Exploring Physics

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Exploring Physics

Physics is often referred to as the fundamental science, which dives

into the mysteries of the world. The four pillars of physics are:
Atomic, Nuclear, Particle and Condensed Matter. Each pillar is
unique, yet interconnected, allowing for new advancements in
technology and different industries. Thus, allowing us to deepen our
knowledge of how the world works through scientific experiments,
which in past advancements of electromagnetism, solid-state physics
and nuclear physics led to the development of our day-to-day
products such as a computer or television, transforming the modern-
day society.
Atomic physics is the study of atoms, the foundation of matter. It
explores the behavior of electrons around the nucleus and the
interactions between atoms. It is primarily about the way in which
electrons are arranged around the nucleus. The term atomic physics
can be linked with nuclear power and weapons, dealing with nuclear
reactions and special properties of atomic nuclei. Atomic physics
primarily considers atoms in isolation and aomic models, which will
consist of a single nucleus that may be surrounded by one or more
bound electrons. It is focused around the processes such as ionization
(process by which an atom or a molecule acquires a negative or
positive charge by gaining or losing electrons) and excitation
(increase in energy level above a chosen starting point, usually the
ground state) by photons or collisions with atomic particles.
Moving beyond the atom, nuclear physics is the study of the
behaviour and properties of atomic nuclei. Discoveries in nuclear
physics have led to applications in different industries, such as:
1. Nuclear power
2. Nuclear weapons
3. Nuclear medicine
4. Magnetic resonance imaging
This pillar investigates the forces binding protons and neutrons within
the nucleus and the processes formulating nuclear reactions.
Particle physics is the study of fundamental particles and forces that
form matter and radiation. This focuses on the smallest known
particles, such as quarks, leptons and bosons. The Standard Model
provides a framework for understanding the electromagnetic, weak
and strong nuclear forces. With lots of the unknown left in the world,
particle physicists strive to unravel the mysteries of dark
matter/energy and the potential existence of particles beyond the
Standard Model.
Condensed Matter physics is the study of macroscopic and
microscopic physical properties of matter, especially solids and
liquids. Generally, the subject deals with condensed phases of matter:
systems of many components with strong interactions among them.
This pillar contributes to the development of new materials, electronic
devices and our understanding of properties in complex systems,
influencing technology and other industries.
Each pillar discussed today evidently contributes unique insights into
the nature of this world. As physicists of all kind explore the
macroscopic and microscopic features of the world, they enlighten
our understanding of the universe, paving the way for technological
advancements. Advancements in one field often has benefits in
another field. An example, is that development in atomic physics laid
the foundation for understanding the structure of nuclei in nuclear

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