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different elements of a paragraph

unity = a unified paragraph

coherence = in order or in a logical flow or form

emphasis = important ideas are made to stand

types of bridges

logical bridges

chronological order = explanation of events, time, or steps in the process

spatial order = arrangement is in visual detail

inductive order = detailed going to the general statements

deductive order = generalized statements going to particular details

verbal bridges

transitional words = show different relationship and connectedness

reference of pronoun = avoid needless repetition

repetition of keywords = establish the central idea and give emphasis

parallel structure = parallelism

parts of a paragraph

topic sentence - states the main ideas of the paragraph

body of the paragraph - consist of sentences that supports the topic


major details = supports the topic sentence

minor details = expand or provide reasons that relate to the major details

last discussion 1
concluding sentence - signals that the writer concludes or completed a

paraphrasing = a skill or act of changing words and text without deviating the
plagiarism = is an act of stealing and passing on ideas of words of another

paraphrasing techniques

the use of synonymous words

reconstruction or reconstructing sentences

fundamentals of technical writing

literature means letter, and divided into two: creative and technical writing

creative writing is more on fantasies, non-based, uses our creative thinking, and
figures of speech. while technical writing is evidence-based, direct, follows the
standard of parts of speech, and punctuation marks play a very important part.

characteristics of technical writing

science and technology





vocabulary - common and simple

graphics and visual

observing objectivity, extreme care, accurate and correct information

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use certain complex writing techniques

purposes of technical writing

persuades and influences decisions

accomplish a specific task, to give answers to a certain problem or question

analyzing the implications

states failure or rejection, and acceptance or success


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