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Domestic abuse

The given text is an image which is a visual narrative. the first thing one notices is the man in the
foreground, who seems to have recently been through some sort of conflict or physical altercation,
The focal point is the closeup shot focuses on the man’s face, this clearly shows that the artist wants
to draw the attention of the audience to the face with its cuts and bruises. Moreover, there are
bruise under his eye and a cut on his lips prove the violence or the physical altercation. His wrinkled
forehead also indicates that he is stressed about the voilent situation he has just been through. He
also seems to be lost in his thoughts and the blank gaze looking directly at the audience infers that
probably he is looking for help or support. His slouched figure implies that he is tired and out of
energy. His hands are relatively clean, which might imply that he did not hit or partake in the
altercation as the one who caused the violent activity in the first place. The background is dull, bland
and blurred adds onto the melancholic and desolate mood. His figure and facial expression shows
that he is in distress, and doesn’t know what to do. He seems de moralised and dejected as to what
to do right now.

o The audience and purpose

o Content and theme
o Tone and mood
o Stylistic devices
o Structure
o Foreground
o Background

Extra information = copy

Pathos = emotion

Logos= logic

Ethos= ethics


The text is a poster that tells a story visually. The title, which is in a stark white colour, and Mowgli, a
Disney animated character, are the first things one will notice. As noted in the title, the lettering in
the white signifies that Mowgli is exiled from his home, which in this case is the forest, and is a
personification of the tribals. Information about the title and Mowgli's picture is detailed in the text
at the bottom of the photograph. In order to create an animal reserve, the government itself
unlawfully took the indigenous people from the land they had cherished for many generations.
However, it is hypocritical that even though the indigenous people have been driven out of the bush,
tourists are still permitted to visit. At first glimpse or idea, it could seem logical that the government
would take such action to make the place more well-known and generate some form of income. But
when one gives this some serious thought, they realise how immoral and unlawful it is. By
comparing the predicament of the tribal people to everyone's favourite character Mowgli, the
material in the copy also arouses the users' sympathy.

Type pages of how many from the book.

Conventions of a magazine cover



Audience and purpose

3 techniques

Guiding questions

Comment on the speaker’s use of language, tone and mood. And making it effective.

Purpose :

To create awareness,

To educate them

To persuade them.
The text is a speech delivered by Malala Yousafzai in the UN in the year, 2013. The fact that this
Speech was given to the UN automatically signifies the value it holds and its importance to the

P The speech highlighted the importance of education to empower girls and young women globally P.
The main goal Malala wish to achieve with this speech is to make the world aware about the
horrifying condition of girls or women in general in some pockets of the world. Through her personal
experience of having being shot by the Taliban for going to school, she evokes pathos in the world
leaders and makes her speech effective. The purpose of this speech is not only to create awareness
but also to persuade the delegates of the UN to take some action to solve the problem of terrorism
and promote right of education for every child, which according to her is a solution to all the
problems. Making use of language, rhetorical device, Malala makes the speech powerful

Malala uses emotive language to make her strong appeal to the world leaders. She urged people to
take action to guarantee that every girl has the right to an education as she put her speech to a
close. Pathos was used by the speaker to make their speech more persuasive and accessible to a
broad audience. By referencing her own traumatic experience, she expressed that she did not view
the Talib who shot her as an enemy but rather as a victim of violence and that she wanted them to
receive education. She emphasised that the only way to defeat violence is with pens and books,
underscoring her support for education for all people, regardless of their background or behaviour.
(the language, tone and other factors in the last)

Second body paragraph: rhetorical devices (repetition, juxtaposition, contrast, allusion)

Third body paragraph : appeal (pathos, logos, ethos)

. She then made a clear allusion to her own encounter with the Taliban, who had attempted to deny
her the opportunity to receive an education. Malala reminded the UN that she believes that the only
way to effect genuine change is through books and pens, not guns.
Mind map

Author: Gavin Francis

Text type: essay

Audience: medical students and people related to the field of medicals

Purpose: to make people aware about such diagnosis methods in an interesting manner

Thesis statement: the writers use of technical jargons, literary techniques, anecdotes etc.

5 January 2023

In the text “Before Stethoscopes Were Invented”, the juxtaposition of medical terminology and

poetic language creates a captivating story that is accessible to both non-medical researchers and

medical professionals alike. The text begins with the author’s experience of having to rely on the

traditional method of placing an ear directly to the chest of a patient, rather than the usual

stethoscope. The author then transitions to the classical belief that blood travelled to the heart to

mix with “pneuma rarefied from the air by the lungs”. This juxtaposition of modern medical

knowledge and ancient belief systems creates an interesting narrative that draws in the audience.

The author then moves on to explain the two sounds that are heard when the four valves in the

human heart close. The author uses technical jargon to describe the sounds of the valves, such as

“the percussive noise like a gloved finger tapping on a leather-topped desk”. This helps to create an

image in the reader’s mind of what is being described and helps the reader to better understand the

medical knowledge being presented. The author then goes on to explain how medical students learn

to recognize the different valve pathologies. The author speaks of how they “listen to the subtleties

of those noises” and “infer from them how narrow- or obstructed - are the canyons of the heart”.

The use of such technical language makes the text enjoyable to read for medical professionals and

researchers, while also making it understandable to those with a lesser knowledge of medicine.

Finally, the author speaks of the experience of listening to the heartbeat of a baby in the womb. The

use of technical jargon in English is a necessity for doctors to properly diagnose patients, and to

make others aware of their methodologies. The author uses poetic language to create an image in
the reader’s mind of what they are hearing, such as “the rhapsodic, syncopated interleaving of her

heartbeat with her baby’s”. Here, both medical professionals and non-medical researchers can

appreciate the beauty of the language used, and gain an understanding of the medical knowledge

being presented. In conclusion, the text “Before Stethoscopes Were Invented” utilizes technical

jargon in English, juxtaposition of medical terminology and poetic language to create a captivating

story that is accessible to both non-medical researchers and medical professionals alike. Through

this, the author is able to make people aware of the traditional methods of diagnosis.

Appearances can be deceptive. Discuss with the references to 2 texts you have studied.

Appearances can be deceptive – a phrase commonly used to remind us that what we see on the

surface may be an illusion of reality. This is demonstrated in both Henrik Ibsen’s ‘A Doll’s House’ and

William Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’, through the use of literary techniques such as characterisation,

dialogue and symbolism. In ‘A Doll’s House’, Nora Helmer is the main protagonist, who is a

seemingly perfect wife and mother. She is portrayed as a dutiful and subservient wife, however her

true character is revealed when she is forced to fake her interests and beliefs in order to align with

her husband, thereby showing that she is not as she appears. Similarly, Iago in ‘Othello’ is a sly

character who puts on a “honest” facade, despite his deceptive and manipulative nature. Iago is able

to deceive those around him and even Othello, the play’s tragic hero, with his words and false

promises. This demonstrates that appearances can be deceiving and that Iago is not a person to be

National geographic article.

Big 5

Context, details about the text ( date of publication, writer, what is the text type))

written by national geographic, is a web article

Content and theme

Climate change, uses technical jargon, theme is to aware people about the issue, and the severity it


Tone and mood

Technical, using real life consequences as examples

Stylistic devices

Appeal to authority, problem solution, repetition,


Can also use TEAPALM technique

T – text types

E – elements of text types

A – author

P – purpose

C – context

A – audience
L – language

I – image

M – meaning.

Nat geo article

T – web article

E – narrative elements

A – not given (natgeo)

P – to make people aware about the problem of global warming and tell them about
its effects

C – global warming and its concerns

A – people who use Natgeo website, young generation, or those who consume
content from websites


I – use of an image to help readers visualise the problem that the text is trying to
convey. Use of features such as bold text, different text sizes to emphasize certain

M – straight forward, use of technical jargon, easy to understand.

Linguistic, personal, and structural things

Visual analysis:
Persuasive language techniques
Natgeo article
The National Geographic article on global warming uses a combination of statistics and literary

devices to effectively convey the urgency of the issue. The article highlights the devastating effects of

global warming and emphasizes the importance of immediate action.

Statistics play a crucial role in the article, as they help to paint a clear picture of the impact of global

warming. For instance, the article cites data that shows that global temperatures have increased by

1.6 degrees Fahrenheit since the late 19th century, and that sea levels have rising by 0.13 inches per

year. This use of concrete data helps to make the issue of global warming feel tangible and real, and

reinforces the urgency of the problem.

In addition to statistics, the article also makes use of literary devices to engage the reader and

increase the emotional impact of the message. For example, the article includes vivid descriptions of

the effects of global warming, such as melting ice caps, declining animal populations, and rising sea

levels. This use of sensory language helps to bring the issue to life and to engage the reader on an

emotional level.

The article also uses ethos to establish the credibility of the message. National Geographic has a

long-standing reputation as a trusted source of information and its endorsement of the importance

of addressing global warming carries significant weight.

Overall, the National Geographic article on global warming is an effective piece of writing that

effectively combines the use of statistics and literary devices to convey the urgency of the issue. The

use of concrete data and vivid descriptions, combined with the credibility of National Geographic,

makes the message both compelling and convincing. The article is a powerful call to action,

emphasizing the importance of immediate action to address the effects of global warming and to

protect the planet for future generations.

Poster domestic violence:

Guiding questions: how has the writer appealed to the audience using structural and linguistic


Visual cues

salience ( to first attract focus to the upper left part of the poster, then to the lower right part),

positioning ( overlapping the bangels from the marriage pic on the dark background of the violence


colours : in the top left pic, bright colours symbolising jolly mood, where as in the bottom right pic

dark colours symbolising sadness and gloomy mood

use of fonts styles such as bold, and light to create focus.

Bottom of the poster has a copy which details information, regarding the organisation that are

supporting the cause.

Domestic violence
its main audience is the victims who are suffering from the problem or people who are related to the

victims of domestic violence

 Not introduction

 Lack of evidence ( dark bg, lack of bright colors)

 Structure weak

The poster themed "domestic violence" employs structural elements and visuals to communicate its

message (specify the message) . The visual properties include a diagonal slash across the poster,

dividing it into two sides. On one side, the poster depicts happiness and the image of bangles,

symbolizing a joyful and harmonious relationship. On the other side, the poster shows sadness and a

gloomy atmosphere, conveying the negative effects of domestic violence. The copy of the poster

signifies that the poster was created and propagated by the Australian government to spread

awareness regarding domestic violence.

The use of diagonal line as a divider is a visual cue that draws the viewer's attention to the contrast

between the two sides of the poster. The bright and cheerful imagery on one side stands in stark

contrast to the dark and ominous atmosphere on the other. This dichotomy serves to highlight the

devastating effects of domestic violence on relationships and families.

The visual imagery of bangles on one side is significant as it is a traditional symbol of marriage in

many cultures. By placing this image next to the image of sadness and violence, the poster is making

a powerful statement about the devastating impact that domestic violence can have on what should

be a joyous and loving union.

In conclusion, the poster uses visual and linguistic elements to effectively communicate its message

about the devastating effects of domestic violence. The contrast between the two sides of the

poster, along with the use of culturally significant symbols, serves to drive home the message and

create an impact on the viewer.

In what ways the families depicted in the two works you have studied show cultural differences?

Keyword of the question;
o How is it depicted,
o How is it significant?
o Plot development
o Thematic importance
o Character details
o Author motivation
o Audience engagement


The passage presents a vivid description of the devastating effects of climate change on the
Earth's environment. The author uses scientific facts and data to paint a picture of a world in
crisis, employing various literary techniques and devices to underscore the urgency and
gravity of the situation.
One of the most effective devices used is imagery. The author paints a vivid picture of the
melting ice caps, shrinking glaciers, and vanishing habitats. For instance, the description of
the "number of glaciers [in Montana's Glacier National Park] declining to fewer than 30 from
more than 150 in 1910" creates a stark visual contrast that drives home the point of how
much the environment has changed in just over a century. The mention of "vanishing ice"
challenges species such as the Adélie penguin in Antarctica, further emphasizing the scale
and impact of the problem.

The author also uses repetition to drive home the message of the passage. The phrase
"climate change" is repeated multiple times, making it clear that the author wants the reader
to understand the gravity of the situation. The repeated mention of the rising temperatures
and melting ice caps also creates a sense of urgency, conveying the idea that time is running
out to address the problem.

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