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Migration essay 10/2/2024

An essential full-length of human history, migration has shaped the social, cultural, and
economic landscape of countries all over the world. Within the framework of the United
Kingdom (UK), migration has wilt a fundamental full-length of the cou cntry's socio-
economic environment, impacting many aspects of its growth.The United Kingdom has
witnessed notable migration waves in recent times, primarily due to economic opportunity,
geopolitical upheavals, and globalisation.In wing to diversifying the population of the UK,
these migration trends have generated discussions and disagreements well-near the effects
they will have on the national economy.
The migratory landscape in the UK has been specified by both inward and outward
migration.Within migratory trends, there have been movements of people from rural to urban
areas as well as within regions due to factors such housing affordability, career prospects, and
quality of life concerns. The United Kingdom (UK) has served as a destination for migrants
from a variety of backgrounds, including individuals from Commonwealth nations, other EU
members, and other places.The United Kingdom has been a desirable destination for migrants
looking for improved living conditions, educational opportunities, or safety due to its
historical connections, colonial legacy, and status as a major global economic centre.Politics,
public opinion, and policy changes have all unsalaried to the increased prominence of
immigration talks in the UK in recent years.Political campaigns now revolve virtually the
immigration debate, with differing viewpoints influencing public opinion and agendas for
public policy.Discussions commonly focus on issues related to national sovereignty, social
cohesion, cultural identity, and economic effect, which reflects the intricate and multifaceted
dynamics of migration.
This essay aims to investigate the ramified consequences of migration on the economy of the
United Kingdom by analysing the opportunities and difficulties it brings as well as exploring
variegated aspects of its impact. This essay attempts to provide a thorough understanding of
how migration influences the economic landscape of the UK by analysing important factors
such labour market dynamics, fiscal contributions, innovation, and cultural enrichment. It
will moreover write how migration affects corporate strategies, societal cohesion, and
policymaking, emphasising the need for nuanced methods that strike a wastefulness between
social and economic imperatives.
Recognising the importance of migration to the UK's economy is crucial as it negotiates the
post-Brexit period and faces waffly global challenges.Through a hair-trigger wringer of
migration trends, patterns, and their economic implications, policymakers and other
stakeholders can enhance policy decisions, promote inclusive growth, and fully utilise
migration's potential as a impetus for wealth and advancement.

Methods of Research
For this project I created a survey on google forms and sent it to
people living in the UK. This is because someone from China wouldn’t
have an idea about what the Uk’s migration’s policies are like.
For this essay I created 10 questions to be asked on a survey. I used
only numerical questions as they would be easier to analyse. This is
because quantitive data is much easier to analyse than qualitative
data due to qualitative data consists of opinions which would be hard
to analyse.
Here are the following questions.
1. Would you say its easy to migrate to the UK?
2. Are you aware of the Uk’s migration policy?
3. Do you believe migrants in the UK should be returned to
their country of origin?
4. Do you believe migrants in the UK are treated differently?
5. Do you believe migrants in the UK should be allowed to
work legally?

Here are the following statistics for the following questions

1. 40% of the survey population answered yes, 45%

answered no 15% answered maybe.
2. 42% of the survey population answered yes, 51%
answered no 7% answered maybe.
3. 36% of the survey population answered 55% answered no
9% answered maybe.
4. 54% of the survey population answered yes 24% answered
no 14% answered maybe
5. 86% of the survey population answered yes 8% answered
no 6% answered maybe.
Statistical analysis
This part of the essay will demonstrate visual presentations of
the data gathered via the survey.

Are you aware of the Uk’s migration policy?

Should inmigrants be returned to their country of origin?
Do you think that inmigrants treated differently?
Should migrants be allowed to work legally
Statistical analysis

With these statistics we can see some very conflicting results. For example, 51% of the
survey population answered that they aren’t aware of the Uk’s migration policy, yet they
believe that its easy to migrate to the UK. With this information we can make some
inferences of this data
We can see that 42% aren’t aware of the uk’s migration policy. This can infer that they don’t
watch the news. We can infer also that they may not have enough time or aren’t interested
in the political scope of the UK. IF 51 of the survey population aren’t aware of the uk
population it would mean that almost half of the UK’s entire population aren’t aware of it
either assuming that the sample size is enough to represent the entire population.

We can see that most of the survey population answered that that it is easy to migrate to
the UK. This is contradictory to the statistic of them being aware of the uk’s migration policy.
With this information we can tell that some of the data may be skewed. So since more than
the majority of the survey population answered that the it isn’t easy to migrate to the uk we
can assume that they watch the news.
More than half of the survey population answered that migrants shouldn’t be returned to
their country of origin. With this information we can infer that they don’t believe immigrants
are a bad thing but a positive thing.

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