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Lesson 2 Phase 2

Let’s carry on with our PAT phase 2. I hope that you are done with your
questionnaire and that you have saved it in your phase 2 folder.


1. Create another folder in your phase 2 folder and name this folder
Questionnaire Complete.

2. Copy your word document (Questionnaire Original) 20 times to the new

folder (Questionnaire Complete). When you are done it should look like this:
3. Your next step is to rename these documents. We are going to call them
Questionnaire 1, Questionnaire 2 etc. It should look like this:

4. Now you are going to fill in these documents. Remember to click on the lock
when you open these questionnaires.

5. You can ask your parents to fill it in or your older brother or sister or you
are going to pretend that you are 20 different persons and then you are
going to fill in all 20 documents. VERY IMPORTANT: SAVE each of these

Enjoy your day.

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