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variety of chance prints that could be found at the scene.
visible to naked eye – latent or primarily invisible.
visible/patent prints – smeared with coloured
latent prints –

Collection and analysis –

1. location of fingerprint.
2. vigilant and calculated search
3. circumstances where the print is visible prints

Visible prints –
easy to locate – visible to the naked eye.
eg. prints formed by grease paint, blood ink, etc.
2. Plastic prints – occurs when someone touches an object like wax, butter or soap and leave
a three dimensional impression of the fingerprints.
can be collected easily
mainly by photographing in high resolution.
print is 2 dimensional
impression is 3 dimensional
Latent prints –
most common type of prints
most effort
natural oils and residue on fingerprints

Locations – locks, panes doors and windows handles, glass

vehicles – culprit are likely to bear prints of their occupants – the portion of vehicles
scene of occurrence -objects
suspect - food and drinks – refrigerators, tumblers, plates, cups and spoons
in case of infanticides – body of the infants
possible to develop fingerprints on dead human skin
offences against person – rape and murders cases manual strangulation.

Formation of print on the object –

nature of fingerprints –
pressed on surfaces
smearing with some fluid or powder
ridges – decipherable marks
1. recipients surface is smooth
2. ridges and furrows on the surface of the palm are clean and clear
3. single and static contract
4. the pressure with which the finger is pressed is moderate neither heavy nor light
smudges etc.

Collection of fingerprints
Specialised job requiring expertise
Collection of fingerprints varies according to the nature of the evidence he surface and the
place which they are available.
1. lifting
2. powder
3. chemical
4. fuming – iodine and super glue
5. Laser technique.

1.5 – Techniques for forensic science – DDT, Brain Mapping.
DDT – Deception Detection techniques – Polygraphs, Narco analysis, technique intrudes into
the brain.
Right against self-incrimination – nobody can force me to testify against me.
article 20(3) – right to remain silent.
DDT – know the concealed information – related to the crime.
Information for the crucial criminal investigation.
Evidence – corroborative and cannot be used in the court of law.
Confessions before the police – investigation – not admissible.
Polygraph testing – efforts Lombroso – father of criminology – whenever you’re lying
physiological changes can be analysed – it is evident.
BP + pulse to assess the honesty of persons.
WW1 – proved to be a precursor – CJS.
Theory – when a subject is lying – produce different physiological response.
Guilty subject – hyper arousal state – lying about the relevant fats.
Limitations associated with polygraph test – inherent nervousness, change in mental makeup
Respiratory rate – BP – Electrodermal activity is studied.
Limitations – measured changes – not necessarily triggered by lying or deception. = false
Physical condition in the examination room – create distortions.
Mental State – depression or hyperactivity – misleading
Memory loss – in the intervening period.
Memory hardening – your own perception. – Sister Abhaynand case – False memories about
a particular thing related to recollection of incidents.
Narco Analysis Techniques –
intravenous administration of drug – hypnotic trance – less inhibited – divulge information –
sodium pentothal (truth serum), higher quantities, routinely used for inducing general
4 stages – awake, hypnotic, sedative, anesthetic stage.
maintain a person in hypnotic stage.
limitation – no absolute success rate – high probability – not related to relevant facts.
retain ability to deceive even in hypnotic stage.
NArco analysis – physical and mental assault.
unrestricted access to the mental privacy.
BEAP TEST – brain electrical activation profile – Brain mapping – P300 –
familiar with information by way of measuring activity in the brain that is triggered by
exposure to selected stimuli.
probes– reacting and responding to a test and generating stimulus.
examination of event related potentials. = electrical wave forms emitted by the brain after it
has absorbed an external event.
FMRI – functional magnetic resonance imaging – monitors – blood flwo between different
parts of the brain – correlation to the subjects – truthfulness or deception – advocated as an
aid to interrogations – high profile offences.

Legal Issues –
1. Violation of fundamental rights, inhuman, degrading form of punishment.
2. Selvi v. State of Karnataka – 2010 – SC – whether these test amount to violation of
fundamental rights?

06/02/2024 – Serology
blood, semen, saliva, sweat.
Forensic significance of blood – easily identifiable, colour is too striking, violent crimes –
presence of blood stains.
Cannot over/underestimate the significance of blood stains
Search for blood samples.
Indications of various blood stains – types of injuries, order in which the wounds were
inflicted, whose blood/victims or culprits, type of weapon, victim was in motion or lying still
when the injury was inflicted, whether the victim was moved after the injury, how far the
blood drops fell before hitting the surface where thy were found, blood may dripped out,
sprayed from an artery, oozed out from a large wound, flung off a weapon raised to strike
another blow, helps to understand the positions and the means – by which – suspect moved,
interacted and struggled through the crime scene.

Location of blood – scene of crime – stains, smears, splashes, spray, clots, pools, either in
liquid state or dried – washbasins, floors, walls, doors, windows, furniture.
position, size and the pattern of the stain, pools etc are to be carefully noted, sketched and
Techniques of blood – even after washing it may not be visible with naked eye – but with
luminol it becomes visible – infra red photograph – reveals the blood spot – revealed by
Genetic Privacy
Criminal procedure identification act.
Blood injury – ante-mortem and post-mortem different.
amount will vary depending upon the wound and the weapon.
Blunt force injuries (hitting or beating – usually larger – bat or hammer) and gun shot injuries
– mist like spatter caused by bullets entering and exiting the body.
Blood Splatter/spatter/pattern Analysis.
How to interpret the bloodstain patterns found at the crime scene?
Analysis – collection, categorisation, interpretation and distribution of bloodstains –
functional, medically and scientifically – reconstruction of time.
Helps to understand – homicidal, accidental or suicidal.
in blood pattern analysis –
1. distance from the blood source
2. direction of travel and impact aangles
3. nature of the force to cause the bloodshed
4. the object used
5. sequencing of multiple bloodshed events
6. interpretation of contactor transfer patterns.

Types of blood patterns –

1. passive fall – blood drops – 90 degree angle, with satellites and spikes, formed due
solely to the effect of gravity – drips, pools and clots.
diameter of the bloodstains increases as the height increases.
Blood drops at various angles – keep changing
2. arterial spurts or gushes – pressure from a breached artery.
ceilings or walls
pumping of the heart – bright red colour, projected into the scene under pressure from
the artery
3. splash pattern – thick blood with minimal force – large central stain exhibiting
minimal distortion. – very little satellite spatter present – often appear as the large
volume patterns.
4. smear pattern – left by bleeding victim depositing blood as he or she touched or
brushes against a wall or furniture.
5. Trails – left by bleeding victim depositing blood as he or she moves from one
location to anr, appear as smears or splashes or wipe patterns.
6. Blood pools – large quantity of bloods.
7. Wipe pattern – Object moves through a pre-existing blood stain, wiped through the
blood can be identified for example a broom, direction can be ascertained.
8. saturation pattern – drawn into porous materials – rugs, cloths, etc – destroy other
blood patterns of interest.
9. Cast off pattern – when a weapon which is smeared with blood – the blood stains
occur when it is projected on the ceiling.
10. documentation of bloodstain evidence –
analysis can confirm – sequence of events
position of victim
evidence of movement
confirm or refute statements by suspects
stain patterns on suspects clothing
scene consistent with reported actions
stain patterns on victim – scene consistence with accounts given by the witnesses vitim or

colour and age of bloodstains –

classification – low velocity impact spatter – lvis,
medium velocity impact 5 to 25 feet per second, 1-4mm in diameter.
hvis – usually associated with – 100 ft/s, imm in diameter – size decreases.

13/02/2024 – SEROLOGY
study of serum and bodily fluids – segregating fluids excreted by assailants or attackers in
varying criminal acts.
Bodily fluids – blood, saliva, semen, bile, semen, bile breast milk sweat, amniotic fluid,
vomit, puss, tears, vaginal fluid.
Excretion and Secretion

Significance of body fluids –

clue as to the identity of the of offender
Presence of semen – suggest recent sexual encounter
blood at a crime scene – struggle, assault, murder
Body fluids are analysed also – to determine the presence of certain substances like alcohol,
toxins erc.
Why at the time of arrest – medical examination is conducted –
Semen –
1. fluid expelled – male ejaculation
2. viscid, mucilaginous fluid – faint yellow colour – seminal odour
3. investigation – reliable – rape, sodomy, bestiality, sexual murder
4. detection of sperm – confirming sexual assaults.
5. scene of assault or sexually motivated crime
6. liquid form, liquifies – exposure of atmosphere
Semen Analysis –
on average – 50,000-350000
one washed – they are destroyed
uv lights are used – located – without damaging the evidence

WHERE TO LOOK - clothes, body, scene of crime

Identification of semen stains – uv light.
bill Clinton – and monica
1) visual exam or physical exam
2) chemical exam
3) microscopic exam
semen of certain pesons may not contain any spermatozoa – aspermic semen – some disease,
vasectomy operation, may not help in identification of source.

semen sample of an individual is unique
DNA profiling
origin can be identified even from the tiniest sample or even when it is contaminated with
vaginal fluid

Age – liquefies on standing

dirying – opaque
2-3 weeks – pale yellow – brown
difficult to determin the age – environmental condition – etc

survival – motile for few hours – mobility – 24 hrs – frozen – hours – warm climate –
destroyed – vaginal swabs – sperm may be detected for 5-6 days – number decreases with the
passage of time.
dead persons – external conditions – unputrefies – few months.
1. Florence, barberio, acid phosphatase, creatine phosphokinase, ammonium
molybadate, test,
2. microscopic exam – seminal stains – on morphology of spermatozoa – detection of


DNA Profiling – DNA typing, genetic fingerprinting, DNA Testing
DNA – proteins, genetic material supplied by the biological father and mother.
Deoxyribo nucleic Acid – Basic genetic material in all living cells of the body, carries the
genetic code, determines the human characteristics of an indv.
Structure of DNA varies from indv to indv
Monozygotic twins – same – because – single fertilized egg.
dna – chromosomes inside the nucleus.
complex, double helix, twisted rope ladder, sugar and phosphates – dna – agct
similarity and differences depends on the sequence of nitrogen bases
method of identifying an indiv – molecular level – genetic markers in DNA.
Alec Jeffery – certain regions of DNa – sequences repeated over again – no. – repeats – vary
from each indv.
variable regions – VNTR – vriable no. of tandem repeats.
uk – database –
Dna – criminal investigation – sample found in the crime scene – endless period of time. –
can be used on decomposed human remains – identify the victim.
1. two girls sexually assualted in 1983 and 1986 – local man confessed but the DNA –
did not match – mass screen test – no sample matched – lady overheard in the bar
someone bragged how he misled the investigation by giving his blood for his friend -
it is unique – mark of skin folds – which are unique for every indv.
analysis of base sequence of dna - of an indv – unique patterns.
identify an indiv = sample.
method of identification
permits identification – of indiv – from the comparison – own body – containing body cells.
indiv – dead/victims – suspect is of priem importance in the investigation of crimes
routine methods which are being used are not enough to identify the 100% accuracy.
permits the identification of body materials – body cells – blood relations, parents, sons,
daughters, sisters, brother and soon.
Identfication through DNA profiling can be done – blood, semen, hair bulbs. tissues, bone
mutilated body – beyond recognition – dna – matched – suspected – parents, brother, sisters,
sons etc.
Technique of cell regeneration – PCR – amplify – single strand of ddna – to billion identical
copies – molecular xeroxing – identification of skeletal remains.
Disputed – of paternity and maternity.
commission mother/father??
BRAIN STEM DEATH – no retrival of a person to life, metabolic activites are going on –
organ harvesting.

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