Biology and Biochemistry Department 2

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Biology and Biochemistry Department

Scientific Investigation: Cellular Activities

Student: Mahmoud Batrawi-1210008

Instructor: Dr.Abdullah Abu Taha

TA: Mr. Youssef Nammari

Date of Experiment: 10-Nov-2021

Date of Submission: 24-Nov-2021
Calculate the volume of oxygen collected in
test tubes under various conditions in the
photosynthesis experiment.
Calculate the volume of CO2 collected in
fermentation tubes under different conditions.

The question we are investigating is: what
impact do various influences on cellular
processes (photosynthesis and fermentation)
have on measuring O2(ml) and CO2(ml)
volume ?

Materials and Method:

In a 1000 ml beaker, 500 mL of Sodium
Bicarbonate was placed. The beaker was then
filled with 15 green leaves. Then On top of the
leaves was an inverted funnel. Make certain
that no air is present. By rotating the funnel in
a circular motion or by leaving the leaves on,
bubbles are generated and the leaves are
retained. putting a rod through the funnel's
entrance and expelling the bubbles Then
comes the end of the A graduated test tube
filled with sodium bicarbonate was placed
over the funnel. Then there was the beaker.
was positioned near a light source As
photosynthesis occurs, oxygen gas is
produced. oxygen is delivered at regular time
intervals in an inverted graded test
tube measured. Rep the following steps under
various conditions: At room light in ice, At
room light in 55 ° C water bath, At room light
& room temperature (Control), At room
temperature in the dark, At room temperature
under a 40 Watt light bulb, At room
temperature under a 150 Watt light bulb, With
water rather than sodium bicarbonate in the
beaker .
Fermentation of yeast:
Availability six fermentation tubes and six
solution test tubes (10% sucrose, 10% glucose,
10% glalactose, 10% molasses, 10% fructose,
water as a control). Then, 0.5 grams of dry
yeast were measured in a beaker, and 20ml of
a test solution was added to it. It was
combined and then set aside for 5 minutes at
room temperature. After incubating at room
temperature, the solution was gently mixed
and slowly placed into a fermentation tube.
(Make sure to tip the fermentation tube so that
the tail completely fills with solution and that
no air bubbles form, and label your
fermentation tube.) The tube was placed in the
37 incubator, and the timer was started.
However, the first reading should be from 0 to
0 time. After a 10-minute countdown, the test
tube was removed from the incubator and the
distance was measured from the tip of the tail
to the solution's level This is regarded as a
reading (volume of co2) at a time of 10
minutes. Return the tube to the incubator for
10 minutes before repeating the procedure.
Reading is taken every 10 minutes for a total
of 60 minutes. Finally, after 60 minutes, all of
the reading was gathered and discussed.
Data and Results:
Table 1 shows the volume of O2 collected in
graded test tubes for 40 minutes under various
climatic conditions.

Time RL/RT Dark/RT 40W/RT 150W/RT 4°C/RL 50°C/RL Water/RT
0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0,1 0 0 0 0 0.1 0
15 0.2 0 0 0.05 0 0.2 0
20 0.3 0 0 0.1 0 0.3 0
25 0.3 0 0 0.2 0 0.4 0
30 0.3 0 0 0.3 0 0.4 0
35 0.3 0 0 0.35 0 1 0
40 0.3 0 0 0.35 0 1.2 0
Fermentation in yeast:
Table 2 shows the amount of CO2 collected in
the graduated centrifuge tubes after 60

Fermentation in yeast
Time Sucrose Fructose Glucose Galactose Molasses Water
(min) (10%) (10%) (10%) (10%) (10%) (control)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 4.5 1.5 0.6 0 1.5 0
20 5 4 2.5 0.2 5.7 0
30 7.5 8 4 0.9 8 0
40 9 9 5.9 0.7 9 0
50 9.5 10 7.1 1 9 0
60 10 11 8.2 1.3 9 0
In this experiment, we must calculate the
volume of oxygen collected in the test tubes
under various light and temperature
circumstances. Light is an essential
requirement for photosynthesis. In the light-
dependent stage of photosynthesis, light
provides the energy for photolysis of the water
molecule. More light allows for more
photosynthesis, which grows proportionally
(straight line relationship). However, this does
not always imply more. When we consider
photosynthesis as a process, we can see that it
is limited by at least three factors: light, water,
and carbon dioxide. More light will not assist
if there is insufficient water and carbon
dioxide. As a result, there comes a moment
when increasing the amount of light has no
effect on the rate of photosynthesis. Enzymes
accelerate metabolic chemical processes. The
enzyme's activity is reached at a specified
temperature. This is referred to as the optimal
temperature, or the temperature at which an
enzyme is most active. The enzyme's activity
diminishes outside of the optimal temperature
range. At high temperatures, enzymes alter
and cease to function.

Fermentation in yeast:
As yeast has the ability to convert carbs into
alcohol and release CO2, a quantity of CO2
will be formed in all carbohydrates after
varying periods of time, but according to some
research, CO2 is not produced when yeast is
placed with galactose, and yeast alone when
placed in water. Do not emit CO2.
Both tests were error-free, and we concluded
that the volume of O2 affects the rate of
photosynthesis and the volume of CO2 affects
the pace of fermentation.

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