Powermate pmb8110

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PNIE E l'tO wtodets CrstnetJs lVlffi@l

fttttttttt@Pnryef WtC' NloddlesPwIEEllO

Modetos PlVlE Al lO
lVlanuel de t'utilisaEeur
lVlanual del Ltsuario

This COLEMAN@ POWERMATE@ product has been carefully engineered and
manufactured to give you dependable operation. Please read this manual
thoroughly before operating your new COLEMAN@ POWERMATE@ product, as
it contains the information you need to become familiar with its features and
obtain the performance that will bring you continued enjoyment for many years.
Please keep this manual on file for future reference.

.When jumpstarling your vehicle, make sure that the Portable Power Source is
securely connected to your vehicle's 12Volt power port. Failure to do so may
result in the improper functioning of the unit.
. Do not expose unit to moisture.
.Always turn unit off when not in use.
. Do not open unit.There are no user serviceable pafts in this unit. Doing so will
void the warranty.
o Do not dispose of this product in fire, batteries inside product may explode or

Charging the Unit Battery
The Portable Power Source has a built-in nickel-cadmium battery. Although the
unit may arrive partially charged from the factory. we recommend that you fully
charge it before the first use.

Once your vehicle is running, simply plug the Portable Power Source into the
12V power port. Push the ON/OFF switch to turn the unit OFE The LED light
marked "VL" will illuminate and the LED marked 'CH" will illuminate green and
start flashing. Several hours of driving time is required to fully recharge the
unit. Once the unit is fully recharged, the LED marked 'CH" will stop flashing.

The unit will hold the charge for several months. However, you should check
the status of the charge periodically. To do this, simply press the ON/OFF
button. The LED light marked "VL" should illuminate GREEN. lf it does not,
recharge the unit as explained above. To avoid wasting the charge, immediately
press the ON/OFF button again to turn the unit OFE

Note: Some vehicle's 12-volt power ports do not operate unless the ignition
switch is in the "accessory" or "on" position.

Note: Do not continuously charge the unit for more than 36 hours.

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PltE Al lO ,Vlodels C rerrs thnL.d
EtE,lttFtrtPOryerunle' Nlodiles PJvrEE l lCt
wrodelos PJV|BAl lO
Manuel de truEilisaEeur
,Vlanual del aJsuaPio
Jumpstarting a Vehicle Successfully using a Jumpstart System
lf your battery is too weak to start your vehicle, you can use the Jumpstart Jumpstart systems, in general, are designed to provide emergency battery
System. Make sure that the vehicle's accessories are all turned off (lights, AC, power to jumpstart a vehicle with a low battery. They are not designed to
heater, radio, etc.) prior to using the Jumpstart System. For maximum power, provide long-term battery backup nor are they designed to operate high amper-
make sure there are no 12-volt accessories connected to the unit. age equipment or components for extended periods of time.

Turn the dome light of your vehicle ON. Even if your battery does not have Depending on your vehicle's condition and power requirements, any jumpstart
enough "juice" left to actually make it illuminate. may or may not provide adequate voltage to successfully start your vehicle.
Just as your vehicle's battery provides a certain amount of reserve capacity, a
Plug the Portable Power Source into your vehicle's 12-volt power port. Turn the jumpstart system has similar limitations. lt is possible that a jumpstart's
ignition key to the "accessory" position. Push the ON/OFF switch on the unit to internal battery may be depleted before you can start your engine. The ambient
turn it ON. The LED light marked "VL" will illuminate AMBER/GREEN. temperature can affect the performance of the jumpstart system. A battery at
zero degrees has less reserve capacity than a battery at sixty degrees. This
Your dome light should begin to brighten, showing that the unit is charging condition applies to both a jumpstart system and your vehicle's battery.
your battery. lf the dome light was not lit before, it should begin to light up. At
this point, turn your dome light off for maximum charging. ln the event that your vehicle fails to start after repeated attempts, additional
servicing or tune up may be required. Consult your dealership or local servicing
Keep the Portable Power Source plugged in for about 40 minutes. After this professional for advice.
time you can try to start your vehicle. lf it does not start, DO NOTTRYTO START
lT AGAIN. Wait another 20 minutes before you try to start your vehicle again.
Your vehicle should start.
After jumpstarting your vehicle, recharge the Poftable Power Source. Battery: Ni-Cad
12 volts DC (nominal)
Please be sure to reference your vehicle's owner's manual. Gheck to Power Port: 12Volt DC
be sure if there are any other requirements for your vehicle when Fuse: 10A
jumpstarting it.
Power forYour 12-Volt Accessories
The 12-volt power pofts will operate most 12-volt accessories with a draw of 10
amps or less. (Check the accessory for the rated amperage.)

Note: lf you connect

a dc/ac power inverter (such as a COLEMAN@
POWERMATE@ PMP200) to the 12-volt power port in order to operate an AC
powered accessory, run time may be reduced due to the design parameters of
the inverter. Typically, power invefters will shut off when input voltage is below
10 - 10.5 volts. So even though there is reserve capacity in the Portable Power
Source, the inverter may shut down as voltage drops below approximately 10.5

You do not need to plug the unit into your vehicle's 12-volt power port to
operate a 12-volt accessory. Simply plug the 12-volt item you wish to operate
into the power port on the Portable Power Source. This will provide a portable
power source that you can take with you anywhere.
lf you have any questions about this product, please contact our Customer
lf the LED light marked "VL" changes from GREEN/AMBER to RED, discontinue
Service Department at (888) 231-4022, Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM
use IMMEDIATELY lt is time to recharge the unit.
EST or visit our website at: www.teamproducts.com.

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Portable Potuer Siource,

Eiource, de couPanE
6lecErique porEaEive
Fuente portAEil de

ChtvtzeFs IVIattuaI
IVlartuel de I'uEilisaEeLrr
IVlattctal del lJsuario

PME A1 10 IVIodeIs
IVloddles P.IVIE}E, 1 1 O
IVlodelos PIVIBET'I 1O

C)2003The Coleman Company, nc. All rights reserved.

cOLEN.4AN@ and @@9 ur. r"nt.r.red trademarks of The coleman company lnc., and POWERMATE@ is a registered irademark of
Coleman powermate, lnc., used under license. Designed in the USA and custom-manufactured in China forTeam Products lnternat;onal lnc.
Distributed bVTeam Products lnternational lnc., Parsippany, NJ 07054

Droits d'auteur O 2003The Coleman Company, lnc.Tous droits r6serv6s

COttttaN," sont des marques de commerce enregistr6es de ta soci6t6The Coleman Company, lnc. et POWERMATEMD est
unemarquedecommerceenregistreedeColemanPowermate,lnc,,utilis6essouslicences, ConqusauxEtats-Unisetfabriqu6senChine
pourTeam Products lnternational lnc. Distribu6s parTeam Products lnternational lnc., Parsippany, NJ 07054.

O 2003The Coleman CompanY, lnc.Todos derechos res€rvados.

cottvaNA v&@E! son marcas registradas deThe coleman company, lnc., y POWERMATE@ es una marca registrada de coleman
po*"r.rt", lnJliild, bajo licencia. Diseri6da en los EUA y fabricada especificamente en China paraTeam Products lnternational lnc
Distruibuida porTeam Products lnternational lnc., ParsippanY, NJ 07054

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Custom Manufactured in China for

Team Products lnternational lnc.
3..Entin Road, Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 Model: PMBB|t0
Visit our web site: www.teamproducti.com


1. All lights and accessories MUST be turri6d off at this time.
Turn on the dome right (even
if your batterv does not have enough ";uiie" tettto
actuariy mat" iiilghtr
2' Plug.the.Emergency car starter into your vehicle's cigarette
lighter socket. Turn the
ignition key to the Accessory position. push the oruldrr
starter to turn it on. The LED io the reft ot itre switcn
,*it""n on *,"'Emergency car
tr"rt"J;vr;,irrJiti ittuminate
3. The dome right shourd.begin to brighten, showing that the Emergency car starter is
charging vour battery. lf the dome l:ght was not rit o"toiu,
;t rr'".r'rJiJgi" to light up. At
this point,:turn the dome light off.
4' Keep the Emergency car starter prugged in for about
20 minutes. After this time you
can try to start your car. lf it does not start, DO NoT
TRy ncairar "..'vlt.'Wait another 20
minutes before you try again. Your car should start right
up after this amount of time.


1 0nce your car has started,
!!pl! kgep the Emergency car starter prugged into the
cigarette lighteT sobkei. rusFth;-oNj/o'FF switch ro turn
the Emeigencf car starter oFF.
The LED to the reft (marked "VL") wirt remain itiuminated
and fl.l""Goio fl.lu right of the
oN/oFF switch (marked "cH"l wiil iiluminaie jreen ano
begin frashing. Approximatery
hgul of driving time is required to_luily ,."Jhurg" the Eriergency
9ne iu,. sturt"r. on".
the unit has reached fu' charge, the LED
-u*"0 "bff " *if irt"i;l;;;;;.'
2' The Emergency car starter wiil hord the charge
for severar months. However, you
should checkthe status of.the charge p"rioo'j"!ily. ro
button. The LED marked "vr" snoJto'iilr;;;;l; green. Ift;is;impr, prJ., the oN/oFF
it does not, recharge the unit
as explained above. To avoidwasting the_charge,-immeoiatety
ples-s thlorulorr ortton
again to turn the Emergency Car Staiter OFF.


1. The Emergency car starter can be used to
run 12.vort appriances, such as a mini rV,
ca mco rder, portable refrigerator, cel lu la phone,
r laptop'";;;;,"r,;;. ""
2' You do not need to plug the Emergency car starter
into your
this purpose. Simply plug the tz v"ott itlm into ftre power portcigarette lighter socket for
starter' This provides a pbrtabre po*"r.orr." ih"t you on the Emergency car
can take with you anywhere.
3. lf the LED to the left of ,,VL',)shourd
oRANGE/RED, discontinue .the oN/oFF switch (marked change from AMBER to
use rMMEDrATili. ii i, time to recharge the Emergency
Starter as explained above on panel ,,8,,. car

lf you have any questions about this product, please
contact our Customer Service
Department at (8771 227-5832, Monday through Friday,g
AM to 4 pM EST or visit our
website at: www.team products.com

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