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I Chapter 1 (15 marks) – 2 pages

1.1 Briefly introduce your selected e-commerce company website

McDonald's is a renowned global fast-food chain that operates in over 100 countries, serving
millions of customers every day. In the digital age, McDonald's has leveraged the power of e-
commerce to enhance its customer experience and expand its reach.

McDonald's Malaysia's e-commerce website, accessible at

", is a crucial part of how McDonald's does
business online in Malaysia. It acts like a digital connection between McDonald's and its
customers who like using technology. This website makes ordering food easy and fun and
offers lots of helpful features.

Key features:

Online Ordering: McDonald's Malaysia's e-commerce website allows customers to place

orders for their favorite meals and snacks online. Users can browse the menu, customize their
orders, and choose from various payment options.

Delivery Services: One of the standout features is the seamless integration of delivery services.
Customers can request doorstep delivery of their McDonald's orders through the website. This
feature enhances convenience and accessibility for patrons, especially those looking to enjoy
McDonald's offerings from the comfort of their homes. For example, both GrabFood and
Foodpanda are popular food delivery platforms in Malaysia, and McDonald's partnership with
them enhances the accessibility and convenience of ordering McDonald's meals for home

Menu Variety: The website showcases the entire menu of McDonald's Malaysia, including
seasonal and promotional items. Users can easily navigate through categories like burgers,
fries, desserts, and beverages, making it simple to select their desired items.

User-Friendly Interface: McDonald's Malaysia's e-commerce website is designed with user

experience in mind. It features an intuitive interface with clear navigation menus, appealing
visuals, and a responsive design that accommodates both desktop and mobile users.

“Order and Collect” Feature: McDonald's Malaysia's e-commerce website offers an "Order
and Collect" feature that caters to customers who prefer to pick up their orders themselves. This
feature enhances the ordering experience and ensures a smooth process for customers looking
to enjoy their McDonald's meals at their convenience.
1.2 Based on your selected e-commerce company website, explain any TWO (2) of the
above E-commerce trends that had implemented on your selected company.

1. Social Media :

McDonald's recognizes the importance of social media as a powerful marketing tool. They
maintain active profiles on popular platforms such as Facebook, and Instagram.


Community Engagement: McDonald's Malaysia uses Facebook to engage with its audience and
build a community of loyal customers. The platform allows for longer-form posts, making it
suitable for sharing in-depth information, stories, and updates about the brand.

Customer Interaction: Facebook provides a direct channel for McDonald's Malaysia to interact
with customers. The company actively responds to comments, questions, and feedback from
customers, strengthening relationships and demonstrating responsiveness.

Advertisements: McDonald's Malaysia utilizes Facebook's advertising features to target specific

demographics and regions. This precision in advertising helps optimize marketing efforts and
ensures that promotions reach the right audience, driving online orders and in-store visits.

2. Mobile Commerce:

McDonald's has recognized the growing trend of mobile commerce and has responded with the
development of a dedicated mobile application. Available on both Android and iOS platforms,
the McDonald's mobile app has become a cornerstone of their e-commerce strategy.

The mobile app enhances the user experience by offering features such as mobile ordering,
enabling customers to customize their meals, and facilitating various payment methods for added
convenience. It also leverages location-based promotions to provide users with personalized
offers and promotions, further enticing them to engage with the brand through their mobile

Overall, McDonald's commitment to these e-commerce trends reflects its dedication to providing
customers with a seamless and engaging digital experience while enjoying their favorite fast-
food offerings. These strategies have not only increased brand loyalty but have also openup new
revenue streams for the company.

Chapter 2 (20 marks) – 4 pages

2.1 Evaluate TWO (2) positive impacts and TWO (2) barriers of your selected E-commerce
trend 1 (10%)

Positive Impacts of Social Media:

1. Increased Brand Visibility:

McDonald's has experienced a significant boost in brand visibility by actively maintaining
profiles on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Through
engaging content, eye-catching visuals, and regular posts, they have successfully captured the
attention of a vast online audience. This heightened visibility not only increases brand
recognition but also helps McDonald's stay top-of-mind when consumers consider their dining

2. Community Building and Brand Loyalty:

By engaging with customers on social media through entertaining content, contests, and user-
generated content campaigns, McDonald's has fostered a sense of community among its
followers. This community engagement has translated into increased brand loyalty, as customers
feel a personal connection to the brand. The active participation of customers in sharing their
McDonald's experiences further strengthens this bond.

Barriers of Social Media:

1. Managing Negative Feedback and Comments:
One of the challenges McDonald's faces in its social media strategy is effectively managing
negative feedback and comments. Negative comments and criticisms can quickly gain attention
on social platforms, potentially harming the brand's reputation. McDonald's must be proactive in
addressing these issues promptly, professionally, and transparently to mitigate any negative

2. Privacy Concerns and Data Protection:

In the realm of social commerce, the collection and utilization of customer data for marketing
and transactional purposes can raise privacy concerns. McDonald's, like any company engaging
in e-commerce, needs to be diligent in complying with data protection regulations to ensure that
customer data is handled securely and ethically. Mishandling or data breaches could lead to
customer trust erosion and legal ramifications.

2.2 Evaluate TWO (2) positive impacts and TWO (2) barriers of your selected E-
commerce trend 2 (10%)

Positive Impacts of Mobile Commerce:

1. Enhanced Convenience for Customers:

McDonald's mobile app provides customers with an unprecedented level of convenience. Users
can effortlessly place orders, customize their meals according to their preferences, and make
payments, all from the comfort of their mobile devices. This convenience streamlines the
ordering process and saves customers valuable time.

2. Increased Sales:
The ease of use and convenience offered by the mobile app has led to a boost in sales for
McDonald's. Customers are more likely to place orders and frequent the restaurant when they
can do so effortlessly through the app. This increase in sales contributes to the company's overall
revenue and profitability.

Barriers of Mobile Commerce:

1. Compatibility Across Different Devices and Operating Systems:

Ensuring that the mobile app functions seamlessly across a wide range of devices (smartphones
and tablets) and operating systems (iOS, Android) can be challenging. McDonald's needs to
invest in ongoing development and testing to guarantee that the app offers a consistent and
reliable experience to all users. Inconsistencies can lead to frustrated customers and lost sales
2. Security and Data Protection:
Maintaining robust security measures is paramount in mobile commerce. McDonald's must
safeguard customer data and financial transactions conducted through the app. The potential for
data breaches or security vulnerabilities can deter customers from using the app and lead to
reputational damage. Addressing these security concerns is essential to building and maintaining
trust among customers.

Chapter 3 (20 marks) – 4 pages

3.1 Explain ONE (1) business model of your selected e-commerce website (5%)

McDonald's e-commerce business model revolves around providing fast-food products and
services through digital channels. They generate revenue primarily by selling a wide range of
food items, including burgers, fries, and beverages, through their online platform and mobile
app. Additionally, McDonald's has partnered with various food delivery platforms to expand its
reach and offer delivery services, which may involve delivery fees. This partnership-driven
approach has enabled them to tap into a broader customer base.

3.2 Explain ONE (1) revenue model of your e-commerce website (5%)

The primary source of revenue for McDonald's e-commerce activities is derived from the sale of
food products through their digital channels. Customers place orders for their favorite menu
items and pay for their purchases directly through the website or mobile app. McDonald's may
also earn income from delivery fees charged for orders made through third-party delivery
platforms like Food Panda, Grab Food Shopee, etc.

3.3 Suggest TWO (2) new improvements features for the current selected e-commerce
website (10%)

1. Enhanced Personalization:
McDonald's can invest in advanced personalization features within their mobile app and website.
This could involve utilizing AI algorithms to analyze customer preferences and order history,
providing tailored menu recommendations and exclusive promotions. Enhanced personalization
would further improve the user experience and drive more frequent engagement.

2. Virtual Dining Experience:

To provide a unique and immersive experience, McDonald's can explore the incorporation of
virtual reality (VR) into their mobile app. Customers could use VR headsets to virtually dine in a
McDonald's restaurant, creating an interactive and enjoyable experience. This feature could also
serve as a marketing tool, allowing customers to explore new menu items in a virtual
environment before making their selections.

4.1 Overall conclusion

In summary, McDonald's mobile commerce strategy has yielded substantial benefits in terms of
convenience, increased sales, and improved customer loyalty. However, challenges related to
ensuring compatibility across various devices and maintaining strong security measures are
crucial aspects to address to sustain the positive impacts of mobile commerce.

Similarly, McDonald's mobile app has played a pivotal role in enhancing customer convenience,
enabling easy customization of meals and streamlined payments. This has translated into
increased sales and improved customer loyalty.

However, challenges remain, including the need to effectively manage negative feedback on
social media and address privacy concerns related to data collection. In mobile commerce,
ensuring compatibility across devices and maintaining robust security measures are vital.

In light of these challenges, McDonald's commitment to innovation and its dedication to

delivering an exceptional digital experience to customers position it favorably in the competitive
e-commerce landscape. As technology continues to evolve, McDonald's can leverage its
strengths and address these challenges to further solidify its position as a leader in the fast-food
industry's digital transformation.

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