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etc. Delhi's, and urban India's, particular predicament today is not the environmental degradation.

tion. Democratic governance requires that

dispute over the wider meaning of the expression 'the right to life' but we find creative ways in which expert opinions (including
the conflicts internal to it - between the livelihood of workers and public disagreements among them) on these issues can be brought in
health, between dignity and the desire for a 'clean' city. synergy with social aspirations for a just society, including issues of
This is not Delhi's first cleansing. Congestion, ventilation, drainage, class, gender and inter-generational equity.
conservancy and concerns about noxious trades are to be found from
the mid-19th century onwards, ofgten dealt in an authoritarian Conclusion:
manner. Post Independence, democratic norms required that the The effect of the 'democratisation' of the environmental issue and its
reform from above be mitigated by greater sensitivity to local greater public presence, we argue, has paradoxically served to September 2006
aspirations, community participation and greater inclusiveness in cloud the varied interests at stake. The debate on Delhi's
urban planning, only to be violently undone in the slum clearance environment manages to be both too general and limited Calcutta
drives of the Emergency. Contemporary debates on Delhi's simultaneously. Even as the health and environmental needs of an
environment both reinforce these longer trends and simultaneously abstract urban public are being foregrounded, there is limited
depart from them. The continuity is evident in the violence that always appreciation of how the needs of specific publics can be addressed Editorial
lurks near the surface in the processes of urban transformation, but or indeed how the conflict between the environmental needs of
there are significant departures too that need to be considered. different publics be resolved. In other words, there is little
In terms of change, there is first the greater pervasiveness of the acknowledgement that 'the environment' in the singular splits up into The new thrust of "global development" seems to have finally Calcutta, its displaced labour force, and its socio-economic impact
discourse of urban environmentalism itself. It is no longer about many 'environments' and following from this, that spaces need to be arrived with a big bang in West Bengal. As the capital of the state, on the city. We believe both these studies are in synergy and will put
slums alone or an epidemic in isolation or the need to plan the created for community actors to define and prioritise environmental Calcutta has entered a phase of resurrection. Of late, the forward the possibility of conceptualizing and implementing a
location of industries but a combination of all these (and more) risks for themselves. Risk definition, as much as risk management, widespread declaration that we are heading towards becoming a sustainable developmental plan for Calcutta.
elements. This combination, in turn, gives rise to greater needs to become a democratic choice if we wish to create a more 'neo-city' which will be at par with any other major city of the world, Khetro looks forward to having a wider discourse on this issue.
relentlessness and speed through which the city is spatially modified just and equitable cities in the present.
and inhabiting it becomes an act of constant negotiation of daily is being heard. To achieve that status, Calcutta needs to lure global
routines. Plague scare in 1994, dengue in 1996, interim orders on Awadhendra Sharan is a historian presently working with The Sarai Programme, CSDS. business investors to the city as well as the state. The city therefore Editorial Collective: Dr. Silanjan Bhattacharya, Patrick S L Ghose,
closure of hazardous factories the same year and then another needs a complete facelift to provide the right infrastructure for Ranu Ghosh, Nilanjan Bhattacharya, Mrityunjay Chatterjee(Sarai-
round beginning 2000, CNG and conversion over the last two years investors to feel comfortable. With this, money will pour in and soon CSDS, Delhi)
and all through it a constant demolition of slums that supposedly THE FUTURE OF ENVIRONMENT :
Towards Indo-German collaboration the city will be elevated to a level which Calcuttans have only
'rob' the citizens of Delhi of their due share of water and electricity,
together provide a heightened sense of urgency to the issue of A seminar to explore environmental education and media dreamed of. It is now the new dictum of the state government that
environmental risk and give it a larger public profile than earlier. relationships we should all subscribe to this dream and cheer the way Calcutta Kalikata=> Calcutta=> Kolkata=> What next?
Second, there has been a shift in the languages that frame the is changing. Enthused by this way of thinking, many have
environmental issue, a shift on two levels. The first shift may be seen Organised by the Goethe-Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan, Kolkata responded to the call and joined hands with the government's new Calcutta is situated in the highly dynamic delta region of the
as being from the symbolic to the scientific, with a new vocabulary on and Khetro in collaboration with Humboldt Club Calcutta. "development" programs as active collaborators. Government- Hooghly-Brahmaputra Rivers. A few hundred years ago there were
offer - pH levels, clean fuels, suspended particulate matter, common
effluent treatment plants etc., that increasingly saturate the media and September 21 to 23, 2006. All programmes will be held at the Max private collaboration and privatization of the public sector is the mangrove swamps where the city now stands, a part of the greater
public spaces around us. At another level, the 'public' language sits Mueller Bhavan auditorium. new trend here. Sunderbans. A rural agricultural landscape emerged in this frontier
uneasily with the discourses of individual conduct. From refusal to use The phenomenal boom in the real estate sector has significantly as the delta matured above the inter-tidal level. A vast area,
plastics to campaigns in schools to encourage students to desist from Speakers at the Seminar: Prof Dr Gerhard de Haan (Freie changed the cityscape, and now seems to be the prime indicator of especially towards the east, remained under swamps which
bursting firecrackers and voluntary drives to clean the Yamuna, there Universität Berlin, Germany), Prof Madhav Gadgil (Ecologist), development here in Calcutta. The city has a glossier look because originated from the moribund courses of river channels. Though the
is a new optimism that managing the environment can be made an Michael Greif (ECOMOVE International, Germany), Sunita Narain name Kalikata has been mentioned in the rent-rolls of the Mughal
individual responsibility. This is, as yet, a minor strand compared to of these new urban constructions, unfortunately happening mostly
(Centre for Science and Environment, Delhi), Dr R Mehta (Ministry of emperor Akbar who reigned between 1556-1605, as well as in the
debates around regulatory issues. However, its importance may lie through the encroachment of paddy fields and wetlands on the Manasamangal of Bengali poet Bipradas (1495), the very credit of
elsewhere, in the synergy that obtains between environmental self- Environment and Forests, Govt of India) Dr Shyamla Mani
city's fringes, and by closing down factories without caring too establishing Calcutta as a city is attributed to Job Charnock, an
help and a new emphasis on 'caring for the self'. (Representative, Centre for Environmental Education,
much about the economic or environmental impact. What dream agent of the English East India Company. He established a British
Tied to the shifts in language is the third noticeable characteristic of Ahmedabad/Delhi), Lima Rosalind, (WWF-India), Dr. Silanjan
are we actually chasing? And what is the price we will eventually trading post here in the year 1690, and Calcutta grew along the east
urban environmentalism today, viz. a new institutional framing in Bhattacharya, (Khetro, Calcutta), Pradip Saha (Down to Earth
which the courts have come to play a major role. There are two magazine, Delhi) pay for its realization? bank of the river Hooghly defining the city's spatial limit to the west.
related issues here, the innovation in legal principles and the use of Being a Calcutta based organization involved with issues related to Calcutta was the capital of British India from 1858 to 1912, and till
expert committees in dealing with environmental issues. Significant 22 September, 6.30 pm community culture, ecological existence and media explorations, India's Independence in 1947 it was the capital of unpartitioned
advances here relate to the use of public interest litigations as an Khetro cannot avoid critiquing the disastrous changes taking place. Bengal. After Independence and post-Partition, Calcutta remained
instrument of justice, adoption of 'precautionary principles', ensuring Panel Discussion: Is Our Media Environment Shy?
We have initiated a study, "The Changing Landscape of Calcutta" the capital of the Indian state of West Bengal.
that the 'polluter pays', and considerations of inter-generational (The mainstream media's role in spreading environmental
to document the transformation of landscape which is happening at Interestingly, the city High Court recently ruled that Job Charnock is
equity. All these have played an important role in recent awareness)
not the founder of the city and Calcutta has no birthday. According to
environmental legislation and have invited significant critical Panelists: Ratikanta Basu (Chairman, Broadcast Worldwide), Bonani a random and reckless pace. Through this study we intend to learn
the Court, the city has its genesis in the Maurya and Gupta period,
commentary. In contrast, scientific management of environmental Kakkar (PUBLIC, Kolkata), Jayanta Basu (The Telegraph), and and understand the and it was an established trading post long before the Slave Dynasty
risks and the role of experts have invited far less comment, a critical Michael Greif (ECOMOVE International, Germany). Moderator: consequences of these changes in the ecological fabric of Calcutta
lacuna if we consider the extent to which uncertainly prevails in of the Delhi Sultanate, the Mughals, the Portuguese, the French or
Sunita Narain (Director, Centre for Science and Environment, Delhi) and offer potential sustainable alternatives. In tandem with this, the British established a modern township there. References to the
these domains. There is nothing self-evident about what constitutes
an environmental risk, how to prioritise among competing risks or another segment we are exploring is the "Transforming Industrial existence of an ancient riverine port named Kalikata exist in the travel
indeed about what constitutes an 'acceptable' level of pollution or 20 September, 5 pm & 21 September, 6 pm Landscape" which will look at the eroded industrial scenario of journals of Chinese scholars and Persian merchants dating from
Film screening on environmental issues

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Published by Nilanjan Bhattacharya
Photo by Ranu Ghosh

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8 1
A-63, Purba Diganta, Santoshpur,

khetro, an open space for interaction, innovation, and implementation in the field of community culture, media, and ecology.
centuries BCE. Possibly following a similar spirit of reinvention, the
ruling Marxist government in the state decided to change the city's The successful implementation of a participatory method of for existence will be
official name from Calcutta to Kolkata in January 2001. documentation and sharing of knowledge by the children, and the recorded. The video
When the British set up Calcutta, the eastern part of the city was use of various media forms for biodiversity documentation in the documentation includes
covered with salt-water marshes. These salt-water marshes lay Ecological Mapping of Kalikapur revealed an innovative way of the development process
between the River Hooghly to the west, and the now dry Bidyadhari learning about our own environment. from Usha factory to
River to the east. Post independence Calcutta grew by leaps and South City and its socio-
bounds. The city spread to the southern fringes and industries II. Changing Industrial Landscape: The South City Project economic as well as
started dotting the skyline. With the 2nd Five-year plan stressing on Khetro is exploring a new angle to study the changing landscape of environmental impact on
the development of heavy industry, industrialization in and around Calcutta by initiating an audio-visual study-documentation work on the the locality.
the city got a tremendous boost. Major industrial belts developed in eroded industrial state of the city. While documenting factory property Still documentation: Old
what were once the outskirts of Calcutta. With industrialization the
already demolished, or ones soon to be demolished, the team is also photographs of that
city saw an upsurge of urbanization. Settlements emerged around
the industries and they spread to join with the other parts of Calcutta recording the newer developments in those areas. These are mainly locality will be collected while the new look of that area will be
giving the city a distinct shape, with industrial belts merging with real estate construction replacing the demolished industrial property captured on still frames. The widespread advertisement campaigns,
residential areas to form a cohesive, structured society. and thereby transforming the immediate environment. The socio- mainly on outdoor media in the city will also be documented on still.
Calcutta is now a multicultural, cosmopolitan city with a population economic impact of such transformation is being studied, along with Text/print Documentation: It will include old records, personal and
of 4.6 million, while the total urban agglomeration population is 13.2 the status of the unemployed labourers who used to work in those published memoirs and local maps. An outline of the local history of
million according to the 2001 Census of India. Calcutta's slum factories. This project is coordinated by Ranu Ghosh. Here is a report that area will be done. The paper documentation will also present
population is 1,485,309 - 32.5% of it's total. The density of about one such ongoing case study. the chronological developments of various court cases related to the
population in Calcutta is 24,760 per sq. km while the India average Jay Engineering, commonly called Usha Factory, a subsidiary unit of South City construction. Newspaper clippings focussing on the
is 933. the Usha Shriram Group of Industries, started operations debates related to the South City construction will be collected.
Over the last few decades, industrial growth in West Bengal has manufacturing electrical consumer durables like fans and sewing
been declining. Agriculture too has reached a point of stagnancy.
machines in the 1950s. The labour force of this reasonably large Outputs
After ruling the state continuously for 29 years, it is to the discredit planning for that area which is essential to save and maintain the
of the Left Front Government led by the Communist Part of India wetland ecology as well as the city's environment. manufacturing unit was mostly comprised of migrants from Bihar > A long documentary of approximately 50 minutes and a number of
(Marxist) that the agricultural scenario is distressing and the The city has relaxed its rules on high rise constructions recently. and UP, and refugees from East Pakistan. In the south, the South small films of 8 to 10 minutes each will be made to reach out to the
industrial base is rapidly eroding. Seeking a makeover, the Twenty and more storeyed buildings are becoming far more City project area is flanked by Bikramgarh jheel, one of the largest public to generate awareness about the reckless "developments"
government has adopted a new policy for economic development common. Industry compounds are giving way to high rises and natural water bodies of south Calcutta. Prince Anwar Shah Road is taking place in the city of Calcutta.
which primarily looks like a U-turn from their original policy preached multiplexes. Jay Engineering Factory (a unit of the Usha Shriram the main road bordering this locality on the north. Jay Engineering > A dedicated website will be developed which will carry all relevant
for so long! The mandate is no more in favour of agricultural growth Group of Industries) on Prince Anwar Shah Road in south Calcutta Works was closed down, made defunct and the land was handed details and documents related to the South City project. The idea is
but for a so-called resurgence of industry, and that too with the help has been closed down. Workers were forced to take voluntary over to the real estate group in 2003. Immediately after the to connect to a broader base by presenting this very issue in the
of foreign investors and multinational companies. This new policy retirement and the whole place was sold to a real estate group. Now handover, demolition of the factory buildings began and the public domain.
has encouraged aggressive urbanization in the state of West Bengal in that very place, the tallest residential complex of eastern India - construction of South City, "Eastern India's largest mixed use real > A compendium on urban transformation with special reference to
in recent times. Consider the impact, as the word 'development' is the three thirty-five-storey and one twenty eight storey towers of estate development", started from Feb 2004. This example of industrial closures and 'development refugees', with data and
now being equated with real estate construction and creating South City, (the latter one being illegally constructed by encroaching
replacing an operational factory with a real estate construction is not photographs will be published.
infrastructure for business groups, bringing drastic changes in the a huge water body adjoining it) are under construction.
city's existing landscape. Land has become the most sought after Such are the stories behind the changing face of Calcutta. Everything isolated, but only one example of many such proposed and ongoing > The material from the project in the form of installations, audio and
commodity and real estate the buzzword in Calcutta today. From the is being done to "accommodate global investments" and if that were "developments" all over the city. pictorial exhibitions will be displayed in various public spaces.
eastern wetlands to large industry compounds, the axe of the all to fall in place then "we" will soon become the proud residents of a Since the latter half of 2004 the documentation team from Khetro
realtors has fallen on them all. "global city". Going by the resurgent ethics of the leftist government in has been following and documenting the stages of development at
Since the construction of the highway known as the Eastern West Bengal, to achieve that status one shouldn't even hesitate to the construction site as the construction work progressed. The study
Metropolitan Bypass on the eastern fringe of Calcutta, a slew of real snatch the livelihood options of farmers, push a huge force of also tracks the continuing debates on various legal issues related to Claims on Cleanliness.
estate developments has come up in that area. Luxury hotels, a industrial labour into helpless uncertainty, and wreak havoc on a the South City project. Documentation on the status of the Environment and Justice in Contemporary Delhi
convention centre, specialty hospitals, condominium complexes, stable ecology. It is now up to us to choose. unemployed labour force that were very much a part of 'the Awadhendra Sharan
malls and multiplexes have mushroomed. The city's expansion on production' once is in progress. The documentation team is also
the eastern flank is spearheaded by the construction of New Town - trying to study and document the improvised 'strategies of survival' Contemporary Delhi oscillates uneasily between the desire to live and
Rajarhat Township, adjacent to Salt Lake City, and claimed as one to work. There is a sense of urgency that makes the life-work struggle
of those displaced labourers of Jay Engineering Factory.
of the largest planned urban developments in India. The large a zero-sum game - healthy air for the 'public' even as there is job loss
wetland network in the eastern part of the city, identified as one of for workers, cleaner fuels in the interest of the city even as the long
the world's prime wetland sites of tremendous ecological Documentation Work queues of autos imply longer nights for their owners/drivers. The desire
significance, is under great threat because of many illegal Video documentation: It will include interviews with local people for a clean environment, in other words, is fraught with the possibilities
constructions in and around that area. While this chaotic from the neighbouring areas affected by the South City construction. of conflict. Over the past decade or so Article 21 of the Constitution that
urbanization takes place in the eastern fringes of the city, the Through extensive interviews with some of the ex-labourers from guarantees Right to Life has been interpreted such as to ensure the
government is yet to come up with comprehensive ecological Jay Engineering the story of their displacement and present struggle right to health, to clean air and water, to a pollution-free environment
The suspension bridge at Alipore over Tolly's Nullah
painted by Charles D'Oyly, 1848

Photo by Ranu Ghosh

2 7
informed about the significance of the East Calcutta Wetlands. Why
14 years grow up with a wealth of knowledge regarding the people of Kalikapur are no longer connected to rituals in vogue in
I start with such a difficult note is because I am doubtful about the
ecosystem in the locality and its uses: a unique example of resource the city any more. In a sense, Kalikapur is a refuge in that urban
way things are moving at the East Calcutta Wetlands, and
use and sharing, and indigenous knowledge in a semi-urban ambience of eastern Calcutta. However, if the present trend of
essentially because the people of Calcutta are not really interested
ecosystem. urbanisation continues then it is quite certain that Kalikapur will no
about its impact. So I feel that it is important to notify citizens about
Kalikapur has somehow survived the onslaught of urbanisation till longer be able to resist the pressure of aggressive modernisation.
the strange lack of concern for this novel wealth which they
now. While the surrounding localities were merrily transforming into The greens are going to disappear and the saga of Kalikapur will
full-fledged urban colonies, Kalikapur refused to transform. It still soon fade away.
Now let's get back to the question - the significance of the East
stands there in stark contrast. Over the last two years despite a few
Calcutta Wetlands.
multistoreyed buildings have come up in the locality with some The Research: The research was aimed at studying and
We all know that Calcutta is relatively a cheaper city, a cheaper
depletion in Kalikapur's ecology having taken place, Kalikapur documenting the indigenous knowledge associated with biodiversity
metropolis. But there can't be anything 'absolutely cheap' or
retains almost seventy percent of it's original vegetation. It can be and the unique practice of resource use and sharing in a semi-urban
'absolutely costly', someone is paying somewhere which needs to
considered a model of an original ecosystem enriched by various ecosystem using local children. The project also aims at exploring
be understood. In fact I have defined Calcutta as an 'ecologically
local plant varieties of which a large number have medicinal the possibilities of different media implementation in the field of
subsidised city'. There is possibly no other metropolis in the world
qualities, a number of bird and insect species, and indigenous breed biodiversity documentation.
which is as subsidised ecologically as Calcutta is. To me the most
of fish. Religious rites, rituals and other cultural practices of the
important component for this is the Wetlands. Another component of
Methodology: The pilot project study documentation work was
course are the two rivers, Ganga or Hooghly, from which the city
South City Project profile: done in a participatory mode. Five kids from Kalikapur in the age
takes water while the city's wastewater goes to the river Kulti. One
# Where: 375 Prince Anwar Shah Road, Calcutta 700068, opposite group of 10 to 14 years, mostly illiterates or school dropouts were
single city having two rivers, one for abstracting water and another
Jodhpur Park identified. They were vagrants of sorts who possessed an intimate
for releasing its drainage is to be considered a tremendous gift
# What: Three 35-storey and one 28-storey residential buildings, the knowledge about the ecological resources of their surroundings. We
which no other city in the world has. And there is copious ground
tallest in Eastern India included two girls in the group from Purba Diganta, a locality
water. Thereafter we have a wetland system that can treat the entire
# No. of flats: Around 1,600 (above 30% bought by NRIs) Facilities: Mall, neighbouring Kalikapur who have formal education and computer
city's sewage water and provides the city with tons of fish and
Cineplex, club, swimming pools, sports fields and courts, school skills but no real knowledge about the ecological resources of their
vegetables. Such a system has taken place naturally and the
Investment: Rs.1, 500 crores Area: 31.14 acres surroundings. It was planned, guided and designed by an ecologist
knowledge to manage this ecosystem is with the agricultural and
# Work started in: February 2004 Completion Deadline: December 2008 and a media professional. This team went on field trips and
fish farmers. They have the knowledge to purify wastewater and
# Present Status: Tower 1 and 2 almost ready, foundations for Towers 3 collected data during which the Kalikapur kids acted as research
produce fish and vegetables by using that water. Moreover, a large
& 4 laid and initial construction started guides while procuring the local bio-resources. During the field visits
number of farmers produce vegetables by using solid wastes. It's no
# Current status of legal cases in Calcutta High Court: they imparted their knowledge and information to the urban kids of
magic. It's all about the philosophy of the local people. Where we
1. An application under article 226 of the Constitution of India, by the group. On the other hand, during the data storage process on
look at sewage as a pollutant alone, these fish producers and
Bhaskar Gupta Roy & Another (petitioners) versus The West Bengal the computer, the urban kids created an awareness of the computer
farmers who are uneducated, do not really share our views. Their
Pollution Control Board and others for giving illegal permission for among the Kalikapur kids. In the beginning, we identified a few key
world view is different. For them the sewage is a nutrient! And you
construction of South City Projects (SCP) and its cause of environmental locations in and around Kalikapur as our main study spots. GPS In Conversation with Dr Dhrubajyoti Ghosh know it's a scientifically valid point. Yes, sewage is a nutrient as
pollution. data was generated to get the exact geographical positions of our
much as it is a pollutant. They have the knowledge to trap that
2. Trinamul Congress MLA Javed Khan files a PIL in 2005 against South study locations, helping us to learn the interrelationship among the Dr Dhrubajyoti Ghosh is a pioneer in incorporating ecological nutrient brilliantly in the fishponds through the stages of natural
City Projects on the cause of environmental pollution of the surrounding various components in a unique ecology like Kalikapur. principles into engineering design. He received the UN Global 500 biological reactions.
areas. Role of Honour for his achievements in conserving the East Calcutta
Output: An astounding variety of flora available in Kalikapur has been Wetlands, and promoting innovative waste water treatment and N: So you think that these fish producers and farmers are the real
Dates of final hearings for these court cases are awaited. listed, of which much is used by the locals for various medicinal reuse. He is a member of the National Wetland Committee and the managers of the East Calcutta Wetlands, not the government?
purposes. A list of common and migratory birds with their Regional Vice-Chairman (South Asia) of the Commission on D: Absolutely. When you say that we have a Ramsar site in the
One Civil Court case is also going on. behavioural patterns has been generated. With the help of Ecosystem Management, IUCN. He is presently a Senior Fellow in eastern fringe of our city, a wetland network of international
Petitioner: Shambhu Prasad Singh Vs Jay Engineering a cartographer we have developed a basic map of Development Studies at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences in importance, then the entire credit should go to these people who
Shambhu, a bona fide employee of Jay Engineering (Usha Group), who Kalikapur. Calcutta as . The following are excerpts from a conversation Dr make it so. They are supporting the city in many ways - by neutralizing
has refused to take the VRS forced on all such employees living in the After interviewing long-time residents, tracing local maps, Ghosh had with Nilanjan Bhattacharya in August 2006. the cost of the sewage plant that is very high and producing fish and
official staff quarters inside the factory compound and has moved court land records and old texts, an ethnographic history of
vegetables. What is very significant is that these fish and vegetables
to be allowed to remain in his appointed quarters until such time that JE Kalikapur has also been drafted. In addition to this, a N: What is the significance of the East Calcutta Wetlands in relation are being produced at a stone's throw away from the city. So
agrees to pay him the compensation and benefits officially due to him as visual documentation of the urban transformation along to the city of Calcutta? transportation cost is minimal. Its 'urban agriculture' and the city
an employee. This case is under injunction and the next date for hearing the eastern Bypass was initiated.
consumers are the winners here. There is more - it provides a very
is 10th November 2006. D: The East Calcutta Wetlands have become reasonably well stable city fringe, which many of the metropolises in the world do not
known all over the world except that Calcuttans don't seem to know have. Dhapa, the solid waste dumping ground for the city is perhaps
much about it. The rest of the world seems to be much more

Photo by Nilanjan Bose

Photo by Ranu Ghosh

6 3
the richest area where the microbial population is very dense, which D: There is a law that says that industries should treat their N: Despite being declared a Ramsar site how is it that such
can serve tremendous scientific research interests. In short the East wastewater at the source at their own cost but you know... the interventions continue to take place in the East Calcutta Wetlands?
The Changing Landscape of Calcutta
Calcutta Wetland is one unique ecosystem that offers possibilities of Pollution Control Board of the state is there to look after this. They
A two-fold on going study-documentation project by Khetro: 1. "The
any amount of research pending on sustainable development. could easily stop this illegal act just by serving strong notice to these D: You know, the Ramsar body doesn't have a legal arm. They were
Changing Ecology of Calcutta" 2. " The Changing Industrial
industries: either you treat the sewage or you close down. But that given a commitment from the government of India that the East
Landscape of Calcutta". Here are two recent case studies:
N: What about retaining or furthering the knowledge of the local doesn't happen in most cases. It's very easy to raise a signal of Calcutta Wetlands would be protected. Now if India, or the
people? horror but if that signal goes on saying that a particular ecosystem government of West Bengal fails to keep this commitment, then the
I. Changing Ecology: Community
is wrong then the voices raising that specific complaint become a East Calcutta Wetlands will be simply chucked off from the Ramsar
Ecological Mapping
D: It's quite unfortunate that no one has ever thought of getting back party to remove or destroy that very ecosystem. And it's possible site list. What's so big about it? We might not have a Ramsar site
With aggressive urbanization taking place
to this knowledge base or furthering it. No one has ever said with that the real estate groups who have a vested interest in doing so but after all we are developing! I don't think losing a Ramsar site will
even in the city's fringes with no
pride that 'it is our technology, take pride in the East Calcutta could very well use this false allegation. create much of an impact in Calcutta. Who bothers?
comprehensive ecological planning, Khetro
Wetlands'. No, I haven't heard such a slogan at all. Here I must
realised that the documentation of the
mention Bhabanath Sen, a brilliant scientist who took a square mile N: Whatever the reasons are, the city is expanding towards the N: What about the media's role in this particular issue?
city's biological diversity, related local
of Dhapa land in the year 1880 and produced vegetables on the east. There are lots of so-called developmental activities happening
knowledge and sustainable
garbage. He used intermediate ponds filled with wastewater to in and around the region of the East Calcutta Wetlands. What do D: The media has played a brilliant role in bringing to the surface the
resource-use practises by the
produce fish and then took water from those ponds to irrigate you think about it? debate in this case. If they hadn't done so then the situation would
local people was an
vegetable fields. In fact it was the first ever example of planned co- have worsened by now.
important task. This
recycling in the world, but he never got due recognition for that D: In the year 1992, a judgment of the Calcutta High Court clearly
is much needed for
innovation. Everyone now talks about traditional knowledge. In this stated that any construction inside the area of the East Calcutta N: 'Population is increasing fast, so Calcutta needs to expand'. This
connection we should refer to the knowledge base which we still Wetlands would be considered illegal. One can clearly see how that is a line often given by the city developers and the officials of the
conservation and also for
have in the East Calcutta Wetlands. It's unique, and extremely judgment has been violated in the recent past. state's Urban Development Ministry which in a way justifies the
generating references for
valuable, and if we lose that then we won't ever be able to recreate eastward expansion of Calcutta. What do you feel about the need
sustainable ecological planning
it. This not just about losing a wetland; it's about losing a heritage. N: Did the Court issue any modification of that law later? for the city's expansion?
for the city. Under these
Here in Calcutta we only talk about old buildings and monuments as
circumstances, Khetro initiated a study
heritage sites but we never consider the East Calcutta Wetlands as D: No. The situation is quite critical and what we are losing is time. D: This was debated at State Planning Board meetings sometime
documentation work as part of its 'The
part of our heritage possessions. It's sad. We are actually taking too much time to come up with a proper around 1994. It was then decided that the city could expand towards
Changing Landscape of Calcutta' project.
wetland management action plan. As far as I know, we still don't the north, south and even the west, but not in the east. But you can
Nilanjan Bhattacharya, with support from the
N: There is a cause for concern among many scientists and others have that plan ready and this delay is actually helping those who are clearly see that the commitment has not been kept. Things are quite
Sarai-CSDS Independent Fellowship Grant,
in Calcutta about metal deposits in fish and vegetables produced in interested in conserving the wetlands. There is of course a very clumsy.
continued this particular study documentation work as a
the wastewater, and by using garbage. Is this a valid point to worry strong real estate interest, which the government concedes to. I am
pilot project in the year 2004.
about? not giving out any secrets, everyone knows this. There is a N: What do you anticipate? What will happen finally?
Kalikapur is a densely populated locality in the eastern part of
committee preparing the plan but as far as I know the plan is not yet
Calcutta, mostly inhabited by the original people of this region.
D: Although there are areas of fear, but that does not pervade the ready. D: I wouldn't like to anticipate anything at this point of time. The case
Kalikapur holds a unique ecosystem, a very rich mosaic of original
entire system. About the vegetables, as in the case of cauliflower, is beyond anticipation. These things happen too fast in Calcutta
vegetation, a number of small and big community and private ponds,
scientific studies reveal that the flower doesn't attract metal deposits N: I was amazed seeing the reckless development activities nowadays. It's quite clear that Calcutta is heading towards disaster.
swamps with reeds, and groves of indigenous trees and plants. The
while the leaves are affected. Here I should point out something happening in and around the East Calcutta Wetlands in the recent We will lose most of the ecological subsidies. The city will be costlier
majority of Kalikapur residents are from the poorer economic strata
which needs to be addressed seriously. This very wetland past, but till date I haven't heard or read anything which indicates and it will lose its uniqueness as a
and a significant portion of them live much below the poverty line.
ecosystem wasn't faulty; we ourselves have polluted the ecosystem. that some sort of comprehensive ecological planning or survey is destination for the learners of
This poorer section has a significant dependence on the local
While the domestic or municipal wastes is not supposed to carry being done in the East Calcutta Wetlands. So, there is no scientific sustainable cities. This self
wilderness for their dietary supplements, fuel and fodder. These
metal deposits that is exactly what is happening because of the information or report available to understand the impact of these destructive journey can't be stopped
people rear their cattle on empty land, collect dry leaves and plants
release of industrial waste into the municipal sewage. The drainage new developments. until and unless the government
from roadside bushes, collect saag, catch crabs and fish from
line in Topsia-Tangra area was set up by Calcutta Metropolitan takes strong action immediately to
ponds, roadside canals, and waterlogged shallow lands, not only
Water & Sanitation Authority to be used for monsoon water disposal D: The impact of these reckless urban constructions will be protect the wetlands.
from Kalikapur but also from the adjacent localities which are
but the industries around that area use the gully pits to discharge disastrous. The remarkable symbiosis between the main city and
already more urban in all respects. Interestingly enough, the
their toxic and untreated effluents to outflow their sewage to the the city fringe will be lost which will affect the city of Calcutta in many
children from this marginalized section play a leading role in these
outfall canals. That's how the polluting happens. ways. Calcutta will definitely become expensive. Thereafter, what
activities. They satisfy their own hunger instinctively. They roam this
will happen to those twenty thousand people who will be done out
unique environment, not only gathering edibles or collecting fruit
N: So the problem lies at the core. Isn't there any government of their livelihood options?
during the day, for their own consumption, but also collect fuel and
control over this unruly act?
fodder for their homes. In the process, these children usually of 4 to
Photo by Nilanjan Bhattacharya

Photo by Ranu Ghosh

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