Iot Cdac Syllabus

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Introduction to loT and Case Studies - 30 Hours A Introduction to loT-Concepts and Terminology of The Internet of Things (loT), History of IoT, Applications, Requirements of loT, M2M/loT standards, Components of loT, loT Enabling, Technologies - Sensors, Actuators, Gateways, Local & Global Connectivity , IOT Platforms, Business Inferences loT Building blocks ~ Architecture, Sensing, Connectivity Gateways, Processing, Software, Power, IOT Reference Architectures, Business Models, Challenges in OT. Modern trends in 1OT - Wearable, industrial standards, Open Data Management & API. Case studies, connected use cases in Real-life/Thematic areas - Smart Homes/Buildings, ‘Smart Cities, Smart Industry, Smart Medical care, Smart Automation etc. Programming Technologies - 150 Hours “A Programming Languages C - Overview of C in view of IOT Devices, Pointers, Functions Arrays, Strings, Structures & Unions. Memory Allocation, Pre-processor, Linked Lists, Stacks & Queues, Sorting & Searching Techniques, Introduction to Python, Scope , Data Types, Files, Functions, Modules & Packages, Standard Libraries, Data Structures, OOPs Concepts, Data Analytics related Packages. Microcontrollers Programming - 90 Hours A End Devices - Introduction of ARM Series Architecture, Registers, Operation modes, Overview of instruction Set, Interrupt Management, Exception Handling, Timers, SDKs & IDEs for firmware development, Peripheral Programming (UART, GPIO,ADC, SPI, I2C, etc), Debugging techniques, CAN basics Embedded Linux Platforms - 80 Hours a Introduction to Linux, Working with Commands Line, File System Hierarchy, vi Editor, Package Management, Administrative & Networking Essentials, Linux Intemals (Process Management, Threads, File Handling, IPC), Working with Target Boards — Raspberry Pi Beagle Bone Black etc., Native vs. Cross Building Applications, Supporting Libraries, Peripheral Management on Linux (UART, GPIO,ADC, SPI, I2C, etc) Network Programming & Wireless Technologies - 80 Hours A Basics of wired & wireless communications, TCP/IP Protocol stack, overview of Link, IP Layers, IPv4 & IPv6 basics, TCP, UDP Protocols & Socket Programming. TLS introduction, Wireless Communication - WLAN(IEEE 802.11), Wi-Fi motes(ESP8266,CC3200 etc), Bluetooth Protocol Stack, Class & Smart Profiles(L2CAP,RFCOMM,GATT etc), BLE Motes(NRF5xx series ,Tl CC26xx Series), BLE Beacons, , Cellular Technologies - GSM, CDMA, GPRS, 3G, 4GI/LTE etc, Geo Tracking - GPS, NB-IoT, SigFox, FOT Database Management - 60 Hours Aa Introduction to Database Management, SQL vs. NOSQL, Implementations, Data ‘management with SQL ~ Schema Design, CRUD operations, nested queries, aggregations, custom functions and MongoDB. Web Programming and Java - 80 Hours a Introduction to Nodejs, Event Handling, Buffer, String Handling, File Handling, Timers, Web Services, SOAP vs. REST, Frameworks & Templates for web design, ©.9.:- express js, Designing REST APIs for device registration, Data Management, Data Visualization, Dashboard Design, Basics of Angular 4, Java Programming — variables, data types, control statements, operators, classes, constructor, memory management, OOPs concepts and terfaces loT Protocols - 66 Hours A 1OT Communication needs, Terminology ~ M2M,IOT, WOT, Communication standards, ‘Communication models (Request-Response, Publish-Subscribe etc),Communication Patterns (Telemetry, Inquiry, Status, Notifications), Network Stack in Constrained OS, Data ‘exchange formats, @.9.:- JSON, IOT Protocols - MOTT, CoAP, HTTP REST, DDS, AMOP, Web Sockets etc. Packet Formats, Client and Server implementations. Security considerations in loT protocols, platform connectivity, resource registration & discovery. Case studies using loT protocols. Edge and Cloud Computing - 64 Hours A Edge analytics at devices and gateways, Down sampling of data — aggregations, fiters, Threshold prediction, Detecting Anomalies Cloud Computing basics, terminology, characteristics, services, cloud deployment — public, private environments, delivery models ~ laaS, PaaS, SaaS. Container Management, €.9.: Docker , Platform Services for IOT Applications, Providers, Implementation support, Application Deployment using PaaS, case studies. , Distributed, Backend Messaging, ESB Layer, Modem Service Models, Secure Communication, Cloud Security. Aptitude & Effective Communication - 90 Hours A Aptitude & Effective Communication Project - 110 Hours v

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