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1. Discuss some of the prominent ethical values which have helped to shape your personality.

Ethics has marked a dominant presence on indias culture.Considering the individuals of india their growth,fame and respect are the result of the ethical values which is being transferred from parents to their sons or daughters.The l earning of these ethical values starts right from our childhood days thus helpin g us to groom our personality.Considering my olden days these values have provid ed me a stand in todays living arena.Now let us discuss some of the ethical valu es which have helped to shape my personality. a)Teaching of brotherhood from the well known epic ramayana gives us a clear pic ture of the fact that if you give respect you will get respect. b)Childhood disciplinary actions has regained my strength in the context of punc tuality. c)Bed time stories of robinhood and many others have given us the power to discr iminate between good and evil. d)The customary rituals being carried in the family helps us to make our beliefs much more spiritualistic and realistic. e)Worshipping god is a major stepping stone in attaining happiness through your karma. 2. How did the society(friends,family,neighbours)etc,help you in solving your pr oblem.Give concrete example. Society is a collectable term representing our closed ones.It includes o ur family members,friends,neighbours,crew men and many other people whom we even dont know.The brighter side of the society helps us to grow fruitfully on the o ther hand the darker side is not so good.Inspite of the problems let us deal wit h some of the good things about our society which can help an individual in solv ing problems. a)In case of electricity failure you are not the only person complaining but the ir would be others also joining your part.So,a peoples support would be always t here withn you in case any fault. b)In case of medical emergency a helping hand would be always ready to help you, whether it would be your neighbour or your nearby friend. c)Festivals come and go in our life.The spirit of these festivals can only be ch erished among our loved ones.Thats why being alone is always not the right choic e. d)Sometimes great remarks are achieved from the persons whom you dont know.This part of the society helps in knowing yourself better than you ever think of your self. e)Our society marks our road to success. 3. I am a unique person describe with example. God has made every person unique in the context of colour,face structure ,and many other things.These facts of uniqueness are known to me thats the good part, the worst part is that i am not totally aware of my unique qualities withi n a world full of millions of people.But as pointed out some of my unique qualit ies which can differ me from todays race of people are: a)I am humble and supportive to all my friends and family members including the needy. b)Not greedy for money.Think it of as a necessity to live life in todays world. c)I have a kind heart always for a worthy owner. 4. What do you mean by globalisation,discuss its relevance in present scenario. bSt waY 2 dIgESt KFC!!!...... a suNliGht waLk iN d zOoo.....:-D

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