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Commission on Higher Education

University of Southern Mindanao

College of Education
Elementary Department

Demonstration Lesson Plan in Arts II

May 2022

 Print any shape on a paper using natural and man-made objects.
 Identify natural and man-made objects with repeated or alternated
shapes, colors and materials that can be used in print making.
 Creates new shape or letter by carving and mixing two or more colors.



A. Topic: Elements of Arts and Principles of
Design (Appreciating Printmaking)
B. Reference: K to 12 CG A2PL-IIIb
C. Materials: Powerpoint presentation, manila paper, video clips, activity
sheets, printing materials

Teacher’s Activity Pupils Activity
A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
Mr. Pakil, please lead the prayer.
2. Greetings
(in a form of song)
- Good morning² how are you? - Good morning² I’m
good² how about you?
- I’m good² thank you.

3. Checking of Attendance
(in a form of song)
- Are all present? - Yes teacher
- You are complete? - Yes teacher
- Telling lies? - No teacher
- Raise your hand and clap³.

4. Setting of Classroom Standards

- I have some rambled words here, and I want
you to arrange it. - Keep quiet
- Listen carefully
- Raise your right hand if
you want to answer.

- These are the classroom standards for

today, can I expect all of these from you? -Yes.

5. Assignment
- Please bring out your assignment and
exchange paper with your seatmate.
- Your assignment was to list down five things
you could see around your house and
identify it's shape and colors.
- Anyone who wants to share their work? (Two random learner's
will share their works.)
- Great job!
- Any other answers aside from what your
classmates said? - None teacher.
- If none, please pass the paper who got 5
points, 4 points, 3 points, 2 points, 1 and 0. (The pupils will pass
their assignment)
6. Review
- Class, we will be having a game called “Give
Me” and whoever gives me the object that I
am going to ask will be given a reward.
- -let’s start-
1. notebook

- Thank you, may I borrow this one first.

- Now, what can you see in the object?
- It is colorful, what else? - It is colorful.
- It is rectangular
- Very good, now what Elements of Art is shaped.
present in this notebook?
- Precisely, what else?
- Very good, anything else? - It has line.
- Excellent. - It has shape.
- It has colors.

- This object shows printmaking which we

have performed last meeting. Now let us
appreciate the products of printmaking.

B. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation
- I want you to watch the video clip I will present
- Before we start, who can recite the rules in
watching video?
- Any one from the class? - Watch carefully.
- Keep quiet.
- Precisely, what else? - List down important
- Very good, another one? points.

-Precisely, now can I expect all of them from - Yes, teacher.

(The learners will watch)
-Let us watch the video clip.

(After the video) - Yes, teacher.

-Did you watch the video carefully?
- If yes, what natural object have you seen in - The natural object that
performing printmaking? is used in printmaking in
the video is oregano
- Very good, now what man-made object is - The man-made object
used in printmaking? that is used in
printmaking in the video
is cotton.

- Yes/No teacher.
- Have you experienced doing printmaking?
- Do you want to experience and create your - Yes, teacher.
own printmaking?

2. Presentation
- I have some pictures here, and you are
going to identify if it is a man-made object or
a natural object.

Figure 1. Figure 2.
- Figure 1 is considered
- Which figure is considered man-made as man-made object.
object? - Because, it was created
by people.
- Why do you say so? - Figure 2 is a natural
- Which figure is considered natural object? - Flowers grow naturally.

- Why do you say so?

- proportion
- What Principles of art can you observe from - balance
the figure 1?

- Excellent. -line
- Now all the Elements of Art applied in the -shape
artwork. What are those again? -value

- What Elements of Art is present in the figure - shape

2? - color
- pattern
- balance
- How about the Principles of Design? - emphasis

- Man-made objects are created by people.

- Natural object is an object occurring

naturally, not created by man.

- When you heard the word “print making”

what comes to your mind? - It consists of colors
- Very good, what else? teacher.
- Precisely, any other idea? - Using things to create
- Yes, thank you. an art.
- Printing paper teacher.

3. Now, we will be having an activity.

- I will divide you into 3 groups.

- Instruction: Draw shapes on the paper and

print it using the natural and man-made

- These are the criteria on how I will grade

your outputs.

Criteria Excellent Very Good Good (5)

(15) (10)
Creativity All Almost Few
principles principles principles
of design of design of design
are shown are shown are shown
Presentatio Clearly and Mostly Unclear
n quickly clear and and too
presented takes time much time
taken in
Timeliness Finished Finished Finished
before 5 after 5 after 7
mins mins mins
Cooperation All Almost of Few
members the members
participated members participated

- Please go to your respective groups and you

are given 5 minutes to do the activity. - Yes teacher!
- I want one representative from each group
and pick your materials here. (The representatives will
- Choose 1 natural and 1 man-made objects. choose their materials.)
- !
- You will be given 5 minutes, you may now
start. (The pupils will do the

- Time is up! Raise your hands. Clap your

hands. Please go back to your seats.

- Please present your artworks in front. (The groups will present

their works in front)

- What have you observed in the performed - The outputs are

activity? beautiful and colorful.
- Yes, what else? - We enjoyed printing
with a natural and man-
made objects.
- Okay! Very well said.

4. Post Activity
(By using the artworks made, the teacher will
ask the following questions)
- What are the colors used?
- The colors used are
red, black, blue and
- What are the shapes used? green.

- We used heart, circle

- Why did you choose that design? and square.
- We choose this design
because it matches the
color of our natural and
man-made materials.

5. Application
- Look around your surroundings, and
observe objects that show printmaking.
(The pupils will look for
- Everyone, raise your hands, clap your an object with prints)
Go back to your seats.
Are all ready? - Yes teacher

I will be choosing 3 pupils to present the

objects they’ve found. (The pupils will present)

6. Generalization

- What is printmaking? - It is a process of

creating an artwork by

- What are the two types of printmaking? - The two types of

printmaking are natural
and man-made objects
with repeated and
alternate shapes and
- What is the importance of printmaking? - The importance of
printmaking is to make
our works easier and

- Excellent, any other idea? -It will also make our

surroundings and things
- Very well said.


Instruction: Study the patterns. How is repetition

shown? Describe them in terms of shapes and
colors. An example is given below.

1. red-black-blue-red -
1. red-black-blue-red-black-blue-red-black-blue black-blue-red-black-blue
2. white-blue-white-blue-
white-blue- white-blue-
2. _______________________________ white
3. red-green-blue-green -
3. _______________________________
1. square
2. triangle
SHAPES: 3. square
1. square
2. _______
3. _______


Look for the things in your house that

printmaking was applied.

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