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This is merely a checklist serving as a guide for submitting academic papers (assignments)
to lecturers for evaluation. Please tick (√) your answers on the following statements in the
appropriate blocks. Sign the declaration and supplement it as part of your assignment
before submitting it to your lecturer. No assignment will be evaluated without
completing the declaration and checklist.

Statements About My Assignment: I do hereby declare that I have: Yes No

Done research and visited the library 

Checked that my topic is correctly formulated as given by the lecturer 

Consulted guidelines for writing academic and scientific papers 

Compiled a table of contents 

Written an introduction outlining the scope and approach of the assignment 

Structured my paper into suitable paragraph headings 

Read, edited, checked, and double-checked my paper for typing, morphology, and 
other technical errors
Made use of relevant figures, tables, maps, and other appropriate visual expositions 

Made use of the Harvard system of reference throughout my paper, in the text 

Compiled a bibliography that meets the criteria of academic and scientific writing 

Written a concise summary/conclusion at the end of my paper 

Not committed plagiarism 

Submitted my assignment on/before the due date 

Learnt more about the subject matter as a result of conducting scientific research 

Established confidence in myself 

I, Ayanda Londiwe Yekhethelo Mkwanazi

(Full name/s and surname) hereby certify that:

 The content of this academic paper is my own original work,


 I have properly acknowledged all sources which I have used in my text, references,
and bibliography,
 The information contained in this document has been submitted in the form of an
academic paper to this or any other department,
 I am aware that by handing in a paper that is not my own original work I may be
subjected to disciplinary action.

Student Number: 222002216 Date: 25 February 2024

Signature: Ayanda Mkhwanazi

Written Assignment Rubric

Poor - Fair – Good - Excellent – highly Student

Mark Allocation incompetent improvement competent competent Mark
(100%) possible (%)
Major typing Intermittent typing Minimal typing Neat, well presented
errors errors errors Logical layout and
PRESENTATION Poor grammar Poor spacing Layout needs style
(10%) and spelling Several some attention Written in own words
grammatical Mostly written in
errors own words

0 – 2% 3 – 5% 6-8% 9 – 10%
Information is Meets some of Meets most of Meets all criterion set
sparse / the criterion set the criterion set out
CONTENT incorrect out out Original, practically
(50%) Lacking Minimal Partial relevant
important investigation of investigation of In-depth investigation
detail the topic the topic of topic
Lack of initiative Shows some Shows initiative and
and insight initiative and insight
insight Personal enquiry

0 – 12% 13 – 24% 25 – 38% 39 – 50%

No practical Some practical A fair degree of Practical information
application application but of practical work is unique and of value
evident no real value done which is of Clearly relevant
RELEVANCE & Of no use to Some of the value to industry Can be understood
PRACTICAL industry in information is of Information and applied
APPLICATION terms of use to industry mostly relevant Is presentable at all
information, but most Some areas are levels
(25%) content or irrelevant or impractical and Will be of immediate
data collected impractical not workable in and long-term value
Of no practical the true sense to industry

0 – 5% 6 – 12% 13 – 19% 20 – 25%


Main points Not clear but can Understood but Clear and concise
CONCLUSION poorly be understood could improve summation of points
(5%) summarized Irrelevant or
1% 2% 3% 4 – 5%
Non-existent / Mostly irrelevant Completed but Completed, correct
REFERENCING minimal Not done in not totally correct through text and list
(10%) accordance with through text and
set standards list

0 – 2% 3 – 4% 5 – 7% 8 – 10%

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