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A SELF-PIE on Illustrating the Six Dimensions of Self: Its Influences on Self

Expression and Decisions

Ayessa Mae Tumabotabo BSED Social Studies 1-F

Many components of oneself affect our judgments and desires; it shapes our decisions
as we assess what is the best among all the choices we have had throughout life.
We constantly explore the important impacts that these six dimensions had on how we display
our identities in our everyday decisions. This graphic serves just to illustrate how the Six
Dimensions shape oneself throughout time. In order of highest to lowest, the Six
Dimensions of Oneself depicted in the pie chart are as follows: Digital Self, Physical Self,
Sexual Self, Spiritual Self, Political Self, and Material Self.

I honestly consider my ratings carefully and end up giving 22.2% for the Digital
Self, which serves as a supreme outlet for self-expression, adopting 21st-century abilities.
I consider that self-presentation enables me to express myself and behave in ways that
project the desired impression. What I observed online also influenced my decision-making
since, in this period, we are widely referred to as Generation Z, which is leading the way for
a novel way of thinking. The Physical Self ranks second at 20.2%; those of us who
have the attribute of physical awareness have a great sense of how we show ourselves.
Furthermore, it influences our decisions since it is about the personification of stereotyped
values in society, which also influences choice. Next is the Sexual Self that rates 17.2%,
which is truly influential for me as a woman, the woman of today sets high for the
expression of themselves, especially with the rights and breaking down the barriers of
"being a babae lang." It leads me to power that I can make my own decisions according to
my will because women now are multi-dimensional. Furthermore, with Spiritual and
Political Self rates of 16.8%, my views and perspectives as a Christian and Filipino
citizen impact how I express myself. Undeniably, we, Christians, believed in the culture of
marriage before engaging in any sexual acts, which somehow led me to adopt the idea of
being a conservative person, and thus in the bloodline of being a Filipino, it also flows
hospitality and faithfulness, which I am actively trying to embody. Finally, regarding the
Material Self (6.7%), I am not fond of buying things unless they have a practical
purpose, which is why this scores the lowest, it lets me express myself, especially in clothes,
but I have a belief that I don't want things to lead me. Since each individual consists of a
variety of dimensions, we may also consider ways to balance life's overwhelming factors.
The first and most important step is to recognize oneself. (1) Figuring out who you are,
what you value, and what is essential to you is a lifetime effort. "The freedom to be yourself
is a gift you can only give to yourself," Doe Zantamata stated. The second process is to
prioritize self-care over egoism. (2) Self-care is not selfish; it is a sign of duty. Your
physical, mental, or emotional being will suffer if the necessities of your instrument of
expression, yourself, are ignored. Finally, seeing challenges as a means of knowing
oneself and using these dimensions. (3) What you choose to do, think, and feel are all
manifestations of who you want to be. Even the most difficult situations in life may provide

Indeed, development occurs, but undeniably our environment has a tremendous

impact on our lives, and we have all been influenced in some manner. As Morihei Ueshiba
quoted that “Life is growth. If we stop growing, technically and spiritually, we are as good
as dead.” This is analogous to how we equalize these dimensions in our everyday lives and
present logical and real-life experiences that we may utilize to demonstrate a sense of
knowing and reflecting on ourselves.

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