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In Fulfillment of Submission for “MODULE 4: NOLI ME TANGERE (Midterm output)”

For The Course Compliance of JORIZAL

Submitted By:
Al Renan Tagala

Submitted To:
Dr. Ronaldo S. Pante


June 20, 2023
TASK 1: Draw /imitate/ COPY Artwork: ORIGINAL Cover page of Noli me Tangere with label
parts Virtual interactive Lecture on Noli Me tangere via Zoom (Evaluating/Interpreting
characters/symbols or images by constructing an artwork cover page of Noli me tangere /collage
Silhouette of a Filipina
Portrays the Catholic religion as it
It is said to be Maria Clara or the
rises over Inang Bayan and
"Inang Bayan" to whom Rizal
Filipinos It also represents pain
dictates the novel.
and death.
Burning Torch Noli Me Tangere
Is a reference to the Olympic torch. Cover Page Pomelo Blossoms & Laurel Leaves
refers to the awakening of Filipino They reflect the qualities that Rizal
awareness. It also gives information want Filipinos to embody: faith,
on the manuscript's text. honor, and fidelity. Pomelos are
Sunflower widely utilized to perfume the air
during prayers and cleansing
Bamboo Stalks
It represents a new start. It is
compared to happiness which looks Represents Filipino resilience;
to be continually bending down. despite hardship, Filipinos can stand
tall and firm.
Hairy legs
Symbolizes the Legend of the Jose Rizal’s Signature
Wolf wherein the wolf shape shifts It demonstrates that Rizal observed
just like how friars hide their true and experienced the evils and
nature and character injustices that occurred during his
Symbolizes the power of Chain
the friars who uses religion Symbolizes slavery and
to abuse power imprisonment
Shoes Helmet of a Guardia Civil Flogs
A representation of wealth. It is employed in the practice of self-
Represents the arrogance
Symbolizes the footprints that flagellation. This, like the whip,
of individuals in positions
was left by the friars in teaching represents the Guardia Civil's
of power. a social cancer
Christianity. cruelties.
that results in racial and Whip
socioeconomic injustice
Represents the abuses and cruelties
done by the Spaniards and friars as
depicted in the novel
1. Reflect on the significance of Noli Me Tangere as a Filipino. What are the salient
points of ideas of Jose Rizal addressed to his fellow Filipinos to gain knowledge about
love of country? Are these problems still existing today? Defend your side.

The book not only teaches people about the oppression of Filipinos by the Spaniards in
the 19th century but also portrays romance and a willingness to fight for freedom. The time of
Spanish colonization witnessed this book being filled with abundant symbolism and historical
events which served as catalysts for the Filipino people to instigate a revolution and topple the
Spanish colonizers. Each character in Noli Me Tangere contributes to the fight for Philippine
independence, symbolizing different roles in Philippine society. The cover page of Noli me
Tangere contains enough noteworthy aspects to effectively convey its intended teachings to
readers. Although it may not be apparent initially, after reading the book and discovering Jose
Rizal`s life, you will come to comprehend the significance of the symbols. Teaching us the truth
is sufficient evidence that Jose Rizal truly desired to awaken Filipinos to the cruelty of

I believe that certain problems are still being confronted nowadays as Filipinos undergo a
transformation in our culture and become oblivious. Despite efforts to combat it, discrimination
remains one of the biggest problems existing today and shows no signs of going away with
close-minded people out there. Discrimination among fellow Filipinos because of wealth, color
of skin and ethnicity etc.
TASK 2: Draw/ design an icon, caricature or image picture of the following characters (at least
2) listed below. Write your descriptions about them and connect them to each other by stating
their relationship in terms of the roles or parts they play in the story, the reason why Rizal
included this kind of character. Make a creative image or picture or your own drawing. Who are
these characters today? Explain your answer

1. Crisostomo Ibarra

- He is a young, idealistic Filipino who studied in Europe before returning to his native
country. Crisostomo Ibarra is presented as an intelligent, enlightened person who
wants to make positive changes in his native country. By advancing equality and
education, he hopes to modernize the Philippines and enhance the lives of his fellow
Filipinos. However, upon his return, he is demoralized by the widespread societal
inequality, power abuse, and corruption.

- in today’s time, an Ibarra may take part in nonviolent demonstrations, use social
media for awareness campaigns, work with others, and promote the rights of
underrepresented groups. They work to improve educational possibilities, give poor
people more power, and upend the existing quo in order to bring about social change.
2. Maria Clara

- Maria Clara, the daughter of a prosperous Filipino businessman and a Spanish

mestiza, is a picture of purity and virtue. Maria Clara, who showed beauty, obedience,
and commitment to cultural customs, stands in for the ideal Filipina lady during the
Spanish colonial era. She is passionately religious and dedicated to her loved ones
and Crisostomo Ibarra.

- Views on Maria Clara nowadays are divided. Some see her as the definition of the
perfect Filipina, representing confidence, beauty, and humility. Some criticize Maria
Clara for being a limited representation of women while others see her as a mirror of
traditional gender roles in the Philippines.
1. If you were about to write your own history, what major events would you include? To
whom will you be inspired to write it?

- The Civil Rights Movement, which developed the cause of equality and human
rights in the United States and around the world, would be one of the major events
I would include if I were to write my own history. It was motivated by the struggle
against racial discrimination and inequality. Malcolm X, who led the Nation of
Islam, a group that campaigned against racial injustice and inequality, and who was
a strong supporter of African Americans' rights, served as an inspiration to me. He
advocated for the end of racial segregation and believed African Americans should
have the right to self-defense and self-determination.

2. Rizal was challenged with a lot of opposition because he was writing from a Filipino
viewpoint, how did his novels and essays educate the public? What did he offer that
other heroes before did not?

- The brutality of Spanish colonialism in the Philippines was shown through Rizal's
writings "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo," which also highlighted
corruption and social inequities. By illustrating their experiences, he hoped to
increase Filipinos' cultural pride and awareness. Written in Spanish, Rizal's
accusation of colonialism employed humor and symbolism to appeal to a larger
audience and break through social and educational boundaries. His works
encouraged critical thought and interaction as they addressed Spanish colonization,
religion, and the need for change. Through his support for nationalism, education,
and social change, Rizal served as a role model for the Filipino identity. Rizal
identified himself as a prominent leader in the fight for Philippine independence
because of his creative synthesis of intelligence, literature, education, diplomacy,
and a global view.

3. On your own personal perspective and assessment, is Noli me Tangere still significant
today as compared during 19 th century Philippines?

- José Rizal's "Noli Me Tangere" is just as relevant now as it was in the Philippines
in the 19th century. The Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule was
motivated by it and helped to develop Filipino national identity. ''Noli Me Tangere''
addressed societal challenges faced our country during Spanish control, such as
friar abuse, government corruption, and Filipino suffering. The writings of Rizal
revealed injustice and sparked nationalism and resistance. Today, "Noli Me
Tangere" continues to speak to Filipinos on issues of social injustice, corruption,
colonialism, and the struggle for independence and justice. Social injustice,
corruption, and true independence are topics that are current in the Philippines.

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