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An interchangeable part is one which can be substituted for similar part
manufactured to the same drawing.
The required fit assembly can be obtained in Two ways.
a) Universal or full interchangeability
b) Selective assembly
Full interchangeability means any component will mat with any other
component without classifying Manufactured components into sub
groups or Without carrying out minor alteration. It requires precise
machines or processes whose Process Capability is equal or less than
the manufacturing Tolerances allowed for that
part. So every component produced will be
with in desired tolerances and capable of
Fitting with any other components to give the
required Fit.

Process capability of a machine is

defined as its ±3σ spread of
dimensions of components produced
by it.
Advantages of Interchangeability

1. Assembly time is reduced considerably.

2. There is an increased output with reduced production cost.

3. It facilitates production of mating components at different places

by different operator.

4. The replacement of worn out or defective parts and repair

becomes very easy.

5. The cost of maintenance and shutdown period is also reduced to

Selective Assembly:
In selective assembly components produced are classified into
groups according to their sizes by automatic gauging. This is done
for both Holes and Shafts and then corresponding parts will be
matched properly.
It reduces chance of defective assembly and also the cost of
assembly as parts may be produced in wider tolerances.
Ex: Assembly of piston with cylinder bores.
Bore size = 50 mm
clearance required for assembly= 0.12 mm
Tolerance in both bore and piston = 0.04 mm
Dimension of bore diameter = 50 ±0.02 mm
Dimension of piston = 49.88 ±0.02 mm

By grading and marking the bores and pistons, they can be

selectively assembled as follows…

Cylinder Bore= 49.98mm 50 mm 50.02 mm

Piston = 49.86mm 49.88 mm 49.90 mm
Limits, Fits and Tolerances:
1. It is not possible to make any part precisely to a given dimension
due to variability of elements of production processes.
Man Machine Material
2. If by chance the part is exactly to a given dimension, it is
impossible to measure it accurately enough to prove it.
3. If attempts are made to achieve perfect size, the cost of
production will increase.
For a given system of Limits and fits to be successful following
conditions are to be satisfied:
 It must be based on same standard so that every body alike
and a given dimension has the same meaning at all places.
 The range of sizes covered by the systems should be
sufficient for most purposes.
 Each basic size of hole and shaft must have a range of
tolerance values for each of the different fits.
 Both unilateral and bi lateral methods of tolerances and hole
basis or shaft basis system should be acceptable.
 The fundamental deviation required to give a particular fit
must increase with the basic size.
Size Designations
 Shaft: It refers not only to the
diameter of a circular shaft but Also
to any external dimension of a
 Hole: It refers not only to the diameter of a circular Hole but also

to any internal dimension of a component.

 Basic Size or Basic dimension: It is the theoretical size worked

out by purely design consideration, from which limits of size are

derived by the application of allowances and tolerances.
 Actual Size: is the measured size of the finished part.

 Zero line: It is the straight line drawn horizontally to represent

the basic size. All the dimensions are shown w.r.t the Zero line.
Some Definitions
Limit: Due to inevitable inaccuracy of manufacturing methods, it is
not possible to make a part precisely to a given dimension and
may only be made to lie between to extremely permissible sizes
called the limits for the actual size.
Upper/Lower limit: Largest/Lowest size permitted
Tolerance: The permissible variation in size or dimension of a part
is called Tolerance. It is the difference between U.L and L.L of
It is the amount by which the job is allowed to go away from
accuracy, with out causing any functional trouble.
Tolerance is always +ve.
Unilateral Tolerance: In this, the dimension
is allowed to vary only in one direction of
Basic Size, either above or below it.
Bilateral Tolerance: In this the dimension of part is allowed to vary in both
the sides of the basic size.
Deviation: It is the algebraic difference between the actual
size and the corresponding basic size.
Upper Deviation: It is the algebraic difference between the
upper (Max) limit and the corresponding basic size.
Denoted by “ES” for Hole and “es” for shaft.
+ve when UL> Basic size & -ve when UL< Basic size.
Lower Deviation: It is the algebraic difference between lower
limit and corresponding Basic size.
Denoted by “EI” for Hole and “ei” for shaft.
+ve when LL> Basic size & -ve when LL< Basic size.

So, Tolerance = IT
For Shaft: IT = es – ei For Hole: IT = ES - EI
Fundamental Deviation: (FD)

It is one of the two deviations (Either UD or LD) which is

Nearest to the zero line for either hole or shaft.
When tolerance zone is above the zero line, LD is the FD.
When tolerance zone is bellow the zero line UD is the FD.

Maximum Metal Limit (MML): At this limit the part has

maximum possible amount of metal.
UL for Shaft and LL for Hole.
Least Metal Limit (LML): At this limit the part has minimum
possible amount of metal.
LL for Shaft and UL of Hole.
Basic Shaft (h)
It is the shaft whose upper deviation is Zero. UL= basic size.
Basic Hole (H)
It is the hole whose lower deviation is Zero. LL= basic size
Tolerance Zone: It is the zone bounded by two limits of size
of a part.
Tolerance grade (IT):
It is the degree of accuracy manufacture and is designated
by the letter IT followed by a number.
There are 18 grades of tolerances – IT01, IT0, IT1 to IT16
Larger the number, greater will be the tolerance.
IT01 to IT4 - For production of gauges, measuring instruments
IT5 to IT 7 - For fits in precision engineering applications
IT8 to IT11 – For General Engineering
IT12 to IT14 – For Sheet metal working or press working
IT15 to IT16 – For processes like casting, general cutting work
Standard Tolerance Unit (i)
A unit, which is a function of Basic size and which is common
To the formula defining the different grades of tolerances.
It is denoted by letter “i” and expressed in Microns.
It serves as a basis for determining the standard tolerance (IT)
Of the system. (Micron)

where, D (mm) is the geometric mean of the lower and upper diameters of
a particular diameter step within which the chosen diameter D lies.
This is the difference between the sizes of the Hole and shaft
before assembly when this difference is positive.
Maximum size of Hole-Minimum size of shaft=Max. clearance
Minimum size of Hole-Maximum size of shaft=Min. Clearance.
A number expressing the numerical value of a length in a
particular unit.
It is the prescribed difference between the dimension of two
mating parts (Hole and Shaft)
It is the intentional difference between lower limit of hole and
Higher limit of shaft.
Allowance= LLH-HLS
It may be +ve or –ve. +ve allowance = clearance
-ve allowance = Interference
Tolerance Allowance
1. Permissible variation in 1. Prescribed difference between
dimension of a part. the dimension of two mating
2. Tolerance= UL – LL parts.
3. It is provided to the dimension 2. Allowance = LLH - ULS
of a part. 3. Provided on the dimension of
4. It has Absolute value with out mating parts to obtain the
sign. desired type of fit.
4. It may be +ve. or –ve.
“Go” limit and “NOGO” limit:
“GO” limit refers to UL of shaft and LL of Hole.
Thus it corresponds to MML.
“NOGO” limit refers to the LL of a shaft and UL of a hole.
Thus it corresponds to LML.

It is the degree of tightness or looseness between two mating
Parts to perform a definite function when they are assembled
A fit may result either in a movable joint or a fixed joint.
Ex: Shaft in Bearing, Pulley on a Shaft.

Transition fit
Clearance fit Interference fit
a) Push Fit
a) Slide Fit a) Force Fit
b) Wringing fit
b) Easy Slide fit b) Tight fit
c) Running fit c) Shrink fit
d) Slack running fit
e) Loose running fit
Clearance fit:
In this type of fit Shaft is always smaller than the Hole
i.e. UL of shaft is smaller than LL of Hole.
Clearance fit exists when the shaft and the hole are at
their MML.
The Tolerance zone of hole will be above the shaft
Allowance is +ve.

Clearance fit:

Ex: Shaft can rotate or slide in a bearing according to

purpose of mating part.

a) Slide Fit: Tail stock spindle of Lathe

b) Easy Slide fit: Spindle of lathe & dividing head,
Pistons & Slide Valves etc.
c) Running fit: Gear Box Bearings, Shaft Pulleys
d) Slack running fit: Arm Shaft of IC Engine, Shaft of
CF Pump
e) Loose running fit: Idle Pulley on their shaft, Quick
Return Mechanism

Interference fit:
In this type of fit, LL of shaft is larger than UL of Hole.
Thus, the shaft and holes are attached permanently
and used as a solid component.
Elastic strains are developed during the process of
Allowance is –ve. (Interference)

Interference fit:

Bearing bush, Small end in connecting rod, Gear in
intermediate shafts in trucks.

a) Force Fit: Gears on the shaft

b) Tight fit: Stepped pulley on drive shaft of a

Cylindrical Grinding M/C.

c) Shrink fit/Heavy Force fit: Metallic rim on the

wheels of a cart.

Transition fit:

It lies midway between the clearance and interference fit.

In this, tolerance zone of hole and shaft may overlap
completely or partly.
UL of hole > LL of shaft but LL of hole < UL of shaft.

Transition fit:

Ex: Spigot in Mating parts, Coupling rings etc.

a) Push Fit: Change gears, Slip bushings

b) Wringing fit: Parts which can be replaced with out

during minor repairs.

Hole Basis System:
The size of hole is kept constant and shaft sizes are varied to
Give various types of fits.
In this, lower deviation of the hole is Zero i.e. LL = Basic size.
Hole basis system is commonly used as it is convenient to
make a hole of correct size due to availability of standard drills,
Reamers, with less cost.

Shaft Basis System:

The size of the shaft is kept constant and sizes of hole are
varied to get the required type of fit.
In this, Upper Deviation of the shaft is zero i.e. UL= Basic size.
This system is not suitable for mass production because it is
Time consuming and costly to make a shaft of correct size.
Recommendation for limits and fits for Engineering:
For universal Interchangeability it is essential to follow a
uniform standard Through out the world.
Indian standards (IS) are in line with ISO recommendations.
It consists of 25 Holes designated by capital letter
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, JS, J, K, M,N, P, R, S, T, U, V, X, Y, Z,
It consists of 25 shafts designated by small letter
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, js, j, k, m, n, p, r, s, t, u, v, x, y, z, za, zb, zc
Each of holes and shafts has a choice of 18 Grades of
Tolerances Designated as:
IT01, IT0, IT1, IT2, IT3, ……… IT15, IT16.
IT01 = 0.3 + 0.008D IT0 = 0.5 + 0.012 D IT1 = 0.8 + 0.020D
IT2 = 2.7i; IT3 = 3.7i; IT4 = 5i; IT5 = 7i; The value of IT for Hole and shaft
IT6 = 10 i; IT7 = 16i; IT8 = 25i; IT9 = 40i; Using the value of “i” as
IT10 = 64i; IT11 = 100i; IT12 =160i;
IT13 = 250i; IT14 = 400i; IT15 = 640i;
IT16 = 1000i.
Where D=Geometric Mean Diameter of the lower and upper diameters of
A Particular diameter step in which diameter lies in mm.
The seven Tolerance grades IT01, IT0, IT1, IT2, IT3, IT4, IT5 covers
diameter Sizes up to 500 mm and rest eleven grades i.e. IT06 – IT16
covers diameter Sizes up to 3150 mm.

Fundamental Deviation are obtained from Empirical Formula (Table/Given

in Question) for shaft and hole respectively up to 500 mm.
FD for Hole A – H are same as that of Shaft a – h but opposite in direction.
They provide clearance fit.
FD for hole “H” and shaft “h” are Zero.
Now IT = ES – EI (Hole)
IT = es – ei (Shaft)
Basic size followed by symbol Φ30 H7/h8
Hole with tolerance Grade IT7 = 16i
Shaft with tolerance grade IT8 = 25i.
If Hole basis system FD for hole = 0
FD for shaft can be found out from the table or given in the question.
D  D1  D2
Diameter step

Diameter steps specified by B. I.S.

1—3, 3—6, 6—10, 10—18, 18—30, 30—50, 50—80,
80—120, 120—180, 180—250, 250—315, 315-400
and 400—500, 500—630, 630—800, 800—1000,
1000—1250, 1250—1600, 1600—2000, 2000—2500,
2500—3150 mm)
Example #1
Evaluate limits and fits for a pair of – Diameter 6 H7/g6.
The size 6 mm lies in the diametral step of 3-6. Standard
tolerance for hole H7 is 16i and shaft g6 is 10i.
Fundamental deviation for g shaft is µ.
Gauges are scale less inspection tools at rigid design which are used to
check the dimensions of manufactured parts. Measurement by gauges is
easy and rapid. So they are suitable in mass production. Instead of
measuring actual dimension of each part which is time consuming and
Costly, the conformance of part with tolerance specification can be
checked by gauges.

Measuring Instrument Gauges

They carry calibrated scales. With out scales.
They are general purpose They are made for a particular
instrument. component.
Measures actual dimension of part. Checks whether the parts are with in
the specified tolerance limit or not.
Time consuming and not suitable Easy and rapid, suitable for mass
for mass production. production.
Skilled labour to handle. No need of skilled labour.
Increased cost. Reduced cost.
Adjustment is required. No adjustment
Plain gauges are used to check plain, i.e. unthreaded holes and
1. According to Type
(a)Standard Gauge: If a gauge is made as an exact copy of the mating
part of component to be checked, it is called standard gauge. A
standard gauge can’t be used to check interference fit. It has
limited application.

(b)Limit Gauge: Two gauges are used to check each dimension of the
part i.e. upper and lower limit. These are “GO” and “NO-GO”
gauges. GO gauges check MML and NO GO gauges check LML.
These are widely used in industries. A part is considered to be good
if the GO gauge pass through the work and the NO GO gauge fails
to pass under the action of its own weight. This Confirms the actual
dimension of part within the specified tolerances.

If both the gauges fail, it indicates that hole is under size and shaft
is oversize.
Three basic size of Gauges:
1. Work shop gauge:
GT is within WT, some accepted parts are rejected, WA is given
to W/S GO Gauge.
2. Inspection gauge:
GT is out side the WT, some rejected parts are Accepted,
As GO gauge for inspection is fairly slack, no WA is required.
3. General gauge:
To over come the draw back of w/s and inspection gauge,
general gauge has been recommended.
Tolerance zone of GO gauge placed inside Work
Tolerance zone of NOGO gauge placed outside work
GO gauge of General gauge is taken same as W/S gauge.
NOGO gauge of General gauge is taken same as inspection
2. According to Purpose:

a) Workshop gauge:-To Check Dimension after manufacture

b) Inspection gauge:-To check part before final acceptance
c) Reference or master gauge:-To check the dimension of other gauges
d) Purchase inspection gauge:-To check part of other factory
Difference between workshop gauge and Inspection

Work shop gauge:

1. Used by the operator during manufacture of a part in shop.
2. Usually have limits within those of components being inspected.
3. The tolerance is arranged to fall inside the work tolerance.
4. Some of the components which are in work tolerance limit may
be rejected under these gauges.
Inspection Gauge:
1. Used by inspector for the final inspection.
2. These gauges are made slightly larger tolerance than the work
shop gauges.
3. The tolerance on inspection gauges is arranged to fall outside
the work tolerance.
4. Some rejected parts may be accepted.

IT of Inspection Gauge>Work tolerance>W/S Gauge Tolerance.

Gauge Tolerance/ Gauge Maker’s Tolerance/ Manufacturing
In actual practice Gauges can’t be manufactured to the exact size
(Due to imperfection in the process). Some allowance must be
provided to the gauge maker known as gauge tolerance.
Gauge tolerance should be kept as small as possible but this will
increase the cost of manufacturing the gauges.
Gauge tolerance of limit gauges (GT)=1/10th of Work Tolerance
Gauge tolerance for Inspection gauges (GT) = 5% of WT
Gauge tolerance for Master/Reference gauges (GT) = 10% of WT

Wear Allowance (WA):

The measuring surfaces of GO gauges rub constantly against the
surfaces of work piece during checking. This results in wearing of
measuring surfaces of gauges.
The size of GO plug gauges is reduced.
Wear allowance is provided to the gauges in the direction opposite
to that of the wear.
WA is not provided for NOGO gauges as they are not subjected to
much wear compared to GO gauges.
GO plug gauges => WA is added.
WA = 5% of WT or 10% of GT.
WA may be avoided in clearance fit.

WA is applied to W/S GO gauges not to Inspection GO gauges.

Providing WA, the GO gauge will reject more number of acceptable
5% wear allowance is provided if working tolerance is greater than
0.09 mm.
Taylor’s Principle of Gauge Design:
It states that
1. (a) “Go gauges should be designed to check the Maximum Metal
Limit (MML) while the NO GO gauge should be designed to
check the Least Metal Limit (LML).”
(b) GO plug gauge should correspond to LL of Hole.
NOGO plug gauge should correspond to UL of Hole.
(c) GO snap gauge should correspond to UL of shaft.
NOGO snap gauge should correspond to LL of shaft.
(d) The difference between the GO and NOGO plug gauge as well as
the difference in size between GO and NOGO snap Gauge is
approximately equal to the work tolerance.

2. “GO gauges should check all the related dimensions (Roundness,

size, location, straightness etc).
NOGO gauges should check only one element of the dimension
at a time.”
Allocation of Manufacturing Tolerance

Allocation of Wear Allowance


Design the general type of GO and NO-GO gauge for

components having 20 H7f8 fit. Given :
i) i (micron)=0.45 (D)1/3+0.001D
ii) Upper deviation of ‘f’ shaft (micron) =-5.5 D0.41
iii) 20mm falls in the diameter step of 18mm to 30mm.
iv) IT7=16i
v) IT8=25i
vi) Wear allowance 10% of gauge tolerance.


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