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Rights refer to entitlements or privileges that individuals possess by virtue of being human, while
duties are obligations or responsibilities that individuals are expected to fulfill towards society or the
state. They are interrelated in the sense that rights are often accompanied by corresponding duties, and
the exercise of rights should not infringe upon the rights and well-being of others, thereby necessitating
a balance between individual rights and societal duties.

2. Freedoms provided in the Indian Constitution include freedom of speech and expression, freedom of
assembly, freedom of association, freedom of movement, freedom of profession, occupation, trade, or
business, and freedom of religion.

3. Constitutional law refers to the body of law that deals with the interpretation and application of the
provisions of a constitution, while constitutionalism is a broader concept that emphasizes the adherence
to constitutional principles, including the rule of law, separation of powers, and protection of rights, to
limit the exercise of government power and ensure accountability.

4. Impeachment is a process by which a public official, such as the President or a judge, is charged with
misconduct and can be removed from office through a formal legal procedure.

5. Constitution refers to a set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a

state or organization is governed. It defines the structure, powers, and functions of government
institutions and outlines the rights and duties of citizens.

6. The Union Council of Ministers consists of ministers who are appointed by the President on the advice
of the Prime Minister to aid and advise in the exercise of executive power.

7. The council of Ministers in a Parliamentary type of Government can remain in office till it enjoys the
support of the majority in the lower house of the Parliament.

8. Six Fundamental Rights granted by the Indian Constitution are: Right to Equality, Right to Freedom,
Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights, and Right to
Constitutional Remedies.

9. A Constituent Assembly is a body elected or appointed for the purpose of drafting or adopting a
10. Main features of the Indian Constitution include federalism, parliamentary democracy, fundamental
rights, directive principles of state policy, independent judiciary, and secularism.

11. Indian judiciary is called an integrated judiciary because it is unified and operates as a single system
throughout the country, with the Supreme Court at the top and subordinate courts at various levels.

12. A Federal State is a political entity characterized by the division of powers between a central
authority and constituent political units, such as states or provinces, with each level of government
having its own sphere of authority.

13. The Preamble of the Constitution of India is an introductory statement that sets out the guiding
principles and objectives of the Constitution.

14. A constitution is a set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state
or organization is governed, defining the structure, powers, and functions of government institutions
and outlining the rights and duties of citizens.

15. The Constitution of India was framed by the Constituent Assembly, which was composed of elected
representatives from the provinces of British India.

16. Universal Adult Franchise refers to the right of all adult citizens to vote in elections without any
discrimination based on factors such as gender, religion, caste, or property ownership.

17. The importance of the Constitution lies in its role as the supreme law of the land, providing a
framework for governance, protecting the rights of citizens, establishing the structure of government,
and ensuring the rule of law and accountability.

18. The Doctrine of Pleasure refers to the principle that certain government officials, such as civil
servants or judges, serve at the pleasure of the President or the Governor, who can dismiss them from
office without cause or notice.

19. All India Services refer to civil services in India that are common to both the Union and the states,
such as the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and Indian Forest Service (IFS).
20. Equal Protection of laws means that all individuals are entitled to the same legal rights and
protections under the law, without discrimination or arbitrary treatment.

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