protect 11. guide book 12. respect
13. accommodation 14. snorkeling 15. migrate
16. species 17. Eco-tourist 18. habitats
19. help 20. reefs

2 Choose the correct answer: Grammar

1. mustn’t 2. mustn’t 3. must

4. study 5. swim 6. mustn’t
7. must 8. mustn’t 9. will get
10. don’t 11. has 12. travels
13. do 14. won’t 15. catch

16 Step Ahead
Model Answers
16. save 17. but 18. so
19. because 20. and

3 Read and complete the text:

1. proverb 2. meaning 3. catch 4. successful

4 Read and complete the text:

1. historical 2. snorkeling 3. safari 4. sail

5 Read and complete the text:

1. species 2. vacations 3. migrating 4. protect

6 Read and complete the text:

1. Eco-tourism 2. sustainable 3. accommodation 4. pollution

7 Put the words in the correct order:

1. What does this proverb mean?

2. Similar people like doing the same things.

3. Siwa Oasis is a fantastic place.

4. Eco-tourism doesn’t damage the environment.

5. People can go snorkeling in the Rea Sea

6. Why is eco-tourism a good idea?

7. Migrating birds fly very long distances.

8. We must clean up the beach.

9. You can see coral reefs and lots of fish.

10. You mustn’t eat sandwiches in the library,

Connect 6 17
Model Answers

8 Read and write the correct form:

1. must 2. mustn’t 3. fly 4. must
5. get 6. travel 7. will 8. stay
9. doesn’t 10. and

9 Punctuate:

1. What is a habitat?

2. Tourists like to visit Egypt.

3. Adam loves visiting Giza Zoo.

4. Egypt is an amazing country.

5. If Mohamed is hungry, he will eat.

10 Write a Paragraph:

I went on an eco-tourism vacation, and it was so much fun! We learned

to respect nature while traveling. We saw amazing animals, like colorful

birds and cute monkeys. We went hiking in the beautiful forests and

climbed up high mountains, I loved taking photos of the pretty flowers

and the breathtaking views. It was the best vacation ever because we

got to have fun and also take care of our planet!

18 Step Ahead

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