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Task 12 Presentation
You are going to create and save a short presentation for IGCSE students telling them how to use
Microsoft PowerPoint. The medium for delivery will be a multimedia projector.

1 The master slide must have:

 Slide size Standard (4:3)
 pale yellow background on the right-hand side (about
1/4 of the width)
 one vertical dark blue stripe as a border 3 points wide
for the yellow background
 two horizontal dark blue stripes.
 each stripe should be 4 points wide
 It should look like this.

2 Include the heading Using PowerPoint, left aligned in a dark blue, 60 point serif font above
the blue line at the top of the master slide.

3 Include an automated slide number in the bottom left of the footer

4 Enter your name, centre number and candidate number, centre aligned in the white area, at
the bottom of the master slide. Use a black, 14 point, italic, serif font.

5 Place COMPUTER.JPG in the right-hand area.

6 Resize the image so that it fits within the yellow area and will not overlay the dark blue

Distort the image. Make sure that the image fills more than 50 percent of the available
space. Save your presentation.

Set the background of the image to be same as the yellow area on the right hand side.

7 Import the file POWERPOINT.RTF, placing the text as slides in your presentation

Remove any blank slides.

(This should provide five slides, each containing a title and some bullet points.)

8 Insert a new slide between slides 4 and 5.

This slide will contain the heading Ease of use, a chart and a bulleted list:
 86% of students found it easy to use
 120 students in the sample

Use this data to create a chart: Easy – 103, Difficult – 12, No response – 5.
Show the percentage of students in each category.

9 Your chart must have:

 Legend
 Title Students


10 Add the chart to the right of the bulleted list.

11 Insert a new slide before slide one. New slide must have a title and subtitle layout.

On slide 1, add the heading Hints and tips and add the subheading
for IGCSE students

12 Set the following styles of text throughout the entire presentation:

 heading: dark blue, serif, left aligned, 40 point
 sub-heading: blue, sans serif, centre aligned, 30 point
 First level bulleted list: black, sans serif, left aligned, 24 point square shape
 Second level bulleted list: black, sans serif, left aligned, 18 point arrow shape

13 Slide 1 should not display the master slide items of the other slides.

14 Add the following presenter notes to the slides:

 Slide 1: Welcome to this presentation giving you useful hints and tips on using
Microsoft PowerPoint for your IGCSE practical examinations.
 Slide 2: The presentation that you are watching is made using PowerPoint.
 Slide 4: Hyperlinks can be used to give different paths or to open external websites
or documents.
 Slide 5: Graphs and charts can be added to enhance a presentation.

15 Add the image SLOGAN.JPG to the bottom of the final slide, above the blue line.

Crop the image so that the red line and all contents below it are removed.

Resize the image so that it fits about 1 centimetre from the left edge of the slide,
1 centimetre above the lower blue line and 1 centimetre to the right of the vertical blue line,
maintaining its aspect ratio.

Adjust the brightness and contrast of the image so that the background colour (pale yellow)
is not visible.

16 Add an arrow (black and 3 points) to slide 6 pointing from the first bullet point to the largest
segment of the pie chart

17 Insert a callout box to slide 7 telling the reader that the image of a computer is placed on the
master slide

18 Add the text © Microsoft to the end of the first bullet point on slide 7 in a in a black, 12
point sans serif font

19 Add a 6 point horizontal red line to slide 7, above the image, line should have the same
width as the image.

20 Add a new slide at the end of the presentation into which you will place the video
presvideo.avi. Make sure that this video plays when the slide is opened.

21 Add the sound clip pressound.mp3 to slide 1. Play this sound track only once when the
presentation is run.


22 Apply transitions between all slides in your presentation.

23 In slide 3 animate all the bullets so that they appear one at a time.

24 Print your presentation showing:

 only the slides
 presenter notes only
 audience notes with three slides per page and space for the audience to make notes
 Only slides 2 to 7 as 6 slides per page – Do not include slide number or date on this
 Outline view
 evidence of the transitions between slides
 evidence of the animations used on slide 3.
 evidence of sound and video settings

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