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is an act of making vocal sounds

it is a verbal skill that involves words and sounds

complex cognitive linguistics

mostly in dialogue-conversation


introduced the mnemonic of the word speaking

S = Setting and Scene

P = Participants

E = Ends

A = Acts of Sequence

K = Key

I = Instrumentalities

N = Norm

G = Genre

TYPES OF SPEAKING SITUATIONS (types of speaking according to situations)

1. Interactive = participants alternately speak and listen

2. Partially Interactive = speaker speaks and the audience provides feedback

through attentiveness

3. Non-interactive = audience cannot interact immediately

TYPES OF SPEECH STYLES (types of speech according to style)

1. Intimate = private/cannot be shared in public

2. Casual = used by common peers and friends

= use of jargons, slang, and vernacular
= basically, this is how you talk to your friends

3. Consultative = standard style of conversation

= using mutually accepted language
= professional

4. Formal = formal setting or style

5. Frozen = time and remains (unchanged)


1. Exploratory/Informative Speech = to convey information

2. Entertainment Speech = catch the attention of the audience, you are

captivating the audience’s attention and at the same time you are amusing

3. Demonstrative Speech = showing “how” or there is an action in which you are

showing something

4. Impromptu Speech = one of the hardest because it is given on the spot,

requires no preparation. it is not just a skill but a talent.

5. Persuasive Speech = to persuade, convince, or encourage the audience and

trying to change the opinion

6. Motivational Speech = it is under persuasive speech because you are trying to

encourage the listeners and the people with your emotions.


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