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ammunition, 1-6 cross fire, 3-30

AN/TAS-5, night tracker, 1-5,1-11,2-1,3-21,3-24 depth fire, 3-30
antiarmor section, 3-1 fire control, 3-26,3-26 (illus)
command and control, 3-3 methods, 3-27,3-27 (illus)
mechanized/BFV, 3-3 patterns, 3-29,3-30 (illus)
organization, 3-1 plans, 3-31
role, 3-1 priorities, 3-29
sector of fire, 3-28,3-28 (illus)
armor-killer team, 3-33,3-33 (illus), 3-33 thru
signals, 3-31
3-35 (illus) target reference point, 3-28,3-29 (illus)
composition, 3-35
control and mobility, 3-36 destruction
employment, 3-33, 3-34 (illus) burning, D-2, D-3
engagement techniques, 3-36 exploding, D-2, D-3
mission, 3-33 gunfire, D-2
terrain, 3-36
attacks failure to fire
day, 3-42 hangfire, 4-8, 6-16
night, 3-43 misfire, 4-8, 6-16
field handling trainer, 6-8, 6-9 (illus), 7-1, 8-2
backblast area, 2-1, 2-2 (illus), 2-3, 7-10 fighting positions, defensive, 2-3, 3-12, 3-13 thru
bipod, M47, 4-3 3-14 (illus)
one-man, 3-12
carrying positions two-man, 3-14, 3-15 (illus)
long distance, 4-1, 4-8 firing demonstrations, 7-2
short distance, 4-2, 4-8 firing limitations, 2-3
characteristics firing positions
battery carrying container, 1-2 kneeling, 7-4, 7-4 (illus)
capabilities, 1-1 prone, 7-5, 7-5 (illus), 7-7 (illus)
coolant cartridge, 1-2 standing supported, 7-4, 7-4 (illus)
equipment data, 1-2 sitting, 7-3, 7-3 (illus)
mobility, 1-2 firing procedures, C-2
rounds, 1-2
tracking and controlling, 1-1
gunner qualification with LET
collective training, 5-11, 8-11 classification and score, C-1 (table)
commander’s responsibility, 5-1 requirements, C-1
components standards, C-2 (table)
ammunition, 1-6 verification, C-1
day tracker, 1-2, 1-3 (illus) gunner selection, 5-2
night tracker, 1-2, 1-5, 1-5 (illus) gunner sustainment training, 8-9
gunner verification with LET, C-1
DA Form 5517-R, 3-18, 3-18 (illus) gunnery training equipment
day tracker, 1-2, 1-3 (illus) AN/TSQ-1 monitoring set, 6-4, 6-5 (illus), 6-5 (illus),
decontamination, principles and procedures, D-1 6-6 (illus)
biological, D-2 launch effects trainer, 6-1, 6-2 (illus), 6-3 (illus),
nuclear, D-2 6-4 (illus)
defense considerations launch environment simulator, 6-8, 6-9 (illus)
M89 infrared transmitting set, 6-6, 6-7 (illus)

FM 23-24

hangfire offense, employment of

combat only, 4-8 consolidation, 3-44
training, 4-8,6-16 dismounted infantry platoon, 3-40
mechanized infantry platoon, 3-41
infrared energy, sources of movement to contact, 3-40
fuel combustion, A-2 reorganization, 3-44
frictional, A-2
reflected radiance, A-2 performance test
solar, A-2 evaluation preparation, B-1
infrared transmitting set, M89, 6-6,6-7 (illus) reproduction, 6-20, B-1
inspection, 4-1 test administration, B-1
training objectives 1 through 11, B-2
instructional techniques
breath control, 7-8 personnel duties
effective training, 7-1 antiarmor section leader, 3-5
M3 machine gun tripod, 7-7, 7-7 (illus) squad leader, 3-5
M175 mount position (M113-equipped units), 7-6, tasks, 3-4 (table), 3-5 (table)
7-7 (illus) team leader, 3-5
M122 tripods, 7-7,7-7 (illus) precautions, general
evaluation, 5-11 Dragon/MILES, 2-5
firing, 7-12 equipment, 7-14
firing demonstrations, 7-2,7-3 (illus), 7-4 (illus), fighting positions, 2-3
7-5 (illus), 7-6 (illus) firing limitations, 2-3
range requirements, 7-9 personnel, 7-14
sighting, aiming, and firing, 7-8 round, 2-3
tracking exercises, 7-8, 7-11 safety, LET or LES, 2-4, 7-14
instructor water, 2-3
effective training, 7-1 precautions, training equipment, 2-3
evaluation, 5-11 Dragon/MILES, 2-5
guidelines, C-2 launch effects trainer, 2-4
program selection, 7-1 launch environment simulator, 2-4
selection, 5-2 target course, 6-7, 6-7 (illus)
skills and knowledge, 7-1
training, 6-9 qualification program
training objectives, 6-9 thru 6-27 procedures, C-2
training team, 7-13
program execution, 8-1
requirements, 8-1, C-1, C-1 (illus), C-2 (illus)
launch effects trainer, 2-4,6 -1,6-2 thru 6-4 (illus) Dragon performance scorecard, C-3, C-3 (illus)
launch enironment simulator, 2-4,6-8,6-9 (illus) skill and knowledge requirements, 8-2
speed and settings, 7-13 (table)
misfire procedures, 2-4, 4-8, 6-16 time and events, 8-5
training, 7-12
flight and control, 4-7,4-7 (illus)
range determination, 3-22,3-22 thru 3-23 (illus)
monitoring set, AN/TSQ-1, 6-4, 6-5 (illus), 6-5 (illus),
6-6 (illus) range cards
field-expedient, 3-19,3-19 (illus)
standard, 3-18, 3-18 (illus)
night tracker, 1-2, 1-5, 1-5 (illus)
recognition cues
BMP infantry combat vehicle, A-9, A-9 (illus)
obscuration BRDM-2 reconnaissance vehicle, A-10, A-11 (illus)
diesel fuel, A-3 BTR-60, A-10, A-10 (illus)
dust, A-3 M60A1 main battle tank, A-4, A-5 (illus)
oil smoke, A-3 M113 armored personnel carrier, A-6, A-6 (illus)
M551 light tank, A-5, A-5 (illus)

FM 23-24

T62 medium tank, A-8, A-8 (illus) training, 4-8,7-12,7-13

trucks, A-7, A-7 (illus) 250-meters, 7-2
retrograde, employment of assistant gunner, 5-8
delaying operations, 3-37 centralized, 5-9
infantry, 3-37 coach, 7-13
mechanized infantry, 3-37 collective, 8-11,8-11 (table)
obstacles, 3-38 decentralized, 5-9
operations, 3-37 development, 5-3
reconnaissance, 3-38 evaluation, 5-11
round destruction goals, 5-1
burning, D-3 gunner, 5-8
launching, D-3 gunnery, 5-9
explosives, D-3 individual instructions, 7-2
round, preparation for firing individual unit tasks and training objectives, 5-3 (table)
firing positions, 4-3 instructor, 6-9
leader, 5-8
lens cover, 4-3
M47 biped, 4-3 monitoring set operator, 7-14
multilevel, 5-7
tracker, 4-3
NCOIC, 7-13
objectives, 6-9, 1 through 15, B-2
safety, LET or LES, 7-14 officer, 7-13
scorecards overview, 5-2
Dragon performance scorecard, C-3, C-3 (illus) platoon leader, 5-7
Dragon gunnery scorecard, 6-20,6-21 (illus), program, 5-1,5-2
6-22 (illus) qualification, 7-12,7-13 (table)
support equipment unit, 1-12, 5-1,5-3
M3 machine gun tripod, 1-8, 1-9 unit programs, 1-12
M122 machine gun tripod, 1-8, 1-9 schedule, 7-1
M175 mounting assembly, 1-8 sequence, 7-2
vehicle storage kit, 1-10, 1-10 (illus) specific needs, 5-7
sustainment training, 7-13,8-9,8-10 (table) squad leader, 5-7
sustainment, 7-13, 7-13 (table), 8-9,8-10 (table)
strategy, 1-11
targets team, 5-10,7-13
armored vehicles, vulnerability of, 3-25, 3-25 (illus) techniques, 5-9
engagement, 3-22 verification, 7-13
fire control, 3-26,3-26 (illus)
training team personnel, 7-14
recognition, 3-20,3-21 (illus)
techniques, 3-22 troubleshooting, 6-18
target acquisition, 4-5,4-6 (illus)
thermal images, A-1 verification training, 7-13
thermal targets
temperatures, A-1 weather conditions, 7-2
images, A-1 cold, 4-9, A-2
trackers hot, 4-9
day, 1-2, 1-3 (illus) precipitation, A-3
night, 1-2, 1-5, 1-5 (illus) snow, A-3


The guided missile system, surface attack: M47 (Dragon), is a
man-portable, shoulder-fired, medium antitank weapon referred to
in this manual as Dragon. It is capable of defeating armored
vehicles, fortified bunkers, concrete gun emplacements, and other
hardened targets on the battlefield. It can be operated by the
individual soldier or by a two-man team. When employed with the
mechanized infantry, it can be mounted and fired from the APC or
M3 or M122 machine gun tripod, using the M175 mount. The
Dragon can be fired using either the day tracker or night tracker,
provided the gunner can see the target through the tracker. The
Dragon night tracker (AN/TAS-5) increases the gunner’s ability to
engage targets during limited visibility. Targets can be engaged
during daylight and also during limited visibility such as smoke,
fog, or darkness.


The Dragon consists of the following a. Capabilities. The Dragon is b. Tracking and Controlling
components: a day tracker, a night basically a defensive weapon that Capabilities. The command LOS
tracker, and a round of ammunition. can be employed in all weather guidance system of the Dragon
The round is the expendable part of conditions and in any type of terrain. provides a high probability of hit.
the system. The round has two major It is organic to infantry, armor, However, to achieve this, the gunner
assemblies: the launcher and the engineer, and field artillery units. must be well trained on the
missile. The launcher serves as the The Dragon provides the mounted steady-hold factors in Chapter 7.
handling and carrying container and or dismounted soldier with a defense The gunner acquires the target in the
for firing the missile. The tracker is against hostile armor, during both tracker (day or night), and sets and
the reusable part of the system, day and night operations. The holds the sight cross hairs center
which is designed for fast, easy Dragon can be used during the mass on the exposed portion of the
detachment from the round. The assault against field fortifications, target. This provides a continuous
tracker (day or night) determines heavy weapon emplacements, and LOS for the tracker; other gunner
any deviation of the missile from the other hard-point targets. With its control is required. The guidance
LOS and generates correcting light weight, rapid deployment, and and control is automatic until the
signals, which are sent to the missile ease of operation, it is particularly missile impacts on the target. After
control system by a wire link. suited for airborne and air mobile the missile impacts, the gunner
operations. detaches the tracker, disposes of the

FM 23-24

expended launcher, and prepares to e. Equipment Data. The following inches) Launcher Length - 1154
fire another round. data describes the general and millimeters (44.1 inches).
specific characteristics of the
c. Mobility. The system can be hand Day Tracker: Weight - 3.1 kilograms
carried by one man. Therefore, the (6.75 pounds) Length - 196
gunner/team chief can quickly (1) General. millimeters (7.72 inches).
displace to reduce the chance of
Minimum range - 65 meters. Night Tracker: Weight - 9.82
detection or to engage targets that
Maximum range - 1,000 meters. kilograms (21.65 pounds) Length -
are not within the range of the
Ammunition - High-explosive 368 millimeters (14.5 inches).
primary fighting position.
antitank warhead or inert warhead.
f. Night Tracker Coolant Cartridge
d. R o u n d s . T h r e e r o u n d s a r e
(2) Specific. and Battery Carrying Container. A
available for use with the Dragon:
mechanized infantry squad is issued
the M222 and MK1, MOD 0, tactical Round: M222/M223 Weight - 14.6
five coolant cartridge packs and one
rounds (heat warheads), and M223 kilograms (25.29 pounds). Missile
battery carrying container full of
practice round (inert warhead). All Length - 744 millimeters (29.39
components. A nonmechanized
rounds use the same basic airframe, inches). Launcher Length - 1154
squad is issued five coolant cartridge
aerodynamic control system, millimeters (44.1 inches).
packs and three battery carrying
command-link wire, and missile
Round: MK 1, MOD 0 Weight - 16.2 containers full of components.
electronics design.
kilograms (27.2 pounds) Missile
Length - 846 millimeters (33.32


The Dragon weapon system consists electro-optical sight that determines system of the missile. The missile
of a day tracker, night tracker, and a the position of the missile relative to control system fires the appropriate
round of ammunition. the gunner’s LOS. rocket thrusters to keep the missile
heading along the gunner’s LOS
a.. Day Tracker Infrared Tracker (1) The day tracker generates signals (Figure 1-1).
G.M. SU-36/P. The day tracker is an that are sent by wire to the control

Figure 1-1. Day tracker line of sight.

FM 23-24

Figure 1-2. Day tracker parts.

(2) The day tracker is quickly to protect the tracker and optical detects any deviations or excursions
attached to and removed from the lenses. The lens cover is also of the missile from the gunner’s LOS.
round (Figure 1-2). The tracker has attached to the tracker by a lanyard.
(6) The daytracker’s telescopic sight
an aluminum housing assembly that
(5) The optical sight of the day and infrared receiver are aligned to
contains an optical sight, infrared
tracker is a 6-power telescope. It define the LOS to the target. The
receiver assembly, and control signal
provides the gunner with a magnified sight reticle pattern is a tapered
comparator. On the right side of the
image across a 6-degree field of view cross hair that causes the eye to
housing is a firing mechanism. It
to help him to locate, identify, and concentrate on the center of the
consists of a trigger safety plunger
track targets. A fitted and molded FOV. This aids the gunner to quickly
and trigger level bar. The firing
rubber eye guard provides the adjust the center of the cross hairs
mechanism and safety plunger are
gunner with eye protection and and place them center mass of the
protected by a moisture-seal rubber
allows rapid eye adjustment to the target. A pair of stadia lines (Figure
sight (Figure 1-3). The infrared 1-4) are used to aid the gunner to
(3) A connector cover provides both receiver consists of an objective lens determine the range of a target. The
mechanical and moisture protection assembly, graded filter, infrared stadia lines are set up for the
for the electrical connector. It is detector, and nutator mirror. The standard Threat vehicle (6 meters by
attached to the tracker by a lanyard. sensor detects the infrared output of 3 meters) at the maximum
the missile flare and discriminates engagement range of 1,000 meters.
(4) Shock absorbers surround the
against background signals. It
forward and rear ends of the tracker

FM 23-24

Figure 1-3. Day tracker optical sight and eye guard.

Figure 1-4. Day tracker reticle and stadia lines.

FM 23-24

b. Night Tracker (Night Vision

Sight, Tracker, Infrared,
AN/TAS-5). The night tracker is
used when light levels fall below that
which is required for the day tracker
(Figure 1-5).
(1) The AN/TAS-5 has a 4-power
magnification and the FOV is 3.4 by
6.8 degrees. The night tracker is a
passive device that receives heat
emissions (infrared energy) from a
target area (Figure 1-6), and
converts the infrared energy to
electrical signals and then to visible
light. It displays the visible light as a
real-time scene for viewing by the
gunner. Objects that are warmer
than the ambient temperature
appear in the night tracker as varying Figure 1-5. Night tracker.
shades of red; objects cooler than
ambient temperature appear in the same functions. The tracker helps provides the commands needed to
nightsight as black. The night tracker the gunner to locate, identify, and keep the missile on the gunner’s
is a larger and heavier tracker than track a target. The infrared tracker LOS.
the day tracker, but performs the monitors the missile’s flight and

Figure 1-6. Night tracker senses infrared (heat).

FM 23-24

Figure 1-7. Night tracker actuator switch.

(2) The firing mechanism of the permits the gunner to evaluate the (c) The brightness and contrast
night tracker and the control and operating condition of the night controls (Figure 1-8) brighten or
guidance are the same as with the tracker, and is normally in the darken the picture, and the contrast
day tracker. OFF-LOCK position. The switch control changes the contrast of the
is then rotated to the picture. Both the brightness and
(3) The night tracker is used during
AIR-BATT-CHECK position used contrast adjustments work the same
reduced visibility in day or night
to check the condition of the coolant as similar controls on a television set.
operations. It is capable of
cartridge and battery. If the coolant
self-sustained operation, using an c. A m m u n i t i o n . The Dragon
cartridge and battery condition are
externally mounted 4.8-VDC battery ammunition is an expendable
good, the switch is rotated to the ON
and coolant cartridge, and can be component (Figure 1-9), consisting
position for normal operation.
operated using vehicle power and of the missile and launcher. The
associated equipment installed in an CAUTION: The fourth position, missile is installed in the launcher at
APC. The gunner’s operation of the release, is used when the gun- the factory and shipped in a
night tracker differs from that of the ner must replace the coolant ready-to-fire configuration. The
day tracker. The night tracker has cartridge. launcher serves as a storage and
several controls not required on the carrying case for the missile before
day tracker. launch.
(a) The ACTUATOR switch (b) The reticle adjustment ring (1) The launcher consists of a
(Figure 1-7) turns the system on and focuses the reticle. The range focus smoothbore, fiberglass tube,
off. It is a four-position switch that lever adjusts the focus for different breech/gas pressure generator
ranges. (Figure 1-8).

FM 23-24

Figure 1-8. Night tracker controls.

assembly, wiring harness, tracker (2) The tracker battery provides tracker operation. The biped is
support assembly, biped, tracker power to the tracker and fires the attached to the forward end of the
battery, sling, and forward and rear missile. The tracker bracket launcher and supports the launcher.
shock absorbers. provides the electrical connections The night tracker can then use APC
necessary for missile, trigger, and power during mounted operations.

FM 23-24

Figure 1-9. M222/MK1, MOD 0, tactical round external components.


Units equipped with the M113 APC (Figure 1-10) provides a stable unit track mechanic removes all
are authorized the following Dragon platform for firing the Dragon support equipment.
support equipment: guided missile missile from the M113 APC and the
(1) It provides improved, stable
launcher mount, M175, M3/M122 M3 or M122 machine gun tripods.
firing and tracking conditions for the
machine gun tripods, and vehicle The M175 mounting assembly is
gunner, thereby increasing weapon
storage kit. installed on the APC by the unit
system effectiveness.
track mechanic. If the APC is turned
a. M175 Mounting Assembly. The
in for overhaul or repair, ensure the
guided missile launcher mount

FM 23-24

Figure 1-10. Guided missile launcher system, M175.

(2) The mount is used to fire the connectors on the mount. They are obtaining a firm, steady tracking
M222/MK1, MOD 0, tactical rounds fired by a remote firing mechanism action.
or M223 practice round. It on the right rear of the cradle.
b. M3/M122 Machine Gun Tripods.
accommodates the M54 LET and
(4) Azimuth and elevation dampers Either the M3 or M122 machine gun
M57 FHT.
reduce gunner and vehicle tripods (Figure 1-11) can be used to
(3) The round and tracker are vibrations. They assist the gunner in fire the Dragon from a ground
electrically mated through two support position.

FM 23-24

Figure 1-11. M3/M122 machine gun tripods.

c. Vehicle Storage Kit. The kit APCs assigned to mechanized following night tracker support
(Figure 1-12) is installed in all M113 infantry squads. It consists of the equipment:

Figure 1-12. Vehicle storage kit.

FM 23-24

(1) A night tracker storage rack, (2) A vehicle power conditioner to also operated from the APC power
located just below the day tracker step down the power of the 24-volt source.
storage case, to secure the night battery.
(4) Three coolant cartridge
tracker when not in use.
(3) A battery charger rack and a container storage racks and one
PP-7382/TAS battery charger are battery container storage rack are
under the personnel seats.


A training strategy is the overall completing the balance of testing the d. Collective training takes place in
concept for integrating resources following month. Each Dragon the unit with the goal of fully
into a program to train individual gunner will verify quarterly the C2 integrating the Dragon weapon into
and collective skills needed to designator by successfully the unit’s overall combat power. It is
perform a unit’s wartime mission. completing the two qualification divided into two parts: force-on-
The training strategy for Dragon tables and gunner’s skill test. force and live fire.
training is implemented in both Advanced training is conducted by
(1) Force-on-force training is
TRADOC institutions and also the unit and consists of field tracking
conducted with MILES during
within units, It is composed of four exercises conducted quarterly.
squad and platoon FTX/STX.
primary components: Field tracking exercises progress
Platoons must be evaluated on
toward more difficult tracking
• Initial training. Dragon employment during
engagements in terms of conditions,
semiannual external evaluations.
• Sustainment/advanced training. equipment, or tactical play. Tracking
events include exercises, such as (2) Live fire is conducted using the
Ž Collective training.
night tracking (under artificial laser target interface device (LTID)
• Leader training. illumination or with the AN/TAS-5 or actual missiles (live or inert) in
night tracker), tracking with MOPP, conjunction with platoon live-fire
a . Initial gunner training is a
or other situational gunnery exercises. Dragon gunners/teams
prescriptive POI conducted in both
conditions, using LET/LES or must participate in squad/platoon
institution and unit. It is composed
Dragon: MILES. These may be collective live-fire exercises
of 15 blocks of instruction and
integrated with other Dragon or unit semianually.
culminates with successful
exercises. At the commander’s
completion of two tracking tables e. Leader training is conducted in
(40 engagements) and the gunner’s discretion, any combination of these
both the institution and unit.
may be scheduled quarterly
skill test (10 tasks). Leaders are taught to train,
throughout the year.
maintain, and employ the Dragon in
b. Sustainment training ensures
c. Each unit is authorized to fire live courses such as NCOES and the
retention of skills learned during
missiles annually. The number of basic officer’s course. This training
initial training. This training takes
missiles varies by type unit. The must continue in units through NCO
place entirely in the unit: monthly,
annual live fire may be conducted in and officer development classes and
quarterly and annually. Gunners
an instructional setting or integrated personal initiative. The training of
must have skill retention by
into other unit live-fire exercises. Dragon instructors begins with
practicing precision tracking at least
Where possible, live missile firings institutional leader training and is
monthly. Gunners fire selected
should closely follow a scheduled fully developed in the unit. Leaders
engagements from the monthly
qualification, and only currently selected as Dragon instructors must
sustainment table using LET/LES.
qualified gunners should be allowed be proficient Dragon gunners and be
They must also complete at least 50
to fire. familiar with all aspects of Chapters
percent of the gunner’s skill test
6, 7, 8, and Appendix B of this
hands-on tasks each month,

FM 23-24


The ultimate goal of a unit Dragon firer usually fires from a standing depend on his ability to defend
sustainment program is well-trained supported position. himself or other members of the unit.
gunners so a unit can survive and win Therefore, individual and collective
(5) Most combat targets have a low
on the battlefield. The trainer must tracking skills must support the
contrast outline and are obscure.
realize that qualification is not an expected battlefield conditions and
Therefore, choosing an aiming point
end, but a step toward reaching this the unit’s combat mission.
in elevation is difficult.
combat requirement.
c. A unit’s Dragon training program
(6) Time-stressed fire in combat can
a. To reach this goal, the gunner must be battlefield oriented. It must
be divided into three types: a single,
must be able to position and use his be based upon several individual
fleeing target that must be engaged
weapon under the following combat combat t a s k s a s w e l l a s
quickly distributed targets engaged
conditions: organizational, operational, or
within the time they remain
contingency missions. It must have
(1) Enemy vehicles are seldom available; and a surprise target that
available resources such as
visible except when assaulting. must be engaged at once with
ammunition, time, ranges, and
accurate fire.
(2) Most Dragon combat targets can qualified trainers. This manual
be detected by smoke, flash, dust, b. The unit’s program must provide provides the information a unit
noise, or movement. fundamental training to sustain and commander needs to develop an
improve the skills and proficiency effective Dragon training program
(3) Some combat targets can be
the soldier has attained during his for his unit requirements.
located by using nearby objects as
initial training. Once basic skills have
reference points. d. General tracking, training
been mastered, these must be
knowledge, and accurate firing are
(4) The nature of the target and improved by conducting new or
acquired skills that perish easily.
irregularities of terrain and advanced individual and collective
Skill practice should be conducted
vegetation may require a firer to use training. The program must develop
for short periods throughout the
a variety of positions in addition to tracking skills by incorporating
year. Most units have a readiness
the sitting or standing supported tracking into tactical exercises. This
requirement that all Dragon gunners
position to fire effectively on the training must maintain the soldier’s
and assistant gunners must have
target. In a defensive situation, the confidence in the weapon and his
monthly sustainment training with
skills. A soldier’s survival may
quarterly verification/qualification.



Local directives and SOPs are required to supplement safety

precautions. SOPs should include individual responsibilities, safety
requirements, distance limits for soldiers and explosives, locations
and sequence of operations, equipment needed for handling
munitions, and protection of soldiers. Responsibilities for
operations involving explosives must be clearly designated. Safety
precautions must be observed.

NOTE: Refer to TM 9-1300-206 for detailed ammunition handling

and storage safety precautions.


Other than removing the front shock sure the rear end of the launcher (8) DO NOT fire the Dragon over
absorber including the desiccant does not swing into a position where friendly troops or vehicles.
package, strict observance of safety the backblast could cause injury.
b. The antireflective coating on the
precautions to prevent personnel
(3) DO NOT fire at targets closer AN/TAS-5 infrared optics contains
from tampering with the encased
than 65 meters because the warhead thorium fluoride that is slightly
missile must be enforced.
will not be armed. radioactive. The only potential
a. The following precautions must be hazard involves swallowing or
(4) When mating the tracker to the
understood and followed before inhaling of the coating material.
round, use extreme care not to
firing the Dragon: Broken lenses should be disposed of
accidentally fire the round.
IAW AR 385-11.
(1) DO NOT look at the sun, flares,
(5) DO NOT allow personnel or
lasers, or searchlights while sighting c. The Dragon backblast area
equipment forward of the firing
through the day tracker because extends 50 meters to the rear and 30
telescope magnifies the effect and meters to the flanks of the launcher
the eyes could be severely burned. (6) DO NOT perform PMCS with (Figure 2-1). This area is divided into
the tracker mated to the round. two zones: a danger zone and a
(2) When firing from the prone firing
caution zone.
position, make sure the body is out (7) All personnel within 50 meters of
of the danger area. When tracking the weapon must wear properly
moving targets in this position, make inserted earplugs.

FM 23-24

Figure 2-1. Dragon backblast area.

(1) The danger zone extends 30 NOTE: During training, both the practice missiles must be reported to
meters to the rear of the launcher danger and caution zones are EOD for disposal.
and forms a 90-degree cone. In this kept clear.
area, fatalities or serious casualties WARNING: When suspended
d. Because of the danger to soldiers
could occur because of the blast, from trees, bushes, or similar
from the backblast of the Dragon,
flame, and flying debris. Personnel objects, the Dragon missile
extreme care must be exercised in all
must avoid this zone. guidance wires present a
phases of instruction. Team drills,
(2) The caution zone extends an position exercises, and tracking potential hazard to personnel
additional 20 meters to the rear exercises must be conducted with because of their small
and 30 meters to the flanks of the the LET and LES as though a diameter and high strength.
danger zone. Personnel should avoid tactical missile were being tired. Access to areas where such
this zone whenever possible. conditions can exist should
e. A practice missile can contain be strictly controlled. When
Personnel must wear earplugs and
live-rocket motors after the end of suspended wires are found,
protect their eyes from flying debris
missile flight The warhead on this they should be removed.
by not facing the rear of the Dragon.
type of missile is inert, but the
live-rocket motors present a hazard
to personnel. The location of all

FM 23-24

f. During live-fire exercises, safety of the gunner at least 1 meter away. flame, and debris escaping from the
personnel must stand on either side This is due to the expended gases, front and rear of the Dragon.


Improper or careless handling of the is any reason to believe the missile should be returned to the
Dragon round can damage the has been damaged or dropped, or responsible ammunition personnel
components and cause the missile to there is evidence of launcher for inspection and disposition.
malfunction when launched. If there deformation or fracture, the round


The Dragon will not be fired from by 15 feet. Clear all debris and loose structural damage, falling debris,
within buildings, bunkers, or other objects from behind the launch site. concentrated toxic gases, and
enclosures or within 50 feet of a When possible, open all doors, building fires. All of which can result
vertical or nearly vertical backstop. windows, and make holes in the walls in injury to the gunner and or team.
During training, waivers for this and ceilings at least 2 feet by 2 feet to A Dragon should not be positioned
limitation can be granted under the allow the backblast and so as to cause the gunner to fire over
provisions of AR 385-62. During overpressure to escape. The gunner power lines, through brush or brush
combat, it can become necessary to must wear double hearing fires, or through limbs or other
risk firing the Dragon from protection to reduce, the possibility obstructions. They might damage
enclosures. When this is necessary, of hearing loss. Some effects of firing the command-link wire and interfere
the enclosure must beat least 10 feet a Dragon from a confined space are with the missile guidance.


When firing from a fighting position, downhill or uphill slope to ensure inches above and below the muzzle
there should not be any obstruction that the angle of the launcher relative of the launcher. This clearance
to the front or to the rear of the to the ground is not greater than 20 allows the missile fins to fold out and
launcher to deflect the backblast degrees. In either a hasty or lock into place.
toward the gunner. Special care prepared fighting position, there
must be taken when firing from a must be a minimum clearance of 6


When firing the Dragon over salt Raising the launcher 1 foot increases command-link wire so the missile
water, the distance should not the distance it can Fire overwater by can be fired to the maximum range.
exceed 300 meters. Salt water can 100 meters. When firing over fresh
short out the command-link wire. water, there is no effect on the

FM 23-24


Safety precautions must be observed (2) Sound levels. The sound levels (3) Premature firing. Damage to the
at all times. During training, the are common to both the LET and the LES’s circuits because of static
soldiers must practice and observe LES systems. Sound and pressure discharge can cause the LES to
the same backblast area precautions levels can damage hearing. Ear prematurely fire. Leather gloves
for the LET/LES as they would for protection must be worn by all must be worn when placing the end
live fire (paragraph 2-1) (Figure personnel in the area when either the caps on the front and rear of the
2-l). The training equipment LET or the LES is fired. LES. When preparing to conduct
generates sound and pressure levels LES training, ensure that the
(3) Backblast area. The M64 grenade
that can damage hearing. Hearing backblast area remains clear during
launching cartridge has a backblast
protection must be worn at all times the LES system checkout
area that extends 3 meters to the rear
by personnel on or about the firing procedures.
of the LET and forms a 90-degree
area. (4) Misfire procedures. If a NO FIRE
danger zone. During training the
a. Launch Effects Trainer. T h e gunner should practice and observe occurs (the gases fail to ignite),
following safety precautions for the the same backblast area as that of the perform the following procedures:
LET must be observed at all times: Dragon (50 meters).
(a) Wait five seconds and squeeze
b. Launch Environment Simulator. the firing mechanism again.
WARNING: If a misfire oc- Damage to the LES’s circuits
curs in which the primer ex- (b) If the LES still does not fire, the
because of static discharge can allow
plodes but fails to ignite the instructor immediately sets the
the LES to fire when the arming
powder, clean the pressure SAFE-ARM switch on the control
switch is moved into the arm
chamber before the LET is box to SAFE. Then, he sets the PWR
position. when preparing to conduct
reused. When misfires (more ON-OFF-CHARGE switch to OFF.
a LES training session, the backblast
than 5 percent) occur that are area must be cleared during the (c) Do not allow any part of the body -
not due to a malfunctioning system checkout procedures. to extend in front of or behind the
firing mechanism, notify the LES launcher while performing the
ammunition supply point as (1) Flammables. The LES uses
following steps:
soon as possible. flammable and explosive gases
under pressure. Smoking or open • Remove both end caps from the
flames are not allowed within 50 launcher and allow a minimum
(1) Misfire. If a misfire occurs, the
meters of an operating LES or of two minutes for the gases to
gunner maintains the LET in the
storage area. vent.
firing position for 60 seconds. After
the 60 seconds, the loader unloads (2) Oil contamination. Oil and or • Unlatch and reseat the tracker.
the M64 cartridge. petroleum products ignite explo- Ž Reinstall both end caps after a
sively when exposed to pure oxygen. two-minute vent (step 4).
WARNING: Do not load the Oily contaminants must be removed
LET for alignment proce- from the area around the LES. • Set PWR-ON-CHARGE
dures. switch to ON.
WARNING: Exercise extreme (d) If the BATTERY TEST
WARNING: Gunners are caution when using the LES. indicator does not illuminate,
limited to five LES shots in a Wear gloves when placing perform BATTERY and GLOW
24-hour period in accord- end caps on the front and PLUG tests. If GLOW PLUG
ance with the surgeon rear of the system to avoid circuit test does not illuminate, set
general’s guidelines on being burned by accidental
preventing hearing losses. firing.

FM 23-24

Figure 2-2. Personnel crossing 50 meters behind LES.

GLOW PLUG SELECT switch to (1) Laser light. Although the laser or periscopes, at ranges of less
alternate circuit and retest. light emitted by MILES is eye-safe in than 75 meters.
ordinary use, precautions should be
(e) Check the oxygen pressure and (2) ATWESS cartridge. Handle the
taken to lessen the chance of eye
MAPP gas level. Dragon/MILES like any loaded and
injury from excessively close or
armed weapon. Do not drop the
(f) Depress FILL pushbutton and repeated exposures. Precautionary
Dragon when an ATWESS cartridge
release. measures include the following
is loaded and armed. A strong jolt
(g) If immediate-action procedures • Avoid viewing the laser emitter may cause it to fire Never arm an
do not correct the misfire, return the at close range (less than 12 ATWESS until ready to fire Never
LES to TSC for maintenance. meters). Increase the distance load an ATWESS with the arming
from the eye to the laser source lever up. Never stand behind the
(5) Debris. Personnel must not stand
to reduce the risk of over- weapon when loading the cartridge.
in front of or in back of the LES when
it is being freed. If it is necessary to exposure. Handle ATWESS cartridges with
the same care as with any live
cross behind the LES, they must • Avoid viewing the emitter
cross at least 50 meters away (see directly along the optical axis of
Figure 2-2). the radiated beam. (3) Other safety precautions. Always
c. Dragon/MILES. Always wear observe the cautions and warnings
• Avoid viewing the emitter
for the Dragon while operating or
earplugs w h e n f i r i n g t h e directly along the axis of the
Dragon/MILES. performing maintenance on the
beam through stabilized optics,
such as binoculars, telescopes,



This chapter discusses considerations for and techniques of

employment for the Dragon during offensive, defensive, and
retrograde operations. This chapter is keyed to the Dragon as an
infantry weapon; however, the infantry techniques discussed apply
to any situation for all types of units. Specific areas of discussion
include selection and preparation of firing positions, target
engagement techniques, and fire control procedures. To fully
understand and properly integrate the Dragon into tactics and
techniques, leaders must be familiar with FM 7-7, FM 7-7J, FM 7-8,
or FM 7-10, whichever applies.


The Dragon’s role, location within

the organization, and personnel
duties are discussed in this section.


The Dragon’s primary role is to secondary role of providing fire normally use the Dragon in a
destroy enemy armored vehicles. support against point targets such as self-defense role during rear
When there is no armored vehicle, bunkers and crew-served weapons operations.
the Dragons can be employed in a positions. Combat and CS units


In the nonmechanized and Dragons are in the antiarmor section rifle company. (See Figure 3-l.) The
nonairborne infantry organizations, of the headquarters platoon of each antiarmor section has 13 personnel

FM 23-24

Figure 3-1. Nonmechanized and nonairborne infantry rifle company organization.

and six medium antitank weapons. It organized the same as non- feasible for them to carry, and the
is organized into three teams of four mechanized and nonairborne platoon can assist them. Also, by
men with two medium antitank infantry organizations. (See FM spreading the antiarmor weapons
weapons each. The section leader is 7-8.) The discussion in this throughout the company, the
a SSG and each team is led by a SGT. paragraph is keyed to the non- commander ensures that each
The section provides medium-range mechanized and nonairborne element has increased antiarmor
antiarmor support to the company. It infantry antiarmor sections. capacity.
can be employed under company However, the principles also
(2) As an alternative, the antiarmor
control or as separate teams apply to the units with
section can overwatch the
attached to platoons. When no similar-type organizations.
company’s movement as a separate
armored threat exists, the antiarmor
a. Antiarmor Section. The antiarmor element. This method is easiest if the
section fights as infantry under the
section can be positioned in several movement is short and good
control of the company commander
ways, depending on the tactical overwatch positions are available
or attached to one of the platoons.
situation, a r m o r a v e n u e s o f near the LD; some difficulties exist
It can be employed as a fourth
approach, and assigned mission. with this method. The section leader
maneuver element, or as a
must rely on PRC-68s, with limited
reconnaissance element. (1) If they are used in the antiarmor
range and reliability, to control his
role, they may be attached in part or
NOTE: Airborne, air assault, teams. Also, the day and night
whole to platoons. This is because
motorized, and ranger-type tracker and multiple rounds of
they have more equipment than is
organizations are basically Dragon ammunition are hard to

FM 23-24

carry. These problems are partly communications assets of the section squad-size antiarmor ambush or
solved by choosing overwatch leader. squad-size or fire team-size
positions near the LD, and then armor-killer teams. These teams
b. Command and Support
choosing new ones by map may operate independently within
Relationships. The antiarmor
reconnaissance. These must be the company and platoon
section normally operates under
confirmed as the company moves operations, or as part of a larger
control of the company commander.
past them. element (several armor-killer teams
This allows the commander to
as part of an antiarmor ambush).
(3) The first teams emplaced join the effectively mass the effects of
rear of the company formation when Dragon antiarmor fire by giving c. Mechanized/BFV Organizations.
it passes a predetermined point. This mission-type orders to his antiarmor In mechanized and BFV
bounding method provides limited section leader. However, the organizations, Dragons are assigned
security for the antiarmor teams commander can choose to to the rifle platoons in each rifle
during movement and emplacement task-organize in a variety of ways. company and to the scout section in
and ensures continuous antiarmor headquarters company. Normally, a
(1) Having part or all of the section
support for the company during rifleman in each squad is designated
attached to an element, led by the
movement. However, the Dragon and trained as a Dragon gunner.
1SG or XO, aids greater supervision,
equipment’s weight will hinder their
control, and coordination of the (1) The Dragon gunner carries the
section. The commander is then free tracker and one round. The Dragon
(4) The commander can consider to command. Examples might be a rounds and the frequent need for
forming armor-killer teams by support or overwatch element them may make it necessary to form
task-organizing a Dragon team and consisting of the antiarmor and a Dragon team when the squad
a fire team or squad. These teams mortar sections, a DLIC in a dismounts the carrier. Such a team
overwatch the company’s movement withdrawal, or an antiarmor ambush consists of the gunner, with a tracker
under control of the antiarmor led by the XO or 1SG. and one round, and one or more
section leader. This gives the additional riflemen to carry rounds
(2) Having part or all of the section
antiarmor section both and the night tracker, if available, to
attached to a platoon(s) adds
load-carrying capacity and local assist in target acquisition. This
combat power to the platoon. It also
security, although it decreases a rifle provides a measure of local security.
allows platoon members to assist the
platoon’s strength.
antiarmor section to carry their (2) Dragon teams, if formed, are
(5) When antiarmor section weapons and equipment and gives combined into the squad or platoon
personnel are acting as riflemen, the antiarmor section local security. organizations for command, control,
they may travel separately or as an When the antiarmor teams are and security. Units should cross train
element in the company formation. spread out among the platoons, it as many squad members as possible
They may be in reserve, serve as a ensures that each platoon has some on the Dragon in case the gunner
reconnaissance element, be antiarmor capability. This may be becomes a casualty.
attached to a platoon to form a necessary for movements (both for
d. Command and Control. Since the
fourth squad, or combined with the cross-loading and load-carrying
Dragon is one of the principal
mortars to provide local security and purposes) and for providing
armor-defeating weapons in the
to help carry ammunition. In this supervision and control to the
platoon, its use is governed by the
case, a leader, such as the XO, antiarmor section, especially during
platoon leader’s assessment of the
should lead. When serving as infiltrations. Examples are a platoon
tactical situation. The platoon leader
riflemen, it is not recommended that antiarmor ambush, a platoon as the
has three control options:
the antiarmor section be attached by DLIC in a withdrawal, and a platoon
teams to the platoons because this tasked to provide antiarmor fire into (1) Centralized control (heavy units
has a piecemeal effect. It also does an engagement area. only). The major advantage of
not use the leadership ability or centralized control is the platoon
(3) Having a part(s) of the section
leader’s positive control of one of his
attached to a squad(s) forms either a

FM 23-24

primary armor-defeating weapons. inability to quickly mass Dragon fires used, the overall responsibility for
This gives the platoon leader the when and where needed. It also the proper employment of the
flexibility to quickly mass the fires of burdens the squad(s) with tracker Dragon rests with the platoon
the Dragons to meet a changing and rounds that are not needed for leader. The platoon leader should
threat. Its major limitation is that the all situations, yet must be carried at ensure that as many members of the
platoon leader, during contact with all times. This results in a dissipation platoon as possible are cross trained
the enemy, m u s t b e a b l e t o of the squad’s other capabilities. on the Dragon system. They must
communicate with the Dragon maintain a high degree of
(3) Combination of control. T o
gunners and teams, either directly or proficiency, establish command and
quickly influence an action, the
indirectly, and control their fires in c o n t r o l p r o c e d u r e s (SOPs,
platoon leader should normally keep
all situations besides his other duties. communications, and so forth), and
at least one Dragon under his
(2) Decentralized control. The major conduct unit training with the
control. In effect, he is employing a
Dragon. Once in combat, the
advantage of this method of control combination of centralized and
is all-round antiarmor protection for platoon leader decides when and
decentralized control. When
the platoon and a relatively quicker where to employ Dragons, how many
properly applied, this method
response time for individual target should be used, and the method of
combines the advantages of
engagements. Its major limitation is control. He must also supervise all
centralized and decentralized
aspects of Dragon employment and
the lack of positive control by the control and lessens their limitations.
remain abreast of the tactical
platoon leader, resulting in his Regardless of the form of control
situation to react accordingly.


Individual tasks that must be Table 3-1. Although some tasks are tasks differ in scope and degree of
performed to successfully employ listed for one or more leaders, the proficiency.
the Dragon in the defense are in

Table 3-1. Task responsibilities.

FM 23-24

Table 3-1. Task responsibilities (continued).

a. Antiarmor Section Leader all organic and attached antiarmor operations, either as the leader of a
(Nonmechanized and Nonairborne assets. single element or using the separate
Infantry). The antiarmor section antiarmor sections in coordinated
(2) Provides antiarmor support to
leader is responsible for the overall actions.
the company during defensive and
performance of the section. He is
offensive operations, to include (4) Participates in or leads the
both a planner and a leader, and
preparing an overall plan, company reserve or CP security
must be prepared to execute the
reconnoitering tentative Dragon element.
following tasks with his section:
firing positions, and controlling
b. Squad Leader/Team Leader. The
(1) Becomes the principal advisor to antiarmor fires.
squad leader of an infantry rifle
the commander on employment of
(3) Plans and leads reconnaissance, squad or team leader of an
security, and combat patrol antiarmor section (operating

FM 23-24

independently of the section) is in • Informing the platoon leader of d. Assistant Gunner. The assistant
command of the team and is gunner prepares a second round for
responsible for – firing if the need arises and assists in
construction of the fighting position.
• Observing adjusting control- • Supervising resupply.
He ensures the backblast area is
ling, and supervising the
c. Gunner. The gunner acquires the clear before firing and assists the
conduct of fire of the Dragon.
target, and determines if it is within gunner in maintenance of the
Ž Employing the Dragon range, to track and fire on Dragon. He carries one round and
according to the platoon designated targets. He maintains the the night tracker (if available).
leader’s orders. weapon. The gunner carries the
NOTE: The team leader in an
tracker in the carrying case and one
antiarmor section also performs
duties as assistant gunner.


This section provides guidance for employing the Dragon in defensive sections/platoons of other types of
the platoon leader, the operations. These provisions apply units.
section/squad leader, and the to the rifle platoons of all types of
Dragon gunner and team in infantry battalions and


The guidelines herein are for use as retrograde operation? Are we • Antiarmor Fire Support
a foundation for specific tactics or mounted or dismounted? Available. When other forms of
techniques. Before employing the antiarmor frees (TOW, tanks,
Ž Enemy. Large numbers of
Dragon, the number of trackers and attack helicopters) are
enemy armored vehicles in the
rounds must be determined for available, Dragons may assume
vicinity may mean the need for
carrying and proper positioning and a secondary role. This decreases
all Dragon rounds.
how to protect them before, during, the need for a large number of
and after firing. When operating in • Terrain. Suitable fields of fire rounds, especially during
an armor environment, carry two and trafficable terrain increase dismounted movements.
trackers (day and night) to maintain the likelihood of engaging
Target engagement during darkness,
antiarmor capabilities should one enemy armor with Dragons at
haze, smoke, or fog is limited. The
tracker be destroyed or become long ranges, possibly allowing
platoon/company must have a
inoperative. To determine the round more than one shot for each
simple and quick procedure or SOP
distribution (that is, which portion of gunner.
that aids quick engagements and
the unit’s basic load is carried with
• Troops Available. The includes provisions for –
the platoon), the company
capability to carry extra rounds
commander (light) or the platoon a. Target Acquisition. Target
(dismounted) is directly in
leader (mechanized or BFV) acquisition can be initiated by the
proportion to soldier strength;
considers the following variables gunner using his tracker, RSTA
that is, the larger the platoon,
that impact on his decision: devices, designated individuals using
the more soldiers are available
binoculars or NVDs, or a
• Mission. Are we attacking, to carry rounds.
combination of these devices.
defending, or conducting a

FM 23-24

b. Communications. The platoon essential personnel on wire sources of illumination may be

leader ensures that communica- communications. available and dedicated to support
tions exist for the rapid issue of antiarmor fires. Artillery and
c. Illumination. If natural or
target acquisition data, illumination mortar illumination are examples
battlefield light sources (for
requests, and fire commands. SOPs, of illumination available to platoon
example, burning vehicles) is
signals, and fire commands are leaders. (AN/TAS-5 operational
insufficient for target illumination,
essential. When in a static position, capabilities a r e d i s c u s s e d i n
the gunner uses the AN/TAS-5
one method is to “hot loop” all Chapter 1.)
tracker to engage targets without
illumination. Responsive artificial


In infantry units, the platoon’s importance in the defense. Control • Destroy or immobilize armored
mission in the defense is to repel the of Dragon fires may be centralized, vehicles, depending on type.
enemy’s assault by fire and close decentralized, or a combination of
• Deliver accurate fire, day or
combat. The Dragon has combat these methods. Dragon(s) can –
characteristics that arc of major


The Dragon is employed to provide general firing position and a sector increase its effectiveness. These
antiarmor protection for the platoon of fire for each Dragon. considerations apply to the selection
area and as part of the coordinated o f p r i m a r y , a l t e r n a t e , and
a. When choosing a firing position
company antiarmor defense plan. supplementary positions. (See
for the Dragon, certain basic
The platoon leader selects the Figure 3-2.)
considerations must be observed to

Figure 3-2. Primary, alternate, and supplementary positions.

FM 23-24

(1) The primary position is one from covered by the primary and alternate gunner and other individuals
which a gunner or team can cover its positions. It is usually close enough clearing fields of fire. The leader
sector of fire. It should have to the primary position to have checks for cover and concealment,
observation, cover and concealment, mutual support with other positions. and paces distances for the range
and a good field of free. card.
b. The Dragon gunner may have to
(2) The alternate position is to a displace often from firing position to (2) Select good covered and
flank or slightly to the rear of the firing position in the attack and concealed routes. Gullies and
primary position. The gunner or retrograde and from primary to reverse slopes offer excellent routes
team must be able to cover the same alternate and supplementary to move in and out of position. These
sector of fire from the primary positions in the defense. Whether aid in movement and protection.
position. It is occupied when the mounted or dismounted, certain
(3) Refrain from disturbing natural
primary position can no longer be basics apply when moving into and
occupied. out of firing positions.
(4) Keep movement in and around
(3) The supplementary position (1) Move into the positions from the
the position to a minimum.
covers avenues of approach and any rear. In the defense, only movement
remaining TRPs other than those forward of the position should be the


The main factors when positioning (2) Engage the enemy with flank or degree of protection for the Dragon
the Dragon for employment are rear shots from behind frontal cover gunner by ensuring continuous
two-fold: gunner protection and the whenever possible. (See Figure 3-5.) coverage of enemy armor vehicles. It
best use of weapon capabilities. The It is extremely difficult for the enemy consists of two parts:
gunner must remain exposed while to retrace the flight path of a round
(a) Employ Dragons so that their
tracking his targets since he is to its launch site and to reorient his
fires interlock with and support
susceptible to counterfires for as weapons to the firing position when
other Dragons, TOWs, or tanks.
long as 12 seconds if engaging at the round moves obliquely across his
Ensure that sectors of fire overlap
maximum range. (See Figure 3-3.) front, as opposed to being launched
and cover the sector by more than
from a head-on position. When
NOTE: Avoid selecting a position one antiarmor weapon.
firing to the oblique, the gunner is
that would cause or require the
protected from enemy fire to his (b) Position Dragons so they can
gunner to fire into the sun, which
front by constructing a parapet or engage enemy armored vehicles that
could affect his ability to track
using natural cover that adds to the are assaulting another Dragon,
the target.
enemy’s problems in detecting the TOW, or tank position.
a. Many of the steps for protecting launch signature. Gunners must
c. Dragon gunners must integrate
gunners also optimize their fires. never be positioned where they must
with nearby infantry for security. If
engage a frontal target.
b. Mission accomplishment can be the Dragon is employed away from
enhanced by some basic rules when (3) Avoid positioning gunners so the squad or platoon, provisions
selecting positions: that they must engage targets, mainly should be made to provide the
tanks, from the front. The missile will Dragon gunners with local security.
(1) Use natural cover and
probably not defeat a tank hit in the Such security includes forming a
concealment. Use the terrain for
frontal 60-degree arc. Other targets Dragon team and an armor-killer
cover from enemy fire and for
(APCs, CFVs) are also easier to kill team (FM 7-8).
concealment from enemy ground
from the flanks and rear.
and aerial observation. (See Figure d. The enemy should be engaged
3-4.) (4) Employ Dragons so they are within the gunner’s and weapon’s
mutually supporting to provide some capabilities. Dragon gunners should

FM 23-24

Figure 3-3. Dragon positioning considerations.

Figure 3-4. Use of natural cover and concealment.


161-026 O - 94 - 2
FM 23-24

Figure 3-5. Engagement of the enemy with flank or rear shots.

be instructed not to engage targets enemy count erfire is reduced backblast, and covering the ground
immediately when a target comes because of the shorter flight time; with shelter halves. Movement is
within range (1,000 meters). Targets third, the target will be larger in the reduced in and around the position
at this range appear to be about the sights. The level of proficiency of the to prevent detection. Indirect fires
size of a postage stamp in the gunner reflects in his ability to track (HE, smoke, and WP) and
gunner’s sights. He will have more and hit the target. small-arms weapons are used to
difficulty if he is engaging with the distract the enemy as long as the
e. Deception must be used to
night tracker because of the thermal target is not obscured. Other
confuse the enemy as to the true
image. The Dragon’s best engagement deception measures include
location of the Dragon. The enemy is
range against moving targets is from preparing partly visible dummy
prevented from detecting the
200 to 800 meters. First, the gunner positions to draw enemy fire away
Dragon launch signature (backblast)
will probably not use all of the rocket from the actual positions and
by clearing away loose debris behind
motors (thrusters) within these positioning Dragons on less obvious
the launcher, wetting down the
ranges; second, his vulnerability to or prominent firing positions.


During reduced visibility (darkness, the reduced range of the Dragon if open terrain. A lightly wooded area
fog, smoke, rain, snow, sandstorms), it is not equipped with the that is not an obstacle to daylight
the Dragon is repositioned closer to AN/TAS-5. Armor avenues of movement becomes an obstacle at
armor avenues of approach. (See approach can change at night. To night. When repositioning the
Figure 3-6.) This compensates for maintain control and orientation at Dragon, security is still a
night, armor units must use roads or requirement.

FM 23-24

Figure 3-6. Night positioning of Dragons.

a. Covering Mine fields. When b. Using Obstacles. Obstacles are command, which in turn passes on
Dragons cover minefield, position used as part of the overall defense the request. During the course of an
them to engage approaching plan to slow, canalize, stop, and kill enemy attack, resupply of Dragon
formations before reaching the enemy armor and protect friendly rounds to the platoon is often
minefield. This technique could forces. Natural obstacles can difficult. Therefore, extra rounds
cause the formation to deploy and enhance man-man obstacles. can be prestocked on the platoon’s
enter the minefield at multiple Dragon positions are selected to position. L A W a n d o t h e r
points. drive attacking tanks into these ammunition can also be prestocked.
obstacles and to take the most Alternate and supplementary
(1) Dragons engage an approaching
advantage of flanking fire when Dragon positions should be stocked
column of tanks before they enter
tanks attempt to bypass them. with rounds to aid movement
the minefield. (See A, Figure 3-7.)
Dragons can be placed to cover gaps (rounds do not have to be carried) of
(2) Tanks continue to deploy into and lanes in obstacles. the Dragon gunner to these
the minefield and are destroyed positions. The unit should also plan
c. Resupplying and Prestocking
by mines and Dragons. (See B, for resupply of the AN/TAS-5
Ammunition. Gunners request a
Figure 3-7.) coolant cartridges and batteries.
resupply of rounds and other
essential items through their chain of

FM 23-24

Figure 3-7. Covering minefield.


The Dragon fighting position must and improves the position as time parapet or by natural or man-made
have unobstructed fields of fire, permits. cover.
mask clearance (minimum dead
b. The backblast and the muzzle (2) The ground in front of and
space in the sector that could hide
blast must be considered when behind the position should be free of
targets), and a clear backblast area.
employing the weapon. To prepare a rocks, sand, and debris to prevent a
Like other weapons organic to the
fighting position for the Dragon, the dust cloud (caused by firing) from
platoon, the Dragon can be
gunner uses the following guidelines: obscuring the gunner’s vision,
employed from either hasty or
marking the location to enemy
improved positions. A fighting (1) When the weapon is fired from
observers. When the Dragon is to
position is sited and oriented to an improved position, the muzzle
fire in only one direction, a one-man
cover a sector of fire end of the launcher must extend 15
fighting position is best. (See Figures
centimeters (6 inches) beyond the
a. After receiving a sector of fire and 3-8 and 3-9.)
front of the hole. The rear of the
firing location from the squad
launcher must extend out over the (3) The Dragon should be
leader, the gunner constructs the
rear of the hole. As the missile leaves positioned to fire to the oblique so
Dragon position to cover the sector.
the launcher, the unfolding that its position can be protected
When required, he clears fields of
stabilizing fins require at least 15 from frontal fire while the target is
fire and only what is absolutely
centimeters (6 inches) of clearance being engaged from the flank. If
necessary. He camouflages the
above ground. The position should necessary, the Dragon can fire to the
position using available materials,
be protected to the front by a front as well as to the oblique from a
one-man fighting position.

FM 23-24

Figure 3-8. Construction of a one-man fighting position.

FM 23-24

Figure 3-9. Construction of overhead cover.

(4) The two-man fighting position is (b) The front parapet (B, Figure rounds and be 12 inches deep, 18
wedge-shaped and it is best suited 3-10) should be one M16 long, one inches over the sides, and 3 feet wide.
for use when more than one sector of M16 wide, and two helmets high. It
(e) Flank parapets (E, Figure 3-10)
fire can be covered from a single is placed in front of the trench.
are at each end of the trench and
position. The design of the position
(c) The grenade sump (C, Figure should be one M16 wide, two
gives the gunner frontal protection
3-10) should be one entrenching tool helmets high, and long enough to
and allows the targets to be engaged
length long, one entrenching tool provide good flank protection. The
from the oblique or flank.
deep, and one entrenching tool flank parapets are built on top of the
Construction includes the following
blade wide. The floor of the main overhead cover to increase overhead
trench should slope gently from each protection.
(a) The trench position (A, Figure end to the center and from the rear
(f) Biped trenches (F, Figure 3-10)
3-10) should be constructed about to the front.
for each sector of fire should be dug
three M16s long and in an inverted
(d) The overhead cover (D, Figure with the back of the biped trench 4
V-shape, waist-deep, and
3-10) at each end of the trench to 6 inches forward of the main
waist-wide, plus about 6 inches.
should be large enough to provide trench. The biped trench should be
protection for one man and extra two helmets long, one helmet wide,
and 6 inches deep.

FM 23-24

Figure 3-10. Construction of a two-man fighting position.

(g) At times, the Dragon maybe able have cover to the front and targets cover and concealment from all
to fire in only one direction (Figure should be engaged from the flank. other directions.
3-11); therefore, the position should The position is constructed to have

Figure 3-11. Firing in one direction.

FM 23-24


The primary method for firing the weapon. (See Figure 3-13.) The
WARNING: To ensure the
Dragon from a stationary M113 APC gunner can also sit on the closed
safety of personnel in the
in a hull-defilade position is with the track, the driver’s and cargo cargo hatch and fire the Dragon as if
M175 mount. (See Figure 3-12.) The on the ground. (See Figure 3-14.)
hatches must be closed.
Dragon can also be fired using
b. The Dragon can also be
field-expedient methods from a a. Without using the M175 mount, dismounted from the APC and fired,
stationary M113 in a hull-defilade the gunner stands in the track using either the M3 or M122
position. commander’s hatch and places the machine gun tripod. (See Chapter
bipod legs in the grill to fire the 7.)

Figure 3-12. Firing Dragon from an M113 APC.

FM 23-24

Figure 3-13. Firing the Dragon from commander’s hatch.

Figure 3-14. Gunner sitting on closed hatch.

FM 23-24


Range cards are essential for the information that helps to plan and • Dead space.
rapid engagement of targets during control fires, to quickly detect and
• Distance and azimuth from a
all conditions of visibility and for engage targets, and to orient
known point (gunner reference
quick resumption of a mission if the replacement personnel or units. By
gunner becomes a casualty. using a range card, a gunner can
quickly and accurately determine • Magnetic north arrow.
a. When the Dragon is ready to fire,
the information needed to engage
the gunner normally prepares range • Data section.
targets. Two types of range cards are
cards in two copies: one copy is kept (1) Standard Range Card. Once the
standard and field-expedient – both
at the position and the other copy is leader provides the necessary
must include the following items:
given to the platoon leader. The information, the gunner prepares a
gunner should also prepare range • Weapon symbol, position, or
standard range card (DA Form
cards for alternate and supple- both.
5517-R). (See Figure 3-15.) The
mentary positions.
• Sector of fire. gunner prepares two copies of the
b. A range card is a sketch of the range card.
• Maximum engagement line.
terrain that a weapon system was
assigned to cover by fire. It contains • Range and azimuth TRPs.

Figure 3-15. Example of completed standard range card, DA Form 5517-R.

FM 23-24

Figure 3-16. Expedient range card.

(2) Field-Expedient Range Card. symbol must be used to indicate the

combat, a standard range card may expedient range card (Figure 3-16) location of the weapon system.
not be available. The gunner may follows the same procedures as for
then draw a range card on anything any range card, but the weapon


Potential targets are identified as ability to identify friend, foe, and should simultaneously recognize the
enemy by their activity, location, or types of vehicles is essential when a vehicle as friendly or threat and by
signature (visual or otherwise) commander establishes target nomenclature. He uses four basic
before they are engaged. To priorities. These target priorities STEPs to achieve target
properly identify a possible target, require antiarmor weapons to identification, combining the first
squad members, and especially engage specific types of enemy three STEPs to achieve the fourth.
Dragon gunners, must be trained to vehicles based on the enemy STEP 1. To detect (determine the
recognize types of targets by their situation. The gunner must know the presence of a vehicle).
size, shape, and thermal image. difference between tracked and
wheeled vehicles since this can STEP 2. To classify (determine if the
(Particularly important is the size
and shape of turret or main gun.) identify the type of unit: vehicle is tracked or wheeled).
Friendly vehicle identification BTR-equipped or BMP-equipped. STEP 3. To recognize (determine if
becomes more difficult when Each unit has its own organization the vehicle is friendly or threat).
friendly foreign units are operating and value to the gunner, S2, and
with or adjacent to US forces. The intelligence community. The gunner

FM 23-24

STEP 4. To identify (determine the • Trash. Ž Long, thin wires in brush, trees,
nomenclature: T72, Vickers, Ml). or along the ground.
• Cut or missing vegetation
a. Most weapons and vehicles have (cleared for fields of fire or Ž Dismounted soldier looking
telltale signatures. Most tracked camouflage). through a periscope-type
vehicles use diesel fuel, which emits device. (Launcher could be up
• Freshly dug earth (may indicate
a large amount of black smoke. They to 100 meters from the gunner.)
a fighting position).
tend to make more noise than (4) Aircraft signatures.
wheeled vehicles. Antiarmor units • Noise from equipment or
can use the different signatures to talking. Ž Reflection of the sun from
assist them in locating and in aircraft canopies and rotor
• Light from a match, cigarette, or
identifying enemy targets. blades.
b. Target signatures are detected • Vapor trails.
(2) Tracked vehicle signatures.
mainly by sight, sound, and smell. If • Dust and movement of foliage
anything suspicious or unusual is Ž Large dust clouds.
caused by a hovering helicopter.
detected, it should be thoroughly Ž Diesel smoke.
investigated. The sun shining off a • Sound of a turbine engine
flat surface, such as a windshield, the • Noise made by tracks and (high-pitched whirring sound).
sounds of diesel or turbine engines, engine.
(5) Obstacles and mines.
or the clanking or squeeking of end • Vehicle tracks on the ground.
connectors helps to detect and • Loose or disturbed dirt in a
locate targets. Ž Distinctive silhouette or shape. regular pattern.

(1) Soldier signatures. (3) Antitank weapon signatures. • Areas where large trees were
Ž Fighting positions. Ž “Swish” of missile launch.


Learning to recognize targets by type vehicles are contained in STP suspension system that can be used
is not a difficult task, but identifying 21-1 -SMCT. to distinguish tanks are –
them as friendly or enemy requires • Road wheels and support
a. The type, location, and absence or
careful study and attention to detail.
presence of certain equipment in the rollers.
This is especially true of tanks,
suspension system, turret, or main
because both friendly and threat • Road wheels only.
gun aid in identifying most armored
tanks are quite similar in design. Side • Number of road wheels.
vehicles or tanks. Threat forces,
by side, they may appear different,
however, also practice camouflage
but if camouflage is added and at a • Spacing between road wheels.
and deception procedures.
distance of 1,500 or 2,000 meters, the • Armored skirt.
difference is unclear. Soldiers must b. Reactive armor and increased use
know which friendly and threat of sandbags can nullify antiarmor (2) Turret. Characteristics of the
armored vehicles could appear on weapons and greatly alter the shape turret that can be used to distinguish
the battlefield. Training aids, such as of vehicles. tanks are –
GTA 17-2-13, can be used to study (1) Suspension system. This is the • Position on the hull: well
the armored vehicles of other least reliable area for identification forward, center, or to the rear.
nations (Figure 3-17).
as it is often concealed by vegetation • Presence, absence, or location
NOTE: Characteristics of or by terrain. Characteristics of the of searchlight.
common enemy armored

FM 23-24

Figure 3-17. Differences between armored vehicles.

• Shape of turret, rounded, • The presence and location (4) Commander’s station (some
elongated, or boxy. along the gun tube of a bore tanks). This is usually a simple hatch
evacuator. or a cupola. A cupola is a small
Ž Externally mounted storage
turret-like projection on the top of
racks and other equipment. • The presence of a muzzle brake
the turret that houses the
or blast deflector.
(3) Main gun. Characteristics of the commander’s station either on the
tank main gun that can be used to Ž The presence or absence of a right or left side,
distinguish tanks are – thermal jacket.


Identifying targets with the provides a detailed discussion on gunner uses during the day are also
AN/TAS-5 by thermal signature is identification of targets using used for thermal identification.
extremely difficult and requires thermal signature. The four STEPs
extensive training. Appendix A of vehicle identification that the

FM 23-24


Before a Dragon missile is fired at an • Is within the range of the missile. • Will remain exposed for the
enemy target, it must be determined time it takes the missile to fly to
• Is exposed so that it can be
if the target can be engaged. A target the target.
identified and tracked by the
can be engaged if it –


Target engagement is affected by sights a target, the gunner makes b. Night Tracker. The gunner adjusts
firing limitations (power lines, adjustments to his tracker as follows: the reticle focus adjustment, range
smoke, fog, and ground clearance). focus lever, and contrast and
a. Day Tracker. The gunner focuses
The gunner assumes a firing position brightness controls for the best
the sight by holding the reticle
to observe the assigned sector of fire. possible picture of the stadia lines,
adjustment ring stationary while
Then he sights through the tracker to target area, and target.
rotating the eye guard to fit the eye.
observe for enemy targets. Once he


The Dragon gunners use the stadia a. Flanking Targets (Full Stadia). half-stadia method. (See D, Figure
lines in the day and night trackers to Adjust the sight picture by moving 3-18.)
determine if a target is within range. the launcher to center the target
c. Frontal (Head-On) on Rear
Three different types of moving and between the stadia lines. (See B,
(Going Away) Targets
stationary targets are flank, oblique, Figure 3-18.)
(Half-Stadia). Adjust the picture by
and frontal or rear. (See A, Figure
b. Oblique Targets. If more of the moving the launcher to align the
3-18.) A target 20 feet (6.09 meters
flank is visible, use the full-stadia vertical cross hair and one of the
in length) completely fills the area
method. (C, Figure 3-18). If more of stadia lines on the target. (See E,
between the stadia lines at maximum
the front or rear is visible, use the Figure 3-18.)
range (1,000 meters) and exceeds
the stadia lines at a closer range.

Figure 3-18. Range determination.

FM 23-24

Figure 3-18. Range determination (continued).

FM 23-24


The gunner uses the time or space this determination. The gunner lines b. The gunner places the cross hairs
factor to determine if a target can be up the tracker sight directly in front center of mass and fires – the target
engaged. of the target. If there are no will not be able to reach the
obstructions or covered areas along protection of the hill in time. (See B,
a. A moving target may be able to Figure 3-19.) If the gunner does
the expected path of the target and
find a covered position if the gunner
the target is moving 35 kmph or less, fire – the target will reach the
can judge whether the missile will protection of the hill before the
the gunner can successfully launch
successfully hit the target after missile hits. (See C, Figure 3-19.)
and destroy it. (See A, Figure 3-19.)
launch. The tracker sight helps make

Figure 3-19. Target determination.

FM 23-24


After the gunner decides that a immobilizes the vehicle, but possibly attempts to bypass an obstacle or to
target can be engaged, he should ignites ruptured fuel lines to cause a evade an oncoming ATGM.
strive to hit enemy targets in their fire.
c. Frontal fire is usually avoided. An
weakest points. Leaders can assist by
b. Armored vehicles are built with antitank weapon firing frontally is an
positioning Dragons to take
the greatest armor protection on the exception. A tank’s firepower and
advantage of these weak points.
front glacis of the tank. Moving from observation are oriented to the front.
a. Most threat armored vehicles are the front of the vehicle to the oblique This makes it difficult to detect and
rugged, simple in design, and and flank areas of an enemy armored retrace an ATGM launched from its
operationally effective. To increase vehicle increases the probability of a flank. Firing at frontal targets lowers
the lethality of antiarmor weapon kill. The armor plating is not as thick the odds for a mobility kill, which can
systems, the gunner must attempt to in these areas, and the angle causing be acquired by hitting the vehicle’s
engage the threat vehicle in its projectile deflection is less wheels, track, or suspension system.
weakest point, which includes the pronounced. Also, visual The highest-percentage of mobility
internal fuel and ammunition observation by the enemy crew is kills result from flank and oblique
storage areas, as well as the engine. degraded. Flank areas can be target shots. (See Figure 3-20.)
Destruction of the engine not only exposed when the threat vehicle

Figure 3-20. Flank and oblique target shots.

FM 23-24

d. The armor and the angle causing e. Other areas where a threat traversing a shallow valley. Careful
projectile deflection are minimal to armored vehicle is weak are the top terrain analysis of assigned sectors of
the rear of the threat armored and bottom (belly). These areas may fire by friendly antiarmor elements
vehicle. The engine compartment of become exposed while the vehicle is c a n identify a r e a s w h e r e
the vehicle is extremely vulnerable to breaching an antitank ditch, fording approaching armor units must
antitank weapons fire. a river with steep banks, or expose their weaker areas.


The platoon leader normally control measures are critical to the relation to the target opens fire.
controls Dragon fires by assigning effectiveness of Dragon fire. Dragon Uncontrolled firing decreases the
sectors of fire for each Dragon positions should not be endangered effectiveness of the unit’s overall
gunner. Once the initial command to by premature fires in which either antiarmor capabilities. Dragons that
fire is given, gunners can engage any the range is excessive or the target is are dispersed as much as 1,600 to
enemy armor vehicle in this sector. not in position to ensure a high 2,000 meters can, under ideal
The platoon leader gives fire probability of a first-round kill. conditions, concentrate their fire on
commands to shift Dragon fires from Proper fire control ensures that the same group of targets. (See
other than the primary sectors. Dragons engage targets at optimum Figure 3-21.)
Well-planned and executed fire times. Only the best sited weapon in

Figure 3-21. Dragon dispersion.

FM 23-24

a. Fire Control Methods. To exploit practiced when employing a Dragon. disclose the location of the defensive
the capability to concentrate Dragon (See Figure 3-22.) Effective fire positions. The primary control
fire from widely dispersed firing control methods prevent the methods used to control the fire of
positions and to overcome possible wasteful firing of more than one one or more Dragons are sectors of
difficulties caused by a limited Dragon missile at the same target fire, TRPs, engagement priorities,
communications capability, effective and prevent premature firings. fire patterns, and fire commands.
fire control methods must be These fires might unnecessarily

Figure 3-22. Fire distribution.

FM 23-24

Figure 3-23. Sector of fire.

b. Sector of Fire. A sector of fire is c. Target Reference Point. A TRP is used to control and shift fires; that is,
an area, limited by boundaries, an easily recognizable point on the "Dragon One, engage west of
assigned to a unit or a weapon to ground, either natural or man-made. ALPHA. Dragon Two, engage east
cover by fire. (See Figure 3-23.) A The TRP is used as a reference point of ALPHA, on my command." (See
gunner needs to know how many for locating targets and controlling Figure 3-24.)
TRPs are in and around his sector fire. They are normally all
and where they are located, if other referenced by a lettering or
sectors need assistance. numbering system. TRPs are also

FM 23-24

Figure 3-24. Use of target reference point.

d. Engagement Priorities. assigned sector or portion of a kill employment of friendly tanks, they
Engagement priorities are the zone. If multiple targets appear in his may be assigned as a priority target.
priorities by which types of vehicles area, he takes the best shot for a
e. Fire Patterns. Fire patterns
in a formation are engaged. Dragons first-round kill. A priority of
describe the relationship between
are better suited to killing command engagement by type of vehicle can be
firing Dragons and their targets.
and control vehicles, APCs, and assigned by the commander; for
These patterns can be used in fire
CFVs because of the improvement example, if enemy antiaircraft fire
commands or fire plans, within the
in threat tanks’ armored protection. prevents the Air Force or attack
section or within the team. They can
When available, units should kill helicopters from operating in the
also be used with other control
enemy tanks with TOW and tanks. forward battle area, destruction of
measures such as priority of fires.
However, any type of enemy armor antiaircraft weapons may be given
Two basic patterns are cross fire and
vehicle is a suitable target and should priority; if long-range enemy
depth free. (See Figure 3-25.)
be destroyed. Once the battle is ATGMs r e d u c e e f f e c t i v e
joined, each gunner covers his

FM 23-24

Figure 3-25. Fire patterns.

(1) Crossfire. Cross fire is used when used to obtain flank shots, which are (2) Depth fire. Depth fire is used
targets are dispersed laterally or desirable; it increases the chance of when targets are exposed in depth.
obstructions prevent the Dragon a kill and assists in avoiding Dragons on one side engage the
from firing to the front. When using detection when the enemy is moving nearest targets, while Dragons on
cross fire, gunners must stagger their straight at the Dragon. Each Dragon the other side engage the farthest
fires. When the first missile impacts, engages a target at a diagonal to its targets. Fire is then shifted toward
the next gunner may fire. Cross fire position, with flank Dragons the center of the formation. This can
prevents either gunner from picking engaging targets on the opposite be done by unit SOP or as specified
up the other missile’s infrared flare flank. As targets are destroyed, fire in the section leader’s order. (See B,
(trying to guide two missiles or the is shifted to the center of the enemy Figure 3-25.)
wrong missile). Cross fire is also formation. (See A, Figure 3-25.)

FM 23-24

(3) Changing or concurrent fire • Alert: Warns the gunner(s) of a sectors of fire and alternate signals
patterns. Fire patterns are changed fire mission. with pyrotechnics is often the only
or used concurrently with another quick method available to controlthe
Ž Target description/location: A
fire pattern. This may be necessary fire of Dragon gunners, Units must
when the enemy adjusts his brief description of the target
establish SOPS and practice lost
formation after being engaged to location given either from a
communications procedures.
TRP or as direction and
ensure maximum coverage of an
distance from the gunner. h. Range Cards. It is often not
enemy formation. (See Figure 3-25.)
practical to prepare range cards
f. Fire Commands. Fire commands • Method of engagement: Tell the
such as when moving from position
speed the execution of target gunner(s) how to engage a
to position to cover the movement of
formation, cross or
engagement when unforeseen an advancing force or during
circumstances arise during depth—front to rear or left to retrograde operations. Then, the use
engagements that are not covered by right.
of TRPs is the primary method to
SOPs or the fire plans. Under Ž Execution: Command to fire. control the distribution of fire. Time
normal circumstances, the few permitting, range cards are prepared
g. Emergency Fire Signals. Radio
seconds available to the gunner to for primary, alternate, and
engage targets prevent his listening communications can fail. Therefore,
supplementary positions, and they
and reacting to a lengthy fire fire control is difficult. The use of
are designed to aid the gunner in
command sent by radio. engaging targets.


The fire plan (overlay and target list) to the threatened area. He also b. The FPL or PDF location of major
is used by the company commander includes instructions to move to obstacles, mortar or artillery
or platoon leader as a ready alternate or supplementary FPFs,sectors of fire for Dragons, and
reference tool. It allows him to shift positions. On the fire plan, TRPs all TRPs that the platoon can cover
the fires of weapons distributed outside the platoon’s assigned sector are also shown on the overlay. Figure
throughout the sector into an area. of fire are included that can be 3-26 is an example of a two-platoon
This can be done without moving to covered by the platoon’s weapons. fire plan.
determine which weapons can fire This allows the platoon leader to
NOTE: Refer to either FM 7-7, FM
into that area, which could be quickly respond to calls for
7-7J, FM 7-8, or FM 7-10 for a
time-consuming and risky under fire. assistance from adjacent units.
detailed discussion of fire plans.
If a portion of the platoon sector is
a. A platoon defensive fire plan
in danger, the platoon leader c. The platoon fire plan should be
consists of a target list for indirect
consults his fire plan to quickly incorporated into the company
and antiarmor fires and an overlay
determine which weapons can cover FSO’s fire support matrix. Once the
drawn to scale, showing the platoon
the threatened area and from which fire plan is incorporated, FIST
sector and the positions of the
positions they can do so. He then personnel can call for and adjust fire
Dragons and machine guns.
directs (by radio, voice commands, on enemy concentrations or call for
or SOP signals) that fires be shifted FASCAM.

FM 23-24

Figure 3-26. Example two-platoon fire plan.

FM 23-24


When a Dragon team is enlarged

with added security personnel and a
leader (command and control
element) and given an independent
mission; for example, an antiarmor
ambush, falling in gaps at night, or
during reduced visibility, it becomes
an armor-killer team. Normally, an
armor-killer team (with Dragon[s])
is a team or larger unit (squad-size
or larger when mounted). This
provides for enough personnel to
carry the trackers and extra rounds,
to acquire targets, to provide
supporting fire and local security, to
maintain communications, and to
control the team. (See Figure 3-27.)
a. Mission. The primary mission of
an armor-killer team is to destroy
enemy armor vehicles without
becoming decisively engaged. They
are also used to call for and adjust
indirect fires and to report on enemy
b. Employment. The company
commander often directs his platoon
leaders to place armor-killer teams
throughout the battle area –
Ž To cover dead space.
Ž To add depth to the battle area. Figure 3-27. Example of an armor-killer team.
• To gain flanking fire into armor (1) The platoon’s Dragons are often infantry attack and mounted armor
avenues of approach. positioned at locations different attacks. He does this by–
• To ensure mutual support from those of the machine guns and
(a) Employing armor-killer teams
rifle positions. Rifles and machine
between platoons. (See Figure with Dragons if the best firing
guns are positioned to protect the
3-28.) position is located where it cannot be
platoon’s sector from dismounted
They are also employed along armor supported by other platoon
attacks. Dragons are positioned to
avenues of approach at night and positions.
fire into armor avenues of approach
during other periods of reduced in the platoon or company sector. (b) Ensuring that LAWs (either
visibility (Figure 3-29) to replace less AT4s and or M72s) are provided to
(2) The platoon leader ensures that
effective ATGM fires. Such the security elements to protect
Dragon positions are provided with
armor-killer teams are often armed against close-in armored attacks.
with Dragons and LAWS (M72s and close-in security from dismounted

FM 23-24

Figure 3-28. Employment along an armor avenue of approach.

Figure 3-29. Employment during limited visibility.

FM 23-24

Figure 3-30. Squad-size armor-killer team.

(c) Positioning the Dragons close against ground attack for the gunner c. Composition. Armor-killer
enough to the squad positions so that and team. teams may be fire-team size or
the squad provides protection squad-size. (See Figure 3-30.)

Figure 3-31. Positioning for flank shot.

FM 23-24

d. Terrain. Normally, teams are Armor-killer teams are armed with element. He makes recommenda-
employed on ambush positions that M72s and or AT4s when operating in tions to the commander about
place a tank obstacle, such as a gully areas with restricted vision, fields of employment and or deployment.
or swamp, between them and their fire (dense woods), and a mix of Mobility of the armor killer-teams
target. Position the armor-killer M72s, AT4s, and Dragons in areas should be equal to or greater than
team where the actual engagement with intermittent open spaces or the enemy’s mobility. Mobility may
does not put the team in danger of LOS down a road. (See Figure 3-31.) be gained by the use of M113s or by
being destroyed by other enemy well-planned routes for dismounted
f. Control and Mobility. Teams
armored vehicles. teams through terrain that restricts
should be under control of the
vehicular movement. (See Figure
e. E n g a g e m e n t T e c h n i q u e s . commander who is responsible for
3-32.) Teams may also be delivered
Individual enemy armor vehicles are the sector they are occupying. The
into and extracted from their
engaged when there is a high Dragon section leader or team
ambush positions by helicopter.
probability of hit or kill. leader will be in control of his

Figure 3-32. Example of mobility using an M113.

FM 23-24


The primary consideration for the antiarmor weapons may be organic to assist in correctly employing
employment of Dragons in support Dragons and M72s/AT4s or the Dragons.
of a retrograde operation against an antiarmor weapons of another unit.
NOTE: Further instructions are
armored enemy is to ensure The techniques discussed in this
outlined in either FM 7-7, FM
antiarmor weapons are in a position section are intended only as a guide
7-7J, FM 7-8, or FM 7-10 for your
to cover all movement. These
particular unit.


All retrograde operations involve The platoon itself conducts two and withdrawal. Retirements are
movement away from the enemy. types of retrograde operations: delay conducted as a part of a larger force.


In a delay, a unit trades space for should be emplaced where they can • To provide an antiarmor
time. The intent is to slow the slow or stop advancing armored capability to OPs and or LPs.
enemy, to cause enemy casualties, vehicles by blocking roads or
The following applies to the
and, if possible, to stop him without avenues of approach. The Dragons
employment of Dragon in the delay.
becoming decisively engaged. This withdraw by bounds, covering the
is done by defending, disengaging, withdrawing force and each other. (1) In the delay, targets are normally
moving, and defending again. engaged at the maximum effective
b. Mechanized Infantry. The
Platoons do not conduct delays range (METT-T dependent);
employment of Dragons by the
alone but fight as part of their therefore, delay positions are
mechanized infantry platoon
company in a delay. The delay normally on or near the
depends on the amount of available
positions are organized like the topographical crest of a hill. This
tank and TOW support. Without
defense, except that it may be location takes advantage of
such support, the mechanized
necessary to extend frontages and long-range observation and fields of
platoon, like the dismounted
reduce the depth of the position. fire, and immediate masking of
platoon, uses the tactics of defense
enemy observation and direct fires
a. Infantry. When dismounted and withdrawal; or, terrain
when the withdrawal from the
infantry elements delay against an permitting, breaks down into
position is ordered.
enemy with an armored capability, armor-killer teams. The Dragon is
they use the tactics of defense and t h e n the platoon’s primary (2) As enemy armor comes within
withdrawal to effect delay. At antiarmor weapon. When the effective range according to
platoon level, there are some mechanized unit has TOWs and METT-T, Dragon gunners engage
differences in the selection of delay tanks attached or when it works as a the leading element at maximum
positions and defense positions. part of a combined-arms team, the range in an attempt to force the
The presence of covered and Dragon becomes a secondary armor units to deploy or mass on
concealed routes of withdrawal take weapon— roads and trails. If the enemy allows
on added importance to the delay his force to mass, the delaying force
• To support the fires of tanks and
force. When delaying over calls for all available means to
restricted terrain, an infantry destroy him in this weak position. If
platoon is often directed to set up • To cover secondary armor not destroyed, the enemy is forced
armor-killer ambushes. Dragons avenues of approach. into the time-consuming task of

FM 23-24

deploying his force to attack the When enemy armor forces or because of the rapid movement in
delay position. distance between delay positions the delay and the possibility that
are considerable, armor-killer Dragons may be employed between
(3) The extended frontages, normal
teams may be formed with Dragon delay positions.
with the delay, require the leaders of
weapons. The armor-killer teams
the company to give careful (b) Dragon ammunition. Because
are positioned in ambushes between
consideration to positioning Dragon of the high volume of ammunition
delay positions to delay the enemy’s
weapons to cover armored avenues use in delay operations, plans must
of approach into their delay position. be made to increase the number of
Mutual support between Dragons in (5) Planning considerations include rounds available to the Dragon
all of the platoons will be more reconnaissance, prestocking or gunner. It may be necessary to
difficult to achieve. It requires pre-positioning of Dragon dedicate a vehicle to carry extra
added emphasis by the company ammunition, and construction of Dragon missiles.
commander to ensure that all obstacles.
(c) Obstacles. As in defensive
antiarmor fires are coordinated to
(a) Reconnaissance. Leaders must operations, Dragon fires are
achieve maximum delay.
give special attention to choosing combined with natural and
(4) When maximum delay is Dragon positions along the man-made obstacles. In the delay,
achieved, Dragon weapons are routes of withdrawal and at the next this becomes even more
withdrawn with their squads for delay position during their important because of the extended
movement to the new delay position. reconnaissance. This is critical frontages normal in the delay.


In a withdrawal, a company covering and maneuvering elements element, Dragons are normally
disengages from the enemy and to ensure continuous antiarmor directly controlled by the platoon
repositions for another mission. coverage. leader and PSG.
That mission may be to delay the
(a) As in the delay, after withdrawal • Length of bound. When
enemy, to defend another position,
from the position, the platoon bounding back using maneuver
or to attack someplace else. If a
moves to and occupies either a delay and providing organic support
withdrawal is called for, it must be
position, a defense position, or an (Dragons, M72s and or AT4s,
well planned.
assembly area to prepare for future and machine guns fire as the
a. Types of Withdrawal. There are operations. The withdrawal only supporting weapons), the
two types of withdrawal: under under enemy pressure is the most length of the bound cannot
enemy pressure and not under dangerous and difficult to control of exceed the effective range of
enemy pressure. all tactical maneuvers. It is these weapons on the terrain
characterized by the forward over which the withdrawal
(1) Conduct of withdrawal under
elements fighting as they occurs. If given outside
enemy pressure. This is the most
withdraw. antiarmor fire support, the
difficult and least desired method
distance may be increased.
(Figure 3-33). In this type of (b) When conducting withdrawals,
withdrawal, the platoon, the control of the Dragon’s fires is • Use of artillery to cover a
employing fire and maneuver, usually divided between the platoon withdrawal Advances of the
literally fights its way back from the leader and the PSG. The platoon is enemy’s armor cannot be
enemy. The use of Dragons to normally broken into two stopped by artillery fires, even
support this type of maneuver is elements–part of the platoon though such fires slow their rate
slightly different from employment covering and part moving. The of movement to a large extent.
in offensive maneuver. There is a platoon leader controls one element, Use of smoke often allows
need to have Dragons with both the PSG the other. Within each disengagement from an

FM 23-24

Figure 3-33. Example of withdrawal under enemy pressure.

armored enemy because same time. The company leaves a unsupported by other antiarmor
smoke – security force to cover the weapons, the Dragon teams are
withdrawal by deception and probably the last element to
– Slows down the movement of
maneuver, when required. The withdraw. If tanks are attached,
security force normally consists of a tanks are normally part of the
— Reduces the sighting range squad from each platoon and no security force. When the withdrawal
of tank gunners. more than half the company of the security force is ordered,
— Increases the vulnerability of supporting weapons. The Dragons are withdrawn with their
commander designates a security squads.
tanks to armor-killer teams
force commander, normally the
(M72s, AT4s, Dragon). b. Selection and Preparation of the
company XO or a platoon leader.
— Does not hamper the Next Subsequent Position. During
The Dragons left behind should be
t h e c o m p a n y commander’s
mobility of the withdrawing those in the best position to cover the
reconnaissance, he selects assembly
infantry (as could regular armor avenues of approach.
areas for the platoons. Platoon
artillery fire).
(3) Sequence of withdrawal. F o r advance parties should select
(2) Wthdrawal not under enemy Dragon teams, the sequence of Dragon firing positions at the next
pressure. A withdrawal not under withdrawal depends on the amount subsequent position. These
pressure (Figure 3-34) is conducted of antiarmor support available to the positions will be confirmed and
with speed, secrecy, and deception. platoon and the threat. The Dragon adjusted, as necessary, by the
It is best done at night or during teams may withdraw first if facing a platoon leader after the arrival of
other reduced visibility (fog, snow, limited armor threat or if heavily the platoon’s main body at the
rain, or smoke). Usually, all supported by tanks and TOWs. If position.
elements move to the rear at the facing a strong armored threat and

FM 23-24

Figure 3-34. Withdrawal not under pressure.


In the attack, the Dragon is used to from armored counterattacks. In enemy crew-served weapons,
provide antiarmor fire to assist the the absence of armored targets, the fortifications, and other suitable
platoon’s advance and to protect it Dragon can be used to eliminate hard targets.


The dismounted infantry platoon traveling overwatch or bounding (1) The bulk of the Dragon rounds
moves to contact, using the overwatch techniques, the platoon combined with the minimum
techniques outlined in FM 7-8. The leader organizes his platoon to effective range (65 meters) of the
mechanized platoon uses the provide for centralized Dragon weapon and the exposure of the
techniques outlined in FM 7-7, FM control (if assigned) and maximum gunner during firing, limit the
7-7J, and FM 7-10. In both cases, the flexibility. The tactical situation ability of Dragon gunners and teams
Dragons are employed to provide dictates employment of the Dragons to participate in a maneuver or
protection and support for all within the platoon. The primary effectively use the individual
elements of the platoon against consideration to determine which movement techniques necessary to
antiarmor threat. squad the Dragon will be assigned the survival of the assaulting
for movement is the availability of riflemen.
a. Dismounted Infantry Platoon.
fields of fire and the armor threat.
When moving to contact using

FM 23-24

Figure 3-35. Employment of the base of fire.

(2) The dismounted infantry platoon bounds behind the maneuver b. Mechanized Infantry Platoon.
uses Dragons and machine guns as element. If required to engage a The mechanized infantry platoon
the main elements of its base of fire. target of opportunity, the Dragon employs its Dragons differently than
A rifle squad is often assigned as the gunner selects the best covered and the dismounted infantry platoon,
base of fire, which the PSG normally concealed position. because the mechanized platoon
controls. The PSG coordinates the has a greater capacity to carry
NOTE: When a stationary base
supporting fires with the platoon Dragon rounds and the vehicle
of fire is used, one Dragon
leader, using radio and visual presents more of a target to the
normally moves with the platoon
communications. The base of fire enemy. The mechanized platoon
leader to provide immediate
can be employed from a stationary usually employs a Dragon with its
protective fires for the maneuver
position (Figure 3-35) or moved by leading squad to increase the


161-026 O - 94 - 3
FM 23-24

squad’s overwatch capability. Also, number of Dragons employed with (2) When the mechanized platoon
the platoon leader normally the base-of-fire element is attacks as part of a combined-arms
maintains only one Dragon directly determined by the nature of the team, the primary antiarmor
under his control. enemy resistance. The exact method weapons are TOWs and tanks
used is based on the need for since there is less of a requirement
(1) When the mechanized infantry
supporting fires. As with the for employment of Dragons,
platoon attacks without tank
dismounted infantry platoon, one Therefore, the advantages of
support, most of the employed
Dragon may accompany the employing the Dragon must be
Dragons are collocated with the
maneuver element. carefully weighed against the
vehicles to provide the base of fire.
reduction in rifle strength as a result
They are controlled by the PSG. The
of this weapon employment.


The following techniques of a day anticipates the masking of friendly c. Movement from the assault
attack govern the employment of the fires and displaces the weapons one position to the objective. As the
Dragon in the offense. at a time. When the weapons are platoon nears the assault position,
separated, each crew may displace the fire element maintains a rate of
a. Movement from the assembly
under control of its gunner when its fire to suppress the enemy. As the
area to the LD. The Dragon may
fire is masked or when it can no fire of the platoon fire clement is
precede the rest of the platoon by
longer support the movement, The masked, the platoon leader shifts
moving to overwatch positions on or
displacement of all weapons in the fires or displaces the weapons. The
near the LD.
fire support element must be timed fire element is quickly moved to
(1) The nature of the threat on or so that the platoon has ongoing fire positions for consolidation,
near the objective and along the support. covering likely armor approaches
route of attack; that is, known or into the area to repel counterattack.
(1) If the LD is close to the assault
suspected locations of suitable
position or the initial objective and (1) During the assault, the Dragons
targets, a n d e n e m y a r m o r
good firing positions are available, are in position to best assist the
approaches into the route of
some Dragons may occupy positions advance of the elements. They arc
on or near the LD. employed as far forward as possible,
(2) Observation and fields of fire consistent with their ability to
(2) Where the LD is too far from the
from the LD over the route(s) to the provide accurate fire during the
assault position or objective or when
object ive. assault. Some Dragons may be
suitable firing positions do not
employed in an overwatch role;
(3) The availability of firing exist, the Dragon gunners should
however, one or more should
positions that provide good accompany the maneuvering
accompany the assaulting element
observation and fields of fire along elements across the LD until the
to provide ongoing long-range fire
the route(s) to the objective. mission is a c c o m p l i s h e d . I n
beyond the objective.
mechanized units, Dragons can
(4) The availability of antiarmor fire
provide covering fire from the (2) Dragons employed in an
support from other sources.
dismount point. When centrally overwatch role are employed with a
b. Movement from the LD to the controlled, Dragons normally team to provide communications
assault position. The leader and displace by bounds to ensure and security. The platoon leader
gunners watch the progress of the continuous overwatch of the positions gunners in the assault
maneuver element, shooting targets advance (Figure 3-36). element where he can best control
that threaten it. The leader them and direct their fires.

FM 23-24

Figure 3-36. Overwatch Dragons in the attack.


The AN/TAS-5 allows the Dragon to (4) Difficulty in maintaining control, formation. The Dragon gunners are
be used during reduced visibility the direction, and contact. in the platoon formation where they
same as during normal visibility. can best deploy into the assault
Despite these problems, the night
Under artificial illumination, the formation or can separate
attack gives the a t t a c k e r a
techniques of daylight operations themselves from the assaulting
psychological advantage by
also apply. This paragraph discusses element if their mission is to support
magnifying the defender’s doubts
a nonilluminated, nonsupported by fire.
and fears of the unknown.
night attack by stealth.
d. Firing positions for support
b. The conduct of the attack by
a. Night combat is characterized weapons forward of the LD are
stealth requires that the attacking
by– chosen during daylight.
elements reach the probable line of
Characteristics and limitations of the
(1) A decrease in the ability to place deployment without being
night tracker in regard to range are
well-aimed fire on the enemy. discovered. Before this, the unit
carefully considered when choosing
commander can call for illumination
(2) An increase in the importance of these positions. Signature effects of
and planned supporting fires. If he
close combat, volume of fire, and by the missile must also be carefully
does call for illumination, the attack
the fires of certain weapons laid on considered; the Dragon missile
then continues, using the tactics and
targets during daylight. leaves a distinctive launch signature
techniques for a daylight attack.
and flight path at night because of
(3) Difficulty of movement.
c. The attacking units move from the the action of the side thrusters.
assembly area in a column Therefore, quick displacement to

FM 23-24

selected alternate firing positions of terrain, such as desert, provides a platoon leader’s command.
prevents accurate counterfire from clear flight path for the missile. Maximum use should be made for
the enemy. other antiarmor weapons to engage
f. Dragons employed in the assault
close-in targets to prevent
c. If it is not possible to select firing element are employed the same as
unnecessary identification of
positions during daylight, Dragon during daylight; the command to fire
Dragon positions due to launch
gunners should accompany the is given by the platoon leader. If the
signature cue.
maneuver element, unless the nature attack is discovered, gunners
provide accurate fire support on the


Immediately after seizing the covers the most likely avenues of ongoing process; however, it is given
objective, the Dragon gunners are armor approach into the position. special emphasis on seizure of the
displaced to positions that afford The use of guides to direct those objective. Dragon gunners are
long-range fires beyond the gunners displacing from overwatch assigned positions and defensive
objective. This provides for positions into new positions speeds sectors, and they begin preparing for
antiarmor defense in depth and the operation. Reorganization is an all-round antiarmor defense.



This chapter discusses normal operation and function procedures

for the Dragon in the man-portable mode. (For a detailed discus-
sion on the operation of Dragon support equipment, refer to TM


Inspection of the Dragon by the assembly area. During defensive a. Inspection of the day tracker.
gunner is limited to visual inspection operations, they are performed as
for physical damage. The part of the gunner’s fighting position b. Inspection of the night tracker.
inspections and checks are preparation.
c. Inspection of the round of
performed by the gunner before
NOTE: The gunner should use ammunition.
placing the Dragon into operation.
TM 9-1425-484-10 to perform
During offensive operations, they
are performed before leaving the


The Dragon can be carried using a. Long-Distance Carry. T h e cross-country travel or when contact
either the long-distance carry or the Dragon gunner normally carries the is not likely. Carrying options 1, 2,
short-distance carry. round and tracker separately. This is and 3 in Figure 4-1 are used for
especially true for long-distance long-distance travel.
moves such as road marches or

FM 23-24

Figure 4-1. Dragon carrying positions.

b. Short-Distance Carry. T h e lens covers in place until the use of shown in Figure 4-1 can be used with
gunner can carry the Dragon with the weapon is anticipated. The the round and tracker mated. These
the tracker mated to the round for protective lens covers prevent carrying options should be used only
short distances. When using this type possible damage to the tracker lens when firing is likely, because the
of carry, the gunner must keep the and keep foreign objects out of the weapon system is in a ready-to-fire
forward protective shock absorber launcher. Carrying options 4 and 5 configuration.


Improper or careless handling of the damaged, the round must be NOTE: If the night tracker is to be
round can damage the components returned to the responsible used, a before-operations check
and cause the missile to malfunction ammunition personnel for must be conducted IAW TM
when launched. If there is any reason inspection and disposition. 9-1425-484-10.
to believe the missile has been

FM 23-24

Figure 4-2. Releasing the bipod.

a. Releasing the Biped. Unsnap the c. Removing the Tracker (Day or NOTE: If using the night tracker,
biped retaining strap (A, Figure Night) From the Carrying Bag or make sure the ACTUATOR
4-2). Push the biped forward until Rucksack. Open the carrying bag or switch is in the ON position.
resistance is met. Then, snap off the rucksack. Grasp the tracker by the
forward shock absorber. Ensure that telescope barrel or by the trigger
the desiccant bag, attached to the mechanism and remove the tracker.
forward shock absorber, is not Remove the connector cover from
lodged in the launch tube (B, Figure the electrical connector on the
4-2). While still holding the round, tracker. Secure the cover to the
depress the biped friction lock. Push hook-pile tape on the forward shock e. Mating the Tracker (Day or
the biped legs downward to number absorber. Remove the connector Night) to the Round. Assume the
4 or 5, then release the friction lock cover from the round. firing position and put the round on
(C, Figure 4-2). the shoulder. Place the tracker guide
b. Selecting a Firing Position. A pins in the slots of the tracker
firing position is selected that best bracket guide rails (Figure 4-4). (For
meets the situation, but for training, illustration, the day tracker is used.
use the sitting position. (See d. Removing the Lens Cover. Secure However, the procedure is the same
paragraph 4-4.) Any one of the four it on top of the forward shock as for the night tracker.) Slide the
positions may be used: sitting, absorber. Make a visual inspection tracker firmly to the rear. Use both
kneeling, standing supported, or of the lenses for damage or hands, until the spring clip locks the
prone. obstruction (Figure 4-3). guide pin in place (Figure 4-5). If the
tracker does not mate, notify your
squad or section leader.

FM 23-24

Figure 4-3. Cover secured to forward Figure 4-4. Aligning the day tracker guide
shock absorber. pins.

Figure 4-5. Seating the day tracker on the round.

FM 23-24

f. Adjusting for Height and a Level sight to see if the sight picture is level. the foot adjust to obtain a level sight
Sight Picture. Look through the Adjust the biped friction lock and picture (Figure 4-6).

Figure 4-6. Leveling the sight picture.

NOTE: Failure to have a level receiving bad commands from erratic and impact on the
sight picture (plus or minus 6 the tracker. The missile will be ground.
degrees) results in the missile


The Dragon can be fired from any sitting or standing supported description of these firing positions
one of the four basic firing positions: position can be used when the M175 can be found in Chapter 7.
sitting, standing supported, mount is mounted on the machine
kneeling, or prone. A modified gun tripods, M3 or M122. A detailed


After the gunner acquires his firing to determine whether or not it is target within the stadia lines. (See
position, he sights through the within range and engageable. The Chapter 3.)
tracker to acquire the target (Figure gunner adjusts his sight picture (by
4-7). The target must be evaluated moving the launcher) to place the

FM 23-24

Figure 4-7. Target acquisition.

a. Acquire and track the target IAW hand, depress and hold the trigger, by moving the upper portion of the
Chapter 3. and maintain the sight picture until body left or right for azimuth and up
impact (Figure 4-8). When engaging or down for elevation.
b. To fire the weapon, push the safety
a moving target, make adjustments
plunger in with the thumb of the right

Figure 4-8. Correct sight picture maintained.

FM 23-24

NOTE: Excessive or jerky before trigger squeeze to the missile. Keep the cross hairs on
movement of the tracker while establish a smooth tracking rate the target–let the tracker guide the
the missile is in flight may cause during missile flight. missile.
you to miss the target. Track the
c. Ignore the missile when it appears
target for about two seconds
in the sight picture. Do not try to fly


As the missile leaves the launch tube, b. The missile electronics generates d. To fire a second round, the tracker
the infrared flares begin to operate, correction commands based on is removed from the launcher when
and the command-link wire is missile position information missile flight ends. The gunner
dispensed from the missile. The received from the tracker. The releases the spring clip at the rear
missile fins fold out and lock into missile electronics either stores the left side of the tracker support
place. The safety and arming device commands until the missile rolls to a assembly and slides the tracker
sequence is completed after the proper position for rocket motor forward and lifts it clear of the
missile has traveled about 65 meters firing, or fires the rocket motors, as support. The expended round will
(Figure 4-9). commanded, to correct the missile’s now be destroyed and discarded
position to the gunner’s LOS. according to unit SOP. The gunner
a. The tracker electronics compares
either prepares another round or
the missile position with the gunner’s c. Acceleration and missile position
secures the tracker and any extra
LOS. Then, it sends the position corrections are accomplished by
rounds and prepares to displace on
information to the missile rocket motor firings. The gunner
electronics through the command- keeps the cross hairs on the selected
link wire. aiming point on the target until
missile impact.

Figure 4-9. Dragon functioning concept.

FM 23-24


A failure to fire is when the missile 2. The procedures in Note 1 (4) The range officer or NCOIC
does not leave the launcher when the detail actions that a gunner can clears all personnel within 50 meters
trigger lever bar is depressed. The take in an ideal situation. of the round and notifies the EOD.
gunner immediately resqueezes the However, the tactical situation,
c. Misfire Procedures.
trigger lever bar and continues to which normally is a moving
track the target for 15 seconds. If armored vehicle closing on your (1) Loosen, then re-mate the tracker
after 15 seconds the missile has not position within 1,000 meters, will to the round.
fired, the gunner announces probably dictate leaders to take
(2) Track the target and try to fire
“Misfire,” releases the trigger lever other actions to preserve forces;
bar, and carefully feels near the for example, an emergency
tracker battery. If the tracker battery action SOP to cover the event. (3) If the round fails to fire again,
is hot, the gunner performs hangflre carefully feel near the tracker
b. Hangfire Procedures (Training
procedures; if it is cold, the gunner battery.
performs misfire procedures.
(4) If the battery is still cold, remove
a. Hangfire Procedures (Combat WARNING: Keep the round the tracker from the round. Place the
Only). pointed downrange. round on the ground away from the
firing site. Keep the round pointed
(1) Remove the tracker from the
NOTE: When firing tactical toward the enemy; advise soldiers
round and place the round on the
missiles on a training range, wait near you of the misfire.
ground away from the firing site.
Keep the round pointed toward the five minutes before performing (5) Mount the tracker on another
enemy advise soldiers near you of hangfire procedures. round and continue with the mission.
the failure to fire. (1) Notify the range officer or (6) If the new round also fails to fire,
(2) Obtain a new round and mount NCOIC that you have experienced a carefully feel near the tracker
the tracker on the new round. hangfire. battery. If the battery is cold, the
(2) Remove the round from the tracker is probably defective.
(3) Acquire the previous target and
continue with the mission. shoulder and place it flat on the (7) If another tracker is available,
ground. Ensure that the biped legs replace the tracker and continue
NOTES: 1. If the Dragon is are pointing to the side, with the with the mission, using previously
operated by a two-man team, the round pointing downrange. unfired rounds.
assistant gunner secures a new
round. (3) Move away from the position. NOTE: See note under hangfire
procedures (combat only).


A Dragon round that was prepared STEP 1. Remove the tracker from • Return the tracker to i t s
for firing but is no longer required the round. carrying bag or rucksack.
can be moved in either one of two
Ž Replace the tracker lens cover. STEP 2. Restore the round to the
ways: the long-distance carry or
carrying configuration.
short-distance carry. To use the • Next, remove the tracker from
long-distance carry, the gunner the round, and replace the • Replace the connector cover.
performs steps 1 and 2 below. To use connector cover on the tracker
the short-distance carry, the gunner and round.
only performs step 2 below.

FM 23-24

• Replace the forward shock biped until the upper part of the • Ensure the upper part of the
absorber. biped that attaches to the round biped engages the shock
is parallel with the muzzle of the absorber.
- Set the round in an upright
position with the rear shock - Retract the biped legs and
absorber resting on the ground. - Align the cutout portion of secure them to the round with
the forward shock absorber the retainer strap.
- While lightly pushing down on
with the biped at the launcher
the biped, press the biped brace • Lift up on the forward shock
toward the round to lift it out of absorber to ensure it is secure.
the locking slot. - Push down on the shock The round is now in a
absorber while lowering the safe-to-carry configuration.
- Once the biped brace is
biped against the round.
unlocked, push down on the


The Dragon can operate in all outside temperature is 32 Dragon in temperatures lower than
weather conditions, providing the degrees. minus 25-degrees Fahrenheit.
gunner can see the target.
a. Cold Weather. Check the optical b. Hot Weather. Provide as much
NOTE: The Dragon temperature surfaces and all mechanical devices shade or cover as possible to avoid
is the round’s temperature. For for proper operation before subjecting the round and tracker to
example, if it is removed from a deployment. Ensure no ice or snow prolonged direct sunlight. Never
vehicle whose inside temper- has formed on the tracker operate the Dragon in temperatures
ature is 45 degrees, the round components. Never operate the above plus 145-degrees Fahrenheit.
will be 45 degrees, even if the



All effective unit training must meet certain requirements to obtain

combat readiness. Training requirements consist of command
emphasis; consolidation of planning and execution of training at
battalion, brigade, or division level; close supervision of gunner
and instructor selections; consolidation of training equipment and
maintenance responsibility; and training to standards.


The commander is responsible for • Training is to standard and is equipment, and gunners are
planning, executing, and supervising combined with other unit tacti- made; for example –
training. He selects the instructors cal training.
- Day tracker, night tracker, and
and gunners based on the selection
• The maintenance facility M175 have a DA Label 80 dated
criteria given in this chapter. The
properly maintains all con- within 90 days.
commander makes sure that the
solidated Dragon training
instructor and gunner receive - Monitoring sets are tagged to
training. (See Chapter 6 for show the date last charged.
instructor training and Chapter 8 for • Sustainment training is con- • Periodic ordnance inspections
gunner training.) The commander ducted IAW the training
are made.
must ensure – program discussed in Chapter 8,
Section II. • A formal record of inspections,
Ž Command emphasis provides
training results, gunner
adequate time to conduct effec- • No-notice operational readi-
qualifications, and gunner turn-
tive training. ness checks of trackers, training
over are maintained.


The training goals and program needed to engage armored targets maintain the Dragon. Commanders
provide the soldier with the skills on the battlefield and to operate and must –

FM 23-24

a. Train soldiers to the level needed c. Provide leaders clear sustainment training to maintain their
to successfully engage armored standards and ensure they know how proficiency.
targets. to meet them.
b. Provide training in maintenance d. Ensure soldiers are trained to
and operations of the Dragon and on standard, and conduct sustainment
related training devices.


Dragon instructors must desirably tactical competence at squad and know the information in Chapters 6
meet the same standards as gunners. platoon levels. Successful gunner and 7, and must pass the
They should be selected based on experience can be an asset, but it is performance test in Appendix B.
their desire and ability to instruct not an indicator of a good instructor.
and should have a high level of Once selected, the instructors must


The critical criteria of the gunner the gunner to track moving tar- get acquisition, firing, and track-
selection process are the overall gets.) ing (minimum of 13 seconds).
evaluation of the soldier’s
Ž Have a strong upper body with Ž Have an unaided, minimum
performance and his desire to be a
physical stamina. (Physical vision of 20/100, correctable to
Dragon gunner. Personnel selected
stamina ensures steady-hold 20/20. (The focus or reticle ad-
as gunners must —
and the ability to carry the justment only corrects 20/100
• Have the desire to be a Dragon weapon.) back to 20/20 [right eye].)
Ž Be between 5 feet and 6 feet 2 Ž Be able to close the left eye in-
Ž Be evaluated as outstanding sol- inches in height. (The biped dependently (should be right-
diers. only adjusts for these heights.) eye dominant). (The left eye
must remain closed to prevent
Ž Be able to flex the upper trunk, • Be able to hold the breath
dust or debris from entering the
left and right. (Flexibility allows throughout the sequence of tar-
open eye, otherwise distracting
the gunner.)


Successfully applying the tactics and Dragon in battle depends on the training program within the unit’s
techniques for employing the effectiveness of each unit’s Dragon overall training program.

FM 23-24


It is unlikely that a mandatory tasks required to accomplish each STEP 6. Identify available training
training program would fit each mission. (See Table 5-1 for minimum resources.
unit’s circumstances and needs. requirements.)
STEP 7. Program and schedule
Only the commander is in a position
STEP 3. Establish individual and training based on the training
to develop his unit’s training
unit training objectives to resources available and individual
accomplish the unit’s tasks. and unit training needs.
a. To develop a unit training
STEP 4. Determine the level of STEP 8. Conduct training.
program, the commander uses the
individual and unit proficiency of
following nine steps: STEP 9. Monitor and evaluate
those tasks.
training, and revise the training
STEP 1. Identify all of the unit’s
STEP 5. Determine individual and program, as required.
tactical and administrative missions.
unit training needed to attain the
STEP 2. Analyze the unit’s missions training objectives established in
to determine the individual and unit STEP 3.

FM 23-24

Table 5-1. Individual and unit tasks and training objectives (continued).

FM 23-24

Table 5-1. Individual and unit tasks and training objectives continued.

FM 23-24

Table 5-1. Individual and unit tasks and training objectives (continued).

b. The key step in developing a (3) Designate the S3 as the officer (1) Certify each Dragon instructor by
training program is to consolidate responsible for ensuring that Dragon using the program in Chapter 6.
training at brigade level. For training is performed and
(2) After instructors are certified, use
consolidation to be successful, a unit coordinated with other unit training.
the training program in Chapter 8,
must –
c. The training programs in this Section I, to train each gunner.
(1) Assign a qualified NCO full time manual are to be used as the basic
(3) Use the training program in
as the principal instructor, documents for conducting Dragon
Chapter 8, Section II, to sustain
training. They list all of the tasks and
(2) Make Dragon training an item of gunners.
training objectives needed for initial
command interest.
and sustainment training (Chapters 6
and 8).

FM 23-24


Concentration on the specific specific t r a i n i n g n e e d s o f b. Therefore, those who plan and

training needs of individuals and individuals, teams or crews, and conduct training should ensure that
units provides a commander two units (squads and platoons). they do not include useless
important advantages as he plans Soldiers can learn easier and faster if information in a class or require a
and conducts Dragon training; he their essential training needs for soldier to practice an unnecessary
can allocate his training resources duty performance are recognized. skill. To do so can only reduce the
more effectively and his soldiers can During training, a soldier is required soldier’s learning by forcing him to
learn easier arid faster. to learn new information, acquire separate the "essential" from the
new skills, and practice these skills to "nice to know" information, or to
a. Because of limited training
attain or exceed established levels of force him to practice a skill he can
resources, such as lack of time,
proficiency. already perform or does not need to
instructors, and ranges, or it
perform to complete a given training
becomes critical to identify the


Various duty positions in a unit can begin to train in tactical the critical tasks of each team
require different skills, which operations that require the member.
require different training. employment of the Dragon by using
(a) Platoon leader:
Recognition of this fact suggests the one or more tactical exercises; for
use of a multilevel training approach. example, CPX, terrain exercises, or • Identifies enemy avenues of
This approach is designed to train terrain model exercises. Therefore, approach.
different elements at the same time leaders can learn and practice their
• Assigns squad defensive
(leaders, squad, Dragon gunners, tactical skills without wasting their
assistant gunners) of the unit; for soldiers’ time. The soldiers can learn
example, the unit before training in a how to perform their jobs under the • Selects fining positions for the
platoon or company FTX. direction of qualified officers and platoon’s Dragons.
NCO instructors.
a. Applying the logic of the • Assigns Dragon sectors of fire.
multilevel training approach to (2) Training of critical tasks
NOTE: The knowledge and skills
Dragon training a training program performed by team and unit members. required to perform any of these
can be developed for each of the The critical member of the team or
tasks are considerable; for
following categories: unit is the Dragon gunner. Although
example, map reading, map and
every man in the unit could be terrain analysis, knowledge of
(1) Team and unit performance.
trained to prepare the weapon for
Because team and unit enemy armor capabilities in
firing, to launch the missile, and to
performances are greatly affected by determining armor approaches,
track a target, only the gunner is
the decisions and actions of its and knowledge of the Dragon’s
trained to be proficient in all of these range, and backblast effects.
leaders, leaders should be trained to
skills. The Dragon is a simple
make critical (tactical) decisions (b) Squad leader:
weapon to operate, but skill in
before they train with their team or
tracking a target requires repetitive Ž Posts local security, and the
unit. Such leader training reduces
practice with the LET (includes soldiers and weapons to the
the chance that the soldiers will be
monitoring set and target board) to positions selected by the
used as "training aids" for the
acquire proficiency and reliability as platoon leader.
leaders. Squad and platoon leaders
a gunner. See the following list for

FM 23-24

• Directs that fields of fire are Ž Prepares his position degree of proficiency that will result
cleared and improved. (entrenches, camouflages, and from his training time. Commanders
conceals). must realize that training men to fire
Ž Directs that positions are
the weapon does not constitute
prepared; orients on assigned • Locates various points (terrain
gunner qualification or proficiency.
sectors of fire; uses natural features) in the sector of fire
cover and concealment to that serve as reference points c. Gunner qualification is based
advantage and improves it. during target engagement; for mainly on proficiency–the ability of
example, maximum a n d the gunner to successfully and
Ž Directs that range cards are
minimum ranges. consistently track and hit targets. To
gain this skill requires a great
• Prepares range cards.
• Coordinates with adjacent units amount of time (a critical resource)
to ensure mutual support. Ž Improves positions and practicing on the LET. A LET is a
prestocks Dragon rounds. training device (also a resource) of
NOTE: Like the platoon leader,
limited availability (three LETs for
the squad leader has specific b. In a unit with a high-priority
each battalion). Commanders must
tasks and must have the antiarmor mission, the commander
determine who will be the unit’s
knowledge associated with each may decide that every man in the unit
qualified gunners and what training
skill needed to perform his job. should be trained in the use of the
resources can be allotted to their
Although some of the tasks are Dragon; for example, prepare the
training. With this determination, he
similar to the platoon leaders, round for firing, acquire a target,
can then select training resources for
they differ in scope and degree launch the missile, keep the cross
familiarization training for other unit
of proficiency. hairs on the target until missile
impact. Because this type of
(c) Dragon gunner/assistant gunner:
familiarization training represents
Ž Identifies and verifies his an investment of training resources,
position and sector of fire. the commander should know the


Dragon training for leaders and requirements. I f c o m m a n d e r s instruction can be conducted in a

commanders begins by determining assume that the leaders and classroom without wasting training
the specific Dragon-related tasks commander initially know little resources (ranges, transportation,
that each leader or commander must about how to employ the Dragon, and so forth). Lectures, seminars,
perform. Once these tasks are training should progress from the small discussion groups, and
developed into training objectives, basic to the more difficult part of briefings lend themseves to the
the instructors can select the proper Dragon employment. The starting classroom.
training methods for the available point can be presenting information
resources and other training in the classroom. Initial Dragon


There is a difference between the maintenance, and firing. Dragon process for platoon leaders and
tactical employment of Dragon and employment during tactical company commanders; execution of
the technical aspects of its operation, operations is mostly a conceptual

FM 23-24

these concepts is a mechanical (1) Limited training resources may preparing range cards, the training
process for Dragon gunners. dictate a centralized approach. task becomes one of practicing the
application of these elements to
a. Gunnery. Gunnery includes the (a) Equipment and facilities. The
different pieces of terrain or terrain
ability to fire the weapon (day and need for centralized training can be
substitution; for example, maps,
night) and track the target until made based on the training
sand tables, 35-mm slides of terrain.
missile impact. Gunners must — equipment. Limited distribution of
Such practices can be enhanced by
the training equipment suggests
(1) Detect vehicles at ranges out to working in small groups where
centralized control of training at the
1,500 meters, under varying field soldiers have the opportunity to ask
battalion (or brigade) level. Also, the
conditions (rolling hills, vegetation, questions, discuss answers, and
number of firing ranges suitable for
and so forth), moving and stationary. debate the advantages and
the Dragon may dictate centralized
disadvantages of the range cards.
(2) Determine if a moving target, if control over these facilities.
engaged, will reach cover before c. Training Techniques. Several
(b) Personnel. The lack of qualified
impact. types of gunner training techniques
Dragon instructors can hamper
are discussed herein.
(3) Prepare a firing position, to gunner training.
include range card preparation. (1) Round-robin. Because of the
(c) Time. A unit can save training
limited number of training sets in the
(4) Know how to lessen the signature time by centralizing the conduct of
battalion, all gunners cannot
of the backblast. Dragon training since centralized
practice at the same time. Rather
training requires fewer instructors
(5) Know the ability of the enemy to than have a few gunners practice on
and classes. If the training is
place suppressive fires on his firing the training equipment whale other
centralized at brigade level or
position, thus requiring the gunner soldiers watch, a round-robin setup
higher, battalion and company level
to use cover and concealment, could be used to keep all the soldiers
instructors can devote their time to
deception, surprise, movement, and engaged in productive, active
other training requirements.
so forth. training. The round-robin setup is a
Centralized training permits the use
series of concurrent training stations
(6) Know unit SOPs covering rules of of qualified Dragon instructors to
through which each platoon member
engagement to include signals to lift prepare and conduct training. These
rotates. For example, Station
or shift fires, priority of targets, when men will need less time to prepare
Number 1 may be for the training
to engage targets, and so forth. Dragon instruction than unqualified
equipment, Station Number 2 may
Dragon instructors.
(7) Know where to obtain resupply require preparation of range cards,
of missiles. (2) The commander also considers Station Number 3 may require
the types of tasks to be taught as he identification of enemy tanks
(8) Know how to inspect the round
decides between a centralized or a through the use of flip charts (Figure
before firing.
decentralized approach. If the task is 5-l).
b. Centralized Versus Decentralized related to gunnery training or
(2) Night training. Since Threat
Gunner Training. The decision to qualification, the commander may
use centralized or decentralized doctrine stresses night operations,
be forced to use a centralized
gunners should practice their skills
gunner training depends on the approach because of the limited
available training resources (for at night. This can be done during
number of training sets and
FTXs using the FHT with the night
example, equipment and facilities, ammunition. But if the task is for
tracker or on a range (under
personnel, time) and the type of example, to prepare range cards, a
tasks to be taught. controlled conditions), and using
decentralized approach may be
artificial illumination to illuminate
better. Once the Dragon gunners
learn the basic elements for

FM 23-24

Figure 5-1. Example of round-robin.


Because of the frequent need for gunner, assisting the gunner in such training, leaders must be forced
squad leaders to employ Dragon as preparing his firing position, to make decisions about the
part of a team, team training must carrying ammunition (missiles), and employment of the weapon, which
become an integral part of Dragon locating targets. To simplify training, can be done through the use of
training in the field. As a rule, when members of the gunner’s own fire scenarios, simulated threat
Dragon gunners are employed apart team within the squad should be conditions, OPFOR, and so forth.
from their squad positions, they have used to form the team. Based on these simulated
at least one assistant gunner and conditions, platoon leaders practice
a. Once gunners are trained and
ammunition bearer with them, or choosing armor avenues of
qualified with the weapon and
may be employed in an antiarmor approach, selecting Dragon firing
leaders are trained in the tactical
fire team. The other members of the positions, and all the other elements
employment concepts of the
team must work with the gunner as a of employing the weapon. Platoon
Dragon, leaders and gunners can
coordinated element whose duties and squad leaders, in turn, should
train together profitably during field
include providing security for the require their gunners to prepare
exercises. During the conduct of

FM 23-24

firing positions, to prepare range the range, he is ready for more a bag of flour.) Such items tend to
cards, and to simulate target advanced training. This advanced distract the gunner, and resemble
engagement. Employing gunners training consists of requiring the the type of interference to be faced
with their squads provides training gunner to use the Dragon under on the battlefield. Smoke obscures
for other squad or fire team increasingly harder, yet realistic, the target, making tracking more
members’ duties (providing security, conditions. Such conditions must be difficult. Gunners must concentrate
locating targets, and so forth). The created during training by the on tracking their targets under
training exercises should be commander. A few examples of how varying degrees of smoke, haze, and
critiqued and discussed to to add realism to Dragon training are harassing fires.
determine if the techniques and discussed in the following
(2) During tracking exercises using
tactics were the best possible for the paragraphs:
the MILES Dragon, the target
(1) During both FTXs and practice vehicle mounted with the MILES
b. When qualifying on the range, firing exercises on the range, receivers must be used over
Dragon gunners normally learn gunners should be exposed to representative terrain--thus, the
under almost ideal conditions. The distracters. These include the target would move toward the
gunners have excellent fields of fire, detonation of explosives to simulate gunner’s position over rolling,
the target (infrared source) moves enemy artillery and tank fires near wooded terrain, curving roads, and
back and forth in front of them on his position. The use of smoke, both so forth. Simply driving the target
level ground, and there are no on or near the gunner’s position or vehicle back and forth across a flat
distractions other than fellow target, also add realism. (A good field in front of the gunner
gunners firing their weapons. Once technique to simulate close marginally provides effective
the Dragon gunner has qualified on explosions is to use explosives under training.


In addition to monthly/quarterly unit, must participate in a live-fire small-arms targets. Platoon external
training and qualification, Dragon exercise and a platoon external evaluations should include medium
gunners must demonstrate their evaluation to ARTEP 7-8-MTP antiarmor weapons tasks and be
proficiency during squad and standards semiannually. Live-fire conducted as part of a company
platoon exercises. Each Dragon exercises should use actual Dragons FTX/STX
gunner, as part of a squad or larger or LTIDs in connection with other


One of an instructor’s major another instructor. The evaluation is standards established in the
responsibilities is to evaluate concerned with two aspects: the commander’s training objective(s).
training. The training to be evaluated effectiveness and efficiency of The efficiency of training is
may be that which he conducted training. The effectiveness of concerned with how the instructors
himself, conducted by his assistant training is determined by whether used the available training
instructor(s), or conducted by the soldiers, teams, or units meet the resources.



Training equipment provides units with a low-cost means to

develop and maintain gunner skills. Instructors must know the
Dragon and training equipment to train gunners. This chapter
describes the training equipment for the Dragon and provides a
program to train instructors on training equipment use.


The training equipment is used with training equipment is issued to units proper maintenance of assigned
the tactical tracker and other tactical equipped with authorized tactical training equipment. (See Figure
hardware for realism. Gunnery trackers. Units are responsible for 6-l.)


The LET simulates the tactical delay between trigger squeeze and a. The LET does not simulate
round in appearance, weight, center launch. Dragon launch. During the launch,
of gravity, and some launch transient there is a temporary obscuration of
NOTE: The weight shift of the
characteristics (Figure 6-2). The the gunner’s view. The Dragon LET
Dragon round is more than the
LET uses the M64 blank rifle does not simulate the heat, flame,
LET. If the gunner has adopted
grenade cartridge to simulate the and dust of the launch or the
the correct holding technique,
noise, recoil, and weight shift from appearance of the missile to block
the weight shift will not be
the gunner’s shoulder and the time the gunner’s view.

FM 23-24

Figure 6-1. Gunnery training equipment.

Figure 6-2. LET components.

FM 23-24

b. The LET consists of a biped, the tracker support assembly is 6-3. One set of training equipment
launcher, tracker support assembly, employed for multiple use, which ideally should not be closer than 6
and LET subassembly. Attached to supports and secures the tactical meters to another set. The LET can
the launcher are the forward and tracker in place. It also provides the be fired by itself or with the
rear shock absorbers and the sling. electrical interface between the monitoring set, which evaluates
The biped assembly includes a tube tracker and LET (Figure 6-2). gunner performance data and
and yoke assembly with a brace displays the results.
c. The LET allows a gunner to use
latch. A modified tactical version of
any firing position shown in Figure

Figure 6-3. Firing positions.

FM 23-24

d. The LET shipping and storage

container (Figure 6-4) is used when
the LET is transported or stored.
The cleaning brush is used to clean
the LET and has a pushrod for
resetting the weight.

Figure 6-4. LET shipping and storage container.


The monitoring set monitors and regulated plus or minus 13-VDC (b) The J2 recorder connector is
evaluates the gunner’s tracking needed to operate the monitor and used to supply input signals to a chart
performance (Figure 6-5). The set is tracker. The battery packs are recorder.
powered by self-contained, rechargeable by using any of the
rechargeable batteries. following power sources: 18-VDC to
connector provides test points for
30-VDC, 190-VAC to 230-VAC (50
a. The monitoring set case assembly use during maintenance and
to 100 Hz), and 105-VAC to
consists of two sections. The top calibration of the monitoring set.
130-VAC (50 to 400 Hz).
section of the monitoring set
(d) POWER INPUT connector is
provides storage for the five (2) The control panel has a mounting
used during battery charging.
electrical cables and operator’s for the monitoring set controls,
manual. The bottom section (base) indicators, lights, and connectors. b. The monitoring set provides two
contains the monitor control and (See Figure 6-6.) The J connectors scoring functions. One function
display panel, electronic assemblies, are on the control panel to provide indicates the probability of the
humidity indicator, battery packs, connection points. missile hitting or missing the target,
and battery charger. and the direction and range at which
(a) The J1 LET connector, used with
the maximum aiming deviation was
(1) The monitoring set battery packs the trainer, provides for input stimuli
exceeded, resulting in the
consist of four 10-VDC batteries, to the monitoring set circuits.
monitoring set registering a MISS.
which provide power for the
The other function indicates
numerically the gunner’s ability to
maintain a steady aim point.

FM 23-24

Figure 6-5. Monitoring set with components and cables.

(1) HIT or MISS indications are not

directly related to numerical scores.
The monitoring set can register a
high score with a MISS indication, or
a low score with a HIT indication.
This depends on whether the
gunner’s aiming deviations exceeded
the maximum aiming deviation
(2) The gunner’s aiming deviation
shows his aim point with respect to
the desired target aim point (Figure

Figure 6-6. Monitoring set control paneI.

FM 23-24

Figure 6-7. Gunner aiming deviation.


The infrared transmitting set is M151 1/4-ton truck, HMMWV 1

vehicle-mounted and is used with the 1/4-ton truck, M60A1 tank, or M561
LET or LES and monitoring set Gamma Goat. The target source
(Figure 6-8). generates an infrared beam that
simulates an in-flight missile. As the
a. The target set can be used in any
gunner tracks the target board, the
simulated tactical operation. It
infrared receiver in the tracker picks
operates in all weather conditions in
up the beam. This information is
which the gunner can track the
processed by the monitoring set to
target. The target set is used for
score the gunner. The components
gunner indoctrination, tracking
of the infrared transmitting set areas
instruction, practice, and
b. The infrared transmitter operates
with any 24-VDC 40-amp system. It
can be mounted on the M113 APC,

FM 23-24

Figure 6-8. Infared transmitting set.

(1) Target source. The target source

operates at training frequency (5
KHz) and simulates the missile flare.
Personnel must not enter the danger
zone while the target source is
operating (Figure 6-9).
(2) Target source support. The target
source support is an aluminum,
rectangular box that houses the
target source, provides a mounting
surface for the target board,
provides cable storage, and mounts
to the pedestal.

Figure 6-9. Target source danger zone.

161-026 O - 94 - 4
FM 23-24

(3) Target board assemble. The target power to and controls the operation connects the PSM with the vehicle
board assembly is an aluminum alloy of the target source. electrical system.
board with a red cross painted on a
(5) Connecting cables. The target (6) Target mounting kit. The target
white background. It is used as the
source cable carries starting and mounting kit consists of a pedestal,
aiming point for the gunner.
drive currents from the PSM to the universal adapter plate, four cargo
(4) P o w e r s u p p l y m o d u l a t o r . target source. The power slings, and related hardware. It
power supply modulator provides supply/modulator battery cable serves as a base for the infrared


The FHT is a spent tactical round a. The remains of the rear shock b. The launcher color band and
refurbished to simulate the tactical absorber are removed from the warhead color band are painted
round in weight and shape. It spent round, and a new rear shock over. The propulsion color band is
provides a gunner with practical absorber is bonded in place. The changed to a 1-inch (2.54
experience in tactical deployment, tracker electrical connector is centimeters) bronze band. The word
handling, aiming, and tracking. An removed. A weight simulator, EMPTY is painted in 1-inch (2.54
FHT consists of the following M8E2, is secured in the spent round centimeters) white letters on the side
modifications: with three screws, and a forward of the launcher.
shock absorber is installed on the


The LES is about the same size, shoulder weight loss experienced ignites the MAPP and oxygen gas
shape, and weight as the tactical when launching a missile. mixture. An electronic time delay is
round and simulates its launch incorporated in the LES control box
a. The LES is used with the Dragon
environment. (See Figure 6-10.) The electronics to simulate the delay
trackers, monitoring set, and
LES uses a combination of MAPP between trigger squeeze and launch.
infrared transmitting set, This gives
gas, oxygen, and biodegradable end
an accurate evaluation of gunner c. The LES control box (Figure 6-10)
caps to produce a realistic
p e r f o r m a n c e during training case assembly consists of two
simulation of the Dragon launch.
exercises. sections. The top section (cover)
The LES launcher is shipped with a
provides hose and cable storage
blast deflector, which should be b. An electrical pulse, generated by
space. The bottom section (base)
installed on the rear of the launcher. the Dragon tracker’s firing
contains the LES control panel,
The blast deflector causes the rear of mechanism, activates the LES
electronics assembly, battery pack,
the launcher to rise during the firing control box electronics. This
and MAPP gas and oxygen bottles
sequence. This simulates the supplies current to the glow plug
and their respective regulators.
inside the launcher. The glow plug

FM 23-24

Figure 6-10. LES components.


Once selected by the commander, know the training objectives in this equipment, the instructor must know
the instructor must pass the section. When he becomes the principles outlined in Chapter 7.
performance test in Appendix B and proficient in the use of the training


TASK: Prepare an AN/TSQ-l monitoring sets, LET or LES IAW TM 9-6920-484-12 or

monitoring set for operation. training devices, LET support NAVTRADEV P-6054.
stands, and TM 9-6920-484-12 or
NOTE: LET support stands are 2. Replace any set that does not
produced by the local TSC. pass the voltage test IAW
CONDITIONS: On a suitable range
or training site, given one or more 1. Perform a preoperational check
before operating the monitoring set

FM 23-24

Figure 6-11. Mating the W2 cable assembly to the monitoring set and LET.

3. Mate the W2 cable assembly to the PERFORMANCE MEASURES: b. Check the monitoring set for
monitoring set and LET IAW TM moisture.
1. Perform a before-operation
9-6920-484-12, (See Figure 6-11.)
check. Perform a check before c. Check the connectors and cables.
4. Mate the LES to the monitoring operating the monitoring set for the
2. Position the monitoring set at the
set IAW NAVTRADEV P-6054. first time, or when assigned as the
firing site. Place the monitoring set 6
(See Figure 6-12.) operator and it is the first operation
meters from the firing position when
of the day.
using the LET or LES.
a. Make a visual inspection of the
3. Prepare the monitoring set for the
monitoring set for damage, loose
voltage test.
components, and dirt.

FM 23-24

Figure 6-12. Mating the LES to the monitoring set.

FM 23-24

4. Conduct the voltage test (Figure

5. For the LET, connect the W2
cable assembly to the monitoring set
and LET. For the LES, see Training
Objective 7, Prepare/Operate a
for instructions on connecting the
LES to the monitoring set.

Figure 6-13. Conducting voltage test.


TASK: Install an M89 infrared

transmitting set on a target vehicle.
CONDITIONS: Given an infrared
transmitting set with all components;
automotive tool kit; M151 l/4-ton
truck, M113 APC, M561 Gamma
Goat, or HMMWV 1 l/4-ton truck;
TM 9-6920-484-12; and an assistant.
1. Mount and secure the pedestal on
the vehicle (Figure 6-14).
2. Retain or turn in all parts and
assemblies removed from the

Figure 6-14. Mounting and securing the pedestal.

FM 23-24

3. Install and secure the target board

to the pedestal mount. (See Figure
4. Ensure all the cable routings are
correct and connected to the correct
component (Figure 6-16.)
1. Install and secure the target board
to the traversing unit mount.
2. Ensure all the cable routings are
correct and connected to the correct

Figure 6-15. Installing and securing target board.

Figure 6-16. Ensuring cable routings are correct.

FM 23-24

PERFORMANCE MEASURES: eight bolts, flat washers, lock 5. Hook up the infrared transmitter
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . washers, and nuts IAW TM cables.
CAUTION: To avoid damage to 9-6920-484-12.
the adapter or pedestal, be sure
that the three locking as- 2. Place the pedestal assembly on the
semblies are disengaged and vehicle.
the locking pins are not 3. Strap the pedestal assembly to the
protruding into the interior of vehicle. 6. Install the power supply/
the pedestal.
4. Install the target board. modulator.
1. Mount the pedestal on the
7. Apply power to the infrared
universal adapter plate using the


TASK: Operate an M89 infrared 5. Operate the infrared transmitter CAUTION: To prevent damage
transmitter. IAW commands from the firing line. to the high-voltage power
CONDITIONS: Given an M151 6. At the end of the training session, supply, do not hold the lamp
l/4-ton truck or HMMWV 1 l/4-ton perform maintenance on the start switch in the UP position
truck as a target vehicle, an infrared infrared transmitter IAW the TM. for more than 15 seconds.
transmitting set with target 5. Prepare the target board for night
mounting kit installed on the vehicle, training.
and TM 9-6920-484-12. 1. Perform a before-operation
check. Before operating the 6. Operate the target board.
transmitter for the first time or when a. Turn the target board so that it
1. Ensure that the infrared assigned as an operator and it is the faces the firing line.
transmitter is installed on the target first operation of the day.
vehicle IAW TM 9-6920-484-12. b. At the end of each run, use the
CAUTION: Ensure that the face adjusting clamp to turn the target
2. Perform a preoperational check of the target board is away from board so that it faces the firing line.
before operating the infrared the gunner and other person-
transmitter IAW TM 9-6920-484-12. c. Turn on the radio and receive
nel before starting the power
commands from the firing line.
WARNING: Do not allow per- 7. Turn off equipment.
2. Prepare the vehicle.
sonnel to enter the danger 8. Use safety precautions when
zone while the target source 3. Check the target board. Check the
disconnecting the infrared
is operating. Do not look at target board mounting on the
the target source through pedestal. Ensure that the adjusting
vehicle mirrors or any other clamp and locking assemblies are a. Ensure that POWER circuit
reflecting source. engaged. breaker is off before disconnecting
CAUTION: Lamp cover must
3. Do not allow personnel to enter b. Ensure that the transmitter is
the danger zone (see Figure 6-9) be removed before operating
the power supply/modulator. properly installed and secured
while the target source is in before moving the target vehicle.
operation. 4. Prepare the power supply/
modulator. c. Shut down the transmitter
4. Start the power supply/modulator immediately if the vehicle engine
IAW the TM.

FM 23-24

stalls when the transmitter is in d. Periodically check the tie-down 9. Maintain the infrared transmitter.
operation. straps for tightness when operating
the vehicle.


TASK: Conduct/perform equipment tracker will receive the infrared CAUTION: Minimize time in
alignment. transmitter signal. which the tracker power switch
CONDITIONS: Given the following PERFORMANCE MEASURES: is in the (R) 4-10 position (not
equipment, set up for operation at a more than thirty seconds) to
1. Deploy the infrared transmitter to prevent damage to the tracker.
training site: monitoring set, infrared
the range at which the training
transmitter, LET or LES, two radios, 6. Have the monitoring set operator
exercise is to be conducted at 250
LET support stand, TM align the monitoring set.
9-6920-484-12 or NAVTRADEV
P-6054, and the following personnel: 2. Establish communication between 7. Have the monitoring set operator,
the monitoring set operator and gunner, and loader verify that the
• Monitoring set operator. LET and monitoring set are aligned.
infrared transmitter operator.
• Gunner. 8. If conducting a training exercise
3. Have the monitoring set operator
• Loader. prepare the monitoring set for right away, have the monitoring set
alignment. operator push the RESET switch.
• Infrared transmitter operator.
4. Have the loader place the support 9. If not conducting a training
STANDARDS: exercise right away, have the
stand under the rear of the LET.
1. Align the monitoring set IAW the monitoring set operator —
5. Have the gunner perform zeroing
2. Train each soldier to perform switch to the OFF position.
assigned functions within the WARNING: Do not place an • Notify the infrared transmitter
performance measures. M64 NATO grenade launch- operator to turn the infrared
NOTE: Weather conditions and ing cartridge in the LET transmitter off.
target source lamp age affect the during monitoring set zero-
maximum range at which the ing procedures.


TASK: Prepare/operate a LET. STANDARDS: Ž Inform the monitoring set

operator when to connect the
CONDITIONS: On a firing range, 1. IAW the TM, the gunner must –
W2 cable.
given a LET, LET support stand, 16
• Extend and secure the biped. Ž
BA-30 or W-B-101 batteries, Maintain a steady track of the
flat-blade screwdriver, LET • Install 16 BA-30 or W-B-101 target by keeping the tracker
cleaning equipment, day or night batteries into the LET. optical sight cross hairs on the
tracker, gunner and loader, and TM point of aim throughout the
• Install either a day or night
9-6920-484-12. exercise.
tracker on the LET.

FM 23-24

2. Within 20 seconds and IAW the cartridge by hand, use the flat-blade
TM, the loader must – screwdriver located in the cleaning
brush handle to aid in removal, then
Ž Reset the dummy weight to the
clean the chamber.
c. Hangfire/misfire. The gunner
Ž Open the breech and remove WARNING: Always reach for notifies the monitoring set operator
the expended cartridge. the breechblock lever from that a hangflre is in progress and
Ž Insert a new cartridge. the top. Keep hands clear of points the LET downrange for 60
rear exhaust ports to prevent seconds. Then, the gunner unloads
Ž Close the breech, check the
injury from possible back- the M64 cartridge.
backblast area, and raise the blast.
safety lever to the ARM
WARNING: In case of a mis-
position. 3. Have the loader load the LET. fire, the gunner should keep
PERFORMANCE MEASURES: 4. Have the loader arm the LET. the LET in the firing position
1. Have the gunner prepare the LET Raise the safety lever to the UP until the loader unloads the
for operation. position and tell the gunner that the cartridge. If the primer cap is
LET is ready to fire. dented, notify the instructor.
Refer to TM 9-1300-206 for
WARNING: The monitoring 5. Have the loader unload the LET disposition instructions. If a
set operator, gunner, and in any of the following situations: misfire occurs in which the
loader must wear ear protec- primer explodes but fails to
tion. WARNING: Do not leave an ignite the powder charge, the
expended cartridge in the pressure chamber must be
WARNING: The M64 NATO chamber. cleaned before the LET is
grenade launching cartridge used. For misfires that are
must be used in the LET. No a. End of exercise. Open the breech. not caused by malfunction of
other type of cartridge is Remove the spent cartridge and the firing mechanism, notify
authorized. dispose of it according to local SOP. the ammunition supply point.
Close the breech.
2. Have the loader reset the dummy 6. Have the gunner track and engage
b. Mission abort. Open the breech,
weight. When the breechblock is targets.
Remove the cartridge and replace it
open, the cartridge extractor in its package. Close the breech.
positions the cartridge for manual
removal. If unable to remove


TASK: Conduct a LES system when placed into operation IAW the PERFORMANCE MEASURES:
checkout. TM.
CONDITIONS: Given LES 2. Training equipment passes the WARNING: The LES launch-
equipment set up for operation and leak test, or it is replaced IAW the er is charged and ready to fire
NAVTRADEV P-6054. TM. after step 6 is performed.

STANDARDS: 3. IAW the TM, gas and oxygen lines 1. Set the control box switches.
are purged twice at the beginning of
1. CONTROL BOX switch
the training exercise.
indicators give correct indications

FM 23-24

2. Perform the control test 5. Install end caps.

WARNING: Explosive gases
are being used. Ensure there 6. Press FILL button and arm.
are no open flames, sparks, 3. Conduct a leak test.
or sources of ignition from
4. Purge the gas and oxygen lines.
the operating area.


TASK: Prepare/operate a LES. a. Place the control box 6 meters (20 8. Have the loader conduct a test fire
feet) from the LES launcher. and notify the gunner that the LES
CONDITIONS: On a suitable firing
launcher is ready.
range, given a LES training device in b. Install a charged MAPP bottle.
its shipping container, monitoring TRAINING NOTE: Ambient
c. Install a charged oxygen bottle.
set, charged oxygen and MAPP temperature and humidity affect
bottles, 1 1/8-inch open-/closed-end d. Connect the cable/hose assembly. LES firing performances.
wrench, launcher support stand, Optimum firing results in the end
NAVTRADEV P-6054, and the WARNING: The monitoring cap being fragmented, thereby
following personnel: set operator, gunner, and dispersing flour. Set the
loader must wear ear protec- regulators initially at 16 psi
Ž Monitoring set operator.
tion. MAPP and 46 psi oxygen, and
• Gunner. perform a test fire. If the end caps
3. Have the gunner assume a firing are shattered, the mixture is
• Loader.
position with the LES. correct. If the end caps are
Ž Infrared transmitter operator. expelled intact and an orange
4. Have the loader prepare the flame is observed (indicating fuel
STANDARDS: launcher. rich condition), reduce the
1. Prepare the LES for operation 5. Have the monitoring set operator MAPP gas setting while holding
IAW the TM. prepare the monitoring set. the oxygen setting constant to a
minimum of 14 psi. If still rich,
NOTE: The instructor conducts a 6. Have the infrared transmitter increase the oxygen pressure to
preoperational inspection of the operator prepare the transmitter set.
LES control box and launcher. a maximum of 50 psi. To reset
7. Have the loader depress the FILL regulators to a lower pressure,
2. The LES passes the system switch and release. turn the regulator control full
checkout IAW the TM. counter-clockwise, remove both
NOTE: Steps 8, 9, and 10 should
3. The gunner performs immediate end caps, depress the FILL
be performed within 15 seconds
action for a misfire. switch, install end caps, adjust
after performing step 7. regulators to new pressure, and
WARNING: Explosive gases
1. Have the gunner prepare the LES
are being used. Ensure there
launcher for operation. 9. Have the gunner track and engage
are no open flames, sparks,
2. Have the loader prepare the LES or sources of ignition from targets.
control box for operation. the operating area. NOTE: To repeat the firing
exercise, have the loader install
new end caps.

FM 23-24

WARNING: Before sub- WARNING: Do not allow any circuit test does not illuminate, set
sequent firings, ensure there part of the body to extend in the GLOW PLUG select switch to
front of or behind the LES the alternate circuit and retest. If the
is no glowing residue from
end caps near either end of launcher while performing light still fails to illuminate, see Table
the LES launcher tube. the following steps. 6-1. Check the oxygen pressure.
(7) If all of the above indications are
10. Have the gunner perform (2) Removes both end caps from the satisfactory, proceeds to STEP 5 of
immediate-action procedures. If a launcher and allows a minimum of Table 6-1.
NO FIRE occurs (gases fail to two minutes for the gases to vent.
ignite) apply immediate action as (8) If immediate action does not
(3) Unlatches and reseats the correct misfire, returns the LES to
tracker. TSC for maintenance.
a. Waits five seconds and squeezes
(4) After two minutes, reinstalls both TRAINING NOTE: Table 6-1 lists
the firing mechanism again.
end caps. the items most likely to fail during
b. If the LES does not fire after the operation. Most failures cannot
second attempt, the instructor be corrected by the instructor.
switch to ON.
immediately sets the ARM-SAFE Replace the launcher or control
switch on the control box to SAFE. (6) Performs BATTERY and box and notify the TSC or
GLOW PLUG tests. (See Training organizational maintenance of
Objective 6, Conduct a LES System the failure when the equipment is
switch to OFF.
Checkout.) If the BATTERY TEST turned in.
indicator does not illuminate, see
Table 6-1. If the GLOW PLUG


1. No lights 1. Dead battery. 1. Notify TSC.

illuminate. 2. Bad battery. 2. Notify TSC.
3. PI (panel) not 3. Notify TSC.
mated with J2
(control box case).
4. Faulty PWR ON- 4. Notify TSC.
OFF-CHARGE switch S2.

2. Individual Bad lamp. Notify TSC.

lamp does not

3. Battery 1. Blown fuse. 1. Notify TSC.

does not 2. Facility power 2. Notify TSC.
charge. not functional.
3. 115/230 switch 3. Reposition in
in wrong position. switch to coincide
with power source.

Table 6-1. Troubleshooting.

FM 23-24


4. Faulty PWR ON- 4. Notify TSC.

5. Faulty battery. 5. Notify TSC.

4. Battery 1. Discharged or 1. Charge battery.

TEST function faulty battery.
does not 2. Faulty printed 2. Notify TSC.
operate. circuit card.

5. GLOW PLUG 1. Faulty glow 1. Notify TSC.

TEST function plug or connectors.
does not 2. Cable W1 not 2. Check W1
operate. properly mated. connections for
proper mate.

6. Glow plugs 1. Weak batteries. 1. Test batteries.

test good, but Charge batteries.
do not ignite 2. Faulty firing 2. Reseat tracker.
gas. pulse.
3. Faulty printed
circuit card.

7. Gas does 1. Weak batteries. 1. Test batteries.

not transfer Charge batteries.
when FILL Notify TSC.
switch is 2. Safety circuits 2. Briefly turn PWR
depressed. will not reset. to OFF, then back
to ON.
3. Faulty printed 3. Notify TSC/
circuit cards. organizational
4. Faulty FILL 4. Notify TSC/
switch. organizational

8. Eight MAPP Fill valve mal- Notify TSC/

or oxygen function. organizational
does not maintenance.
when FILL
switch is

Table 6-1. Troubleshooting (continued).

FM 23-24


TASK: Conduct a training exercise. c. Instruct the infrared transmitter

3. Operation of the training
operator (for moving target) to start
CONDITIONS: Given a LET or equipment for day and night
the tracking run.
LES (on an LET support stand), training exercises is the same
monitoring set, installed Dragon except for the sight pictures. d. Instruct the gunner to fire when
tracker, operational infrared the loader gives an UP signal.
transmitting set, two operational
e. Have the monitoring set operator
radios, M64 NATO grenade 1. Select a site.
observe the monitoring set control
cartridges or LES end caps,
NOTE: Before operating the panel after the gunner fires each
flashlight for night training, TM
training equipment, all round and during each tracking run
9-6920-484-12 or NAVTRADEV
personnel must refer to local for moving targets. The indicators
P-6054, and the following personnel:
regulations and SOPs for show how well the gunner performed
Ž Monitoring set operator. general safety precautions. during each run.
Ž Gunner. 6. Prepare and use the gunner’s
WARNING: The monitoring scorecard.
• Loader. set operator, gunner, and
LINE 1. Identifies the gunner. Fill in
• Infrared transmitter operator. loader must wear ear protec-
tion. all the blocks.
LINE 2. Circle weather condition.
2. Prepare the monitoring set.
1. Select a site IAW the TM. Place a check on the appropriate
Before conducting a training tracker used. Indicate which MOPP
2. Operate the infrared transmitter exercise, align the monitoring set. level is used (0 through 4). Mark
IAW the TM.
3. Operate the infrared transmitter. obscuration if any type is used
3. Prepare the LET for operation (smoke, dust, and so forth).
IAW the TM. 4. Prepare the LET or LES for
operation. Ensure that the loader LINE 3. Check which type of
4. Score and critique the gunner and gunner prepare the LET or LES position is used and if the fire table
after each tracking run IAW the for operation IAW Training is for instruction or qualification.
performance measures. Objective 5, Prepare/Operate a
7. Follow the examples on how to
TRAINING NOTES: LET, or Training Objective 7,
complete the scorecard (Figure 6-17
Prepare/Operate a LES; and the
1. Night training exercises appropriate TM. and Figure 6-18). Use DA Form
require a flashlight to see the 4242-R, Dragon Gunnery
monitoring set panel. Scorecard, to score and critique the
WARNING: Clear firing line to
2. When the monitoring set is include checking the back- gunner. The blank, reproducible
operated with the TRACKER blast area. form is at the back of this manual.
BIAS switch in manual, the Gunner must fire both a sitting and
TARGET RANGE switch must be 5. Perform a training exercise. standing supported table to achieve
set within one range segment of a qualification score (Appendix C).
a. Have the gunner assume either the
the actual target range. If the
sitting, standing supported, or
target range is changed more 8. Score and critique the gunner. See
kneeling position.
than one range segment, the the following examples for use of the
monitoring set must be realigned b. Turn on the monitoring set. scorecard (Figure 6-17 and Figure
IAW the equipment alignment 6-18).

FM 23-24

EXAMPLE or by drawing an arrowing pointing a. Read he vertical (up and down)

the way the vehicle was traveling. score by observing the position of the
The following is an example scoring
vertical score bar (the bar that runs
exercise at 500 meters. STEP 1. The HIT indicator is lit, and
across the meter) and by reading the
an X is recorded in the hit column.
For a HIT, see STEPS 1 through 2. number value directly underneath it.
The gunner’s firing position is
For a MISS, see STEPS 3 through 8. That number is written in the VERT
recorded. (See Figure 6-17.)
column on the scorecard. (The
Indicate the vehicle direction by L-R STEP 2. Check the score on the example score is 85.)
or R-L (left to right or right to left) TRACKER INDICATOR SCORE

Figure 6-17. Example of completed scorecard of a HIT.

FM 23-24

b. Read the horizontal (left and scorecard. (The example score is INDICATOR SCORE meter. (See
right) score by observing the position 85.) STEP 2.) (The example score is 75
of the horizontal score bar (the bar VERT and 85 HORT.)
STEP 3. The MISS indicator is on,
that runs up and down) and b y b. The gunner’s firing position is
and an X is recorded in the MISS
reading the number value directly recorded.
column. (See Figure 6-18.)
underneath it. That number is
written in the HORZ column on the a. The gunner’s score is recorded on
the scorecard using the TRACKER

Figure 6-18. Example of completed scorecard of a MISS.

FM 23-24

STEP 4. At the end of the run (500 written in the UP and RIGHT OFF TARGET indicator is lit. This
meters, simulated), the monitoring columns of the scorecard (Figure indicates the gunner was off the
set indicates a MISS, but OFF 6-18). The TARGET RANGE knob target to the left at that range. A 2 is
TARGET indicators are not lit. This is rotated counterclockwise to 3. written in the LEFT column of the
means that the gunner was on target scorecard (Figure 6-18). The
STEP 6. At 300 meters, the MISS
at 500 meters but off target at some TARGET RANGE knob is rotated
indicator is still lit, but only the R
other range. T h e T A R G E T counterclockwise to 1.
OFF TARGET indicator is lit. This
RANGE knob is rotated
indicates the gunner was off the STEP 8. At 100 meters the MISS
counterclockwise to 4.
target to the right of the target at that indicator is still lit, but OFF
STEP 5. At 400 meters, the MISS range. A 3 is written in the RIGHT TARGET indicators are not lit. This
indicator is still lit, but the UP and R column of the scorecard (Figure indicates the gunner was on target at
OFF TARGET indicators are lit. 6-18). The TARGET RANGE knob that range. Nothing is recorded on
This indicates the gunner was is rotated counterclockwise to 2. the scorecard for this range.
off-target, too high, and to the right
STEP 7. At 200 meters, the MISS
of the target at that range. A 4 is
indicator is still lit, but only the L


TASK: Prepare an M113 APC for 3. Place the monitoring set on the 4. Place the monitoring set on the
Dragon training. ground and attach the W2 cable to ground alongside the APC.
monitoring set and LET.
C O N D I T I O N S : Given a LET, 5. Ensure that the firing danger zone
monitoring set, Dragon tracker, PERFORMANCE MEASURES: to the front and rear of the M113 is
M175 guided missile launcher clear.
mounted on an Ml13 vehicle, TM
6. Check the M113 for the following
9-6920-484-12, and TM
before any firing exercise:
a. Antennas are down and secured.
1. Prepare the training equipment b. Driver and cargo hatches closed.
1. Install the LET in the M175 for operation on an M113
guided missile launcher using the (mounted). c. All equipment stored on top of
same procedures as for installing a vehicles is secured.
round IAW TM 9-1425-484-10. 2. Install the LET in the M175 mount
using the same procedure as for d. All other loose equipment or
2. Install a Dragon day tracker or installing a round. debris is removed.
night tracker on the LET IAW TM
9-6920-484-12. 3. Remove the end cap from the


TASK: Prepare training equipment equipment to the unit or TSC; given installed on a vehicle, and the
for movement. LET or LES training devices, following personnel:
monitoring sets, day or night
CONDITIONS: Upon completion Ž Monitoring set operator.
trackers, infrared transmitting set
of a training session and with a
• Gunner.
requirement to return the

FM 23-24

• Loader. b. Removes batteries from the LET. (1) EXTERNAL.

• Infrared transmitter operator. c. Cleans the LET.
(3) METER.
STANDARDS: d. Uses LET cleaning rod to reset (4) RECORDER.
the weight.
1. When training with the LET, have b. Disconnects the following cables
the – e. Replaces the end cap. from the monitoring set and replaces
Ž Loader clear and clean the LET each dust cover.
2. Have the gunner store the LET in
and replace the end cap. the shipping container. (1) J1 connector (LET connector).
Ž Gunner return the LET to the a. Disconnects the cable from the (2) POWER INPUT.
shipping container. monitoring set to the LET, and
c. Stores the cables in the monitoring
replaces the dust cover on the LET
• Monitoring set operator set lid.
disconnect all cables, and store
(1) Installs the long cables in the
cables in the monitoring set. b. Removes the day or night tracker
cover by winding them over the
and replaces the electrical
Ž Infrared transmitter operator bungee cords and around the hooks.
receptacle cover on both the tracker
disconnect all cables from
and LET. (2) Installs the short cables in the
power supply/modulator and
center of the cover and secures them
secure the target board and c. Sets the LET on its rear. Folds the
with straps.
lamp cover. biped and releases the biped brace.
With one hand, holds the forward (3) Secures all cables with the
2. When training with the LES, have
shock absorber on the forward end bungee cords.
the –
of the LET; with the other hand,
(4) Closes and secures the lid.
Ž Gunner disconnect the W1 holds the biped in a horizontal
cable assembly from the LES position. d. Closes the monitoring set. Places
and return the LES to the the cover on the base and secures the
d. Pushes down hard on the forward
shipping container. eight latches.
shock absorber and slowly lowers the
• Loader remove the oxygen and biped until the forward shock 4. Have the infrared transmitter
MAPP gas bottles, and absorber locks in place. operator disconnect all cables from
disconnect and store the W1 the PSM and secure the target board
e. Ensures that the hooks of the
cable assembly. and lamp cover.
biped engage the pins of the forward
Ž Monitoring set operator shock absorber by trying to lift the a. Ensures that the CB1 switch
perform the same duties as forward shock absorber. (24-VDC 40A circuit breaker) on
when training with the LET. the PSM is in the OFF position.
f. Secures the biped to the launcher
• Infrared transmitter operator tube with bipod strap. b. Loosens the retaining nut,
perform the same duties as disconnects the following
g. Returns the LET and the LET
when training with the LET. connectors from the PSM, and
cleaning brush to the LET shipping
replaces the dust covers on
PERFORMANCE MEASURES: container. Closes and secures the lid.
1. Have the loader clear the LET and 3. Have the monitoring set operator
(1) W1P1 connector from the J2
replace the end cap. disconnect all cables, and store them
in the monitoring set.
a. Opens the breech and removes
(2) W2P1 connector from the W3J1
any expended/unexpended a. Places the following MONITOR-
cartridge, then closes the breech. ING SET switches in the OFF
position. (3) W3P1 connector from the J3

FM 23-24

CAUTION: Stow the PSM so (3) Replaces the target board lamp WARNING: Do not remove
that it is stable and cannot fall cover and secures it with the four connectors permanently in-
off the vehicle. latches by pushing in on each latch stalled on the launcher.
and turning to the right.
c. Stows the PSM.
5. Have the gunner disconnect the c. Removes the oxygen bottle.
(1) Closes and latches the cover on W1 cable assembly from the LES d. Removes the MAPP bottle.
the PSM. and store the LES in the shipping
(2) Removes the vehicle safety strap container. e. Secures the oxygen and MAPP
from the handle of the PSM. bottles for travel IAW TSC SOP.
6. Have the loader remove the
oxygen and MAPP gas bottles and 7. Have the monitoring set operator
(3) Stows the PSM on the floor of the
vehicle. disconnect and store the W1 cable disconnect all cables, and store them
assembly. in the monitoring set.
d. Secures the target board.
a. Purges the gas and oxygen lines. 8. Have the infrared transmitter
(1) Ensures that the adjusting clamp operator disconnect all cables from
is locked. b. Stores the cable/hose assembly. the PSM and secure the target board
(2) Ensures that the three locking and lamp cover.
assemblies are in the locked


TASK Charge the monitoring set tracking runs under unusual when the METER switch is placed
batteries. conditions such as extreme in the + VOLTS or - VOLTS
weather. position.
115-VAC, or 230-VAC power 2. Battery efficiency and 2. Prepare the monitoring set for
source, monitoring set with cables, operating time are reduced if battery charging.
and TM 9-6920-484-12. partly discharged batteries are
3. Select the appropriate connecting
recharged needlessly.
STANDARDS: Charge the power cable.
monitoring set batteries for 16 hours 3. When the temperature is from
IAW the TM. 54 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit
switch to the correct position.
(from 12 to 43 degrees Celsius),
16 hours of charging time is 5. Set the METER selector switch to
1. The nickel cadmium batteries needed to bring batteries from a the AMPS position.
in the monitoring set, when fully discharged state to a full charge.
6. Check for charged batteries.
charged and operated under
normal conditions, provide 200 7. Perform shutdown procedures.
or more tracking runs before 1. Charge the batteries if the meter
recharging is needed. They needle on the monitoring set is in the
provide a minimum of 100 lower one-third of the yellow band

FM 23-24


TASK: Perform operator mainte- distortions. Check rear shock g. Check the thumbscrews for
nance on a LET. absorbers for loose mounting pins. operation.
C O N D I T I O N S : Given a LET, c. Inspect the retaining strap and h. Inspect the tracker support
cleaning rod, small-arms chamber sling for rips, tears, and assembly and connector for loose or
brush, rags, soapy water, bucket, serviceability. missing mounting screws. Inspect
LET support stand, and TM the spring retainer clip for loose or
d. Unfasten the biped retaining
9-6920-484-12. missing rivets. Remove the tracker
strap, remove the forward shock
support electrical connector cover.
STANDARDS: absorber, and extend the biped legs.
Inspect the electrical connector for
Ensure that there is no binding and
1. Conduct an inspection of the LET bent or broken contacts. Inspect the
that the forward brace locks in
IAW the TM. cover for cracks and replace
position. Ensure that the biped
2. Clean the LET IAW the TM. electrical connector cover after
swivels 45 degrees to either side and
realigns to the center position when
a. After 100 rounds, clean with a dry
released. Ensure that the friction i. Remove and inspect the rear
cleaning brush.
brake locks at random positions. closure and end cap assembly.
b. Clean the cartridge chamber with Ensure that the leg assembly Check for blistered or chipped paint
the cartridge chamber brush. extension foot mountings extend and for loose or bent studs. Inspect
properly and lock at random for punctures, cracks, and dents.
c. Disassemble and clean at the end
of each day’s operation. positions.
2. Disassemble the LET for cleaning.
d. Assemble and conduct an e. Place the LET on a support stand.
3. Check and clean the receiver.
operation check. f. Inspect the battery compartment.
4. Extend the LET biped.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES: (1) Inspect the battery access cover
5. Remove, check, and clean the
for security and seal. Remove the
1. Conduct an inspection of the LET. forward shock absorber.
battery access cover and check for
a. Inspect the external surface for retaining cables. 6. Remove and clean the dummy
accumulation of dirt, oil, grease, or weight.
other foreign material, and then (2) Inspect inside the battery
compartment for corrosion on the 7. Clean the pressure tube.
clean. Inspect for punctures and
dents. battery contacts and battery tubes.
8. Reassemble the LET.
b. Inspect shock absorbers for (3) Replace the battery access cover.
9. Conduct an operational check.
punctures, cracks, dents, and


TASK: Conduct a preoperational STANDARDS: 3. Report any deficiencies.

inspection of MILES Dragon
1. Perform a preoperational PERFORMANCE MEASURES:
inspection before operating the
1. Check the battery box to ensure
CONDITIONS: On a suitable range MILES Dragon IAW the TM.
that it is serviceable and does not
or training site, given a complete
2. Conduct the preoperational contain a battery.
MILES Dragon system and either
inspection IAW the TM.
TM 9-1265-368-10-1 or GTA 25-6-9.

FM 23-24

2. Check the bipod legs that are and the ROUNDS REMAINING 8. Inspect the entire launch tube to
folded under the device for carrying. display button immediately above it. make sure there is no obvious
Check to see that they can be damage on the outside.
5. Check the gunner’s optical sight in
adjusted for height and that the left
the tracker head. 9. Check the ATWESS
leg is adjustable to compensate for
PULL-TO-ARM switch and the
the offset of the tracker. 6. Check the trigger mechanism on
ATWESS firing chamber at the rear
the side of the tracker head.
3. Check the weapon’s key of the device.
receptacle in front of the tracker 7. Check the rounds remaining
10. Ensure that the MILES Dragon
head. display window in the rear of the
carrying strap is present.
tracker head. The MILES Dragon
4. Check the laser transmitter lens
should have a stored basic load of
next to the weapon’s key receptacle
four rounds.


TASK: Place a MILES Dragon conducted, a n d e i t h e r T M PERFORMANCE MEASURES:

system into operation. 9-1265-368-10-1 or GTA 25-6-9.
1. Insert a battery.
CONDITIONS: On a suitable range STANDARDS: Place the MILES
2. Check the ROUNDS REMAIN-
or training site, given a complete Dragon into operation IAW the TM.
ING display (troubleshooting).
MILES Dragon system that has had
a preoperational inspection 3. Check the laser transmitter.


TASK: Operate a MILES Dragon in the ROUNDS REMAINING 3. The assistant waits until after
system. display window. This small red the gunner has acquired a target
dot will appear as a round is to load an ATWESS device. The
CONDITIONS: On a suitable range
fired. Keep the cross hairs on the assistant then checks the
or training site, given a complete
target for 50 percent of the time backblast danger zone before
MILES Dragon system prepared for
or longer for the first four pulling the PULL-TO-ARM
seconds of track time and 90 switch.
STANDARDS: Safely operate a percent of the time or longer the
MILES Dragon system IAW TM last two seconds of track time.
9-1265-368-10-1. With a guided missile, the last 1. Target range is 65 to 1,000 meters.
two seconds of track time are the
TRAINING NOTES: 2. Tracking time is one-second delay
most critical.
six seconds for tracking.
1. The MILES Dragon has a
2. if a HIT is obtained with a
maximum range of 1,000 meters 3. Firing light indicator is checked
MILES Dragon, the probability of
and a minimum arming range of for the remaining rounds.
killing an APC is 98 percent and
65 meters. It has a fixed tracking
killing a tank isIS 76 percent. If the 4. Target tracking is 50 percent: four
time of seven seconds,
MILES Dragon is killed during seconds; 90 percent: two seconds.
regardless of the distance to the
the exercise, deactivate the
target. There is a one-second 5. Probability of kill is APC, 98
MILES Dragon with the yellow
launch delay and six seconds of percent; tank, 76 percent.
key. This makes the MILES
tracking. A firing light indicator is
Dragon inoperable.



This chapter provides the instructor with the information needed to

train and sustain Dragon gunners and to train soldiers as team


In addition to knowing the Dragon gunner reacts to physical stimuli, the recognize when this fatigue affects
system, the instructor should know effects of physical and mental fatigue gunner performance.
how the gunner learns, how the on gunner performance, and how to


The training program for initially and three gunners for each site b. Initial marksmanship training,
awarding the ASI of C2 requires 10 minimum. This allows for the institution or unit, teaches essential
days and 235 tracking runs. The effective use of time. skills and develops fixed and correct
gunner also practices handling the procedures in marksmanship before
a. Enough time must be allowed for
weapon by training with an FHT. range practice begins. Thorough
equipment orientation training.
The number of gunners for each instruction and carefully supervised
Historically, negative results
class is dictated by the number of practice in the initial phase saves
occurred when the training
equipped firing sites; that is, time and ammunition during range
schedules were shortened. The more
instructors, L E T s o r L E S S , firing and develops techniques and
information provided to each soldier
monitoring sets, and trackers, with procedures necessary for
on how the weapon and training
four gunners to each site being ideal, well-trained Dragon gunners and
equipment operate and the purpose
six gunners for each site maximum, teams.
of each, the better the gunner.

FM 23-24


Various skills and habits must be • Steady tracking at all times, c. Have gunners practice tracking in
learned by each gunner to prepare especially through smoke. both directions – left to right and
for live Dragon firing. Although the right to left.
• Slow and steady aim point
Dragon training equipment closely
correction to the target. d. Limit training with the LET to 20
simulates firing the Dragon weapon,
to 40 shots each day for each student
it must be accompanied by
WARNING: Because of blast (one or two fining tables) because of
personalized individual instruction.
noise, the surgeon general gunner fatigue.
The instructor should key on the
following points: has set a limit of LES firings e. Record student progress and all
to five firings for each stu- LET or LES shots on the gunner
a. Coach and stress the following dent for each day. Rotate in- scorecard.
gunnery techniques: structors daily on the firing
points. f. Have gunners clean the training
• Tight eye contact with the
equipment at the end of the day.
b. Use and emphasize the sitting
• Proper position. position and standing supported
• Steady hold at the launch. positions.


NOTE: Weather conditions and Training is conducted at one tracking capability and determining
target source lamp age affect the range – 250 meters. The difference if the target is within range. Extra
maximum range at which the in target dynamics at different exercises, with targets at all ranges,
tracker will receive the infrared ranges is simulated by varying the must be conducted to inform
transmitter signal. target speed and by the time span of gunners of the actual appearance of
firing exercises. This technique is targets in the tracker.
unsatisfactory for developing steady


The Dragon gunner should be • Sighting, aiming, and firing. • Qualification and verification.
trained in the following sequence to (See Tables 7-1 and 7-2 and
• Breathing.
control the missile launch and flight: Appendix C.)
• Tracking exercises.
Ž Positions.


The gunner must acquire and moving target. The round must be squeeze the trigger and to maintain
maintain a stable body position solidly anchored on the muscle of the the stability of the round. The
relative to the weapon and be able to gunner’s shoulder. His arms and position of the eye against the optical
move smoothly when tracking a hands must be properly placed to sight eyepiece is critical since it

FM 23-24

lessens launch-induced movements

and prevents obscuration. There are
four basic firing positions for the
Dragon: sitting, standing supported,
kneeling, and prone. A modified
sitting position is used when firing
the Dragon from the M175 mount.
The M175 mount can be used with
the M3 or M122 machine gun tripod.
These firing positions are
demonstrated to the soldiers as
a. Sitting Position. Demonstrate the
sitting position, then have the
soldiers assume the position (Figure
(1) The sitting position is the most
stable. Sit with the legs extended as Figure 7-1. Sitting position.
far as possible. Place the notch of the
boot heels on the biped and push the tube. Grasp the firing hand causes involuntary muscle
outward. mechanism with the right hand, reaction and undesirable round and
thumb on the safety, three fingers on tracker motion.
(2) Lean forward at the waist as far the firing lever, and the little finger
as possible. Pick up the round and (4) Lift the head to align the right eye
on the front of the firing mechanism.
place it on the muscle portion of the with the telescopic sight. Press the
Place the heel of the hand on the
shoulder, keeping it tight against the head forward, then press the eye
base of the firing position to provide
curve of the neck (Figure 7-2). tightly into the eye guard since this
a firm grip and reduce slippage.
forces the eye to stay open. Close the
(3) Grasp the tracker barrel with the When firing, hold the trigger in the
left eye and keep it closed. Focus the
left hand, curling the thumb under depressed position; releasing the
tracker, if necessary.
(5) Pull down and back with the
hands while pushing out with the
feet. Try to touch the elbows
together and to the chest at the same
(6) Keep the back as straight as
possible while leaning forward for
better breath control. This limits
discomfort and increases the ability
to move the upper body.
(7) Maintain arm, back, and leg
muscle tension. Use enough force so
that involuntary muscle reaction
does not occur because of the loss of
the missile weight from the shoulder.
Figure 7-2. Positioning of round on shoulder.

FM 23-24

b. Standing Supported Position.

Demonstrate the position, then have
the soldiers assume it (Figure 7-3).
(1) Place the bipod legs to the front
of yourself while standing in an
individual fighting position or
behind a support. The bipod is
placed at such a distance that the
gunner must reach for the round.
(2) Spread the legs a comfortable
distance apart, keeping the legs
straight. Place the round on the
shoulder muscle.
(3) Lean forward against the fighting
position’s wall to support the body
from the waist down, providing a
stable firing position. Figure 7-3. Standing supported position (fighting position).
(4) Grip the tracker as in the sitting (5) The upper body, arms, hands,
since this removes any slack in the
position. Pull back and down, while head, and eyes are in the same
straightening the upper body slightly position as in the sitting position.

c. Kneeling Position. Demonstrate

the position, then have the soldiers
assume it (Figure 7-4).
(1) Kneel on both knees and spread
them a comfortable distance apart.
Position the biped so that you have
to lean forward to position the eye in
the eye guard.
(2) Grasp the tracker as previously
described. Maintain the same upper
body position as in the other firing
positions. Place the round on the
shoulder muscle, keeping it tight
against the neck (Figure 7-5).
(3) As the buttocks are lowered to
the heels, take the slack out of the
biped. Try to sit on the heels to
provide a stable platform for firing.

Figure 7-4. Kneeling position.

FM 23-24


1. Stress the need for keeping the

pull down force on the tracker
and the eye tight in the eye guard.

2. Body positioning and breath

control are the two key elements
to effectively engage targets.

3. The prone position is the least

favorable position. It is dificult
and uncomfortable to track
moving targets in this position.

4. Ensure the gunner does not

place any portion of his body in
the backblast area. The round
Figure 7-5. Correct eye and hand positions.
must be kept at least 6 inches off
the ground to allow the missile
fin’s clearance.
d. Prone Position. Demonstrate the
position, then have the students
assume it (Figure 7-6).

WARNING: Firing from the

prone position is not recom-
mended. Firing the Dragon
from this position places the
gunner in danger from the

(1) The round is ready to fire with the

biped collapsed, the tracker
mounted, and the front shock
absorber removed. (Figure 7-7).
(2) Place the body at a 90-degree
angle to the launcher to remain
outside the backblast area.
(3) Lay the launcher across the right
bicep with the biped on top of the
bicep. Encircle the round with the
right arm so the right hand can grasp
the firing mechanism.
Figure 7-6. Prone position.

FM 23-24

(4) Grip the tracker barrel with the

left hand and pull the launcher
tightly into the neck. (The launcher
is pulled into the neck because there
is no supporting biped.)
(5) Press the head forward, keeping
the eye tightly in the eye guard.
(6) Use the forward shock absorber
to rest the launcher’s front on and
provide a 6-inch ground clearance.
Ensure that the shock absorber is not
protruding in front of the muzzle.

Figure 7-7. Prone firing configuration.


The following instructional

t e c h n i q u e s apply o n l y t o
Ml13-equipped units.
a. Demonstrate the M175 mount
position on the APC, then have the
soldiers assume the position (Figure

CAUTION: When firing the

Dragon while mounted on the
m175 mount, the gunner must
apply heavy rearward and
downward pressure on the
elevation damper to apply max-
imum downward force on his
shoulder. This action helps
prevent the weapon from dip-
ping and flying the missile into
the ground.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Figure 7-8. M175 firing position on APC.

FM 23-24

(1) Adjust the commander’s chair in

the APC so that when the gunner is
in the firing position, both feet are flat
on the chair with knees and body
(2) Keep the feet apart at a
comfortable angle.
(3) Ensure that the left arm and hand
exert maximum rearward pressure
on the elevation damper. This action
pulls the cradle down against the
gunner’s shoulder (Figure 7-9).
(4) Position the right hand on the
M175 mount firing mechanism the
same as with the tracker firing
mechanism: right thumb on safety;
index, middle, and third fingers on
the trigger lever; and the little finger Figure 7-9. M175 firing position.
forward of the trigger mechanism.

b. Demonstrate the position for the (1) M3 tripod. With the M3 tripod, (2) M122 tripod. With the M122
M3 or M122 tripods, then have the the gunner sits along the left side of tripod, put the right leg over the top
soldiers assume the position (Figure the tripod to ensure that no portion of the two rear tripod legs. Put the
7-l0). of the his body is forward of the left leg over the top of the front
muzzle. Sight, aim, and fire the same tripod leg. Sight, aim, and fire the
as when mounted on an APC. same as when mounted on an APC.

Figure 7-10. M3 or M122 tripod positions.

FM 23-24

NOTE: Body position is the most feedback to the soldiers during training helps to form good
important factor to successful the early phase of practical habits.
firing and tracking. Continual


The instructor tells the gunner to (1) Visually select a target and center of the target’s visible mass.
place the eye in the eyecup and pull acquire it through the day tracker or Concentrate on the aiming point. If
the weapon tight enough into the eye night tracker by adjusting the upper distracted, target tracking becomes
so that he cannot blink. If held tight, portion of the body. Once the target poor and reduces the chance of
the sight picture will not be lost is within range by using the stadia hitting the target.
during the launch; the gunner must lines, place the cross hairs of the day
b. When firing from the seated
not move the eye in the eyecup. If eye tracker or night tracker on the center
position, never rest elbows on the
movement occurs, the prism side is of visible mass of the target, keeping
knees since leg movement is
seen instead of seeing through the the cross hairs on one selected point
transferred directly to the tracker.
prism in the telescope, which causes until the missile is fired and impact
The missile reacts to any movement
blurred vision the same as smoke and is observed. Always keep the cross
sent by the tracker.
heat. This is demonstrated to each hairs of the tracker on one selected
soldier. point of the target, whether it be a c. Ensure the safety is fully
moving or stationary target. When depressed before attempting to
a. Wrap the small finger around the
tracking a moving target, move the squeeze the trigger. Squeeze rather
front of the trigger housing to give
upper portion of your body laterally than pull the trigger. Since the
added pulling force to place the
to maintain the proper sight picture. weapon has little recoil, many
weapon tight against the eye.
gunners move more when they pull
Although the LET always gives rear (2) Do not adjust the aiming point
the trigger than when the missile is
recoil, t h e D r a g o n w e a p o n for range or speed; always place the
sometimes gives forward recoil. cross hairs of the tracker on the


Aiming the Dragon is similar to before the trigger is squeezed and to breath, then holds the breathe while
aiming a rifle, except that the cross continue holding the breath the trigger is pressed. He must not
hairs must be kept on the desired throughout the target acquisition, breathe while tracking a target since
impact point for 1 to 12 seconds firing, and tracking. This must be body movements cause the launcher
following missile launch, depending stressed during gunner training. To to move. To check the gunner for
on the target range. It is important prevent breathing from interfering breath control, the instructor
to begin breath control two seconds with tracking, the gunner takes a observes the gunner’s back.


The proper reaction to temporary reaction is to look for a target, established rate on a moving target
obscuration is an important gunner causing erratic missile flight or flight until the target reappears.
skill. Occasionally, the target may be termination. Training prepares the Instructors should introduce
obscured by launch gases, dust, and gunner to “freeze” on a stationary simulated obscuration during LET
so forth. The gunner’s instinctive target or to continue tracking at the exercises. They should show soldiers

FM 23-24

that improper reaction produces proficiency is attained in positions, during the qualification and
LOS excursions beyond the sighting and aiming, and breathing. verification phases. When tracking
established aiming error limits. Most the gunner tracks the center of the
NOTE: Concentration on moving
training should be conducted at target board where the infrared
targets is most beneficial to the
moving targets to promote gunner transmitter is located. His progress
concentration. is checked by using the monitoring
b. Tracking exercises should begin set while he tracks stationary and
a. If a gunner can consistently hit a
on a tracking range set up for the moving targets. (For firing and
moving target, a stationary target can
Dragon training equipment. In this scoring procedures, see Chapters 6
easily be hit. Most MISSES occur on
training phase, the gunner performs and 7 and Appendix C.)
moving targets. Training in tracking
a series of tracking exercises to
a moving target begins when
understand the procedures needed


Training with the Dragon training— of live missiles. All that is required is parallel to the firing line (Figure
equipment does not require the use a firing line to allow for the LET or 7-11).
of a live-fire range since gunner LES, one target vehicle, and a target
training is performed without the use vehicle tracking road that is running

Figure 7-11. Target acquisition and tracking range.

FM 23-24

a. The firing line should be level and LET or LES used during the training The distance from the firing line to
allow for movement of the exercise. The backblast area should the tracking road should be no more
equipment to and from the firing be 50 meters deep to accustom than 250 meters.
line. It should be long enough to gunners to the 50-meter backblast
allow about 6 meters between each area of the Dragon (Figure 7-12).

Figure 7-12. Firing line organization.

FM 23-24

b. The target vehicle tracking road to the tracker. A loss of signal may are simulated by the monitoring set.)
should be parallel to the firing line affect a gunner’s score. A formal The allowable error limits become
and at least 300 meters long. The training range, abandoned airstrips, smaller as the monitoring set range
longer road length allows a greater parade fields, DZs, open fields or program sequences out to range
variation in tracking runs. It also valleys, range roads, and so forth, are segment 10 or maximum range.
allows the target vehicle to reach the good examples of temporary ranges
d. Figure 7-13 is an example of the
needed tracking speed, to maintain that can be used.
physical relationship of a tank at 250,
the speed for the tracking time, and
c. The gunner’s tracking rate is 500, and 1,000 meters. That
to stop safely. The road must be as
determined by the range to the target relationship is applied to the target
smooth as possible. A rough road
vehicle and the target vehicle’s board superimposed on the
causes the target board on the target
speed. The monitoring set target horizontal error limits of the
vehicle to vibrate, making it difficult
range permits time selection to monitoring set. A gunner must keep
for a gunner to keep the sight cross
correspond with simulated missile a tight aim point when the target
hairs on the target. The area between
flight time to the selected target vehicle is at 250 meters, and the
the firing line and tracking road must
range. Most training exercises are monitoring set range program is
be clear of objects such as trees and
conducted at a single target vehicle simulating 500 or 1,000 meter ranges.
brush. They break the infrared signal
range (250 meters). (Other ranges
which is transmitted by the target set

Figure 7-13. Physical relationship versus range.


161-026 O - 94 - 5
FM 23-24

e. The speed of the target vehicle is

important when simulating target
ranges (Figure 7-14). The tracker is
designed so that a gunner can track
a 35-kmph (22 mph) moving target
across a 6-degree field of view.
f. As range increases, the distance
across the 6-degree field of view
increases, but the angle remains the
same. If it takes 10 seconds for a
vehicle moving at 35 kmph (22 mph)
to move 6 degrees at 1,000 meters,
then the same vehicle speed must be
reduced proportionately when
simulating at 250 meters. The
distance across the 6-degree field of
view is shorter at 250 meters.

250 meters by 1,000 meters = .25 or
25 percent of 1,000 meters.
THEREFORE: Figure 7-14. Tracker FOV versus simulated speed of target.
.25 by 22 mph = 5.5 mph or 6 mph
6 mph at 250 meters is equivalent to
22 mph at 1,000 meters.


Qualification, verification, or • Fire exercises in the order listed • Instruct gunners and assistant
sustainment range firing for gunners on the firing tables; ensure they gunners on duty assignments
and assistant gunners is normally a are controlled by appropriate and range operating procedures
consolidated battalion or higher fire commands. before training with the
function. The officer or NCOIC equipment. Divide them into
• Ensure a qualified instructor
should use the following procedures teams and assign each soldier a
inspects all Dragon LETs or
when conducting Dragon range position.
LESS and trackers before and
after each firing day for a. Qualification Training. For
• In all instructional firing, stress cleanliness, serviceability, and qualification, the gunner must fire
precision, steady tracking rate, operation. from both the sitting and standing
point training, and firm firing supported positions. Table 7-1
• Ensure soldiers apply all safety
position posture. shows the vehicle speeds and
precautions during all firing
monitor settings that must be used
for qualification.

FM 23-24


2 10 0 kmph (0 mph)
2 5 0 kmph (0 mph)
1 3 0 kmph (0 mph)
5 10 10 kmph (6 mph)
5 5 18 kmph(11 mph)
5 3 29 kmph(18 mph)

Table 7-1. Qualification speeds and settings.

b. Verification Training. F o r Ž Issues fire commands and • Repeats orders and instructions
verification, a gunner must verify general instructions to the firing to ensure understanding and
quarterly to meet qualification line. timely execution.
• Enforces safety precautions as • Reports the occurrence of any
c. Sustainment Training. F o r prescribed in AR 385-62, local misfire, malfunction, or
monthly sustainment training, SOPs, and applicable range discrepancy to the officer or
(Table 7-2). The commander can regulations. NCO conducting the firing
select any target speed and monitor
e. Coach and Monitoring Set Ž Critiques the tracking runs.
settings that must be used for gunner
Operation. During instructional
proficiency. f. Training Team.
firing, a coach or monitoring set
d. Officer/NCO in Charge. T h e operator is at each LET or LES to Ž LET or LES gunner.
officer or NCOIC – instruct and assist the gunner. The
• Loader.
coach or monitoring set operator —
• Organizes the range.
• Monitoring set operator
• Requires teams to observe
• Assigns, coordinates, and (assistant instructor).
safety precautions.
supervises the firing lines.
• Scorekeeper (optional).
• Supervises the action at the LET
or LES and makes sure that • Safety monitor (optional).
commands are executed.

(11 MPH) (22 MPH)


1,000 5 3 10 6
900 5 3 10 6
800 5 3 11 7
700 6 4 13 8
600 8 5 14 9
500 10 6 18 11
400 11 7 23 14

Table 7-2. Sustainment speeds.

FM 23-24

NOTE: Rotate these duty • Fires only when cleared by the • Reviews each tracking run with
assignments a m o n g t h e loader. the gunner.
• Does not look at the sun or at (4) Target vehicle operator tasks.
• One target vehicle operator searchlights when sighting Observes the following safety
(does not participate in through the tracker. precautions:
• Considers all misfires to be • Before moving the vehicle,
g. Safety Precautions. hangfires, a n d p r o c e e d s ensures that the infrared
accordingly. transmitter set is properly
(1) General personnel safety.
installed on the vehicle.
Implementing the following • Does not leave a loaded LET or
precautions ensures safety for all LES unattended. • Complies with all safety
personnel. precaution warning signs.
• Prepares the LET or LES for
• Observe the LET or LES operation. Ž Before operating the infrared
backblast area. transmitter set, ensures that all
• Fires the LET or LES.
cables are connected and
Ž Wear properly fitted earplugs.
• Reviews each tracking run with secure.
• Reset the dummy weight before the monitoring set operator.
Ž Removes the infrared source
loading or reloading the LET.
(2) Loader tasks. Observes the cover.
Ž Before reloading the LES, following safety precautions:
• Prepares the infrared
ensure there is no glowing
Ž Considers all misfires to be transmitter for operation.
residue from the end caps in the
hangfires, a n d p r o c e e d s
launcher. • Drives the target vehicle.
(5) S c o r e k e e p e r t a s k s . T h e
WARNING: Do not look into • Assists in performing misfire
scorekeeper performs the following
the infrared source since eye procedures.
damage may result. Ž Ensures that the hands are clear
Ž Prepares the scorecard.
of the launcher before giving
• Observe the infrared permission to fire. • Informs the instructor of the
transmitter source safety. gunner’s progress.
• Loads or reloads the LET or
(2) Equipment safety. Avoid rough or LES. (6) Safety monitor tasks. The safety
careless handling of training monitor performs the following
equipment. Ž Informs the gunner when to fire.
h. Duty Assignments and Tasks of (3) Monitoring ser operator tasks. The
• Ensures all participating team
Training Team Personnel. monitoring set operator performs
members are using earplugs
the following functions:
(1) LET Or LES gunner tasks. during the firing exercises.
Observes the following safety Ž Prepares the monitoring set for
Ž Clears personnel from behind
precautions: operation.
the backblast area of the LET or
• Does not point either end of the • Boresights the monitoring set LES during the firing exercises.
LET or LES at personnel. before training.
• Reports all safety violations to
• Monitors the set during each the instructor for corrective
tracking run. action.

FM 23-24


The instructor ensures the following covers, and places trackers in transmitter, replaces the
actions are performed: their carrying cases. infrared lamp cover, and returns
the vehicle to the instruction
LET: • Replaces rear end caps (shock
absorbers) of the LET, forward
Ž Shuts down the infrared
shock absorbers, and covers. • Turns off the monitoring set,
transmitter, replaces the
disconnects and replaces cables
infrared lamp cover, and returns • Removes batteries from the
in the cable storage area, and
the vehicle to the instruction LET.
replaces the monitoring set
• Ensures all M64 grenade covers.
• Turns off the monitoring set, launching cartridges are Ž Dismounts trackers, replaces
disconnects and replaces cables removed.
electrical covers, replaces lens
in the cable storage area, and
LES: covers, and places trackers in
replaces the monitoring set
their carrying cases.
covers. • Turns off the power.
• Dismounts trackers, replaces • Removes the MAPP gas and
electrical covers, replaces lens oxygen. Shuts down the infrared



This chapter provides units the guidelines for conducting training

to qualify soldiers as Dragon gunners or assistant gunners. A
recommended sustainment program is discussed that units should
conduct for their qualified Dragon gunners. Training should
progress into collective training for applicable MTPs and drill



Units can award the ASI of C2 to • Passe performance test Chapters 6 and 7. They must
soldiers who successfully complete (Appendix B). allow enough training time for
the qualification program IAW AR equipment orientation and limit
• Qualified with the LET
600-200, paragraph 2-34a. LET firing exercises.
(Chapters 7 and 8 and Appendix
Commanders verify each soldier has
completed the requirements of this
section and the following NOTE: Units must provide a
requirements: qualified instructor IAW


This program is designed to be personnel and equipment assets for schedule of events should be
taught in 10 days. Many units may not consecutive training. If so, the modified.
be able to dedicate the needed

FM 23-24

a. Negative results are achieved (2) Teach the tasks in a logical with the LET during Dragon
when the training schedule is sequence. qualification firing, instructional
shortened. Previous instruction firing must be reinstituted.
(3) Maintain instructor continuity.
review time must be planned at the
(1) Period 4: Instructional firing.
start of each block. If the training is (4) Monitor soldier attendance.
for a longer period, units consider (2) Period 8: Field firing.
b. To assist those units not able to
the following to lengthen or shorten dedicate the necessary personnel (3) Period 9: Performance test
their gunner qualification program: and equipment assets for 10 review or practice.
(1) Maintain quality of instruction. consecutive training days, the
(4) Period 15: Day and night
Each instructional period may need periods below are optional and can
advanced field tracking.
to begin with a review. be deleted. However, should
soldiers find difficulty in qualifying


Knowledge requirements contain coolant cartridge, battery gages, and (a) To prepare the Dragon for firing
the information that must be taught the illuminated reticle on the night involves about 10 steps. Completion
to the gunner during training. Skill tracker. There is no sequence to of 1 step is the cue for the next step.
requirements contain those skills these tasks until the actual operation
(b) The critical skill is to perform all
that must be developed during of the night tracker.
steps quickly and efficiently. Also,
training. Prerequisite abilities,
(d) Maintenance actions are the gunner ensures that the
skills, and information are assumed
restricted to cleaning procedures backblast area is clear, and he
essential to mastery of the task.
and reporting damage to the follows all other safety procedures
Training objectives are designed to
gunner’s supervisor. Special for handling of the round.
train the gunner, using training
cleaning eqipment for the tracker is
devices to master the necessary skills (2) Training objective: Prepare the
and knowledge. A summary of the Round for Firing.
critical skill and knowledge (2) Training objective: Perform a
(a) Conditions: Given a Dragon
requirements and training objectives Before-Operation Check of the
tracker in the carrying bag or
for each task follows: Medium Antitank Weapon System.
rucksack and a simulated round of
a. Task: Maintain a Medium (a) Conditions: Given Dragon ammunition (FHT) in the carrying
Antitank Weapon. trackers, a simulated round of configuration.
ammunition (FHT), cleaning
(1) Skills and knowledge: (b) Standards: Mate the tracker to
materials, and TM 9-1425-484-10.
the FHT IAW Chapter 7.
(a) No special skills are involved in
(b) Standards: Complete the
any of the maintenance procedures. c. Task: Engage Targets With a
before-operation checks of the
Medium Antitank Weapon.
(b) The gunner must conduct PMCS Dragon trackers and simulated
IAW TM 9-1425-484-10. The round of ammunition (FHT) IAW (1) Skills and knowledge:
components that must be checked TM 9-1425-484-10. Correct or
(a) An understanding of how the
on the tactical system are visible to report any damage to the supervisor.
Dragon functions and its firing
the gunner and reduce the difficulty capabilities and limitations are
b. Task: Prepare a Medium
of his task. Antitank Weapon for Firing. essential to this task. The four
(c) Maintenance checks are aspects of this task (firing posture,
(1) Skills and knowledge:
restricted to cleanliness, physical surveillance, target acquisition, and
damage to parts, proper functioning firing and tracking the target) have
of controls, trigger mechanism, unique knowledge and skill

FM 23-24

requirements. In combination, they understand the nature of thermal be distracted by the infrared
present major challenges to the images and how these images change source of the missile as it goes
gunner and instructor. as the temperatures of the target and downrange. He holds his breath
the surrounding environment for the entire flight, maintains
(b) The position of the gunner’s body
change. the eye firmly in the eye guard
and the relationship between the
(should not blink), and lessens
system and the gunner are critical to (f) Five procedures or steps are
body movement. The gunner’s
the engagement task. For each firing required to fire and track the
body movement is directly
position (sitting, standing Dragon: ensure backblast area is
transferred to the missile. The
supported, kneeling), the gunner clear, place cross hairs on center of
gunner can easily ground the
must assume the correct firing mass, push in on safety plunger, pull
missile because of the
position as outlined in Chapter 7. down on the trigger lever, and
movement or can consume all
The position of the gunner’s legs maintain cross hairs on the center of
thrusters to adjust the course of
differs for each position, but the goal mass as the missile goes downrange.
the missile, thereby having it fall
is to obtain a stable position. The critical aspects of this task are
short of the target.
the other requirements placed on
(c) The gunner must also know how
the gunner before launch, during (2) Training objective: Four training
to conduct surveillance of an area
launch, and after launch. objectives are associated with
with both the day or night tracker to
training this task.
detect targets. • Before launch: The gunner
maintains a firm interface (a) Training objective 1:
(d) Acquisition of the target requires
between the eye and eye guard, Demonstrate Firing Position.
knowledge and decision-making
removes slack from the biped,
skills to determine whether a target • Conditions: Given FHT and a
pulls down and rearward, and
should be engaged. For example, the tracker prepared for firing.
holds his breath. If the target is
gunner must answer such questions
moving, the gunner leans in the • Standards: Assume a Dragon
direction in which the target is sitting position or standing
• Is it friendly or Threat? moving, so he can rotate to supported position. Prepare to
accurately track the target and engage a target IAW Chapter 3.
• Is it within range? If so, is it
engage from a stable position.
engageable? NOTE: The gunner must acquire
For example, if the target is
a proper sight picture.
• Will it move out of range or moving from left to right, the
become nonengageable before a gunner leans to the right. (b) Training objective 2: Determine
missile could impact? if a Target is Engageable.
• During launch: The gunner
(e) The gunner must know how to allows for a 0.6-second delay in • Conditions: Given a Dragon
use the stadia lines to determine if the launch of the missile after tracker mated to an FHT and
the target is within range of the pressing the trigger. He avoids three or more vehicles in and out
Dragon and whether it is otherwise flinching as the missile leaves of range in a field location.
engage able. Target detection, the tube and debris starts falling. • Standards: Determine if the
recognition, and identification skills The launch produces heat and a
three vehicles downrange are
are acquired for both optical and noise level corresponding to 178
within range and if they can be
thermal images. The number of decibels.
targets that a gunner must know
Ž After launch: The gunner NOTE: Do not try to train this task
varies with the threat that he is
maintains the initial aiming
expected to fight. Since the critical using scaled targets and ranges.
position even though the target
cues for recognizing and identifying
is obscured for the initial two to (c) Training objective 3: Qualify
targets with optical and thermal
three seconds of missile flight. With the Launch Effects Trainer.
images differ, the gunner must
During the target tracking
master two sets of cues. He must also
process, the gunner should not

FM 23-24

Ž Conditions: Acting as the (2) Training objective: Construct a (a) Conditions: Given DA Form
gunner, in the sitting and Fighting Position for a Medium 5517-R, pencil or pen, and compass,
standing supported firing Antitank Weapon. if applicable.
positions; using the LET and
(a) Conditions: As part of an FTX or (b) Standards: Prepare an antiarmor
tracker (day or night),
a larger yearly exercise, each Dragon range card (Chapter 3).
monitoring set against an M89
gunner and team constructs a
target set, and vehicles. See fire NOTE: The instructor provides
fighting position where local
qualification tables (Table 7-1 the informational briefing in
conditions permit such construction.
and Appendix C). Chapter 3 to assist the gunner in
Where local conditions ban
preparing the range card.
• Standards: Each gunner must construction, units may require
qualify as follows: gunners to draw a fighting position f. Task: Perform Immediate-Action
quarterly. Procedures on a Medium Antitank
– Scoring 16 hits out of 20 shots
in the sitting position. (b) Standards: The position is
constructed IAW Chapter 3, to (1) Skills and knowledge: The gunner
– Scoring 16 hits out of 20 shots
provide – must know the meaning of the terms
in the standing supported
Ž malfunction, misfire, and hangfire,
position. Coverage of the assigned
and understand the logic underlying
sectors of fire.
(d) Training objective 4: Identify immediate-action and decision-
Armored Vehicles (Visually With Ž Room for the gunner when making procedures. He must
Daysight). firing and preparing another perform these procedures under
round. conditions of high stress where
Ž Conditions: In a garrison or field
Ž danger to himself and other squad or
environment in which armored Cover and protection by natural
team members are imminent.
vehicles are visible in a tactical or man-made parapets from
or a simulated tactical setting. small-arms fire. (2) Training objective: P e r f o r m
Given a Dragon tracker mated Immediate-Action Procedures for a
• Concealment from observation
to an FHT prepared for firing. Dragon Hangfire or Misfire.
so that the position cannot be
Ž Standards: Recognize 10 out 10 detected 65 meters to the front. (a) Conditions: Given a Dragon
vehicles as friendly or Threat tracker mounted on an FHT,
e. Task: Prepare an Antiarmor
IAW STP 21-1 -SMCT, Task prepared for firing and instruction
Range Card.
Number, 878-924)-1002. that a failure to fire has occurred.
(1) Skills and knowledge: The gunner
d. Task: Construct a Fighting (b) Standards: Within one minute,
must know all elements of the range
Position for a Medium Antitank perform immediate-action
card and understand the reason for
Weapon. procedures IAW Chapter 4.
each element represented on the
(1) Skills and knowledge: This task is card. Also, he must use the Iensatic g. Task: Perform Emergency
based on the principles of compass, understand the concept of Destruction Procedures for a
constructing each fighting position a 360-degree circle, have the Medium Antitank Weapon.
with a few variations required mathematics skills necessary for
(1) Skills and knowledge:
because of the characteristics of the computing back azimuths, estimate
Dragon system. A critical factor is range without a map, and accurately (a) Know the priority with which the
that the gunner must remember to represent terrain on the range card system components should be
prepare the position to reduce the (dead space which is critical for the destroyed: tracker, then round,
target signature of the Dragon and to Dragon weapon system). unless the unit SOP indicates
lessen danger to himself. Physical otherwise. If possible, fire the missile
(2) Training objective: Prepare an
strength is required to construct the at the enemy before destroying the
antiarmor range card (Chapter 3).
position. tracker.

FM 23-24

(b) Know the possible methods of (b) Standards: Give the priority of (1) Skills and knowledge for the
destroying the Dragon trackers. destruction for the Dragon Dragon gunner: Some Dragon
components. Explain the methods of gunner requirements are unique to
• Use a double-primed explosive
destruction for the weapon system the mechanized infantry. These units
charge of at least 1/2 pound.
components and ammunition. have two added pieces of Dragon
• Use small-arms fire from rifles equipment: the M175 mount and the
h. Task Carry a Medium Antitank
and grenades, and aim for VPC.
critical parts such as the optics,
(2) Training objective. The M175
trigger assembly, and (1) Skills and knowledge: The gunner
guided missile launcher mount
electronics package. must know the different ways of
provides a stable platform for firing
carrying the system, including mated
• Use mechanical means of the Dragon missile from the M113
and unassembled configurations and
destruction such as smashing (APC) and the M3 or M122 machine
his unit’s SOP. He must also know
the trackers or driving over gun tripod. The VPC is installed in
when each carrying configuration is
them. an APC to provide power for the
appropriate. The gunner must know
Dragon night tracker in place of the
• Burn the debris after the most safety procedures for carrying the
externally mounted battery.
damage has been done by other round; that is, to keep the missile
means. pointed downrange in training • Install and remove the M175
situations and toward the Threat in mount.
WARNING: Do not use small- combat. He must have the physical
• Attach both the day and the
arms fire or mechanical strength and stamina to carry the
night tracker.
means (such as smashing it) system and have quickly developed
to destroy the round. skills to maneuver with the system. • Connect the AN/TAS-5 to the
He must also learn which carrying VPC.
(c) Know the possible methods of positions are best for him.
• Operate the VPC.
destroying the Dragon round. (2) Training objective: Carry the
• Reload from the M175 mount.
Ž Fire it at the enemy. medium antitank weapon.
• Install the M175 mount on the
• Use 1/2 pound of explosive i. Task Restore a Medium Antitank
M3 and M122 machine gun
charge close to the warhead. Weapon to Carrying Configuration.
(2) Training objective: Explain (1) Skills and knowledge: The steps
The gunner must also know the
Emergency Destruction Procedures in this task are the reverse process of
correct firing position from within
on a Dragon. preparing the round for firing. No
the M113, how to use the M175
other information or skills is
(a) Conditions: Given a simulated mount when firing, additional safety
situation in which capture is precautions when firing from an
imminent, and an order to destroy (2) Training objective: None. M113, and the correct firing
the tracker and rounds of positions from the M3 and M122
j. Task Mount and Dismount for
ammunition. tripods.
Mechanized units only.


The following is a suggested a. First Period. Orientation on (1) Lesson outline.

sequence of training periods. Dragon weapon system–four
(a) Introduce and explain the
Dragon weapon system components
and the function of each.

FM 23-24

• Tracker. (b) Conduct instructional firing (d) Ammunition: None

(Table 7-l).
• Round. d. Fourth Period. Instructional
(2) Administrative requirements. firing– four hours.
• Preparation of the round for
firing (a) References: Chapter 3, 6, 7; (1) Lesson outline.
Appendix C; TM 9-6920-484-12; TM
(b) Introduce and explain the (a) Establish firing line.
9-5855-254-14-HR; and CTA
Dragon training equipment and the
50-970. (b) Conduct instructional firing
function of each.
IAW Chapter 7.
(b) Facilities: Tracking range.
Ž Monitor set.
(2) Administrative requirements.
(c) Training aids and equipment:
• LET.
One M89 target set with target (a) References: Same as Second
Ž Target set, M89. vehicle. For every four soldiers, one Period.
each of the following monitoring set,
• FHT. (b) Facilities: Tracking range.
LET, and tracker (day or night).
• LES. (c) Training aids and equipment:
(d) Ammunition: 40 grenade
See Second Period.
(c) Demonstrate and explain cartridges, M64, for each soldier.
Dragon firing positions. (d) Ammunition: 40 grenade
NOTE: During all firing, soldiers
cartridges, M64, for each soldier.
Ž Sitting. should practice the correct
performance of tasks to prepare e. Fifth Period. Perform misfire
• Standing supported.
for the performance test. procedures on a medium antitank
• Kneeling. weapon and emergency
c. Third Period. Tank identification
decontamination and destruction
• Prone. and target engage ability -four procedures – two hours.
(d) Conduct practical exercise.
(1) Lesson outline.
(1) Lesson outline.
NOTE: Instructors must refer to
(a) Conduct a preoperational
Chapter 7 and Appendix C for the (a) Identify armored vehicles.
inspection of the components.
correct procedures each gunner
(b) Determine if a target is
should practice. • Tracker (day and night).
(2) Administrative requirements. • Round.
(c) Conduct practical exercises on
(a) References: Chapters 4,6, and 7; tank identification and target (b) Demonstrate immediate-action
Appendix C; TM 9-6920-484-12; engageability procedures.
NAVTRADEV P-6054; and TM
(2) Administrative requirements. • Hangfire procedure,
(a) References: Chapter 3, TM • Misfire procedure.
(b) Facilities: A suitable outdoor site
9-1425-484-10, TM 9-6920-484-12, (c) Demonstrate emergency
to conduct the practical exercise.
TM 9-5855-254-14-HR, CTA decontamination procedures on a
(c) Training aids and equipment: 50-970, and STP 21-24-SMCT. Dragon.
For every four soldiers, one each of
(b) Facilities: A tracking range or (d) Demonstrate emergency
the following: FHT, LET or LES,
other site suitable to conduct
monitoring set, and tracker. destruction procedures on a
practical exercise. Dragon.
b. Second Period. Instructional
(c) Training aids and equipment: (e) Conduct practical exercise.
firing – four hours.
LETs or FHTs, trackers (day or
(1) Lesson outline. night), 1:35-scale vehicles, GTA (2) Administrative requirements.
17-2-13, and Dragon sight reticle.
(a) Establish firing line.

FM 23-24

(a) References: Chapter 4, (a) Prepare an antiarmor range card. (2) Administrative requirements.
Appendix D, TM 9-1425-484-10, TM
(b) Prepare a Dragon fighting (a) References: This manual, TM
9-6920-484-12, and TM
position. 9-1425-484-10, TM 9-6920-484-12,
9-5855-254-14-HR. TM 9-5855-254-14-HR, and CTA
(2) Administrative requirements.
(b) Facilities: A site suitable to 50-970.
conduct practical exercise. (a) References: Chapter 3, TM
(b) Facilities: A site suitable to
9-1425-484-10, TM 9-6920-484-12,
(c) Training aids and equipment: conduct the performance test.
and TM 9-5855-254-14-HR.
FHT, tracker, Dragon cleaning kit,
(c) Training aids and equipment:
decontaminating kit, canteen of (b) Facilities: An area suitable to
Range cards, 1:35-scale tanks, and a
water, and soap and rags for every conduct a practical exercise.
chart of Dragon fighting positions;
four soldiers.
(c) Training aids and equipment: one each of the following for every
(d) Ammunition: None. Enough trackers, FHTs, or LETs or four soldiers: tracker (day or night),
LESs to do the exercises and charts LET or LES, and monitoring set.
f. Sixth Period. (Mandatory) Field
showing the Dragon range card and
firing – six hours. (d) Ammunition: None.
Dragon fighting position.
(1) Lesson outline. j. Tenth Period. Dragon qualifi-
(d) Ammunition: None.
(a) Establish a firing line. cation firing — four hours.
h. Eighth Period. Field firing – four
(b) Conduct instructional firing hours. (1) Lesson outline.
(Chapter 7 and Appendix C).
(1) Lesson outline. (a) Establish the firing line.
(2) Administrative requirements.
(a) Establish firing line. (b) Conduct qualification firing
(a) References: Same as Second (Table 7-1 and Appendix C).
(b) Conduct instructional firing
(Chapter 7) with mixed positions. (2) Administrative requirements.
(b) Facilities: Training range.
(2) Administrative requirements. (a) References: This manual, TM
(c) Training aids and equipment: 9-1425-484-10, TM 9-6920-484-12,
(a) References: This manual, TM
M89 target set with target vehicle TM 9-5855-254-14-HR, and CTA
9-1425-484-10, TM 9-6920-484-12,
and one each of the following for 50-970.
TM 9-5855 -254-14-HR, and CTA
every four soldiers: monitoring set,
50-970. (b) Facilities: Tracking range.
LET or LES, and tracker.
(b) Facilities: Tracking range. (c) Training aids and equipment:
(d) Ammunition:
See Second Period.
(c) Training aids and equipment:
Ž LET firing 35 grenade
See Second Period. (d) Ammunition: 40 grenade
cartridges, M64, for each
cartridges, M64, for each soldier.
soldier. (d) Ammunition: 40 grenade
cartridges, M64, for each soldier. k. Eleventh Period. Performance
• Ten LES end caps for each
testing – four hours.
soldier. i. Ninth Period. Performance test
review or practice — four hours. (1) Lesson outline.
• NOTE: Ensure that there is
enough oxygen and MAPP gas (1) Lesson outline. (a) Test soldiers on the following
for all soldiers to fire. training objectives:
(a) Introduce test procedures.
g. Seventh Period. Construct range • Before-operation PMCS.
(b) Review test standards.
cards and fighting positions — four
• Preparation of the round for
hours. (c) Conduct practical exercise, and
test on training objectives and or
(1) Lesson Outline. • Firing positions.

FM 23-24

• Immediate action. m. Thirteenth Period. Orientation (f) Conduct Dragon qualification

on Dragon maintenance—four refire.
• Identification of armored
vehicles. (2) Administrative requirements.
(1) Lesson outline. Introduce and
• Target engageability. (a) References: TM 9-1425-484-10,
explain maintenance on the Dragon
TM 9-6920-484-12, TM 9-5855-
Ž Dragon fighting positions. components and training
254-14-FIR, and CTA 50-970.
Ž Dragon range cards.
(b) Facilities: A site suitable to
Ž Tracker.
• Decontamination procedures. conduct the performance test or a
• Round. tracking range.
• Destruction procedures.
• Monitoring set. (c) Training aids and equipment:
(b) Conduct soldier critique
See Second Period.
concurrently. Ž LET.
(d) Ammunition: 20 grenade
(2) Administrative requirements. Ž Target set, M89.
cartridges, M64, for each soldier per
(a) References: TM 9-1425-484-10, Ž FHT. table being retested.
TM 9-6920-484-12, TM 9-5855-
Ž LES. o. Fifteenth Period. Day and night
254-14-HR, and CTA 50-970.
advanced field tracking–four
• Night tracker (AN/TAS-5).
(b) Facilities: Tracking range. hours.
• Mount, M175.
(c) Training aids and equipment. (1) Lesson outline.
See Second Period. (2) Administrative requirements.
(a) Explain the purpose of the
(d) Ammunition: None. (a) References: TM 9-1425-48-4-10, exercise.
TM 9-6920-484-12, NAVTRADEV
(e) See Appendix B for evaluation Ž Place the gunner in simulated
P-6054, and TM 9-5855-254-14-HR.
guides. battlefield conditions.
(b) Facilities: A site suitable to
l. Twelfth Period. Dragon Ž Build the gunner’s confidence in
conduct a class or tracking range.
qualification firing – four hours. the weapons system.
(c) Training aids and equipment:
(1) Lesson outline. Ž Allow the gunner to practice
Day tracker, round, M89 target set,
sighting, firing, and tracking to
(a) Establish the firing line. LET or LES, monitoring set, and
improve his concentration.
FHT; one each of the following for
(b) Conduct qualification firing
every four soldiers: M175 mount and • Require the gunner to make
(Chapter 7 and Appendix C)
night tracker (AN/TAS-5). engageability decisions.
standing supported position.
(d) Ammunition: None. Ž Present the gunner with
(2) Administrative requirements.
multiple target engagements.
n. Fourteenth Period. Retest
(a) References: This manual, TM
performance test and or refire (b) Conduct daylight advanced
9-1425-484-10, TM 9-6920-484-12,
qualification – four hours. tracking exercise (two hours).
TM 9-5855 -254-14-HR, and CTA
50-970. (1) Lesson outline. Ž Target vehicles should be
uncooperative; for example,
(b) Facilities: Tracking range. (a) Introduce test procedures.
constantly changing speed,
(c) Training aids and equipment: (b) Review test standards. direction, angle of attack, and
See Second Period. exposure time. Target vehicles
(c) Conduct test.
should operate in pairs and
(d) Ammunition: 40 grenade
(d) Perform soldier critiques. teams as well as alone. They
cartridges, M64, for each soldier.
(e) Establish firing line. should move out of range and

FM 23-24

back into range so that the simulators. Target vehicles (preferably M-1 M60-series tank or
gunner can acquire experience should be provided with smoke M2/M113 APC), AN/PRC-77
to determine if a target can be capability a n d w e a p o n s radios, and bullhorn; and one
engaged. Target vehicles can simulators, if available. MILES Dragon for every four
reduce exposure time by halting soldiers.
(2) Administrative requirements.
at covered areas, traveling
(d) Ammunition.
covered routes between firing (a) References: This manual.
positions, and firing from • Enough smoke pots, smoke
(b) Facilities: Afield tracking area at
hull-down positions. grenades, and artillery
least 500 meters wide and greater
s i m u l a t o r s t o simulate
• Both the gunner’s position and than 1,000 meters deep. It should
battlefield conditions.
target area should be subjected contain hills and valleys, dead space,
to intermittent obscuration by areas offering concealment, and • Fifteen ATWESS cartridges for
use of smoke grenades or smoke prepared fighting positions. each soldier (to simulate noise
pots. The gunner should be effect).
(c) Training aids and equipment:
subjected to battlefield noises
Tactical vehicles with MILES TOTAL: 60 hours.
from artillery and hand grenade
equipment to act as targets


Unit commanders receive qualified (Section I). Completing either of training because gunner tracking
gunners either from the United these basic training programs does skills quickly degrade.
States Army Infantry School or from not complete gunner training. Each
a unit-conducted training program gunner must have sustainment


Gunner sustainment is conducted b. Each quarter, the gunner must test of gunner training. While some
monthly, quarterly, or annually. have time allotted to fire two firing units may receive more missile(s)
tables and complete the hands-on than others, commanders must
a. Monthly sustainment training
tasks. If the gunner should fail to ensure that the missile(s) are fired by
consists of the gunner firing one
qualify/verify in the allotted time, qualified Dragon gunners.
20-shot table and as many hands-on
more time must be allocated for
tasks as time allows. The next month, d. A soldier should not be allowed to
makeup qualification or hands-on
the gunner fires one 20-shot table fire a live missile if he has not
testing. Gunners are allowed three
and the hands-on tasks not qualified with the LET and or fired
tries to qualify/verify.
performed the previous month. the LES within the last month. The
Monthly sustainment only occurs c. The commander should schedule matrix in Table 8-1 identifies the
eight times a year. The other four an annual live-fire exercise after the specific tasks and subjects that must
months are used for gunner gunners complete one of the be performed by all Dragon gunners
qualification/verification. quarterly qualification/verification and assistant gunners.
tests. This live-fire exercise is the real

FM 23-24


MAINTAIN AN M47 MEDIUM MQ 10 min Practical

PREPARE AN M47 MEDIUM MQ 30 sec Practical
M47 MEDIUM ANTITANK 16 hrs Exercise
RESTORE AN M47 MEDIUM MQ 5 min Practical
POSITION FOR AN M47 conjunction with

M - Monthly
Q - Quarterly

Table 8-1. Training tasks for Dragon gunners and assistant gunners.

FM 23-24


Training with the Dragon/MILES is gunner’s engagement skills sharp trainer and should not be used in
an excellent means of keeping a (Table 8-2). MILES is not a gunnery place of the sustainment training.




Table 8-2. MILES training program.

FM 23-24



The night tracker allows the Dragon gunner to view targets during
limited visibility. This requires gunner training on thermal target
recognition, identification, and engagement. The gunner must
interpret unusual images with the night tracker. These images,
called thermal target signatures or infrared target signatures, are
different from the images seen in the day tracker. Targets stand out
in these infrared images and can be recognized at long ranges on
a clear night and at reduced ranges during limited visibility.
However, the recognition task requires trained and experienced
gunners. The information in this chapter provides a “training base”
until more training techniques can be developed.


Most objects have a radiated temperature, it appears bright red in are the basics of target signature
temperature either higher or lower the night tracker. If the object has a cues.
than their background. Even if the lower temperature, it appears black.
b. In a night tracker, the shapes of
radiated temperature differences
a. Usually, targets are easier to the hottest vehicle parts, such as
are less than a degree, they appear in engines and exhausts, appear bright
identify at night because their
the night tracker display. If there is red. Objects with a medium
radiated temperature is hotter than
no difference between the temperature, such as the warm
their background. Some targets,
temperature of an object and its tracks, appear a dim red. Objects
such as tanks and APCs, have
background, the object is not seen in with a cool temperature, such as the
internal temperature variations that
the display. If an object has a higher cool hull, appear black.
form visible patterns. These patterns

FM 23-24


The sources of infrared energy are temperatures reach up to 200 cues can be used to identify the
solar heat, fuel combustion heat, degrees F, the surfaces of these vehicle. However, if the vehicle is
frictional heat, and reflected compartments radiate features that moving through high vegetation or
radiance. can be detected. causing dust, the visual cues can be
a. Solar Heat. Solar heat comes (1) Heated personnel space is also
from the sun and affects the exterior visible. Likewise, engine muffler and (2) The vehicle’s transport systems
surface of objects. exhaust pipe temperatures are high, are the source of most frictional heat
which also provide the gunner with cues. Tracked vehicles have
(1) This heating highlights the
good cues. The engine, heated frictional heat in the tracks, road
outline of the object, which provides
compartments, and exhaust features wheels, drive sprockets, support
recognition cues to the gunner,
themselves do not appear in the rollers, and shock absorbers. The
which are usually similar to the
night tracker. This does not decrease smallest of these features can be
overall appearance of the target. For
their cue value. However, a trained identified at longer ranges when they
example, a solar-heated M113
and experienced gunner can are hot. Wheeled vehicles have
appears box-like with a sloping front;
determine much about the vehicle frictional heat in the tires, shock
a solar-heated M60 tank appears as
from these cues since they are hot absorbers, drive shafts, trans-
a small oval atop a larger oval. These
and easily detected at long ranges. missions, axles, and differentials.
shape cues are recognizable out to
The tires, shock absorbers, and
medium ranges (800 to 1,200 meters) (2) A gunner can determine from the
differentials can be detected at
and detected at long ranges (2,000 engine and exhaust cues whether the
medium range to long range (if there
meters). Since the sides of vehicles vehicle is a front-engine or
is no tall vegetation or a great deal of
have more defined contours, side rear-engine vehicle. If the vehicle is
views are usually easier to recognize making evasive maneuvers, a gunner
than the front views. can locate the vehicle exhaust, which d. Reflected Radiance. Smooth,
is an important cue. glossy surfaces, such as windshields
(2) Besides atmospheric variables
and glossy, painted fenders, reflect
and surface reflections, the solar c. Frictional Heat. Frictional heat is
radiation images from other sources.
heating rate is also affected by the produced by the moving parts of
These reflections can produce odd
object’s ability to absorb sunlight. vehicles and heat is less intense than
images. For example, the fenders of
Dark-colored objects are normally the high temperatures from the
a T-62 appear black because of this
better absorbers of sunlight than the engine combustion.
thermal reflection; a glossy, painted
light-colored objects.
(1) Frictional heat is generated only APC could be reflected off the
b. Fuel Combustion Heat. Fuel when the vehicle is in motion. vehicle’s flat-side surfaces. An
combustion heat comes from However, these features usually overcast sky can cause warmer
operating engines. The heat is appear a dim red. Frictional heat thermal reflections. Generally,
conducted to the surfaces of the provides long-range cues to classify surface reflections are diffuse in
surrounding engine compartment. the vehicle as wheeled or tracked. At nature and do not usually cause
Because engine compartment short range to medium range, these problems.


Variations in solar heat, fuel signatures and infrared target night tracker, while others can
combustion heat, frictional heat, and recognition cues. Also, some enhance it.
thermal reflection affect infrared atmospheric conditions degrade the

FM 23-24

a. Falling Precipitation. Infrared water and mud collecting on the contrast, the night tracker contrast
energy does not transmit well tracks, wheels, and other transport controls must be increased to
through falling precipitation (rain, system parts. Engine compartment compensate for the condition, which
snow, fog). The temperatures of and exhaust temperatures remain can produce a "snowy" image.
targets and background objects are high. Landmarks, such as trees,
b. Fallen Snow. Fallen snow tends to
decreased. The basic signature cues trails, and contour features, are
make all ground temperatures the
themselves do not change because of often lost. The loss of heat in
same. Depth perception by size
atmospheric transmission losses. background objects reduces scene
comparison becomes difficult
Falling precipitation restricts night clutter, such as trees and rocks, and
because of the lack of terrain
tracker visibility more than can increase target detection. Target
features with which to reference size.
precipitation that has fallen. recognition cues are usually reduced
because of the loss of heat from c. Dust, Diesel Fog, and Oil Smoke.
(1) During rain or snow, background
certain target features. Dust particles from the impact of
objects and frictionally heated and
artillery greatly reduce night tracker
solar-heated target features lose (2) Because rain and snow have a
heat. Frictional heat loss is caused by cooling effect on the target’s


Although vehicles have Cool objects are not visible. Only the (3) Brightness, medium; contrast,
distinguishing characteristics or hot objects in the field of view are medium to high: These settings work
cues by which they can be classified seen. When a possible target has well in heavy fog or heavy dust when
and identified, vehicle appearance been found, brightness can be little can be seen with the Dragon.
can be altered by changes in increased and contrast can be The settings increase the snowy
atmospheric and ground conditions. lowered gradually to reveal more effect in the image, but they also
Therefore, the gunner must know thermal detail in the suspected increase the apparent sensitivity of
how to use the control settings of the target. Low brightness and the sight. The image appears
night tracker to help compensate for medium-to-high contrast settings distorted and is hard to interpret.
these variables. are used in rain, dust, and light fog These settings are also good for
conditions. searching a tree line in wet
a. Contrast and Brightness
conditions and are sometimes useful
Controls. The contrast and (2) Brightness, low to medium;
with long-range targets. Beyond
brightness controls can be set for contrast, medium: This is the best
1,200 meters, small target images,
maximum internal detail of the overall setting for target detail. With
such as the front view of a BRDM-2,
target. The controls are balanced to medium contrast, brightness can be
will have few recognizable features.
give the clearest image of these varied up and down to bring out
At long ranges, the higher contrast
target recognition cues. The features and determine the hottest
setting highlights the vehicle’s hull
following is general guidance for vehicle parts. When brightness is
and overall silhouette. This does not
setting the image brightness and lowered, the cooler parts, such as
provide vehicle recognition, but it
contrast controls Gunners should tracks, darken before hotter parts.
does help the target stand out from
be encouraged to experiment with Often, small changes in brightness
the background and aid in target
the image controls to understand can reveal much about the vehicle.
their effects on the thermal image For example, road wheels can
and thermal signatures. sometimes be seen at long ranges if b. Focus Controls. Most night
this technique is used. tracker focus controls are sensitive;
(1) Brightness, low; contrast, medium
Experimentation is helpful in that is, a small movement of the
to high: These settings are for
learning this target feature control knob results in a large
seaming an area in search of targets.
extraction technique. change in focal point. If a gunner has
Background clutter is suppressed.
difficulty in focusing, he should

FM 23-24

check the adjustment of the image controls should be adjusted at the focus by adjusting the control back
controls. low-to-medium level before focusing and forth to obtain the best image.
the objective lens. Focusing the This is easier to do when the night
(1) The eyepiece focus should be
objective lens is learned through trial tracker is aimed at a prominent
adjusted first. Correct reticle
and error. It is made difficult by the object. Once the best image is
adjustment can be obtained by
fact that infrared heat diffuses on determined, the gunner can
focusing the eyepiece so that the
objects and does not usually give experiment by focusing on different
reticle is focused.
clear-cut, straight lines on which to objects at different ranges,
(2) The second focus adjustment is focus. Thus, the gunner must learn to
the range focus lever. The image


Battlefield identification using a shapes, gun tube, and exhaust • Where is the engine?
night tracker is difficult, but the location. Limited experience
• Where is the exhaust?
problem is being studied. Little is indicates that the M60 versus T-62
known about the ranges at which thermal identification can be made Ž Is the target in the unit’s
high-confidence identification can between 800 to 1,200 meters in clear section? Should it be there?
be expected. In a target-rich weather. In identifying targets, a
• Is it in a formation?
environment on a dry, clear night, gunner should ask himself the
high-confidence identification following questions: Ž Is it firing at a friendly or enemy
requires a thermal image of such units?
Ž Is the target moving and in what
features as road wheels, turret


The following friendly and enemy Ž Rear-engine vehicle with • Left and right views are the
vehicle recognition cues help in rearward exhaust. same.
training gunners.
• High-profile track pattern with (b) Front view cues:
a. M60A1 Main Battle Tank (Figure hot, taut tracks. (Six evenly
Two warm tracks separated by a cool
A-l). spaced road wheels and three
hull. (Lower front hull seems warm,
support rollers can be seen,
(1) Classification: if a personnel heater has been
especially at short ranges.)
(a) Rear-engine vehicle.
Ž Large centrally mounted turret.
Ž Cool front hull denotes a
(b) Oval-shaped track and road
Ž Medium-length gun tube can be rear-engine vehicle.
wheel pattern.
seen, especially at short ranges.
• One track seems wider if the
(c) Overall hull, turret, and gun The gun tube is visible at long
vehicle is positioned slightly
pattern may be visible with the ranges when recently fired. (The
oblique to the viewer.
maximum setting. bore evacuator is two-thirds of
the way down the length of the • Gun tube is visible when the gun
(d) Gun tube visible when recently
barrel.) has been recently fired.
Ž High overall profile with a large
(2) Identification:
turret mounted in the center.
(a) Side view cues:

FM 23-24

Figure A-1. M60A1 main battle tank.

(3) Effects of motion: NOTE: When compared to the (b) Oval-shaped track and road
T-62, the side view of the M60A1 wheel pattern.
(a) Changing target views often
track pattern is higher and more
reveal more features. (c) Overall combined hull, turret,
uniformly warm. T-62 tracks are
and gun pattern.
(b) Direction of movement denotes cooler toward the front and
engine location. smaller than those of the M60A1. (d) Gun tube is visible when it has
In the front view, the M60A1 been recently fired.
(c) Transport system becomes
warmer and more visible. appears hotter and larger than
(2) Identification:
the T-62.
(d) Bouncing is slower than that of a (a) Side view cues:
light vehicle. b. M551 Light Tank (Figure A-2).
(1) Classification: • Rear-engine vehicle with rear
(e) Exhaust plume location and exhaust. (Exhaust plume maybe
direction are sometimes visible. (a) Rear-engine vehicle. directed upward or rearward.)

Figure A-2. M551 light tank.

FM 23-24

Ž Low-profile and warm, slack (3) Effects of motion: (a) Side view cues:
tracks. (Five evenly spaced road • Right-side view shows
(a) Changing target views often
wheels can be seen at short
reveal more features. characteristic hot front corner,
even at long range.
(b) Direction of movement denotes
• High-side decking and
engine location. • Low track and track skirts with
low-slack track profile combine
five evenly spaced road wheels.
to give the vehicle a wedge-like (c) Transport system becomes
Track skirts give tracks a
appearance between 800 to warmer and more visible.
low-profile appearance in the
1,200 meters. (The wedge points
(d) Bouncing is slower than that of a side view.
toward the vehicle’s front.) light vehicle.
• Right side with hot engine spot,
• Right and left side signatures
(e) Exhaust plume location and and left side with cool box
are the same. direction are sometimes visible. shape.
• Low, overall hull and small
NOTE: M551 signatures look • Bevelled shape of the front end
turret profiles. much like those of the T-62. Most is visible from the right side.
Ž Short gun tube visible when distinguishing differences are Overall box shape is visible from
recently fired. turret width (front view) and the left side at maximum
wedge-shape side views. settings.
• Small, low, flat-shaped, front
turret. c. M113 Armored Personnel Carrier (b) Front view cues:
(Figure A-3).
(b) Front view cues: Ž Front engine in right corner is
(1) Classification the brightest spot on the image.
• Turret is wide and low. Turret
sides extend almost over tracks (a) Front-engine vehicle. Ž Dark surfboard is visible across
for a unique front view when the the front.
(b) Oval-shaped track and road
profile is visible; this is an Ž Overall box shape. is visible at
wheel .pattern.
Important cue.
maximum setting.
(c) Overall box-shaped hull (may
• Warm tracks with a cool hull • Engine exhausts upward from
reveal the absence of a turret).
separating them give a signature the right corner of the vehicle.
of two red spots. (2) Identification:

Figure A-3. M113 armored personnel carrier.

FM 23-24

Exhaust gas is visible at short (e) Transport system becomes • Cab and hood silhouette side
range. warmer and more visible. view is sometimes distinguish-
able at maximum settings.
(3) Effects of motion: d. Trucks. (All truck cues are
combined) Figure A-4). Long-bed trucks often appear
(a) Changing target views often as other truck shapes from the
reveal more features. (1) Classification and identification: side, even at long ranges.
(b) Direction of movement denotes (a) Side view cues: • Diagonal shape of the drive
engine location. shaft is often visible as a bright
Ž Front-engine cue is a prominent
area joining the engine and rear
(c) Because of vehicle weight and square from the front and sides.
transport system, bouncing is The entire hood and radiator
intermediate because of the slow usually appear hot. • Exhaust pipes and stacks
bouncing of tanks and choppy appear hot along their entire
Ž Rear wheels are usually warm
bouncing of light vehicles such as length and compose shapes
spots separated from front
1/4-ton and 1 1/4-ton trucks. determined by how they are
wheels and can be easily
routed through the vehicle’s
(d) Exhaust plume location and distinguished from a track
upward direction are sometimes pattern. Front wheels are often
visible. merged with engine hot spot.

Figure A-4. Trucks.

FM 23-24

(b) Front view cues: e. T-62 Medium Tank (Figure A-5). • Long gun tube (is visible when it
has been recently fired).
• Front views are all similar at (1) Classification:
medium and long ranges. • Small, centrally mounted turret.
(a) Rear-engine vehicle.
Signature is a bright red square
Front view cues:
or rectangle. (b) Oval-shaped track and road
wheel pattern. Ž Cool, low, overall profile with
• Large, square red spot is
warm tracks separated by a cool
produced by the hot engine (c) Overall combined hull, turret,
compartment, hood, radiator, and gun pattern may be visible with
and cab (if personnel heater is in maximum setting. • Cool fenders above tracks may
use). appear black.
(d) Gun tube is visible when it has
Ž Wheels and front axle area often been recently fired. Ž SmaIl, dome-shaped turret.
are merged to produce a
(2) Identification: • Long gun tube is visible when it
continuous red spot beneath the
has been recently fired. It
engine. This image can be (a) Side view cues:
appears as a red spot when
improved so wheels can be seen
Ž Rear-engine vehicle with left aimed toward the unit. When
if lower settings are used.
side exhaust. fired, it is visible only at short
Ž External size cues are needed to ranges.
Ž Low-profile slack tracks (five
establish vehicle size. To road wheels with unique spacing (3) Effects of motion:
estimate the size of a cue, relate visible at short ranges).
a nearby tree or other (a) Changing target views often
background feature to the red Ž Left side is hotter than right reveal more features.
spot. Also, use the sight reticle side.
(b) Direction of movement denotes
to gage size. Use low to medium • From left side, the rear half of engine location.
settings to increase the accuracy the vehicle has a much larger
in sizing. (c) Transport system becomes
heated area than the front half.
warmer and more visible.
(2) Canvas and wood parts: These Ž Low overall profile with cool
parts usually appear cool at night (d) Bouncing is slower than that of a
and warm during the day. light vehicle.

Figure A-5. T-62 medium tank.

FM 23-24

(e) Exhaust plume location and • Track pattern is visible at long Ž Exhaust on right side vents
direction are sometimes visible. ranges. upward from the side of vehicle.
(Plume is sometimes visible.)
f. BMP Infantry Combat Vehicle Ž Forward end of vehicle slopes
(Figure A-6). up from the track to the front • Exhaust port is visible as a small
fender. red spot in the top-right corner
(1) Classification:
of the engine red spot.
Ž Cool track fenders block the
(a) Front-right corner engine
view of the upper track. Ž Vehicle tracks are visible with a
location from right side and front
small gap separating the
views. • At long ranges, the heat pattern
vehicle’s left track red spot from
of tracks and the engine area
(b) Taut track pattern is visible. At the engine’s red spot.
forms a boat-like pattern (right
close range, wheels and support
side). • Turret is not visible at long
rollers are visible.
Ž Right side is hotter and usually
(c) Overall low profile is visible at
more recognizable. (3) Effects of motion:
higher settings.
Ž Vehicle has long low shape that (a) Changing target views often
(d) Gun tube is visible when it has
is visible at high settings. reveal more features.
been recently fired.
(b) Front view cues: (b) Direction of movement denotes
(2) Identification:
the engine location.
• Engine in right front gives
(a) Side view cues:
square-shaped red spot. (c) Transport system becomes
• Engine exhaust port is the warmer and more visible.
Ž Cool front deck panel gives a
hottest side feature (right side).
black line across the engine red (d) Bouncing is slower than that of a
• Engine compartment provides a spot . light vehicle.
larger red spot in the forward
(e) Exhaust plume location and
half of the vehicle.
direction are sometimes visible.

Figure A-6. BMP infantry combat vehicle.

FM 23-24

Figure A-7. BTR-60 armored personnel carrier.

g. BTR-60 Armored Personnel (b) Front view cues: (f) Vehicle’s large size is apparent on
Carrier (Figure A-7). rough terrain by slow bounce
• This vehicle’s front view shows
(1) Classification: variation in the temperature
across its surface, indicating NOTE: In front three-fourths
(a) Side view shows distinguishable
multiple shapes. There is a view, some engine muffler heat
rear engine and multiple wheels at
pattern to this temperature merges with front hull and wheel
long range.
variation. heat. Therefore, this view may be
(b) Mufflers on rear deck intensify more confusing than others.
• Front view reveals the vehicle’s
rear-engine compartment cue.
rounded hull shape. h. BRDM-2 Reconnaissance Vehicle
(c) Long, high profile apparent even (Figure A-8).
• Surfboard is cool and divides
at long ranges.
the top and bottom halves of the (1) Classification:
(d) Gun tube is visible when it has front hull.
(a) Rear-engine vehicle and exhaust.
been recently fired.
Ž Normally, the front is relatively
(b) Wheel pattern of separate
(2) Identification: cool. A hot front indicates use of
wheeled-size red spots.
the personnel heater.
(a) Side view cues:
(c) Overall profile of hull with (or
Ž Area of shock absorbers is
Ž Rear engine is brightest spot on without) turret.
visible at medium ranges.
the image.
(d) Gun tube is visible when it has
(3) Effects of motion:
• Four (each side) large inflatable been recently fired
tires with a gap between front (a) Changing target views reveal
(2) Identification:
and rear pairs. more features.
(a) Side view cues:
• Two mufflers mounted over the (b) Wheels become warm.
rear engine compartment. Ž Rear engine is clearly visible at
(c) Engine becomes hotter.
long ranges.
• Small turret visible at medium
(d) Mufflers sometimes become hot.
range and sometimes at long Ž Two tires are clearly visible
range. (e) Engine sometimes emits exhaust (each side). Their separation
plume. distance suggests a short,
Ž Left and right side views are the
wheel-base vehicle.

FM 23-24

Figure A-8. BRDM-2 reconnaissance vehicle.

• Two mufflers – one on each side Ž Two warm tires are separated by height-to-width ratio than
of the top rear deck – increase a cool hull. The red spot of the armored vehicles that appear
the engine area hot spot. differential may be visible wider and lower.
between the front tires.
Ž Overall small size of vehicle is • Over rough terrain, the vehicle
apparent. • The cool front hull denotes a tends to bounce more than
rear-engine vehicle. armored vehicles.
Ž Side view gives a characteristic
heat pattern formed by the rear NOTE: Entire frontal area may be (3) Effects of motion:
mufflers and wheels. This made to appear hot, if the control
(a) Changing target views often
pattern is distinctive even at is set on high.
reveal more features.
long ranges. Ž Dark surfboard is visible across
(b) Direction of movement denotes
• Choppy ride over rough terrain the front of the hull.
engine location.
is quite noticeable even at long Ž Tires are set closer together
ranges. (c) Transport system becomes
than tracks of most armored
warmer and more visible.
Ž Left and right views are the vehicles.
same. Ž (d) Exhaust plume location and
The frontal aspect of the vehicle
direction are sometimes visible.
(b) Front view cues: appears to have a higher



To set up at the test site, provide all the equipment and information
stated in the task conditions statement.


Brief the soldier. Tell the soldier to perform all the actions to
that he will be required without error complete each task being tested.


Tests are to be administered by the Ž Provide added training on each The following training objectives
instructor/trainer. The instructor/ task failed, and retest twice. (Figures B-1 through B-11) are
trainer will – suggested formats only. They must
Ž Eliminate soldiers that fail any
be m o d i f i e d I W A l o c a l
Ž Sign each score sheet. task after three attempts.
Ž Record results on the Dragon
performance scorecard
(Appendix C).

Training Objective 1

TASK: Identify Armored Vehicles Evaluation Preparation: Brief student: Tell the soldier that
(Visually With Daysight). he will see pictures of 10 armored
Setup: If actual or 1:35-scale
vehicles for 10 seconds each.
CONDITIONS: In a garrison or vehicles are unavailable, the basic
During the 10-second viewing, the
field environment in which armored visual CVI program, GTA 17-2-13,
soldier must indicate whether the
vehicles are visible in a tactical or a shows multiple views of 30 friendly
vehicles are friendly or Threat. “Are
simulated tactical setting. Given a and Threat armored vehicles that
there any questions?”
Dragon day tracker mated to a every soldier should know. Present
simulated round of ammunition any six Threat and any four friendly Answer student questions. If the
(FHT), and prepared for firing. armored vehicles to the soldier. student still does not understand,
Present each picture to the student tell him, “Do the best you can. "
STANDARDS: Within two minutes,
for 10 seconds.
recognize 10 out of 10 vehicles as
friendly or Threat.

Performance Measures: GO NO-GO NO-GO NO-GO

Recognized 10 out of 10
armored vehicles as
friendly or Threat.


Figure B-1. Suggested format for Training Objective 1.

Training Objective 2

TASK: Explain Emergency De- STANDARDS: Explain the method tion procedures on a Dragon. Are
struction Procedures on a Dragon. of destruction for Dragon there any questions? “
components and ammunition.
CONDITIONS: Given a simulated Answer student questions. If the
situation in which capture is Evaluation Preparation: student still does not understand,
imminent, and a destruction order tell him, “Do the best you can.”
Read: “When I say ‘begin,’ you
to destroy your tracker and rounds
must explain emergency destruc-
of ammunition.

Performance Measures: GO NO-GO NO-GO NO-GO

NOTE: Priority: tracker, then

1. Tracker.
a. Mechanical. Used an entrenching
tool, axe, sledgehammer, and so on.
b. Gunfire.
c. Burning. Used flammable material
or gasoline.
d. Explosives. Used a double-primed
explosive charge.
2. Round. Destroyed a round of
ammunition by either –
a. Burning. Used flammable material,
thermite grenade, or gasoline.
b. Explosives. Used a double-primed
explosive charge. (Squad leader will
prepare explosives.)
c. Launching. Fired the missile, then
drove over the expelled launcher.


Figure B-2 Suggested format for Training Objective 2.


161 - 026 O - 94 - 6
Training Objective 3

TASK: Maintain the Medium Evaluation preparation: INSTRUCTOR NOTE: Because of

Antitank Weapon. the common parts on the day
Read: “When I say ‘Begin,’ you
and night trackers, the student
CONDITIONS: Given Dragon must conduct a before-operation
may only mention the items on
trackers and a round of check of the Dragon trackers and
the night tracker or the day
ammunition. (For all tasks, the FHT a round of ammunition. Are there
tracker. If he mentions it on one
will be used instead of an actual any questions?”
or the other, give him a GO.
Answer student questions. If the
STANDARDS: Conduct a com- student still does not understand,
plete before-operation check of the tell him, “Do the best you can.”
Dragon trackers and a round of
ammunition. WARNING: Never perform a
before-operation check of
the Dragon trackers if they
are mated to a round of

Performance Measures: GO NO-GO NO-GO NO-GO

1. Day Tracker.
a. Pushed safety plunger.
b. Squeezed trigger lever bar.
c. Ensured safety was functional and
trigger clicked.
2. Guide Pins.
Ž Looked for the guide pins and
ensured they were tight, present,
and four each.
3. Connector.
a. Checked connector cover for
rubber seals.
b. Ensured connector was clean.
c. Ensured connector was not
4. Tracker Housing.
a. If damaged, reported to supervisor.
b. Spot-painted, when needed.

Figure B-3. Suggested format for Training Objective 3.

Performance Measures: GO NO-GO NO-GO NO-GO

5. Eye Guard.
Ž Rotated the eye guard.
6. Night Tracker.
a. Checked range focus lever.
b. Checked for freedom of movement.
7. Optics (same as day tracker).
Ž Cleaned the lenses.
8. ACTUATOR Switch.
a. Rotated the actuator switch to the
b. Checked the coolant cartridge/
battery monitor.
c. Ensured the retitles were illuminated.
d. Rotated the ACTUATOR switch to
the ON position.
e. Waited 15 seconds.
f. Removed the lens cover.
9. Infrared Contrast.
a. Selected an object with infrared contrast.
b. Adjusted the reticle focus.
c. Adjusted brightness.
d. Adjusted contrast.
e. Adjusted range focus.
f. Rotated the ACTUATOR switch to
the OFF-LOCK position.
g. Did not turn the ACTUATOR switch
to the RELEASE position.
h. Replaced the lens cover.
10. Ammunition Round.
a. Checked the exterior for dirt, oil,
and grease.
b. Checked the exterior for dents,
holes, and punctures.
11. Raceway.
Ž Ensured raceway was not

Figure B-3. (Continued.)


Figure B-3. (Continued.)

Training Objective 4

TASK: Prepare the Medium STANDARDS: Mate the tracker to mating the tracker to the round of
Antitank Weapon for Firing. the round of ammunition IAW the ammunition. Are there any
performance measures described questions?”
CONDITIONS: Given a Dragon
tracker in the carrying bag and a Answer student questions. If the
round of ammunition in the Evaluation Preparation: student still does not understand,
carrying configuration. tell him, “Do the best you can.”
Read: “When I say ‘Begin,’ you will
prepare the Dragon for firing by

Performance Measures: GO NO-GO NO-GO NO-GO

1. Prepare the Round.

a. Unsnapped biped retaining strap.
b. Lowered bipod to VERTICAL-LOCK
position. (Shook bipod and ensured
it was locked.)
c. Depressed friction lock and extended
legs about one-half way down.
d. Removed the electrical connector
cover from the round.
2. Prepared the Day Tracker.
a. Removed the tracker properly.
b. Removed electrical connector cover.
c. Checked lenses.
3. Mated the Tracker to the Round.
a. Aligned the guide pins with the
tracker support assembly and locked
the tracker in place. (Shook tracker
to ensure it was locked.)
b. Leveled sight picture. (Adjusted the
bipod friction lock and the foot adjust.)


Figure B-4. Suggested format for Training Objective 4.

Training Objective 5

TASK: Restore the Medium STANDARDS: The tracker and configuration. Are there any
Antitank Weapon to Carrying round are properly returned to the questions?”
Configuration. carrying configuration without
Answer student questions. If the
damage to the equipment.
CONDITIONS: Given a Dragon student still does not understand,
tracker, carrying bag, and round of Evaluation Preparation: tell him, “Do the best you can. ”
Read: “When I say ‘begin,’ you will
restore the Dragon to the carrying

Performance Measures: GO NO-GO NO-GO NO-GO

1. Removed and Stored the Tracker.

a. Removed the tracker.
b. Released the spring clip.
c. Removed from support assembly.
d. Replaced the lens cover.
e. Replaced electrical cover.
f. Placed tracker in the carrying bag.
2 Restored the Round of Ammunition.
a. Replaced the connector cover.
b. Collapsed the biped legs.
c. Replaced the shock absorber.
d. Secured legs to the round.


Figure B-5. Suggested format for Training Objective 5.

Training Objective 6

TASK: Assume Correct Dragon Evaluation Preparation: NO-GO in that position. Do you
Firing Positions. have any questions?”
Read: “When I say ‘Begin,’ you will
CONDITIONS: Given a Dragon assume the four firing positions for Answer student questions. If the
tracker and round of ammunition the Dragon. You will be tested on student still does not understand,
already mated. all four positions. After you are in tell him, “Do the best you can.”
the correct position, tell me, and I
STANDARDS: Correctly assume
will inform you if you are a GO or
the four correct firing positions for
the Dragon.

Performance Measures: GO NO-GO NO-GO NO-GO

1. Sitting Position.
a. Sat down, feet on bipod. Pushed
legs out.
b. Leaned forward and placed round
on the meaty portion of shoulder,
keeping the upper body straight.
c. Properly grasped the tracker with
both hands.
d. Rotated head and aligned right eye
in the eye guard. Pushed head forward.
e. Pulled elbows in and back and tried
to touch them together and put them
on the chest. Removed slack from
the biped.
2. Standing Supported.
a. Stood with legs spread comfortably
apart. Legs straight, but not locked.
b. Leaned forward. Rested the abdomen
against the edge of the fighting position.
c. Placed Dragon on the meaty part of
the shoulder. (Placed bipod legs far
d. Placed hands as for the sitting
e. Rotated head and right eye as in the
sitting position.

Figure B-6. Suggested format for Training Objective 6.

Performance Measures: GO NO-GO NO-GO NO-GO
f. Removed slack from the bipod.
Pulled down and back. Tried to
touch the elbows and drive them
into the chest. If there was slack
in the biped, straightened the back
3. Kneeling Position.
a. Kneeled with knees spread
comfortably apart.
b. Placed the biped well out in front
and removed slack from the bipod
by rocking backward. Attempted to
sit on heels.
c. Rotated head and right eye as
in the sitting position.
d. Placed hand and elbows the
same as in the sitting position.
4. Prone Position.
(The round is in a prepared-to-fire mode.)
a. Laid down at a 90-degree angle
to the direction of fire.
b. Positioned the Dragon so the bipod
laid on the right bicep. Curled right
arm up and grasped firing mechanism.
c. Placed left hand on the tracker.
d. Pulled the round into the curve
of the neck.
e. Placed right eye in the eye guard
and pressed head forward to keep
eye from closing.
f. Kept the front and rear of the
Dragon 6 inches off the ground.


Figure B-6. (Continued.)

Training Objective 7

TASK: Determine Target STANDARDS: Correctly deter- varying (simulated) ranges. Then,
Engage- mine if three targets are in range you must accurately determine the
ability. and engageable. engageability of all three targets.
Are there any questions.”
CONDITIONS: Given a Dragon Evaluation Preparation:
tracker mated to a round of Answer student questions. If the
Read: “When I say ‘Begin,’ you will
ammunition and targets (scale or student still does not understand,
determine if the targets are in range
actual targets). tell him, “Do the best you can.”
and if they are engageable. To your
front are armored vehicles at

Performance Measures: GO NO-GO NO-GO NO-GO

Target Engageability.
a. Determine if the target is in range
or out of range; engageable or
Target Number
b. In range or out of range;
engageable or nonengageable.
Target Number
c. In range or out of range;
engageable or nonengageable.
Target Number


Figure B-7. Suggested format for Training Objective 7.

B-1 1
Training Objective 8

TASK: Perform Immediate Action STANDARDS: Perform the proper procedures for the Dragon. Do you
Procedures. immediate-action procedures for a have any questions?”
hot and cold tracker battery.
CONDITIONS: Given a Dragon Answer student questions. If the
tracker mated to a round of Evaluation Preparation: student still does not understand,
ammunition and a malfunction tell him, “Do the best you can.”
Read: “When I say ‘Begin,’ you will
situation. immediate-action

Performance Measures: GO NO-GO NO-GO NO-GO

1. Immediate-Action Procedures
(Hot Tracker Battery).
a. Attempted to fire; failed to fire.
b. Immediately resqueezed the
trigger/tack for 15 seconds.
c. Sounded off with “Misfire,”
if round still did not fire.
d. Cautiously turned and felt
in the vicinity of the tracker
battery (HOT).
e. Removed the tracker and placed
the round a safe distance away.
f. Obtained a new round and mated
the tracker to the round.
g. Acquired the target, said”I am
continuing my mission” or squeezed
the trigger.
h. Squeezed the trigger.
2. Cold Tracker Battery.
a. Attempted to fire; failed to fire.
b. Immediately resqueezed the
trigger/tack for 15 seconds.
c. Cautiously turned and felt in the
vicinity of the tracker battery (COLD).
d. Released the tracker and moved it
forward; reseated the tracker on
the round.

Figure B-8. Suggested format for Training Objective 8.

Performance Measure GO NO-GO NO-GO NO-GO
e. Acquired the target, said”I am
continuing my mission” or squeezed
the trigger.
f. Failed to fire; checked battery
again (COLD).
g. Removed tracker; placed round
a safe distance away.
h. Got a new round and said”I will
continue the mission.”
i. Failed to fire; checked the
battery (COLD).
j. Replaced the tracker.


Figure B-8. (Continued.)

Training Objective 9

TASK: Prepare an Antiarmor card. Include all data from the data section and terrain sketch. Do
Range Card. squad leader’s briefing, marginal you have any questions?”
data, a scaled-down sketch of the
CONDITIONS: Given the standard Answer student questions. If the
terrain, and the data section.
range card and squad leader’s student still does not understand,
briefing containing all pertinent Evaluation Preparation: tell him, “Do the best you can.”
data. Read: “When I say ‘Begin,’ you will
STANDARDS: Within 15 minutes, have 15 minutes to complete the
complete the antiarmor range antiarmor range card, including the

Performance Measures: GO NO-GO NO-GO NO-GO

1. Prepared an Antiarmor Range Card

(Marginal Information).
a. Unit designation.
b. Magnetic north.
2. Terrain Sketch.
a. Left limit.
b. Right limit.
c. Maximum engagement line.
d. Terrain features.
e. Dead space.
f. Target reference point(s).
g. Gunner reference point.
3. Data Section.
a. Position.
b. Date.
c. Weapon symbol.
d. Meter increments.
e. Item numbers.
f. Direction.
g. Range.
h. Description.
i. Remarks.
4. Made two copies of the range card.

Figure B-9. Suggested format for Training Objective 9.


Figure B-9. (Continued.)


Training Objective 10

T A S K : Construct a Dragon STANDARDS: Within 10 minutes, complete fighting position. Do you

Fighting Position. correctly draw and label the have any questions?”
components of a fighting position.
CONDITIONS: Draw a fighting Answer student questions. If the
position; label the six main Evaluation Preparation: student still does not understand,
components of the fighting tell him, “Do the best you can.”
Read: “When I say ‘Begin,’ you will
position. have 10 minutes to draw a

Performance Measures: GO NO-GO NO-GO NO-GO

1. Trench.
a. Three M16s long, inverted V.
b. Waist deep.
c. Waist wide plus 6 inches.
2. Front Parapet.
a. One M16 long.
b. One M16 wide.
c. Two helmets high.
3. Flank Parapet,
a. One M16 wide.
b. Two helmets high.
c. Long enough to provide good
flank protection.
4. Biped Trench.
a. Two helmets long.
b. One helmet wide.
c. Six inches deep (one bayonet
5. Grenade Sump.
a. One entrenching tool-length long.
b. One entrenching tool-length deep.
c. One entrenching tool-blade wide.

Figure B-9. Suggested format for Training Objective 10.

Performance Measures: GO NO-GO NO-GO NO-GO

6. Overhead Cover.
a. Each end of the trench.
b. Dug 12 inches deep.
c. Eighteen inches longer than the
side of the trench.
d. Three feet wide.
e. The hole under the overhead
cover is large enough for one
soldier and extra ammunition.


Figure B-10. (Continued.)

Training Objective 11

TASK: Decontaminate the Medium STANDARDS: Correctly explain trackers and round of ammunition.
Antitank Weapon. the decontamination procedures Do you have any questions?”
for the Dragon trackers and round
CONDITIONS: Given the Dragon Answer student questions. If the
of ammunition.
trackers and round of ammunition student still does not understand,
(for all tasks, the FHT is used tell him, “Do the best you can.”
instead of an actual round), M8
Evaluation Preparation:
paper, M256 detector kit, M258A1
kit, hot, soapy water, lens tissue, Read: “When I say ‘Begin,’ you will
camel’s-hair brush, and ethyl correctly explain how to
alcohol. decontaminate the Dragon

Performance Measures: GO NO-GO NO-GO NO-GO

INSTRUCTOR’S NOTE: First, the leader

decides whether or not the Dragon
needs to be immediately decontaminated.
If the gunner is already in MOPP4 and
the threat is imminent, decontamination
will have to be postponed. If the gunner
is to be displaced to a noncontaminated
area, the decision to immediately fire
the missile, or try to decontaminate it for
transport, must be made. (Inform the
soldier of the type of decontamination:
nuclear, chemical, or biological.)

1. Nuclear Decontamination.
a. Thoroughly brushed clothing and
equipment to remove fallout (away from
the position).
b. Turned over the soil in the immediate
area around the position.
c. Verified decontamination with the
AN/PDR-27 radiaometer.
2 Biological Decontamination.
a. Washed the Dragon with warm,
soapy water.
b. Dried the Dragon.
c. Used normal cleaning procedures
for the lenses.

Figure B-11. Suggested format for Training Objective 11.

Performance Measures: GO NO-GO NO-GO NO-GO

3. Chemical Decontamination.
a. Checked with the M256 detector kit.
b. Checked with M8 paper.
c. Removed or blotted excess agent
from all components.
d. Left Dragon exposed to air and sun.
e. Used hot, soapy water (if available).
Did not submerge the Dragon or tracker.
f. Used the M258A1 kit on parts the
gunner needed to touch or that touched
the gunner.
g. Used normal cleaning procedures
for the lenses.


Figure B-11. (Continued.)

FM 23-24



Gunners who have not qualified can be awarded the ASI of C2 on

the successful completion of the gunner qualification program.
Qualification consists of completing the training outlined in
Chapter 6 to include passing the performance tests and
qualification firing with the LET. Verification is the requirement for
a gunner to verify quarterly so that he can still achieve the
minimum qualification standards.


After an award of ASI of C2, each qualification. If any gunner does not ASI of C2 revoked. Gunners are
gunner fires a minimum of two verify on his first try, he is given two classified as expert or 1st class
tables, sitting and standing more tries. Gunners failing to verify (Table C-1) based on their firing
supported, before trying to verify his after three tries should have their performance.

Table C-1. Gunner classification.

FM 23-24



1 Sitting DayTracker
2 Standing Supported Day Tracker 16 out of 20

1 Sitting Night Tracker

2 Standing Supported Night Tracker 16 out of 20

Table C-2. Minimum standards.

The gunner’s performance is ments). Each gunner must achieve ASI of C2 or to verify his
recorded by events on the Dragon the minimum standards in Table C-2 qualification.
performance scorecard. Each event to either qualify for award of the
is made up of 20 shots (engage-


The instructor at each firing position keeps his eye against the eye Ž Scores a MISS if the gunner
must adhere to the following guard. does not hold down on the
guidelines: tracker and round, and does not
Ž Tells the gunner to use a smooth
keep the eye against the rubber
Ž Boresights the monitoring set(s) tracking rate, and follows
eye guard.
each time the range setting is through until the engagement is
changed. Checks the battery ended. Ž Totals the number of HITS or
power. MISSES and enters the results
Ž Fires all engagements in
on the Dragon performance
Ž Ensures the gunner takes the sequence.
slack out of the biped, and
Ž Fires all engagements with M64


Dragon launch characteristics are Ž Time delay after trigger The monitoring set can duplicate
simulated during qualification/ depression (.6 seconds). targets out to 1,000 meters. During
verification firing by having the qualification and verification,
Ž Noise.
gunner fire and track with the M64 gunners are required to track from 1
cartridge and LET. This helps Ž Backblast (50 meters). to 10 seconds, depending on the
prepare the gunner for an actual range setting.
missile launch by simulating –

FM 23-24


test results. See Figure C-1 for an
The Dragon performance firing, qualification firing, LES
example format.
scorecard, DA Form 4242-1-R, is firing, and recording performance
used for ‘instructional firing, field

Figure C-1. Example of completed Dragon performance scorecard.

FM 23-24



Decontamination procedures must be developed and maintained

to provide units with the ability to accomplish their missions in
possible NBC environments. Destruction of the Dragon within the
combat zone is ordered to prevent enemy capture and use. When
destruction of the Dragon is necessary, it is IAW orders from or
policy established by the commander.


Decontamination is the removal or removed as soon as possible. b. Attempts to reduce chemical or

neutralization of a hazardous level of However, as long as the operator biological contamination can be
NBC contamination from personnel wears the required protective hindered by the exposed rubber-like
and material. equipment, he could carry and fire a and plastic components of the
Dragon with chemical or biological Dragon because the agents soak into
a. Whenever NBC contamination of
contamination. If this occurs, these materials. Therefore, the
the Dragon system occurs, the
soldiers should exchange their objective of decontamination should
operator must decide first whether
MOPP gear for a new set IAW unit be to remove or reduce it only on
or not to decontaminate. Nuclear
SOPS. those surfaces the operator touches.
contamination (fallout) should be


Dragon components contaminated decontaminated by airing. Remove components a n d p l a c e t h e

with chemical agents are best or blot extra liquid agents from all equipment outdoors in the sun.

FM 23-24

Periodically, test the equipment with damage sensitive electronic stopped) must adhere to the
M8 detector paper and M256 components of the Dragon following guidelines:
detector kit to determine when the weapon system.
Dragon is safe to handle. (See FM (1) Brush clothing and equipment
a. Biological decontamination thoroughly to remove fallout. (This
3-5 for more detailed information.)
procedures must adhere to the should be performed away from the
To quickly reduce chemical
following guidelines: position.)
decontamination on Dragon
surfaces, the gunner can use hot, (1) Wash the Dragon with warm, (2) Decontaminate individual
soapy water or an M258A1 kit. If soapy water. equipment by brushing, wiping, and
water is used, do not submerge the scrubbing.
(2) Dry the Dragon.
Dragon or the tracker. Clean the
(3) Decontaminate the immediate
optics, using a camel’s-hair brush, (3) Clean optics with lens cleaning
area around the position by turning
ethyl alcohol, and lens paper. solvents (or ethyl alcohol) and lens
over the soil.
NOTE: Standard decontamin-
b. Nuclear decontamination (4) Verify that the Dragon is
ants, DS2 and STB, should not
decontaminated with the
normally be used since they can procedures (after fallout has
AN/PDR-27 radiaometer.


The information that follows is only destroyed with the following b. Each organization and
for guidance. Certain outlined priority: first the tracker, then the installation that uses, maintains, or
procedures require the use of round. Destroying the same stores the missiles or trackers should
explosives that may not be components in all weapons prevents have an SOP for destruction. The
authorized items. The issue of these the enemy from assembling a procedure should contain priorities
and related materials and conditions complete Dragon by cannibalizing of destruction, methods of
for destruction are command useable components. destruction, quantities of explosives
decisions. Destruction of Dragon required, and instructions for
a. If destruction is ordered, a
components by mechanical means, destruction. The destruction plan
location for destruction is selected
explosives, gun fire, or burning should be flexible enough to cover
that will cause the greatest
makes them useless to the enemy. If any situation.
obstruction to enemy movement and
evacuation of the Dragon is not
not create a hazard to friendly
possible, the components are


The tracker may be destroyed by one the tracker useless to the enemy. destroyed if enough time and
of the following methods. When using small-arms fore aim for personnel are available.
critical parts such as the optics,
a. Explosive. A double-primed d. B u r n i n g . After maximum
trigger assembly, and the electronics
explosive charge (at least 1/2 pound) damage has been done to the tracker
is prepared and placed on top of the by other destructive methods, set fire
tracker; detonate either electrically c. Mechanical. The tracker is to the resulting debris, if time allows.
or nonelectrically. smashed with axes, picks, crowbars, Vehicle fuels and lubricants are used
rock, and so on, or driven over with to complete the destruction by
b. Gunfire. Well-aimed shots from
a tracked vehicle. It is completely burning.
a rifle, or other small-arms, will make

FM 23-24


The missile can be destroyed by the simultaneous detonation. WARNING: The live rocket
following methods. Dual-prime the charges to reduce motors and high-explosive
the possibility of a misfire. antitank warhead present a
hazard to soldiers firing at
WARNING: The blasting the missile; therefore, small-
caps, detonating cord, and arms fire should not be used.
safety fuses must be kept
a. Launching. The simplest and separate from the charges c. B u r n i n g . After maximum
most effective method of destroying until required for use. damage has been done to the
the missile is to fire it into enemy components by other destruction
territory. The launcher must be (3) If the charges are primed with methods, and if time permits, the
smashed with axes, picks, and so on, nonelectric blasting caps, ignite the debris must be burned. Vehicle
or driven over with a tracked vehicle safety fuses and take cover at once. fuels and lubricants can be used to
after firing the missile. If the charges are primed with aid burning. One or more
electric blasting caps, take cover incendiary grenades can be placed
b. Explosives. The use of explosives
before firing. on each part.
not only destroys the missile, but also
the launcher. One-half pound of
explosive placed on the round close
to the warhead should destroy the
round (Figure D-1).
(1) Determine whether electrical
blasting caps and wire, or
nonelectric blasting caps and safety
fuses can be used for priming and
detonating the explosive charges. If
nonelectric caps are used, they must
be crimped to at least a 2-meter
length of safety fuse.

WARNING: The safety fuse

burns at the rate of 1 foot in
30 to 40 seconds. The safety
fuse which contains black
powder and blasting caps,
must be protected from
moisture at all times.

(2) Connect the charges with

detonating cord to produce a

Figure D-1. Explosive charge on a round.

FM 23-24
3 APRIL 1990

By Order of the Secretary of the Army:

General, United States Army
Chief of Staff


Brigadier General, United States Army
The Adjutant General

Active Army, USAR, and ARNG: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-11 E, requirements for TC
23-24, Dragon Medium Antitank Assault Weapon System M47 (Qty rqr block no. 1338).




amp ampere
APC armored personnel carrier
AR Army regulation
ARTEP Army Training and Evaluation Program
ASI additional skill identifier
asst assistant
ATGM antitank guided missile
ATWESS antitank weapon effect simulator system
BFV Bradley fighting vehicle
BMP (a Threat vehicle)
BRDM (a Threat scout car)
BTR (a Threat vehicle)
C2 command and control
CB citizen’s band (radio)
cbt combat
CFV cavalry fighting vehicle
CP command post
CPX command post exercise
CS combat support
CTA common table of allowances
CVI combat vehicle identification
DA Department of the Army
dir direction
DLIC detachment left in contact
DZ drop zone
EOD explosive ordnance disposal
1SG first sergeant
F Fahrenheit
FASCAM family of scatterable mines
FHT field handling trainer
FIST fire support team
FM field manual
FOV field of view

FM 23-24

FPF final protective fire

FPL final protective line
FSO fire support officer
FTX field training exercise
gnr gunner
GTA graphic training aid
HE high explosive
HMMWV high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle
horz horizontal
HQS headquarters
hrs hours
Hz Hertz
IAW in accordance with
illus illustration
IR infrared
KHz kilohertz
kmph kilometers per hour
LAW light antitank weapon
LD line of departure
ldr leader
LES launch environment simulator
LFX live-fire exercise
LET launch effects trainer
LOS line of sight
LP listening post
L-R left to right
LTID laser target interface device
M monthly
MAPP methylacetylene propadiene, propane propylene
mech mechanized
mi middle initial
MI military intelligence
MILES multiple integrated laser engagement system
min minute(s)
mm millimeter
mod model
mon monitor
MOUT military operations on urbanized terrain
mph miles per hour
MQS military qualification standards
MTP mission training plan
NA not applicable
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NAVTRADEV Naval training development
NBC nuclear, biological, and chemical

FM 23-24

NCO noncommissioned officer

NCOES Noncommissioned Officer Education System
NCOIC noncommissioned officer in charge
nonmech nonmechanized
NVD night vision device
OP observation post
OPFOR opposing force
OSUT one-station unit training
PDF principal direction of fire
plt platoon
PMCS preventive maintenance checks and services
POI program of instruction
PSG platoon sergeant
psi pounds per square inch
PSM power supply modulator
pwr power
Q quarterly
qual qualifications
qtr quarterly
R-L right to left
RSTA reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition
S2 Intelligence Officer
S3 Operations and Training officer
sec section
SGT sergeant
SL skill level
SMCT soldier’s manual common tasks
SOP standing operating procedure
sqd squad
SSAN Social Security Administration Number
STB supertropical bleach
STP Soldier’s training publication
STX situational training exercise

TC training circular
tm team
TM technical manual
TO training objective
TOW tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided (missile)
TRADOC United States Army Training and Doctrine Command
TRP target reference point
TSC Training Support Center
US United States
USC United States Code

FM 23-24

VAC voltage alternating current

VDC voltage direct current
vert vertical
VPC vehicle power conditioner
WP white phosphorus
XO executive officer


This manual provides guidance for use and employment of the guided missile system,
surface attack: M47 (Dragon), a medium-range antiarmor weapon system. The information
herein includes characteristics, nomenclature, and functions. A training program is
presented to develop, evaluate, and maintain proficiency of Dragon gunners. The tactical
employment procedures described within this manual do not cover all situations.
This manual should be used by leaders and members of units equipped with the guided
missile system, surface attack: M47 (Dragon), to train and test individual gunners or teams.
Also discussed are five key elements for maintaining combat proficiency with the Dragon:
• Technical and tactical information.
• A training program that stresses command involvement.
Ž Centralization of training.
Ž Gunner selection.
Ž Development of qualified trainers.
The proponent of this publication is HQ TRADOC. Submit changes for improving this
publication on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms)
and forward it to:

US Army Infantry School
Fort Benning, Georgia 31905-5596

Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculine gender is used, both men and women
are included.



Required publications are sources that users must read in order to understand or to comply with this publication.


385-62 Regulation for Firing Guided Missiles and Heavy Rockets for Training, Target
Practice and Combat


7-8-MTP Mission Training Plan for the Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad


5517-R Standard Range Cards (LRA)
4242-R Dragon Gunnery Scorecard
4242-1-R Dragon Performance Scorecard


3-5 NBC Decontamination
7-7 The Mechanized Infantry Platoon and Squad (APC)
7-7J The Mechanized Infantry Platoon and Squad (Bradley)
7-8(HTF) The Infantry Platoon and Squad (Infantry, Airborne, Air Assault, Ranger)
(How to Fight)
7-10(HTF) The Infantry Rifle Company (Infantry, Airborne, Air Assault, Ranger)
(How to Fight)


17-2-11 Combat Vehicle Identification Training Cards (CVI)
17-2-13 Armored Vehicle Recognition
25-6-9 Instructor’s MILES Equipment Training Guide – Infantry

FM 23-24


21-1-SMCT Soldier’s Manual of Common Tasks, Skill Level 1
21-24-SMCT Soldier’s Manual of Common Tasks, Skill Levels 2/3/4


9-1265-368-10-1 Operator’s Manual for Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement Systems
(MILES) Simulator System, Firing Laser: M62
9-1300-206 Ammunition and Explosives Standards
9-1425-484-10 Operator’s Manual for Dragon Weapon Guided Missile System, Surface
Attack: M47 (Medium Antitank/Assault Weapon System)
9-5855-254-14-HR Hand Receipt Covering Content of Components of End Item (COEI)
Basic Issue Items (BII), and Additional Authorization List (AAL) for Charger,
Battery PP-7382/TAS
9-6920-484-12 Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual for Guided Missile System
Surface Attack, M47; Training Equipment Consisting of Monitoring Set,
Guided Missile System, Training, AN/TSQ-T1; Trainer, Handling,
GM Launcher: M57; Trainer, Launch Effects, Guided Missile,
M54 Transmitting Set, Infrared, M89E1 (Dragon Medium Antitank/Assault
Weapon System)
NAVTRADEVP-6054 Operator, Organizational, Direct Support, and General Support Maintenance
Manual Including Parts List for Dragon Launch Environment Simulator
(LES) DVC 7-71 (Can be obtained from US Army Project Manager for
Training Devices, ATTN: DRCPM-TND-SLR, Orlando, Florida 32813.)


Related publications are sources of additional information. They are not required in order to understand this


385-11 Ionizing Radiation Protection (Licensing, Control, Transportation, Disposal,
and Radiation Safety)
600-200 Enlisted Personnel Management System


50-970 Expendable/Durable Items (Except: Medical, Class V, Repair Parts and
Heraldic Items)


80 US Army Calibrated Instrument


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